Minecraft but I Need a CURE!

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today I'm sick and need to find a cure but making this cure is gonna take a lot of ingredients so let's begin our journey by escaping the hospital I'm sick and at the top left that's how much of a cure we have right now so because we have infinite poison we gotta do this ourselves and first step is to escape so how's it going guys we've got the nurse right there a doctor and an iron pressure plate is required to get out and if we look back here step 1.5 is to gather materials all the way up here but I can't really get out up here but we got some trees all right let's go all right time for the iron all right we're good real quick hopefully the doctors don't realize I'm cooking some iron and while that cooks one more tree is this ready not yet but we got the two iron ingots which is good enough because now we can make a heavy weighted pressure plate then we just gotta head down there and get past the doctor this right here might help you guys already know what's about to happen with this okay let me grab this and we need as many blocks as we can all right pickaxe might help all right that's done and now for the plan okay so there's a bill right there and I feel like they put that there for a reason so if I ring that real quick hide back does the doctor go to it oh wait they're moving the door is now open then and so maybe I can do this okay I'm gonna break two blocks here grab this and then we can just crawl through okay okay I think we're good don't mind me just crawling okay we should be good these are Big Brain moves guys don't worry okay let's just go here put down the pressure plate oh we can crawl through we made it now step two is to gather healthy body parts huh metal shears oh still healthy body parts eyes arms and ribs oh my gosh hold on don't I just like grab it from them oh we got the arms of the Villager sorry buddy I'm gonna grab your arms thank you very much all right we got six arms uh now let's go into the dangerous patient and what are we doing here the rib cages okay they missed okay so we almost died there so it might be better if this time we're gonna play a little bit more smart and just peek in oh gosh okay okay I'm gonna walk in right click him fall back oh where'd he go huh what about this guy oh oh we got the eyes healthy eyes nice all right now we go to the infirmary so what do we do with these things step two cure all villagers oh wait are we playing doctor now oh what the heck okay what is this guy missing oh wait I right clicked him and I think he needs ribs oh it's good all right nice okay we're doing good now but I myself need to get healthy okay uh let's give you ribs too there we go okay look at me doctoring and all that okay oh gosh he's missing arms okay take that and let me give you the arms there you go buddy all right another armless guy there you go buddy okay and I think this might be the last one which is Eyeless and we're good oh and the door open nice step four find all lovers oh like this one okay that's one oh okay we could have just died right there oh gosh how do I do this oh my gosh Come On Let's get all the levers we can oh and we're good wait now press all the buttons avoid the nurse wait where oh right there oh okay first button I think it's this one that's one okay they are passing by let's make sure they don't see us another button there we go and this might be a good move I think we're good okay where are the next buttons oh going back okay let's go up and stop these levers or maybe it's in the parkour hold up if I fall I literally die instantly okay there better be something up here okay let's go oh this might be the last one here we go oh we got it all buttons press now proceed okay let's just go down real quick and make sure we don't get attacked keep avoiding the nurse gosh oh gosh okay be quiet be quiet be quiet okay should be good going in okay here we go okay where the heck are we now is this like the toilets all right the Escape continues guys one of these guys a healthy looking Nester oh wait that's all I can get out okay wait there's some rooms on the left and maybe we can go in those hey pass by don't mind me let's go in here I'll do this guys that's what we need let's keep going no nothing here oh gosh okay pass by pass by we're going we're going last room last room oh wait that looks suspicious hold on is this what we need oh we get a healthy I'll take that now we just gotta skip the whole ocean so I think that's just the door oh and what hospital does this make you do the lava parkour then okay you know what sure sure why not I'll take it if I fall once I am literally dead and we're free yes now for the Cure looks like I gotta talk to this guy hello Dr Ville oh instructions on the Cure three diamonds really so we need the following things three of those diamonds and some food there we go now we're game Acadia apart is a longer than it sounds so we found diamonds okay why does it need to be right by lava literally I could instantly die from that oh my gosh okay and it's two beautiful let's grab those two there we go and now just one more to go I should probably get a shield oh yeah I should really get a shield it's not diamonds but you might help oh gosh okay we're getting Shield after this I can believe die oh okay uh let's break down real quick by the way I'm only giving myself one life and uh bucket yeah sure and iron okay before we do anything else guys we now have a shield for when we need it and a poison arrow forgot when I got this might as well got a bow too nice badge button diamonds there we go finally another diamond and this is what we need oh wait actually two diamonds but this is what we need for the Cure plan so Four Diamonds maybe we should get armor especially at this health not a bad idea yeah decided all right mom's watch time now we're good now let's go back all right Miss villager here we go three diamonds and we can now look at the instructions for the Cure which is the whole goal of this challenge so with that what's the instructions find these oh cure ingredients by the doctor all right Mr Dr Bill what do we need a big milk bucket a super enchanted golden apple not just a normal one an edible totem of undying and a giant healing potion okay well if we need that for the Cure first we gotta milk 30 cows at once that's the first thing we're getting Loki I might have enough iron already so I think we just do this right there it is big bucket so now we need one area right here let's real quick set this up can't forget about the Penske and so we have a bunch of cows right there so what we can do is set up a little air right here let's do four right there four right there and then finally a door right there and all we need is wheat loving fun stuff this is what we need now girls come to me we gotta get 20 of you guys literally 20. this is gonna take a lot longer than I thought oh gosh give me a sec okay now we got somebody calls so with the big bucket do I just like right click oh we got a giant milk bucket and that's in great anyone done let's right click the instructions again oh and the bar went up in the top left now we got a girl got Apple huh oh and new craft unlocked oh that makes sense now all right we need gold first bit of gold right here all right so we need eight gold and total let's just keep binding and now we cook there we go and so we need one golden apple and an ancient table oh bad to find diamonds one not two but two chests stay back oh my gosh okay that could be really bad and gold wow okay oh wait Diamond oh two there we go and so with this we can now at least make a diamond pickaxe 22 more one and two naps it in got the water you see if it's in it here now it's gone oh wait what the heck I didn't even realize there's a diamond right here okay um sure all we need now is a buck what another diamond yeah sure I've got two well before we go up let's make a diamond sword will this help me with the Cure maybe now we do a satisfying transition up sugar okay and one leather oh we got no leather from that maybe 11 now nice let's real quick make one book then and then with obsidian we make the ancient table we need one more box sorry about this okay so we grab that and no we need lapis there it is perfect and so now we can go ahead and enchant one good old book oh wow that's a decent enchant let's get power one and because we can we'll do sharpness one and I'm breaking one all right one into the book One golden apple and now we get a plantable enchantical and apple oh it's like a Notch Apple but printable I guess let's get good planting conditions all right so what we can do is real quick make one good old hoe there we go and I guess this might be a good spot right here we'll tell some land there and very important we can't forget about the lighting even though the sun's right above all right this looks like it's pretty good so do I just plant it right here oh there it is yo look at that look at that okay so we gotta grow it and we got a paper saying growing conditions which needs gold nuggets to grow okay we can get a bunch of gold nuggets why not right there needs lots of light look at the sun's right there and we got torches and finally needs a gold block to grow in oh is that not good enough living on some more light real quick right there and right there okay and we need a gold block now wait maybe we can get something from over here one sec let's do this I'm gonna get this gold block oh we found something not underwater but that is gonna be exactly what we need one gold block oh wait okay I can't touch any of the magma or else I am screwed let's just grab one of those there we go and the test some obsidian why not and a fun steal I need that later all right gold block only thing we need okay so can I just break in places does it automatically adjust oh there it goes that let's grab you now we put the gold block and now we get the plantable thing again and so do I just plant it here oh there we go so now with the gold nuggets let's throw this oh it's going up and we got a golden apple tree yo try entering it huh how do I go inside I just walk in oh I think it just took me in somewhere golden apple tree apparently we're inside now find the staircase it says oh my gosh okay it is amazing here and there is a lot of gold where the heck is circus every room looks the same this might be one of the hardest mazes I've ever been in but we are onto something right now oh wait we've out of a door and it's a staircase nice okay what do we have up here I hear a lot of lava lava might not be good might be bad and oh my gosh okay it's not good oh wait it's like a picture mate so I gotta grab the picture things I think this is like the bottom of the Gap wait no it's the middle I think it's right there there we go okay we're gonna get more pictures let's go over here okay that goes there let's go for this one over here too there we go that piece is in and finally the last thing which is the stem let's see what happens when I put all these together all right here we go and pressure completed now we proceed all the way up I assume something broke here feed the golden apple wait what do you mean beat the golden apple what am I feeding go blocks oh what the heck where did that show up from I just like give it gold doesn't look like it's taking gold what else do I have maybe apples to gobbles oh oh okay awful idea angry super gold Apple let's real quick shoot this guy twice oh that's all the arrows I had oh gosh okay shield on let's just get the fire out oh it's all happy it's not happy okay stay away buddy stay away take him down and from that we get oh the super super enchanted golden apple and this is ingredient number two all right now we go in oh and the bar went up closer to the Cure and now let's see what's next obtain a totem of a dying at half a heart huh on the bright side we got a woodland Mansion teleport I don't know if this is a bright side at all but do I just like right click this oh all right let's get to this what the mansion and get one totem all four Cure All right so I think the guy would be at the very top right okay I think this is the floor half a heart please be in here oh that might be him oh we know that's the sort of guy okay let's fall back real quick good thing I've sharpest one it's too late to put on my armor oh gosh okay okay let's take on these guys okay that's one down let's fall back real quick oh my gosh what the heck I'm literally sick okay let's let's get this guy out oh my gosh and we got the totem yes scratch unlocked apparently that's the scratch on the screen right now and um we need to get out of here before we think about doing that okay let's get this guy out of the way and let's get him out of the way nice we're done we're done we're done we're done okay looks very safe here I'm gonna steal some books just because I can thank you very much let's take you out and now we leave gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay 360 water bucket okay strange water nice because the craft has a totem that looks like that maybe we gotta cook it oh my gosh we're cooking a totem of dying what the heck okay and we got the cook totem and so what the cook totem we put bread and bread and we now got the edible total of dying that's gonna be three things done oh and though kirbar went up a little bit and now for the next step oh wait what that did play something oh fill it with healing potions dude we gotta go to the nether now what the heck is this cure all right cows you guys are in charge of defending this place let's go get some instant healing so foreign first we need some melons there we go and we don't need just any melons we need the glycerin melon slice there we go six should be enough and we can't forget about the sand that's gonna be very important that should be good and while we look at the jungle let's correct that and we need a jungle temple now this is what we need hold on let's go inside real quick hey a lot of iron there bunch of gold sure and I actually need the Redstone I feel like the redstone's gonna be very handy and why not the lever is going to be handy too but the main thing we needed was actually this one dispenser just for us there we go get those two and so what do we have in the test iron that's it but the dispenser matters all right I think I need two more of these so maybe we can find another one let's keep looking number two this time it'll be quick just nothing Redstone arrows dispenser well we need more Redstone and finally another dispenser that's all we need now we have everything we need for the actual machine but we need instant healing potions so next stop another this is gonna be perfect and this is gonna be another tough one all right so we put the Flint steel there we go welcome to chest a lot of nothing pretty much look at the resort though uh sure that might be useful yeah without further Ado let's go okay nothing can kill me here so far that's good so step one find a fortress Fortress has been found and now step two get one of those okay this is gonna be dangerous we got the shield got some blazes here we go one two one okay okay we can't take too much damage or any damage at all really okay that's one down did I grab them yes oh say wait okay that's another one down they keep spawning come on I have everything I need okay we're good there and now we run away we need another one can be that way finally another word let's real quick grab you okay and anything in here oh nice okay so I think we got everything we need except gunpowder let's go back that might happen right there okay chess oh good butter yes NTT why not oh gosh oh gosh we only have three bubbles two bubbles okay we're good now we have everything we need let's hope we got our bottle right there let's get the crafting table down and because we can let's go ahead and make three Brewing stands Ashley we're making four nice one two three four and with these Brewing stands we're gonna real quick have one just we'll put another Brewing stuff here where we are gonna be making four sets of these there we go last bottles spam those and it's out of each we're gonna be placing three there we go and then finally we'll put blaze powder in each one so first up another one two three four now we wait for all that Broods I think it's time I show you guys what I'm gonna be making so right around here we're gonna be making a quick little surrounding wood thing there we go and we're gonna be poking just one hole in every single spot one hole there one hole here and one over here nice and now inside we put dispenser there the dispenser there one there and let's do one right there let's do round two with the Glycerine mountains there we go and probably a good idea to make ladders all right so the plan here is literally just to attach something of redstone to every single one let's do that real quick there there we go okay so we got two attached right there and I'm gonna need some more Redstone let's go down real quick and we have instant healing we did it not for the final step we put in gunpowder for all of them let's cut those in and now let me get some Redstone okay now we should be good to go ahead and do this right here let's get some Cobblestone to extend this just because it's gonna be needed also got some Redstone repeaters and I think if we connect this properly we should be able to go make it all the way back and to start it all we're gonna have one lever that's it one lever right here it's connected and so would this work oh okay we need to repeat right here let's do that got another one going right there one more right there so if I click once here and it works now we need is the potions so we break all the please one two three four no you can't have the potions to go away and with all these potions we go back up and I think we're putting one two three one two three one two three and then finally one two three and this will be the final gritty of the three all right without further Ado we got the Redstone ready let's turn this off and do I just Spam it all right here goes nothing one two and three oh yes it worked are we done with that oh my it became a giant instant healing oh and here it is that's gritty number four oh and the bar wild again we are halfway done now we have all four ingredients so do I just walk like this again oh what the heck is this cure the villagers is this the next step of the Cure cure a zombie to open Bedrock oh hello buddy how do I do this it's just oh I know how to do this okay so we throw a weakness potion at the zombie there we go it's weakness now and what we need is a golden apple we have one apple we have a bit of gold let's real quick make the golden apple and I think this is how it works if they don't Minecraft here Joe that worked so that worked because of the sound and I was scared proceed do we keep going all right this is a weird looking lot they even got grass down here kind of fancy though all right let's go up I guess to the next floor make sure not to fall and oh my gosh okay why is every lab literally a death trap I'll get though let's just make it to the next room and what do we got here shape hello bunch of sheep oh separate sick from healthy oh what do we have here carrots and wheat carrots are for usually pigso all right this is normal sheep are there any Shake sheep oh that's a sick sheep hello any follows carrots oh my goodness okay so let's get all the sick sheep with us real quick and this is the sixth side okay let's get you guys inside real quick thank you that's through them there close that and now for the healthy sheep come with me guys you got some normal you guys follow wheat and so now on the healthy side they come in here appreciate it guys let's close that and is that all of them oh and it's open a scientist oh uh infinity bow already I'm gonna grab this without talking to you yet but what would you like oh healing tasks all right we have five Subs it looks like first five dead and fun hit it with a bow and arrow okay that's why we got the bow and there's bun around here oh I see it hold up let's shoot that then one sec almost hit it I think we hit it is that good oh button Hood now sequence started uh what do we do next fix a redstone circuit is that over here uh okay looks like we gotta grab this put that there put this here too and then this should give enough charge and it's good Redstone enabled power redirected okay cool next up is to fix water flow by connecting it to the machine okay so we have water here or is it supposed to flow though oh wait maybe it's supposed to go under the pipe here oh that makes sense so if we have a water floor going through here oh hold on is that good it is water connected okay so that's the cooling right there and now we have to put an amethyst Crystal on top of the machine oh well we got him with this right here and also diamonds I'm gonna grab the diamonds just because I can don't know what I need these for but four down blocks thank you very much and one aim at this Crystal just to give it power oh it worked and with this added now finalizing sequence and the last step it's gonna be to get lightning power make a hole in the roof oh that's gonna be right up here we just gotta do this here there we go then we fall down and now we just activate the machine all systems go add the cure ingredients oh okay something's happening this might be for the Cure then we put the super super enchanted golden apple we put the giant milk bucket the edible totem oven dying which is so weird and now the giant instant healing potion is this gonna be the Cure of where are we finally getting it come on please almost finished here oh no power in the void huh it needs the void apparently and new crowd's unlocked we gotta make that thing so it makes sense now why we got the diamond blocks but pretty much we make two sticks and then three diamond blocks and we get a thing that can break bedrock holy uh can I just mine down oh yeah all right whoa scientists thank you very much we're going straight down all right let's be careful all right everybody just break bad Rock oh wait that works okay we might need a bigger area hold on so if I just put this here and then I break that oh we got a bigger area yeah hold on we found the way of bringing a lot of Bedrock this thing is broken and this is what we need now put cure and void okay so we have this and items behind me huh wait what oh that is everything we need okay okay so if you grab all this technically all we gotta do is break this then put a fence right there and then we put a cobblestone there then we put a chicken there leave the chicken break that make it all the way down fence and we're good yes yes now let me follow a YouTube tutorial and it's ready look at that thing okay so all we have left is just throw this onto the boat chicken thing in wait did that work with the bar went up where'd it go hello oh check my inventory oh giant size potion almost there this is an idiot it's only in the void hold on let me go up so the lab wasn't enough the void wasn't enough what do I need to do paper place the picture is that the next thing uh I can place a picture right on the side of this place I guess it's a door a picture of a door oh how beautiful try entering it okay do I just walk up to it and walk in hello door oh it put me in hit him inside where the heck are we now find the syringe oh wait that's a laser system um I think we're heisting the syringe that we put the potion with okay okay we got this we got this we got this okay so I'm just gonna walk in make sure those pass okay let's go okay okay right here blocks the light let's keep going again and we barely made it holy now fix the right oh what are these I like these okay so for now we're gonna do these right here and I guess if we put this there and then go straight should be going full speed let's go oh and failed all right got it under control all we gotta do is give some speed there probably best to break that there and now we should be good to continue let's go again oh wait should I hit that TNT oh gosh oh let's go please don't hurt don't hurt don't hurt Dart oh okay we're good let's continue then and go to the next spot which is again void huh do I just jump this all right do that I guess oh and now kill scare a Herobrine maybe he has a syringe oh my gosh why are we doing this right now okay we have a bow for a reason let's take this guy down okay not not a fan of this um I like the suit though looks good on him okay anyway so it's better if we get him out of here one more shot down he goes oh and we got finally the diamond syringe and with this we can craft it with these two right here put in the diamond syringe and we get a syringe with uncooked cure almost almost done huh cook the Cure with dragon's breath oh that's gonna cut it close Okay well what we can do then is real quick let's put the Eyes of Ender in thankfully here Brian drop them and I guess without further Ado here we go all right we're doing this right now guys the care is almost on the top left we're at the very end Bob we literally gotta get the dragon's breath so we got the syringe got the dragon right there and I guess to shoot it oh we're doing this right now we're that hit okay so Dragon expression right there let's go to the border of it and do we just grab them oh did that work perfect here yes now say getting three two one and cured it now beat the dragon we're buff yo and now we have resistance 10 strength regen and jump Boots three and speed four this feels amazing all right here's the plan then we have an Infinity bow we can shoot the dragon real quick but I'm actually curious how good is my strength because if it's very good then I don't need to do anything else can I punch it oh my gosh my fists are amazing all right well it runs away let me do this one two three four let's get five out of the way there we go there we go another one down and just this one to go oh we got it all right dragon now I just beat you oh here it comes oh gosh I completely forgot about that one right there but it's all good because we have big fists one two no get back here all right we gotta break this there we go oh and that one too okay now that's all I'm gone Mr Dragon get out of here oh here we go just gotta hit it once two three and that's game so without being done guys that's gonna be Minecraft but I needed here but oh because I'll enjoyed have a great one in this video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,130,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but I Need a CURE, minecraft but cure, minecraft but sick, minecraft but from sick to healthy, minecraft cure, minecraft zombie, minecraft poison, cure
Id: LQPfaK7JijU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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