I beat Minecraft on "baby mode" difficulty...

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today ladies and gentlemen we're taking on the ultimate minecraft challenge we're gonna be playing in the new game mode called the baby mode haha so really cool youtuber called Fundy recently uploaded a video called so I added baby mode difficulty to Minecraft and to be honest guys it's probably not what you expect so after watching this video guys I have the idea what if we try surviving and beating Minecraft in baby mode without spoiling anything guys it just makes minecraft really easy like for babies so what that said if you guys are excited for this really weird video faster like buying and we can smash three likes on this video that would be insane cuz the three-year-old could be baby mode in my cup which means this should be a challenge for me and of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure subscribe with post certifications on about 69% of you guys watching right now aren't even subscribed so subscribe so we can hit 2 mil this year that's that's the goal I'm literally gonna shave my head if we hit 2 mil this year and with that said guys let's jump into today's video alright guys we're here on minecraft bit baby mode yes guys apparently right now we're playing a difficulty called baby mode this is actually the first time I'm playing with this game-mode so I have no I do have an idea boy does I know most of the things that change in baby mode from regular minecraft oh my god there's a pyramid thing over there ok first let's get some wood which if I'm pretty sure if I squeeze enough oh my god it actually just drops if I stare hard enough going in genuine yo-yoing there you go guys all you have to do is assert your dominance and then the wood just breaks you don't you don't need to do anything you don't have to smack it at all and just it just breaks for you yes baby motive minecraft because the normal minecraft guys you can get splinters and death an owie so guys in this game mode yes I would just brakes automatically I'm really confused if this game mode is calling me ugly or like it's just a way of just showing that I'm a very dominant minecraft player whatever that means uh-oh I just got the two crafting tables okay we still make mistakes guys even in baby mode and I'm pretty sure in baby mode if I I hope this works quickly but oh my god so if we just craft a normal wooden pickaxe of poop you think it's pretty normal right damn oh my god it's enchanted with all my nuts efficiency 5 of breaking 3 amending we have a god pickaxe buy just crap what yes guys if we craft a literal sword boom it is up wait wait doesn't have sharpness are you kidding me okay wait now I'm just acting spoiled hold on let's see if we get an axe oh dude imagine if the wooden axe had sharpness 5 that would be insane but it does have efficiency yes guys baby moaning minecraft is really hard and the goal for today's episode is basically to beat baby mode minecraft which arguably right shouldn't be that hard considering all the crazy overpowered stuff we already have but if you guys don't think this is cursed enough just just check this out hold on actually guys before anything yes we got to go loot the pyramid voice & Lomb Easter Bunny no please don't what what the wait what I killed him and then he didn't actually die wait so you're telling me if I go to this fish right now and you oh oh wait the fish actually died wait what I just got a boat god I see you're trying to swim here's a boat instead what wait what if I oh my god I'm trying to throw out the boat it doesn't let me God keeps giving me a new boat okay so I guess in baby minecraft the god of minecraft not just slides you a boat okay boomer I hold up let's go inside of all my Rob what this is a wooden pickaxe of mining all of this so fast okay wait yeah break this and all the tnt and oh my god we got diamonds already yo we're getting insane wait oh god I got some good books we got so much stuff holy crap Rose pretty sure baby minecraft also boosts your luck with what you can find in the chest but that's just me wait what is that open it what go hold up wait a minute what is this there's a random gold block and then what does wait I just broke it I didn't get it Nani wait hold on I'm so confused I'm gonna quickly wait why was I about to make a third crafting table I'm sorry guys baby mode minecraft just gives me baby brain and hold up so if I break this it's just this is it just a regular obsidian wait what is this guys I'm playing on the newest version of Minecraft so I have no idea leave what there's more of this weird obsidian what the balls let's make ourselves a baby [Music] wooden shovel yes there you go wait why am i oh there's a chess wait what a golden sword of fortune three golden pickaxe and a golden hoe without breaking to a buyer charge and some obsidian what is this guys is there anything else under this okay baby mode minecraft is weird I don't know what this feature is apparently its new in Minecraft okay okay wait what is this a cave oh yo we literally just fought a secret cave brah and let's go there's some iron but ladies and gentlemen mining ores is dangerous okay and here in baby minecraft mode what you don't even got to go mining you could just break any piece of cobble and then just watch this I think any any second now there you go we just got redstone so hold on there's all we got brah we literally got a diamond from just breaking redstone are you serious bro you don't even need a mine you literally just can't random ores from breaking stone that's how easy baby mode is in Minecraft guys like you literally get free stuff from just breaking like stone actually going caving and risking your life versus mobs just break stone gamers and I'm pretty sure guys if we find out oh my god it's a creeper and yeah goes nope and disappears yes in baby mode minecraft you don't need to fight mobs they just disappear I don't even know why I'm doing this video guys oh hello mr. skeleton that you don't even have a boat let me just quickly yeah poof you away with the power of googling gang hello creeper yes bye yep yep guys get rekt literally don't you have to worry about that that's so funny oh we got a fire aspect to book we were the pools that this pig just come from okay wait I'm pretty sure if we sorry techno blade I'm sorry I'm sorry oh dude it's an infinite pig generator oh my god baby mode minecraft literally doesn't let you fully kill animals because that would just be a waste of food right and it's also not good to murder animals what bro you literally just get infinite food like it doesn't get any easier than this guys you just literally find any one animal you can find pigs anywhere and then just kill them and then they just respawn like you'd literally just can't kill the pig no matter how many times there you go we now have a full stack of rob bacon and hold up is this lava yes we found lava and there's a bunch of obsidian stew hold on we cannot get distracted I need to smell this I don't have any cool are you serious well don't fret ladies and gentlemen you can just break stone and then you get or or you can just up we just got Diamond or you just find coal or very luckily okay perfect food's gonna be smelting let's go ahead and get some of this obsidian right here which should take literally like two minutes because we have a god pickaxe within like what the first five minutes of playing the game like bruh imagine playing a UHC on baby mode honestly I feel like that needs to happen guys so we'd smash maybe like 10,000 likes in this video I'll host a UHC and hold on why do I feel like lava isn't actually gonna kill me oh my god wait it's not what guys guys what what is happening what is happening I just I'm turning it into obsidian and I'm now suffocating help help me please oh my god dude I almost just died do it obsidian trap myself okay well that's quickly oh yes I just got an emerald from breaking stone let's make a little space for our nether portal yes I love getting diamonds 100% a few more pieces of obsidian there you go what yes our cook pork chops are finally cooked we've totally worked very hard for our meat in this video and you know what while I cook smells guys let's go and just keep mining and by that I mean literally just breaking stone and trying to see how much diamonds we can get in a little bit and there you go two minutes of mining has given me 18 diamonds 23 emeralds okay brah imagine a regular Minecraft all you have to do is just break stone and then you get enough diamonds to cut yourself a diamond chestplate which has protection three already holy crap wait we can literally just make leggings as well and we have three diamonds left over wait the leggings are also protection three and then should I you and make a sword like is there even a point to making an iron or diamond sword I don't even think there is but you know what let's just make it anyways it's a breaking three mending I wish you had sharpness but it's fine there you go yeah we do be looking kind of fresh now guys it's time to open up this nether portal which I'm not too sure why wait why yeah why did we want to go to the nether because I'm pretty sure in baby mode minecraft you can literally just say in chat gee I'd love to have me some blaze rods leave and smiley face boom and then Oh would you would you look at that I literally entered and I get gifted blaze rods for asking you in Minecraft I mean what did you expect not to get everything just hand fed to you this is baby mode minecraft ok if you struggled with regular minecraft this is the game mode for you and also maybe if you're like it's your first time playing yeah but blaze rods aren't the only thing we need we need some ender pearls make some eye of ender so we can defeat the inner dragon and beat the game well I mean if asking for blaze rods worked gee I wish I had some ender pearls too literally guys if I spam this I just get given and the burles a lot of balls you want free balls in Minecraft just play baby mode and and just spam that you want them and you will literally receive let me just beg for some more blaze rods and then then there you go it was it was that easy boys we have 14 eye of ender and if you're stuck in a cave all you got to do is fart and jump three times and then boom you're on the surface so the stronghold is this way let's just keep going gamers we're off to fight the ender dragon I'm baby mode on baby mode on baby mode damn baby and I'm a mode I'm a mode on your baby wait what okay gamers my banach senses are wait what wait what aj is telling me to go this way now what oh it's below here my bionic senses are tingling don't gimme no chinking honking but no I mean oh my okay okay okay yes I get it lava very cool okay are you what I turn lava into cobblestone okay boomer alright so now we just got to find this stupid thing my bob where is it oh hello mr. skeleton yep my mrs. Cottam haha oh poor mr. Skelly boy he just got pooped be gone thought I happy I open up yeah get on my way son nope I don't need any of your loop get on my way poof oh my god dude these things it's always amaze dude come on bro please I feel like a lost child in Walmart help oh my oh yeah I forgot hello and baby you're not legally allowed to touch me where could these stupid oh it's over here we made it and now we can open do we have exactly nine eyes of ender oh wait okay hold on I was missing a few there you go boom boom BAM it's not easy so guys we made some potions they got a slow falling I got a jump boost and I have a speed now guys you're probably asking banach why did you only make one of each post it's because if I drink it yeah I now have it quite literally forever every potion you drink in this baby mode guys you just get it infinitely so now I have infinite jump boost speed and slow falling and now that I'm an indestructible baby man even though I look like a normal grown adult I'm still a baby shut up we're playing baby minecraft I can now defeat the oh yeah sorry silverfish your it is time to duel the Ender Dragon except I'm not afraid to look at any of these fools what's good fam ya poof and I got your balls alright guys this is gonna be intense I'm gonna throw an ender pearl up oh I hit him let's do that yay we got one of the things oh man this is so difficult guys guys what if I get hurt fighting the ender dragon ah mister and their dragon he literally told me I will destroy you there's only one way to defeat the Ender Dragon aka a Boomer because we're a baby clearly and it's the ending with the ultimate clap back no you oh there you go that was that was really easy that's all it took ladies and gentlemen no you and there you go we have successfully defeated of minecraft like wait what it doesn't even let me go inside of the credits please help me get me inside of the crag I guess not well ladies and gentlemen we beat minecraft in baby mode I hope you guys enjoyed that that was honestly the weirdest video I've ever done we [Music] oh my god Dead Yet
Channel: Bionic
Views: 3,626,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I beat Minecraft on baby mode difficulty..., baby mode, minecraft baby mode, minecraft baby mode difficulty, baby mode in minecraft, new difficulty, minecraft difficulty mod, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, impossible difficulty, fundy baby mode, easy difficulty, baby mode difficulty, baby mode difficulty in minecraft, bionic
Id: 5pZtc-SovOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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