Minecraft But If You Build Any Item, You Get It...

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in today's video any item we build we get can't we beat the game using these insane building powers watch till the end to find out and of course guys make sure to leave a like to beat the youtube algorithm and subscribe if you guys are new with post notifications on because a lot of you guys watching right now aren't even subscribed so subscribe to join the cyber army and with that said let's do this also my best friend quiff which you guys probably all know sent me this mod so go show him support by subscribing and checking out his channel because he did a video just like this okay okay let's get into this video all right three two one and we're off go go go go go i don't know why we're such in a hurry but i'm going and okay hold on i see oh i see cave i see multiple caves i see ore and i see trees lots and lots of trees listen sorry mr beast but i'm gonna have to chop this one down bro listen i know you worked so hard to save the trees and listen you know i'm trying to save the earth too but not today because then today and i don't know how this is going to make much sense every item that we quote unquote build i mean i don't know why i'm using quotes so seriously every item that we literally build in this game we should technically receive now this is gonna be interesting because we kind of did this already with the whole drawing thing like any minecraft or any item i draw i get and hold on i'm just gonna casually get myself just like super stacked as i just explained the video because the craziness is gonna start soon except i'm honestly not too sure how it works we're gonna have to learn this together boys we're just gonna have to hold hands and do this together gamers no homo yeah no homo not even two percent okay maybe point five percent but anyways let's go ahead and get her so i can't craft dude let's go ahead and boom uh let me get some more sticks and then make myself a boom stone pickaxe as well okay we're good dude let's get some coal because why not although i could huh instead of getting cold the normal way actually what could i use right now hold on i kind of want to test it what if we try and build ourselves a cold block i mean theoretically it's just a block of blackness and one of my favorite colors is black so let's try that now do i just do i just build like right here i mean with what items i don't even know gamers this is this is a little this is a little scary um hold on i'm gonna first see how like a block of coal looks like so let's quickly just get enough coal to craft one now i don't know should should the coal block be the first thing we test just block of coal i mean it's literally just black like what block should i use yeah it's literally a black block like there's not okay anyways let's try and do this i'm gonna do slash build and then cold block and wait what the oh i'm in creative mode wait do we just do we just do it uh a coal do i just wait do i just build a coal block out of coal like that would that would be a big idea okay that would be big rain so i'm just gonna make a black cube literally that's it and hold on we low-key need to worry or hurry because i don't even know dude it needs to be a cube though it can't be a rectangle right we have 30 seconds we only have 30 seconds oh my god oh my god dude i'm literally clicking so fast 25 seconds we have 10 seconds we have about to be 10 seconds now there you go okay 10 seconds starting now hold on boom boom boom and go go go go go go five four three two one is this good enough i hope this is good enough it's just a black rectangle oh god are we gonna get it are we gonna yo yo yo yo yo are we gonna actually get it i have no idea this is gonna work if not if we don't build it good enough if the ai judges our bill to be unworthy we don't get it and so far look my hands are off the keyboard i'm trying to see if we're gonna get it come on i'm scared oh oh wait wait what it said uh what is this wait what do you mean what is this it's a call i mean okay whatever gross my build shirt plugin but i got it i got it so suck my nuts dude that is so sick so we can basically build whatever and then we get it i have 18 cool blocks now do i want to try and build everything that i need to get like a furnace i mean i can easily just build a furnace i don't i don't think i wanna yeah no no no let's not let's not embarrass ourselves and build a furnace so the goal is to try and beat minecraft now we could go mining or i can uh just what do i want i think i can build the ore that i want yeah i technically could do that oh okay so what if i just do slash build iron ingot yeah wait how does it look oh no no no no iron ingot ironing it oh god please guys don't rust don't roast my builds um okay i'm gonna keep this my hotbar we need a concrete concrete concrete you need light gray and then white so then it's basically going to be like this and then go like this and then go more like that oh god dude i hope this is good i hope this is good man okay okay okay okay wait this is actually kind of hog oh my god wait this is actually kind of paw gamers yo wait wait we have 10 seconds left i think we're gonna do good yo is this really good building or what what the balls oh my god that's literally not yo i did not think i could build such a good ironing in what game if i don't get an iron again bro if i don't get an ironing and i'm gonna get so angry i'm gonna get so angry oh wait and he said i love this oh my god okay wait wait wait this is the like this is the best thing ever we gotta get better building what cliff got in his videos so uh i can actually okay wait we can try and build ourselves a shield because that's probably something we're going to need or should we build the shield i feel like we should build this ship i think it'd be really simple and i can use this for a flint and steel instead so hold on let's actually get the flames too before we build the next item but we have to think guys comment down below right now something that you would definitely build if you were me right now in this minecraft world now hold on let's quickly try and find some gravel so we can get that plane steel because building another portal it's gonna be probably really big brain now um okay there you go found some gravel come on come on it's already gonna be nighttime are you kidding me okay we definitely need some crap that or build that shield okay there you go let's go ahead and uh play and steal there you go okay so we need the flame still to build the portal now let's do such build shield okay there you go so now we need to build a shield shield shield okay there you go that's how it looks let's make a thick boy like that oh god dude this is really gonna put my building to skill test to build what my english i'm not good under pressure suck my nuts or don't actually because that would be illegal and okay okay now hold on do we need to do like the random buttons because because the thingies have buttons right yeah yeah there's like little buttons to push or whatever i don't i don't know man i there you go okay easy easy literally this is the most poggiest thing i've seen and hold on you know what just because i'm extra fancy this is where you hold the thingy actually should be out of iron technically so let's do that and boom yo best shield ever okay i still haven't gotten my shield i haven't gotten my shield come on that was a good shield please oh yes i got this is very good oh my god i live for these compliments now i can peacefully just yeah yeah that's what i thought i built myself a shield and i got it oh my god wait can we technically build anything should we build something really really overpowered gamers real talk by the end of this video i want you guys to judge my build and let me know which one is my best one and which one is my worst i'm really interested i'm gonna read all the comments so just ah don't roast me but at the same time compliment me with that said oh my god oh my god whoa whoa whoa dude there's already so many mobs come on no no no no just die there you go okay hold on no please stop okay we need to build some more stuff there's no village around here oh of course but no god guys we need to escape oh my god oh my god to the round to the mountain to the mountain to the cave holy nuts there's so many mobs we need we need no no no i need insurance i need to build literally insurance go go go go go no the blocks won't stop the spider oh my goodness what there's three we need to build we need to build weight i can build to get out of here okay okay hold on oh my god there's too many of them bro bro bro wait what i'm actually gonna die to some spiders no no no no no no oh my god i had a heart left i typed it in totem of undying we need to build one totem i need to get a totem oh my god oh my god concrete concrete concrete is our best friend concrete's my best friend ever did i ever say it's not um and then annie i need some of the eyes uh this slime slime okay okay so we need to build the base we need to build a base like that and then like that like that yeah yeah yeah i need to get the shape i'll do details later okay and then like the rest of the thingy yeah that's that's good come on game oh no i screwed up i screwed up and screwed up okay okay okay okay i think that's pretty good oh my we got it we got it oh my god we got it we got it we got it got it oh yes one of the best in the world oh and we used it dude i would have died i actually would have died if i didn't have it oh my oh my god oh my god oh my god okay we have the regen for it which is really good yes oh my god give me the regen dude these spiders are actually correct i don't even know where the other one is but i don't want to find out oh my god oh my gosh should we try and build another one should we actually try and build another one now hold on i think i should i feel like oh god there's a tiny baby zombie it says build boats oak boats oh my god okay we gotta build the boat we gotta build the boat oh my dude this is insane this is actually insane attack i gotta build a boat it looks like this thing is alive and has legs man unless we go like that oh okay that's a little better bam bam now let's place all of this like this oh no i made it too big bro we have 10 seconds left this is the most awful bow ever but i really really hope it works i really really hope it works go go go go okay okay okay i'm trying i'm trying yeah no no no this is god-awful this is awful i'm running i'm running oh i got it it says i want one of those in my world are you can't okay i mean this boat was a little dummy but i escaped the death island that that was okay now we're just heading to another one all right hold up let's break this boat and let's get ourselves like i would say a diamond block would be perfect okay we gotta do this this should be really easy considering i'm just gonna build a cube out of diamonds boom boom boom literally like this man literally like this and we should be good to go hold on one two three four five has to be symmetrical one two three four five okay there you go one two three four five there you go oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go and boom we did it block of diamond okay dude if that doesn't look like just a block of diamond i mean it's literally just using the diamond blue oh dude this is big brain this is actually big brain if this doesn't work my guy i'm gonna be so confused okay and boom oh it's already becoming daytime as well oh dude that's so good and i don't even think there's that many mobs here and i do i could use a lot of food i'm not gonna lie we could use some oh i see you having proof since last time my eyes store a little though what well i got the block of diamond so i don't care okay whatever dude this game is actually trying to roast me i'm gonna make diamond armor because i feel like diamond armor is still better than another right i'm gonna build another diamond block let's literally just do the same thing okay and yes it said this is very good okay well what was my last one not very good whatever ai you suck nuts anyways so the goal is to be minecraft right and i'm pretty sure we're kind of close i mean all we really need is a little bit of food and that's it literally that's actually that that's that's actually it oh i could make a hay block that would be 2000 iq okay come on there we go we gotta build a hay block um how does it even look like oh this is gonna be a little tricky boys let's get some concrete so i think we're gonna need these two for like the actually no no let's get these two and let's get red kind of to wrap it up okay okay so let's do this and then this this and then this and then this again there you go i think that's really good oh my god wait i don't think we're gonna have enough time i don't think i'm gonna have enough time to do the entire pattern let's just do like this and then okay okay okay i think that's good enough right maybe just oh no no i screwed it up i screwed it up but no that was that was pretty good though that that was good that was good right are we gonna get it please guys it's going to mean i leave a like right now if you haven't already and subscribe and i'm wearing the merch okay so if you guys want to buy some gold links in the description i don't know why i'm selling out so just for a stupid hey block please please please what what oh i love this what is this thing wow i want a backhanded compliment all right i don't care dude i got it i got what i wanted which is gonna make enough for three slicing bread that's that's it just three slices of bread damn bro you're uh you're cut it's kind of fire get it because you're on fire and i'm just gonna kill you all right let's tell me well we solved this food problem now let's build an end portal frame i don't actually know how this looks i'm trying to be big brain okay so we're just gonna need a green concrete and actually cyan okay so it's not too tall so you know what i'm honestly just gonna make it as like a slab there you go okay okay no this is a rectangle go go go go go go go go go go go okay i think that's pretty good now we got to do one layer of this and honestly literally just do this i'm literally just going to build an end portal frame out of end portal frames i think this is pretty good and then we can kind of do like a little design kind of like this because it has like little arches okay i think that's pretty good i don't think i'm gonna get i don't know like how else can you build it i could have built it a lot bigger but dude we only have 60s they give it to me instantly i see you've improved from last time my eyes still hurt a little bit though okay you know what dude you can honestly suck my nuts i'm gonna build this again one eternity later okay there you go i think that was really good can we please get our final one please come on come on come on come on it's nighttime and i'm scared i just want to beat the dragon already i'm just gonna get more food as we patiently wait for our final end portal frame will we get it oh god no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone three bonerman versus one cyborg yeah that sounds really wrong and yeah i know i'm really good at this you've told me that before now okay so now that we can just build the end portal which i'm just gonna build it right here like this we still need to get the eyes of ender which is gonna oh i need what i need oh i miscounted okay now that we have the portal this is taking way too long bro we need to build a couple things i want to build let's definitely build a bow another totem and maybe some tnt would be fire oh yes and a super golden apple okay so there you go let's start with the super enchanted golden apple which is just that it's called an enchanted golden apple um i'm gonna need purple concrete and then yellow and then brown that's it okay okay okay hold on this is actually just kind of good bro what when was i such a good builder okay wait i actually screwed it up okay okay okay four three two one i think this is good enough i think i think that's really good enough honestly honestly yeah i don't see how that's not good enough come on come on yes wait i hope youtube is paying well because if you dedicate it to bill it did not just say that it didn't it did not just say that it did not just say that yet still give me the golden apple i don't even understand i thought that was a good golden apple i don't know what was that not a good golden apple whatever man i got it i'm gonna build a couple more of these literally gonna do the same thing [Music] okay now guys we gotta build another totem which honestly should be really easy okay listen don't ask me what's wrong with him okay he's just a happy total minding his own business no need to bully him okay see i told you he was a happy totem the game says he loves it okay perfect that's literally all we needed and now we need to make an eye of ender which i've never been able to build good i'm honestly just gonna do like some awkward pixel art thing okay and yo that loki looks super fire that's kind of good right i feel like that's actually kind of good yo i feel like this is actually really really really good kind of not really aya you should practice more well that's fine because i actually need a lot more than just one okay i think this one came out a lot better but i didn't finish it okay see it's telling me i've improved that's a good sign it did not just tell me to go watch some youtube tutorials it did not just go tell me to i'm dude i'm getting so pissed but i'm almost done dude we go again okay this one looks way better dude i keep evolving the build every single damn freaking time come on come on that must have been way better why do i seek approval from this ai so much i don't actually understand okay there you go yeah that's what i thought you do want one of these in your world but you're not gonna get it you stupid ai cause that's all you're ever gonna be a dumb robot like me what okay so now we're gonna build a tnt block which is oh my god why am i doing this to myself man let's get some red concrete some white and a little bit of black there you go i'm honestly just gonna keep building bro i'm honestly just no time no time to stop if it's trash it's trash bro i actually don't care all right boom boom boom oh wait that's not even how it is yeah i know i know i'm aware i built a stupid oh i didn't even put the end portal frame down there you go we have the end portal now i have one piece of tnt i don't know we we have to just beat the game with this one piece of tnt that's it that's the goal all right win win win i don't know if this was the best idea gamers because i didn't even make my bow bro there's so much i need to build man but this thing is pissing me off i swear dude hold on a second wait i'm actually big brain if i go ahead and do this get a crafting table and then make myself a shovel oh my god in order to get the end crystals all i have to do wait some of them are actually missing oh interesting is build a literal just snow block this is gonna be the easiest thing of my life oh my god and that's a snow block that's that's literally a snow block i don't wait no no one more one more one more one more okay there you go there you go oh my god that's actually a snow block bro and then i can mine it and get easy snow oh i'm so big brain bro i'm actually so big brain there you go i got it yes i know you love this oh god i just heard the scary sound okay it's just that guy yeet easy we got four that's it just four oh wow okay well yeah don't worry i'm okay i'm gonna get you soon buddy go go go go go go go go go go go guess now let's just yee come on come on come on yes oh my god okay be careful oh god okay okay we gotta be careful and eat no no no no oh my god oh my god that was so dumb okay we almost died we almost died bro oh i got an inner pro i got an inner pearl okay hold on we're actually about to be minecraft with the most scuffed items ever all right and yeet and then easy oh my god oh my god easy clutch takes that nerd oh my god dude that was so close okay we still have a couple more to go hold up let's get an ender pearl oh my god dude i'm so good at this okay hold on i'm honestly just eating another golden apple and bob don't throw like a pathetic baby you eat come on come on come on yes yes we only have that one and that one okay hold up and pop okay okay okay and oh my god that was so easy hold on wait what if i make the end crystals oh oh my god wait is it actually possible dude we can build one we can build one okay okay okay it's basically just like a glass circle or square oh my god i think i literally got it wait no i literally think i got it there you go i dude you can't tell me this isn't that you literally can't tell me that it isn't that oh wait wait but it's more of like a square no no no it was perfect before okay there you go oh if this works man this is gonna be great oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay okay there you go there you go there we go let's smack them let's smack them and the tnt there you go massive damage massive damage if only we had the end crystal though dang it boys i think i might have made it wrong or i didn't make it good enough wait what it actually did work oh my goodness wait can a lot like better now i'm going i'm going i'm going and bob again oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay park we just got another one okay he's coming now he's coming down he's coming down come on come on yes there we go i can just get my third one this could be it boys this actually could be it come on come on come on okay okay okay okay i got hitboxes on what only one oh he's so dead he's so dead he's so dead he's so dead he's coming back he's coming back already let's go bro he don't want the smoke and i'm gonna hit him a couple of times come on come on come on come on come on and final one final one final one and we won we did it with one extra oh my god we actually built end crystals to kill the drag okay this has never been motherboard ladies and gentlemen this has never been done before we just did it here first holy nuts holy nuts never have you ever seen someone build end crystals to defeat the dragon holy crap guys if you enjoyed make sure to subscribe our building powers were insane in this video and again shout out to quiffer giving me this video like he literally sent me the mod and the ai so thank you he's my bestie so go subscribe to him i'll see you in the next one subscribe peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,796,006
Rating: 4.9077048 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But If You Build Any Item You Get It, Minecraft But Any Item You Build You Get, minecraft but, any item you build you get, minecraft challenge, challenge, family friendly, bionic
Id: Dbt5ebP4wI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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