Minecraft but Trees Beat the game for you

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minecraft but trees beat the game for me i will recruit every type of tree to help me defeat the deforestation blaze there's this guy that keeps burning down the trees and no it's not me this feels ironic but to save the trees i gotta kill one yeah i feel pretty bad for this here don't worry buddy i got you what friendly oak sapling oh i guess being nice to trees always pays i take bitcoin let's find a good nice spot how about this hill right here it's got a nice view hey yeah oh what is happening oh oh hi it's a friendly little tree friend well i'm gonna leave you there for now she follows me he's got little tr he dropped logs did you sneeze are you molting i'll call you oakley well we got a bunch of wood so that's very nice of you oh thanks for the planks man don't even have to craft planks anymore yeah yeah go get him go go are you gonna kill him or nope he's just he's just sniffing him okay that's so creepy dude there you go good job buddy okay if i place you back uh how do i get the how do i get your friend sapling oh we got a ton of them i see dropped by an oak tree friend when you're near a bee yo buddy i found some bees bees and trees are friends right that's why they rhyme it worked yes they made friends and we've got our friendly birch sapling it says to grow it i have to place it under a bee's nest a bee's nest ah yes hello business we got a new friend coming in hey what's up buddy oh are you drowning uh come over here there he is oh he's so cute i'll call you beatrice and i will not forget that name for sure now according to the crafting table my king beatrice will summon bees whenever i get damaged which is awesome pillagers let's get him our dark oak friends did not deserve this hey come here yeah get em boys yeah summon the bees get em get a beatrice yeah that's what they get i'm on a mission now yeah you've been avenged run i should have made an axe they still don't see me they see me yes get them dude be free my boy okay we gotta go i was overly confident uh oh get him golem yeah i'll never forget you the more time we waste though the more time the deforestation blaze can set a blaze to the trees our next tree is the spruce tree looks like we gotta kill a zombie with beatrice's friendly bees and the spruce powers are awesome i'll show you what they do in a minute here oh iron we'll get ourselves a better sword with that oh careful guys nice job guys i thought you were a hairy zombie i'll be honest i'm sorry beatrice now we're ready for action oh hello zombie okay damage me there we go get them bees yes did we get it we've got it the spruce sapling get on bees yes our friendly spruce only grows in a spruce village so yeah come on yes dude no grow a little buddy it's working it's working farmer yes oh he's dying he's dying spruce you're killing your dad come over here please there he is dude we got a little fox tree oh my goodness look hey hey you doing okay what are you doing dude sorry to me to punch you why are you dying are you cold well uh oh well all right our spruce friend is awesome because check it out he leaves snow where he goes and if i stand on it i get strength and regeneration and when mobs stand on it as you saw they slowly die apparently all mobs so we gotta be careful with that one look at my army growing dude it's awesome i'll call you bruce bruce bruce is good guys guys help help help help what is that oh nether lumberjack you won't get away with this the forest deserves to be borne down no it doesn't deserve to be burned down you big jerks ah man i didn't know the deforestation blaze had minions head count everybody alive one two and three okay we got everybody next up jungle sapling now to get our jungle sapling we've gotta kill a frozen creeper which shouldn't be a problem with our newly uh uh dandruff boy but to activate our jungle powers which is shooting cookies by the way we gotta grow it by getting some melon slices i'll explain later so first up a mine shaft no no don't explode freeze it freeze did we get it did we get it did we get it we get it nope we did get it yes dude the jungle sapling and now let's find a mine shaft in the meantime might as well get some of this iron too get them oakley i wrote their names down in a notebook so i don't forget ooh a secret cave [Music] all right that was close that's more like it geronimo yes we got a mine shaft all right we're looking for melons hey i'll take some bones for bone meal actually okay there's too many bees i cannot see anything i just need watermelons that's all i need come on give me what i need uh bit no yeah some melons thanks buddies all right we're out this is your new home little oh well that was fast all right we got some melons hopefully this is enough my little friendly jungle boy grow but first have you guys checked out the new crafty skin pack on the minecraft marketplace oh look at this one oh and that one how cool click the link in the description wear your crafty skin and be a part of the crafty world takeover yeah we got our jungle boy oh your face looks a little uh handsome your face looks a little handsome is what i was gonna say right guys right now if i just sneak with an empty hand i shoot cookies i love it man delicious yeah take my cookie wow that's rude dude if i can kill the inner dragon with cookies i'll be a happy man next up acacia sapling i can get the sapling by killing a skeleton with a cookie no problem and their powers are they help me mine so that'll be nice you guys hear that i hear like a skeleton somewhere are you underneath me there you are dude i knew it hey no bees don't kill him i gotta kill him with the cookie yeah take my cookies i bake them myself gingerbread okay i got it yeah there's our little guy what wait a minute was that you i didn't name you yet i'll call you baker check this out it made like vines for me to climb up whoa i don't need a ladder ever again all right now our acacia sapling should work now that we're hold on yeah all right is that high enough for you up there you go okay okay okay oh there he is oh i love it acacia's already a beautiful name so obviously we'll keep the name and call it frank don't like the name too bad it's already in my notebook that means it's permanent forever now frank how how does your powers work is it do i just squat i do look at it go mine ah frank you are beautiful oh my goodness i love it okay well it sounds like a looney tunes fall so this should be a nice and easy way to get myself some diamonds hello oh oh my gosh they're back they're back the lumberjacks are back oh i'm gonna die ow you will not destroy my precious trees get back you foul monsters dude okay i'm grateful for this snowman oh there's more there's more guys guys guys there's more give me the snow give me the snow thankfully the snow heals me a lot when i stand on it that is nice yeah guys what happened what happened to beatrice and bruce and baker and okay there you are all right well yeah a mama on for diamonds yeah yeah yeah diamonds oh what a beautiful day in the neighborhood five diamonds i want one more set of diamonds here oh perfect timing bane of eight i think i feel like a straight up mobster right now i got my whole army around me and this guy's built like a tree literally beatrice i mean frank frank's fine we'll make ourselves a diamond chest plate and a big axe very nice oh our dark oak sapling we just have to have frank mine a villager outpost thankfully i know exactly where one of those is we meet again it's not the same outpost but it's pretty close okay it's time frank you ready go frank attack boom baby i see a sapling in there friendly dark oak sapling you deserve it pillagers get em frank okay so this guy's a little bit weird i gotta plant him on the top of the outpost here and then i gotta shoot an arrow at it to make it grow i don't know why but these are sentient trees i don't ask the questions there it is our dark oak ooh i like your eyebrows buddy check me out i'm invulnerable to arrows now yeah no problem well you've certainly tried our next saplings are nether related sapling and that is i assume we're gonna find our evil blaze the deforestation this guy is awesome but i'll tell you what he does in just a second let's get to the nether hey a lava pool's right here be careful you guys please don't kill the dog friendly fire friendly fire excuse me guys oh thanks for the assistance my guy wait wait loan duh hot to bad hot to bad there we go now before we head to the nether i'm gonna get some iron real quick what are you shooting at man sorry guys excuse me there we go let's get our fungus tree oh there's a bastion here nice hope i don't have to go there later oh here comes the foreshadowing rack here's what we gotta do we gotta have a blaze shoot a fireball at me and then i've gotta just remove it from existence yeah there we go nice dude and to grow em we gotta place our fungus right on soul sand here there he goes come on grow little buddy yeah oh what's up grandpa now check this out i got fire resistance now which is epic dude now our battle with the big blaze will be no problem oh also we never named you i'll call you sap because you sap away all the projectiles also check this out oh i can breathe fire now yes i can ah gramps is hooking us up what's up guys yeah we got him the next treat we're going for is our bone tree aha now weirdly i'm not actually after the bones here not yet at least i'm actually after the skeleton here i gotta breathe fire on it and that gives us our bone sapling very nice if we plant our bone tree sapling on a fossil bone like this that will grow grow my minions yeah dude look at this guy you are majestic oh well i'm sorry you've had a rough day i thought it would be an ice queen or something nope it's a ghast whoa you all right down there yeah right oh he's fine he's fine now their power is awesome mobs randomly become skeletal versions of themselves and when killed they drop bones and enchanted books yo sap please stop shooting arrows oh did you kill a ghast oh nice job man our next and arguably the most powerful of them all requires me to kill a skeleton piglen brute that sounds dangerous so before we do that i'm gonna kill a bunch of skeleton mobs get a ton of enchanted books and deck myself out with a ton of gear oh hi little guys who wants to become a skeleton i know you do yeah infinity that's great sharpness i'll take that and i got myself protection 4. that's what i was looking for there's no one down there sap there is no one underneath you the iron we got earlier is coming in handy because now i can get my anvil and we can get ourselves beefed right up yeah dude sharpness sword i got a multi-cross shot bow yeah no uh sap i'm shooting the arrows don't break my projectiles well now it's useless you're on my last nerve right now man all right i think it's bastion time hello so i've gotta oh gosh i've gotta find a piglet brute and then turn him into a skeleton ah take this there's a brute yeah yeah come on yeah get him get him yes so close oh we got him we gotta dope stay alive stay alive stay alive golden apple save me here my helmet's broken we're all right we're right come on there it is we got it the piglet tree sapling okay back up cookie for you okay now we just gotta plant our pig sapling right here perfect and that should grow oh our pig sapling hey look at this our trees have gold in them now that's awesome what a bunch of beasts look at this guy man i don't want to mess with you now we got an army and we're shiny hold on i want to join the club uh much better our piglin tree makes all our trees stronger and golden armors now more powerful and unbreakable there's only one more that remains the wither tree we get our withered tree sapling by killing three wither skeletons should be no problem with my now golden up army let's head back to the fortress hi fortress yeah die die did we get it yeah yeah get him did we get it did we get it yes there it is we got it the wither sapling whoa that looks cool oh yeah you guys don't burn me anymore fire resistance ah yeah and now we put our wither tree sapling on our blaze spawner and boom oh my goodness guys stockpile souls what dude you are amazing dude he's got like a rib cage and everything he's rad he's rad i guess that's your name ouch yeah i got three souls now what do i do with all my souls hold on our rad new friends gives all nearby mobs wither and when a mob dies it stockpiles its soul sneak to launch all stockpile souls for big damage whoa okay let's collect more souls and then i think it's time to take out our deforestation boss i'm just gonna sit here and let you guys do all the work okay thank you i'm just gonna go get a snack real quick you guys want a pom tart 20 souls i think it's time come and face me friend of trees and witness the inferno excuse me hello oh my goodness this must be it huh guys deforestation place there he is get ready boys oh man oh man oh man oh man all right well i've got my souls we'll see how much damage this does you can't do this to my friends yeah i shot a cookie i i don't actually know how to shoot use the souls first we take out the spawners yeah with my cookies yeah oh my gosh the infernal lumberjacks are after me help help throw some snow down or something man heal me up okay hop on the snow hop on the snow yeah that's it that's it nice job guys now be careful yeah i'll take out the spawners the cookies can't go up that far yes they can that's it that's it we did it we did it it's battle time now we got 43 souls and soul attack go yeah oh my goodness we did it the forests are saved thanks for being a friend of trees everywhere crafty guys no problem you're the ones that did all this man thank you oakley and beatrice and bruce and baker and frank and sap and gramps and rad and thank you for watching we'll see you next time save the trees and love you lots hayah
Channel: Craftee
Views: 5,493,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, custom trees, minecraft trees beat the game, minecraft but trees, minecraft funny, minecraft mods, custom boss, custom mobs, custom mob
Id: 1lH0rc5Lj5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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