Minecraft, But Times When George Outsmarted Dream...

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That's funny 🤣 nice thumbnail btw

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BeBopBau 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
minecraft but i'm hunting him down again who will win keep watching to find out and if you're not subscribed please consider subscribing you're gonna lose oh you turn left leave me alone oh there's a creeper oh wait oh mobs oh no no no no please wait no you took me on a wild goose chase across literally a cave and ravines and everything that possibly could be in the world and then what and then now you're taking me on the same thing in the nether and i can hear you breaking and placing [Music] oh my god wait what what wool here you were oh no there's you're just here what i literally saw this 10 seconds ago you're in the portal come on oh yes nowhere to run yours yes god what oh my no please yes yes yes yes yes [Music] you should have been more careful oh my god this bread actually sucks i know it does i hate it oh i'm just running back from the fortress and i see that obviously i'm like yes i just see one little tiny bit missing and there's no portal yes it's kind of unfair but whatever um it's not unfair there's no rules to this game i made it to the portal i'm here yeah that's your fault uh i needed more i needed more diamonds than i had than i have how many diamonds could he possibly have um i i may have enough for almost a lambo but i need i just needed full diamond all right well how are we going to work what's that wait no how are we gonna how are we working this out i'm just stuck in the nether like when because i you technically have to kill me to win um like i can just sit here forever no i don't have to kill you to win you can die if you die i win please oh my god did you fall in that ravine yes oh my god hey what are you doing are you gonna jump down oh my god oh what are you gonna do oh my god i don't even know if i can jump down that i can just wait wait i guess i hit you what are you doing yes what that's cheating my dream yeah wait what okay yes yes oh my god oh no oh my god what the hell oh my god i almost just died as well i kept trying i just broke your bed by the way that means your respawn location is screwed george i'm coming for you come on oh my god oh my god no it's my stupid torch where'd you go george come on come out to play you know what i actually don't need you you can get your no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god come on george you seen a god apple no yes yes you had interpols you had ender pearls oh you're dead oh my god yes come on yes please please leave me alone that was such a good jump that was such a good spider oh my god please please please yes come on yo no i hear you please dream please i'm begging you just leave me alone i hear you mining dream leave me alone there's already no escape you're underground now where did you go my inventory is full oh i hear you yes come on yes let's go yes oh my god and you have smokers yes yes stream please dream please oh my you idiot [Music] where are you this stupid water i can hear water i can hear you splashing around oh my god [Music] where are you i can hear you where are you george george oh my god oh my god where are you oh my dream where are you what oh my god oh was there a cave dream i don't even know what just happened leave me alone interesting what are you doing dream [Music] quite a bit i'm running low on food though why not go to the store and get some more food then i don't know [Music] i see you behind me little pesky little what where'd you go you were right behind me i saw you how i went in a five mode and i saw you i'm so scared actually you disappeared like you were right on me and i saw you yeah i didn't realize you were that close to me how did you get here so fast i just wanted to get here without what is the red hat oh my god i got all my food cooked feel free to shoot me i don't have anything to shoot you with i mean i'll just wait till night time and then i have a big advantage because i can kill all the other men [Music] you're the one that's got to come up to me [ __ ] uh here you want your suit back yeah throw it to me yes oh my god i just destroyed you oh yes that is so good dang oh my god i can't believe i did that i just fell i went to go chase you but i just
Channel: Everfoll
Views: 1,257,752
Rating: 4.9317303 out of 5
Keywords: dream, georgenotfound, times george outsmarted dream, dream and george, minecraft george outsmarted dream, everfoll, dream team, george outplayed dream, dream outsmarting george, dream outplaying george, georgenotfound outsmarting dream, dream best moments, dream big brain, minecraft but challenge, Times When George Outsmarted Dream, dream smp war, dream smp, minecraft, dream big brain moments, mcc, technoblade, antfrost, mugo, if georgie actually listened to dream, minecraft montage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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