Minecraft Speed Runner Vs Mutant...

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minecraft speedrunner vs mutant in this video my goal is to beat the game by defeating the ender dragon before my friend can hunt me down except this time my friend has a superpower he has super hearing and can hear all the sounds around me this will make it next to impossible to sneak attack him make traps or hide from him also according to YouTube's statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing YouTube sometimes glitches and unsubscribe do so if you think your subscribed already make up a check you still are and enjoy the video I was ready for how I meant to get away how'd you do this I'm luck I haven't been hunted you know you've been hunted in a long time oh how do I even start I'm I went to get wood doors you need a kneecap no I don't need a handicap oh god I need this lava pool I need it woah I'm gonna die just kill these animals you're hungry I know you're home I'm not hungry I know you're hungry come on I know you're so low you're so low please oh my god oh my god dream just leave me alone come on dream just leave me alone please please George you're dead actually oh my god I'm gonna run out of hunger yes you must be out of hunger already are really close I'm out of sprint I'm like shaking I can't even saw - I saw ha ha ha I have no food I have no food I was on half a heart first so I fell I fell off the trees and I wasn't half are oh my god Oh chicken I are you breaking a tree I hear you break your Chi it's not a tree or whatever you broke something it is a tree tree promise it's not a tree oh my god my heart is actually racing right now my hands are sweaty and my knee is somewhat weak well guess what I already have stone like you're gonna die you're doing well now because I have nothing and I have no hunger hey morning wood now stop creeping on us ting mutant oh I hear a cave I better not dig into it yeah my kid are you getting stoned it's so confusing try mining stone to getting stone for a furnace I can tell no I wouldn't have is it a creep you're just listening to everything I'm doing that was like oh if I take this shortcut I'd be great eating food I didn't like this you can tell exactly what I'm doing okay I'm finally healing like this whole time if you just come back for me you would have killed me what are you doing breaking something I'm just breaking some blocks what do you mean oh my god how did it get to the side you want to be behind me come on get it yes yes come on no leave my smoker alone dream swamp water no don't crap the bowl stupid little boy yes let me away let me away no I don't want it I don't want it oh my god oh you're so dead you're actually dead you have to leave me alone I need everything time yes Bree they don't need breathing room I never give you breathing room Oh Joel please dream I actually need time I need time alone where I can just gather my thoughts and some food cuz I'm low please please leave me alone door oh my god please please please come on am i away oh my god he's gaining blocks oh my god yes where you going are you actually I'm on Harper again yes zombie yes kill him I'm healing dream please just stay down that cave you can get the lion if an hour what are you doing dream oh oh my god oh please dude stop oh my god how did you get a boat lost and that many hours I had I collected arrows your water yes it's a ground leave me alone I can't believe I got away from that I should have died you should have not hit me with that bow your oh I don't know how I met my arrows were so close to hitting you but you removed you were like running around actually I feel like one of those arrows went over your head like I just was like a little too high I saw you take damage are you doing what what is that what are you in what are you getting yes come on it's like not enough good stuff here and what what is it um dream we don't need to talk about such things okay just don't worry about it and everything will be fine now I hear you please dream please join I'm beg Ned just leave me alone I hear you mining dream leave me alone just let me know it's game you're underground now oh my inventory is full oh I hear you oh my god yes yes dream yes I need to just like get prepared and go because now you're actually kind of far away I can actually do this dream I can do this all right well it was a pleasure doing business with you dream thanks for all the good stuff that you get what you get from the desert temple looking up I don't think you even noticed at the time look up in the chat diamond yes I got diamonds so you gonna have to watch out to him finally we're out of intestine for some daylight and I'm safe how far away are you to him I see the desert runner need I promise I'm so distracted we're trying to survive that I haven't even done anything I need to get iron that's what I need to do I hear you and the boat getting nice and far away from you yeah I really need a cave I hear you mining something so I'm assuming you're already in a cave and you're just saying that I really need to get even you're already in one I'd be a gorge thing to do hmm maybe I hear a horse what are you doing you're gonna go horse he show up right now before this idiot is tamed I'm gonna be so mad come on get tame know what you're lying you're lying you're actually lying come on tame the stupid horse where are you you're lying you're nowhere near me are you he loves me yes he's so slow what he's slower than me like actually are you serious and you get a new horse okay this one's quick I hear you oh you're killing an article yeah we're getting some free iron cut see of the village there we go of course ring ring ring having go to bed wait good dream you can't catch me I'm on a horse yes the ultimate strategy let's go I'm gonna I was gonna sneak up and kill your horse but you saw me fascinated your horse though this is this is so good wait I'm right are you gonna go George yeah where are you gonna go George up the mountain the mountain come on your horses you do that fast I'm actually gaining ground I think no you're not I'm pretty sure I'm gaining ground come on horse come on come on your horse son come on your horse actually sucks I'm gaining ground I'm close oh my god he is come on come on just okay we're on the open stretch here open stretch you can't there's no way you're quick in the list are you quicker than this I'm up it Oh oh my god a dolphin that's alright get the dolphin oh my god how you on me so much please leave me alone I don't even know what happened to it I almost died the lava I was on one heart you know I can just fight you you won the shipwreck you want to die dream No what is that my boat I see you coming back towards me leave me alone I'm not I'm just coming in the general area I want to be like in the vicinity I see you back that girion I hear you mining are you eating I know I know you can hear what I'm doing trying to determine where you are you're underground clearly but I mean know clearly okay who's that you took damage be near water I'm gonna cave oh you open a chest you know mine shaft or muffs water I'm off water maybe you lost water I hear you George I hear all your sounds everything about you your skeletons Oh oh my god George please Scholten and by spawner OOP door all right I'm gonna get your army no please don't please don't Jim oh my god actually oh my god please please please I worked so hard for that iron please don't already have it no oh my god where are you hey you're placing your weight you're freaking more iron probably alright full iron sweet no you're gonna like that yeah I am are you binding up your mining up no this is so annoying you can let your you hear me digging out this is actually not fair this is not fair how am I meant to do anything secretly you're not digging out though you're like digging somewhere I don't know anything is that what I think it is dream it better be but it's a lot of mobs that's what it is why there's so many mobs here Oh oh my god I have some aah No oh my god mom please come on dream no dream no I wanted that lover come on before I am thanks for the boost thanks for the boost yes yes want this shipwreck I don't hear they're not getting to know you I'm not getting it just a brick dream I needed that lava pool it took me that long to find a lot of whom and now now you're on my tail oh you can't you're out I'm getting great for trading and I have more armor than you come on come on roomie no please please come on you have a boat he's not a boat he doesn't have a boat wait you're making another one on you oh please please dream please oh my come on Oh Mike huh oh my god George what are you doing oh my god oh come on how did you oh my god leave me alone you have more oh my god I heard you come here where are you this is so annoying everything you're doing what I like what to do just stop no scream oh my god where did you go you went up no you did your corner with andesite come on dream I'm escaping you're such a little weasel you just weasel your way out of these dumb little situations oh I don't like the sound of that oh here lava I love it oh my god there's a million mobs what the heck there's a million mobs I'm getting attacked by like a million skeletons oh my god oh my god Jim I'm done I'm gone I'm going you're never gonna find me you're never finding me again you'll actually never finding me yes I'm running I'm running I'm escaping okay I see what how it is Jim want to follow me through you're not gonna find me there's no we went running I'm running I'm running and there's a place you walk so you place more did not place block and you my you did place Claude do you mind you collected box oh I know where you are I did or if you don't know where I am you better know where I am because guess what I'm in the fortress what okay that's my fortress I'm not gonna go find another one it's fine it's absolutely fine I'm pretty sure okay I'm going to where I'm retracing your steps guy I heard you you went north portal yes this is like the most obvious way to run I'm running I'm running I'm running you're saying that I'm just really I'm running you're gonna find the way I went I went straight I don't think you can find me boldly went straight is there's a dream no way you can find me I forgot I had this oh oh you went across a lava pool wait you actually found me you want to cross a little that's what you were doing you're building across the lava pool you're in the lava you're gonna die hey I know I'm gonna stop building with no I'm gonna stop building with nether you better I'm gonna build another I can tell you this cuz there's nothing you can do about it once I do it you're never gonna throw I can do it cuz I can hear you I can hear everything you're doing I know I know what's happening I can use my intuition to think where I think you would want to go see better started thinking where would he think I would go I'll go the opposite leg you do not see me oh you do how do you actually found me what yeah oh my god repeat previous the sequel Oh No how did you actually find me that is ridiculous that's honestly ridiculous oh my god I actually thought I was safe oh there's a fortress oh come on come on please oh please come on let me escape I need that fortress I need it so bad oh you're dead oh my god come on yes how'd you know dying from that oh my god I hear you placing oh I can see your name anymore I know you went this direction you go up or down up or down up or down probably down probably down wait I hear you take damage I don't think I did so up up up did you take damage I don't remember no there's a fortress totally sit you're totally going to it more during the fortress Boise you know you don't where are you where are you hmm oh my god that's not what I want to happen right now like you're kidding please I can hear you oh my go you got a blazer out of course she didn't come on fire go out go out there's no way I swear I saw ya when I said I saw you I I saw you Oh what where police fire I know you're in here I don't see your name anywhere you you have to be in this there's actually no way you're not in the same fortresses man oh god please I literally hear you killing blaze right now oh my god at least I can loot chess with all there's this gold I don't even need gold like actually I don't even won gold or need gold you're placing blocks oh my god oh there's a blaze near me oh my god oh my god this blaze this place shooting at me oh my god I'm gonna die it No oh my god I see your furnace what you were in this same exact one oh my god oh I almost just died dude I see your furnace in your crafting match where's the bleep honor oh it's right here are you gone wait is that your tower oh my god I see the tower you've left with it where am I going wrong any shot at my blaze how did you even get up here without getting shot up oh I see where'd you go oh where did you go I don't know if you sent a warning where I know anything never gonna find you I can hear you breaking and placing your liar now I'm running back right now oh yeah I don't even know what the portal cords actually oh my god oh my god that's so good that's actually so good so good for me well I'm just gonna follow my rail what was that about oh my god wait no you serious you lads you joking what dude I see the other netherfall it's like the one I saw originally I'm pretty sure I can probably find the port actually oh my god what if I lost my way actually you lost that's good I know you're just my tea but where are you - ooh that's not your are you mining with your fists in that view ridiculous room I would never mind doing fish you're not mining with your fists you are you definitely are that's so slow I'm timing it what are you stuck in the water boy my business rapid you wouldn't know all to hide and then you like lock yourself in and then you here pick broke and now you're trying to get that up oh my god there's a gasps ooh oh my god it's gonna like kill me I'm just running and shooting me they're so powerful oh I can make it bow probably hey placing or breaking or something I actually don't know where I am supposed to go well you're gonna have to work it out dream cuz otherwise I'm gonna escape the nether and I'm gonna be free and you leave me sucking huh what's that you took damage oh god no oh yes oh wow oh my god so much damage oh my god this is not good you took me on a wild goose chase across literally a cave and ravines and everything that possibly could be in the world and then what and then now you're taking me on the same thing in the nether and I can hear you breaking and placing oh my god I really have no cobble I know where I'm going now though I'm pretty sure I see my couple yeah that's good I'm happy for you okay hey what what you were just here you're in the portal come on oh my god please yes oh my god you can't be far I'm come leave me alone jury oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my how did he get out so how did you get out missed your face I have missed your face oh my god where are you oh you're right there please mmm yes No Oh George let me prove hidden in the nether for too long you've hidden in the nether hmm I need food I need food so bad your dad that's silence oh yes come on let me just let me away let me away I'm so close I'm so close I'm so close oh yes oh my great why don't you want fire ah let me in oh my god how am I not hitting you ah oh that skeleton could have gone you oh I messed up - you're joking huh I could have been me what are you doing please don't have no one he has another one obviously he has another one obviously he has another one come on you have another boat dream oh my god the ice is so quick yeah ice is so quick are you swimming you have a boat you don't have a boat you don't have a boat okay come on is my chance to get away come on swim swimming stupid ocean oh my god I hear you killing an Enderman I heard you throw the ender I'm pretty sure I hear it it did explode if you win this I'll be so embarrassed if you win this I'll do a face reveal there yeah okay there's no way you're opening what chest are you opening I forgot that you could hear that it's so many cows heads peaceful oh man come on come on oh my god Georgie don't run oh come on actually don't run this is an OB Mir no a water fight dream please mm-hmm come on water fights are fun no I don't like water fight I'm dead oh my god remind you and you're so close yes yes no I just helped you stop No oh my god you're a goner I forgot about this oh these boats are so annoying no oh my god come on zombie Oh Oh what I'm alive I'm alive come on oh you are so close wait you not have a boat oh my god he doesn't have oh okay I see four I despise I need food where are you I've lost you I've lost you I'm safe for now I really really like right now if now's the time please present me some food spiders skeletons oh my god oh my god huh this is so bad Oh perfect come on oh my I just got the food I living just got it
Channel: GeorgeNotFound
Views: 13,587,439
Rating: 4.9356279 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft Speed Runner Vs Mutant, Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, speed runner, Minecraft speed runner, minecraft hunter, minecraft mutant, Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin, Beating Minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival
Id: eJ85onFePdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 13sec (2173 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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