dream outsmarting everyone for 12 minutes and 45 seconds straight

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[Music] wait what how are you here what are you doing what are you doing i have a shovel wait am i going to die from this please die die die wait what die die die come on what are you serious yes yes what how did you how are you even there no you don't know you literally died ah yes yes yes this is it this is bad i've got it wait what no no what yes what happened what happened no what how did he die that no like ender pearl he jumped off the thing are you guys near the portal no we're look we're lost all right we're coming back bad we have goodies okay oh crud guys i don't know where he is he's being sneaky i think he's over here somewhere oh what the muffin uh guys i think we have a problem what's he done [Music] son up get him he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're invisible which one is he three three three who's here okay everyone see everyone see wait no this one's no there's no way put another better maybe we shouldn't oh knock him off knock him off wait what pretty good what what he's jumping on the thing what wait did he die he might die he's just going away he's gonna die he's gonna die he's fine please die no way he's done he's dead what is he doing what you've gotta be kidding me i swear to god oh my god oh my god did you see me yeah oh i know you just wait i'm drowning [Laughter] oh that was genius what do you mean they shouldn't be allowed that literally shouldn't be allowed why i just outclassed you yes come on george i'm gonna have fun you gotta hit him off you gotta hit him off i'm trying what are you doing get back yes oh god oh my god i broke the water yes my dreams yes my dream you're so bad yes yes wait what george he survived no way what don't you idiot go george yes no he's on the trees he's on the trees he's so dead yes are you joking did you go in the room [Music] what's your name no no what just happened i'm just gonna beat the end now what are the odds i literally suck what what no way no way he's here how did he survive oh don't spam it don't spam it i forget oh my god he's like a one shot come on just click it one more time kill him oh my goodness he's drinking a potion he's walking he's drinking what does he have oh no what's happening what the hell oh my god [Music] oh my god please george listen stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you're screwed you're screwed it's over what [Music] i hate you i'm on the hunt again what did you do you made a loop-de-loop didn't you what do you mean i made a loop-de-loop i made no loop-de-loop hit me with a loop-de-loop didn't you what no you're in this ravine [Music] um like he's right here like he's there he's gone dig down go down you see him stay with me stay with me down there you go george come on go through he's right here yes what just happened yes wait what i have so much gear are you what just happened how did we just instantly blow up i don't know what blew up halo was blown up by sapnap what was it uh i need like a couple more pearls and then i'll be good how's your iron leaking quest um going okay so far i'm just kind of looking around and um looking for iron you know dream what if there's a trap on the other side you muffins oh my goodness we're gonna die one let's go what is this come on come on come on let's go what is this it's a oh yes yes i hear the door don't close this you muffin literally he opened an iron door i heard it no there's literally a door right here it wasn't it was an iron door i heard it no george it must have been this door right here it was an iron ball who cares get in here block it and what's in here block it up lock it up no he's shooting it we're coming we're coming how do i heal it yes yes yes did that die did he kill your thing oh my god what wait the compass is backwards where is it the stick does just attack he's got full diamonds yes wait check his compass yes i went to the second stronghold i don't have anything stop no i don't even have a single piece of iron in your in the nether i hate when the nether's so full of lava and there's you have to build between every platform and everything yeah i'm saying so annoying like i literally have like nothing right now and you're just fully in the nether doing whatever you want to do and no i can't even yeah yes what the hell you just didn't even go through it wait did you go through why did you leave you just waiting for me on the other side george yes check this out you ready yeah there it is oh gg you're in the fortress wow it's a miracle oh oh oh what no no no how are you dying in lava i lost all my stuff i died oh no but actually so bad like i'm not even doing anything i just use winning the game for me you just die for me and it's right in the center of the x yeah i am i mean that oh my goodness what no no no no dream please don't don't leave your friends please please you
Channel: Dream Catcher
Views: 3,189,467
Rating: 4.9231138 out of 5
Keywords: Dream, dream outsmarting, dream satisfying, dream compilation, dream manhunt, dream smart moments, dream high iq moments, dream 1000 IQ, dream anime comebacks, dream hunts hunters, dream manhunt plays, dream high iq plays, dream comebacks, dream manhunt high iq moments, dream outsmarting moments
Id: qvj5yNRuv5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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