Minecraft Speed Runner Vs Nether Hunter

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this video we coded it so that you can beat the game without leaving the nether at all my goal is to try and beat the game whilst my friend hunts me down and tries his best to stop me this was super difficult so make sure to stay until the end to find out who comes out on top also according to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoy the video please consider subscribing youtube sometimes glitches and unsubscribes you so if you think you're subscribed already please make sure to check you still are and enjoy the video do you go deeper yeah where are you where do i spawn where do we spawn i'm just i don't know i'm just at the spawn where are you i'm coming because my compass is my compass thingy is pointing towards you okay um so yeah are you ready to go yeah i already i have one blue mushroom so i place it back it's fine you can keep it you're not a spawn dream all right i'm getting wood you better be prepared no i'm not ready for this i'm not even gonna bother chasing after you right now you are chasing me wait is that you oh no it's a piglet [Laughter] you always do this it's my time to to meme you at the beginning and run away so you're not chasing me are you sure jeremy are you sure you're not chasing me no i'm not chasing you yet i don't know if i trust you i mean what am i going to chase you with my first it's not the smartest but i only have a fist as well might you might not you might have wood who knows all right well it's on dream are you ready what i have is two blue mushrooms and those are very valuable so valuable yes they're the most valuable thing in the netherlands they are one of the most valuable things in another clearly i've already forgotten like which direction i came from i think it was that way perfect i am on my way they're gold there's like there's nothing here this is delicious there's nothing here i don't know where to go dream oh what a pleasant surprise this is jeremy what are you just seeing me no but i see something it's not that good though actually actually i think it is pretty good yes okay why do you kill jeremy oh you're killing the pigs the hoglands aren't you i don't know i'm i killed something i don't even know where the hog ones are oh why is everything so powerful oh my god this is bad this is bad oh yes come on quicker yes monster hunter oh what you find this oh uh find what jeremy this shipwreck what shipwreck oh yeah you totally found it what's a shipwreck oh you found it oh my god i don't know where to go oh this is so bad this is so bad dream oh go away oh my god yes please please please please please i need every advantage there's just oh no no no what is happening okay oh my god i i need stone i need stones oh stone yes all right can i just tower across i'm uh this is risky but oh my god how do i get there oh wait are you in the street oh you are this direction okay well how'd you get here how am i how did i get where i don't know like i feel like you're like a cross an abyss oh god oh my god thank the lord wow that was very convenient time same time oh my god come on please where are you dream i am coming to get you come on oh please don't kill me i'm gonna queue please oh okay come on you can walk on lava has a crossbow what am i supposed to do ah oh my god what how did you survive come back [Music] oh my god [Music] oh george please please how am i still on fire oh yes where are you dream where are you george i'm coming to get you and where would that be oh my god yes oh my god how do you don't even see me oh my god i was trying to kill the piglet because they had gold boots how did you have a shield actually wait what you didn't get the iron achievement it's because i was sneaky and you only get the achievement once you close your inventory after you take the iron so i just made all the stuff i made the shield all in one go how in what inventory i got iron nuggets from that thing from the ruined portal and then and then i made it all in one crafting table without leaving so you didn't even know that i found iron oh that was so perfect this sneak attack from the sky i knew you're nearby i just didn't know exactly where you were oh my god why do you scream like a like i don't even know how to describe it i don't know i just had to it was my it was a walk right it was like literally a work right they actually like scared me and now i've got all your stuff and i need to keep my advantage and just keep going ah this is so annoying now navigating the new nethers is so annoying i hate this place oh no way what no way what don't worry dream don't worry wait did you find the fortress no i did not i did not find the fortress i didn't even have boots last time did you have boots i don't remember i don't know you have to come find me again to find out it's just so hard for i feel like i'm at a disadvantage because it's hard for me to gather resources i mean it's hard for you too but like i have to keep doing it it's really hard to do boom boom boom that sounded boom boom boom so there's three of something what are you making a new peck a stone pick i don't know i want that oh look give me these things give me these things i kinda wanna go back for that gold a terrible fortress oh my god oh poor dream this is so sad okay there's one there's two okay you have to go quick okay all right come on you can't be far like i know kind of where we were last time yeah you got a blaze rod all right you're fine you're fine you have a lot to do still a lot not that much i think i'm i'm fine please i'm here oh my god oh why are there so many mobs here i don't understand oh okay that's not what i want whoa what look at this wait look at that oh you got oh wait wasn't that it's them with a skull oh what was it how did you know you were gonna get it because i i i just hadn't picked it up oh wait you got armor [Music] where'd you get armor from dream what do you mean i just crafted gold armor oh there's so many of everything oh come on gotta be close like i actually know that you're close what i'm lagging this there's so many mobs i'm lagging what is happening oh my god how far did you go actually i'm just here don't worry come on blazers wait what no no what dream what i heard you i heard you on fire oh my god how did he find me there's so many blaze i don't have a shield there's literally like a million blaze i i know dream i was there fighting them how oh my god oh oh oh my god please [Music] what come on wait yes wait no way oh my god are you down here don't worry are you down here i'm gone james i'm gone yes yes how did you do that where are you oh george i hear you leave me alone where are you i don't know dream where am i i could be anywhere i could be anywhere i hear you eating [Music] you love me oh my god oh my god i swim so slow oh my god no please oh yes where did you actually go what where did you go i'm gone i'm gone don't worry i think i was gonna live but i lived don't worry about me dream i'm gone i'm long gone why are you killing the blazes what are you doing you're gonna have to find another fortress no you didn't you did not dream yeah did you did you break the the spawners yeah they're both broken oh you're actually so annoying i'm trying to kill all the blades all around the fortress that we have to wait for them to respond yes perfect perfect this is going decently but i'm kind of back at square root square one because i need to go all the way and find another fortress now why are there so many wither skeletons come on where are you why are you saying come on i'm just oh no okay come here actually where are you i could be anyway jeremy don't worry about me though you have to worry about that there's not two fortresses like connecting where is that where where are you i don't know i could be anywhere near the fortress like you're def you definitely just ran off because i'm i'm here and you're not here i'm just doing something yeah and doing what is that i'm i'm bettering my situation greatly and it doesn't concern you what i'm doing okay so stop trying to work out what i'm doing oh come here george no you're lying you're lying are you lying are you i don't see you there's no way you can see me oh my god i don't i think you're lying run run i think you're lying you're not here you lied you lied to me jim i had a little idea i'm here i just i don't know where i'm going now because i need to find the i need to find another fortress um the stupid hoglands they gave me away i would have been fine in a normal manhunt oh sneaky come here tarzan come here george of the jungle what do i do uh i'm not navigating you so fast oh no you made a huge mistake yes oh dream how does it feel how did my oh oh my god i almost just died to a hogland no way i completely just owned you you're completely just only dream oh my god props no nether is just so like it's one of those things where like i missed that in like a normal manner it's like oh well and then the nether it's like i just fall like all the way down it's like into the lava pit oh that was amazing that was actually incredible that was incredible it was like the perfect landing you fell right through what are you doing um i'm just gathering you know getting some stuff that i need no big deal i'm guessing is gold oh wow here come on fight me then find me come find me oh i miss come find me dream come find me come on no don't eat the food i need that come on come on come on [Music] no [Music] come on come on yes come back come back come back here come back here come back oh oh my god oh my god oh my god um come here george dream please it doesn't have to be like this watch this watch this no don't hey watch no dream you just you know you're gonna die oh no come on no you think i'm gonna fold my own trick die what dream now yes oh my god i need the stuff he's going to keep coming you're going to keep coming back i just need a shield like shields are so broken that you can't how are you going to fight somebody with the shield when you don't have a shield oh my god i need to get further away even when i even when i disable it you can just run for like five seconds and then and then you're fine oh that's so annoying i needed that food how did you get how do you have stuff so quickly yes come here george oh my god come here oh you're dead oh you're so dead oh am i so dead oh you're dead is it dead end george please oh no yes yes oh come on just keep running keep running george how am i set on fire please oh george you're gonna die come here george you have nowhere to hide oh my god bye dream you're wasting your pearls that's fine by me no i'm escaping george i'm escaping not even getting oh my god no no oh no oh the piglen oh george oh george yes yes let's go oh my god oh where are you i don't even know where i came from where did i even come from i don't even know i don't even know where i came from just get me away get me away i need to stop wasting these piles though i need to get away i need to ah please please please that was a good power though i got that got me far away dream i hear you i hear you how are you here before me what do you mean i heard you just now oh my you didn't hear anything i heard you dream where are you where are you dream you didn't hear anything i don't know you you must have heard something it wasn't me i heard you jim i know it was you what are you doing george um i am just how many blaze rods do you need i don't need that many i'm i'm pretty much done is that why you're at the fortress i'm not at the fortress anymore so what are you doing i think i might have left one of the spawners okay i want to break it and then i'll go i'll go back and get it i don't know what site yes yeah i'm sure oh my god oh oh my god oh my god where were you oh no yes come on just burn bun bun fun hey you know what oh come on you're so sneaky dream you're so sneaky no you're seekier i was sneaking i thought i was going to ambush you no everything is against me everything not everything oh my god against me right now no oh george is it a dead end no no come here come on where'd you go [Music] you idiot you got to see me i don't know what to do right here oh you're right here who's the better parkour george george i'm right why'd you george please please please you're dead no no please please yes oh my god oh my god
Channel: GeorgeNotFound
Views: 10,075,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft Speed Runner Vs Nether Hunter, Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, speed runner, Minecraft speed runner, minecraft hunter, minecraft mutant, Minecraft Speedrunner VS Assassin, Beating Minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival
Id: u_1jjxwaMxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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