Minecraft Xbox | FRED TURNS EVIL [490]

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[Music] where is Fenton okay Fenton has gone missing and when I thought language on space and see if I can find in there Fenton we found you he's found herobrine he's found entity 303 and he has sealed them inside this tank I guess Fred Fred's gone and so there you have it guys that is the sticky situation that I find myself in okay we must now go and attempt to rescue Fred before I do that I need to quickly make myself some firework rockets because I'm going to use me a lighter this time no messing about we need to be flying there at full speed and if we need to make an escape or it's like that me Elektra are the perfect things for the job so I do have I think some gunpowder knocking about okay not much but 14 will be enough I do have paper but it's in the chest all the way over here and then we're gonna make our way over to I'm a John's base and we are going to find Fred one way or another basically okay I don't know exactly yeah what it's going to involve let's make those firework rockets perfect we'll put this paper back might as well yeah I've got my armor ready as you can see so it's let's equip that I've got everything I need okay I mean if even two men just grab a few extra things but there's gonna be absolutely no messing about okay and let me go yeah I've got me a lecture here so let's go grab though top of and die in a bow arrow and chunky gold oh yeah whatever force necessary I will bring down out down a mahjongg it's not gonna have better stuff than me okay that is for sure all right so let's let's go and get flying okay wait what's this here okay some sort of sign what does it say if you want to see Fred again go to 1,000 1,000 those must be the coordinates well and I don't know if this is a decoy or truth I did never saw a mahjongg come and put this sign here but okay um I suppose I should do it which way is it this way yeah 1000 1000 okay let's not mess about then I've got me a lighter I can get there quickly we can get there quick enough to make sure Fred's all right I don't know exactly what it's all about is this where Fred is is he wanting me to go get him something I don't know it's probably a trap but you know I don't have time to mess about and wonder whether it's a trap or not okay I need to get over there I don't need to stop him okay and if it's if it's not Fred then we'll just go and we'll go to his base and get the bottom of it box thing you see could have put Fred anywhere so I've got a trust that leave this leaf to somewhere of use okay right we're not even far away now we're pretty close what we aren't we're at 900 so a thousand is probably yeah thousand a thousand just here I think where we happen he's good this way a little bit this way a bit and then back this way I'm gonna close a sign here down here Freddy I can't get down that couldn't mine down but I will just get back up very like you know I'm gonna get a water bucket it's got to be the the play okay I need it I need a I need a cave or something it's on a cave over here looks like it might be any caves here till I got stuck inside it all right yeah I should have brought war booking with me I don't know why I didn't I normally always do but for some reason this time I decided I didn't need to okay we've got a got someone down here okay there's a cave okay football season cave but cave with iron which need three for that perfect oh no I don't have a yep I was so touched pickaxe oh I can't actually get the cobblestone oh this is going from bad to worse laser just mined down it would have been quicker okay and we have to go through the motions and make a wooden pickaxe to do this this really is adding on unnecessary time here okay let's make that let's make that okay place the crafting table down I really hope Freddie's down there otherwise I am losing valuable valuable time okay right we've got a wooden pickaxe okay let's just mine up eight of these I'm not gonna mess about making a stone pickaxe so we've got three already perfect that's four five okay right so we just need two more now okay perfect and then we will have everything we need to work to get this this water book it made at least we know where there's water as well that's something so the furnace get that crafted get that down get the okay the top and I'm probably a good bloke I do not know what just happened there attacked by gravel okay that was all about em right we've got that let's just chop those in there perfect okay so once they've smelted we are saw it I couldn't just use men dying us and jump down but this is gonna be a helpful thing to have is this total when needed in fact yeah in case it is a trap let's have this as well okay we've almost got the aims almost there perfect and then we'll be we'll be ready to go down there and see what it is it looks suspicious but got a check it out I'm worried that I'm wasting valuable time though that is the issue here okay hopefully I guess it was a creeper yeah must be a creep of the blow up here okay one of the I'm of John's minions no doubt we've got that bucket check okay let's go and find there was water right here so let's go and grab that perfect all right let's go and see what it is that it's going on here okay and for philosophy Seminoles I'm gonna MLG hopefully I pull it off otherwise I've just wasted so much time if it's just a case of that I mean I've got feather falling I've got the tongue from dying so if something does go wrong at least I'll I'm not dying so that's a positive okay where are we going now we carry on this way okay it's over here somewhere all right let's down here so okay so okay yeah I got comp apartment all right let's go for it okay if he's Fred okay perfect perfect right can we can we swing through we can dive - perfect okay look at this place you can't really see me can you no I'm going through okay Fred I'm here to save you don't you worry wait y'all you're not Fred yep my goodness okay well obviously you're trapped here I'm a John just uses a deep I don't believe it I'll get you out of here make book yeah so this was all just a big elaborate decoy okay well that is very very bad indeed because I'd just waste a lot of time so I'm at haha we'd have to water book at me way out there because I don't want to leave him so he can't actually get out okay I'll uh I'll maybe come back oh yeah I don't have time for any of this okay one B grab the water you know what forget the why okay let's just let's mine our way out that guy's probably just yeah you know what he'll be alright okay I'm sure he'll find a way out of that and if he doesn't else I'll save him at a later date okay we don't need to worry about him too much I need to get to Fred that was just a big dick I should have seen it coming it was just a stupid idea to think that could I know I'm stuck in here I'm stuck in a hole this is this has gone from absolute disastrous Tutera blog there was so many better ways so many faster ways I could have done this and instead I am just wasting too much time all right we're out okay okay right good stuff now I'm going straight why I'm a John's bass he's going to face the full fury of me now because he's yeah he's made him look at me for the last time alright so we're gonna go and do this yeah whatever means necessary okay I will I will return Fred back home okay obviously he thinks he can outsmart me I mean it just seems like you wanted to buy more time you know he's not like it was a trap it was just a decoy so whatever he's doing whatever his plan is he obviously needs more time and he's not gonna get any more time for me okay cuz I am I'm gonna get there as quick as possible hopefully he's not doing anything to Fred hopefully Fred's okay as long as that's you know that's that's all I've really got to worry about if there's something wrong with Fred then you know then then we're in trouble I'm gonna crush our oh okay nice job SB okay mr. Byam inventory okay we're nearly there now his base I'm gonna just charge straight in no messing about his base is just gonna be right around here if he's there I'm just gonna I'll just take him out on a sledge I'll fight him I'll get past him whatever needs to be done will be done okay so it's super carefully has got lava all around his base okay I'm a Jolin where are you what I'm ready for you nobody's not here okay dad I mean I've got a little first place to go look it's got to be down in the dungeons right okay no sign of him down here still no sign of him okay I don't know where he's gonna be okay occasion what bit you know what Betty's put him in the same place that he's put vent yes that has got to be the answer okay let's let's go for it then let's go in there let's go and check down here I'd better yards okay so we pull this lever okay down to his little secret chamber and yeah hopefully this will be plain sailing he'll be just where Fenton was and we can net we can get him back okay so let's okay room looks same as before okay Fred go home Freddy's no more you're kidding me aren't you what you mean friend Oh No what's going on here I forgot about it oh my goodness okay okay this is bad there's a lot of these okay and this could get very hairy indeed there's a there's a focus these pillagers okay thankfully I have my good armor but I'm a Jolin he's he's bringing the full nine yards to these battle okay obviously he doesn't want me going through that can I can I get to take them all out okay let's get rid of this guy okay you guys over there you don't stand a chance scared of all of that about the crocodiles are coming out a Magellan has hired some serious minions for this pie okay it looks like we're gonna be the sword okay they won't want that I've said okay thankfully I have powerful loot I can get rid of them all okay perfect there's a lot of these though are these Betsy's near Max's okay I think the last of you guys are in here there's no escape for you now okay there we go got him what I know they got involved anymore you get out of here just guy yeah trap there there's no escape okay there's a lot of arrows here and there's a lot like get rid of this guy we've got rid of them all okay it seems like we've just got a few lingering vexes okay they just drop me I'm sorry okay just go this guy and I think we're okay perfect I'll grab a few arrows I just keep coming out of nowhere right it must be he wants me to knock okay well we've got plenty of Tom's of undying if we go in a sticky situation that's for sure right let's break through this glass this must be those keeping Fred I'm gonna have to wait first he could be waiting for me okay they had that way he obviously doesn't think I was gonna get straight through all that but let's be prepared for anything at this point okay here we go and tier 303 in herobrine his phone wait why is I'm a Joe l'm sealed inside he's asleep okay no sign of Fred what what is he doing with these two Freddy's hey what's he done to you let me get you out of here Fred oh dear let me get you out of here sorry about this Fred Fred what are you doing no he's me no no no stop stop I love Fred just get back just stop Fred I why is he attacking me what has he done to you Fred fred is this me oh my goodness is what he meant when he said Fred was no more I've got to get out of here oh my goodness um can I escape before he before he hits me what did he do I know what he's doing he's using the power of herobrine 9303 and putting it into himself and he's put it into Fred and he's turned Fred evil oh my goodness and he's turned he's turning him I don't know what he's doing to himself I'm just gonna I've not got time to mess about with I'm a John um okay at least he's still in that machine so you know he can't do any more damage but its Fred oh no what is Fred here there's Fred ok stopped I think I think we're all right I don't think he can get through ok let's get out of here alright um what am I gonna what am I gonna do he's lost we need to I need to come up with so I'm stuck again what is this um I need to come up with some sort of plan but I mean what-what can I do to to make it out of here in one piece you know there's no I don't really see your way out of this one guys to be quite honest with you um fred has turned evil I can't turn him back okay there's still these vexes as well I've just got to get out I've got to get back home and I've got a regroup and think of a plan okay um there's no talking Fred out of that he's got he's got herobrine's power cursing through his veins by the looks of things and I have no clue how I would reverse that okay I'm a jolly guy behind that machine he's he knows what he's doing he's obviously been planning this one for some time and yeah things things are never gonna be the same now after this by the looks of things I'm yeah I will say Fred but I can't do it right now I need I need to come up with some plan I need to sleep on it I need yeah I just I'm completely speechless to be quite honest with you I thought I was saying Fred I sure it's left him sealed in the machine er this this rate and that must be what I'm a doula meant when he said that go home Freddy's no more Freddy's no more not my Fred anyway he's ruined him and yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do to undo this okay but I have I've started to formulate a bit of a plan okay part one of that is going to be to sleep okay I don't want to be messing about with everything middle of the night like this okay I need to sleep on this and now and then when it's morning right now we're gonna we're gonna do a we're gonna have to build a cage okay that's that's got to be the first plan okay I'm gonna this cage I'm gonna need obsidian and iron bars okay I do have pretty sure both of these at least wheat you know we came back with some treasure at least which is good so we're just gonna chuck all that in there there we go loads of Tom's Ondine so that's that's something to take home with me but do we have any own buttons yeah there's the aim bars okay hopefully that's enough if it's not I'll grab some extra iron just in case if I need to make some more and I also need some I would say some obsidian so where do we have obsidium everything one of these cases right here one of these chests there we go perfect stack of obsidian okay so I'm gonna build this cage yeah and then we're gonna have to lure him into else and I get some signs up I'll help me to lure him in as well okay I don't know I don't know if I'll have to go and lure him from Miami jolin's base or where he's gonna be or if I'm a John's got plans to game to do so but I mean he seems to have his own his own mind at this point doesn't he so that's that's a problem try work at how best to do this if I just build something like maybe here okay if we just dig right down there there we go we just make a nice little 4x4 hole down here so this would be what we can lure him into and I think if I'm not mistaken it should be quite close - yes yes if I just minor way this there we go perfect so we can go through here we'll be able to see the cage from this side which I guess is gonna be quite a handy thing and so let's just mine a little bit up here perfect and now we need to just get it all obsidian okay that's that's got to be the the next in fact let's grab my shovel okay so we're gonna have that there this like this and yeah we just maintenance fire okay so obsidian is just yeah I'm just trying to think how best to do it but it's gonna be Yelp City nine bars that should hold him in okay I'm pretty sure okay because it would probably wreak havoc on on my world if I if I let him go free so I think that's a bit out of the question have we got the right yeah we've got this all in the right place let's go and we want yeah we want the Foundation's around it as well to be obsidian so let's just call mine away all of that perfect can't be too careful here guys okay we are dealing with something that I I never expected to have to deal with anyway um I guess if we put more obsidian round like look yeah if we have obsidian here like this perfect we'll have it in the corners there we go all right so this is this is what we're dealing with here okay a nice little cage and then if we go and across the top I'll have all this I will seal the top with obsidian once he's inside the cage okay I can't really do it before then kind of okay I don't actually have that minded up making making mistakes guys I'm nervous all right never really have to think I would have to build a cage to capture Fred before but desperate times call for desperate measures okay so we'll go fill all that in okay and then if I just dig a little bit more space here there we go all right this is this is the cage guys okay I'll put some iron bars on as well and yeah I don't know how exactly I'm gonna turn him back if you like cuz I don't really yeah really see any way out of this one let's just go on mine away base okay this is probably as good as it's gonna get guys all right there we go I am bars in okay I'll get some torches out as well and then and then we will be sword okay so a torch there and a torch here all right this is the cage that is gonna hold Fred right let's then yeah let's let's put my armor on first then let's go and find him so I liked her off and my chest plate on okay let's go and find him let's go and learn him across I also need to put some signs on the front I don't think about that either all right so let's have a lot of look so if we go put a weight what is going on in my sheep plate hold on a second let me get these signs down quick okay so that will mean that he will probably walk over the top if I get this right but what is going on is Freddie's it he's going absolutely hey why okay okay and he's kill isn't he's taking him all up Fred what are you doing what are you doing he's just killed all my sheep alright Fred you think you're mr. tough guy let's see you let's say you get past this okay look at him he's absolutely he's completely all a lost cause at this point okay hopefully this works don't be smart and walk around it Fred there we go we got him okay no there's no escape now you're trapped yeah buddy okay I'm sorry to have to do this to you but you're dangerous you are dead you just proved my point he just killed all my sheep my goodness that would nowhere and into yeah I didn't think that was gonna come right let's just go and fill in these okay perfect and why is he done too much yeah you know what I'm gonna have a look in a moment I'll go check me sheep in a moment but Fred why why is he gonna be like this why you know it's not even his fault though it's I'm a jolin's plan and he must be laughing right now because he's black look at Fred Fred I'm sorry I'm so sorry don't be like no I can't let you out you're a danger you're a danger to everyone and until I can work out how to fix you you're staying in that cage mate okay yeah I'm a Joel um he's really outdone himself this time for once he's not taking you out he's he's done some I'm much stronger yeah I sorry Fred I you're stuck in there I can't I can't I kind of watch him I came in today there and look at him oh my goodness okay this is yeah this is not like anything I've ever had to work experience before did not think I would be dealing with this when I went to go and rescue Fred yeah man he was quick as well getting across to to my sheep I mean he knows all my secret passageways and my secret ways across right my poor sheep I mean these there will be eaten but she's not not part of the plan at all is it okay let's go and clean all that mess up absolutely devastate that's 53 mutton that's a lot of sheep okay man you didn't do it did you Roger I don't know yeah I mean explains Amazon's plan and to be quite honest with you his plan is absolutely going perfectly for him at this point in time I'm guessing I don't know I don't know what what's next in his plan I'm gonna go and Chuck this in here okay and yeah it's it's gonna take me a while I'm gonna have to think about what am I gonna do - to help Fred at this point that there must be something I can do okay I'm sure there is there is some sort of plan and that I can come up with and I can help out Fred and because honestly I don't want to keep them in a cage forever okay that is that is no way to know you want to see your buddy but yeah Fred we're we're in real trouble this time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SB737
Views: 1,193,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft xbox, fred, fred turns evil, kidnapped, eima jolum, herobrine, entity 303, survival minecraft, sb737, sb, 1.14, 1.15, 1.15 update, bedrock 1.14, minecraft update, tutorial, guide, Xbox, sb 737, 737, sb’s awesome world, awesome world, play through, walkthrough, gameplay, commentary, minecraft roleplay, roleplay, minecraft challenge, minecraft series, Xbox one, edition, console, world, family friendly
Id: _dgzSJL8No4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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