I Survived 200 Days in Hardcore Minecraft in an OCEAN ONLY World - PainDomination

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in today's video i survived 200 days in my hardcore ocean only world and honestly this video has been a long time coming if you haven't seen the first 100 days then i highly recommend you go check it out first because i accomplished some crazy stuff for these 100 days i made three simple goals first i wanted to make an iron farm to solve my mining needs second i wanted to make a creeper and a spider farm so that way i can get infinite tnt and string for those beautiful emerald trades and number three i wanted to defeat the ender dragon which i later found out that there's no end portal in this world so if you want to see what happens then you should totally watch until the end also if you do go on to enjoy this video then you should totally consider subscribing it would really help me out because i'm pushing for the insane goal of hitting 1 million subscribers by the end of 2021 also don't forget to leave a like and let me know if you want 300 days in the comments below anyways let's get right into day 101 on day 101 i began the day by checking my inventory and honestly the past me guy left me a complete mess and he is a jerk after cleaning out my inventory i decided to begin collecting some dirt underwater so i could get rid of some of this ugly cobble after collecting about five stacks of dirt i placed the 13 item frames i had made so far on some chests in my base and i organized them into my rare resources and don't worry i also saved a nice spot for some juicy netherite that i might also get during these 100 days after this i leveled up one of my librarians to max level so i could buy a name tag and i named my prized chicken lord chickenton the first i then replaced a bunch of cobble with some dirt and grass and i walled it in and i freed lord chickenton of his boat prison so he could roam his new home i spent the rest of the night clearing out more chunks underground in the hopes of uncovering a slime chunk or my auto bamboo farm on day 102 i visited lord chickenton in the hopes that he had laid an egg but i i think he's a shy pooper so i just gave him some space while waiting for my boy to drop the load i went back down to the mines to find some slime chunks and hopefully get some more iron so i can make my auto bamboo farm and while down here i ended up finding four diamonds which turned into seven with fortune three and honestly i really needed this because i'm sure some of you noticed in the last hundred days but i made a second enchantment table by accident so yeah on day 103 i went back to the surface to empty my inventory when i noticed my leftover bad fletcher was gone and there was some rotten flesh kind of laying there well it saved me from having to take care of it myself i i guess i went back down to the mines and i continued clearing out new chunks and not too long into it i struck some more diamonds and with fortune 3 i ended up with 10 more diamonds that means that i found 17 dm mondays in just the first three days of playing which means that this is probably going to be a pretty lucky run i continued mining until day 104 and i found some more diamonds but it was only two orders but that's okay because the two chunks that i'm outlining are 100 slime chunks how do i know you may ask i found this cool website called chunk base where if you put your world seed into the website slime finder you can see which chunks in your world are actually slime chunks and i will leave a link to this website in the description if you want to find some slime chunks of your own in your own worlds anyways while clearing out these chunks i found another vein of diamonds and i am now up to 34 total diamonds on day 105 i was beginning to get annoyed floor chickenton not laying eggs so i looked up if chicken jockeys could and it turns out they can't so now if i want to find more chickens i'm going to need to find a second chicken jockey and have them breed to make other chickens that can actually lay eggs so to drown out my sadness i finished clearing out my two slime chunks and i actually got one to spawn it was a tiny one but he dropped me to slime however while i was down here i noticed that something felt kind of wrong there was not that many mobs that were spawning in the area which means something was taking up my hostile mob cap which i soon found out was a ravine and quick tip you should never go into ravines in hardcore however i had to if i wanted to make my chunks super efficient so i could make a good mob farm in the future so i went into the ravine the thing that i just said you shouldn't do anyways while exploring i found this absolute convention of mobs down here i mean just look at them all they're so ugly and you can even see all the gravel that the enderman placed i cleared out this entire room and i ended up with five ender pearls from the pile of endermen that i killed i spent the rest of the day clearing out the ravine and on the way back i heard the beautiful sound of slimes now please include that that laugh part that was pretty funny now that my mom cap was cleared the slimes were piling up like an e-girl's dms on day 106 it was back down to the slime farm and there were a ton of boys after mopping them up i needed a clean 41 more slime after this i gathered some gold and went to the nether to trade with my piglin boat boys and after a stack and a half of gold i ended up with 21 leather i used the leather to make more item frames and i plonk them on more chests and looking at it now i realize that i'm going to need a lot more leather i might just have to make a leather farm throughout the rest of the day i kept going back down to the mine and collecting slime from the slime farm and to end off the day i harvested my bamboo but i was rudely attacked by some sky demons i mean it's a good thing that bamboo was apparently their natural predator because they they couldn't attack me anyways i decided to sleep because unlike me in real life i i guess my minecraft character needs rest on day 107 i began preparation for a hogland afk farm so i could get all the leather that i needed for my item frames and i also would get free meat as an added bonus nothing like free meat never thought i would say that in my life so i went to the nether and made a path to the nether ceiling and i ender pearled through the bedrock now that i was on top of the nether ceiling i made another portal and uh it put me in the sky in the middle of nowhere about 800 blocks away from my house and i also didn't have any wood for a boat because you can't make boats with netherwood so i set my render distance to 64 and i actually spotted my base and may i just add it makes no sense whatsoever why i ended up this far away but i guess in the future when i have an elytra it'll be all good so in the hopes of a dolphin helping me i made a leap of faith that even altair would fear into the water and i swam the entire way home with zero assistance from the dolphins may i add i spent days 108 through 109 gathering supplies and heading to the nether to build my new hogland decimator if you also want to build one just like this then you can visit shulkercraft's channel because this is actually his design that i used anyways this was super simple and quick to build and it barely took any resources fun fact did you know that if you force a hoglin through a nether portal to the overworld that it will become a zombie hoglin i mean you probably knew that but i needed something to say while i showed you me doing a banger job building this farm after finishing the farm i made an afk platform in the sky and i added some glass to the floor so i could watch all the devil pigs burn in a cool montage q montage [Music] so to make this montage i afk all the way until day 112 and just look at all of the loot i got i ended up with two and a half stacks of leather and a metric ton of pork chops i went back to the overworld and boated my way home and i crafted all of the sweet leather into the ultimate tool for organization all hail the item frame on day 113 i used all of the leather that i got from otis the cows pig friends in the nether to make item frames for all of my chests so i could finally stop living in a tool shed plus i could also start some quality ocd organization the process of making these item frames and putting them on all the chests and organizing them took me the next three days i wanted the storage to be just right and this layout was much different in comparison to my regular hardcore series plus there were also things that i couldn't even get in this world like totems of undying i mean probably right on day 117 i had some massive inspiration i wanted to make my base look more like a series of islands with docks in between them but i needed way more resources for that so i begin the day with some good old-fashioned deforestation after clearing some land i began planning what i would need to build a juicy iron farm and where i was actually going to put the farm i spent the next couple of days non-stop switching between this world and my regular hardcore world so i could copy the iron farm that i made there since i built that like i don't know months ago i started off by building the loot sorter and the kill chamber and then i added the four areas where iron golems would spawn and be pushed down into the fiery pits of hell now the only thing that i needed to finish the iron farm was the villager platforms except that means i now needed 20 beds which is 240 string on day 122 i delivered a villager to my downstairs lair and i began re-rolling him for looting three i definitely needed looting if i'm going to need a lot of string because this meant that i would need to turn that mine shaft that i found into a spider farm and unfortunately this took the entire day so finally after 420 trades and many rude comments about a sponge fry cook later i got my looting three boy for only 25 emeralds i went to put the enchantment on my beautifully named sword thought thrower except i was short by one level which is odd because being the six foot eleven gamer that i am i've certainly never experienced being short before so this apparently is how it feels anyways i use my large pro gamer brain and mine some nether quartz for some quick xp even though my mending pick ate most of it after this i had an alluding to thought thrower and i would have named it thought thrower deluxe or something but i was all out of levels boy do i need that bamboo farm but for that i need iron when will the capitalism end on day 123 i headed back to the spidertopia my absolute favorite place in the world except this time things would be different with full diamond platform armor and food with actual saturation these poison boys were no match for me i lit up the spawner and i broke all of the webs and at this rate those four stacks of string were going to be super easy to get i was going to begin laying out the area and make a spider farm but i kept hearing more spiders so while exploring i actually found another spider spawner that was not that far away i also lit this one up and i took all of the string and i am now the proud owner of two stacks of string already also it turns out that both of these spider spawners were close enough that i could make a super efficient spider spawner farm while down here i continued to hear more mob sounds plus i may have gotten distracted by stealing the rails that i needed for my bamboo farm and it actually turned out that this mineshaft connected to a pretty large cave system so i went through lighting it up and control alt deleting all the mobs and i was desperately trying to stuff more loot into my inventory while looting this cave i actually found three more diamonds so i decided to run home and dump all of my new precious loot before i begin making my spider farm and it turns out that i was down there until day 126. you can really get lost in time while caving anyways after that trip i had enough wool to make 13 out of the 20 beds i needed also i may or may not have removed the block that stopped the villagers from breeding just maybe it's all good though because i needed to damn 20 of them to an eternal life of producing screams in the iron golem farm for my profit wow that sounds worse on paper kind of like the plot to monsters inc if you think about it i spent days 127 through 130 clearing out a huge area for my spider spawners unfortunately they were just far enough away from each other that this farm is kind of going to be a mess but i did find 10 more diamonds in the wall right underneath that tunnel that i dug while trying to hide from the spiders in the first hundred days after finishing digging out the area i added a spider barrier using trapped doors and slabs and i did the terrifying task of nerd pulling around the room to delete all of the torches while also dodging the reigning nightmares and now this area is all set up and i officially have a functional string farm it might not be the most efficient but at least the mobs are far enough away from the spawners that i can afk and they will keep spawning so after only a couple of minutes of afk i had enough wool to make 10 more beds so i had what i needed and it was finally time to head home on day 131 i built a mismatched ugly dark room so i could hopefully spawn a zombie to be my scare factor for the iron farm except this process took the entire day because absolutely nothing wanted to spawn after expanding it and wasting most of the day i got some zombies to finally spawn so i trapped one of them in a mine cart and i sent him up to his forever merry-go-round or at least that's what i would say if this jerk didn't fight me at every step of the process and waste even more of my time to make things worse my roller coaster was missing some redstone tracks so he shot right back down into the dark room at this point it was becoming daytime so i just gave him a name tag which said bob the builder which i have no clue why i came up with that it's just the first thing that came to my mind and i left him there to just chill in his new ride on day 132 i spent the entire day gathering resources and replicating the first of the four village chambers did this take way longer than it should have yes yes it did but now that i had the layout down i could just do it three more times from memory and add the villagers anyways it was already night time so i took our friend bob the builder on his roller coaster ride of his life hope he enjoys it because he will be spinning right round for the rest of his life guess i should have called him florida after trapping florida in 2009 i found a wandering traitor except this man had no saplings nothing new here so i struggled to kill him because he kept squirming around when he was invisible and right after this i noticed that the sun was somehow already rising and i hadn't built bob the builder his roof yet so i quickly made my way back up the roller coaster and i desperately struggled to cover bob with slabs so he wouldn't burn in the sun and guess what the stupid sky demons made the return cameo on the show called pain suffering by knocking me down honestly i was lucky that it was also raining because that was a pretty close one i didn't even have the right blocks to finish the roof and it's all mismatched and hideous on day 133 i finished the slab roof over top of the zombie and the future villager houses so they wouldn't get hit by lightning or have an iron golem somehow join their scare party after this i cleaned up all of the random blocks and the roller coaster that i had made and there was only one thing left to do and that was deliver the victor i mean the villagers deliver the villagers day 134 was going to be a big day today was the great villager migration to the sky village of scartopia and this process was mega satisfying just look at all these mans go it was all smooth sailing until the villager escaped while i was trying to get out of the villager pit the man ended up in the trap so i put him out of his misery i mean no one ever said villagers were smart during this i also got my first iron golem to spawn and he was stuck because i didn't properly place the water nice so i spent the next two days delivering the final villagers and spending more time than i would like to admit trying to fix the water in each chamber just to realize that i actually did the water right and i'm just an idiot that didn't open the fence gates just pretend that that didn't happen and i don't want to see any comments about it instead you should totally say something like wow look at those iron golems fall to their doom such a cool and efficient farm and just like that my new iron farm was officially complete and i have already generated 26 iron in basically no time on day 137 i began the day by cleaning up the massive mess that i made while building the iron farm i sorted all of the items into my storage system and i tore down that horrendous dark platform after this i checked the farm and this thing had already made me a stack into iron noni i spent the rest of day 137 and half of day 138 measuring a circular base around the cobblestone floor and separating it so i could begin making the whole ocean world aesthetic that i mentioned earlier i replaced all of the gross cobble with some classy stone brick and i added blackstone brick walls with lanterns by time i finished this my iron farm was already up to two stacks in 54 ingots so say hello to my future bamboo farm after this i decided to go down to the mines and see if i had any more slimes to farm because i still needed more slime blocks for the bamboo farm and while down here i actually heard a ton of mobs in the walls so i decided to dig and found another mine shaft right below my base this was actually perfect because there are definitely caves around my base anyways because not that many hostile mobs were spawning in the dark room that i just broke down while down here i was super cautious for creepers and guests who almost gave me a literal heart attack also it turned out that this mineshaft connected to two more ravines and also connected to a huge labyrinth of caves anyways with this all lit up my future mob farm will probably be going ham 24 7. plus i also found a single diamond inside of this ravine nice looting this whole cave system took all the way until day 148 and i got over 8 stacks of iron and 13 diamonds plus lighting up all those caves is already affecting my spawns i mean just look at these voluptuous slimes why did i say voluptuous that is such a gross word anyways i now had looting three so all of these boys dropped me a stack and a half of slime on days 149 through 150 now that i had endless iron in production i shifted my attention back to operation islandification where i would make this place look way less swear so i began the day by harvesting my long neglected bamboo farm and just look at the durability it used from my sword it might not look like a lot but it is anyways now that my stick collection has been restocked i can do some more beautiful capitalism with the boys i would say i missed this but my villagers trades are messed up again anyways the reason why i needed more capitalism in my life was to repair my silk touch pick so that way i could raid more of the crimson biome or its special dirts and i could continue to make the crimson forest around my pyramid but first i made a brand new shiny diamond hoe so i could also collect the network blocks and uh you can you can just guess what i named it also ironically your mother was so powerful that she broke my anvil anyways cue nether murder montage [Music] on day 151 i made 22 golden apples because i realized that up until now i haven't had any on me and you really should have them 24 7 in hardcore just to be safe after this i went back to the nether to collect some more supplies because i decided that i wanted to go half and half with the nether dirts around my pyramid while in the nether i also killed two endermen and they dropped me six pearls like damn looting three you shouldn't have i don't know why i said it like that i spent the rest of day 151 and all of day 152 outlining and filling in the nether dirt around my pyramid while doing this i also had a super cool idea of making four towers around the corners of my pyramid and making each of them have a tier 4 beacon made of whole blocks like diamond gold iron and maybe even the coveted netherright that is after i eventually have enough tnt to destroy 100 minecraft servers so later that night i decided to put my nether forest on pause and i began building a path to where my new creeper and spider farm would be except i had to clear out some of my bamboo for this once my mob farm is built i can build up tnt for some ancient debris mining i spent all of day 153 setting up the path and struggling to properly measure the perimeter for the creeper farm on day 154 i began building the killing platform with magma blocks and the collection area for the creeper farm i would make this a cool cinematic sped up clip but i had to keep switching worlds to slowly copy my creeper farm from my regular hardcore world i began by increasing the amount of chests store the loot in and this time i'm not going to auto sort them but i now know that i'm going to need way more storage than i had last time after this i built the endless railroad circuit for the minecart hopper to collect the drops on and i finished off the night by building the magma platform that would be killing the spiders and the creepers i began day 155 by finishing the collection platform for the creeper farm this is where katara will water bend all of the spiders and creepers into the center where the magma blocks will smelt them i finished the perimeter around the farm and i began filling it in except i ran out of stone luckily i remembered that i had tons of stone in the chest back where i dug out the old inefficient double spider spawner farm so i ran back there to collect it and i ended up with an entire inventory full stone i spent the whole night filling in the platform with water and things were looking pretty good then while cleaning up the infinite water source i jumped into the water and i heard a lot of undead simps underwater and because my trusted sword thought thrower was looking for a fight i dug down to find this metric ton of boys surrounding this creeper who killed half of them i cleaned up the rest of the stands and i began lining up the caves to further increase the efficiency of my creeper farm and while down here i found this huge scuffed ravine system with floating water sources this ravine continued into several cave systems and another ravine that was also chock full of creepy boys and cod players this adventure took all the way until day 158 to finish on day 159 i went to the nether to restock some wood for the fence gates and trap doors i would need for my new creepy boy farm after finishing the clock i spent the next 10 days working on the 10 individual spawning platforms for the mobs during this i ran out of wood several times because you need a ton of trapdoors for each layer so i finally planted that jungle sapling that i had so i could get tons of wood for it or that's what i would say if it didn't drop absolutely zero saplings i guess i no longer have jungle wood so it was back to the nether for some more nether trees since it would technically be less work and the wood would actually match the rest of the layers even though i know i won't see them anyways it is what it is so now that my inventory was full of trapped doors it was time to grind out the mob layers and i was probably going to run out of stone next i decided to build a tower of the observers and dispensers first so i knew just how many layers i would need and to assert my dominance over the mob spawns i mlg water bucketed my way down and damn have i gotten good at it on day 171 i ran out of stone and i was almost out of trapped doors again so i spent the whole day afk mining stone until i had two inventories full of stone brick i also got to see my first explody boy fall to his doom during this day and i'm honestly surprised it's working already since there's a ton of torches on it on day 172 i went back to the nether and i hated every second of getting more wood for this mess of red trees after this i went back and crafted all of the wood into more trapdoors and i spent the next two days slaving away to finish the final layers and on day 174 i finished it except i didn't have any torches so if i left the roof it would become a b-52 bomber full of creepers so i spent the rest of the night just admiring the sights just look at my beautiful iron golem farm isn't it so exquisite and juicy also take a look at that beautiful shiny black pyramid plus while up here i actually got to watch the sunrise for once to begin day 175 off with a splash i took a leap of faith into the water all tear would be so proud i spent the rest of this day placing the walls around the creeper farm and halfway through i ran out of stone so i spent the whole next day mining stone and back to placing more walls i feel like after this process i'm gonna have stone flashbacks just look at my poor pickaxe anyways the new creeper and spider farm is officially operational and operation spider splosion is a huge go isn't that a cool name i just came up that on spot i mean just listen to all of the mobs that are in this trap already i literally was standing on top of the farm and these mobs were still spawning tnt production is also officially a go on day 178 i made a new diamond shovel and i went to add unbreaking 3 and efficiency 5 to it so i could begin my sand mining expedition except i ran out of xp so i had to harvest my bamboo again now that my inventory was thick with sticks i went to do some capitalism for some more xp after this i added a breaking to my shovel and i named it sans seducer because i mean that's technically its job right on day 179 i remembered that my blast furnaces from my auto smelter saved all of their xp and i broke them and ended up with 20 levels after this i decided to get another villager so i could roll him for respiration 3 which would make my sand gathering so much more tolerable i transferred two villagers into my base and i began trading for some sweet juicy emeralds and xp also while struggling to get this guy into my boat my subtitles said there was a wandering traitor i looked for him on my roof and he had no saplings guess i'll never get any of the new woods i didn't want them anyways right anyways i threw these thoughts with my thought thrower deluxe sword order yours today in the comments below after pushing my first guy into his new home his very first trade was depth strider 3 which was also exactly one of the two enchants that i needed on day 181 i combined my respiration 3 book with aqua infinity and i tried to add it to my helmet except you guessed it i needed more xp so after trading for countless bows i added respiration 3 and aqua infinity to my helmet i checked how much it would cost for the boots and i needed 12 more levels for depth strider so i went down to the mine to check for some slimes and there were some big chunky boys and yes i know what you're thinking chongi is the plural for multiple chunguses also known as chungai anyways killing these boys only got me one level and i did get over a stack of slime on day 182 i did some beautiful capitalism for some xp and i added depth strider to my boots now that i was a speedy boy it was time to go for a swim and it wouldn't be a pain nomination video without a sand montage q montage it's not a game [Music] so [Music] also not gonna lie i have never actually used aqua infinity this is pretty insane it's like i'm just walking on land but underwater plus now i also have an insane way to gather tons of gravel and blink for emeralds and xp and dirt on day 183 i had the brilliant idea that i wanted to add fortune 3 to my shovel so i could print emeralds with the current villagers that i had except i needed 16 more levels for that so it was back to doing some more beautiful capitalism and just look at how beautiful it is now that i have crazy flint string and sticks it is capitalism central at my base easy xp easy emeralds i spent the next three days continuing to gather more resources and afk for more gunpowder from my creeper farm on day 187 i noticed that my creeper farm wasn't quite efficient enough for my expensive tastes so i built a 140 block tall tower of scaffolding and i created a sky chamber so i could properly afk for insane amounts of tnt i didn't really need this much tnt but i wanted it especially if one day i was going to make a netherride beacon because every five stacks of gunpowder and four stacks of sand becomes one stack of tnt on day 190 i gathered all of my sand and gunpowder together and i had enough to make six stacks of tnt so i crafted all six stacks and while crafting i thought about how unnecessary it is to have full netherite before killing the enderdragon but i don't care because it's time to blow stuff up i also realized this entire time i still haven't made an ender chest which is weird because that's normally one of the first things that i do i guess an ocean-only world changes a man after gearing up i dug a path down to around y20 in the nether and i began the mother of all tnt montages let's see what we got q montage [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] this process took all the way until day 197 and honestly my overall luck was absolutely awful i spent six stacks of tnt and i only ended up with 32 ancient debris but i mean hey that's that's still full of right armor i guess on day 198 while cooking my nether right i noticed something in the water in the distance it was a chicken another chicken so i quickly grabbed my boat and went over to grab my new friend i was pretty stoked because now i had two chickens and i could officially start breeding them so i used some seeds to lead her up out of the water and i let her into the pen and sir chickenton is no longer lonely i fed them seeds and they now have a baby more importantly they have a baby that can actually lay eggs after this i grab my freshly smelted netherride scraps and i made eight netherite ingots i used these ingots to change my entire set of diamond armor into this spicy armor and honestly netherride armor just looks so good i used the remaining four to transform my sword and my two pickaxes and i used the last netherrite to mark the netherrite chest yes that's right i made a chest just for netherright very cash money of me i know on day 199 i went back to the nether fortress to get some blaze rods that i needed so i could finally find and defeat the ender dragon after farming the blaze spawner for a bit i got way more than i needed because of the beautiful looting three so i went back home and i crafted 32 eyes of ender i mean just in case i lost a bunch of them to the always consuming ocean after this i grabbed all of my loot together and i was ready to find the end so i right clicked my eye of ender and nothing happened i clicked it again and nothing happened and then it hit me do ocean worlds even have strongholds so after some sad googling i found the answer it was no after coming to the conclusion that there was no stronghold in the world and this was a world that i wanted to play long term i did what must be done so i started a land world and i did slash locate just to see if there is a stronghold and there was no stronghold but i came to the sad conclusion that i was going to have to spawn the end portal friends in if i wanted to go to the end and of course i did i mean i know you want to see me fight the dragon so it's not like i'm cheating i have all the supplies i needed so please instead of saying something ignorant and rude in the comments like oh you cheated be nice and be like wow what a smart and dedicated guy he's opening himself up to people saying he cheated for the sake of his content gg so i did the most disgusting thing that i could do in a hardcore world and i used the disgusting slash give portal frames command so now that i had the portal frames i made a platform for it in between my two farms and i placed the farms then i lit the portal maybe in the future i could make this into some kind of shrine i mean i don't know honestly this part felt really wrong doing this because i've played so many hardcore worlds and the second something like this happens kind of like my autocraft series it just feels wrong like the second that i had to go into spectator mode to get out of that glitch in auro craft i felt like i had soiled the world and i really really don't like that so please please be nice in the comments i didn't want to have to do this but there are literally zero strongholds in this world and i think that might be my fault because in paul gg's video he had ocean monuments i don't have ocean monuments i think the type of ocean world that i made doesn't spawn monuments or strongholds and i i kind of screwed up on that but anyways after placing the portal it was now day 200 and my inventory was ready so i stared into my illegitimate portal in disgust and i jumped through and instantly i realized that i forgot my bow but you know what that's okay this is like a handicap in a way to make up for the end portal that i had to spawn in anyways this fight was pretty good so cue montage [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so surprisingly this battle ended pretty quickly i had to wait for him to perch each time and i was crazy over prepared even without my bow i right clicked the egg and it almost pushed me into the portal by teleporting me so i right clicked it again and i collected my prize with a torch i jumped through the portal and just like that i had beaten the game and survived 200 days in a hardcore only world upon getting back home i fed my growing chicken population and just look at them aren't they beautiful let me know in the comments what i should name lord chickington's wife before she gets lost in the hoard of chickens the most liked comment will be her new name so please don't let me down and just like that i survived 200 days of hardcore minecraft in an ocean-only world this video was honestly so much fun to make and i'm having a ton of fun in this world if you also love the series and want to see me get an elytra and take over the ocean in 300 days then don't forget to leave a like on the video it really helps me out and it means a ton to me also i want to give a quick thank you to all my channel members you are all crazy awesome and i really appreciate all your extra support if you do want to help support me then i do consider becoming a channel member by smacking that join button down below anyways if you've made it this far in the video then i'm sure i have more videos that you need to see check out my hundred days of autocraft series and my regular hardcore minecraft series i promise you won't be disappointed anyways this has been pain nomination and i will see you all in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 1,124,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardcore minecraft survival, paindomination, i survived 100 days minecraft, hardcore minecraft, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 100 days, 100 days of minecraft, i survived 100 days in minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft but, minecraft ocean only, minecraft hardcore survival mode, 200 days in minecraft
Id: OSswGDrirXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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