Minecraft, But Every Mob Is Random...

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oh yes finally found diamonds let's just grab these bad boys and now that we've got them we can finally get out of this wait what is that is there a panda in my cave okay that's pretty weird but i guess it could happen so see you later panda right we're finally out of this cave and there's a village right over here where is it wait what wither no what is that noise oh no my villain this is minecraft but mobs are random oh this is extremely weird in this video i have made it so that every mob that spawns is completely random this means that any mob that was supposed to spawn could be absolutely any mob for example take a pig this pig could become anything from a blaze to an iron golem the chance is completely random the question is whether i can beat the game whilst fighting every type of mob can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you do enjoyed this video then please be sure to subscribe it is completely free and you can always change your mind later also be sure to leave a like to help with the youtube algorithm all right enjoy the video and we are in now straight away you see these pigs over there oh they shouldn't be pigs so to start this off we're gonna do random mobs toggle and boom they're done oh they've changed into random mobs that's a pig and a bat now oh no oh whoa what the heck something just fired at me and i have no idea what oh no even the fish are turning into random mobs what is that okay i'm grabbing oh there's a piglet brute no no no no no i'm grabbing everything i could possibly need so we're gonna get stuffer and chance that is an evoker wait a second if we kill that thing we get a totem no way okay easy does it all right i'm not gonna make a pickaxe i'm actually just gonna make a wooden axe and you know what this might be a terrible idea but i don't care come on i know you don't like me but i have to do this i'm sorry come on no oh we got totem are you kidding me and it didn't even have time to spawn in the little fairy things that kill me oh my goodness okay what starting the game off and we've already got a totem this is actually the dream oh my that's a zoglin what that is okay yep i've just got to keep going this is gonna be so dangerous there's a parrot there okay wait a second do you want to be my friend please wait what there's a blaze okay the llama is fighting the blaze for me but i'm gonna kill this guy quickly please give me a blaze rod that'll be so good straight off the bat please and we've got a blaze rod already and that is a ravager wait is it no it's a ravager and a slime ah no no no no okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm running i'm running i've got my totem but i don't wanna use it just yet it's right behind me i've gotta run what do i do i don't wanna die oh there's a village though okay that's good and another revoker are you kidding me oh and another ravager no no no no i'm leaving i've got to go but we should have all the stone tools we need and i can actually get food that's going to heal me and i won't die straight away oh i just realized that means there aren't going to be any villagers here most likely and also no iron gollum so we're probably not going to get iron from this place uh what there's just a donkey in um okay i'll eat yep i'll leave you to it oh okay and a panda and a llama just chilling being best friends this is so broken oh man i've just thought what on earth is the nether gonna be and the end every enderman is gonna be a random mob oh this is so dumb wait a shulker what no no no don't make me levitate oh i gotta run no don't hit me huh how do i stop these things from following me no no no no no no no okay i'm going up i'm going up this is bad okay just stay above the water and i'll be fine don't let it hit me don't oh okay we stopped it and oh no there's a glimmer right behind me oh what what there's just a fairy in the sky okay you are disgusting those things do so much damage so i need to get armor quickly but first we've got to grab all these beds you know what we're fine i'm feeling safe i just need extra wood and i think there's a cave right here yep there's a cave okay good i'm dreading what caves are looking like but we just got to grab this wood and we should be good to go so down we go yes iron already this is exactly what i need i can already hear a load of weird mobs and i'm guessing there's gonna be yep there's a panda in this cave but it should be okay i'm just gonna grab all the essentials nice and easy also i've still got this totem so i should be fine all right i'm not gonna die anytime soon okay there's also now a turtle in this cave what is going on oh that's an enderman and it actually is just an enderman so let's uh try and kill this guy without dying please don't kill me and we go okay no ender paul that sucks uh there was a puffer fish here poor pufferfish rust and there's a snowman oh an elder guardian okay no i'm not going down there i am just keeping this safe and grabbing all the easy stuff right now okay we got this because without armor this is gonna be an absolute nightmare oh another shulker let's kill it don't don't oh it hit me it hit me well we got it and a shulker shell good stuff oh those are diamonds oh yes right i should have enough iron to make all my armor now oh and this looks like a lot of diamonds okay it's at least four that's good now i think what i'm gonna do to be safe with this is make a shield and then just have my totem in my ninth slot so i can easily switch to it if i'm about to die now there was water up here somewhere i've just got to grab it yep here it is boom and what was down here other than this zombie we saw an elder guardian so a little bit scared but it should be fine wha what was that wait okay there's a polar bear in a cave is this these guys don't hurt you nice hello buddy yep just casual mushroom and a cow oh no that's the no elder guardian or just a guardian i don't even know what this is this snowman is doing actually nothing right now and why can't okay we got him oh i finally feel safe boom we've got all of our iron tools and i'm feeling like a new man all right how many diamonds are here please don't just be four please it's just four of course all right we're gonna have to hope we get another diamond from somewhere else but for now it's time to go through to the nether here we go nice and easy we just head straight through oh and we've got our flint and through we go okay oh my okay yep there's just an iron golem fighting a ravager there's a cat oh what is this what is that this place is okay i don't like this no the iron column died to the ravager okay i can kill this guy come on please don't kill me oh we killed him where's the iron thank you what is this place this is so weird any place where there would be a regular mob like a piglet there's just a stupid mob like a fish oh that's another evoker and an enderman okay i've got to kill this guy come on buddy oh what no no please please come here come on ah come on i need this second totem yes oh i'm okay i'm okay oh this spider almost ruined me but it's what oh my why are there so many mobs why are they spawning so quick ah that's a cave spider no no no no bad time to get poisoned i didn't set my spawn i've got to go back through right now before i die to whatever mess that is i've gotta no no no no no my spawn has got to be set this is not gonna work otherwise okay we'll set up a nice little room here where i don't die there we are we are safe back through we go this is insane this is insane what that's just that i just saw a totem on the floor there's so many places okay i need to go in i need to get a blaze ah what just hit me that did so much damage no no no no i've got to run oh my why why is this happening no no totem totem totem give me that ender pearl okay totem save me i'm running i'm running nope this is not worth it this is an actual nightmare how do i get any of these blazes what is that why are there so many mobs okay no this is too messy this is too messy i can't do this oh i've got to run i've got your ah okay i'm gonna die no what i was holding my totem but i died no no no no please tell me none of my stuff burned i was slain by a vex all right you know what this is just too scary i need to get my stuff back right now it's all there and there's of course a vex just guarding it casually hey i need to hold the totem where's the totem going up going up ouch no oh no no no don't tell me i've lost all my stuff this cannot happen this is actually a nightmare what am i supposed to do grabbing it all grabbing it all i might have to pearl out of this oh no no no no no oh of course of course there was a witch right now of course there is yeah i just got poisoned okay i'm okay i'm okay the stupid piggling get out of here i'm leaving the nether right now this is too dangerous i'm hating every single second of this i'm on half a heart i'm on half a heart oh okay please nothing hit me right now i'm holding my totem oh i'm safe oh wow that was a nightmare i got most of my stuff back i think yeah pretty much all of it it's okay i've been poisoned for another six seconds and i hate this i actually hate this i lost my water bucket that's the only thing and you know what i can live without that i'm fine this is too dangerous i'm just gonna have to search for things in caves and hope that i can find my blaze rods and ender pearls another way because otherwise this is just gonna doom me i don't know why there was just all of a sudden a huge pocket that spawned a load of stuff but i hated it that was the worst we're pretty much back where we spawned and this is somewhat peaceful now i actually quite like this there's an occasional mob that shouldn't be there like a random witch and just a vex but this is doable i can survive this oh and another revoker that's good i want more of these guys the more totems i have the better goodbye you're so easy to kill and now we just have two totems brilliant wait what a random rabbit split okay that item is never leaving my inventory that is mine now it will be my lucky charm oh yeah that's what i'm looking for hello buddy i need more of you we've got one blazer how many do we need at least seven realistically casually these guys oh they disable your shield i forgot about that goodbye please don't hurt me help me gollum or not okay you can just be useless i'll kill you instead the more iron i get the better there we are and that creeper being there is potentially the most normal thing i've seen in this minecraft world so i'm just gonna let him do his thing you deserve that buddy there we are good stuff we're getting plenty of iron and now that it's night time we're gonna see so many random mobs oh blaze perfect i need more of these guys so many more yes another place we're getting so lucky right now wait actually what it might be worth doing is making an aya vendor right now and just finding out which direction this stronghold is in because then we can just run towards it whilst collecting isa vendor oh yes this is good okay it's this way please don't okay good it drops oh i don't like that i hate piggling brutes right i'm leaving all these guys be i don't need any of this i also just don't want any issues i kind of just want to get my blaze rods and ender pearls right now oh no no no that's a brute he saw me no i'm getting out of here oh with the skeleton get out of here no one likes you okay oh yeah this is what i need hello buddy come on try and kill me no what yeah oh what a silver fish oh that scared the daylights on me we also didn't get an ender pearl that sucks oh no another evoker please don't use your chomping thing there's another one up there oh i'm leaving i'm leaving okay yep too many no i don't want to die not right now i don't know how i'm supposed to do this another oh my these enemies are just giving me nothing right now right in that case i'm gonna do the one thing i know works pretty well in terms of spawning mobs and i'm gonna hate it but we're gonna need this lava pool oh that's a ravager look get me out of it oh no no no no okay totem save me oh i'm okay ah oh that was so close holy smokes oh i almost died there is there a way for me to kill this guy without him touching me no no no no oh no i've got a long way to run oh thank goodness for spawn sets i would be so doomed right now should be yep okay my stuff's gonna be right here don't tell me it's despawned yes okay and where is the ravager i think i'm safe oh okay it's fine i didn't lose everything it's okay well so that doesn't happen again let's just set our spawn right here and it is portal time i'm so bad at this game but it's okay we got it i'm not ready for this this was an absolute lot ah oh that's pretty good though lots of mobs spawn in the bastion and the way that this has also been set up is that every single spawner you find will spawn random mobs so if it's a blaze spawner you know it could spawn a with a skeleton or an iron golem and you know what i'm actually sick of this my pickaxe is too slow it's diamond pickaxe time oh man at least you don't have to worry about piglet brutes right now that's good i'm actually just gonna jump straight down to the middle of this thing i could waste a totem but i'd rather be safe about it yep there's casually a witch there i don't like that one bit oh looting are you okay protection four oh wow yes don't worry i'm not leaving my rabbit's foot there that is my lucky charm just gotta grab all this stuff quickly oh and what a diamond chest plate and another right angle okay this is not i have so much stuff i'm three quarters diamond okay i just need to not fall in this lava easier said oh what was that i am out of here i hate it nope i'm leaving yep this is terrible goodbye what what are you what is it what should i just uh oh oh he loves me well with the looting two diamond sword that is gonna make this a lot easier whoa brown panda i didn't even know these existed i just need one of those crazy spawning situations again also another evoker hello buddy i'm just gonna hope you don't mind take that from you yep goodbye skelly all right yes lots of mobs up here this is where it gets good oh finally an enderman good come on buddy goodbye two ender poles i think yes two exactly i just need more of them come on finally again come on buddy give me yes we're on five ender poles okay i'm just going to turn all of these into ire vendors boom now i just got to keep searching for a few more and then i should be able to find everything i need on my way to the stronghold oh no we've got a ridiculous spawning situation okay i see the blaze oh ouch this hurts come here please oh wait i can lure it away ah i've got to go i've got to go i've got to run ah where's the enderman why isn't it chasing me no the brown panda if anything kills this brown panda i would be so sad okay come on come here yes yes another underpass ah no i got the under pole i gotta run ah i'm holding the totem oh soul sand this sucks cave spider don't notice me oh my goodness okay i'm fine i'm fine i have to go back to that mess i know it's a bad idea but there's a chance i can get so much stuff from it all right my trick is to see any endermen that are up there and just look at them so they come down to me please yes i did it it worked come on buddy come on come on yes another ender pearl okay we're eight eye vendors now total oh yeah i can't do this without a shield oh my oh i'm fine oh there's another guy right here yes and he's not one that was in the big mess so i can just easily kill him boom oh more ender poles yes good finally safe again i'm also gonna make a golden apple there's another guy up there come down to me buddy yes my frame rate is dying whenever i look at the huge mess it drops a ton i don't know what's exploding right now but i like it oh that's a piggling brute oh no no no no okay this is terrible i'm leaving on one heart hold the toast and hold the totem i'm leaving no it's too dangerous i can't do this i have to go i have to go let me out of here one hot oh no no blocking up i'm going i'm going wait that's an enderman though i want to look at it come over here buddy i've got to eat oh the enderman's here yes oh it works there's two of them okay i'm fine come on buddy this was definitely a good idea maybe a waste of a golden apple but i don't care oh another ender thank you we've got seven now oh we've got enough we've actually got enough i hate these guys so much get out of here oh it's killing it the enderman's helping me yes kill the ravager buddy yes and now i kill you yes i'm leaving i'm done i will get blaze rods in the overworld i'm done with this no it's too stressful oh that was a nightmare actual nightmare get no not worth it i'm leaving oh all right we're taking this bed i need to set my spawn point as soon as i can and away we go still this way all right oh why did that have to break now what's worrying me is that if that happens in the nether where a random load of mobs just starts spawning does that happen in the end because i don't know how i'm going to beat that free stuff golden apple thank you and nothing else useful okay oh but a snow biome is good right now because we won't actually see many mobs i think this is where we're safe and if we can just see an occasional blaze i'll be happy or of course yep a ravager i'll take the enderman though yeah we've got a ravager and an enderman after us now this is not good hello iron golem could you help me please yeah thank you i appreciate it it actually worked he saved me i love you iron gollum right we have run a fair bit i've always been chased by mobs and i don't care but it's time to throw another one of these bad boys oh still this way come on buddy you're in the water what are you gonna do what are you gonna do dead good oh ow oh of course i've been poisoned of course story of my life how long do i have this for 36 oh wow okay i can't look back i've got to keep going still this way throwing another one oh it's turning a little bit oh we should find some blaze rods in here because loads of mobs spawn in this kind of area i can't hear a blaze where is that is it above me where are you buddy oh hello come on friendo goodbye please two blaze rods oh yep that's an extra four eye vendors thank you again oh it's really turning now we just need one more blaze and that should give me two blaze rods fingers crossed oh yep turn back around we're good that means it should be in between these hundreds so if i go again oh yep it's literally right under here right under this bit of water so down we go please don't let me down minecraft please give me a blaze in here as well i hear so many mobs already oh yeah we found the stronghold come on where are you mobs i hear so many of them so many oh what are you kidding me okay we literally dug straight into it no why oh the spawner spawned a ravager ah i'm fine i'm fine oh okay i'm good i'm good oh holy smokes that was so close oh my goodness i've got to set my spawn oh okay i'm done wow i could have just died there if i didn't have a totem i'd be dead oh my goodness i didn't even see how many ire vendors was in it i've just got to check around please blaze enderman you're good but i need a blaze really bad right now thank you and i've just realized that the portal is now being guarded by a ravager yep that's great what okay we killed it good all right we're gonna go in here how many are vendors oh we only need one but you know what i'm actually going to start placing in all these eye vendors boom boom oh yes right we literally need one i need one blaze and i've effectively completed this challenge oh my goodness come on there's got to be one in this entire stronghold whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my what what is that noise why is there a vex here what's happening what is happening okay block that off oh my oh no no no no bad idea why so many mobs okay no do i get above this and have a look what is happening to my sounds oh please tell me there's a police in here ah no oh my goodness no oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm leaving i'm leaving what the heck just happened one eternity letter uh also i did a lot of stuff in this time because no blazers were spawning oh i see that blaze come on oh i just killed it please please let me collect it oh i can see it oh my goodness no no please let me get it i can't pick yes i got it oh it's so laggy oh my okay oh i'm done i'm done i'm getting out of here oh it actually worked wait i've gone the wrong way okay i need to get out no witch i'm leaving oh my goodness i couldn't wait at the spawner forever it's literally taken me 24 minutes i've been in this stronghold give me this we go boom boom and boom oh leave me alone pillar no one cares goodbye oh i've done it i'm through ender dragon i see you oh no the mobs they're all spawning so quickly oh okay let's do this i dropped my string but it's fine because i got cobwebs because i'm smart we make our bow boom oh this actually sucks all these mobs are just coming straight for me do you know what i'm pulling up right up here i'm fine i'm fine oh okay i held the totem whilst i broke that just to be safe but now ah what the heck please what ah no why why why why okay i'm fine i'm neat a golden apple better safe than sorry and now we break all these quick come on these guys gonna destroy me if i'm not careful yes we're getting all of them so easily right now ah okay off we go up up up gotta destroy them from really far yes we've got another one can i hit ow i'm going down i'm going down ah ravager i'm leaving okay i'm holding my totem in my third slot now and i just have to pull up here there's only three more i think and they're right next to each other so if i get up this one come on that's good yes okay we break that i'm gonna eat another golden apple the dragon is perching this is perfect we bridge across nice and easy don't fall no double dip oh no oh this is bad running straight back through come on oh no no no no it's right on the other side of all of this as well i've got to run through chaos okay it should be right here yes okay good my water collection it didn't place so it's all still here thank goodness oh that was actually really lucky that was a good time for my water to glitch never thought i'd say that before ah which oh i just got poisoned for nine seconds i'm going up i think this is one of the other ones oh my goodness we can actually do this yep is this one the last ones please tell me it is we break it we got it oh no there's one down there that one's easy though break it yep got it can i shoot it from above yes oh okay okay dragon you're now gonna die i'm so sick of you you're not even the worst mob i've fought no no no no the ravages were so much worse they've killed me so many times and i'm just not willing to let you win now not after all this just there's a panda lying on its back right now what are you doing okay come on so many shots we're getting oh it's perching i'm gonna pull down i'm doing it i'm doing it terrible idea i'm in i'm in where's his head yes getting hit right now do i have a bed i've got bed so much damage yes good come on dragon get out of here i shoot you so much yes come on so much damage here we go none of the mobs are coming to me ow i said that and then a zombie went for me oh no shulker don't hit me i don't want to levitate not right now oh the panda no buddy no no no no please don't die i'll give you a hay block to fall on don't kill the panda please tell me yes it survived the dragon's pursing again okay i can get another bed bomb right under its cheeky nose okay we get the bed underneath and break oh so much damage i'm fine i'm fine don't you leave no no i can't shoot it pulling in no i'm fine no no no oh i should have held my totem what am i doing oh no no no no do we go again this is getting really hectic i don't like this one bit where's my stuff i genuinely have no idea i've got a ravager chasing me and i don't know where my stuff is oh okay it's right here just by running around the outskirts here we go back on got the totem ender poles golden apples everything we need yes the dragon's so nearly dead you can't run forever yes let me get these shots in good yes i'm gonna die i'm just gonna hold my totem come on oh it's perching okay i think i've got a ravager behind me so i've got to hurry up don't hit me don't hit me no no no no i've got to pull in my pulse disappeared no what one dragon no i what why'd i just randomly pull here we go getting underneath i'm underneath no okay just gotta land oh and i'm floating of course i am why do i get levitation now okay let me land right by the dragon don't teleport away yes yes oh my goodness we did it oh yes no mobs around me to kill me oh yes oh that was ridiculously hard don't try this at home i mean unless you want to this is my egg i just grab it oh yes and i say bye
Channel: Wisp
Views: 5,548,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, cheats, every item, random items, random, mob, mobs, random mob, every mob is random, randomizer, minecraft but every mob is random
Id: mo9Xfz1TxpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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