Minecraft, But Mobs Give OP Enchants...

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this is minecraft but mobs give op and chance every time you kill a mob they will give you a random enchant these enchants build up over time and slowly keep getting more overpowered real quickly we're on the road to 100 000 subscribers by may so if you're not subscribed make sure to hit that sub button and that's pretty much it let's see what happens so in this minecraft world every time i kill a mob i'm supposed to get op and chance now i'm pretty sure that chants apply on anything so if i mine this wood block right here and if i kill this chicken this might be kind of difficult like a chicken i need you to die real quick i'm sorry i'm not trying to be mean just please stop running this is actually a lot more difficult than i thought wait we just got flame one on an oak log does that mean this works like fire aspect chicken hello oh no it doesn't you see in chat right here that says you're in shaman multipliers now too every time i kill a mob it will increase the level of the enchantment it adds to the item i'd slay them with so we got fortune to that time i mean i feel bad for the amount of damage we're about to do in this minecraft world i mean honestly i could just go ahead and make all wood items and i feel like that would just be op enough i feel like we could beat the ender dragon just using a wood pickaxe squids i'm sorry i gotta do damage with my wood pickaxe though squid don't run away okay there we go we got the squid right there and we have still touch three oh no why would i get still touch on my pickaxe that was actually not a good enchant again making a stone axe now so this is where things will get interesting because if i get this chicken right here there we go oh my gosh we just got sharpness four on our stone axe this weapon is already more open than almost anything we could get one tap this one to have the squid right there what and we got i'm breaking five how convenient if i get myself even just iron gear with all these enchants i i feel like i could kill the ender dragon no problem wait does this mean i'm gonna have to kill mobs holding the armor in my hand in order to get like really op protection on them i'm gonna have to kill multiple mobs with armor in my hand just to be able to get insane protection on that but i think it's worth it the mobs are willing to sacrifice themselves oh and we just got smite six on this stone axe this is perfect because we're about to head into the caves okay i'm gonna try to clutch am i gonna do this okay yep big brain skeleton you are not gonna want to do this oh he's got a bow oh i didn't even think about it imagine if we get really opian chants on our pickaxes and everything we could get like efficiency 10 000. i'ma stop maxing out our axe right now we actually have sharpness four in it and i'm breaking 12 for some reason if i kill him with my pickaxe i could potentially get efficiency if i'm not mistaken oh my gosh we just got efficiency 10 on our stone pickaxe wait does that mean oh my gosh it's a god pickaxe already oh why did i get this on a stone pickaxe though oh no we just got sharpness 15 on our stone axe oh my gosh i forgot how high of an efficiency level it was we just absolutely destroyed that iron what if i get like i'm breaking or mending on my pickaxe wait please please zombie give me a breaking give me mending don't kill me oh no my pickaxe broke okay i guess we gotta go to the axe i'm getting iron smelted right now we're about to get the most op iron gear in minecraft to ever exist from all this i'm definitely making an iron pickaxe it's just a regular iron axe and oh dude if we make an iron chest plate and start getting mobs with it as well and leggings i have to go find easy mobs that i can kill with these pieces of iron armor though come here oh let's go we got it oh we just got thorns wait if i wear this chest plate spider if you hit me right now what happened hit me oh my gosh are we gonna get him oh we just killed it oh wait this spider's like not moving there we go there we go oh my gosh projectile protection 18 yeah i think that's fine for right now and zobby i need efficiency on my pickaxe right now what is that oh my efficiency level 19 wait this is so broken okay wait i don't want to waste too many resources right now i'm literally wasting all my resources but whatever every time we kill a mob now we get a level 25 variant of an enchant added to our item let's grab some coal while i'm at it you know it doesn't really matter i'm getting out of here right now i need to get more food this is way too risky we actually have every on our iron axe his stuff for sharpness right now this is so broken though we have projectile protection 18 on our iron chest plate efficiency 19 on our pickaxe and their axe is just everything is insane i mean i have one breaking 185 but i still can't get sharpness chicken please just give me sharpness it's all i want sharpness we just got sharpness sharpness 40. yes thank you chicken now we're in business this is the best axe in the game is this one oh this is a weird looking village honestly i have such good loot right now i wanted to get really good gear on all of my armor no i just got cursed up binding on my chest plate i have to get protection on it now we actually have every enchant possible on this iron chest my butt protection this is good this is good i'm putting on this iron chest plate i have to somehow get all the rest of my gear super op right now listen villagers i am so sorry to do this but you guys can actually bring me a lot of sharpness in my life so villager thank you i this is really messed up but there's a lot of you here every time i kill you i get a chance at getting more op stuff i i am so sorry i have to do sharpness 103. yeah you know i know this is the only time it's okay to kill villagers this is so messed up oh no i i didn't i can't do this i'm sorry i'm sorry i had to oh my gosh wait we just found diamonds yes yes yes yes this is so op oh and we got more iron gear here that we could enchant just in case this one sucks i am gonna make myself a diamond hoe hey you already know i'm gonna make this the most broken hoe in the game kill him go kill him we already got fire aspect let's go oh wait we could get cooked food from this this is actually such a good idea oh my gosh we just got sharpened in 78 on the ho oh this is what we wanted okay let me test this oh my gosh slime no don't mess with the chickens these are my chickens oh wait slimes are actually like a giant farm every single time i kill one of these it increases my enchant level so much oh my gosh this oh what is this this is so broken slimes thank you we have like looting a thousand look how many slime balls they're dropping oh my gosh our ho why is this the most broken item in the game oh there's more slimes over here i have to be able to grind them literally everything oh my gosh we just knocked it so far we could use the baby slimes for to get our gear op we are launching them so far back they go all the way over here thank you thank you thank you oh wait no i just got cursed the binding i did not mean to put on those iron boots okay iron holla here thank you let me just get some and chance on this for me right now protection 382 i think we could just survive solely with this helmet on and we would be completely fine oh wait i could hit these with my bow i didn't even think about this punch what is this oh my gosh it sends them so far back zombie no do not come near me okay you guys really want this you guys really want this right now okay i see how you guys want to play this oh my gosh look at the loot oh wait we just got power 145 on our bow how much damage does this do uh skeleton let's do it both tests oh my gosh yeah this is pretty good okay boom we have ourselves another portal oh why did i just throw that bucket out i'm an idiot wait i don't have any flint in my inventory i can't even go to another right now we would have every op item in the game stuff that no one will ever see a regular minecraft before and our issue right now is not having flint i mean do you see how far that skeleton just launched the looting on this hoe is starting to get insane i honestly am curious if i'm going to be able to one tap the ender dragon the my thorns is so op that sometimes when skeletons shoot me they literally are dying wait wait wait what if the creeper well the creeper's just gonna explode anyways that did no damage you guys are always roasting me for never having a shield oh it's an ig what if i just like punch you with the that oh my gosh are you gonna die just from my thorns even the blazes we are about to go get in the nether right now have no chance against me i'm only gonna have to kill one blaze and i'll probably get like a stack of blaze rods look at our diamond hole right now we have looting 213 on this hoe right now and we have sharpness 270 oh the nether is about to be so interesting this is definitely by far the most op i've ever been going into the nether oh i forgot we this is op thank goodness we have a breaking 149 right now or else our pickaxe would probably break really easily i'm literally mining and our pickaxe is taking no durability damage this is so weird my pickaxes usually break so easily in the nether uh hello pigments um yeah i need better enchants on my pickaxe right now oh maybe this wasn't a good idea maybe i should have waited to do this uh yeah one second okay i gotta get rid of you all i only need one of you here oh my gosh look at this farm there we go oh yes we got mendied on this this is what we needed so bad uh hey bill clutch oh i'd suck at that thank you all i mean i don't really need you at all oh poor baby i'm so sorry i did it to the villager i had to be fair you know i have like a lot of fire protection and like i i don't know this might be really stupid this could actually make me lose everything i would want to genuinely jump into the fire right now and see how long i survived okay i'm just gonna make the jump i'm curious this might be so stupid okay we're actually no we're not taking any damage yeah i mean not bad i mean the fire protection definitely helps a lot fortress right there hello hello what's up fortress i see you blaze i need to come up there you're okay you're already hitting me are you serious i literally just need one blaze this is all i need and i'm gonna be chilling okay hello we made it to the fortress oh blaze spawner right there hello blaze i you know what i don't even need the blaze spawner i think this one blaze right here will give me enough oh my gosh our thorns killed that place i'd even get to kill it well okay i need to try it again maybe i will need the blazes over here boom you're dead oh my gosh what the okay oh my gosh this is this is literally just like dream luck simulator this is just dream look simulator right now we have 64 blaze rods right now what is this we just got with a skeleton head oh you already know what i'm going to try to do oh yes sir we got a wither skeleton head boom oh my gosh we just got two weather skills skeleton skulls oh there's so many wither skeletons over there i need to get them we're invincible right now should i just add that factor in that we are actually invincible right now oh we got four with the skeleton skulls let's go no no no no no no no what is going on we have wither skeleton heart right now oh no no no no no no no we're chilling we're chill we're chilling huh give me i'll give you out wow that was actually really anticlimactic i fell back in no i'm an idiot oh i don't know how to play minecraft play the block get me on holy that was the lows our hearts are probably gonna get you know i've never done this before in a minecraft butt challenge but i'm gonna collect oh oh soul speed thank you for activating at the worst possible time oh my gosh are you kidding me but yeah let's just say seven soulsand and the four wither skeleton schools might become fun here very soon okay i'm gonna head back to the overworld right now and i think what i'm about to do has never been done before in minecraft butt challenge but yeah if i just real quickly do this and then if i place this this and this oh my gosh we just spawned a wither in a minecraft blood challenge okay i should be able to hopefully one tap this i don't know or if the wither hits me he might die i've never done this before to be honest hello oh uh oh uh wither yeah let's come back over here right now oh my gosh did we just once have the wither with our bow wow okay well another star that was a lot quicker than i expected so you guys might be asking no subie why didn't you uh get any ender pearls in the end well it's because i wanted to do this oh no ender dragon editor okay well that was a lot easier i wanted to do something a bit cooler but i guess i'll take that yeah we got a lot of blaze rods i did i kind of almost forgot the ender pearls but yeah we're good now i knew that wasn't gonna be too difficult of an issue blaze powder i i really don't even need that half and yeah we're gonna make a lot of eye of enders right now yeah we have 32 what is that okay yeah 37 eye avengers we're good and another star i still don't know why we have the nether star just i that was never done before i think okay what direction are we heading okay over here based on how everything else has gone i have a feeling i know how the ender dragon fights gonna go but there is a chance my iron gear is actually getting really low i'm worried that my iron gear might pop before we get to the ender dragon no skeleton don't shoot me like that what the heck happened to my boat okay the stronghold is underneath me yep yep here's the stronghold right here let's go down hmm i did not get a good shovel okay this pickaxe is still ridiculous underwater what the heck stronghold oh we right here okay we found this stronghold oh my i could just farm up mobs real quickly right before we go in baths thank you thank you yo thank you all for just getting me really mentally prepared for this ender dragon fight oh yes this is literally like just enchanted row right here boom why are there so many bats in here i have no idea bats can you please like stop moving so quick bats please just give me a chance i'm slowly ruining this entire stronghold right now but this makes it a lot easier to know where i've been in here oh let's go we found it and portal is right here get rid of the silverfish right there i don't want to try it did i mind this okay good i was kind of worried if we mind this before i head into the annual and place the rest of these eyes let me just place them all real quick before we place the final one let's just appreciate the diamond hoe that we've been able to build it's it's probably the most op hoe i think ever to exist in minecraft before this hoe is currently rocking sharpness 496 as well as quick charge 1002 as well as fortune 1000 so yeah this is definitely the most op it's ever been go ahead and do this i'll put my respawn here just in case i don't even think we're gonna have to shoot out the towers but we'll see this is gonna be a very unique end battle i've never done something like this before i feel like i could almost make it a little bit more challenging by not having like any gear on but like literally the endermen like they can't even attack me boy boy boy like thank you enderman thank you i don't know if i want to fight the ender dragon i think one bow shot will do it i'm about to one tap the ender dragon like i just what happens if i just do this oh my gosh look at how much health it took out if i do two shots oh my gosh wait do i what's how much damage do i take here uh okay i still take these damage from his magic we got the ender dragon low enough and a dragon calm down i need to hoe you but i'm pretty sure what's happened with the hoe the bow does that much damage is kind of insane oh my gosh wait i didn't even realize this look at what we could do to these towers we could climb up the towers our iron pickaxe is able to absolutely destroy obsidian this is amazing this is actually amazing okay hello and uh yeah i need to get you right there thank you okay ender dragon i've taken out all your towers i'm not even gonna waste time showing that just come down here i mean it's over i'm not we're gonna bow you i i have to kill you with the hoe or else this just does not make any sense oh here we go yeah this is it this is where it happens okay i had a dragon i'm gonna just kindly wait here wait can we find bedrock yet no we cannot mine bedrock we better be able to attack the ender dragon i'll try to be so mad right now okay here we go oh wait oh my gosh the ender dragon just killed itself no ender dragon why did you hit me no energon that dragon just it just died on its own no oh guys thank you so much for watching this video if you did enjoy it make sure to leave a like and subscribe down below and click the 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Channel: soupie
Views: 457,994
Rating: 4.9180484 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft op items, minecraft mobs hostile, minecraft hardcore, beating minecraft, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, dream, tapl, wisp, Minecraft But Every Mob Is Hostile, minecraft but damage, silver, soupie, minecraft but op items, minecraft but op, notpaulgg, paulgg, minecraft but random, minecraft but mobs drop op items, minecraft but ores drop op items, minecraft but mobs give op enchants
Id: 3MhmFvTW_U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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