Minecraft, But It's One Earth Block...

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this video i have to survive on one earth block my aim is to harvest the earth find new countries and explore them also i can defeat the secret planet boss but only 20 of you guys are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing because it's completely free and now enjoy the video all right we're in we've got the earth block and it gives me nothing but that's fine because i have got the space sniper which is used to shoot down enemy rockets i don't really know what that means the rocket's going to come up at me down on me oh no no no come on do i shoot it oh what oh that's way too far how am i supposed to get that oh i'm dumb i have no idea when the next rocket's going to be oh no no i lied it's right here i have to wait until it's near me oh oh please tell me i can reach that come here and oh we got it oh i got a shovel an iron chest plate and a stone sword and what happens now oh we get blocks now okay good wait so now i can build a little separate island here really easy and i can move around oh and if i get enough blocks and i find another rocket i can move out to it i mean that one's definitely long gone oh yep i was looking at the right time come on above me above me oh yes that was perfect get a load of blocks and i can just casually build out here hello boom i gotcha we got more armor we got a space helmet oh my that looks ridiculous wait what what does this do this does nothing except make my vision slightly impaired yep you know you're done who almost missed it come here buddy boy right above me right above me oh yes that was perfect maybe we can catch them oh it literally just landed that was perfect and now i've got full armor i don't really know what i'm gonna use blue concrete for so we're basically building our own earth here oh i almost missed you come on yes i'm slowly expanding my empire and getting richer this oh a country harvester used to harvest countries from the earth wait a second so what happens if i break this with the country harvester surely not come on wha what was that australia the upside down place what does this mean what do i do do i just oh what is that that is a kangaroo oh oh my no no no dude what he does damage why is he oh my goodness i'm gonna die i'm gonna die don't you dare don't oh my okay i'm not hitting one of them again but it said it was upside down it's literally upside down we can get wood no way this is actually upside down i don't know what i'd use pumpkins for and i now have no food i've got a plan though if a shovel gives me something particular from the earth block what does a pickaxe do or even an axe oh oh my goodness okay this is fine all right guys please don't hurt me thank you i really appreciate it what do you give you get i get cobblestone from a pickaxe and what about an axe wood dude how do i get food i'm doomed i can just try and harvest another country come on come on come on please be good oh that was england we're tea lovers i i'm not even keen on t i don't like this analogy and i'm just gonna place it are you kidding me why is england so small i actually hate this do i oh i broke it this is t and it looks empty all right fine just heal me up ow what no no no no no if i burn stuff oh thank goodness okay i still have no food though and there is nothing on this island except this awful flag oh hang on i think i'm being dub aren't i i reckon it's way more simple than i need it to be come on please oh no pumpkin melon yes yes yes give me more wheat this is good yes and one piece of food that is awful i think i'm just gonna stick to harvesting countries for now yeah this is good and canada what on earth is canada i'm just gonna yoink uh what is this food actual food and this cow oh really that's just a canadian cow come here you what it no no if that's maple syrup i'm quitting the game right now it's maple syrup done what does this even do oh gives me regen regeneration two oh that's nuts wait do you all give me this oh you do this is beautiful so much food and that is a creeper don't do it just blew up part of canada dude that's not all right well at least now we have food it's something we have 44 maple syrup and a load of mob spawning so i'm just getting out of here i'm done to keep myself safe i'm just gonna have a little cut off just like that no one can get across i'm happy see and now they're stuck good and i can just harvest my countries what is that we got marley the hottest country in the world oh okay canada is a mob fest this is bad what is that okay yeah no why aren't these guys attacking go on kangaroo do some work or you can just die what off that's fine i'm just spawning hey what wait wait wait why am i on fire why no no no that can't be right i'm not what i'm burning from being on the island i'm off fire i'm on fire why this is useless i don't know i don't need this i've got to jump over all these zombies and just get back to harvesting oh thank god it's morning you know this is just ridiculously stressful oh come on we've got the usa all 50 states in one minecraft item but america's next to canada so i'm gonna can i shoot the mobs oh i can shoot them oh get back no don't you even yeah you get back over there as well i'm just going to kill all these creepers this is so good and america really this oh what it's a little mcdonald's with workers inside it i'm gonna shoot him come on buddy no no no no no oh no oh this is bad what's the drop items what are they dropping you're back why are there so many get back i'll do that they must just keep spawn oh i'm so low wait wait no no get back get back oh yeah okay they're doing three hearts a hit yep this is not worth it what are all these items this is of course it's a mcdonald's uniform six armor that's actually nuts i've got a full chestplate i'll take that so are these leggings better than the ones i have yep they're half an almond bar better and the spatulas are six attacked what the spatulas are better than a stone sword you know what that's good i will take all this and in the chest we ah this is awful i mean big mac good source of food why not heal me up it gave me hunger it healed one hunger bar and gave me hunger i'm no no please don't tell me okay this is bad this is really bad oh what no no no whoa whoa whoa they must have just spawned in get back what i can use the gun on [Music] what the is happening that was ridiculous this gun just saved my life they must have been triggered by the fact i found their gun okay this is so i'm leaving america i don't like it actually talking of america i'm gonna be at american vidcon so come say hello that's all i'm saying i have stooped so low look at me oh okay right that's it there can't be many more countries left oh we have got brazil which holds 60 the rainforest i'm just gonna mine again i don't care and we have got egypt which is where the pyramids are okay i've got to explore the rainforest oh it's turning nighttime again this is bad but i've got my gun that sounds so wrong brazil you are here it's already raining rainforest okay that makes sense um i don't know what i'd need from this i don't know if there is anything get out of here you're dead skeletons this is not good i'm just getting my wood and i'm getting out of here there is nothing on this island except for another pearl okay fine oh this is so bad get out of here no no what am i supposed to do okay yeah you know what i'm gonna purl over oh bad idea ah oh no no no no no oh i'm safe i'm safe get back spider get back we're gonna cut off this island again so i've got my only little earth block oh the moon has appeared what is that what shoot it to spawn it okay okay okay okay shoot it shoot it shoot it oh what it expands outside the earth block oh my goodness i need these blocks please and what is this moon info dig inside of the moon to find free loot done consider it done i'm gonna head over to the moon i'm gonna hope that there's something worthwhile inside it and then i'm going to check egypt okay why does it sound like sand and there are mobs on top of it all right the problem is i have no idea where i should be digging i'm just going to dig into the center at the very center of it this way and i'm guessing i go down a block do i go down no oh please please please what is this the space recipe book what on earth is this okay this oh my we can craft mars and uranus and jupiter i still need to check egypt though i'm just running through everything i'm gonna spawn egypt oh okay we've got it we've got it hello egypt oh no oh oh my goodness this is so bad oh my what what no no no no no i'm not dying to a spider this oh my okay okay oh this is a genuine pyramid all right what do you have for me um i'm just going down i don't care okay this is it string yes this is good iron so i can get better stuff perfect don't need any of that gunpowder i'm just taking the string and we'll take the tnt this is good and i can finally get out of here and actually go to space i think i'm technically in space i'm lost man i don't know what's happening a spatula some people and now i can craft the first which is mars and i need oh no that's red wool red concrete okay i need eight of this and one cobblestone which i have that's perfect and now boom we have got mars will spawn where thrown what on earth does that mean so if i just oh come on launch over there oh what oh oh it's down right it's right by the water this is very good okay hello i'm gonna take this water bucket we'll collect this water later all right what do you have for me what is this this is what it drops nothing wait wait maybe i need a better pickaxe iron maybe will this work come on oh yes now we're talking what is that these are mars shard used to craft mars armor okay sign me up what can i craft chest plate oh a chest plate plus eight armor leggings as well boots give me a helmet here yes full armor bars and you can't even see my eyes my eyes are so pretty you know what forget the helmet i'm adorable well i'm guessing that's a master it doesn't say anything about going inside it oh i'm digging straight down this is a bad idea i don't think there is anything is there just keeps going down oh yep nope there's nothing okay back up we go that's fine because next we are going to uranus all right so this one seems a little too easy to craft i don't even it says it will spawn uranus but will it i'm just going to go directly up and oh my that is not okay i'm going up i'm taking my water bucket oh this is cool can i reach it oh wait what i'm getting an effect slowness three oh that's not fair why is it doing that then i can break this with my fist oh what do i oh no no okay don't smack me don't smack me wait they don't do any damage they just do nothing oh they are knocking me though yep i can't afford to fall okay yep you know what this is not worth it i'm going i'm going okay the sloane has almost messed me up but that's fine we've got one more planet haven't we and it is jupiter which is a big boy three cobble three dirt three sandstone which we can get from right over there that's perfect dirt stone well you get the picture sandstone to give us boom jupiter this is where you find the space dragon oh okay wait wait that sounds stressful all right i've got blocks i've got armor i've got mars armor yeah you know i'll be fine i've got a spatula i can kill it with a spatula it'll be fine yike please please please don't be too what oh i'm so sorry canada i hear you're lovely people but um i have just spawned uranus all right i harvested some more wood and i'm pretty sure i called this uranus when actually it's jupiter so you know i'm just a fool you know what i've got blocks now and we are okay we're on top of jupiter there is wait is that the end in there no way oh wait what we are inside jupiter oh my okay okay okay i'm going across oh yes come on bertha this is good oh wait can i shoot her please tell me i can shoot sir oh it does so much damage okay okay okay i can shoot one of these yes what there is a canadian cow oh okay i've just got to get all of these come on this is so perfect yes and you and you i think i've got i've got all of them except for this one with the canadian cow alright i'm going up to say hello to my friend okay oh what i'm so confused all right dragon i'm shooting you oh no no i need to get these things first oh yes we got it boom boom oh my goodness we can kill this dragon oh my it does so much damage wait i've got tnt okay okay okay right i've got an idea i'm gonna shoot the dragon a few more times oh another shot oh my it's so good right that's it i'm going down come on dragon come with me you know you want to i'm just gonna make a load of buttons okay this is good oh she's perching yes okay okay this is good one gunshot oh right i can kill it with tnt i can do it okay i'm safe oh oh oh i still nearly died it's fine tnt pull go on do some damage do it oh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh that was too close all right gunshot yes oh and that is why you should never enter uranus
Channel: Wisp
Views: 3,935,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, wisp, wispexe, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, custom, op, blocks, one block, skyblock, one block skyblock, one earth block, planet, earth, minecraft but its one block, minecraft but its one earth block
Id: kt8K1CPhlQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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