Minecraft, But Chests Are Super...

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i replaced every chest in minecraft with a super chest it doesn't matter if it's a village nether fortress or stronghold every chest is super and it gets better as i progress through the game so if you do enjoy this video then please consider subscribing it is completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind enjoy the video straight away i'm looking i don't see anything out here if there's a shipwreck i'm just looking for a chest but i might have to start with the basics and just get wood that's fine with me i'm okay with that but it's okay because as i said the chests get better and better so as i progress further and further through the game it's just gonna get absolutely insane super slow stone tools boom shipwrecks are usually near the shore so i might just quickly have a look around because if i can find a chest this close off the bat we're just set and there's nothing oh this is a very good sign a ruined portal that means a chest might have to mine through all of this no this is not good nope that looks something super i like this i like this a lot come on boom oh gold block straight off the bat wait there's a regular fire charge which yeah that does nothing but this right click to throw bane of arthropods five insane we've got three gold blocks just like that but wait do i test this do i throw this i'm literally a ghost i'm a humongous ghast why am i so cringe can someone help me be less cringe does anyone teach that there seems to be nothing on this island it just seems to be a huge island with nothing in it yep i'm not dying to a creeper i'm good i'm leaving i don't need this i'm out of here i got time but the good thing about this is that there are loads of structures and most of the structures in minecraft have a chest somewhere so although it's not 100 i could just live off of chests although oh no we need to go mining because there's a mine shaft oh yeah i've got to find a mine shaft chest i've got to try and find one of every type of chest we found ruined portal that's done and are you kidding me that looks like a village literally on the top of a mountain and hopefully it's easy food please also i mean look at that beautiful pepe on my back a lovely pepe cape if ever i say so i mean seriously it's it's pepe check the link in the description get the pepe cake oh chest here we go here we go oh enchanted bread wait no no it says i never run out no way if i eat this we have unlimited food you're joking me and emerald blocks and iron golem spawn eggs wait what super sapling no no no no what am i just doing good deeds right now i'm just making the world a better place think i've done my bit for team trees i can't believe i've got unlimited food now all of these hay bales are useless and i've got a load of free iron so if i just go yoink yoink hit two of them okay run away okay here we go free iron right here yeah this is nice there might even be more chests in this village you never know gotcha and gotcha 11 iron perfect i'm being a smart boy i'm staying safe and well i guess why not oh yeah here we go there's another chest in here give me something else okay i'll take the iron golems that's it really though i don't know what i do with blocks of emeralds i don't want to trade with villagers that's so long i suppose i could do one very good thing right now i can sleep and then i can use them on this guy to get arrows there we are okay this will work okay i'll give me a ton perfect three stacks that'll do me you know what they're yours buddy i don't need them now that i've got my iron i've just got a mine and hope that i find one of the most ridiculous 1.18 caves and then find a mine shaft oh see this is what i'm talking about yes this cave is huge i can find a mineshaft in no time i can jump down and not die oh i'm gonna die nope this was a terrible idea i need i need i need help tons of lapis i don't know what i'd use this for would i get an enchantment table oh wood yes mineshaft see this is why we love these caves mine shafts are everywhere there's just too much drip stone i don't want to die not today here we go though and super chest right there baby i've even got string and okay 40 arrows which you know what i don't need that's pretty trash though that sucks it's all based on chance though there's got to be another one i refuse to believe it's the only chest in this mine shaft oh here we go now we're talking and oh drink poison potions literally useless worst chest ever you know what i'm out of here i'm done mining i don't care i'm making a pickaxe and just a helmet i'm i'm done mining's boring and we're literally right by the surface yeah you know what i reckon i've just got to go back to that ocean and find a shipwreck i refuse to believe that there is no shipwreck in an entire ocean we're off show me the way pepe come here dolphin make this quicker yes help me find a chest oh he's done it big old dolphin boys help me yeah this has to have a chest in it i refuse to believe yes it does and mlg boots thank you i'll take it they're diamond boots as well okay this is very good and wind which just causes nausea literally nothing else and a knockback level 255. i mean it's pretty useless but i suppose if we're in trouble we can smack some mobs out of the way i'll take it though i'm safe now we can get mr finn to help me find a cave because you best believe it it's mining time of the things i've got left there's a spawner a desert temple a stronghold and then a bastion and another fortress which i get in the nether and is this a cave oh yeah down there surely that is it is a cave oh i can literally jump down and i'm fine all the way down only three hearts damage yep absolutely fine there's even another mineshaft which i don't even need i should probably make armor though you know just to be safe and now that i'm down in the deep dark caves just why not have a little wine oh that's the stuff oh yeah oh no this was a bad idea i now just have to find one tiny little spawner doesn't matter if it's in a lush cave i'm fine with this oh yeah this is looking like it it's fine it's another super chest anything good golden apple yep i mean the rest is useless but okay this is literally ridiculous spawners don't exist in 1.18 i feel like i've literally been in every single type of cave ever i kid you not less than 10 seconds after i said that this happened what is this there's literally nothing most convoluted cable i literally thought it was never gonna happen i genuinely thought it oh no way no way no way it says super pickaxe what does it do what is it oh now we're talking so much stuff there was more in here as well literally an enchanted golden apple perfect an anvil okay unlimited cobble oh no way so if i place this oh it just lasts forever i have unlimited blocks i love my life and what about you riptide don't need it another super pickaxe another anvil i thought this was impossible i can finally go to the nether my life is complete and i can just wham this wherever i want just break everything i can go straight down to y11 easy peasy and just go straight along yeah now we're talking hey guys what's going on my name is wes welcome back to strip minded with wisp episode 16423 946 today we're going to be strip binding oh hey lava won't lead me to more lava ouch no i'm fine it's okay yes there's even a cheeky little diamond i'll take it boom yes that's all i've been looking for i can literally take all this damage it doesn't even matter oh this is brilliant we go boom yes lovely oh okay i'm an idiot it doesn't even matter because boom baby i've got my nether portal oh this is perfect i'm living the dream away we go i'm out of here oh you're kidding me there's gonna be a fortress chest and i have unlimited blocks i can just place as many as i want i don't even have to worry okay this is a terrible idea but i'm going i hear blazes but nothing matters i will find the blazers later the first thing i want is a chest there's got to be yes give me something insane do it what is that grenade diamond apple whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i have literally zero idea of what that could possibly do is that better than an enchanted golden apple i really want to eat it no no i'll wait until i'm in danger and then i'll just go for it that was the treat there's got to be another chest yes come on no no no no no i'll take the iron and the gold that's not what i want okay i think there is literally nothing else but that's fine i can get my blaze rods and get out of here because then i only have to find a bastion i can't take full damage which is very helpful in the nether i've got a god apple so i've got my fire res and there's literally a blaze spawner here yeah let's go you know what you suck yeah yep perfect yes here we go you know i actually might just eat this golden apple now i don't even need it i've got a diamond apple you're done that's another one another number five i think no six come on give me one number seven okay i'm done i'm out of here and i guess i can just dig my way there there's already a portal there which means super chest incoming and these guys are all gonna want to kill me i have no gold armor i just have my mlg boots oh i see you yes and i have to get it because if there's a fireball in there i can kill a ghost with its own fireball that was actually my fireball oh and speaker the devil oh this is oh no no no this is bad this is bad i have 25 seconds of fire resistance no no no let me out please don't knock me down ghast i don't want to die yes good over oh oh i'm gonna run out of fire rest no are you kidding me the second oh fireball okay looting two that's crazy get rid of that more blocks and the fireball itself i don't even need obsidian i actually almost died i'm not gonna eat my diamond apple for that it's okay i've got my regular food but where was that ghost what what i see you bud i'm throwing a fireball are you you don't kill me today i kill you yes no he disappeared it was all a waste of time okay we've got an enderman biome and don't tell me yes here we go here we go this is a terrible idea but i've got to get to this bastion i've got limited blocks i never have to worry about running out i've just got to be the best bed wars player of all time right now don't you dare no yeah you sucker that's what i thought hello buddies i'm just here to steal everything you have please don't hurt me i don't think i'm asking too much when i tell you all to love me unconditionally okay i'll take these whilst i'm here cause why not and i now have 22 blocks of gold yes all right where are the chests oh i see them oh oh oh that was close holy smokes yes i hide myself what are you giving me what place any tool in this chat okay boom done what knock back sweep no no no no what fire aspect you're kidding me give me something good looting level 200 wait wait please you've got to give me sharpness if i just keep clicking surely there's sharpness there sharpness level 255 on my iron sword wait my pickaxe oh efficiency fortune go again oh no still touch as well dang it i'm breaking it can't break i just keep going i'm ending okay that's everything another bow come on let's just keep going i just keep it's everything literally everything you can get on a boat yes oh my goodness i did it to my gold sword as well i'm gonna use a gold sword i don't need no iron sword this pickaxe is not well i can do my armor i can make it so i can't die and you go protection level 255 now we're talking blast protection thorns anything that hits me is going to die that's all going on i'm literally i'm safe i'm done i'm going back the end of obama is literally right here yes hello endermen how are you my friend are you ready to die i really hope so come on let's go boom and two stacks of pearls even more thank you three stacks of pearls that's enough i can make all of my eyes a vendor head straight back to my portal i'm going through oh getting out of here is gonna be absolutely nothing oh yes we're surface yes we are just like that and yoink where are we going this way no way please tell me this is a desert if i find a desert temple on the way i may cry i've just got to keep my eyes peeled as i go because if i miss the temple i will never forgive myself is it still this way yep it is come on yes yes yes four super chests oh nukes diamonds i have no idea what a nuke is it looks like tnt it doesn't stack with tnt which makes me think it's better so i'll be taking all of that thank you and i'm out of here oh it's turning oh yep it's literally right here and down we go easy peasy i don't die oh my goodness please oh i just appeared what jago you're seeing what's in this chest is this yeah what the just happened boom oh my gosh creeper launcher ender poles as well wait wait wait what oh my you're kidding me i don't know what just happened this thing is huge the second i say that of course i find it you know what i don't care i've done it i'm literally here i have exactly the right amount of eye vendors perfect because there are none and boom i'm gonna be able to one hit the dragon i've got a terrible idea oh this is a terrible idea you know what i don't care boom everything's off such a bad idea i'm praying that this diamond apple holds up to its standards okay here we go boom terrible idea i can mine out so easily though okay i will not die i will not die hello bertha are you ready to tussle i don't need no armor okay i just have to be so safe this is such a terrible idea i have to give myself a challenge otherwise what is the point no please don't hurt me i'm going up i'm going up oh nope i'm fine there's another one i should probably be a bit more careful but i'm just gonna get all of these whilst i'm right here and the final two i think that's all of them she's not healing oh wait if i shoot her she dies oh i gotta use a regular bow i am absolutely no coward oh you know what i don't care no i'm waiting for another perch she's perching the second i say that of course i've got an idea i've got the nukes here we go boom boom oh this is such a bad idea boom such a bad idea come on come on how much damage would that do i have no idea oh oh no no enderman endermen get away i mean the diamond apple oh i didn't take any damage what resistance 4 for 30 seconds i'm pretty sure that makes me invincible i'm going to launch some creepers at things just because i can come on go go go go go yes we killed him i think she's perching right now i'm going up get some creepers down there yes that's some damage for her come on and you go spawn some down there yes very nice oh that's some damage yes oh i'm going down i'm going down okay come on i will shoot you with all of these if i have to you will die to my charged creepers these chests will be the reason i win come on birth there's time for you to perch you know is that a perch it is i'll launch one up come on yes no no no no don't you dare flick it away good okay this is it i'm smacking it you ready one swift hit to the head boom oh yeah super chester the reason i've done this let's go and now i risk my fate oh please subscribe
Channel: Wisp
Views: 3,699,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, wisp, wispexe, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, every chest, is super, super, super chest, super item, minecraft super, super minecraft, minecraft but chests are super
Id: MqpBF1qxztM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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