Minecraft, But CHUNKS are ONE BLOCK!

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[Music] this is minecraft but every chunk is a different type of block so i have to try and beat the game in a world that's nothing like anything i've ever seen before and apparently only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed so please be sure to subscribe if you're not because it's completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind and now just enjoy this video oh my this world looks insane literally every chunk is a different type of block there's copper random lapis here end stone dirt oh my the trees aren't even trees how am i supposed to get wood i'm literally gonna have to find a chunk that is made of wood oh that's wood right there okay perfect this is insane i'm breaking a tree that is just made completely of wood and it makes no sense wait a second that is literally diamond door that is diamond in deep slate so if i get iron i'm set but for now i am literally stuck with disgusting wooden tools and i've just realized that i'm gonna have to collect so much wood just from this one chunk because there's a chance that i won't see any wood again and then i literally can't do anything oh no i'm gonna have to try and find stone or cobblestone as well to actually make stone tools no no no no you're joking me this is blackstone right please tell me it's blackstone yes oh okay we've got stone tools meaning that i literally if i can find iron we're slowly progressing through this and i'm actually gonna be able to do it i made nine crafting tables to annoy all of you i'm kidding please subscribe i'm seriously subscribed i'm so lonely i'm also gonna grab a ton of this because i do not want to be running out of stone but now i don't actually know what i do i think i just have to keep searching until i find useful blocks and that's slime yep slime's definitely gonna be useful oh this is so satisfying give me all of these okay this is good because this is so many free blocks that if i land on i don't take any full damage i am four and a half hundred bars down which means if i step on this and i'm not sneaking i'm gonna take damage and i literally don't know what i do if i can't find food because i haven't seen a single mob so far what blocks can i eat oh cakes hay bales and there's snow here you know what i'll take this anything is useful at this point i'm gonna have to go look in a cave because they look terrifying oh fish and kelp oh wait you know what i don't even need the fish i'm going straight for the kelp oh and this is coral this is so broken but it's okay because now we actually have food yes at least i think we do if i go boom yes food it does half a hunger bar i am in so much pain watching this happen and now that i've actually got food i think i've just got to check inside this cave because you never know there might be something good in here what am i even looking at oh and nothing changes it's just pretty blocks yep you know what forget this caves are not worth it they don't have the diamonds i want oh yeah this world just looks more and more ridiculous the further you walk what is that that's furnaces and pumpkins and obsidian and this is just another huge hole i don't know if i can say that what oh i thought that was never right that looks so much like netherright for a second but there's more wood okay but wait right there because this video is sponsored by display now i know what you're thinking what's the disc plate it's one of these things a display is a one of a kind metal poster designed to capture your passions and i know it sounds weird but look how cool these things are this is from my favorite film fight club and it just sits in my room and makes it look better and it's great because there's a huge selection of both branded and artistic designs even for your favorite films like marvel star wars dc comics and a load more they also attach to the wall with a simple magnetic mounting system and they have an expected delivery of four to five days so it's really quick i mean look i've got this one this one this one and jago even sleeps with his wait no work it out okay sorry as i said these things are awesome and i actually had one before doing this ad so i really like them be sure to check out some displays using the link in the description and now let's just get back to the video so wood's not an issue finding caves is also not an issue because these are just terrifying but also obsidian this is huge i'm actually just gonna take some of these furnaces whilst i'm here you never know what you can find we can find some iron that'll be the dream or redstone yep that's useless you know what i'm looking at too much useless stuff i need to go up it has to be something helpful i don't believe that there isn't we've got redstone lamps random bricks oh i thought that was iron please oh you're kidding me there's literally iron deep slate right over there you know what i can make this here we go boom nailed it and we've even got the dried kelp blocks to smelt it so this is perfect yeah get it all smelting we're actually gonna have somewhat resources now i've just realized that this is going to be exactly the same in the nether wait a second that's a village house is everything inside it yep literally everything inside it is iron every single thing gets completely replaced oh and this one's just in a different chunk so it's a different block oh these poor villagers oh chest no i've been robbed and so of the villagers where are the villagers this place has just been destroyed what is all that looks like the deep depths of hell well at least we've got iron it's something and i haven't seen a single mob so i'm literally just not gonna make a shield i don't think i need one just a bucket and some armor fine 33 iron and a dream and you know what it's time we just carried on searching now this has just got me wondering which way i run because i'm kind of lost i don't know where anything is or what anything is i think this is a spruce biome just judging by these trees even then i can't tell and this is just madness because everything looks the same even though it's all different blocks i can't differentiate any of it but it's fine i've just gotta keep searching the world is getting laggier and laggier because it's getting so hard to load in all the chunks no no no no those are not diamond blocks you're joking me and it's right next to wood yep that is literally diamond blocks oh and this means that i can finally collect the obsidian as well so literally five diamond blocks and i've got plenty of diamonds this is ridiculous so let's go boom make my diamond pickaxe easy oh yeah now we're talking this literally means that the only thing i have to find is gravel because if i can get a flint and steel i can go straight to the nether now this is so easy yep i'm literally out of here there's nothing else i could possibly need i mean there's crafting tables and some orange stuff over there but i don't care i don't think i need emeralds but if i could find some gold whoa my frames oh hey bales no no no no i was about to say if i can find some gold then i can trade in the nether but now i've got unlimited food i literally have a biome of food oh yes the stupid kelp has been replaced and i can eat good oh finally oh my frames are dying so i think i've literally just got to get back to where i was which was the obsidian biome and the problem is that i know for a fact the only way i'm getting to the nether because i'm not gonna find gravel there's no chance i'm gonna have to find lava and set wood on fire to get into the portal that's all i'm gonna be able to do otherwise i'm done hang on a minute what are these blocks what i have never seen this block in my life and it's unbreakable please comment down below if you know what that block is i genuinely have no idea my minecraft skills are useless there's target blocks and more iron oh and bedrock up there you're joking i think we're almost there yes i see the deep slate diamonds and the obsidian perfect oh you know i've got good food now i can run across this don't even care not even worried about it oh no this is an obsidian okay that means the obsidian's over there all right you know what whilst i'm here i'm gonna grab the lapis that we found at the very start yes and hope that i can get in chance at some point because that'll be awesome i've still got to go through to the nether which will have completely different blocks i'm slightly terrified of everything right now but it'll be fine oh yeah and it's night time so here come the mobs oh i'd have a shield oh it's so laggy the world is literally dying dude i've got to kill these things quickly oh they're lagging so bad they're not hitting me this is awful oh is this creeper going to explode oh get out of here nice we're nailing this this is easy i'm safe nothing matters i've got all of them i literally just need to find this obsidian oh come on oh this is weird though ravine that leads into a cave i'm not messing with that i'm out of here come on yes give me the goods it's so laggy i don't know what's happening i literally cannot see this man you want no no i'm not too hot come on come on come on yes oh my goodness that could be down to one hot i'm fine oh i think i see it yeah this is where the village was yes obsidian okay the weight is no more we've got it once again the power of editing three two one and come on come on come on come on boom that's 20. we've got enough to go through to another and get back the only thing i need for it is lava and that looks like lava to me so i definitely think the best way to go about this is to just place a piece of wood inside or next to the portal i've done it before hopefully it works again and then i just waited oh that just happened in front of my eyes i've been waiting here for at least 10 minutes you're joking me all right then now i'm scared oh my it's already scuffed we've got some nether blocks which is good is that hogland that's all glenn this is bad oh these guys are they're laggy but they're angry with me oh there's diamonds okay i need to get out and why haven't i made diamond armor okay okay i'm getting out of here i've just got to remember that my portal's right up there and stay alive come on give me give me yes all the perfect diamond armor good i'm safe and now's probably a good time to mention that alfie also said this world is scuffed as well so search around the nether and i don't really know what that means so i just search i go right that's no you're joking me is that a blaze spawner do not tell me this is a blaze spawner but it's not just a fortress it's a blaze spawner and there's literally as many gold blocks as i could possibly want right here meaning that i can trade for ander pearls and there's a piglen right over here okay buddy i just need you to come over here oh you're so angry with me it's okay i would be too bud and you go take all the gold bud you're trapped yes good get trading my friend and i'm just gonna leave him in there with over a stack of gold and hope for the best i'm using a plug-in that allows trades up to eight pearls so fingers crossed we can just leave him be and he'll just farm me pulse meanwhile up here there were some blazes where have they gone i just need them to spawn whilst i make really good diamond tools yes okay good you're spawning in hello my friend i don't hit this piglet get out of my way yes no blaze rod dang it oh there is a blaze rod that's one i have no idea how many i need but keep them coming come on two four there's three four five six seven okay we've got him we've got him i'm dying so slowly but i've got him so i'm leaving i'm out of here oh let me be let me be my guy is he despawned no that means i just need a ton of gold and i can go literally right over there and trade 2 000 hours of lag later oh i really hope this is in fast forward mode right now because this has taken ages this just needs to speed up well that was easy that was not easy and apparently i've come through a completely different portal this world is so broken i don't care we go boom i have ender where do you take me oh no i threw too many accidents no it's lagging please don't break oh we got them all back thank goodness it's fine i'm safe i'm gonna be able to find this stronghold we're literally we've just found netherright but we've also entered is this ice spikes oh my i don't even know what to think but i will happily take one another right block that's all i need but yeah this is definitely a polar biome i'm in the arctic right now and wait a minute we found books we're gonna get enchanted i'm getting everything i need right before i go through this is perfect oh i do love this and is it still going yep it is oh you're joking oh there's a sign alfie what did you do this is definitely from alfie lol you didn't see this coming alfie i did well i mean okay yeah fine you caught me off guard you're joking if i just put all this in you've got to be okay well i'm gonna sort myself out smithing table netherright armor boom tools enchantment table anvil sharpness efficiency full protection sharpness two and power you know what i'd say i'm pretty set i literally don't need any of this except for my blocks my food and my ender pearls and with this i go all right come on here we go bertha i didn't set my spawn why didn't i set my spawn it's fine i got this yeah come on bertha you know what i'm purling straight up let's go oh what oh i'm good just gotta break all of these that's all of them no one more that's all of them we can kill this dragon now i'm going in i don't even care i'm going straight for it don't turn around yes here we go yes three hits come on come on come on don't you hit me oh yes nice just gotta shoot you yes bertie you're done this is it for you oh she's perching so many hits in right now oh it's so unlaggy because the world's normal yes three heads come on this is it let's go come on no yes oh my goodness oh oh my and that is why you don't set every chunk to be a different block because that was a nightmare
Channel: Wisp
Views: 1,219,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, wisp, wispexe, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, every chunk, one chunk, one block, minecraft but chunks are one block
Id: 58QuGbj339A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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