Minecraft but It Gets HARDER!

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this Minecraft but it gets harder and harder and okay way too difficult this happens every advancement so let's begin at our easiest difficulty so this is Minecraft's hard difficulty and now this is hard plus difficulty so when I mine trees and hopeless difficulty I get planks that sucks really six oh my gosh yep that's good enough and worst of all when we craft a tool it comes off half durability and this is not even the hardest difficulty and now for the worst part when I go and buy this Cobblestone weekend advancement and now it chooses A new challenge tiny Health huh oh my God literally anything can kill me okay now we gotta make a stone pickaxe though but it's gonna make another challenge so when I grab this oh no here we go choosing challenge oh my gosh wait these are difficult next challenge touchscreen equals Death oh no okay so now we can't touch the color green okay here's the plan guys real quick we're gonna go in here why is there Green carpet and we need to get one and real quick I'm gonna take down this house and get all the wood I can get well there goes the house and I still gotta get out of here without touching green okay let me jump there oh gosh and how am I gonna get to a cave without touching Green Oh wait I could maybe get on that way this is a bad idea okay you know what we're gonna go for it I'm gonna stack up real quick one hit guys and we're dead okay I don't think you can reach me oh he's down oh wait it's on grass okay we can't touch the green so maybe I can grab it like this come on yes oh wait choosing challenge again oh gosh What's it gonna be all mobs are hostile wait what oh wait why is the cow coming at me okay so now we can't touch green if the kill's trying to kill me hey chill oh no oh no that's broke okay you know what new plan guys we are gonna run away and oh my gosh wait no no [Music] we did get five iron ingots and now I guess we're stuck getting another advancement with this let's grab that and oh no another challenge guys What's it gonna be this next challenge Manhunt wait what oh okay nope nope nope okay guys I didn't really make a plan for this is he chasing me oh my gosh oh my gosh I gotta get in the game I gotta get in the cave oh wait this is working yes we're in the cave hold on let me get to the bottom I gotta get to the bottom guys oh yes okay how deep is this cave is he right behind me oh okay oh gosh guys I I legit don't have much options but I gotta literally jump in the water oh gosh we're going okay that's just going down a little bit but we gotta go we're gonna lose him we're gonna lose him I'm gonna go straight up there guys please reply me you chill oh no no no no okay okay I'm just gonna block it off right there we're gonna just dig straight down oh no no no no wait maybe I can Juke him actually if I put that right there and then break that right there we just gave you oh he's literally right there okay wait it continues let's go guys the timer's almost done oh gosh oh gosh oh okay uh another big cave let me real quick I'm gonna block this off guys there is not that much time left but I'm going for the job yes spark that off real quick oh my gosh she's still right behind me oh no okay he's coming oh wait we did it it died yes you survived and The Manhunt is over oh my goodness well we made it to the caves and if we look at the advancements the next one is either diamonds hot stuff or suit up I think I need some armor first all right let's get him for a chest plate all right not bad but now we need wood okay let's make the crafting table real quick all right let me grab the iron and now let's make first a bucket because we need that and oh no even the helmet is low durability okay let's get the advancement and here we go again guys brand new difficulty what's gonna be this time have the inventory wait what yo we lost off the inventory oh no okay well let me get a water bucket real quick let's make an iron sword just in case of course spot durability and now let's find a cave without any green stuff hold on we gotta mine shaft okay here's a new plan put it on the ground table get one Cobblestone and we can finally get one yes I gotta I guess get another advancement so we can go in and get even harder difficulties which might be a lava bucket now all right let me get some wood and then we'll go deeper oh I don't like this you can get this much how it literally makes everything impossible but I see lava and I'm gonna make it to the lava so I can get the next advancement let me just get through here and no no no no no no stay away stay away oh this is bad this bad oh gosh wait let's go to shot the creeper oh my gosh okay first we place out the water then all we do is grab the lava and oh gosh here we go again what's gonna be in prison armor zombies what does prison mean am I supposed to go get it by a zombie wait what the heck are those guys do I like let them hit me oh gosh okay okay oh wait they didn't do damage I just got teleported hello wait you're in prison find a way out oh no they took everything oh gosh okay all right so I'm assuming this is even harder oh I'm supposed to talk to the zombie Warden hello have you subscribed to the channel by the way oh no no I mean maybe it's not but you can if you're watching Escape Brazil the puzzles lead the way oh wait we're puzzles though we got one stone okay uh well what else am I supposed to get is that it or maybe I throw the stone on there because it's a wooden pressure plate can I break wood oh again okay so I just can't break out with the Bedrock okay I am on to something guys we're about to use our biggest brains but with the crafting table what if we make an oak trap door and all we gotta do is this oh we can crawl and so when we go on this thing when it activates it okay I have an idea then we throw the stone there there we go and then we open this and uh did that open this no maybe this one oh it did Secret Door oh okay we're on to things guys oh wait cobweb did I press that oh I could have literally just died you know what what about the other way okay let's just go this way and dead end all right I think we're supposed to go this way oh my gosh okay just look out for the traps just gotta look out for the traps be careful Nestor another one right here there's two of them okay so I can't go that way am I supposed to be smart about this what if I just put this there oh hold on oh wait this doesn't trigger anything so I could just jump that there we go and now where do we go behind us this is a full-on maze oh wait I hear fire I think we might be getting close oh wait okay what is this gotta break up okay I mean we got through the fire oh my gosh what the heck is this okay well we escaped the cell through the catacomb things and I am nowhere near my cave anymore okay so we got from there and what is this solitary confinement yep it's pretty much lonely okay let's not go in there what about here the warden's office oh this might be where we gotta sneak in okay maybe my stuff's in here I think we're good to just go inside prisoners items do not touch I'm gonna touch that what was that noise oh my gosh wait what so loud it was rigged the warden found you hey yo okay okay just the normal fight right okay no let me take this guy down real quick couple more hits down he goes just like that and now with that being done before we get more mobs let's get out of here is there an escape path I'll take the book oh wait it's right behind him oh we gotta parkour all the way out of here all right that should be too bad as long as we don't take any fall damage and of course at all the water book anymore I have a lava bucket well when all else fails we're gonna just go ahead and place that there and now we can keep going up oh all right not too bad of jumps right here and what the heck is this okay let's make a jump scare all the way out of here and oh wait what is this right here lock oh do I have to like do a painting thing right here oh wait it's like a key hold on this right here I think goes there this right there okay guys I think I'm figuring it out this guy right here goes right there and final piece I think this should be right oh it worked yes we got the key let's open that lock real quick oh and there was a button on the other way oh wait can I get out of here now all right here we go wait I get the screen oh my gosh okay okay no idea no idea we're gonna go on that real quick and oh gosh the challenge never ends does it let me real quick jump all the way to this cave over here and on the bright side we're never going back to prison that's for sure it might be a good time right now to finally mine some diamonds and as always stay away from that all right let's safely just find a cave oh wait this works right here I can get one chord real quick thank you now let's get some food all right let me grab my steak and now for the next advancement where I wouldn't mind what we just saw while I was falling which is diamonds so this should give us the next thing hopefully all right let's see what happens all right we got it choosing challenge oh gosh okay okay please please just take me to the end to beat the game I'm already done wait next challenge tiny time oh wait I'm smaller new cross beats legs and torso guys the next level of difficulties I'm just ahead apparently okay well then here are the crabs on the screen right now to get my body back we need bones and I might have an idea for that because I think I saw spawner over here okay it's a skeleton spotter oh gosh oh gosh no no no no no this is bad this is really bad guys I need a shield okay here's a plan I'm gonna real quick get this out and I'm gonna cook one of these there we go and now with this we can go ahead and make one shield and so now I'm gonna be ahead with the shield okay okay stay back okay that's one hit and I'm surprised I didn't get the advancement by the way I assume they removed that from the harder pool but oh we got him and we got our first bone back I will gladly take that and now oh gosh oh gosh why me oh no no no okay I gotta figure out how to block this off oh wait they're fighting each other oh okay wait that one's watch off let's get that done there we go and what we're making is a skeleton spawner where if we go in right here that is the block we won't be breaking because they're all kind of uh killing each other in there but it's all good and so I'm gonna dig a hole straight down where they're gonna fall all the way so they can get one hit yeah that should be good enough and now I just gotta go all the way up and we'll break that block soon enough okay so we block off there before I go down we need the following one crafting table and a lot of ladders all right don't mind me X head storio is literally just trying its best right now oh and here it is guys okay and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna block this right there and I can technically just hit them from here and to be safe I'm gonna put one slab right there now for the hard part we need to dig all the way around this place let me double check how many skeletons are in there oh my gosh uh no okay let's go around I'll wait my pickaxe is about to break one sec one two all right there we go nice diamond pickaxe luckily that's not an advancement but now oh gosh oh that's a first chest let me get that food and what I gotta first do is break this okay that's gone next chest please be something good oh my God wait is that gonna do anything I'm not sure but we can save this okay let me break that having half an inventory is actually really tough oh gosh um this might be time for gonna change the golden apple I'm gonna eat this real quick let's see what happens oh my gosh I think we have a bunch of Hearts no no no okay wait I think we have an opportunity we have a bunch of dots now but each dots gives me some help okay here's what we're gonna do I'm going inside and we gotta be quick but I'm gonna real quick take as much as I can okay now we go in put the sign then we make the limited water source there we go then we get the water and we place the water okay let's block it off and this should work I don't have any more absorption though oh and most important guys we gotta light up all this area right here and now without further Ado let's see if this works oh I think it does yes they're gonna be pushed in and now we wait 12 seconds later oh wait I already hear them did we get our first skeleton yes they're right there you know what they can't hit me guys we've done it we have made a fallen skeleton farm for all the bones we'll ever need all right let's see how many we can get oh my I am flabbergasted right now they don't stop coming well that's all of them I think let me real quick break through this grab all those bones close that up and so after all that we have 56 bones I think that's enough so now in order let's get first our feet once we're made for walking put that on oh my God we gotta also get our legs we can't neglect the legs which is uh one leg uh they're a bit short apparently oh and now we are Mungus and now for the final part after all our hard work guys we can finally get our torso back and become back to normal finally but now that we have a full body I think the next advancements make things harder is cover me with diamonds so without taking damage let me real quick do a 360 and would you want to book it that was way too risky especially that being right there but let's get some diamonds Diamond number one skills and spawner number two which all we don't need but I want food oh go on Apple okay and now more diamonds another Diamond I'll win two diamonds oh this is nice hold up let me grab that and this might be just what we need all right finally a nice pair of diamond boots please don't be a hard challenge oh gosh here we go are there any good ones on this hostile oars huh this is this awesome oh no no no no no no no no no no okay oh wait I gotta kill the oars now wait what the heck what about Diamonds oh No okay let me find some more diamonds real quick okay first diamond let's real quick my new and it's gonna come alive oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay you know what oh we got two from it nice oh wait that could be a good idea actually what if from the two we could make engines to fight the dragon and killing Quaker so I think this might be another advancement right here and that mean it gets harder okay let's pick this up oh and here we go again okay what's the next challenge gonna be oh find a creeper oh that's it okay let me get the rest of the obsidian finish hurricane on the way okay we bought the creeper do I just like punch it oh wait don't use the creeper yeah five minutes away what are you certain about the timer oh no oh oh oh gosh do I got the wire I think I need cheers okay you know what here's what we're gonna do we got the wiring right there we got a pickaxe to get this right here oh my gosh sir what is a big sword okay here's what we do we make the shears and then I think we just cut the wire do I just cut the green red or blue let's just see what happens when we right click right oh gosh oh wait did the timer just go down a lot oh no green it just went down another minute blue did that work oh what is this nothing is working quickly run away okay give me my furnace oh gosh oh this is bad this is really bad okay we are getting out of here okay here's the plan we are gonna hop all the way out and hopefully we don't get killed oh gosh hello bees bees run away run away way I'm running straight towards the Bedrock prison right now okay so it's right over there I mean it's the worst that could happen a lot of stuff actually let me keep running oh wait I think it happened hold on let me jump back there oh my gosh I would have definitely died well that may be a good sign to go ahead and get our next advancement which I think might be in the nether let's hop away oh wait this makes things easier than I thought cause wait this might be a little bit green hold on let me grab that obsidian real quick and what we can do here is first let me break that right there hold up we're gonna just real quick not do that I thought that was a mistake if I jump right there let's make sure not to touch green I just need this obsidian I messed up with okay place that down get one Flint steel and now if I jump here we got a portal now for the next advancement let's see what happens oh here we go oh wait there's some Fortress right here what the heck wait touch red equals Death wait what everything here is red oh my goodness okay here's the plan we gotta find the blaze rods and Oh wait we're already getting another one okay this is gonna be quick giant nether mobs huh what the heck is a giant mob oh my gosh that's a giant mob you know what we're gonna go that way yep that way sounds great okay the issue here though guys is I don't know if I have enough blocks to explore this unless I do big jumps how am I supposed to not touch the red literally the nether is known to be red I only have Oak points guys oh no oh wait spawner right there spawner right there we're gonna go for this one right here let's just play it safe okay almost there guys enter the place is gonna be giant too oh okay to make sure I can walk around here let me do this real quick there we go now we wait oh enjoy please oh okay stay back don't shoot don't you oh we got him wait how much does he drop oh my gosh we now have all the glaze bottle will ever need okay you know what I'm gonna break down real quick oh and I forgot that was actually advancement too guys yet again here's a new difficulty of the screen in extreme speed wait what oh wait that's bad okay if we're gonna get to the nether I think we might need to uh figure this out okay hold on we just got blaze rods and we just got given a bottle I think I know what we gotta do first let me get this mushroom right here thank you very much there we go and now before anything let me get some calls soon all right we got some calls soon now we run back oh gosh oh gosh in the next place we gotta go to is down this way because I think this is where the actual inside of the Fortress Is oh in other words yes okay just don't touch red here we go and hold on I think I'm allowed to break it and pick it up I just can't touch the block from the side okay yeah I didn't take any damage there so if I just drop here oh I got it okay nice that should be enough and now it's time for the fun part we got the crown table down we get the Cobblestone there and we make our first brewing stand and now with the brewing stand we can go ahead and put one Blaze Potter right there let me get a water bottle real quick place in the water grab the water got the water again now we go back okay now we put the water bottle put one blaze powder and you'll see what this is gonna be while that gets done let me show you guys is the other part we needed one sugar One Brown mushroom and now we gotta kill a certain thing watch this okay stay away oh we got it one spider right and now with the spider eye we put these three together and we get the fermented spider eye okay we're almost done cause we just gotta put the sugar in and with the speed potion we make it into a slowness potion just because this might get a lot especially at this house oh and it's done yes one minute Thirty there we go and that's gonna be challenged complete nice I forgot that was an advancement oh next challenge permanent night go to bed I'm not going to bed here though okay before we do that let me real quick take on one thing and another because this might make things easier oh I see one there he is okay so I was right these guys are gonna be very small could I get them stuck though oh oh I think he's mad okay should be good just kill him right here and get a bunch of Ender poles this way come on oh my gosh oh it is perfect it's a little bit of rules now let's go back okay now with that being done let me get my first diamond over here make sure not to take any damage we're being pretty good so far and oh gosh I forgot about this guy but the mission we have now is to sleep in this bed let's go up real quick wait what the heck okay okay so it's definitely permanent Knight oh we got a mushroom biome yo oh but I can't even touch those cows dang it well we had one Mission and that was asleep so let's go to bed real quick oh and what the heck just happened hey what nightmare Rome find a way owl oh this is not the dream I wanted good thing we're on Blue right now but what am I supposed to do in here should I drink the potions right now I think I might drink it right now okay let's slow down a little bit it's a little bit better right now oh wait maybe I'm supposed to go on this blue stuff right here okay good damn slowest motion guys this is gonna be harder when I don't oh gosh oh gosh I gotta do this quick guys if I don't do this quick I'm gonna run out of the slowness and I am screwed oh man I'm way too quick for this I'm Legit way too quick for this oh gosh we can I run this oh yo that was so risky okay we'll be fine guys I lost slowness this is gonna be a lot harder as long as we use the blocks though we should be fine okay should be good let's keep going oh my gosh wait is that TNT right there oh no oh no oh no okay and we made it nice I think okay where do we go now oh no no no no no now we are just gonna just tap our way throughout here I cannot get hit once oh and it's green too oh this is actually a combination of the worst possible things right now oh what the heck is going on do I gotta go all the way over there okay let's keep going I guess hey don't touch the green let's get to the obsidian and am I supposed to go through this oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay good thing we have super speed holy cow okay good thing we made it all the way to the end and now what the heck is going on over here oh this is bad still can't touch red and scary Herobrine really oh gosh it's gonna run at me okay you know what come straight this way and I'm gonna hit him from here one two oh wait the speed helps us oh gosh couple more hits down he goes and what's going on now oh gosh oh wait are we working up and we're up you're awake what a strange realm oh my goodness well there's only one more thing to the left to do guys and finally to beat this challenge let's real quick make all the blaze water we need and get finally 12 Eyes of Ender and because our sword's almost broken would this work craft wise oh it does but it's almost broken but it works all right where do we go straight that way okay not bad don't break okay well hopefully look is on my side because now we gotta beat the dragon at this much health all right let's start swimming okay I think this way now wait did it go down I think it went down this way hold on okay let's go inside can't touch screen can't touch screen and oh my gosh my worst enemy stay away no no no no are there more I just heard more oh gosh you know what we're gonna make this quick I'm just gonna press that right there oh gosh can't touch green and I don't even know if there's enough eyes is there here goes something and oh wait new challenge we're in oh What's it gonna be now dragon's dinner time huh oh wait is it Dragon usually that fast oh wait what is it coming straight for me um hello hey yo did I just get eaten that was a cool dragon's belly find a way out and it's green of course it is oh gosh okay um I guess suddenly we are inside the intestines of the Dragon what is this okay you know what guys this is why we have blocks for a reason we are just gonna go ahead and go on the very top of it because we have the super speed oh and that's like a blue slime hold up oh yo that's sick okay okay let's keep doing the jumps four giants in the very top and now let me just go there there we go oh gosh I gotta be careful with this okay let's go okay now let's continue and it looks like we're going into the body and oh that doesn't look good oh okay we're gonna just jump over that thank you let's just continue being on the lookout for anything bad okay let's keep going and I think we're nearing the end oh it is Dragon's Tongue do not stab guys we're about to do some stabbing something oh did that work wait what happens now one get spit out you're free kill the dragon oh and here goes other guys okay first we gotta bite the crystals and I guess to make it even harder guys I can't even see the guy's Health well on the bright side I did make a skeleton spotter so breaking these won't be too hard actually gives you an idea oh okay maybe let's go a little bit more back where I put that there double protection yes it worked okay now we break you we break you get that guy too get the four one there we go I think this might be the last one oh gosh okay good thing about super speed is I can do this really quickly just realize there's no Enderman either oh there we go now that's left left is literally just the dragon I can't use buds all I can do is literally run in and oh gosh okay okay I can't take the damage I don't even know how much damage I'm doing but good thing I have the diamond sword can we finally beat Minecraft and I don't even know what this difficulty is I think we at one point we had the difficulty H oh gosh Come on Mr Dragon I don't have that many arrows left guys okay that's another hit another one what is so high up oh wait it's pitching again what's going again okay don't hit don't hit is that gonna hit me okay no it's getting a little bit too close right now how much health does he have oh no we're out of arrows okay wait we have a golden apple let me eat that real quick okay we have a two more dots again so this should help but we have nothing else guys oh I think we can go in now okay oh we got him yes we did it oh my goodness oh and there's another challenge are we not done all right rest in peace Dragon what do we do now one slot wait what guys I only have one slot now I think that might be the final difficulty guys so hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one in this video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,247,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but it gets harder, minecraft hard, minecraft difficulty, minecraft but it gets easier, minecraft nightmare, hard, hard minecraft, hardcore minecraft, hardcore
Id: QhEH31O_c1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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