Minecraft ITEMS in Real Life (items, blocks, animals)

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there are thousands of Minecraft mobs items and blocks all in the game that are also in real life today we're checking out all of the craziest ones from Level 1 to level 10 000. grab yourself some popcorn with some good old classic juice and I'm kind of curious let me know Down Below in the comment section your favorite part of today's video or without further Ado let's jump right into it first one up we have a skeleton okay that's a regular Minecraft skeleton oh yep that that's a that's a human skeleton I I really hope that's a fake skeleton because that would be terrifying oh my goodness I feel like that's the only image that I've actually seen that is a perfect resemblance of a Minecraft skeleton in a real life Skeleton on the left we have a Minecraft spider and on the right we have a real spider absolutely hate spiders they're so creepy and crawly and hey is that a spider there get it okay it's gone thank you oh my gosh please no more spiders please we have a diamond shovel and on the right is a real shovel it's not Diamond though that's more like an iron shovel if anything Margate oh my gosh it's a snowman in Minecraft and on the right look at this dude wait till you see them what the heck is that that is a Snowman in real life there's a very big difference between the two it's um it's rounded on top of his head we need a square snowman for this to be literally Margaret 20 000 likes guys and I will build a real life Market literally a real life Market on the left we have a Minecraft dolphin on the right we have a super cute and cuddly real-life dolphin hey leave a like on today's video if you love Dolphins they're so cute I mean look at the face look at the little smile the dolphin has on his face you want to know what he's saying to you right now please subscribe to the channel if you like dolphins okay thank you thanks dolphin I I really appreciate that we have a diamond in Minecraft and a diamond in real life who else thought diamonds in real life we're gonna be more blue like diamonds in Minecraft I mean I can't be the only person that thought that that's still very beautiful though that is a very very nice Crystal I must say we have a Minecraft turtle versus a real life Turtle oh look at how cute he is oh my goodness dude I freaking love sea turtles every time I see sea turtles I I always think of Finding Nemo look at how cute he is he's looking at the camera he's just like hi I see you if I wasn't if I wasn't named Shark I would totally be turtle man what do you think do you like it we got Alex in Minecraft and on the right we have Alex in real life oh my gosh dude the resemblance is actually crazy she's got the blue shirt I mean Alex's shirt is kind of green but the orange hair matches perfectly along with the iron sword and the little strap around her waist I mean that is perfect that's literally exactly Alex in real life this would be the coolest Halloween costume just say now we got a chest in Minecraft and a chest in real life yo that chest looks so cool oh my gosh I want one Minecraft ax versus a real life ax whoa that's also very cool you see this would have been 10 times cooler if the real life ax was blue like a diamond at least just spray painted blue if it's not a real diamond ax just spray painted to make it look like one but that is still super cool dude holy cow we have a bat in Minecraft and a bat in real life the bat in real life is so cute I mean look at him he's just looking at the camera let's listen closely I think I think I can hear what he's saying that we have beans we have gold in Minecraft and gold in real life oh my goodness that gold in real life looks so shiny and beautiful look at that I just I just want to grab it and eat it no you can't eat gold obviously you would probably break all your teeth no no no I don't want to eat it that is so shiny and beautiful oh my gosh yo wait what are the odds that this picture's actually real and little do we all know they're secretly dragons flying around the world when we go to sleep at night time we would never know they could just fly over our houses and we would literally never know that before you go to sleep tonight I want you guys to look up in the stars for famous five minutes let me know if you spot a dragon I will do the same because I'm determined that there are dragons somewhere on Earth Minecraft sheep versus a real life sheep dude they're so cute I freaking love Sheaf they're so cute we got a Minecraft Torch versus a real life torch okay the resemblance here that's that's really good but I have to say it looks like a tree that fell over and they just burnt the top because that's a big torch we got a silver fish in Minecraft and a silverfish in real life wait there's no way there's no there's no silverfish in real life is there I no no there's there's no way silver fish in real life there's no freaking way all right silverfish no way look at these guys bro look at these things they're so gross oh my gosh wait wait do the silverfish in real life actually come out of blocks like is that a real thing you're building a house and all of a sudden poof there's silverfish everywhere oh God I got I got the heebie-jeebies thank goodness the VFX is a real thing because I would scream this is a fox in Minecraft and a fox in real life hug him he's so cute a Minecraft guest versus a real life cast it's a gas pinata guys oh my gosh hey just saying my birthday's on this Sunday so what if my pinata was this gas that would be super cool I wonder though there's got to be a better looking guest we got a Minecraft Panda versus a real life Panda pandas are so cute I absolutely love pandas they're so adorable we got a Minecraft squid versus a real life squid I gotta say I gotta hand it to him okay Minecraft squids look cuter I think real life squids it just looks like a giant brain look I'm no squid expert okay but to me it just looks like a big brain like a big Einstein brain we got a diamond sword versus a real life diamond sword oh my gosh that sword looks so cool look at that thing again I feel like I would consider that more to be an iron sword because it looks like iron more than Diamond but I if that's actually made out of diamond that must be one very powerful sword if I had that real life sword I would cut every single cake that I got with the sword I'd just be like a cake cut we got a Minecraft pig versus a real life Pig oh dude the real life fig is so adorable he's so furry look at him he's just so cute oh my gosh polar bear in Minecraft versus Polar Bear in real life hello polar bear up in the Arctic Canadian cold weather how you doing he's so cute we got an Enderman in Minecraft at first and Enderman in real life hey the Enderman in real life he stole my grass block what are you doing with that grass block look at the eyes they actually light up just like the Enderman too that is actually so cool oh my gosh these Halloween costumes are on par these are so freaking cool we got an ocelot in Minecraft and an ocelot in real life now I gotta say that ocelot in real life looks like a kitten that I don't think you would want to play with that kitten looks uh very wild and would probably eat our faces off so if you ever see an ocelot in real life be careful I kind of admire the ocelots in Minecraft a lot more they look so cute leave a like if you agree with me next up we got a chicken in Minecraft versus a chicken in real life oh [Music] my gosh they're so cute we got a magma cube in Minecraft versus a magma Cuban a Magma Cube in real life what is that I don't even see an animal there I just see molten lava just flowing Down rocks but they're secretly magma cubes inside of lava and we've never known it this whole time what if the creators of Minecraft know something that we don't know what if the creators of Minecraft know that there are magma cubes in real life and we just never knew it so many Unsolved Mysteries we got a cow in Minecraft and a cow in real life oh look at him he's just eating some grass with his family going through the field like a Happy Cow he is so cute we got Philip the parrot in Minecraft and Philippe the parrot in real life I want you guys to let me know if you guys if you've ever seen a parrot like this in real life I've seen them maybe once or twice and I gotta say they're one of the coolest Birds I've ever seen before they're so beautiful and all their colors are just insane next up we got golden apple and Minecraft and a golden apple in real life will I get extra Hearts if I eat a golden apple in real life is that is that a thing will that actually happen because if so I'm down yo that's so cool though I would love to eat a golden apple we got a Minecraft grass block versus a real life grass block yo okay that's cool we got a kitten in Minecraft versus a kitten in real life oh they're playing in the snow the kid I didn't know cats like snow that's so adorable we got a llama in Minecraft and a llama in real life dude the white one looks so Derpy we got a drowned in Minecraft versus a drowned in real life oh that's terrifying that's terrifying that's very terrifying we got a bunny in Minecraft and a bunny in real life oh dude I freaking love bunnies so much if you guys didn't know I have a bunny his name's Drake he's super fluffy and cute and he is just so adorable I love bunnies we got TNT and Minecraft versus TNT in real life yeah you know I kind of wish TNT in real life was like Cubed like TNT like in Minecraft that'd be cool we got a Minecraft villager versus a real life villager again Halloween costumes beautiful 10 out of 10 amazing and the real life villagers even holding an emerald look at that I wonder what that villager trade offers hmm maybe one Emerald for a pizza we got a diamond hoe in Minecraft versus a diamond hoe in real life now I gotta say the diamond hoe in real life it's more like an iron hole look at it it's it's silver probably made out of steel or maybe even iron but like just spray paint them blue just spray paint them blue to look so much more real we got a pigment in Minecraft versus Pikmin in real life do that's so awesome oh my gosh I love that that's so cool we got a slime in Minecraft and a slime in real life yo that's so cool look at it it looks just like jello I kind of want to oh man I want Jello now we got a Minecraft horse versus a real life horse look at that nay whatever horses say what a horse is saying oh no no we got Steve in Minecraft and Stephen real life jawline though dude look at that jawline that's a jawline on fleek we got a buffer fish in Minecraft and a puffer fish in real life dude he's so cute he's so cute he's so cute I love puffer fishing who could ever look at this thing and say that it's not adorable I mean that puffer fish is the cutest thing I think I've ever seen before Oh my gosh I love it we got a witch in Minecraft versus a witch in real life it's just a regular costume it's not really a Minecraft witch right we got an iron golem in Minecraft in an Iron Golem in real life one word interesting [Music] I'm just saying if I saw that real life Golem walking down the street I would probably turn the other way and run for my life it's slightly terrifying we got a Minecraft zombie versus a real life zombie oh my goodness please never ever have a zombie outbreak that would be terrifying oh another zombie okay that one's a lot better that one literally looks like a Minecraft zombie that one is sick I love that one we got a Minecraft Creeper versus a real life creeper and it's a baby what the heck wait is it did they put the creeper outfit on a baby because when babies poop it usually goes everywhere and it like blows up or was that just me as a kid was I tell me I wasn't the only kid that had explosive diarrhea I can't be the only kid that had that we got another Creeper versus a real life what uh real life creeper uh you know what they say turn that frown upside down Iron Golem oh my Harry back I mean dude whoa I gotta say though I like those jeans Santa what it's a little it's too early in the season what are you doing man I didn't know Santa goes for a tan oh cat why certain knife with the cat tick tick the knife away the poor little kitten's about to cry look at the tears in its eyes we can't do that to our kittens guys love our kittens oh my gosh dude I'm sorry meow meow I would totally take you I'm sorry meow meow oh it's a wither skeleton it's a wither skeleton what could it be what could it be it's a is that a machete in its hand okay I can't really tell I we're gonna call it a machete okay we got an Enderman whoa [Music] whoa whoa Market yo that is the most messed up looking Market I think I've ever seen my entire life what is that thing that is terrifying it's leaning okay my question is how did you build that snowman like it's almost it's legitimately taller than their house did you like get up on the roof and keep like packing it or something like I that they must be Canadian aghast oh oh creepy oh God almost reminds me of the lunar moon [Music] this is just pure pure pure confusion at this point oh I hate those mobs dude oh yeah get out oh it's a Wither yo it's a flying man it's a flying man with lightning whoa oh a dolphin oh why is why is she crying it's just a dolphin they're so freaking cute listen guys dolphins are so adorable I love dolphins and although I'm a part of the shark family sharks are pretty terrified of dolphins I have to say what traitor oh God that's I legitimately just got Goosebumps all over my arms that is creepy that is so creepy oh it's a blaze The Blaze okay oh my gosh dude R.I.P his face creeper be the creeper oh it's a witch what the what it's a dude with a banjo in his hand and why are there cop sounds okay oh it's a b [Music] hey oh God oh God the Stinger it's right oh God okay next next go away go away please no I don't want to look at that ever again [Music] what the panda alligator is that no way it's a real thing no way that's a real thing Ah that's weird that's actually creepy that's really creepy oh cow [Music] the back seat that I got there is how could you fit a poor a poor pig cow I can't even speak but you know what I mean [Music] oh my gosh what the heck that's so bad slime hey hello you you forgot your you forgot your belly on the table again yeah yeah just yeah you want to come pick it up yeah okay yeah I'll hold on to it for like 20 minutes for you you're gonna come grab it though right [Music] a horse donkeys carries mini guns two plus two is twenty what spider oh that's terrifying okay [Music] I think I'm about to have nightmares [Music] I love that I love that excuse me my Halloween costume what the okay that's just creepy what is that Andy from Toy Story what I never thought a villager was gonna be Andy from Toy Story okay that's a parrot silverfish oh that's a beetle though what skeleton he's shooting a shovel what the heck a piggy oink oh what there's a pig out the tail light of the car what dude first people transport cows in the back seat of their car now they're transporting piggies in the backseat of your car if I was driving down the road like this and I looked over to my right and I saw a piggy in the tail light of another car I would probably pull over and I'd want to take him home he looks so cute polar bear oh my gosh yeah just casual day you know just hopping on the bus and polar bear Polar Express walks off the bus yeah just casual day in in Canada or the Arctic oh god dude that Zombie's creepy oh it's little oh whoa Turtle no knife [Music] no no that was no that that was way too much for me all right guys listen listen okay I know what you guys are already thinking all right shark you're gonna start out with the basic blocks and well now we're not gonna do grass We're not gonna do logs we all know that's in real life okay but I want to start off with bees nest okay a bee's nest right here in the game it is a cube covered in Honey and it actually I don't know I don't know about you guys but that looks like a very good block like if I were to smell this block and I didn't know it was a beehive or there was honey inside of it I for some reason for some reason I would think it would smell like cinnamon don't ask but that's just that's just what I would think let's see if a beehive in real life looks something like this okay yeah so obvious if you guys have seen a beehive before obviously they don't look exactly like the ones in Minecraft dude that's a massive swarm of bees but I'm trying to see what an actual beehive would look like up close hey look honey I mean I guess you could say a beehive in Minecraft kinda looks like the one in game but that is an artificial beehive that somebody that's one that somebody made in order to actually into actually making honey and having bees all in one little area but a beehive wow that's a beehive dude that's terrifying dude that's even more oh my gosh okay yeah remind me to stay away from beehives so the next thing we have to review with Minecraft that's also in real life we're gonna check a sheet but no no ordinary sheep I want to see all the different color sheeps that are in real life is there such thing as a red sheep is there such things as a purple sheep or is there such things as a rainbow sheep let's find out rainbow sheep oh my god dude that's so cool oh my gosh there's no way that's actually real bro that's they're not born like that that's for sure somebody must have put coloring dye in in their fur if that's hopefully that's even healthy but dude look at this one that one kind of looks legit but dude the power of Photoshop nowadays we never know dude rainbow sheeps would be so cool how about a red sheep that's gotta be a thing right no way the red sheep of Scotland hey if any people from Scotland are watching right now please please please confirm our red shoes the real thing please please please please please please that would be so cool if that was a thing all right guys so the next mod that we have to check out of course we have these zombie ladies and gentlemen honestly guys as a kid I always thought a zombie outbreak would be one of the scariest things I would ever have to go through in life but I think I'm actually mistaken the zombie outbreak happened that would only be the icing on the cake as to how 2020 has gone so far but let's go ahead and see just exactly uh what a zombie would look like in real life yay wow that zombie literally just got saved zombie let's see what comes up oh my gosh yeah it's all dude this is so crazy Halloween just kind of passed and now I'm well I'm all I'm thinking is about it's Halloween again so obviously the zombies that you would expect to see in real life don't exactly look like the zombies in Minecraft Minecraft zombies are like just a couple few colors and they're very squared off but boy tell me if zombies in real life look like zombies in Minecraft they would be way less intimidating because imagine this thing imagine this thing breaking down your front door trying to eat your brain like bro come on that that that that thing oh my count me on the first ticket to Jupiter I am out of here dude now guys we just checked out a zombie of course we also have to take a look at a skeleton are there such things of skeletons that hold bow and arrows let's find out skeleton holding a bow and arrow in real life wow that's a very specific search term I mean here's a dude showing you how to make a bow and arrow but that's not exactly what we're looking for and then of course there's a Minecraft skeleton whoa this is a cool image archery oh man of course I mean I didn't really expect there to be any photos of a real life skeleton but like I mean that's kind of that's not even real life that's more that's more pixely than Minecraft dude dang it can somebody recreate a real skeleton with a bow and arrow in real life that's all we need okay I mean this guy's halfway there he just has to be a skeleton and not a living human you know what I mean right next mob in the list here guys we have the one and only a beautiful beautiful loving caring gal developing horse dude I love horses so much saw a horse when I was a little kid they're so big they're so cool like ah I love horses dude I want to ride off in the sunset eating lava cakes with a horse that is my ideal date but dudes check this out this horse is we all know horses and Minecraft are so cool but let's check out exactly what a horse would look like in real life for those I haven't seen one of course let's see dude I love horses so much look we got Mama horse right here we got baby horse right there they're just chilling having a great time dude oh my gosh how much does it cost to buy a horse well you don't gotta tell me twice dude look how pretty that thing is oh my gosh imagine one of the dude you know dogs and cats are cool but imagine a horse imagine a horse you could like Billy hey Billy come over here oh you see there Here Comes Billy hey Billy Billy come on here Billy all right guys so the next item on our list here happens to be weeping of vines now this is a now this is a more recent update to the game as it just as the update just came out not too long ago and it's when they introduce weeping Vines now I don't know if it's a real thing in real life I don't think Vines can cry and I feel like weeping means crying but I mean I mean either way let's search into Google to see what exactly it thinks this might be weeping Vines let's see okay of course Minecraft pops up real life that's a very big key word that you have to write in there because real life is gonna it's gonna tell Google that hey we don't care about Minecraft we want to know real life vine tapestry so is that what a is that what a is that what a weeping Vine would be but it's not red so it doesn't exactly look like that weeping Vine okay so it's like a decal almost it's not red like Minecraft well that tells me like there's no such thing as a weeping Vine in real life if any of you guys are experts and happen to know if a weeping Vine is real be sure to let me know Down Below in the comments All right so we've got another one here that I'm also so a little bit skeptical about and uh well that to be crying obsidian this as well as weeping Vines just came out in one of the most recent updates and why is it called crying obsidian and just why is it crying it's not even crying there's no tears I'm just I'm so confused I have so many questions that need so many answers and I'm not getting them crying obsidian let's see what pops up like of course it's Minecraft crying obsidian real life that's the key word that we have to write okay whoa no way in my house I found this mineral that kind of looks like crying obsidian yo that is sick dude I am such a huge fan of rocks like these like I would love to start I would love to start collecting crystals and rocks just like this one because that looks so cool and it looks just like crying obsidian it's got the same purple vibrant hello yes this is Obsidian Jeb dinner bone Notch and many other devs will most likely pass away in your lifetime obsidian that's so sad no all right guys I'm sorry to be that guy but there is one more item on the list here and this one is a little bit less interesting but it's one I've been meaning to check out which that happens to be hell kelp in real life let's see oh my wow that's beautiful wow that is so cool I love being a shark dude this is so cool oh my gosh look it's a shark swimming through kelp guys is that even kelp kelp I I need to make sure kill help oh kelp dude that's so cool okay obviously the kelp in Minecraft kind of looks like the kelp in real life but it really it looks like kelp in real life when kelp in real life is underwater because when it's taken above water it looks different maybe that one's chopped up because it's like a salad or something but all right let's see Sponge this is exactly what I expected to pop up this is a cleaning sponge okay guys this is a cleaning sponge we all probably have them in our kitchen or maybe something like this this is a lot more common too in fact I got one downstairs but here's the thing sponges in real life do not work the same way as sponges in Minecraft because if they did I wouldn't have to clean up as many darn dishes as I do ah just imagine how convenient it would be if you could in real life go down and just throw a sponge on top of your dishes and voila they're instantly clean please somebody invent that yeah you know what I think I think we all wish that's actually how sponges worked because that would probably save everybody a whole heck of time second item on the list we have today ladies and gents we have the emerald block it's very similar to the diamond block if you are lucky enough to collect as many emeralds to craft a block out of it you can get yourself one of these Emerald blocks now Emerald blocks are certainly beautiful especially with this resource pack I mean this looks so crisp our Emerald blocks as they are in Minecraft in real life I personally I've never seen one but let's turn to our best friend Google and see what they say emerald block let's see so if I search a benro block all Minecraft now let's do in real life let's see what do we get whoa that is sick if that's actually okay I don't think that's at wait is it I was gonna say I don't think that's what Emerald looks like but there's so many articles about the same photo 1.1 kilogram and 5655 carat emerald Unearthed in Zambia okay if that is real that is sick I want one Whatever It Is take take all my money take it I I don't I want that that looks so cool cool dude it's like a little it's like a night light imagine a nightlight like that okay sorry I know we're going off topic okay I'm sorry my inner kid is just coming out next one up on the list here ladies and gents is a little bit different from just an item we're going Armin yes we're over at the Villager Farms here and we have wheat ladies and gentlemen this is how you can make bread now is the process similar in real life yeah I don't know I'm not exactly the best agricultural farmer person I'm really only good at Minecraft yeah this is this is a craft inventory of a guy holding wheat look you can literally see wheat in his inventory Wheat Farm let's see what a wheat farm looks like oh yes this is what it is ladies and gents okay so yeah this is this is probably more similar to what a wheat farm would be like now but the only thing that's throwing me off here is isn't there supposed to be water somewhere around there like in in the middle of the week so then the crops can grow and you can make bread is that not is that not how it works I don't see any water nearby that seems awfully dry I I mean I could be wrong but you just I don't see any water all right we're gonna say yes the process is very similar but um if anybody is a farmer please let me know in the comments how do how does this work where's the water is it underground do you do you water it yourself how does this work the rain what next blocks on the list here guys we're going underwater these are the coral blocks yeah bubble Coral we have tube Coral horn coral and fire Coral blocks now obviously an ocean requires coral for fish and other ecosystems to live in and survive and feed from now are these accurate names for all the coral that we happen to have in real life let's find out fire Coral let's see oh wow whoa this is a fire Coral this is a venomous Coral what all right so apparently the fire Coral is actually a type of coral that is venomous to anything that is not immune to it or supposed to be around it that is cool how about horn coral now a bunch of fossils have come up here horn coral 350 million years old so if horn coral is still a thing then this happened this God this has to be some kind of rare or something Elkhorn coral on Colombian shallows that is so pretty dude we also have tube Coral let's see Yo they look like little pockies so cool do the fish just go inside of them or how does that work they just like oh yeah I'm gonna rent this little Coral hole in here and live in it that is actually so sick I would love to go scuba diving and actually find Coral like this this is so interesting just to even look at wow dude that is so sick next block on the list ladies and gents happens to be Soul Sand we all know Soul Sand okay you go collect in the nether it slows you down when you walk on top of it you could use it for many things such as an elevator or traps or even just decoration around your build now if Soul Sand a real thing in real life I I don't know but Bedrock grass sand dirt gravel all that other stuff is let's see if Soul Sand is a real thing Soul Sand let's see oh no this this is this is in Minecraft obviously real life um let's see this is creepy this is actually very very creepy I'm not seeing any photos of real life Soul Sand Soul Sand material what I don't even know what that is that is creepy yo okay yeah let's let's just click off this before I have nightmares next one on the list here ladies and gents we have the end portal now of course we all also know what the end portal is if you go ahead and collect a bunch of Eyes of Ender you can ignite this portal and head to the final dimension of Minecraft the end ah oh huh it might no I gotta be doing something wrong come on I got it this time I got it voila yes this ladies and gents is the end portal okay now the end portal obviously if this was a real life thing there would be a possibility to go between inner dimensions and teleport places but let's just see what our imagination can pull off when we search it up on Google end portal in real life let's see we've seen the nether portals before in real life but an end portal that one's a little bit too much and portal in real real life I'm emphasizing real oh man I got really excited first a possibility portal it's just a guy chilling by a door man I got really excited thinking that we could find a real life ender portal dude that come on that would be so cool ladies and gentlemen this is essentially Minecraft but in real life I think the final element that we have yet to go over would happen to be water now if we have gone through water in one of the previous episodes I wanted to touch on it again because with this specific Shader pack this gives off way more of a water effect that real life would give off not only can you see it almost straight to the bottom but it also has like the wavy nice little wave effects to it that water does genuinely have the real life Shader pack that we're using seriously steps the game up and how crystal clear that water actually looks and especially when you go underwater too tell me this doesn't look realistic you have the sun rays shining you have sun rays shining through the water when you go underwater you can see little water particles it just gives you this bluish little effect as if you're actually underwater I mean this is the closest is going to actually get now let's see what an under now let's see what an underwater photo in real life would look like underwater photo okay let's see um this is a perfect example of an underwater shot like we were saying you can see the sun rays clearly and perfectly in this you can also see all the fish the nice little blue effect that it gives you when you go underwater I wonder what this would look like in real life dude this is so cool grindstone ancient high resolution oh it's a stock foot okay grindstone in Minecraft and growing Stone in real life verified it's legit all right the next block I needed to check out only because I thought it looked super cool is one of the newer blocks that has been introduced in the recent updates of Minecraft and that happens to be a warped High face warped High Fae I think that's how you say it now you guys know you find this block in the Nether and this block looks really cool I'm actually a huge fan of all the textures and I really like how some of the blocks and the colors change on them warped High Fee real life let's see okay so of course we have a lot of screenshots of it in Minecraft not seeing anything in real life is Warped High Fee real let's just go to Google Search and of course the first thing that comes up is Minecraft dudes Minecraft is taking over everybody you guys have to let me know Down Below in the comments is this an actual real block because literally Google can't even find it now similar to the previous block we did I wanted to check out another really cool and satisfying looking block which happens to be the glided black stone now this Stone as you guys know it also is found in the nether it's got this really cool black and gold texture on it so pretty honestly this is so cool I love the new blocks they introduced in the game because they're such cool decorative tools I mean the stuff you can build with these new blocks is actually insane if you guys really like the new blocks that they added in the recent updates be sure to leave a like on today's video glided Blackstone real life let's see oh I'm sorry guys I I really did not do well in English class okay so yeah of course we're having a ton wait is this a meme guys is it meme time limited Blackstone is the first block in vanilla Minecraft to have a random chance at dropping a different item gravel I'm sorry I'm sorry this isn't a meme this isn't a meme review okay I'm sorry I'm sorry we just said we had to pull one okay we had to pull one if this is a real type of stone that you could find in real life I'm going mining tomorrow give me my pickaxe give me my sword I'm going to the mountains and I'll catch you guys in a year when I get some okay maybe I'm just kidding but you know maybe it's a studio got a hundred thousand likes I'll actually go mining for it just think next mod we have here ladies and gentlemen is the actual body now I'm probably saying that wrong yes I understand but they are the cutest little baby little sea creatures and they love to swim and they got cute little eyes and cute little Tails and little fins they're pretty much like the baby they're pretty much like the baby shark but no not the bit not the Baby Shark Song please don't play it again they're like literally a little baby sea creature they're so adorable I absolutely love them how could you ever hate something like this and they eat squid and other fish that's so adorable axolot a real life let's oh oh my gosh that's the the real you're telling me these things are real I want one okay I am not kidding when I say this this is probably one of the cutest little things I've ever seen in my entire life and I'm also not kidding when I say this if this video breaks if this video actually breaks like 50 000 I'll do it for 50 000. I will get a real life Axolotl and I will name it after whatever you guys choose okay so I'm serious serious no no like I'm legitimately not kidding I will actually get one and you guys can name it whatever you want oh wow that's a lot of dead fish okay you know what maybe we have to reconsider next up ladies and gentlemen happens to be another Block in the game that is well it's comparing from like from like Minecraft now but it is on the newer list this is the scaffold now the scaffold have now the scaffold happens to be one of my favorite blocks because I have just how convenient it actually is I mean you can build in some of the largest Towers just by using a scaffold and you guys may also know a lot of people can also buy scaffolds in real life I mean unspeakable has one in his backyard these things are really cool they're mainly used for construction and getting to higher Heights and uh to travel and and build things yeah yeah let's see what one looks like in real life scaffold real life oh my god oh wow yeah that's a that's that's a scaffold all right that's oh my gosh dude that is scaffolding to a Next Level you know something guys something that's I just I've always had this one question growing up as a kid and if anybody may know that answer to this please let me know Down Below in the comments every time you see new construction somewhere I feel like scaff okay ready here hear me out for this okay hear me out okay every time that you see any construction maybe they're building uh maybe they're building a new mall or they're building a house or they're building an apartment building I feel like these big giant scaffolds you know something something like this scaffolds and cranes pop up out of nowhere like where do they go they just somebody put them piece by piece together like a Lego set and then when they're done using them do you take them apart the next one I'm so glad they added to the game guys happens to be powdered snow buckets as you guys heard me literally a bucket of snow just like this and this also ties in with the snow block because of course you can't have a snow block without a bucket of snow that's just not how this works if you guys are new to the channel and you haven't seen me before I am Canadian what does that mean well that means I live and breathe and eat snow all day 24 7. I literally I'm living Igloo as we speak I'm recording this video inside of an igloo yes yes yes I know I it's what true Canadians do okay but the fact they added powder snow into Minecraft makes me so happy because it just adds that little bit of it just adds that little bit of cold snow Canadian Vibes and I just love snow I wonder what powdered snow would look like in real life powdered snow oh yep it's exactly what I thought it would be it's literally artificial snow like this one so what's really cool is you can actually get artificial snow you can buy them off Amazon and all you have to do is add water to it and it becomes super fluffy just like just like the bucket in Minecraft literally just like this but you don't necessarily sink in it like you do in Minecraft but you can get fake snow so if you live somewhere where it's usually very hot climates maybe in California Arizona Las Vegas somewhere over there if you ever wanted to experience no just go ahead and go ahead and order a pack off Amazon it just add some water and voila you can officially say that you've experienced a little bit of snow all right ladies and gentlemen next up we have we have a mob in Minecraft that is that's been around for quite some time now now when you when you encounter this mob it's never usually a good thing and the battle seems to always be difficult that happens to be the ravager oh my gosh yeah we all know the ravagers okay these things are absolutely insane they look scary they kind of remind me of giant elephants what would a ravager look like in real life and well let's just hope that they're not not actually real ravager in real life oh wow people made a lot of drawings about a ravager look at this I drew a ravager yo that would be terrifying if that was in real life ravager in real life is there anything about that no way so is ravager only a thing that is in Minecraft I mean I would understand why but it feels like I totally thought they would maybe reference a rhino in Minecraft or something oh wow okay yep and he destroyed stuff like a rhino too let me know what you guys think Down Below in the comments and let me know which Bob's let me know which mobs items and blocks I should be reviewing in the next video ladies and gentlemen thank you guys all so much for watching and I'll catch you guys I'll catch you guys later today in a second video peace out myself so I need I need to disguise as something newbish perfect my new username is a-s-k-l-d-j h s k j d h j f love it okay now I need to turn my disguise Minecraft but in real life all right welcome back to a brand new video ladies and gents this is Minecraft but in real life in this series we compile the latest and greatest items mobs and blocks that are in Minecraft and compare them to real life things or things that are close to being in real life this is episode number four hundred thousand three hundred and seventy two and twenty one three it's it's yeah oh you get it okay it's been a lot of episodes okay we're running out of things to Showcase this may or may not be one of the last episodes of Minecraft but in real life so if you're gonna miss this year go ahead and drop a like on today's video okay deal okay perfect deal first block on our list here is bedrock boom okay we all know Bedrock right this is the strongest block in Minecraft in fact you can't break it you can't break it no matter how hard you try how many mods you try you cannot break bedrock I mean unless you're unless you're in creative mode this is bedrock in real life yes I think you have other episodes we may have done Bedrock or we did upset I'm not sure now if you want to know what Bedrock actually looks like here's a video on my vlogging Channel life of shark where I tested a bunch of different items with bedrock Sprite look if you guys are not subscribed to my vlogging Channel right now I need every single person watching this video to go to my Vlog Channel And subscribe I'm telling you there are some insane videos on there we all know what Bedrock looks like okay let's be honest it's it's Bedrock let's try and find something that's a little bit for the final episode of Minecraft in real life ladies and gents next on the list we have glowstone we all love glowstone they're very similar to Sea lanterns as well they are both blocks that illuminate a very bright light you place this in a dark room or a dark area you don't even need to worry about torches anymore these will last you forever and produce way more light than any torch will thank you for always being loyal to me glowstone glowstone in real life what does it look like exactly um whoa real life glowstone wait is that a real thing dude that is so cool look the whole Rock right here and the guy is like holding it what okay that that that's not the same is it that's not this I don't I don't think so but that would be sick dude that is so cool looking whatever that is that looks so sick it would be a real life glowstone dude they made a Minecraft redstone lamp that is so sick hey 20 000 likes on this video and I will make a redstone lamp and put it beside my bed next up on the list ladies and gents we have a ladder alright so I'm pretty certain that everybody watching this video has probably seen a ladder before okay let's be honest but in Minecraft ladders are a little bit different ladders in Minecraft are essentially this block that attached to other blocks and allow you to climb straight up and now ladders could work like that theoretically in real life but not all ladders do let's check it out ladders here we go now this is a proper ladder if you ask me they're on two stands just like this and well you can climb up to your roof if you want to now this is a real ladder now ladder on side of building this is probably more like Minecraft ladders okay yeah see this would be more like a Minecraft ladder the only difference is it all or steel whereas in Minecraft it looks like it's made out of wood more wait a second what if ladders in Minecraft are just rusty steel real life ladders oh my gosh we have figured it out I bet you did not expect this one ladies and gents next we have the Sun in Minecraft the sun is pretty much a giant sea lantern block it looks just like a giant sea lantern block I mean you can't see any details in the sun you can't see any closer to it you could try and fly as far as you want to get to the Sun but no matter how hard you try you will not be able to get there now what does the sun look like up close and personal in real life let's find out this is the sun holy cow so many of you may already know this okay where everybody's taking their science classes here but the sun is a massive ball of energy and fire and explosions and craziness that provides all the heat and light for us on earth look at dude look at this holy cow this is this is this is I don't even know what to say this looks like a Star Wars Planet dude or it looks like the lava balls I generate when I'm trolling people in the event videos now this looks like more like the Sun in Minecraft but this is what we would be seeing down on Earth obviously now if you're lucky enough to ever be an astronaut and go to space you might see something like that but really really far far and Far Away I couldn't forget one without the other ladies and gents we got the Moon the Moon in Minecraft is a lot different than the sun it's actually really interesting there are textures on the moon there are you can actually see them pretty well too there's different textures to simulate all of the little holes on the moon just like the real moon has now the only downside is just as just like the sun if you try and fly to it you will never ever get any closer because the Moon is unattainable in Minecraft now what does the moon look like in person well either go outside and look up or let's just Google everyone know Moon oh yes you know I gotta say man these looking at the sun and the moon is so interesting to me like this is it's so crazy to think that if we just like drive straight up like I don't know four hours or whatever you can go to space you can float you can't breathe and you can go to other planets it's only a four hour trip it takes longer to fly to London what dude that is so cool hey whoever wants to build a car that could drive straight up I'm down to go on that mission with you so next up on our list ladies and gentlemen we have the good old-fashioned Minecraft chest these are super essential let's be honest chests are super essential now the only downside to chess is they only look one way they look just like this okay there are no other kinds of chests besides a trap chest and an Ender Chest that you can obtain in Minecraft now I know in real life there are plenty of other kinds of Chess you can get small chests big chests wide chests short chest long chest I mean you can get so many different kinds of chests and some of them are different colors maybe a different shade of brown maybe a completely different color than brown I mean they could be any thing chests let's no no not not a ripped dude at the gym chest for storing items I don't know yeah see this is more like a chest this is a lot more like a Minecraft chest okay maybe the brown is a little bit too dark and maybe a little things could be changed around but let's Minecraft chest in real life boom here we have it ladies and gents this is a Minecraft chest right there if anything ever was closer to a real life chest this is it you have the little iron pull tab right here with the wood decals and all the different shadings required I mean this but and this this looks identical to a Minecraft chest Kudos whoever made that that is awesome now for the next one guys I'm not sure if we actually review this one I don't think we did uh because next we have we have sheep and specifically colored wool sheep now I know sheep usually have white wool so I know sheep usually have white wool just like this guy right here now I don't know if they come in pink wool is that is that a thing is it or do they do they dye the wool after they shave the Sheep I I I don't know let's find out pink sheep let's see no no dude that's so cool that okay there's no way is that real like that's they're born pink pink sheep real life what oh my God are these pink sheep for real dude what ha huh whoa whoa they look like Skittles they literally look like Skittles dude all these sheep right here look like a bag of Skittles oh my gosh that is actually really adorable that is so cute hey hey where can I order a sheep now next up guys we have the Jukebox okay we all love a good old jukebox go ahead and grab a music disc maybe if you found that in a mob spawner go ahead pop that in listen to some tunes and have a good time now what does the Jukebox look like in real life pretty sure it looks different than this aha I knew it this is a real life jukebox okay they are these are super retro jukeboxes I mean these are probably super old compared to the Bluetooth speakers that we have today look this one is literally converted so you can plug your eye phone into it but it still has the old iPhone Jack it has the old audio cable when all the phones now barely have I don't know okay never mind wow I mean they look similar but obviously a Minecraft jukebox is slightly different than this I have to say though these are so cool imagine just going into an old restaurant and being able to play around with one of these and pick your favorite song like that would be so cool this one's a long shot but Phantoms fan comes in Minecraft okay these things that were Reese these things that were just recently added a couple versions ago in the game okay personally they're not my favorite mod they're actually quite annoying now let's be honest unless we're in a really scary movie or a simulated reality I don't think Phantoms are real but let's see what Google has to say and see if anybody else has come across a phantom a phantom in real life oh my gosh this is what a phantom would look like in real life yeah that looks almost super close to what a real-life Phantom would look like that is that is it man holy maybe like this yeah yeah that's that's honestly this isn't a real life photo this is a digital art drawing of a phantom but I have to say this is what they would realistically they'd be like giant bats that's that's exactly what they would be giant bats the last one on the list here guys is a little bit prickly and that is a cactus in Minecraft a cactus the second you touch it you start taking damage which honestly is probably what would happen in real life instead of you taking damage you would just be in excruciating pain from all the little pricklys coming out of that Cactus now what do they look like in real life you say let's find out you know the close I've ever come to a cactus is a little cactus plant but oh my gosh that is literally the cactus plant I'm talking about that is the closest I've ever come to a real life Cactus but whoa that is a real life Cactus holy that thing is tall I guarantee that it's probably taller than 99.9 of the people watching this video including myself that's probably like six five or something dude it looks tall it looks way taller than me that's for sure that is insane holy cow bro look at that look at that do not touch that thing do not touch it it'll prick you I promise first one you guys are not expecting okay this is like not a vanilla item but I'm telling you it's it's super epic okay you ready for this three two one foreign guys this is an outdoor speaker in Minecraft yes you can finally listen to your favorite songs outside of your Minecraft house with all your friends we all know all those can be something from in real life as well in fact let's just go check it out I can't really reach it but this this yeah that's an outdoor speaker and and this is dog [Music] never seen it before oh my gosh this is revolutionary the only difference with the Minecraft version is for some reason you can hit it and it takes damage oh I just killed the outdoor speaker next up everybody this one was a simple one we got the outdoor chair not one but we got ten outdoor chairs right here everybody needs a chair to sit on okay I don't know about you guys but I'm actually pretty sick and tired of making chairs the old-fashioned way in Minecraft with the two signs on the end of it like this and then shifting and pretending like you're sitting okay well let's be honest this could be way cooler that's why we officially have chairs and you can sit on them look how comfortable I roll on the max chairs do get uncomfortable especially if they're wooden ones so why don't you kick back in a beautiful reclining chair look at this guys this is what I would like to consider almost a movie theater chair right when you're watching a movie or going to the cinema get your feet up in one of these you got your popcorn look at the recliner pop out from beneath right when you sit on it oh my gosh look how many hearts my chair has for some reason it has a beating heart inside of it this is one futuristic chair if I've ever seen one you have to leave a like on today's video if your chair at home has Hearts attached to it like mine does let's go find the reclining chair like this in real life this is an office chair look at this wow oh my goodness wow comfy back support butt support so comfortable oh my gosh ah I had to do it to you guys this is the first animal that we have on our list in today's video I'll give you three seconds to take a random guess what this animal could be go ahead okay go ahead did you guess yet it's a moose thank you yes ladies and gentlemen there is mooses in Minecraft wait Moose's moose might might not moose moose mooses Siri what's plural for moose moose you can officially have a beautiful little moose in Minecraft and you can ride it look at this he loves me now we're best we're best friends look how many hearts he has it's pretty much a four-legged Ender Dragon at this point look how many hearts he has dude you can never kill this thing never mess with the Moose ladies and gentlemen this might be a little bit difficult but let's go find a moose in real life [Music] and it just run at George so this next one's a little awkward because we don't have a pet moose but I do know somebody you will not believe what we have just found hello hello oh my God Spruce it's a moose a piece all right your moose oh wait wait wait dude what okay all right guys so we're taking a step down from Moose's hair Mozart moose we're taking a step down from a moose here and we're going back to some more furniture this ladies and gentlemen is a bar stool in fact you have all different color bar stools look at this I don't know what happened to this one but it's it's going a little bit insane what is with items having a beating heart I never thought that I would sit on a bar stool and it would be breathing as I would be this is just um I didn't expect that these are so cool I'm actually a huge fan of all the items in today's video because this will just make Minecraft so much cooler you can make your build so much more detailed maybe you wanted to build a little bar area in your building or maybe you want to build an actual movie theater without having to use staircase you can use a real reclining chair I don't know about you guys but this is this is really this is such a cool feature leave a like right now if you think Minecraft should add all these things to their game I don't know about you but games so much better if any Minecraft executives are watching today's video please just email me um we you know I I got a bunch of ideas I have one question for all of you guys especially for all my meme gurus here what is the number one place to get Knowledge from okay you need to know this answer you need to know this answer you need to know this answer a bookshelf guys knowledge Lamborghini bookshelves you can officially have bookshelves in Minecraft look at this they look so cool wait can you put books inside of them please allow me to put books in it please please please oh what the what that would have been so cool dude wait what if I throw it nope that doesn't work okay the bookshelf in this mod is clearly not the most it's not the most friendly bookshelf because you can't put books in it so it's mainly just decoration and well if you can't put books in a bookshelf then it's a Shelf with no books and it's not a book this and this is a bookshelf with a row of books knowledge okay I'm confusing myself bookshelves beside your bookshelves of course you guys need a lamp a little desk lamp look at these and look at these little things and they actually emit light as well so if I go ahead and I change it to night time times that night okay they made just a little bit of light it's not that bright but they do it's so cool dude it's like the lights I got on my desk here but these aren't supposed to be lamps these are recording you know what I mean now you have a little desk lamp and you also have a big standing desk lamp that you can have beside your bed in Minecraft I think that's super awesome super it's super amazing finally I'm starting to turn this world into an Ikea bro we're not all the way to Ikea just yet until we have some fans guys and they work as well I don't know about you but in the summertime it gets hot and especially I'm in Texas right now so boys Texas always hot you need to make sure you have your fans going almost all the time or else or else you're gonna be sweating 24 7. you can officially have a working fan in Minecraft and the coolest part is there's no cable for it you don't have to plug it in doesn't require any resources and it just automatically starts spinning you have two different kinds of fans you have the give the jumbo stand up fans just like this and you also have the small ones that you put on a desk why can't I spawn a small fan I'm just killing jumbo fans this is so Grissom why are they all dying we have a small fan for our desk ride here now this is epic 10 out of 10. I love this this is a fan but it's not spinning but here listen it's not a spinny fan like in Minecraft but it's a fan okay and it does what fans do and it's blowing air see you can you can hear it listen please purposely make that very loud and annoying we got a fan in real life yay well no house is complete without of course a coffee table now you can officially put your coffee table and for some reason you can sit on it I wouldn't necessarily want to sit on the coffee table because you're supposed to put like coffee and drink some food on it but you could certainly put a bunch of chairs around and hang out with all your friends dude look how cool this is me and the boys chilling at the coffee table even the coffee table has Hearts how is that even possible look at this it's a table with nothing on it okay I kind of like not having anything on it all we need is chair chair chair and then we are set we're set stable in real life versus Minecraft this is a skeleton in Minecraft and this is a skeleton in real life oh my gosh yeah that's definitely a skeleton in real life he's just chilling skeleton with bow in real life is there one oh my gosh it's a real life Minecraft skeleton what the heck oh my guys oh I gotta say that for later no no but can't I can't look at that I can't look at that oh my gosh this is a regular Minecraft zombie and this is what a real life zombie would look like oh my gosh dude that is so creepy what the heck ah zombies this is a drowned in Minecraft I don't know why they're even in the game but they're here have we not found any real life pictures of a drowned yet what the heck there's no way I don't believe it this honestly I think is a Minecraft video this literally looks like a drowned in real life dude like that though that is creepy he's a villager in Minecraft oh gosh we got a lot of villagers am I right and this is a villager in real life those on that thing that is massive oh no that's a real Minecraft villager now oh nope that's a real Minecraft villager these are Minecraft parrots or well what parrots would be portrayed to look like in Minecraft and this would be parrots in real life they actually look so freaking cute dude I love parrots okay I love parrots so much I think it'd be so cool to get one hey let me know if you guys like parrots Down Below in the comments they are so cool man they can literally talk to you oh gosh I don't know if I'm ready for this next one honestly okay let's let's just prep yourselves prep yourselves okay this is a guest in Minecraft and quite honestly they aren't bad okay I could handle it but real life modified I don't know about that and this is apparently a guest in real life ah ah oh that's creepy wow yeah that that's creepy that is that yeah oh wow yeah oh same one oh oh what the that's aghast uh dude what oh it's an airplane with a gas on it that's amazing yeah I don't know how I feel about the gas dude that's a little weird for me this is a slime in Minecraft and this is a slime in real life dude look how cute he is oh he's so squishy but beware he might just hop and try to eat you that's so cute oh my gosh I actually love that that is just that is terrifying that is this is me when I wake up in the morning and there's no food downstairs yep that is that that is me this is Ablaze in Minecraft these darn things always shooting Fireballs at us man dude I I just it's just they're always annoying let's be honest and this is apparent apparently what a blaze would look like in Minecraft or wait wait no this is what a blaze would look like in real life thank goodness that that is not real a floating head with floating gems all around it like that nah nah no thank you oh gosh this one's gonna be terrible this one this next one's gonna bring back all my very terrifying young teenage Slenderman days in Minecraft and this is what an Enderman would look like in real life just more terrifying like literally terrifying oh my gosh wow that is that is scary he's in a cave or something hey put that Creeper down man come on dude that's not nice put him down pick on somebody your own side and don't even worry we couldn't have forgotten of Pikmin okay Pikmin are such a very big and they're all running away from me they're running pigment are the core mob that you fight the second you enter the nether in Minecraft so what would they look like in real life exactly oh gosh that's what a pigment would look like I mean how should I be surprised he's ripped he's got a massive golden enchanted sword and he's half eaten it looks like a pigment oh wow that is terrifying don't ever mess with a pigment in real life ladies and gents do not do it oh that is scary that is oh oh my goodness where'd his arm go his hand oh no what the heck oh that's that's legit just a pig okay and of course wolves right in Minecraft they just look like cute little things that just want to become your best friend almost like a puppy when you bring him home for the first day wolves are so adorable in Minecraft but are they so adorable in real life this is what a wolf would probably look like in the wild does he look so cute and cuddly now didn't think so oh wow this this is me when I wake up and my pizza rolls aren't done and then this is me when my chicken nuggets are done out of the oven and I'm playing Minecraft look at how cute I am this is me with the boys wow I never realized how cute and how terrifying a wolf could look in literally two different pictures okay yeah that's that's enough that's enough for me there oh my gosh and of course how could we even forget just like wolves we have little kittens they're so cute all different sizes all different color kittens they're so adorable look at them oh my goodness now how could you not fall in love with a cat in Minecraft ah they're even cute what the heck no no thank you oh yeah this is if I were a cat this would be me right there they're so cute how could you not love a little oh my goodness it looks like Simon oh my goodness Simon I love you dude oh my goodness dude the cat neon cat oh my gosh bro it's so adorable man all right guys so I am back in my Minecraft world here today and well holy cow you guys have been absolutely loving this series that we have going on right now I'd like to say this is like a little mini series it's something on the side that we can do that's really cool we get to see what we see in the video game compared to real life alright guys the first one on the list here is a Minecraft cave I will bet you guys that you have gone inside of a Minecraft cave more times than you can even think of I mean caves are just so natural in Minecraft but you know would you just go hopping into a cave in real life if you saw one I mean I would but I I don't know if I would go super far down to bedrock but all right let's see what a real life cave looks like yo okay that looks cool obviously this isn't like a one to one to a Minecraft cave or anything like that but if you were to find some caves in real life chances are they might look something similar to this maybe not as beautiful though probably more terrifying cave that looks like Minecraft is that a thing the boys down in the cave oh this would definitely be more of a Minecraft cave very narrow very small yes this is more of what we're looking at here I mean to say Minecraft did a really good job at showcasing what a cave is compared to real life this one is shark approved you know the famous saying right sun's out guns out no no no no hey no we're not bringing the muscles out today okay because when the sun comes out you want to know what comes out the Bumblebees they are everywhere they're good they're looking for some honey they are making a bunch of hives you know I gotta say I do like honey though it's really good thank you bumblebees for everything that you guys do now the funny thing would they be in Minecraft is that they are probably like a quarter of the size of a pig like the bees the size of the pig's head and I know in real life bees are nowhere near that size unless you found some super rare legendary bee that is probably gonna take over the world yeah usually they're not that big because that's a pretty considerably Big B yep now this is more like it look at that okay now now that is a regular size B on top of a flower now that flower is pretty small same goes for this one this one that okay there is no way that this be e go and fly beside a pig and be anywhere near its size I mean the pig would crush it the pig breathes in more food than the bee eats in a year like I'm telling okay oh yeah I think you get the point next up in Minecraft is one of everybody's favorites we all love leaving the Overworld and going and traveling through New Dimensions such as the nether or even the end now if I can make my portal here and light it up just like that this is how Minecraft now this is how Minecraft perceives a real-life portal to look like now what exactly would a portal look like in real life let's find out whoa okay yeah obviously this is a video game portal this is not real life it literally says World of Warcraft right there but if a portal were in real life okay let's see nether portal in real life let's see oh my goodness whatever yes now that is more like a nether portal if you ask me holy oh my gosh look at that you're just walking through the park one day walking your dog with your little drink and you look to the left you're like there's a portal right there what the heck yeah you know if I saw another portal in real life I would probably go inside of it I would be very curious to know exactly what's on the other side leave a like if you would go inside the nether portal as well alright so this is a watermelon in Minecraft now it's actually kind of funny watermelons in Minecraft are these cubes I mean then again every other block in Minecraft is a cube as you can see but watermelons in real life aren't actually cubes and I think we all know this watermelon let's just see all right blow me out if I'm wrong on this or something but I have never ever in my life seen a cubed watermelon every watermelon I've ever seen looks like these these are regular watermelons they're delicious they're watery maybe you got a little bit of seed in there they're good but they're not cubes what the no cubed watermelon let's see uh uh no no no this this can't be my life has been a lie this whole time oh my God no way I I can't I I really can't I I'm my mind is is if that's real mind is completely blown okay maybe watermelon's an exception okay but what about a pumpkin I have ever seen the cubed pumpkin okay every time October comes around one of my favorite one of my favorite Seasons throughout the year because Halloween and pumpkins and cold weather and uh scary movies I have never ever gone to the pumpkin patch and got myself a cubed pumpkin okay you you you're probably crazy if you do then again what would it look something that's legit legit again let's just see see they're all round all pumpkins are round look at them these are what normal pumpkins look like now I know for a fact if I searched up if I search up cubed pumpkin there's probably gonna be a cubed pumpkin this is going to be a cursed image cubed pumpkin oh my gosh okay well that's literally pumpkin cubes I meant like the whole pumpkin they took the guts out of the pumpkin and cut it up in the cubes no I I literally no no that's not what oh my okay never mind never mind let's just forget about that all right so next up we have a beautiful cute little Panda I don't think we've actually showcased the pandas before I just gotta say how much I love pandas if I were an animal I would be a panda okay look what is the key to my heart you may ask food look at this man look at this Panda now he is so happy because he just got his breakfast okay this is the key to my heart this is the key to a panda's heart I would be a panda now are pandas is cute in real life as they are in Minecraft oh my gosh yes yes yes take my money now take it I need one they are just as cute in real life Nate even cuter in real life than they are in Minecraft oh my God hey hi that's so cute oh my goodness and look he's eating his breakfast the bamboo I love pandas so much dude this video is called I want to see bedrock in real life this has to be a gem of some sort right in here and I feel like breaking something good start to the video hey guys it's shark here and I feel like putting a hole in my wall oh he's super saiyan running where are you going where are you going oh what the heck that was a zombie in Minecraft oh no no no hold up no that scared me I thought that was Minecraft zombie in his game what the heck get out of here I mean I gotta get back to mining uh Bedrock of course he's digging where's the bedrock in real life I really that's what I clicked on for this video maybe that's why it's got that many dislikes hey he broke it he broke the shovel no okay you know what this was definitely me when I was 11 years old so I'm gonna help him out okay we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna help him out okay I'm gonna leave a like on this video all right the kids just having some fun outside but this is not breaking Bedrock I want to see some real Bedrock dude everything when you search bedrock in real life is literally Minecraft oh what's this bedrock and gold deposit this was posted five years ago Bedrock elkcroft of some sort that is totally the place to check out I'm glad to know that if I ever go mining and if I see Bedrock I should look nearby because there's probably diamonds or gold you may have learned that one from Minecraft but it's certainly valuable information if you remember gold settles down through the gravels down until it finds something it can't settle through now right here this Bedrock is solid it may have cracks and stuff in it but it doesn't have anywhere for the gold to continue its downwards travel you'll see I thought for a second all of these I thought for a second all these leaves were gold like like golden coins from like the Pirates or something but now I'm just realizing it's all just it's all just leaves I think I think there's a good chance it's close to the surface what I would say is look we're basically underneath your butt there see if there's any cracks that are full of dirt and try those if not that I really hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to watch some more from me you see the end chord that is right there all you got to do that there's a bunch more videos this is way too cool this is Lego bedrock in real life ladies and gents this guy right here made his very own a Bedrock but in real life and it's made out of Legos dude that looks so cool it's basically unbreakable unless you're in creative mode with a blast resistance of 18 million so that's pretty crazy it's got that sort of dark particle effect that was built um with a lot of little black studs uh one by one this is probably the closest we'll get to a look-alike Bedrock block that we know from Minecraft because all the other real Bedrock is like an actual rock and it kind of doesn't really look like that but you know what I mean dude this is so cool oh my gosh I I kind of want to get a Lego Bedrock now it's so awesome if this video does break 20 000 likes I will get a wall of Bedrock how cool would that be I wonder if my player has finished mining Bedrock yet let's go check yo you won't believe it look guys I got bedrock
Channel: Shark
Views: 406,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, minecraft in real life, minecraft items in real life, minecraft mobs in real life, minecraft blocks in real life, real life minecraft, real life minecraft blocks, real life minecraft items, minecraft real life, minecraft real life mod, minecraft in real life animation
Id: Y9Ygy1Zi8ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 18sec (4398 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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