Minecraft but I can Buy Creepers

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is this you yeah don't you just hate when creepers blow up your house yeah well how about the new and improved Super Creepers what all new powers each one more destructive than the last no that's not what I can we unlock the creeper that blows up one million blocks why would I want that all right my friends let's buy some creepers shall we let's head into our creeper shop I like the little shop portal dude hi bunco how are you okay he's gone let's head into the shop looks like we can buy a baby creeper already hi buddy why you crying Pike exploding do you have air holes in there all right there we go little buddy let's buy yourself the baby creeper and let's see what you got buddy I'm so sorry you're crying will you feel better if you explode and there you are hi little buddy he's so small and so cute can I pet you ah there you go little buddy what's that little crying baby you want to explode all right no worries I've got my handy dandy creeper Detonator there you go little buddy don't worry they like it oh oh goodness gracious he multiplied all right looks like the baby creeper will explode and multiply into a bunch of other creepers go buddy yeah oh no no no no no I got chills the creepers multiplying oh my goodness Army of babies that's what I call a preschool an army of babies well that was exciting all right back at the shop let's see what else we've got a leaping creeper we can buy all right I'll grab some of you I like your jumpsuit my boy well makes more sense than being an arm wrestler I'll tell you that much because he doesn't have arms all right leaping creeper let's see what you got buddy all right he's running and jump oh my goodness you got hops my boy that's pretty impressive dude look Pig I can jump that tall watch okay not very cool oh it's it's fine how high can you jump by creeper boy can you jump across this entire Mountain jump I Believe In You creeper yeah okay well not quite he got close and now we should play the game it's you two against each other who can jump higher go boys let's see let's see come on now hey whoever won now no I didn't name him so somebody won that challenge congratulations I'm impressed but I want to see more I can't afford our Sandstone creeper hold on Buddy I gotta release some more children there we go all right that'll do it next up is our Sandstone creeper oh he looks pretty cool man looks like he could use some lotion though I'll tell you that much Skin's looking a little crusty there my boy all right Mr creeper what the heck where am I now I'm at a creeper Monument all bow down to the mighty creeper well good enough spot as ever hold on I want to make him smile there we go now he's a happy creeper he's smiling just excited for Life ouch Mr Sandstone creeper let's see what you got my boy and go explode oh level up your wardrobe with the all-new crafty level up Hoodie stylish comfortable and flame resistant okay okay not that last part get your very own at crafty dot store today it makes a ripple effect look at all the sand it explodes that's cool looking man hold on let me launch a couple of these bad boys turn the world into sand that's awesome looking gives me a bunch of blocks exploded hold on if you couldn't tell already every time a creeper blows up a block I get a block that I can then spend to buy more creepers so I'm gonna buy a bunch of these Sandstone creepers here and let's make some explosions happen huh what is now a lush Garden will be a desert in no time hello boys you have one mission of that is to become Serenity not Sandy Cheeks from SpongeBob listen boys this is how beaches are built did you know that yeah they explode sand creepers all right let's just put down a bunch of these bad boys this might be a huge mistake uh oh run they're all lit oh my goodness hey you lived the sand boy who lived all right well you could live all right buddy enjoy your life in the desert I'm gonna keep this little guy handy I like them it's like a handmade Beach wherever I go the next creeper I can get is a super supercharged creeper wow double super let's buy a couple of those bad boys huh I'm excited and nervous all right little super supercharged creeper oh my goodness not so little not so little indeed hey big boy you look very handsome and blue I do like how I can get close to them and they don't explode it feels kind of cursed to be this close to a creeper especially a giant blue scary one dad you're back with the milk all right super superchargers creeper let's see what you got buddy oh my goodness oh my goodness chill chill chill okay well that was dangerous yeah take that creeper Monument what did you eat dude your insides are all green that does give me a bunch of blocks Explorer let's put a bunch of these creepers down oh gosh this is gonna be bad ah yes the Gathering of electric creepers here you go boys three oh goodness you scared of me dude and let's cut to crafty weather report looks like we got a 100 chance of lightning and death lightning and death well that was a grim weather report all right and light them up boys oh my word imagine looking out your window and seeing that dude all right let's see what other creepers we can buy these creepers are getting intense dude let's see we can buy ourselves a creeper jet pack oh heck yeah dude don't mind if I do it is a little small though it looked like little boxing gloves oh dude this guy looks awesome a robo creeper much cooler than a row boat creeper I'll tell you that what was that is that oh a creeper Chester wow just there you look incredible buddy I'll unlock you dude don't worry all right first comes the first we gotta get our Robo creeper whoa look at him dude I like how he is like a robot eye battery pack looks like Tony Stark's chest but yet they didn't give him robot arms let's see what she got Robo creeper oh my goodness oh my goodness he's shooting out lasers oh wow okay well that was destructive man looks like he's got laser eyes or laser eye go laser eyes oh my goodness I can't even see it dude wait hold on I do have this jet pack yeah now I got a jet pack I can fly around okay that's better that's better let's see what you got creeper boy oh run away oh look at him dude that's a cool power man he is a little chaotic but I like it we don't quite have enough for Chester just yet but let's turn this planes into a little bit of a Sandy Zone shall We There we go yeah incredible look my own progress and now Beach and now grass well that should give us just enough here okay and we can we can we yep we can ten thousand for our Bullseye creeper this guy looks nuts dude what oh gosh do you just randomly make the creeper sound that's kind of scary dude don't worry I'm coming for you we love our Chester boy all right Bullseye creeper let's see what she got oh he explodes into a ton of tripped arrows it says okay well let me just run far away I don't know about you but I'm allergic to arrows there goes Bullseye creeper and oh wait run over to the tree under the tree oh my word it sends out a bunch of explosive arrows thank you tree for your sacrifice wait where did copper come from what the heck the copper rains from the sky am I in The Truman Show that's a nice joke ask your parents found a nice lovely desert to try this in oh wait hold on I love this ah yes satisfying does anybody else love to do that in the deserts I love watching sand fall all right Bullseye creeper let's toss a couple of these guys out here rain arrows of destruction oh my goodness oh man that's incredible dude holy cow it's still going it's still going oh my goodness I may have done too many at once that was a little much this is by far my favorite creeper dude that is so cool and rain down destruction yeah oh man this won't just break a house man this will break a mansion shall we find a Pillager Outpost I think so yes hello buddy would you like to meet my good friend a nice ornament on top of the building all right let's see how much destruction this can do and yeah oh man sorry no Iron Golem that's my bad dude it literally did not even touch the Pillager Outpost one spot all right let's try him inside let's see if this works and go yeah yeah that's what I'm talking about that's more like it well we're back at the shop here I can buy our beautiful Chester but then I wouldn't have any money left to buy our other creepers yo Chester can I come back for you buddy the Redstone Creeper looks so cool no must help Chester come on buddy you're coming with me dude oh he looks incredible I could ride him I can ride Chester oh my I love it I love it I love it how high can you jump yoix send out exploding creepers okay okay coolest purchase of all time come on Chester buddy I had no idea oh you look so good man come on Chester we were right off into the sunset every time I jump he sends out little creepers below oh that is so incredible dude as much as I love that power it doesn't give me a ton of blocks broken so let's see if we can combine all of our creepers together huh I shall buy one of you and one of you and one of you and one of you oh this is gonna get dangerous and one of you we're aiming for 20 000 blocks broken that's my goal this could be a horrible idea we're just gonna put one of everybody a beautiful creeper boy band all right let's light up the weirdest boy band known to mankind and go oh goodness gracious it's a supercharged robot oh my goodness his batteries are overloaded what's gonna happen now oh gosh fire ow ow no thank you no thank you okay well that was destructive watch out Chester this might get dangerous come on we're looking to get 20 000 blocks exploded and boom Oh my gosh that is so cool looking dude toss a couple more Sandy boys just adding some more sand there we go oh that's my favorite to do that's so cool looking what happens if we release the bullseye creeper in a cave or something oh this is a perfect spot for it abandoned mine shaft you're going down kaboom oh my gosh that gave me a bunch of blocks exploded all right let's toss a couple of these guys oh that is so sweet oh man that's incredible dude and complemo oh now that's one way to get a sunroof I guess wow all right that gave me just enough let's go get our new creeper we can now buy the Sandstone no Redstone Creeper looking pretty cool dude next up is the reaper creeper that sounds fun to say Reaper creeper Reaper creeper don't worry buddy I like your hair and I'm coming back for you is it supposed to be like a death hood or something looks kind of like you got a bowl cut well Mr Redstone Creeper let's see what you got buddy oh oh he just keeps exploding all the way down whoa keep going buddy all the way down to bedrock he might have gotten stuck in the water there what happens if I launch him in lava and go yeah explode dude he just keeps exploding oh my goodness all he wants to do is explode follow your dreams little guy uh okay well that was a short-lived dreams look at all these diamonds my man let's explode them Yo Mr laser eyes you mind grab me some of those diamonds please okay well all right let's launch them on the surface here whoa my goodness yeah he explodes a huge radius that's a lot of blocks broken ah yes how gorgeous oh man this guy's powerful goodness gracious look at the chaos wow I'm impressed dude look at this holy created well easy to say this has been our most powerful creeper yet but uh we're just kind of getting started let's explode a couple more of these guys huh Let's Race down to bedrock shall we oh my goodness yep that'll do it this is the craziest destruction I have ever seen dude wow with one more creeper that should do it 50 000 blocks broken all right let's see what else we can buy ah yes time for the reaper creeper let's see what you got my dude all right Mr Avenge Sevenfold oh man he's huge wow he's incredible High buddy yes oh this might be dangerous it releases Souls oh my goodness they just eat the ground oh man oh man dude oh gosh he's eating the floor ah the souls are hungry that's really cool looking man as well let's toss a couple more of these guys slicer emo boy band going on Boom oh my gosh look at the blocks just incinerate dude wow holy cow I'm at a hundred thousand blocks broken these Reaper creepers are pretty incredible look at this Edition oh we've got a choice here magma creeper for 75 000 but I can also afford an end creeper and that one's calling my name what do you think Chester I don't know how that has to do with anything but uh all right it's your choice audience should we do the magma creeper or the end creeper comment down below I won't be able to read it so uh I'm just gonna assume you want the end creeper let's do it comment down below anyway I like reading what you have to say especially if you call me handsome alright end creeper let's see what you got buddy boy oh he looks very cool hi creates a huge dragon breath explosion converts the world to the end oh this is gonna be cool I'm afraid I'm excited and where'd he go hello oh goodness gracious oh my gosh dude yeah yeah he's turning the whole world well uh I turn this circle into the end blocks that's cool oh my goodness look you guys he's given me so many blocks broken too oh my word hold on I'm gonna try this again what happens if I stick him in water oh goodness here he goes and oh the dragon breath turning the water into smoke oh my word dude this guy is awesome man wow that was incredible yo Chester Chester you okay buddy okay he's still here this is so cool looking and then you have the one seaweed just out of here fighting for your life hey don't eat the seaweed buddy although I don't actually know what creeper Chester eats but he does poop out explosions so I don't know we have 300 blocks to spend now so I think honestly it was a good idea by the end creeper let's buy the magma creeper and I might be able to yeah I can afford the atomic creeper as well this guy looks crazy Dude Looks Like A traffic cone to be honest with you or like the tape that the police use do not cross this creeper come on buddy let's see what we've got let's try out our magma creeper here and see what he does oh shoots out a bunch of magma blocks he grows too every time they oh man well ah there goes that seaweed wow that wasn't incredible dude what happens if I use them underwater look at this man been created like these Bridges we'll stick a couple of magma Creepers on here yo look at him go well that created a pretty cool looking Waterfall oh gosh I had to do this in the coral reef I'm sorry save the coral let's try out the atomic creeper shall we oh oh man the alarm's going how far back do we need to go I'm scared man oh there he goes he just goes to the moon oh my goodness how far does this go this guy I've turned the water into toxic waste yep it's fine it's just Mountain Dew yes delicious Mountain Dew the coral love Mountain Dew ouch pay no attention to the fact that I just got poisoned that actually looks pretty amazing though I'm not gonna lie I gotta see that again Look Out Boys heads up and boom dude that is incredible man oh my goodness yep yep that's some destruction uh to say the least let's try them one last time here he goes we have the high jump creeper but that guy just takes it to a whole nother level my word oh insane well that gave me plenty of blocks I have one more creeper to buy and that my friends is the catastrophe creeper why are you so close to me dude why are you sniffing my butt can you not do that please it's time for the catastrophe creeper well here goes nothing I guess oh my goodness he's ginormous this might uh this might be bad World destroying explosion will break your world okay well that's fine this is is a fake World anyways oh here it goes he exploded once not too bad he's heating up oh my goodness he's evaporating the entire world oh he's not gonna stop is he just gonna keep going he's breaking everything but cobwebs oh my word yeah he's gonna go on forever that's a million blocks broken and oh my goodness he created a giant pyramid oh this is how the pyramids were made not aliens but uh giant creepers wow that was incredible dude it was World destroying but now it'll be computer destroying so let's just launch all these guys at once creeper Island time to break my computer [Music] [Applause] well uh suffice to say I think I broke my computer thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next episode
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,003,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, parkergames, parker, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, creepers, creepers beat the game for you, minecraft but creepers, creeper update, creeper, new creeper, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, meme, memes, minecraft meme
Id: KkYxa_7yXmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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