Minecraft but I Explode 1,000,000 Blocks

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have been known to break a couple of blocks in Minecraft all right maybe a lot of blocks but these are special they're the coolest ents ever seen in Minecraft and you don't want to miss it first things first I need a little something let's grab myself aha the shop portal and now explosions and now that we've exploded 136 blocks let's head into our TNT shop wow look at all these TNT's hello shopkeep what might you sell today my boy read any good Comics lately oh actually funny I'm entering it buddy I've just finished my second comic book so you'll be the first one that reads it hope you like it and now I can buy a confetti TNT to celebrate and let's go and buy our Buzz saw TNT as well oh these are gonna be cool I'm excited all right confetti TNT let's celebrate with explosions let's see what you got sends out little butterflies all right it might be the most dangerous way to celebrate a birthday but yeah congratulations you're dead I like it this thing all right let's see how efficient I can get trees oh it chops down a little bit okay well uh I mean it was faster than punching it I guess thanks for the wood come on Buzz size chop down the trees that is awesome all right so we got we got quite a bit of wood in case I need it it may strangely work better underground yeah now we're talking Buzz saws go it reminds me that guy from Bloons Tower Defense you know what I'm talking about let's head back into the shop and speaking of logs let's buy a tree in tea shall we a lucky TNT that's cool I'll be back you glorious explosive lucky boy okay let's be green and watch some explosion shall we what happens now hey it grows a little TNT tree and then ah sends out little explosions I like it dude oh ouch the tree hugger's worst nightmare yeah Mr Beast planted 20 million trees but do they explode chicken watch out buddy money doesn't grow on trees but I guess death can so be careful buddy well we did get a ton of exploded blocks from that so let's buy our first lucky TNT I'm excited just like Mario I shall hit it with my head wow only minor major concussions all right lucky TNT let's see what you got I'm a little scared uh boom times oh goodness it randomizes it's an okay explosion oh I see come come on Lucky TNT give us a cool explosion What's it gonna be What's it gonna be okay come on man give me something awesome I am not here for mediocre if I would I would watch a different Minecraft Youtuber come on WOW oh wow indeed if by wow you mean going to the afterlife all right I'm running away from this guy oh come on don't destroy me how big was okay okay that's fine it's fine 2 000 blocks exploded let's go next up the water cannon TNT this one looks cool I mean they all look cool but uh you know Fire's a blast of water where you are looking very effective on Sand but where will I ever find sand oh I found sand I placed TNT here and oh snap dude it just washes away the sand that's rad I am the water bender yeah ouch okay take that sand Kaboom yeah that's awesome dude the sand monster TNT oh now we're talking dude let me buy some water cannons as well oh insufficient funds hold on grow little trees grow beautiful what a nice little farm ah all right chill there we go got some water cannons as well all right Saiyan monster TNT let's see what you got what the heck a sand monster boss like from the comic all right let's take this bad boy out crafty is stuck in the real world using Minecraft logic to solve real world problems if by real world you mean battling sand tigers and Magic Sorcerers The Crafty comic has a brand new edition Coastal chaos follow our heroes through a never-before-seen crafty Adventure get your very own sign comic today or get the comic bundle for an enchanting discount don't walk Sprint over to crafty dot store today all right sand monster you're going down I know cause I read the comic yeah yeah that sand monsters are weak to water go water cannon TNT yeah yeah okay that's working his health is going down I'ma shoot him right in the booty ah this was a bad idea water cannon attack boom boom hacking ow oh man come on one more hit right in the snoot yeah yeah a sand monster defeated I'm incredible that was so that was so cool floated from that Mr shop fired by the comic I mean it was pretty cool but uh maybe don't be inspired by the bad guys and stuff what the heck hi hey it's Little Sandy hey Sandy if you want to get the reference you have to get the comic for yourself we spent months making it it's so cool I'm so proud of it all right spreadshot TNT let's see what you got I doubt you'll be cooler than a sand monster but we'll see oh snap oh I probably shouldn't get in its way right it shoots out these little cannonballs oh that gives me a ton of blocks exploded hold on let me get higher ground for this all right let's see what you got Kaboom oh that is so sweet dude yeah I probably shouldn't stand in front of it oh careful Sandy dude that is awesome let's launch a couple of them give me all of the blocks oh oh gosh okay oh all the way down into the Ravine kablam very nice I like it Sandy I guess you're joining me on the adventures what's up little Chester are you a little bomb dude oh you look so sad and there I can't afford you yet there buddy don't worry Chester bomb I'm coming back for you oh my next upgrade is an invincible crafty that's cool let me just get as many blocks as I can real quick I want to unlock Chester it's time to declare war on the sand boom oh that is awesome take this sand oh yeah oh this might be a mistake but it's for Chester wrong Sandy I can't quite afford Chester but I'm trying my best yes and one more TNT should do it yeah 25 000. I'm coming Chester buddy all right 25 000 oh wait a second oh no if I purchase Chester I'll only have a hundred blocks left oh and it'll take me forever to get this amount of blocks back um hold on Chester I'll be right back I promise I'm gonna buy the race car TNT and hopefully that gives me a lot in return Please be a good investment Mr race car oh hey check it out we got a little race track I guess go race car and they're off driving around and pooping down TNTs where they go look at him go oh no he's going into the stands hey you're supposed to take it right there no he's exploding the fans yo race car not the smartest of race cars but you know what ow okay let me get that invulnerability suit come on Chester it's time buddy welcome to the world now Chester's gonna help because he multiplies all of our blocks broken by two and plus he's handsome as ever little guy oh he's cute I like his little fuse on top we'll also buy our invincibility suit which will be nice and now yeah looking good now dude yeah I can fly now as well okay that'll make things nice and easy and the rough race car down the track going uh probably like 25 miles an hour not very fast take a left and he's going into the stands again I like the race car TNT it's real silly dude let's race them and for a race who will be the fastest of all the TNT left goes in first far right's falling down behind and left wins incredible actually I think I win there dude I got 90 000 blocks broken can't write Chester bomb you ready for the next one it's the rainbow TNT Let's Do It Go rainbow go complab oh that's so cool what's at the end of a rainbow you thought it was gold no it's death let's add some color to the ice shall we it's so beautiful man this is one of my favorites it just looks gorgeous boom boom boom it's pretty cool I don't have much else to say very pretty oh Chester's excited about the transform TNT huh um I do have enough for it Chester should we do it I can come back to the UFOs or whatever all right just for you buddy I've got the world in my hands this one's Chester's suggestion where should I put it Mr bomb Chester over here all right you got it buddy all right there it is watch out boys uh oh my what is happening oh my goodness dude oh that is incredible dude oh my gosh so it lifts up a part of the earth and then just shoots it down to explode what is this Avengers Age of Ultron don't worry little tree this should not hurt one bit that's so awesome oh my gosh usually where you place TNTs where all the damage happens but this is the opposite that's hilarious little trees safe and sound but his neighbors are having a bad day well Chester I think that was a good idea we've got so many exploded blocks now we can afford our sound wave yes oh Chester are you excited about the millionaire TNT I don't quite have enough yet though buddy that's all right we'll be back oh snap ornament action City I guess it makes sense all right it's a sound wave TNT after all all right Mr Warden this is what you get for spooking me dude [Music] oh whoa that's a cool TNT take this warden for all the times you made me pee my pants the warden is unnecessarily scary dude for those of you brave enough to actually go to an ancient city and fight a warden I don't know how you do it man but uh that's that's not me the portal is so strong even the sound waves can't break it Go Boom boom that's awesome these are indestructible but can the portal frame move yes it can I've broken Minecraft that is awesome what's next for us it's UFO time is that a hat on top of his head I don't understand oh it's a UFO I was like why does he have a sombrero dude oh is that just me that's just me all right whoa where am I now oh an alien dig site what are you doing here aliens aliens don't steal our diamonds well first let's see what this alien TNT does huh come on watch out boys there goes the UFO and oh it shoots down Green Lasers the Mountain Dew explosion oh wow all right all the way down to bedrock look at all this gold the most efficient way to mine just use aliens I mean we can mine with it right that's fine yo Mr Miner looks like our mine laser isn't working super well don't worry boys I'll help you yeah boom there there what happened all the particles hello that's cool looking that's looking better there you go glad I could help Mr UFO wait a minute this might be a little weird looking but I can actually use the laser to mine oh gosh that's weird looking okay okay and boom oh man dude looks like a giant Mecha suit or something oh there were skeletons in there it's a bad laser get him Jester attack yeah get him boy nice job Chester time to get our next TNT who's it for it's for you and me all right we got a pulsar TNT nicely done let's do it oh this place looks a little spooky yeah it's full of bad guys this definitely is a bad laboratory oh snap what are they doing in here dude check this place out they're like uh I don't know doing experiments on TNT I guess would you like to do an experiment on a pulsar TNT watch out Chester I have no idea what this thing does oh my goodness holy cow it's taking out the entire lab hope your experimenting worked my boys oh my it's still going it's still going oh my goodness this is the longest oh man yeah the whole Lab is gone on well uh Chester it's been seven minutes it's still exploding wow that was a real bang for my buck I like to stretch my TNT dollar s only remnants of the lab is the little stripe over there Chester I'm so sorry to say we've only got two left but these just might be the coolest so far we've got a millionaire TNT which actually turns out I'm A Millionaire right now or I've exploded a million blocks or whatever and ironically buying it makes me no longer a millionaire that's fine let's test out the old money bags whoa look at this place man a beautiful mansion oh no am I supposed to blow it up looks like there's signs over here scheduled for demolition okay well that's good house was too small oh I see and I'm rich oh so you just bought a new house because this Mansion was too small plus it's haunted oh all right I feel less bad about blowing it up now look at this he's got like seven stacks of iron just to make the roof dude look at all these anvils ah well millionaire TNT let's see what you got what does it do oh my gosh it sends a plane to drop exploding gold no oh my word yep well I guess no need to schedule that demolition after all 2000 that was awesome come on money plane drop down the gold yeah yeah oh that's super cool man it drops down this condensed gold here as well so it's a bargain and hey a nice perk of this it comes with a free parkour course so I call that a steal and last but not least the Dark Matter TNT it's incredible dude I like it how much you want to bet this thing's gonna break my computer well my friends here goes nothing yeah Chester's already running for the hills Dark Matter TNT here we go oh oh my oh dude look at these particles oh my gosh it sends out like black concrete oh goodness it might just keep going oh my goodness I'm getting like two frames a second dude wow ah yes it's creating Dark Matter from nothing oh gosh it might just go on forever well I may have disrupted the fabric of reality but uh you can always fix it by hitting that like button convenient I know thanks for having fun with me Chester I'll see you guys in the next episode
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,731,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, diamond, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, custom minecraft, minecraft custom diamonds, minecraft custom items, minecraft 1 billion, minecraft 1 million, minecraft funny, tnt
Id: zaVthO0Ku4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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