Minecraft but I can Buy OP TNT

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[Music] oh when crabs you got TNT you know it's gonna be an explodey episode so here my friends is what a normal TNT explosion looks like very nice but as you can see I got 20 blocks broken from that and now I can go into my TNT shop here and now I can buy my next TNTs with my exploded blocks let's see what you got to ktnt looks kind of like a velvet chocolate cake or something oh there it goes oh I see it sends out little particles it broke like no blocks dude come on oh gosh this might have been a bad here oh goodness the ghosts are after me all right all right 157. uh I can't read numbers oh that gives us enough we can buy ourselves our linear TNT here and while we got it we can buy our Shockwave TNT too watch out piggy this is a blast zone and go oh he's so flat dude go oh oh I see yeah that makes sense it uh busts out like a linear explosion I don't know how that works wait wait so I could literally just stand like right next to it and it won't hurt me right science or something I like it when my grass has stripes in it oh yes looking nice all right Shockwave TNT come on impress me man what do you got oh whoa that one's cool piggy oh he's chilling he's like it's fine I'll just bury my head in dirt what was the Shockwave TNT not shocking enough for you I'm sorry Shockwave go go go I love the purple particles dude and it's silent oh it's kind of eerie and creepy oh all right oh gosh that's not a great number to end off on hold on let me spend some money real quick what do we have next a dragon egg TNT dude this looks awesome wait a second this is my dragon egg from Dragon City so Dragon City is a free to play mobile game it's available on all devices well let's test this bad boy out shall we what the heck hello where am I oh goodness I'm on like a floating island dude oh I see because in Dragon City you can build and grow your own Empire of floating islands and farms and buildings and Dragons dude well let's hatch this bad boy shall we what crafty Dragon what do you need dude gold all right children these days spoiled rotten hey guys can I is this my house is it stealing if I take from my own place yeah gold and emeralds figured to be in here here's a little secret tip you can breed dragons and then combine their abilities into eggs that you can hatch but I only have one dragon egg though so this will have to do here you go little buddy here's your allowance for today oh my gosh you just eaten gold like it's nothing what do you got tooth feelings of gold emeralds you haven't even done anything what is this your monthly allowance all right uh you need wheat now all right I got you buddy easy enough there you go buddy oh he's hatching yeah let's see our illustrious dragon head he looks quite angry I just woke him up from his Good Egg nap feed your baby dragon to watch them grow and evolve in Dragon City there are over a thousand unique elemental dragons to collect but I'm not just a dragon in Minecraft I'm a dragon in the game dude naturally I'm made of solid diamond and a wielded Dragon diamond pickaxe to play as the crafty Dragon complete the maze Island event utilize the breeding island or get a special offer all right crafty Dragon let's see what you got dude I'm excited and also nervous oh there he is oh he's breaking a bunch of blocks go little dragon out oh it's fine Oh I thought it was the dragon it was attacking me nope it was just a bush yep oh he's died can you mind some coal for me dude it's gonna get dark at night can you mind some of that okay well you missed it just take a left here take a left nope okay well uh my children they never listen download the game using the link in the description or the QR code on screen and get food Gold and Gems to help you start on your adventure thank you Dragon City for sponsoring today's video oh I spent all this time feeding my dragon I didn't feed myself hold on let me find a village real quick greetings boys how are you wow you guys talked really close to each other what don't judge me I shall trade you some emeralds for wheat my boy is that all right you guys cool with that don't ask what I got these I did feed some of your currency to a dragon don't ask it's time for our next TNT what do we have here a spinning TNT don't mind if I do yes I like to spin too anybody else vomiting nice hold on I have kind of a bad idea yo Iron Golem have you seen any Desert pyramids around here transition okay so if this works like I'm hoping it does it'll trigger the TNT below giving myself even extra exploded blocks ghost spinning TNT oh my goodness go go that gave me so many exploded blocks all right it didn't trigger the TNT down there one more time oh gosh oh gosh no no I gotta run I gotta run yeah oh it's beautiful dude three blocks thanks for the money desert pyramid I could explode into the Sand Mountain and then maybe if the sand falls I'll get even more exploded TNT I mean exploded blocks it's time for the dangerous ballerina yes spin my beautiful ballerina oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I didn't think this went through whoa all right 3 000 blocks exploded that'll just about do it we can buy our catapult TNT that's cool man what the heck is this carpet TNT I'll be back Magic Carpet it's like the movie Aladdin except everybody explodes I'm not entirely sure how this is gonna work but I'm gonna try to place it down here and shoot a TNT at that Cactus over there all right aim and oh no I said aim for the cactus not aim for the crafty oh no I didn't even hit the cactus dude okay we're gonna try this again I'm gonna Place three catapults and I'm gonna run really far away don't kill me don't kill me yes what look at this catapult catastrophe and then the most resilient cactus of all time all right Cactus you deserve to live for today I'm just mad cause he doesn't like when I step on him he hurts my toesies well five thousand blocks broken that'll give us plenty for the carpet TNT here yes I need that obsidian crafty armor dude oh I look awesome all right hold on I'll be back it looks very heavy actually is my chest like a nether portal I assume that's gonna help me you know not die from explosions which will be very nice let's see what this Carpet Ride does shall we and I'm hoping I can get enough to buy that suit armor in there uh go explode oh what the heck oh gosh oh gosh bro oh my gosh look at this chaos okay before I even use the uh the other carpets I still have three more of them let me just buy my suit of armor real quick all right that feels a lot better nobody light me with uh flint and steel though I might turn into a nether portal okay let's try this again it looks so nice and innocent Let Me Ride The Magic Carpet yes oh okay fine what you call me fat oh that is an incredible TNT dude oops sorry buddy I took out a little bit of his farm there oh this is a bad idea I'm gonna do both carpets and then run I really want to see with the explosion go carpets go oh man dude I like that one a lot a lot it's chaotic as ever but it's very cool but it's only gonna get cooler I can't even afford our Boulder TNT do I have a Chester around here hey Chester dude I'm coming for you oh you look awesome our last TNT Chester blew up dude isn't that exciting that outfit is Bomb Chester I gotta say okay I should be able to afford all the TNTs yeah we went out a little bit of a shopping spree there you go there's all of them and I gotta run all right all right oh gosh it's oh done am I gonna die from Fall damage please okay I survived I should be able to use this to get the 10 000 no problem oh my goodness there you go Shockwave little Decay TNT some linear TNTs boom yes seventeen thousand oh my goodness look at that cave dude these videos get crazy if you're enjoying make sure and leave a like I want to do more of these videos oh my gosh we have so many more upgrades to make and that's already the chaos that we can ensue ah you know crafty videos we love our chaos all right Boulder TNT let's see what you got dude it's not an asteroid TNT so I assume oh there it goes what the heck oh it like buries into the mountain oh it's a giant boulder well that makes sense so it like creates a boulder to then break all the blocks around it oh gosh the sound is weirdly slimy yes go my Boulders go it's made of Bedrock man yeah that's not stopping for anybody all right well forty thousand yeah I think that'll cover us we don't quite have enough for the Chester TNT but I'm hoping our gamma TNT is gonna give us enough how many times have I said TNT in this video just two right and place oh it looks awesome looks like a tie-dye TNT or something oh my I what is that whoa It's shooting out Fireballs man look at it Go all right that's giving me some decent amount of blocks broken so far oh gosh it just keeps going man it like creates a sun or something and then just starts shooting out lasers I place three of them down now it's the competition of the gamma oh man this this is already so powerful yes and 50 000. Chester here I come buddy hold on I gotta watch this first wow that's so beautiful looking sunsets you're beautiful but I mean you don't do this so Chester welcome to the club buddy where are you Chester will be waiting outside of the shop now before we reunite with chester again I need a little bit more TNT here Chester multiplies my blocks broken which will be really nice but I still need a lot more blocks broken to get these expensive ones all the way up to this bad boy I am so nervous and so excited watch it just breaks like five blocks you overcome the same for something over there moat what the heck is a moat oh no hey there he is what's up buddy you ready to watch some explosions happen oh he's a cutie dude he's so excited today Chester loves TNT videos almost as much as you guys do and if you subscribe I might just make a couple more Boulder Bolder I'm going to make an entire Army of Boulders and just take out the entire Mountain yes now we're talking oh there they go that probably wasn't the most efficient way to break blocks nope never mind oh a hundred thousand hundred and seventy thousand yep that'll do it thanks Chester thanks for multiplying or whatever oh a stick is this for me he's like a puppy dude he just grabbed his stick and brought it to me good boy good boy he likes when I scratch his nose wait is that your nose the little like chest thing right there there you go now I can't unsee Chester as a villager where this little thing is his nose it's really cute man oh gosh I've created monsters hey guys you want to see something cool it's called a catapult yeah it's like a dog except not at all like I don't know cat upholt Well that took care of those bad boys cats have nine lives but catapults take them all come on Chester it's shopping spree time wait oh I have the perfect amount I can buy our marker TNT which sounds not so dangerous dude it looks like uh I don't know like a radio or something is the top a marker like literally I draw on stuff but not only that I can also buy our anti-gravity TNT oh I'm excited dude Enchanted TNT you're next and then the vaporizing TNT my favorite TNT the hoverboard oh can you tell how much I love filming these videos please subscribe so I can just make these videos all day every day I'm hoping these TNTs are worth it they made me very poor I mean I'm looking is that what it is yes calls down a fighter jet yeah I figured as much calling in the Jets no I'm not talking about the football team I'm talking the sky demons this piece of dead grass looked at me wrong call into fighter jets boys now I think whoa whoa whoa whoa oh gosh oh gosh okay wow yeah that makes quite a big explosion there always actually I think wait there's more the dead grass is after us coming for Revenge boys you know what to do run Chester run run run come in fighter jets whoa watch it boys oh oh my gosh what is happening wow yep okay okay guys I'm in here if you cannot drop explosions on my forehead that'd be great I know it's a big Target don't judge me wow what a beautiful sight it is look at this man I feel like that Batman movie where he has to climb out of the hole all right Chester let's get ourselves out of here I guess I could just climb this water huh well that exploded 250 000 blocks but I'm not done yet dude the anti-gravity whoa oh my gosh what is this the Avengers dude are you gonna launch it down oh whoa that was so cool I have kind of a weird idea will it launch up water as well just makes a giant Splash yes it does it lifts up water too and go boom wait hold on Luke use your powers of the force I lift it up with the force and force slam here boom I have never felt more powerful in my life do or do not there is no try I have kind of a dumb idea what happens if I stand on top of it will I Rise up as well ouch nope I will not oh gosh well this won't be good uh bye okay half a million blocks I can buy our Enchanted TNT now and I can buy our vaporizing TNT the strongest TNT of them all power five multi multitude out a bunch of arrows or something oh Manchester watch out dude don't try to eat the arrows okay here it goes oh my goodness oh oh that's lag all right all right oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they just keep going oh I see it's Infinity because they keep exploding oh man go little buddy go he's so cute look at him just keep exploding just keep exploding it's like Dora from Finding Nemo except a little more dangerous oh my goodness how long does it go dude literally forever these might go all the way down to bedrock dude poor guy can't break the blocks because he's in water dude my bad I'm sorry he's working so hard over there I think the water still counts as broken blocks though so I mean you know free money we take those if you watch this video five years later some say he's still exploding to this day hey lava meet my friend Enchanted TNT I think you guys will make great buddies oh my oh my game's gonna crash my game's gonna crash oh my gosh the lava survived oh dude nice job man just goes on forever look at those trios The Three Amigos that's what friendship is really those who explode together Stay Together alright let's try our vaporizing TNT here while our Enchanted TNT's going they're oh I was not ready oh my goodness dude okay it looks like the oh hi buddy thanks for the free exploded blocks oh my gosh the vaporize TNT just keeps going man look at it whoa let's try this again shall we oh there's a baby bunny okay well this site is ruined I like chaos as much as the next guy but I have standards okay I'm not killing no baby bunnies but dead Bush you're going down dead Bush the Hava attacks oh man that is so awesome it just makes like a straight line of chaos and explosions wow honestly the hubbub might be my favorite TNT so far comment down below your favorite TNT although we still have one more to go whoa weird it's a spider spawner at the surface well spider spawner I have a present for you it's a havapa and vaporize well it didn't break the spawner let's try this again take this the easiest way to break spawners in Minecraft just vaporize them there we go and that is just enough dude we passed 600 000 blocks broken and now for the grand finale the moat the mother of all TNT oh that's what it stands for legit I thought it would like explode a moat around me you know like in medieval times that's way cooler all right come on mother like mother like son it's huge dude it's time let's see what you got mother oh my gosh look at it man it's huge oh my I oh my goodness oh it might just explode forever oh man holy cow it just vaporizes everything around it dude it might straight up go on forever the mother of all TNT yep yep that seems about right it exploded over a million blocks just then well might as well place all three right next to each other my computer might actually break from this make sure and subscribe so I can buy myself a new computer after this oh oh my gosh oh no oh hey guys how you doing computer crying don't forget you can download Dragon City using my link to get 15 000 food 30 000 gold and 10 gems and perhaps you'll even unlock me as a dragon in the game
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,788,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, AI, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, robots, robot, Minecraft but ai, ai in minecraft, chatgpt in minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft hardcore, Minecraft but ai beats the game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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