I Built a Raid-Proof Village!

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despite playing Minecraft for over 10 years there's actually a lot of things in this game which I've never done one of those things being a raid and sure I've built raid Farms before in the past and I'm fairly certain I've brought bad Omen to a village before not on purpose it was an accident I didn't help them though I just flew away so hopefully they'll all right but today I would like to do a proper Village raid we're going to build a village from scratch move in some citizens then set a raid upon it and I'll see if I can defend everybody and become hero of the village given my previous experience I don't know how well this is going to go now originally I was just going to come to one of my local Villages here and do this the trouble is they're all a little bit too big and open I'm looking for something a bit more impenetrable shall we say so I figured wherever we build this should probably have a good defensive position already and what's more defensive than an island so yeah this is where the raid is going to be taking place which of course also means it's where the village is going to be [Music] built it's quaint it's cozy but it's also pretty defenseless right now so first things first we need a wall there we go that is looking a lot more protective there's not much getting inside of here to be honest and when we do the raid I will most likely break down this fence gate because I mean it's a little unfair with it in place there is actually no way through when this is here so to make it a bit more fun I'll probably just leave the door open now we're not quite done with this Village yet there's still a little bit more to do I hope you didn't think we were just doing a wall and some houses we got to add in the little details but first I would actually like to get some villagers living inside of here oh no we are caught in a thunderstorm okay let me just test out one of these villager homes and make sure the beds are nice and comfy oh yeah oh they're going to love this so thankfully I don't have to do the usual thing of waiting till night time for zombie villagers because thankfully somewhere around here is a village I can't remember where exactly but I know it's nearby somewhere so it turns out it's a little bit further than I thought not too far we just got to go over the village here past the island through the first Forest then over the second river into the second forest and we eventually arrive at some villager houses with some very willing to move villagers I've already asked they are they are happy to do so aren't you please don't run away from me yes you cannot wait to move and why wouldn't they this place is rubbish a raid would absolutely destroy this Village not like mine my impenetrable Fortress is much better I think we can all agree on that that is if you ignore the fact a raid would probably never happen here I haven't told the villagers it'll be my fault but Hush Hush they don't need to know just a few more round to place to connect up to the start and there we go that is the Villager Highway all built now before we start moving The Villages over there is a slight change I need to make with the village wall I need to do something about these barrels you see these are of course workstations they are for the fisherman I don't really want every single villager in here to be a fisherman so I'm going to temporarily break them our barreless village is now ready for some victims I mean villagers villagers is what I meant to say okay yeah let's go move the Victor villagers into position yes hello how would you like to please come back please don't hide away in the animal pen another one has been claimed okay well you three and the horses I guess listen up how would you like to leave this place forever go to a nearby Village and put yourself to the test against a raid of pillagers witches ravagers evokers and more they are all 100% up for it and so are the rest of them come on you know you want to a little bit further and nudge wait nope nope nope get in there get oh perfect stay there aha off you go there's one 2 3 4 5 and six I was thinking of building some sort of centerpiece to the Village but I think this toen pole might just be the perfect thing no just just kidding Let's free these guys even though it would be a lovely addition to our village and they can enjoy their freedom within the confines of these walls of course you're not allowed out sorry guys now we are going to get to decorating the village very shortly but first of all I need to give my villagers here a job mainly because these Barrel holes are the perfect size for a baby zombie speaking of which I should probably sleep the night away uh KY hello anyone claim this bed yet apparently not I will take it somehow I've already lost track of my villagers I I don't know where five and six have gone there's a pig here so I I guess that's a good replacement if I can't find them they all look exactly the same right now so yeah let's go get them some professions excuse me do not push me around I will start a raid here do not tempt me I think it might be a bit of a frenzy for the jobs to begin with none of them have anything right now so they're all going to be fighting for whatever I place down but we may as well start so I'm going to make a little farming area over here by this house and it looks like this is our Farmer on his way right now cool you've claimed it good job we'll have a shepherd and his loom in this house a cartographer somewhere inside of here I guess that's a good spot as any kind of want to make these bookshelves a little bit taller though I don't like the same height there there we go oh and look our photographer moved in lovely if I put a blast furnace in this block you going to be able to reach it or one of your friends you don't have to but I mean it is right there for the taking and you're currently unemployed not really pulling your weight so if you could you know just pick that up it would be great basically our weapon Smith didn't leave the ground Stone in the village alone so he's like desperately trying to get back to I think hopefully doing this will sort him out oh okay yeah sure you can take it all right well you have been left with the stonemason J job okay everybody now has a job we've got a Shepherd a farmer a cartographer an armor just there our stonemason and then our weapon Smith who wants a different grindstone not this one but I'll place it down and maybe one day he'll change his mind so real quickly I went round and locked all of the villagers into their profession so they weren't going to pick up any of the barrels that I can now Place back down into my Village wall making this place nice and safe again before going round and making it look a whole lot prettier well isn't this lovely now it's ready to be potentially destroyed by an incoming raid not until we've done a final bit of cleanup starting with the Villager Highway being destroyed getting rid of that and of course filling in all of the holes so the pillagers have an even easier time attacking the village I'll be honest I'm not sure why I'm doing this I think it just looks neater chopping down the trees getting rid of these pumpkins generally just cleaning up the island now to make a raid spawn here I'm fairly certain we actually need a village Bell I have a feeling it might be one of the Necessities The Raid looks for when actually generating I could be wrong probably am but we do need a centerpiece of the village here so may as well go ahead and build some sort of very very small bell tower if we can call it that probably not it's a little bit too small and is also kind of missing walls but it does function pretty well as an actual Bell which as you can see makes the villagers run inside so they know to be safe don't worry everybody you can come out the raid isn't here just yet but imminently it will be I was going to put it in the town hall here that seemed pretty well suited but I quite like having it on the outside okay this is the final thing we're going to add in before we call it quits just got to give a welcome sign to the Raiders so they know where they are okay let's go and get some not very good omen shall we little bit of a change in scenery but here is the nearby Pillager Outpost and I'm looking for one of you with a banner on your head aha you will do nicely so just stay there and we should get bad Omen right about got to aim right there what a shot now before we begin you may notice that there are some rather suspicious looking blocks outside of the village try not to get too close and start the raid before I'm ready but as you can tell from what's in my hand and the fact we're a little bit closer now you can probably tell that it's iron blocks to make Iron Golems yeah I'm not doing this fight by myself if I try and do that and fend off the entire village with a oneman army they will all die 100% well without further Ado let's see if we can start this raid I'm really hoping this counts as a village by the way cuz I don't know what to do if it doesn't but thankfully it does okay assume the positions everybody ring the bells let's get two iron golems in to begin with don't want to go Overkill just yet otherwise that's going to oh no oh no oh no my plan has backfired okay it's fine it's just the first round we'll be okay we got the Golems I don't see them anywhere let's take a quick flight around are they Elsewhere on the island I see something okay there's one um are you the only are you the only Raider aha I found them maybe I shouldn't have built the walls out of trap doors for those who don't know Mobs Can See trap doors as Open Spaces they don't see them as blocks so uh they're just trying to get through I mean great for defense not great for entertaining content though oh well let's hope the next round is a little bit more fun aha okay here we go they're coming in from the north I'm just going to say this is North it's probably not let's see how well my iron golems get on I'll try and help them from afar this is an awful Tower I can't even see out of it very poorly designed let's try and land on the top of it my iron golem is being demolished over here but he's actually soloed all of them nearly oh no we lost one okay one remaining I'm willing to bet he's stuck on a trapo and while he's doing that I am going to go to bed so I don't have to deal with creepers and such hello friend you tried to get through but uh no use was it those trap doors are in fact there okay next round let's go how you doing villagers you're holding on you're doing okay I think all of you should have survived I haven't heard any deaths put it like that okay the next lot are coming in from the south let's head over there and try help out a little bit cuz we are lacking Iron Golems from this way I knew the wall would be a good addition but I didn't think it would be the sole reason why this Village is probably going to survive I I wasn't ready for the trapo problem I'll be honest that's that's my bad bad they're not really flocking to the front Gates like I imagined they would oh my goodness this is terrifying oh I've never really had a ravager run at me like this before oh they're so strong oh my goodness please please okay run run run oh my gosh I did not realize how powerful they were well I'm having a very stressful time out here but the villagers seem to be getting on just fine they haven't had any problems yet oh no we got vexes we got vexes okay I'm going to need to run and you know what maybe let let's put on a chest plate if I'm just going to fight them myself ow there we go okay help me Iron Golems help me oh I forgot they had a really good reach oh I'm in the village uh should we do a little check up on everybody yep that was a lot of villager noises I'm sure they're fine oh Nelly okay hello Nelly um I'm going to go to the water now and hopefully my iron golems are helping oh okay he left me alone well where is the other half of the raid of course they by the trap doors two more Raiders remaining and that is it have we done it we did it we are hero of the village I mean the Vex is still trying to kill me but uh I think the villages are safe which is fantastic I would really love to get in and celebrate and not die also they're having a party without me can you hear the fire oh that was really good shooting I'm sorry I don't want to toot my own horn but that was that was nice shooting from me okay let's get inside and and have a party with everybody Hello friends how are we all doing you're welcome are you all unscathed none of you are injured I hope some of you are on the roof that's fine you're allowed to it's been quite traumatic what you've just gone through I'd argue more so for me and therefore I think I should you know get some gifts maybe if if you want to Chuck them my way I heard that was kind of part of the hero of the village thing no no no gifts oh okay oh oh thank you you changed your mind and gave me chain my leggings and a cookie worth it well that was exciting for my first ever proper raid in Minecraft I'd say that went not exactly according to plan to be truthful I really oversighted on on the trapdoor thing I probably would have preferred them all to kind of flood to the main gate I think that would have been a bit more interesting but are you on the roof again still a very fun experience nonetheless so there we go everybody thank you ever so much for watching this episode it was once again a lot of fun and I hope you guys enjoyed yourself too thank you ever so much for watching and I will see you in the next episode bye for [Music] now
Channel: ItsMarloe
Views: 1,063,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 1.20 survival, minecraft 1.20 hardcore, minecraft 1.20 lets play, minecraft 1.20 hardcore lets play, minecraft 1.20 survival lets play, minecraft java, minecraft bamboo, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft lets play, minecraft bamboo village, minecraft transformation, trails and tales, hardcore lets play, survival lets play, 1.20, minecraft village raid, minecraft raid, minecraft raid guide, minecraft how to win a raid, minecraft how to defend a raid
Id: mQREXg_fVKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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