Minecraft, But The World Is In OP Layers...

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welcome to minecraft with the world is in op layers in today's video we're gonna be playing in a world where every time we dig down we're gonna be discovering a brand new block or even an entire biome this means i could go down from a dirt layer to a tnt layer to even a diamond block layer and finally to even entire layers that i don't even know about yet can i be the dragon what op thing waits for me at the bottom stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's see if we can hit the like goal of five whole likes but this time let's try and see if we can somehow do that with our chins i don't even know if that's possible though anyways guys enjoy the video so i'm literally on top of a cloud layer in a world of made of layers and i can't really look past this first layer which i'm gonna guess is a completely normal village with a ruined portal down there so how do i get down there i guess i just jump down here don't die don't die die okay all right we're good okay welcome guys to minecraft but the world is gonna be in layers the first layer it looks like it's gonna be a completely normal village with a ruined portal right by us i'm probably gonna go ahead and get some tools and then go ahead and try to head down but i'm already a little bit nervous knowing that from the get-go i already almost died and like always i'm in hardcore mode so i really don't want to die right away like the video would be like 20 seconds but let's go ahead and get some cobblestone head down to the next layer and pretty much what i was told by the maker of this map which was corread is that as i go deeper and deeper the layers are not only gonna get more dangerous but definitely a lot more ops so with that being said i really don't know what to expect besides maybe like a lot of mobs and maybe a lot of good loot oh and a blacksmith too okay yeah i'm gonna grab everything i can right now and then head all the way down oh some iron some gold and some iron helmets two of them to be exact really good start at least we got a nice village and up next is gonna be what even is under us oh wait a leaf interesting then there's wood okay i'm guessing it's gonna be the star of like a forest layer or something a flan steel two flint steels iron ingots actually something smart we should be getting is definitely a water bucket but is there any water actually there might not be any water around here oh wait no i was supposed to make an iron pickaxe oh no i'm so dumb how am i gonna get that gold okay all right i'm actually done sometimes all right before we go down to that fourth looking layer let's real quick make a hoe and get some wheat real quick all right that should be more than enough fred 54 bread i think we're ready for these layers probably gonna somehow die early but you know what i'm ready for it i haven't lost a challenge yet but here we go okay so we got the oak layer then we got the birch layer and now we have a savannah layer okay i'm guessing this is gonna be the tree layer then we got jungle now we have occasion i'm gonna guess what's next this is dark oak oh my gosh okay i literally see like some campfire under me don't want to go that way we got lava right there and we have a desert temple right here with a sign okay i'm gonna guess creed put that right there oh there's an enderman too i should probably kill that to actually you know get to the end portal but how do i get an end portal when there's literally nothing but void okay let's get into this desert temple all right so it says enter the opi layers journey okay so i guess we're just now starting the op layers all right here we go wait this doesn't look right wait why okay is this a normal color i'm not sure oh and we are now in the ocean layer which looks like it has a whole lot of water there's a submarine okay i guess i'll go into the submarine it is opie layers so might as well try it out all right before we do that though real quick there is a chest in here what do we got literally nothing okay all right that boat was a scam i'm gonna guess it's in the submarine whatever this thing is okay there's a chest inside this is good so it's a completely empty submarine with a single chest that oh all right we finally found some opilium we have a turtle shell helmet a potion of water breathing actually useful wait a nautilus shell which i i generally don't know what this thing does i might as well keep it oh and a rip type 3 enchanted book actually like that nice and then a good old trident not bad okay it's pretty much an iron helmet why not okay so we have water breathing now and i might as well drink this water breathing potion and the main thing i kind of really like is this trident which is nine attack damage yeah don't mind if i do i'm definitely gonna be keeping that all right and with that i think we should be done here time for the xlr oh wait what is that okay is that coral i'm not sure okay i literally just want to get out of this water a barrel what is a barrel doing there okay i don't understand these items right now cut sandstone am i no longer water perfect all right and then we got some prismarine wait are we gonna go in an ocean double now wait oh wait no water layer now and magma okay wait what is this all right so now we're in a layer full of trees mobs but the trees are made of iron mossy cobblestone and coal interesting i guess yeah okay okay not bad i might as well go ahead and grab some iron and some coal i definitely gotta cook up some stuff if i'm gonna somehow be the dragon i don't know where the dragon is i'm gonna assume that maybe the dragon isn't a layer down there but that being said if the dragon breaks all the layers i am literally screwed all right this is only like the third layer and this is actually pretty good if it keeps going up this way we're gonna be getting some really good layers quickly i'm not gonna make any armor yet because i feel like things are gonna get better and better so i don't wanna waste too much time so i'm only gonna make an iron pickaxe i'm gonna get a little bit more coal a little bit more iron and then we should be good to go down i only have a helmet right now but what's the worst that could happen gonna guess we're getting into the caving layer we got diorite andesite granite okay we have coal completely normal we have iron i don't like the mountain mobs out here right now i should have made armor should i make armor okay iron guys i think we found the spotter layer so i hear a lot of mobs under me and i really don't want to take a peek but i kind of have to to see what i'm messing with right now oh my gosh that is a lot of mobs yeah there's no way i'm going to be going in there without full armor what the heck by the way let me know in the comments down below as we go through this which of the layers is your favorite because we're definitely gonna have a lot of those oh my gosh it don't stop coming what the heck i would throw a china right now but that's so many of them what is this layer right now okay i'm gonna give you guys a trade all right a nautilus shell to leave me alone here you go they didn't like that all right okay let me just grab this iron real quick we gotta make arbor chest plate boots should be a little bit better off now i'm so tempted to throw this but no it's not enough holy that's way too many mobs okay so before i go down there i actually need a little bit more wood i don't know why i didn't grab wood earlier i think i need to take these layers a little bit more slowly all right we got our iron i think we should be good there we have literally 33 iron all i need now is some pants might as well make an iron sword just in case actually wait before we go down there i actually got a mixed shield there we go oh my gosh okay i went down i went down chess couple oh okay the chests are good the chests are good going apple yes if i could find a notch apple right now that'd be amazing go an apple okay i'm literally just gonna grab golden apples more gold apples not bad holy mobs though i am being run down right now guys i am going to get as much stuff as i can and then literally get out of here as fast as i can go an apple please help me thank you very much oh my gosh what the heck there's literally a giant spawner thing in the middle we are not staying here guys i am literally getting out of here as soon as i get more golden apples okay maybe i should not be getting this many golden apples we gotta go we gotta go all right i'm out of here hey guys this is not worth it this is not oh my gosh the baby zombies water water water okay water can save me okay we're good and oh gosh oh my gosh okay i don't think they can come over here but we are definitely gonna be leaving that layer now so i'm gonna guess the next layer now is stone and now some wood which is gonna be really useful if we see mobs again because i really need some arrows so i'm gonna assume that the next one is mine shaft and i'm pretty much right all right so we got some rails and please don't anything kill me okay all right creepers gold and already a minecart chest oh wait in jeddah but silk touch not bad i'm not sure i really need that i'm gonna go ahead and grab it why not but new iron pickaxe all right not bad and some torches i definitely need some torches up there holy minecart chest also there's already a cave spider right here what is up with all the mobs in these layers these layers are getting more and more dangerous but definitely a lot more op we got some more golden apples and creepers right here i'm gonna kill you oh no no no please please okay and there we go we already got three diamonds 33 iron and not bad oh and some gold tea okay before i go any deeper i think i'm gonna go ahead and make a diamond pickaxe because uh don't really know what's next so uh i mean we're on like the seventh layer there's still so many more to go okay that is a lot of lava what the heck is down there oh wait huh is that even normal okay curry just blessed me or something literally efficiency five a fortune no come on come on guys come come on i'm trying to make a great video right here you know and of course i'm poisoned i like that advancement throwaway joke like all my jokes the worst of the world so um fortune 3 efficiency 5 low-key i could already go ahead and make that let me make an anvil real quick actually that is an amazing find what that okay these things are definitely getting more rope i'm getting that already fortune three and only a little bit more levels i really don't want to fight the cave spiders i hear so many mobs above me i just don't want to be there i can't get efficiency five just yet though so might as well go to the next one oh we got the gold player too sadly we can't craft knowledge apples but it doesn't hurt to grab some gold as well grab some gold we got another iron layer and another coal air and now we have a lapis layer okay so we're getting the ore layers now wait if diamonds are next i literally have a fortune three pickaxe that is gonna be very op if that's so and i'm gonna guess right under us we're gonna finally get diamonds all right here we go that is such a troll i'm gonna guess it's under obsidian if i didn't make this diamond pickaxe what would i do right now would have to break it with a normal pickup oh my gosh okay i guess welcome to the nether what the heck and we also have another fortress right here i'm gonna go ahead and grab this network because we might use it for potions sooner or later i do have some sand and is there anything good in here oh skeleton just like a normal fortress we got armored skeletons all right so golden chessblade don't really need that i don't think gold is better than iron pretty sure oh some diamond is nice i'm guessing this is gonna be my one opportunity to get blazes oh and they're already spawning how's it going guys all right okay all right we can deal with this we can place water all right i think i only need one more and then we should be good let's give me the blazer please i think i only need one more i think i got the last one right there unless i can get another one i'd be appreciated i still gotta get under pearls too i'm gonna assume i'm gonna get enderpearl sooner or later because i have not seen a single enderman besides like one all right that should be the last one and without we have it literally a plays rods not bad all right i think we should be done with another layer now and what we have next is another obsidian layer which i'm gonna guess is maybe like going through a portal not sure it's kind of cute all right you know i'll go with it some soul sand netherrack all right we got some another one not bad and now some nether eye gold nice all right uh actually i need to get the obsidian because i do gotta make an engine table sooner or later maybe i should definitely grab some more actually i'm gonna make an engine table all right and now we got some chain well what is the point obtained let me know in the comments down below i am so new to a lot of nether stuff i feel like such a noob even though like i've been playing this game for so long all right so after the chain we have another break and then some nether quartz not bad and some literal quartz okay now we got some blackstone layer uh go to blackstone layer and what the heck oh that's actually kinda cool all right so we have another portal layer and now the burning stands nice all right so i'm actually gonna go ahead and creep some burning stands just in case i need it for some potions later seven brewing stands and some anvils which we already have a lot of them and also some droppers interesting okay a lot of interesting choices here and actually a really good layer because we actually do need a crafting table right now or even some more crafting tables all right and before we go deeper i'm gonna go and make a bow yeah but would be nice these layers are definitely interesting okay so this is gonna be oh it's a blast furnace nice okay and even some coal to add onto it nice all right and again we're going into the oars after the blast furnace so we got some iron a gold layer a lapis layer then we got the redstone layer and another emerald layer which i'm gonna guess leads to obsidian again is it like a loot yes okay and we finally got the diamond layer we can okay that's a little bit dangerous all right um i do not want redstone anywhere near this tnt layer what the heck but now that we have the dom layer we can literally get so many diamonds all right i'm literally just gonna get full diamond as soon as i can and get that efficiency 5 on my pickaxe and hopefully not blow up any tnt let's go ahead and add efficiency 5 why not and also rip type 3 that i don't know if this is useful at all but i mean it's pretty cool enchantment oh no i need sugarcane oh i can't make the engine table yet okay but i mean for now we have pretty good stuff i'm gonna keep the turtle shell because that's actually a pretty good helmet and we got full diamond not bad and why not cause we're rich diamond shovel even a diamond block there we go holy we're stacked right now okay so uh i'm gonna go ahead and grab a lot of tnt because i feel like this is gonna be very good for the dragon however we do fight the dragon still not sure how that's gonna happen but you know what tnt's my friend maybe who knows but we're gonna grab lots of it all right so we just went through bedrock wait what does that mean oh that's cool block wait i think we might be getting to the op ors now oh yep we are okay i didn't want to smell earlier because i had a hunch but um this is definitely op what the heck if we get to netherright block that is literally all we need besides ender pearls now we have emerald block and wait huh definitely not diamond block player welcome to the op village lair i just got 26 blocks of emerald if this is what i think it is so what do you have to trade with me wait guys every villager literally just trades any random item in the game for a random amount and so far this is kind of useless but i think we might actually be able to get ender poles this way alright so uh where are the villagers that only saw one of them so i guess to not be too op there's not that many villagers because i only see one right now oh more villagers how's it going guys all right i need you guys to give me the good stuff okay we got a bow nothing good here what about you buddy uh all right nothing good so far none of them really have anything good for me yet so we're not getting anything good from these villagers literally none of spawning and i think it might be time just to go to the next layer i tried my best guys but these villagers are kind of like a scam so i'm gonna give them a definitely a one star rating for this village wait no we got new ones wait uh oh wait that's actually pretty good okay yeah all right not not a bad potion thank you buddy lingering jump what about you oh my gosh okay never mind i'm sorry for that one star okay yes i'm taking your potions of strength that is amazing i'll be taking two portions of strength not bad you know what with that being done i think we should be good here uh some soul lanterns that sounds a bit spooky whether skeleton egg i could spawn a weather but in a world full of layers not the best thing wait are we going to hit the stronghold hold on oh my gosh um guys i think we found the stronghold wait guys are we getting this closer already beating the challenge oh and we got some books nice okay we can finally enchant too we could maybe even do level 30 enchants if i go back up oh my gosh a stronghold is like so convoluted what the heck all right where is the portal room though i'm trying to find something right now guys but this place is like a maze i don't know where i am right now oh gosh wait okay wait this looks like a good room please be the portal room okay and it's the library could be something good here any enchanted books where are the enchanted books over here okay potential enchanted books please give me something good and oh i thought that's a protection for it still that's really good protection three deathstrother three that is definitely going on my boots and blast protection four another protection three book okay these things are getting sop what the heck are we going more down i want the good books and literally a third protection three book what the heck is going on right now is that normal or is this like the op layers version i'm not sure wait could we find another book area oh this might be another one actually right here oh it is okay uh they're still superficial though no please please please i'm just trying to get my books i'm trying to just steal the books and then get out okay oh jess okay nice all right and it's the same books again so just like that guys we're gonna be full protection three weight okay it's piercing for what even does piercing do is that the axe or is that the crossbow i'm not sure but before i go deeper into this game real quick i might as well go ahead and put full protection three production three protection three did someone say protection three because uh protection three very nice oh i can't even afford it oh well i'm broke okay all right side times guys okay we're full protection three except for our boots but we're getting more and more op and i'm trying to see if i can find the portal room inside the stronghold layer but i'm finding nothing right now i literally have been looking forever guys and i have not found a single thing related to stronghold also i just got shot what the i guess it might be in another layer i'm not sure well we've pretty much gone through this whole stronghold might as well go through the next one and of course we've got some fish all right nice wait what is this wait okay wait is this northern library wait what even is going on in this layer okay no this is like just a random lava layer what the heck okay um i don't know if i want to be here okay so we got stronghold we got lava that is a little bit dangerous and now we got obsidian wha what even is going on and what is this block wait is this a spinning table wait if this is a smithing table the next one should be oh and there we go guys we finally made it to the netherite layer which is literally just a bunch of ancient debris which i'm definitely going to be grabbing and wait what is that thing it looks like a black hole okay wait so how much nether i do i need i literally have unlimited nether right now how appear we're gonna get it usually gets harder as we go deeper down i'm kind of scared of what's waiting for me oh we just got honey nice also what is this a respawn anchor oh well i'm not dying so i don't really need that i've never actually done a minecraft fun fact guys i've actually once i played minecraft and never died after that and i've also uh never told a lie fun fact all right so with that we have 16 asian debris and i kind of forgot all my blast furnaces so i'm gonna wait to cook it until we actually find the portal because honestly for now we have protection three so i should be fine okay so we got some honey blocks oh that's all uh i don't like any blocks and a beehive okay you know what shout out all the bees all right all right and then some dirt then another emerald thing oh okay so after that was not an emerald layer that is a very op multiple things layer right on top of a soul sand layer holy what the heck oh my gosh okay that is a lot of good stuff we already pretty much have all that stuff so yes another really good layer they're just getting more and more open all right so sand what do you lead me to oh wait and stone guys am i gonna see the dragon here okay wait oh okay um we definitely made it to the end guys welcome to the end layer we definitely found the end portal we definitely found out how we're gonna get some ender pros and what are these end crystals doing here let me actually check how many intervals i need okay so we need nine ender poles wait it's not the last layer guys hold up wait i might have to come back here then i saw some purpur blocks which makes me think that we're gonna be seeing some end cities very soon so uh let me kill these under men real quick and then we'll get down there also oh my gosh i do so much damage okay what the heck is this i would love some looting right now all right please i only have 300 pearls right now and i've almost died so many times i need to get to this end city layer i only need nine of these come on guys just solve that tnt okay i still have that tnt i think i might try to pull up the dragon as long as there's not a weather layer or like a dragon that pops up out of nowhere i should be fine oh other layer would actually be a little bit too bad okay that was the last ender pearl we finally have enough enderpearl to open up this portal wait what did i do with the blaze rods guys do i have to go back up oh no oh my goodness guys i forgot the blaze rods in a barrel up there all right i'm gonna go get those real quick one sec well up we go gonna get some blaze rods all right so we got the blaze powder 16 blades powder 10 number rolls i only need none of these and now we should be able to light the portal but i'm not gonna go in just yet because it does look like there's an entity under us so real quick i'm gonna leave one more open for when we get back here because i don't want anything about to happen in case i like that last one and now that we're done with that all right let's see if we can find an entity oh i was right okay literal end city undress we're going in oh gosh how's it going guys okay that that is not normal entity mob so we're gonna be going up real quick and please be no shulker boxes any chests any chests any chests just these are so good okay iron chest plate with fire protection for cursive binding not really that good thorns three unbreaking one not the best chest point but you know what i'll keep looking we got the ship right here instant healing t-potions honestly do i need those nah i can kill the dragon without those and an efficient through three fortune two pickaxe i'll be enough already have one that's as good as that a really good shovel though some diamonds some gold holy okay this is actually so good what the heck oh my gosh fire has picked a one sharpness yeah that's way better than my sword okay i'm keeping that protection three feather volume two cursing binding can't take it off now may have been a bad idea but you know what it's a good buck might as well keep it so i'm gonna assume that this is the final layer and if it's not i don't know how it gets better than this and oh my gosh sharpness three fire aspect two i'm breaking three diamond sword don't mind if i did protection four what the heck these are so good when i cook up all that netherlight i should be good okay wait is this the last layer though there's more layers there's a redstone block right there what the heck what is the redstone block layer gonna be how much better can it get let me know in the comments where the electro is on these ships because i know they're on the ships but aren't they supposed to be there i'm generally confused right now because an electro would be great to fight this dragon all right so we're pretty much done here we went through all the chests ended up with actually some really good self-protection forward protection three some uh sharpness three fire aspect two that's my main thing i like but up next we still have the portal above us but there's still more stuff under us we're at y level seven so not that much could be left so now we got redstone then we got iron block i should probably be a little bit careful in case of void all right emerald block gold block diamond block hold up wait have we gone this yet i'm gonna guess that the next one is netherright block which would actually be way too overpowered it's not the right block holy okay yeah we are sad guys another way block and the last layer is gonna be bedrock what the heck has this video been so far oh my gosh wait we pretty much have everything we need now all right so uh sally we can't make now the right boots but never right now the right nether right now the right and they can't make nothing like that and um because we can't do the boots we're gonna be doing everything else uh diamond hoe never right boom serious dedication yes all right so all that's left now is just to kill the dragon so i'm gonna get some blocks real quick to stack up and then all that's left is the dragon wait actually i never made an engine table i should probably do that i didn't enjoy my bow at all oh no i don't have lapis oh that's actually a scam all right well we're going up hopefully the world in the end is not in layers because that sounds a bit dangerous but either way guys wish me luck i got a strong potion i got an ender pearl i think we should be good to fight the dragon now here we go oh okay and the world is not in layers in the end not bad okay all right so we're pretty much done with the layers guys now it is time to beat this dragon beat this challenge hopefully not die in the process because i only have one life right now all right watch this guys one two three oh this might be bad guys i gotta stock up and i'm using tnt now not sure about this oh gosh that that definitely here okay we're we're going all right so we have there there there wait is this a good idea i don't think this is a good idea that's not a good idea we're not doing that again we are not doing that again okay oh wait i could actually use my trident maybe oh wait i just figured it out guys i know how we're gonna use the trident we go in here and then we rip tied up and then we place on tnt not the best thing we're gonna do that tnt is gonna blow up and we're almost gonna die we're gonna out grab the water and hopefully not do that again all right so i'm gonna grab that and oh wow that's kind of cool another one another one i don't have blocks do i as many tablespoon tables work break that jump down grab the water should be good and then uh do this for no reason i think that should be all the crystals now okay and now we can just kill the dragon dragon come down i'm ready for you i only have a trident with top three and another right sword all right it's coming down positive strength uh potion of leaping no no not probably a bad idea but we're doing it either way all right all right one two three holy damage guys potion of strength is so good what the heck oh and he's gone all right another one another one another one all right one more strength potion she'll be good here let's do this wait this might be actually i don't know i'm not going to do enough damage i'm jumping this time oh gosh we're so close we're so close this might be it dragon please don't go away no why are you listening to me what all right buddy i think this might be it guys two more hits we still have strength and that is to be it for minecraft but the world is in layers that was actually a pretty fun game shout out to green for making the map go subscribe to him right now but besides that guys hope you guys all enjoyed every great one and news video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 6,297,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but every, minecraft but super, minecraft but xnestorio, nestorio minecraft, minecraft layers, minecraft world is in layers, minecraft but the world is in layers, minecraft but the world is in op layers
Id: kRroLQYAv4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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