Minecraft, But Any Player You Draw, You Get...

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what happens if you can draw any player you'd like and they appear right in front of you well let's go and find out first my goal is to draw an army of minecraft youtubers and use them to unlock new drawings of even more players second i have to draw the ultimate warrior player and battle them to gain control of their special abilities and last but not least i have to take my army of players and use them to battle an enormous army of dragons can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 3 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video all right here we go guys and welcome oh never mind drawing challenge begins but today it's players take this begin drawing but be careful the player can either be a friend or a foe okay well this is definitely not what i expected for today's video i was gonna do a different challenge but i guess we might as well get straight to drawing and apparently i'm supposed to do only players today so what player do i do first i guess there is one player i can think of right away and that would be herobrine i did do one video before with him but how do i draw here brian okay so here brian is kind of like blue i think right here so we have a blue t-shirt okay a little bit blue there they call me x paint story oh no one actually calls me that but i can dream i guess so that'll be his hands fill up that real quick now let's get the shoes i think the shoes are gonna make it very obvious so something that's very obvious about here brian is his eyes so we gotta get two very like obvious white eyes there i think so oh gosh this is actually terrifying what the heck am i doing okay uh i think that's kind of good i'm not sure rate my hero prime picture in the comments down below but i think this should do the job i guess we'll get here right now i'm not sure what to do with them but here we go here brian in three two one processing player please work please work oh gosh friend oh okay it worked here brian why are you called floop zeus we're we're just not going to talk about that okay we're not going to talk about it okay i mean if you want to be floof zeus you can be fluent but here brian as you can see uh we're kind of stuck in another challenge today and i was told that i could draw any player in the game so i was wondering do you kind of have anything to help me out with this challenge today i'm kind of making wooden tools right now like what exactly do you have to present to me in this challenge i can do any ability i can combine any item here have the perfect tool oh wait it's literally a multi-tool so yeah i can even play guitar okay you can play guitar okay here right sounds good does this do everything oh it does okay i have a stone axe stone shovel and a stone pickaxe all at one okay well i appreciate that here brian is there anything else you can do besides the guitar and the combined tools all right well i could provide you with literally anything you want like this mini gun oh my gosh okay okay that looks really cool mr brian i guess i respect it yeah there is one thing though that i think you might need and that is some advice on what to do in this challenge all right i guess could you give me some advice about the challenge yeah i mean just give me one second uh one second wha where are you going here brian oh oh oh okay that doesn't make any sense but i guess let's go down a cave a little bit iron not bad actually not too bad of a cave so far oh how's it going uh i guess you're back okay nice did you get any of that information i needed mister here brian what i suggest is that you draw some of your friends my friends okay because with the foe there's a higher chance that you will die and lose this whole challenge oh okay by the way you could have saved me from that skeleton but you know what i'm not going to complain say that to me again oh oh no no no no no okay you're brand new we're we're good we're good anyways though i will take that advice to heart i will try to get some friends on would you recommend like youtuber friends something like that i would suggest youtuber friends they're they're more or less you know pretty nice and reliable guys so i'd suggest starting there do you have any suggestions on what youtuber i should draw next mr your bride well there is one guy the only issue is he does have a receding hairline his name is forrest bono i don't know if you've heard of him okay i'll keep that in mind yeah and there's also another guy he's you know kind of bald as well bionic yep bionic okay so you you prefer bald people i like both i mean i respect that mr herobrine but i you know i don't want to take too much of your time after this before you go though is there any other trades we could do because i'm kind of stuck here came with this thing it's not really getting the job done well there is one thing before i leave i would like to give you a gift for the rest of your journey okay you know i appreciate that man well is it gonna be that thing you're holding right now or uh are we getting something else oh that's a big old hamburger oh a diamond destroyer what the heck does this thing do 20 attack damage yeah it's pretty it's pretty overpowered let's just put it that way i appreciate that let's see what it does oh my gosh wait what you know here mine i much greatly appreciate this i'm gonna guess that you have to go now and do whatever next adventure you have but you know what it's a great gift i appreciate it man yep safe travels i'll talk to you later all right see you later man um i guess i'll go draw the next youtuber and they're gonna be bald just for you okay sounds good all right i guess that's it for him uh even though we got this really good diamond destroyer this might not be enough for the help i need for this challenge so let's go ahead and draw the next youtuber right now okay so i gotta draw bionic and this is gonna be a little bit of a harder one so i really hope i don't get any points off if i do this incorrectly but yet again guys fair warning i am not the best artist in minecraft but we're gonna try our best okay i'll put a reference picture to his skin on the screen right now that's gonna be trying to make right now but i'm not really sure if it's gonna turn out exactly how i want it but we're gonna try our best okay this has become literally just a drawing video how do i get like the skin color yeah that's close enough actually that might be very close okay so that'll be his hand there we go oh wait okay this is actually kind of looking how i want it to be so let's do the mouth bionic has like a big old smile i think he has like the robotic side right here oh my goodness it's actually looking really cool to be fair and now the hard part is gonna be drawing his robot hand he has like a big old robot hand right here let me do a little bit green there a little bit right there and i guess he also has like a random belt here pants right there there we go oh my goodness this is actually a really good drawing i am proud of myself for this one like what the heck okay so and then some shoes this is actually pretty decent so with that being said let's go ahead and see if we can get bionic in three two one please don't be a foe processing player okay please be a friend not a foe and friend yes did someone say bald i ain't even bald anymore oh you do have hair hey biotic how's it going man so welcome to the challenge what exactly do you bring to the table cause last time we had herobrine and he had kind of like cool abilities like this so what do you have oh wait is that what i think it is listen man i kind of saw that drawing so i don't know if i want to really be nice but you know what sure why not you go no biotic what is this get back here what you can't catch me nerd no wait what is this thing no bionic please bionic i am almost dead i am literally in the stone right now but look i see you have so many of those special abilities and uh there's kind of like a big bow skeleton i'm not sure if you summoned that my man but could you maybe give me a cave i would love to be your friend i don't know man i feel like you're asking for a lot you literally call me bald and like i would never call you bald i think you have a great set of hair right on your head right now like it's very nice and everything like i kind of i kind of like these compliments sure you wanted a cave right yeah a nice cave a big old cave then you shall get a cave nestor okay we're where the cave at all right here you go bro you're gonna you're gonna need the water bucket what do you mean oh my gosh oh you're good you actually got super relaxed not too bad hey there we go okay well you could call this a cave i guess this is a very big open square i guess i mean i'm not gonna complain bionic i do appreciate it i mean i could get some gold some iron and uh i think this cave could be bigger bionic dude do you have a little bit you know of a bigger radius of whatever power this is right well what do you have to offer i don't know i don't take things for free okay okay okay okay okay like i said i don't know if i'm really your friend okay you know you know you know how about this i'll turn the tide this is a stone pickaxe axe and shovel at the same time look at that beauty look at that smile ah i just you know i kind of pity you so uh with that said you still have that water bucket yes yes you're gonna need it three two one boom oh my gosh nestor yo diamonds bionic thank you so much i appreciate it you know you are one of the best players i have ever drawn i've only drawn two players ever but you know you're one of the best ones i appreciate this a lot because just like that 10 diamonds there's actually a lot of diamonds here and a lot of mobs oh my goodness so uh yeah you know we're good right you know nothing bad is gonna happen after this no no more tnt no more uh skeletons okay i would never nestor i would never do such a thing like that than ever okay oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my god okay okay okay okay okay lester nestor yes yes no this is stress this is oh my gosh i'm gonna make some diamond armor with these diamonds as soon as i can well on the bright side i'm full diamond now and uh here brian told me that pretty much i should only get allies and other youtubers in this challenge and that'll make the chance of a foe be less so what type of youtuber should i get next he said bald youtuber do you have any description of the next one for the next youtuber loki i can't stand these type of videos because there's way too hard to make so get a hundred days youtuber a hundred days you do so oh man those guys are really good at minecraft so i guess i'll go for one of those next bionic i appreciate it and i guess before you go and i draw the next player do you have any parting gifts hmm yeah you know what here before i go take a take this oh what is that all right five bionic have a great day i'm gonna die okay we're good a weather sword that is really good 13.5 attack damage when hit give a wither effect and when right click it give you a wither rage effect and destroy the blocks around you wait what oh that is really cool okay and we also have with the rage now anyways though we gotta probably now make the next player which he said 100 days youtubers so i guess let's figure out who that's gonna be okay so we have lava right here some obsidian and the next thing i really want to do is actually go to the nether and i thought why not let's go ahead and do that with the next youtuber which i was told to do a hundred days youtuber and i guess i could maybe do forrest bono he might be a good option but i'm not really sure if i can draw his skin that well this kind of looks like it i'm not sure you know what we're gonna get there okay now i gotta get his skin color which oh gosh this is so hard to get all right so he has like a little bit of a mask oh my goodness i've made his face so big uh it's it'll work out guys i'm the best artist in the world not really but you know what we're going for it so all right some eyes okay i was not made to make minecraft characters but here we are oh gosh this kind of looks like him right not really well while i draw this go ahead in the comments down below and give me a brand new title for this video because i always like it when you guys do that you guys always have some pretty funny comments this is kind of good okay so and then in his body he's gonna have some arms there we go okay he has like some blue things right there and to make it even more obvious this is a new strategy guys i'm gonna put at the top forest bono and to make it even more obvious on his chest we're gonna put 100 days one of the best 100 days youtubers out there for his moto let's see if this actually works in three two one please don't be bad processing player question mark question mark question mark and there we go hello there nestor boris how's it going man oh wow you look geared compared to everyone else where have you been yeah i've actually been on a cloud for the last hundred days i heard you wanted a 100 days youtuber and i'm here to help oh i'm sorry if i just got you mid video but i guess thank you so much for coming it looks like you have some really cool weapons i have a pretty cool weapon too but before anything uh what do you think of that drawing right there i think i did a pretty good job with you i was wondering what that was and honestly it's not bad it's nice i appreciate it i mean i think you got the eye well i think you put nice details with the with the hoodie i like it take it like fan art my man but okay so one thing i saw was it said question mark question mark question mark when you arrived what does that mean well for now i i would like to help that's that's definitely what i want to do okay okay this sounds good i think that's good enough for me so the only thing i'm kind of planning on doing right now for us is actually going to the nether so it looks like you're geared enough right now so the goal is go to the nether get some blaze rods and get some intervals and uh do you have a valencia real quick so we can go inside yeah i actually happen to have one here you go okay you know you got it in your cloud i appreciate it all right let's go inside no no no funny business for us i only have one life yeah i see you as a friend right now so we should be good wait what just happened why did the portal break i'm over here oh okay well there's literally a fortress under lava right there what a spawn all right well i guess i'll start going there now okay honestly this is pretty easy to find what this is not a fortress no no no no this place is already cursed no go away go away what the heck is this thing no forced uh forest nester man i hate to break it to you buddy but i'm actually not your friend here so i'm gonna have to use this mini gun that i happen to have where did you get the mini gun i may or may not start hunting you down so you may want to run away oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is not good this is not good okay force four swords we can talk this out oh wait oh wait you're out of bullets aren't you no no no trust me i definitely have rpgs to spare okay yeah you are definitely not out of bullets okay um four so we can talk this out man why are the piglets holding brain oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm halfway oh i'm on your tail buddy please please please please please please how about this man we can do a trade we can do something for you to talk to that's how this works man this isn't a one-way train here what do i have to defeat you and send you back to your video maybe maybe oh i mean zoomy fair though forest uh i kind of have the high ground now i don't think you want to come here i think i do oh i think i'm going to challenge that oh you're going to challenge it of course you don't know what sword i have you do not want to do this oh he's doing it i just need to make this jump okay let's go come on oh oh no go away go away no more force no oh what are you doing no stay down no forest i'm sorry man have a great one dang it i kind of feel so bad but it was for the best guys i guess just like that there goes our next youtuber and that was not what i expected with forrest bono i mean he at least is going back to making his video on a cloud if you guys haven't watched that one really good video but now i guess we gotta get another youtuber to actually try to find this fortress so yeah i guess that happened who do i get next hmm i'm not going to mess up this time i have a bit of an idea so it might be a little bit dumb but what if instead of a youtuber we spawn in literally steve not just on the other steve but literally a steve in full diamond this might actually work or it might backfire very badly but at the same time i think this might be 5 000 iq if you made this for the video comment down below 5 000 iq because this might be it we're going to be straight up making regular old steve give him a good old damage chest plate just like that oh gosh my drawing has gotten worse oh my goodness this is so bad okay that's kind of like diamond armor not really but like if you kind of close one eye and then open the other yeah i mean it's it's beautiful why are his legs like that oh gosh oh no and just to make it even more obvious again i'm gonna put right here steve maybe it'll work i'm not sure but let's go ahead and try it in three two one processing player oh gosh here we go please be it friend let's go hey what is up nestor that is not steve it's me uh what's up nestor wait is that even diamond armor wait that's not even the real diamond armor what are you wearing this is real this is real anyways uh mr steve we gotta find a fortress i was kind of hoping for his team so we can actually you know get some blaze rods and all that but uh i guess now we're kind of stuck with each other and we can find a fortress man do you happen to have at least any powers any abilities any weapons anything like that yeah i i actually i spawned in with some items i could i could give them to you oh wait you have some items okay you're getting a little bit more useful oh oh my goodness okay it's all good oh yeah here you here you go let's go find a fortress you know what steve i am very happy to have you in my team right now i mean just don't die when we get to the blazes and we'll be good you know what steve steve just for you man i'm gonna give you a weapon okay just for you just so you don't hurt yourself wait what was that sword i just saw oh oh this sword right here and then if you toss me one of those possibly okay uh look steve we're kind of having budget cuts right now this is what you get for now man i'm right there let's find out for just oh no no no okay i'm gonna go find it now nestor nestor i found a stronghold it's a stronghold i mean it is it is what we need stand back there are some blazes over here i'm gonna take care of them i might need some food actually you might need some food okay uh yeah okay i literally only have one no no no no i need those wait wait is that a blaze bow okay well alex there you go that weapon is for you um oh can i get those uh blaze rods back my man oh but i'm i'm a little hungry maybe we could do a little bit of a trade oh yes yes yes i forgot how to feed you oh yes there you go just don't get yourself hurt man okay wait let me ask you this just so i could use this insane sword maybe you could toss it to me and i can kill one of the blazes you know what honestly not a bad idea you can do the job for me there you go do not do not do not mr steve diamond alex just whenever a place comes no no no no no no no whatever a blaze comes out you kill him go go go do your thing yeah look at him go look at him go i think we got all the blades around i got one oh you did oh perfect all right good stuff man alex give me the sword back uh just you know just throw it to me this is all good alex no no alex no none of that i really don't want to kill you man i no alex please i need the sword fight i'll give it back but can i just hit you with it once yeah you can hit me once with the sword how much damage we talking honestly a lot i am down at five hearts right now all right there you go thank you very much man okay so we're gonna go back to the old world all right yeah oh oh alex nestor no no how did that even happen it was five seconds i looked away from why didn't you tell me about the lava oh my goodness i gotta draw someone else again well i'm gonna miss him it was a good run all right let's get back to the portal okay so we got back to the overworld and i saw some roses and i was thinking why not for the next person because we kind of need some more materials i think the next player i'm gonna be making is gonna be related to roses and that's gonna be hannah xxrose which is actually gonna require us to do a bit of a complex drawing i'm not sure if i can do this very well but we're gonna go for it right away that part that'll be like the legs and i'm not sure if that looks like anything except like some eraser i guess that kind of makes sense do some arms oh gosh if this does work and she spawns in she is about to question this very quickly so that's like the arms and now we gotta do some roses so i guess like right there right there i guess this would be the hair i actually may have done it decently this might actually work please don't judge my face drawing what is this oh gosh it kind of came out pretty good okay this is not that bad and what i was thinking guys like the diamond armor let's actually do something that would help me a lot for getting eyes of ender and something i know that actually holds eyes of ender is lucky blocks so why not let's draw a quick lucky block and let's do 64 lucky blocks and you know what why not on the other hand let's draw another rose that looks nothing like a rose but we're gonna go with it either way hopefully this works hannah xxrose in three two one processing player please be a friend please be a friend friend let's go hannah welcome hey what's up where am i oh wait yeah i kind of forgot i'm sorry if you were playing bedwars or something right now yeah i was in a lucky blog bed wars game oh wait that is actually perfect by the way uh what do you think of this beautiful drawing right there wow that is amazing i've never seen a better drawing okay you don't have to lie but i'm not lying okay okay you know anyways though pretty much i'm kind of stuck in a challenge right now i got a lot of other youtubers and a lot of player friends and uh i got some cool stuff i got a weather sword a diamond destroyer thing i kind of destroyed the drawing i am so sorry i i was my favorite drawing i am so sorry but i can't believe you did that well i have some stuff for us i have some cool things did you bring the lucky box with you from the oh i did i did okay okay okay could i have some of course as long as they're not bad i mean it said you were a friend so yes i they are not bad i promise okay okay all right let's go ahead and no no no no hand up what is this what is this it wasn't bad it wasn't bad okay let's try again okay pumpkins not that bad so what i'm trying to get right now is some eyes of ender because i kind of forgot to get the isometer from the nether so oh nope nope nope that well that guy's gonna go over there okay some dyes let's just keep placing them down and see what we can get oh do we break this we do okay somehow okay i'll pull the lever all right all right wait fall back fall back this could be bad no go go go go oh my goodness not the sheep and the dogs so so far no eyes of under we got a chandelier we got to oh punch one flame one hero's bow not bad what we need still though are those eyes or maybe some of the end portal frames would be nice oh wait wait is that a nacho ball that is a nachos that's a curse oh gosh well i guess i'll eat it maybe it'll do something nope it's just a dodge apple nice awesome obsidian not bad uh another notch apple okay literally what we need still though is these eyes of android all right let's open this very lucky block okay i'm not sure what's going to be inside but it is very lucky very lucky though we got droppers we only caught droppers from the very lucky vlog dropper yeah but another very lucky vlog because i'm not sure if that was very lucky at all i do have another one oh diamonds okay actually i don't even know if i've gone diamonds this video besides from like just items uh so are we out of lucky blocks or what happened yeah i think i ran out of lucky blocks but i have one last idea but it might use all of my power and it might just kill me it might kill you okay i mean is it gonna be more lucky blocks like what are we doing now just just watch this just watch this oh okay no no okay it worked but what am i gonna do with so many lucky blocks okay maybe we can get isabender this way but there goes hannah who do we do next now i mean i could still try getting isabender this way but at the same time literally i've almost died like 20 times because of this place we still need some eyes of under where are the eyes of ender cave i do not want to go back to the nether and trade with piglets because it kind of reminds me of a diamond steven nope nope nope nope nope i am not going to die this late into the challenge i think i might give up with the lucky blocks and try something else right now we do still have our paintbrush so i think it might be time we go ahead and draw another player i thought that was about to be tnt that kills me oh my gosh no okay we're done with lucky blocks no wait no wait no wait i was just trying to get some eyes of under i think that might be a good sign to go ahead and draw the next player and there might be a bit confused if i spawned them in in the middle of a lucky block forest but the only thing i really need from someone is some isabenders so i think it might be time we go and draw the next player alright so now i have a good idea of what i'm going to do because we kind of need eyes of ender and there might be someone that actually does a lot of these minecraft butt challenges and would be perfect to actually get so on the screen right now you guys are going to be seeing grazer's skin and i'm not really sure how i'm gonna be drawing a full-on robot again i'm not even sure if this is a skin anymore but maybe it'll work i'm not really sure oh no this is already horrific oh gosh go ahead and let me know the comments down below guys which drawing was my best one so far i would say my best drawing this video might have been either diamond steve or bionic i think my bionic drawing was pretty good and now we gotta do his eyes so he has like a big old red eye here and then one red eye right here so he's kind of like looking confused or i guess curious it's kind of cool i think that kind of looks right right oh this is really bad this is very bad okay so that's gonna be whatever stuff that goes on there oh what have i done oh no this is the worst drawing ever and finally the most important part we gotta draw an eye vendor i should probably done a darker green but we're going for it okay so there yeah this is the eye vendor right there oh gosh anyways let's go ahead and try it here we go in three two one processing player please robot grazer friend let's go nestor grazer what's up man wait wha oh oh mister that's not me that's the old i'm so sorry gracer look you look great right now how have you been i'm sorry if i got you from a minecraft butt challenge or something you were doing well yeah i was in the middle of doing my video and now i'm in a forest that you destroyed to add these stupid lucky blocks everywhere nestor look i'll break one right now and you can have all the stuff look right here grazer look you can add some stuff oh okay yeah that's actually pretty cool that was actually really good what the heck now i look more cyborg again i'm in chain armor you look great man so uh something i drew with you was actually a eye of ender so uh those eyes of ender where were they yeah i would love to do a trade for them anything like that i kind of just gave you know a nice lucky block for us i know you like lucky block some stone right there i like that diamond destroyer oh yes i got it from uh i think it was a herobrine they gave it to me i would do you want this uh yeah look at it that looks epic please i'll do the trade give me the eyes of ender and i'll give you i guess the diamond destroyer what was that other thing you just like pulled out oh oh oh this this is just a normal diamond sword no worries it's like it's kind of like another way it's all good so uh yeah about those eyes of ender uh how about you throw them first and then i'll give you the hammer master can i trust you you can trust me on man maybe after this we can go and find the stronghold one eye of ender and you give me the thing that is a scam crazer 16 of them and i'll give it to you all right fine i'll give you seven seven okay well that was actually nine but you know what thank you gracer i'll give you the diamond destroyer i might need more but i guess we could do a trade once we get to the stronghold and um because you might actually be helping me fight the dragon or whatever the final boss is here's a sword don't don't hit me with it right there whoa you're setting me up yeah i got you man honestly a lot of the people that oh my god okay okay anyways i guess we're going that way okay let's find the stronghold man okay all right grazer i think we've gone in for a good bit let me throw another eye of ender okay so it's still going this way i do have to say i'm enjoying this like little boat ride wait oh it's right under us look razor literally right there an exposed stronghold yo these are sick oh wait i don't have a pickaxe grazer i need you to use that giant hammer right now i have the diamond destroyer okay do it quick i'm about to drown go go go oh my gosh thank you okay that could have been bad so quick all right grazer so here here's your goal please don't die nestor do you understand how many of these challenges i've done and how i've literally never died ever actually i just never doubted minecraft it is completely fast i have a couple of things a couple times okay okay okay all right all right all right grades are rude it's only three eyes of underwear need a grazer i just need three more and then we're good right what do you want for them what do you want for the men i want your entire inventory not just the sword you're pushing it so i want everything you have my entire inventory crazy come on buddy there's no other options no unfortunately right could you uh look towards at the wall real quick i don't want you to do any funny business no no down here you're saying no no trust me i'm gonna put everything in the chest right now okay well we got the diamonds back and now we have some isa vendor yeah he was kind of not complying guys it was great seeing grazer my man had 54 eyes of enter what the heck okay so because we're about to go into the end i think there's one more youtuber i want to try to summon and that is gonna be probably someone you guys have been telling me to summon this whole time and i think this might work out so who i'm gonna be going no no no no this is already cursed isn't it like i was saying though i guess we'll draw it right here who i'm gonna be trying to summon for this final player that is gonna help me beat the dragon you can probably already guess it also from the color itself but we're gonna be going for good old dream as our final player and hopefully it ends up being a friend and not a foe also uh like usual guys my drawing is gonna be awful we're just going for it right now okay so dreams can all be on the screen right now it's kind of really messed up for my drawing skills but we're going for it okay so i think it's like a black outline right here oh gosh this is very horrendous oh no this was supposed to go in his arms oh no then we add the the little eyes right here oh gosh oh no i'm so bad at drawing okay i think this is good enough let's go ahead and go for it stream in three two one processing player okay oh no that's all good wait he's not here though right well i guess we'll just go in the end maybe he'll be in the end but i definitely don't want to have a phone with dream right now so this is probably not the best situation i'm kind of wary of going inside but you know what let's go to go for it wish me luck oh no i understand what's going on now we have four dream boss bars and it seems to be that there's no dragon no end crystals and literally straight up in the middle we have not one but a lot of dreams inside of a box what the heck is this right well wish me luck guys i'm not sure if i'm supposed to fight these guys oh no no wait wait wait wait oh my gosh oh my gosh oh that's a lot of them oh then they're actually fighting back why do i not have a shield this is not good this is not good oh my goodness oh okay well i guess this is gonna be the final ender dragon boss i'm gonna eat the notch apple let's go down they can place water oh my gosh okay i'm actually doing damage to them i should probably eat another notch apple shouldn't i yep okay not chapel do you have potions what they can do how am i supposed to wonder okay we might actually have one now please work no don't heal don't heal don't heal or wait i can hit him off the void i can have it off the void i think he's no healing no healing no no why is he healing again yes okay there goes one finally oh my gosh okay this is taking a lot longer than i thought guys i think i found out how to kill them though literally get them stuck in a spot and then go for the crits so this is literally the longest flight i've ever had because they can actually heal themselves can we finally do it yes okay we finally got a second one oh gosh okay i think there's only two more to go daniel donnie go yes yes let's go and with that final dream we have one final one to go in the middle and i'm definitely out of notch apples we do have a little bit of golden apples at least though all right dream i'm gonna make you fall down real quick oh man this challenge has been quite the difficulty right now but i think this might be it guys we have the final dream in a corner oh gosh okay wait this might be it no don't heal don't heal i'm sorry dream it was a good run and with that being done guys that is gonna be it for minecraft but i can draw any player in the game and that was literally a lot harder than it had to be but with that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 9,781,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but any player you draw you get, minecraft but draw, minecraft but drawing, minecraft but draw players, draw players, youtubers, minecraft youtubers
Id: Nyp6mw2wf7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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