I Survived 100 Days as a FIRE ENDERMAN in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned into the Netherland biome is a baby fire Enderman all my fellow fire Enderman were running for their lives as water shulkers shot them down one by one my people were under attack Mom Dad I frantically looked for my parents until they spotted them trapped in a cage come on Max before they capture you too just then the water shoker Overlord emerged before me I am now the ruler of the end all of you pathetic fire Enderman will serve me no I have to help my people the shulker overlord then turned his attention towards me get that baby Enderman out of nowhere the water shokers man began to surround me I ran as fast as I could and his men chase after me with the intent to kill on day two I was being pursued by the water choker overlord's men as I ran I suddenly had a strange Vision I was in a field battling it out with a Pokemon trainer go Pikachu go our Pokemon clash in a battle of Epic Proportions even though my Pikachu was smaller I was able to take out the Dragon man I wish I could battle even more Pokemon in Minecraft everyone check the link in the description now come with me in a Minecraft survival world full of Pokemons where you can catch the strongest legendaries in battle with your favorite Pokemon there are tons of cool features like voice chat dancing emotes costumes and events such as big boss fights and tournaments where you can earn real life cash there are also entertainment shows where people sing or perform so what are you waiting for click the link in the description this is what textures and costumes look like in the game all in this awesome launcher you can log in with Mojang or Microsoft all you need to do is hit the play button to start your Pokemon Adventure click the link in the description to download for free on Windows or Mac and I'll see you there also check out this awesome Max rap costume I'll show you how to get this for free at the end of the video so keep watching and click the link in the description don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to join the Pixelmon community and embark on the ultimate Pokemon Adventure see you there thanks Pixelmon to go for sponsoring this video just then I snap back to reality I knew I couldn't run forever so I quickly ducked down into a hiding spot to my surprise another fire Enderman was already there who are you remember I'm happy to see another fire render man out here say game just then the shulker overlord man spotted us run Amber and I ran for our lives doing our best to stay away from the minions we ran until a river blocked our path the water shoulders brought water here ugh don't worry I got this Amber stepped back and made a running start to try and jump over the river Unfortunately they missed the jump and died as soon as they hit the water water is lethal for fire Enderman there's the Enderman get him I could hear the Joker's minions fast approaching so I had to think fast here goes nothing I tried to use my teleportation abilities to make it across the river to my horror I almost fell into the water by mistake luckily I managed to land on a chorus plant saving me from my Doom that was close I continued to use my teleportation Powers until finally stumbling upon a portal with nowhere else to go I jumped in on day three I reached the other side of the portal to realize I was on an island I'm surrounded by water where am I supposed to go now I looked all around me and spotted an airship in the sky above I decided to teleport onto it and finally arrive to safety ooh I hope the minions can't find me here just then ice butter is strange map on the floor and picked it up fire forged and pearl one what's that it sounds powerful it's none of your business still awake oh I'm uh I'm sorry sir get off me Beauty Skelly way the Airship Captain began to fire me with his weapons I had no choice but to fight back with powers of my own acid fire Enderman not only could I teleport but I could also shoot fire abilities I evaded him the best I could and retaliated with my fire attack despite my efforts I was just too weak to beat him but before the captain could land the finishing blow he stopped attacking me well no let me shift pictures on fire just going to crash the captain ran away in a frenzy my fire attacks were causing the ship to fall from the sky I gotta get out of here I rushed to one of the emergency boats and jumped ship I made it into the water and began to road to safety on days four through seven I managed to escape the ocean and made it to shore with things finally calmer I took a look at the map I found what's this fireforge ender pearl thing all about did you say fire forged and her suddenly a strange old fire Enderman came out of nowhere who are you I'm Eugene and you just got to a shelf a very valuable map the mob that's able to connect all six fireforged into pearls will summon the ultimate protector it's favored that this mob is capable of taking down 84 whoa that means I can some of them to save my parents and take out the water sugar Overlord I know what I gotta do just as I was about to begin my journey dark clouds gathered in the sky oh no rain will kill me I need to build a base fast I gathered whatever materials I could all around me and built a quick structure for Eugene and I to take cover in just as I finished rain began to pour from the sky above the Overworld is way too dangerous for me to live here I want to build a proper base in the Netherland the rain finally cleared up and Eugene spoke to me thanks for the cover sport Eugene tossed over some steak for me to eat this will definitely come in handy with my mind made up I set up towards the location on the map to obtain the first fire for gender Pearl on days 8 through 11 I I was traveling through the desert and stumbled upon the Water shoker's minions Gathering materials for some sort of building project I stealthily sculpt forward to get a better look now what are you guys up to is that another portal I wanted to disrupt what they were doing but as I started to count my potential enemies I realized that I was massively outnumbered if I alert even one of them it'll be game over I'll have to be careful and stay hidden I snuck around the areas that I could and used my teleportation to cover longer distances that is until I failed to see one of the water minions leading up against a structure I teleported on top of you what are you doing here the minion immediately called for backup intruder we have an intruder I tried to fight off the wave of minions but they were far too strong and numerous this is bad I need to think of something and fast I took in my surroundings and saw the obsidian frame staring back at me the portal that's it I use my fire powers to send a tiny ball of flames towards the portal and activated it let him get away after him time to go I jumped through the portal and into The Nether but the water minions followed closely behind my teleportation abilities were failing me and at the worst time too perfect just what I needed despite being terribly outnumbered I turned on my heel to face down my foes to my surprise the minion steamed and sizzled shrinking to a fraction of their original size I charge back in to fend off my foes with them being weakened it was starting to feel more like a fair fight they tried to swarm me again but I kept them at Bay with my Fireballs my attacks proved more effective against the shrunken minions they quickly adapted to their smaller size to duck and Dodge and surround me with my enduring Powers I launched blocks of them until I finished them all off finally able to catch my breath I took in the new biome around me I couldn't go back to the portal surely those guys would be ready and waiting for me to come back I'll need to find another way out of here so I pressed on deeper into The Nether not knowing what awaited me on days 12-14 I delve deeper into The Nether until I came across a Bastion whoa what are the chances it's in there I decided to check it out climbing up through the complex structure it was confusing at first but being able to teleport around made it really easy to explore nice I already made it to the top arriving on the roof I finally found what I've been searching for the first fireforge ender pearl was sitting on an altar Atop The Bastion whoa it's beautiful today must be my lucky day I wasted no time and ran up to the altar but before I could grab it a massive salamander appeared out of nowhere before I could react it hopped up and swallowed the Pearl hole doors I charge into battle launching blocks at the fiery monster I ran around the fiery beast but all my attacks were just tickling it it lumbered towards me fighting at me but I was easily able to avoid it its powerful mounted Cannon launched a barrage of explosive Firepower red me I tried to evade it but his cannon shots were all accurately aimed at me he's so tough what is this guy made of finally I landed a solid strike on the Beast and it spat out the fire for gender Pearl finally it's mine now I suddenly transformed when I touched it I grew taller my arms and legs stretching I felt the power of fire swirl within me I was now an adult fire Enderman whoa I feel so powerful not only did I grow into an adult but I had new fire powers too the salamander roared and charged me once more but I quickly overpowered him with my new ability even the salamander with its fiery skin couldn't survive it yay I finally won now that I claimed the first fire force Pearl I was one step closer to summoning the protector on days 15 through 18 I returned to my shelter to find Eugene was gone where did that old nut go suddenly a water Golem ambushed me the Water Shelter will be pleased with my catch oh no you don't I tried to fend them off with my new fire abilities but they were too strong to defeat with Brute Force I was gonna have to outsmart them I began to teleport away until I suddenly stumbled Upon A Ravine I got an idea come and get me the monster charged me full speed but just before he can hit me I teleported away causing them to follow their death my base has been compromised where's the last place they'd find me suddenly I had a great idea I returned to the Netherland and discovered that the place was abandoned the only thing that remained was Eugene the water sharpeners left the area to conquer him out of the end I doubt he'll expect her to be here well in that case I'm gonna make my base here I got to work on my very own fire Enderman base I made an Ender head using Netherrack and Nether Bricks I started with the sides of the head and then filled in the top I'd finished with the eyes on the front of the face using smooth glowstone and redstone blocks after that I had a room for both Eugene and myself once the rooms were completed I mounted my first Pearl onto the wall five more to go just then I was teleported to the Overworld what the standing before me was none other than the watershoker overlord with a bunch of Endermen suspended in a cage this is horrible tell me where the other pearls are fire Enderman what are you talking to me of course I am I know you know their whereabouts tell me where they are or your people go pay please I don't know where they are liar the water Joker Overlord casted a powerful magic that caused the platform below the cage to vanish all of the fire Enderman fell to their Doom you monster maybe I am the water show could vanish in a massive mutant water shoker approached me I had no choice but to defend myself the monster charged towards me snapping its large mob teeth repeatedly I had almost no time to counter-attack as it chased me relentlessly teleporting around I was able to get some shots in before it flew into the air it released a volley of shulker bullets that weave through the air I dodge expertly against the flying missiles and waited for it to open its mouth to send fireballs and fire tornadoes to hurt it the fight was tough but after a while I managed to defeat the mutated Beast upon his death he dropped a map titled fire forged ender pearl 2. that must be where the water shulker is heading next I better try and beat him there on days 23-25 I arrived at the location of the second fire for gender Pearl but unfortunately the shulkers had already gotten there before me I better stay hidden what in the world it's it's just a weird plant did I really come all the way here for nothing I better get back to the boss before I waste more time here I watch as the disgruntled Joker minion filed out of the area and I walked up to the plant huh that's so odd I was puzzled everything pointed to this being the location of the second Pearl I was sure of it then out of curiosity I tried something what if I I pulled out my fire under Soul hand and something within the plant stirred and activated before I could react I was sent hurtling inside of it am I inside the plant I must be super tiny I took in all of my breathtaking surroundings whoa this place is beautiful I wandered the area encountering all sorts of greenery eventually I found the center and floating atop a pedestal was a fire under Pearl well that was easier than expected I raced to the pedestal but suddenly a massive creature dropped from the ceiling and crashed onto the floor the Unworthy may not claim the Pearl only those who prove themselves can do so ah yeah yeah that seems about right for your first trial you must teleport from platform to platform high in the sky I had a few close calls but I managed to do it I stood trampoly at the end of the course easy peasy your second trial to prove your worthiness will be to levitate blocks and hit flying mobs you think I can do that of course you call yourself an Enderman I concentrated on the blocks around me and sent them hurtling at my Airborne targets but I couldn't land a solid hit you know what I have an easier way I use my powers to set a little ball of fire at the targets and finish them with ease I suppose that counts very well time for your final test the guardian led me to a maze that I would have to escape this will be a piece of cake I can do this no problem there is one extra wrinkle was that you will have to escape without being caught by him I turned around and saw a horrible monster ready to Bear Down on Me run away though I tried my hardest to escape I couldn't keep a good distance between us every time I looked back he got closer and closer you're pretty fast for a big guy I ran to the corner and into a dead end no no no no no no no no the monster turned the corner once he was ready to pounce I teleported between his legs and past him with the monster still Dazed and Confused I sprinted for the exit into safety I did it excellent work Max you are indeed worthy the Pearl is yours I ran forward and grabbed the Pearl off of its pedestal suddenly everything went white I woke up next to the plant but it hits brighter to Pearl this must be it I grabbed it and held it in my hands with all this new power I'm one step closer to summoning the mighty protector on days 29-31 my ender pearl transformation began I grew in size and gained five hearts and even a scythe ability this is amazing I returned to the base my newly acquired Powers looking at the building I realized something I've been getting bigger all this time but my bases stayed the same time to do some expanding I began to add more detail to the interior completing another room for a future guest then to get a consistent source of food going I started Cora's fruit Garden as I was finishing up in Ender map Terra approached me hello oh hey there little guy I'm so lonely and cold my home was destroyed by terrible monsters can I stay with you I can't say no to such a cute face why let's get somewhere for you to stay luckily I already built an extra room so I got the little guy situated in there I'll leave you to get acquainted with your surroundings later in the day Eugene ran up to me in a frenzy Max he looked all sweaty and panted heavily Eugene what's up just tell me what's wrong the baby isn't in France what now I followed Eugene back to the base and saw what he was so worried about the entire place was crawling with Ender mites what the what's what's gear I leave for 30 ride endermites prepare to face your doom I charge for it and began stomping them out one by one [Music] we swarmed together in a group in charge to me but I thought the back by throwing blocks and squashing them after tons of non-stop bug slang I thought I had taken care of them all then I felt a rumbling under my feet that can't be good suddenly a flood of endermites poured in out of nowhere what is this where did you all come from then as if On Cue the Ender map Terra I had just recruited emerged from a room get out of here little guy this place is swarming with bugs yes my brother is the water Soldier will be placed you work for the water shulker then you're no friend of mine I started throwing Fire magic at him but he was quick stay still he kept debating my attacks and all I ended up doing was setting my own base on fire ah my base my hard work oh listen Enderman is that the best ship not even close as the creature Dodge around I shot Fireballs in his Direction purposely missing until he was surrounded by fire gotcha I charged up a blast of fire and hurled an Adam for a critical hit when the main creature died the endermites died with him once the dust settled I noticed a nearly charred piece of paper the endermap terror dropped oh what's this it was a clue to the whereabouts of the next Pearl looks like I know where I'm going next Eugene watch the place while I'm gone on days 35-38 I arrived at the spot on the map to discover I was in a strange new biome in the end it was full of bulbous trees and felt magical what is this place I've never seen it before I looked around and spotted the next fire for gender Pearl inside of one of the trees perfect I teleported up towards it and did everything in my power to try and break through the tree but no matter what I did it wouldn't budge how do I get in there just then a little Enderby flew up to me the only way to reach that Pearl is to make the tree bloom how do I do that we must bring the nectar of the Ender plant but it's still away in an underground Cavern not a problem for me you got it I began to travel all around the end in search of anything that looked mysterious after a lot of searching I discovered the entrance to a cavern surrounded by plant life this has to be it I ran aside and there I saw a vial of the precious nectar waiting I quickly ran over and snatched it for safekeeping easy peasy suddenly the ground began to shake and water leak sprung from the walls left and right the place is trapped I got gotta get out of here on days 39-41 I had the nectar in hand and I was carefully trying to teleport from one dry spot to another one touch from the water and I would be a goner almost there once I reached the exit a watcher dropped out of my way who dares to tamper with the Elder plants nectar perish The Watcher went in for an attack but I managed to teleport behind him to evade it leave me alone dude I made a run for it and teleported behind cover to try and keep myself hidden to my horror The Watcher teleported next to me what how did you find me I Am The Watcher I see all the Watcher once again attacked and I knew I couldn't run anymore I had to face him head on the Watcher charging me and smacked me and I fought back with all I had he had a crazy ender-powered beam that he shot out of his chest and he could teleport around just as fast as I could he waddled after me but I held him back using my fire attacks particularly my core November fire tornado it helped me keep mid arm's length while I wore him down the battle was hard but eventually I managed to overcome the horrible monster upon his death he dropped an Android helmet which disabled my fall damage this could come in handy I returned to the tree biome and handed the nectar over to the Ender B this is is perfect one more one please the bee flew up to the tree and used the nectar to make the leaves disappear thank you I teleported up and claimed the third fire for gender Pearl just like the times before a sensation overcame me but it felt even more overwhelming my legs grew even longer and my body bigger I sprouted powerful hands and I felt the forces of fire overwhelming I was now a mutant Enderman I had 25 hearts and the ability Lantern of Blazing Souls whoa I'm halfway there not for long out of nowhere the water shulker Overlord emerged before me bend over the pearls you're not getting anything from me I'm stronger now you're becoming a real pain in my side Beauty Enderman and over the Pearl now nope ah need I remind you that I still have your parents held captive don't you dare hurt them or I'll destroy you we'll see we'll see that just then I heard the sound of thunder roar around me what what we're in the end there's no weather here I can control water anywhere I teleported back under the tree to take cover before the rain started on days 46-48 I was still stuck in the middle of the end due to the rain but I had an idea it was time to start digging I dug to the end for a while and conveniently was able to find a portal to the Overworld what's this doing here oh well I need to get help I jumped inside and emerged back in the Overworld again I quickly realized I was in the presence of a water mob whoa who are you I'm Trey why are you in my house well I just had to run in with the water choker Overlord he tried to kill me but I found a portal to the Overworld and made my escape the water shulker stinks how can I help my new friend Trey agreed to train me to help me gain resistance in the rain you need to stand in the rain for small increments at a time so you could slowly build up your strength but I'll die before I can do that not necessarily Trey toss a Potion of Resistance at me and I suddenly felt more powerful with that you shouldn't instantly die okay here goes nothing all of a sudden it began to rain and I started getting hurt by poison damage no wait just a little bit longer I van to him and suddenly the poison effect vanished whoa now I can be in the rain fantastic job swimming will still be lethal for you but now you can navigate Lorraine thanks Trey suddenly a mutant drowned appeared out of nowhere and kidnapped Trey Trey no I chased after him as fast as I could on days 49-52 I arrived at a location next to the ocean there was nothing but water for Miles where did he go just then and the mutant drowned emerged from the water in front of me super [Music] the Mew ground Reign onto me look luckily I had trained with Trey so it had no effect on me [Music] but praise your brother why did you take him I'll give the overlord both you and my brother and get a wonderful reward the mutant drowned some a ton of drowned creepers all around me and hop back into the ocean I had to defend myself the drown creepers all ran at me and I fought them off with my end Powers when they died they dropped tridents which I grabbed and threw back at them more kept coming out of the water but they were no match for my powerful abilities I trapped some of them in my Firestorm which caused them to explode and then I finished the rest of them off with their own Trident after a fierce battle I managed to take out the last of his goons who said Fire doesn't beat water just then I spotted a strange note and picked it up the fourth fire forged Pearl is concealed in water what does that mean suddenly a temple appeared from the water below like magic could the Pearl and Trey be inside of there only one way to find out on days 53-55 I entered the temple to find the Pearl with tray suspended above it I'm coming for you Trey no wait it's a trap before I could react a cage appeared around me what the just then the mutant drowned walked out looks like it's my lucky day my Trader brother the fire engine able and the fourth ender pearl are all in one place the mutant drowned stashed the Pearl and grew larger than before Oh no you don't I blast through the cage with my fire powers and engaged in battle I use my Lantern to Blazing Souls to summon a bunch of souls to attack him it didn't switch to my Ender Soul hand his smash attack was really strong and he was resistant to fire but with all my abilities combined I was starting to wear him down the battle was fierce but I managed to defeat the mutant goon upon his death he dropped the fourth Pearl which I claimed for myself suddenly I began to levitate into the air my limbs transformed into powerful kids and my firepowers became even hotter and more powerful I now had 30 hearts and could fly whoa don't worry Trey I'm coming for you I flew up and freed Trey from his prison thank you for everything what do you plan to do once you get the last two pearls I'm gonna summon the great protector the water shulker doesn't stand a chance on days 56-58 I travel to the Overworld and decided to test out my new powers onto mobs I flew around and blast them away one by one the four fireforge ender pearls had really made me stronger with the power of both the great protector and myself the water shocker will be done for after that I returned to my base where the Ender B from a few days prior Buzz up to me sure thing I got to work on a brand new room for my b-friend I made sure it had everything it needed to remind her of Home Building is much easier now that I can fly with the time I stay from flying I decided to add even more detail to my base to make it more and more refined for a fire Enderman once I was done a swarm of Ender bees flew up to me I my friends I hope that's okay no worries have fun thanks oh right away I came across this map you could use it the enderbead tossed over a map that would take me in the direction of the next fire for gender Pearl making friends always has its advantages off to the next Pearl on days 59-61 I traveled towards the location on the map until I came across two Buffalo entities arguing what do you think I'm lying well you're certainly not telling the truth of course you say that you're so mean I'm leaving the two of them took off into the sky leaving me in the dust phew that was rough suddenly a baby buffalo emerged in front of me mommy Yankee oh no that couple left their kid hey come back unfortunately the couple was too far away to hear me no no no no no I'm Max a friend let's get you back to your parents okay the baby had the ability to fly so the two of us took the skies to find the baby's lost family on days 62-64 I traveled with a baby buffalo but he was starting to get hungry all right little guy eat this I gave him some of my food and he's scarves it down suddenly he grew into a larger Buffalo whoa you just got a lot cuter come on let's keep moving we kept moving until arriving at a colony of buffaloes right away I got to searching for the baby's mom and dad anybody lose a kid anyone mommy daddy daddy don't worry kid we'll find them soon enough finally we came across a couple who were still fighting about something that must be them I walked up to them and got their attention excuse me guys did you lose a child what the hey ask the guy who stole her child what no I was just my puppy just then the Pooh flows around town began to attack me hey that guy stole that family's King let's get him on days 65-68 I was being attacked by the Buffalo Village no please I don't want to hurt you my pleas wouldn't stop them so I tried to avoid them in the sky unfortunately for me they could fly too the Buffaloes came at me with incredible power they were skilled flyers and I had to be sure to evade their attacks the best I could I fired my blaster around the Buffaloes to try and scare them off I didn't want to hurt them directly but they weren't listening to me I continued to demonstrate my fire powers to stop them but they didn't care I was beginning to lose the battle please I'm telling the the truth yeah right we're gonna make you pay as I thought I was done for the baby buffalo flew in between me and the others oh that's his first sentence is this true max did you save our child yes I think this is just a big misunderstanding the fighting stopped and the family apologized to me for the misunderstanding is there anything we can do as an apology by chance you know the whereabouts of the next fire for gender Pearl actually we do go take this she tossed over a map to the next Pearl and it appeared to be close this is perfect thank you so much on days 69-71 I arrived at the location on the map to discover another portal waiting for me it must be right through the portal I hopped inside and found myself in a brand new biome full of Glowstone there the next fireforge ender pearl was waiting for me there it is I began to approach it when I was stopped by a piglet troop halt you're walking on sacred ground oh I'm sorry I just really need that Pearl the water shulker is gonna kill me and my family if I don't do we look like we care about Enderman well that was rude be gone the piglet Army showed up and charged me with the intent to kill I had no choice but to fight them the piglets came at me in hordes and I didn't have a lot of room to move around I planted myself in the middle like a turrets and began to fire the pig on forces all around me they charge and charge but they didn't stand a chance against my Firepower I blasted my way through all the Piglet's golden armor and cooked them into pork chops after a long battle I managed to overcome the piglets now's my chance I sang the Pearl causing me to undergo another transformation my body grew bigger and more powerful I now had 35 hearts and a flame dragon bone sword I'm one Pearl away from taking down the water shulker I tried to make my way out of the area when suddenly a giant zombified piglet emerged boy Intruder I took the disguise and began to blast away at the warrior he was stronger than the other piglonide font and managed to take multiple powerful attacks for me like nothing he slammed down onto me with his hammer and even ground pounded to try and throw me off guard charge luckily I was able to evade the attacks with my ability to fly I continue to slash and slash with my new flame dragon bone sword to try and dwindle his health with some burn damage it was a difficult fight but I managed to get the upper hand and defeat the pickle Warrior time to head back home and prepare to seek the final Pearl on days 72-75 I returned home to find the water shulker Overlord waiting my base was in ruin and Eugene was trapped in a cage what do you want I'm here to show you what happens when you cross me I'm taking this little fire Enderman with me now without going through me first I charged in on the water shulker to take him out once and for all I started by blasting at it with my Fireballs but he was able to deflect them with his powerful armor the water shulker smash his fists into the ground and began to summon magical gems from below I had to be sure to fly out of their range otherwise I would be finished quickly unfortunately for me he could also fire powerful projectiles from afar that were difficult to avoid I changed my tactics and tried to get in some hits up close with my Flame dragon bone sword but he would overwhelm me with his crushing attacks from his fists the fight was looking Grim but I couldn't give up I had to save Eugene I fought and fought the best I could but no matter what I did he was still too strong I did the best I could but even with the power of five four gender pearls I couldn't defeat him I'm still too weak pathetic Enderman you will never defeat the watershoker vanished along with Eugene this is the last straw I'm summoning The Protector no matter what on days 76-78 I began to repair the base from all the damage made by the water shulker I filled in the holes in the ground and replaced missing blocks once everything was rebuilt the enderbees returned home I know it was I'm sorry for everything I promise I'll save Eugene and keep you guys safe to clear my head I decided to do a bit of expanding on the bass first I added a tower similar to one of my powerful fire cannons afterwards I went inside and placed down some Poise plants to make the Ender be more at home with that my expansion was complete I can't wait for Mom Dad and Eugene to all see this once I was done I decided to get a bit of rest but while I was asleep I had a strange dream I was standing inside of a Dark Void and a powerful entity was in front of me who are you I am the protector the one you seek to summon by collecting all six fireforged ended pearls whoa I've been dying to talk to you I quickly explained everything to the protector and as if you could help me if I found the final Pearl your cause is just I would be happy to help you after you find the sixth Pearl I'm not sure where to start looking take this clue the final Pearl is encased inside of ice good luck fire Enderman just like that I woke up time to head to the Overworld on days 79-82 I arrived in the Overworld and began my search for a snowy biome after some looking I found one but it was in the middle of a blizzard here goes nothing I used my fire magic to keep myself warm and push my way through the storm as I traveled I spotted a cyclops next to a giant chunk of ice please help us fight everyone our friend is stuck in Ice uh I'm pretty sure it's too late for him he looks like a zombie no please well okay then I use my fire to melt through the ice and free the Cyclops good morning thank you just as I suspected the Frozen Cyclops had already been long dead he attacked me I used everything I had to fend off his attacks for his massive size the Cyclops was incredibly fast he swung at me with his club and evaded my attacks with his speed I had to have careful aim to make sure I was Landing hits I used my court of Embers as some powerful fire tornadoes at the zombie and blasted him down with my Fireballs unfortunately for me it was difficult to land projectiles I changed my course of action and got enclosed with my dread still scythe and flame dragon bone sword I slashed away at him with all of my might and backed off whenever he was Landing too many hits on me after a long battle I managed to defeat the one-eyed zombie oh man he owed me 10 emeralds sorry d by chance know where an ender pearl is keep heading north I'm pretty sure I heard something about an artifact being over there thanks on days 83-86 I went the direction the Cyclops sent me and discovered to frozen over Cavern that looked important huh it must be just through here I started blasting away melting all the ice with my fire powers hazy peasy suddenly I started hearing the sound of Rushing Water I looked up and a waterfall was heading right towards me I quickly flew inside the entrance before he got blocked off by water yikes I had to be careful what I melt here the water is dangerous I turned around and discovered the ender pearl sitting there waiting for me the only thing was that it was being guarded by a giant sleeping Undertaker I'd rather not wake that guy up I better stealth this one out I slowly snug my way towards the ender pearl everything was going fine until I felt an itch in my nose no no no no no no no but two uh oh the noise was loud and caused the Undertaker to wake up I left into battle with the Undertaker but my fire attacks were melting the ice All Around Me creating new water sources I had to avoid I have to be careful I'm making more hazards for myself The Undertaker summoned a horde of Undead at me normally I would make quick work of them with my fire blasts but another one of those would flood the Battleground instead I switched my flame dragon bone sword and slashed him down one by one the old-fashioned way after a while I switched my attention to the Undertaker self and overwhelmed and bit by bit unfortunately for him he didn't stand a chance against my flaming blade after a long battle I managed to take down the Undertaker time to claim that Pearl I grabbed the sixth and final fire for gender Pearl causing me to undergo my final transformation I grew even larger and more powerful not only that but I had five more Hearts I didn't it I suddenly heard the protector's voice boom in my head congratulations Max you now have the power to summon me whenever you're ready then it's finally time to take out the water shulker Overlord on days 91-94 I return to the end and located the water shulker's evil castle Mom Dad for you trapped in separate cages there the water shulker stood in between them well looks like it's finally time for you to die not yet I took out all six of my fireforge ender pearls and felt a strange power so suddenly The Protector was summoned before me you fall here you're underestimating my power the two Clash in a battle of Epic Proportions the water choker Overlord went to the protector with all the same skills he used on me previously he summoned gems from the ground and fire projectiles that cause the protector to levitate in the air unfortunately for him the protector was Far stronger than he could have anticipated the two brawled up close and the protector pierced through his armor with his powerful Stinger whenever he had the chance he fired a projectile that broke through the water choker's defenses like nothing it was clear who the stronger mob really was the battle was fierce but the water shoulder didn't stand a chance just like the Legends had said the protector was the most powerful creature I had ever seen yeah free more like Under New Management to my shock the projector charged in it hit me with a powerful attack what thanks for summoning me now nothing will stop me from dominating this entire realm The Protector began attacking me with all his powers I had no choice but to flee on days 95-98 I returned to the Overworld to prepare myself for the final battle I started by mining for some diamond and crafted it into powerful armor next I gathered all the food I would need for the journey ahead once my preparations were made I decided to do the last bits of expanding to my base I started by adding more Towers to the outside of my base to better resemble my final form afterwards I built more rooms for all the fire Enderman to stay in once they were saved next I made a room full of ender chests to store everything I could possibly need lastly I made replicas of each of my fire porch ender pearls on the walls to give the interior more Pizzazz with that my Enderman Fortress was complete looks like that's it just then the Ender B buzzed up to me he tossed over a potion of strength to help me in the final battle [Music] thanks I won't let you guys down I took my new gear and set off towards the protector's castle on day 99 I arrived back at the castle to discover that all the blocks had been changed I guess the protector has already done some remodeling suddenly the water shulkers minions all flew out to fight me the protector must be their new leader bring it on the water shulkers for me like Killer Bees I had fought them before but now they were stronger my Fireballs didn't do anything to them they were immune instead I went in with my flame dragon bone sword to slice them down one by one while it did massive damage it was hard to keep them at Bay I switched my flamethrower attack as well as my Lantern to try and hit them down as a swarm instead with the combination of my two fire projectiles I managed to melt through their armor I fought as hard as I could and eventually defeated the last minion okay time to take down the protector I entered the castle ready to take on my final opponent on day 100 I arrived inside of the throne room of the protector there my parents and Eugene were still in cages free my family and my people you traitor why would I do that I'm having so much fun these lands will all soon be mine to rule and no one can stop me no one I'll stop you you you couldn't even stop the water shulker how do you expect to stop me fight me and find out I took down my potion of strength and the two of us clashed in the final battle The Protector came at me with his powerful Stinger dealing massive damage every hit he managed to land I took to this guys and evaded them the best I could he didn't seem powerful but his pincers were incredibly strong I doused the big bad with my flames and shot at him from the sky above he retaliated with his own projectiles but I didn't give up the fight I continued my Onslaught and unloaded my Arsenal mobilities onto him all at once whenever he got close I slashed away at him with my flame dragon bone sword and science finally I overpowered the protector with my fire magic and defeated him once and for all I did it to get this awesome Max rap costume install the launcher in the description now and use the code slash Max wrapped in chat to get the exclusive Max rap costume for free hurry this offer won't last forever ptg will also hand a hundred dollars to a random user who used codemax wrapped and is most active in the community join the adventure and be the Envy of all of your friends thanks again to Pixelmon to go for sponsoring this video
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 1,793,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5g3IfwAN5o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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