Minecraft but Amethyst = Diamonds...

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okay minecraft but amethyst equals diamonds that's right the new amethyst crystals can be turned into iron gold and even diamonds there's tons of new drills collectors and generators to help us acquire loads of amethyst to turn into resources but stone versions of the mobs are trying to stop us we'll need to fend off those foes while collecting enough resources for the apocalypse amethyst sword the most overpowered of all sorts should make the ender dragon fight a breeze okay so easy diamonds from amethyst i get that much but what i do know is that amethyst is pretty deep down in the cave system we're getting a little prepared first but how exactly is amethyst going to help us let me see if we can pull up anything emma oh my gosh that is a lot of stuff whoa apocalyptic amethyst sword what do we need for that we need oh my gosh oh and this is how we probably get it the amethyst okay so we just need some basic amethyst shards before we do anything okay i want to get at least some iron though we don't know we're going to run into i have not run into any iron like finally dude i've never experienced that of course one okay we didn't get too much iron but we have enough to at least get like a chest plate going and i guess i'll make a sword and then yeah we look a little bit better okay thankfully i'm running any mobs yet but i don't anticipate that happening in our favor that often do i hear something i hear something well what are you whoa deep sl okay yeah bad bad deep sleep zombie oh my gosh he's like bleeding stone particles got a lot of health on him too bro oh gosh oh there's oh there's a few and there's a creeper right there i need a shield i need a shield no well that's all that where did they come from oh gosh there's a lot of these guys hanging out around and we're getting like absolutely oh an amethyst a geode yes yes oh so good we're here what we came for what did you say sweet sweet goodness but before i like mess with any of it i want to double check on the recipes i want to make sure i don't accidentally anything amethyst okay so what is the amethyst mover i don't know what that does oh my gosh there's so many recipes okay amethyst mover that one seems inexpensive so let's mine a couple of these thank you thank you okay we got 16 amethyst shards and now i think yep we can make two things an amethyst crafter definitely gonna make that and we may as well make this amethyst mover don't know what it does about to find out it's pretty cool looking if you ask me how does it do i can i attack with it is it really do can i no that didn't do any oh whoa whoa whoa ooh ooh something just happened oh it gave me a it get whoa i think it gives me yeah it gave me the budding amethyst well normally you can't mine these this is very good you know this means we can grow the amethyst whatever we want we don't even need to come back yo i'm gonna get collecting i'm tired torches get in the way go nuts on them okay we got 12 budding we're gonna be able to grow so many i want to get back to the surface though so we can do this safely oh gosh dead of the night i just want my diamonds from these amethyst already we should probably set up like i don't know a little bit of a base somewhere yeah because there's mobs only all over the place okay it's almost daytime outside we got a little base here really want to get these amethyst to start growing i don't know if they'll grow inside the house we might be good at this point to i think the spiders might be cool with this okay let's just place one down see what happens hmm this is as good a spot as any i suppose okay well it looks like it already started growing one that's impressive put down oh gosh yo they grow from all sorts of different whoa bro whoa dude what what these growth wow these are growing extraordinarily quickly oh my gosh wow already full no way oh oh my gosh yo okay hold on a second we're gonna get so many diamonds okay well clearly these things are going through puberty because the growth spurt is insane we've got so many more amethysts now and they just keep on growing so let's see what the amethyst crafter is all about yo this thing is cool looking okay so hold on i gotta see how it works oh i've seen something like this before put the item you want to craft here okay well let's try with uh iron what so what do i do do i just put in a nut oh whoa whoa whoa yo oh my gosh yo we just duped the iron oh i'm thrilled horsey are you thrilled oh he's thrilled he's jumping for again hey get off that that's valuable but mining this constantly is gonna take so much effort we gotta see there might be some way to automate it i know in the past there's been automation devices otherwise i'm going to be happy but i'm just being honest let me see maybe there's something we can do like a drill or something let's check drill oh baby yes indeed there sure are but look at some of these are crazy alchemical amethyst unstable amethyst oh we can we can make this one we just need smooth oh redstone guys check out this amazing new poster design we've got and i hand signed each and every one of them but there are only a few remaining so if you haven't grabbed one yet what are you doing need some redstone back down we go and oh there we go money thank you very much smelt game going strong and done perfect perfect perfect so now i think we should have everything oh we need one single piece of bandwidth well don't mind if i do that grew quite quickly drill iron amethyst drill bro okay i'm mad bella this thing looks like yo honey big boy all right let's place it see how it works all righty that's that's the that's the wrong way it went egg two let's see whoa it totally handles the whole dang thing oh bro okay that thing's handling one i'll handle the rest we're gonna get some more of these might take ten years but with the power of editing yo we looking good mama we have what four five of them running now nah brian about that one bit hey but we need to find a way to figure out like we gotta we gotta start collecting these things there's gotta be a way to automate now we got some hopper game going in strong in fact how can we make that one happen as well let me see collector uh-huh uh-huh iron amethyst okay alchemical amethyst huh to make that we need ah a lot of stuff diamonds yeah and we're gonna need diamonds anyways so let's go do that good news i see diamonds bad news these guys a tough zombie hey that's different from the last one there's a lot of these guys actually hey you guys you can't even reach me oh that is a pork chop i'm attacking well this could not be more con hey oh come on no oh bro the skeleton you just did me so dirty homie i'm so happy there's water right here that could have been so bad oh my gosh there's like a bunch and they are strong boys stop skeleton come on bounce it off the water's like pushing me into the i'm just trying to get to the diamonds come on we can let the skeleton help us actually yes so good oh he wants in on the action now too huh okay play oh it pushed me into bad news bears all right you had your moment under the sun i guess not even burning but we should be able to grab those with no pro in fact thank you and thank you oh that's not that's a creeper oh god oh thank you and i thank you very much i will go ahead and collect these diamonds now yes oh there's a bunch dude yes thrilled super happy in fact okay how many did we get we got five all right back up oh gosh everything's trying to kill me on my way up come on dude okay well the drills have been nice and busy we have a bunch to collect here but now we can duplicate these diamonds oh we just got so many okay so hold on i'll take that back thank you very much we're gonna throw one of you into there okay okay so what so what was it i think it's one whole stack is that what i just witnessed one whole stack for one diamond okay well hey it ain't bad okay we we got evident diamonds now and actually i just realized i think to make that alchemical let me see amethyst we needed we needed a glowstone oh no way we got some from the easy enough all we need now is some sugarcane yes mama okay and i believe in theory then we can now make assumes an alchemical amethyst indeed and so for the collector we just need an ender pearl and we're good to go finally finally finally okay buddy i need that pearl you're gonna give me that pearl and you're gonna like it and you i mean you probably won't like it but you know if you could just please make sure you drop this come on ain't bad bad come on give give yeah did we get yes we got one oh so happy me go back to base it's over there okay now we are still a long ways to go from the amethyst sword but at the least we can make the collector yes indeed oh you like he likes too much get away from me freak now as far as i can remember this is how this should probably go right we got the collector is it is it do you collect is it too are you is it is it are you two i think it's too far there we go baby now it instantly works we just placed it right above so now we've got automation money money money money hey we're gonna put you right up here look at this so the sword needs apocalypse amethyst and apocalypse amethyst needs inverted inverted amethyst needs a lot and unstable amethyst needs even a lot so okay so we really need it we need to upgrade the drills and we need to okay i have ender okay that means we're gonna need to go to the nether okay this is gonna be a nice quick trip to the nether we're not worried about the dragon just yet i need to get stuff for the sword i need to get stuff for collectors we're here for gold and we're here for blaze rods okay and in all fairness we're here for gold as well because we're gonna need hey speaking of there might be some gold in that can we just hmm dangerous they call me mister i'm gonna do it i'm i'm gonna do it i think i think oh gosh oh gosh wow not smart hey okay well at least we got some protection while we're here that should save us from any piglets oh my gosh that's a bad idea okay sweet deal look we we just were right there there's a stronghold our fort what's it what's his name again okay looking for blazes not you there we go found some we only need one for now so i'm legit i'm not even gonna worry uh much oh gosh oh gosh oh stop stop stop oh he got me oh this is bad oh there's many finally let's leave i'm almost dead cool we also got an extra ender pearl from an enderman on the way i'm wondering if we can duplicate the ender pearls too that would be very very useful hello what are you i hi whoa what are you guys drip stone skeletons uh-huh yeah i don't think so can you can y'all horace help me come on oh my gosh what are y'all trying to do to me right now buh they are very strong don't like don't like stop stop how much health you all got okay handled we got some gold can we duplicate the ender pearls that's what i want to know more than anything else first so let's put the dime in there can we duplicate ender pearls oh we sure can oh that's gonna be very useful but can we duplicate a blaze rock we can okay well last thing is how much do we need to do for gold uh how many amethysts are we working okay let's do 58 gets us hey okay okay well y'all it's upgrade time okay like 20 years later but look at this we have enough for six drills now and then i believe if we do collector what are we shy oh we just need to get the other guy okay guess baby golden ammo is okay it's time to go nuts autumn right now okay now we got enough across the board okay let me see yes and it mines way faster [Music] so you know all right collect baby yes excellent we set this up to automatically do its thing over here alrighty the problem at this point though is these guys they just don't grow that fast there might be though yeah check out this puppy a growth totem that's got to be what we need and i think i think we have enough to to to do it do we use all the diamonds oh gosh all right stop the presses oh thank goodness we need at least one to get the machine going there we go and now okay now we go okay yes yes yes all right that should be enough and now i will do what needs to be done collect you right there love oh glitch it's like the weirdest glitch i've ever seen but there's the growth totem look at this thing let's just place it down and does it oh it's doing oh yeah oh oh they grow way faster now okay okay womp's gonna make a bunch more of these things useful bro it is coming in now we're just getting constant diamonds guys if you haven't subscribed to comments to crafting it what the heck are you doing man just hit the subscribe button seriously most of you aren't even subscribed don't worry we're working towards the sword but we need apocalypse amethyst first and then we need inverted amethyst for that and to make inverted we need a lot of diamonds but thankfully i've been saving up baby so we need an unstable amethyst which we make like that and we have it but now check it out boom now we can make the inverted and guess what you should have done this a while ago but guess what baby check it out we got everything we need in order to make ourselves a very special item known as the growth chamber bro in fact the grow operation is so intense that we actually had to set up a secondary mine over there as well but let's place down this growth chamber i want to see oh gosh oh my gosh i'm getting attacked there's so many lovely amethyst sounds going that bro what is it whoa oh my gosh it can't even what it can't even keep up oh my wow look at that that's madness we're getting so many times look at that it's going nuts okay i got the other one oh and check this out by the way yo we have so many supplies to make all of the alchemicals i'm excited [Laughter] this is magical looking to be honest and here's what we really need the diamond amethyst collector been waiting to place this thing down now we should stop seeing all of these yeah exactly now it's starting to go nuts yes we have so many diamonds too see guys now it's time to get started on collecting for the sword we now have legit everything there's so many of these growth things running we can't even hear the baddies anymore it's now time baby we got plenty of diamonds glowstone redstone sugarcane we need to make a whole mess of these yes sir 64. and even more okay we got three stacks let's turn these into blocks and between all the chests we should have all we need 33 diamond blocks gone just like that now we need 36 of these oh it's gonna be close we got enough we have enough i'm thrilled okay so check it out now we can make six of these oh my gosh okay one two three four five six and then i think yes yes we can do it the apocalypse amethyst sword bro i'm going to try this out right now ooh whoa it shoots out a sword wherever i look it oh yeah what's good babies well thankfully we could duplicate eyes of ender as well i'm pretty sure we actually just located the stronghold right here so well that's one way to do it hey oh there it is hey stay back feeds okay good thing we had so many of these puppies in [Music] my heel in we go hey oh i'm happy now where's this dragonate huh presumably over here all right crystals i want to say we could just use the sword to yup well this should be a breeze we don't even need to yeah we need to take out the crystals bro you're too strong too strong bro ladies and gentlemen that's all she wrote goodbye and a dragon got him you know what's good baby just make sure y'all come on hit me with it there we go hey subscribe to comments to craft
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 574,187
Rating: 4.8741651 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, amethyst, diamonds, amethysts, diamond, amethyst update, amethyst crafting, drill, drills, quickest way to mine diamonds, fastest diamonds, growing amethyst, minecraft but amethyst, ender dragon, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, ores, emeralds, gold
Id: ZvLqu1z4ffw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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