Minecraft but every step makes you smaller...

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in today's video ladies and gentlemen the more running or walking or basically any movement we do the smaller and smaller and smaller you get or i get not you me wait what if you guys are excited for today's video smash the like button if we can crush a tiny michael of five likes that would that would be great i would just be honest i would be very happy if we could hit five likes and of course guys if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because speaking of tiny things only a tiny percent of you guys are subscribed with that said though guys enjoy today's video okay gamers i'm here in minecraft and i'm really scared to move because apparently okay i don't know wait wait i don't know where it's like tracking it but apparently in this minecraft world every like certain amount of steps i'm i'm gonna get tinier wait i'm not gonna lie i kind of look huge right now ahaha damn girl look kind of thick hey why am i talking about myself why did i just call myself a girl huh okay screw it i'm i oh god okay i took a couple steps okay i'm still normal size for now i'm gonna just awkwardly get this wood i really hope it'll get tinier this is so weird it's not counting anything at all like what i mean it's counting i just can't see it so i guess randomly with every couple steps we're getting closer to getting tinier so terrified like i don't know how long this video is gonna last because i might get so tiny i might not even be able to play like is that a thing like i have no idea if that's all it's already becoming nighttime bruh this is so what guys i'm not shifting hello i'm not oh no oh no no wait i can't what what i can't jump over one i'm tiny i'm getting smaller no oh my god it's gonna be nighttime what is it wha i'm one block tall what are you kidding me oh no and it's getting harder to even break stuff why why why why why wait is it i actually don't know i think it is okay screw this oh i can't even oh no okay you know what let's make ourselves a wait i hear something wait oh no it's a giant zombie it's a giant zombie i'm running i'm running i'm running wait i can't oh no no no get away get away oh my god okay hold on what if i place this right here ah you stupid idiots hold on wait no what if i go on this way i just went around oh shoot wait what oh i can just hide under the old wait no i can't they're playing ping pong with me get away from me you big ugly nerds you smell like booty cheeks and not the good kind i actually don't know what the good kinds are i'm good i'm full size again why am i full size what no run i think cause i died it reset maybe i have no idea oh my god oh my god yes oh my god yes wait what he has my wood no no no stay away stay away stay away still waste away i don't like this i don't like this at all hello why is this a thing oh my god dude oh my god i just want to get my wood i just want to get my wood no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm running i'm running this is really stupid in like oh my god okay hello hello i'm not looking at you i'm not looking at you okay perfect please just die leave me alone please no okay there you go jesus christ okay there you go we got a pickaxe ah for one second i'm normal size and then now i'm not when did this happen it just it just cuts down it i don't even there's no like it just goes it i just i just get tinier i just get bummed literally just get bunked every like 100 steps i'm i'm guessing i really don't know oh my god okay wait yeah oh okay i can reach it thank jesus i can reach it guys okay hold on there you go stone smith max and perfect i don't even know what i'm i don't know why my even have a pickaxe what is the goal for today's video i'm just gonna dig straight oh wait do i have enough okay no i do have enough wood i'm just gonna dig straight down guys i got no food i don't care bro do you need food when you're this tiny my stomach should get smaller right i think i don't know if that's how it works find a cave please behind knowing maybe just a little bit oh my okay wait we're inside a cave and we're freaking time okay this is a dude i can't even get this iron what no dude oh my god this is so cringe bro i actually have to do this i can't oh my god short people be like dude i have to actually stack up with slabs what is this man i am six foot ira why does my minecraft character not represent it actually i'm six foot on a good day i'm usually five eleven but you didn't hear that from me okay i know everyone got those like one pair of shoes were just like they just like wearing because they're just like a slight bit taller for me it's these air max nine i don't even know what they're called actually with any coal i always wear them especially around donnie and linux because those freaking idiots are actually like six five i'm not even kidding by the way like i'm six foot right so you would think i'm actually fairly tall i think qff is like five nine or five i don't even know actually oh wait yes i'm not the shortest one let's go dude okay guys so let's see is this a dead end i'm still the same size which is good wait what just happened no shut up oh my god man what am i supposed to do when i'm 2-4 what is this and how am i supposed to get back my stuff dude this is so annoying man why did i think this would be a good idea for a video breaking this slab takes forever okay can i please place this okay dude this is no blasphemy i don't even know what that means okay dude this is dumb how can i oh my god wait wait wait yo i don't care what any of you nerds sit my blocks are tiny i don't care what any of you nerds say i'm actually big brain what if i'll wait no about trap door this is honestly my oh wait oh yo wait trap door works oh my god wait wait so if i break this and then i put maybe like this oh my god oh and then wait how do i oh crap wait is a slab taller yeah oh wait what no no no no no no wait how am i inside the sl okay no what did i just do oh my god i just bonked myself wait a minute i'm so dumb as if there wasn't something i can climb on i'm actually a bot oh my god i thought it was big brain with the trapdoors guys we have defeated this stupid video challenge no matter how tiny i i am i think i can please oh my god dear god i love this game still wait can i pick it up again because i honestly don't have enough to just be wasting them please oh no dang it bro i need more wood i hate this stupid challenge man this is too much i don't even think a trap door i can no i can't oh my god this is pathetic this is pathetic bionic i wish it just would glitch me up dude why why does snow work as glitch please this video is just pure suffering why does this game hate me i can't make mini tunnels because that's just not a thing right now i just need to die i think i literally just need to dig down and just die i think i literally hear lava bro this is so dumb look how it looks like when you break a block look at this dude this is so dumb i kind of like it but i honestly hate it at the same time like oh great cool you know what i don't even care just kill me i don't care that was my plan all along yes i wasn't i mean originally i thought maybe there was hopes of me beating the game like this but i don't i don't i don't think so i i generally don't think i can beating minecraft as a chicken was a challenge alright and this is just 10 times harder so now i refuse oh no no no no no no you want to go might i might be like four too but i'll still uh eat your butt what no no no no i was kidding about that not take that out of context all right i mean actually i don't even think with context that makes sense can this idiot actually just die bro wait what there's no way i'm gonna die to this bot right okay guys so thank you lord i have a crap ton of wood i'm already half size and i just got here like that is so dumb you know what i'm just gonna turn all of this into sticks i don't even care dude we need just as much ladders as we can 18 there you go let's go baby that's what i'm talking about being short ain't even that bad anymore ladies and gentlemen we adapt overcome and conquer even if we're really tiny okay wait why is it actually like speeding up though wait what is going on okay hold on so now we can finally keep mining i dude i think the goal is just gonna be to find diamonds guys i don't know how donnie did this guys again if you if you didn't already know i got this video idea from donnie dude he's actually nuts hold on let me just pick up my giant coal the size of like two uh giant coals what pinyon yes this tiny challenge is not fun okay i don't recommend doing this no no it's fun to watch maybe okay which by the way if you guys have been enjoying leave a like like seriously it helps out so much you know what speaking of likes and comments and stuff google there we go i said it we already found iron we have to use the young chant to our freaking advantage to find ourselves diamonds dude the traveling is so annoying like i i actually i'm getting mad like this isn't even fun right now do you stupid idiots no i swear if you get close i'm gonna eat you no no no wait what i can't even hit him i can't even reach him okay i'm just running yeah oh my god he's coming for me this is not good this isn't wait what i got smaller i'm just as big as a pixel literally my cake doesn't even move because there's just no wings i'm that small actually i don't even know if that's how it works i feel like there'd be more wind but whatever you know once you're really tiny you really see like how broken minecraft really is i mean look at that like how does water not flow okay i don't think i'm gonna find diamonds anytime soon bro you know what going hanging on guys i'm gonna dig straight down let's do this please please i don't even care for the stupid iron ore i just wanna freaking find diamonds please i hear mobs i'm probably gonna die i'm probably gonna die but i feel like i'm gonna die oh my god my cobblestone yes i got it okay come on come on i hear skeleton i hear skeleton please nothing jump in my hole please i'm gonna cry can i even get any smaller like is that even possible nevermind i literally stand corrected i am like 10 of what an actual pixel is oh my god am i even breaking the stone i can't even tell i just want to find diamonds bro oh my god dude i really i i dude i don't think i'm ever gonna make another tiny video again this is so dumb this is actually so painful i can't believe i'm doing this so it's been like five minutes bro it's been five minutes and i'm still holding down this click i'm still recording i'm still bro i i'm still i'm still clicking on this bro i'm still i'm still i'm still clicking man honestly why are you still watching this video like really like if you're still watching you might as well just leave a like if you haven't already like you might as well right like i mean you literally you literally see the pain putting myself through like i don't even know if there's diamonds down here like there could be there honestly could be and there probably is just because i've said around like a hundred times in this video and you know that increases your luck and it's just factual i also do hear lava though so you know it could result in a death but regardless guys i'm honestly like i can't i don't even know what i'm saying anymore oh my god i let go clicking for a split second oh my god i have to restart mining this block oh my god dude i can't oh my god wait did i actually get smaller i think i did i think i literally did but i don't even want to check i don't want to look around too much because i need to break this block i hear lava honor me bro i honestly just need to die one more time so i can end off this video that's it or just find diamonds i don't care elf yes wait oh my god wait dude wait what there's lava and there's diamonds wait am i floating am i even moving i'm like i'm like trying to move forward and it's not even oh my god wait why is everything taking so long oh how small am i bro how small am i bro oh my god we have to mine it out we have to like i can't i can't give up now i literally just found diamonds not kidding i'm i'm actually just gonna leave that my mouse is wireless one second one hour later bro there's no way i went on like my phone for five minutes and i'm still breaking this diamond block this is impo did i get it i i didn't even get it and now i'm now i'm dying before i even touch the
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,604,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft but every step makes you smaller..., minecraft but every step makes you, minecraft but, smaller, minecraft tiny
Id: 7_8ObQvxQUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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