Minecraft, But Your Hearts = Your Size...

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today our hearts equals our size the more hearts we get the bigger we grow our size unlocks new custom abilities from giant jumps to even controlling meteors and what's gonna happen to our game when we fill our size meter and so our size meter is empty probably because i have one heart and i'm freaking tiny i'm not even the size of a flower okay but i just found this custom like heart or problem is if i jump down i'm dead but there's water here i have an idea yes we did it we're actually insane go go go go go go one more time oh my god we actually did it oh yes water stop him okay oh my god i think he's coming i think he's coming we're gonna hurry up what is that oh my goodness oh my goodness we just got heart essence oh this looks insane okay wait let's grab as much as we can yes i have no time gamers which i make art okay cool there's a bunch of custom hearts okay wait i need the sword part blade joint oh my gosh see the top of his forehead come on oh wait i got bigger oh my god oh my god i told him there's more heart essence or and oh my goodness wait okay i just took damage and i got smaller i just got a heart from the zombie wait what can i oh my god i can eat this and then i just get another hp and i got slightly bigger i also lost two hearts i think we get a temporary like health boost from the heart blade and okay we need to grab these give me the essence oh that's way too high up yo another stupid zombie dab oh i do get health boost yeah yeah easy and i think if i eat this rotten flesh and i regen oh my goodness wait i'm getting bigger and now i just got smaller again i think our only chance of actually making a dent is okay i got slightly bigger is killing these mobs yeah we got another heart let me jump on this yummy i'm getting bigger oh our size meter yeah baby am i still not big enough okay well i'm almost as tall as a block which means i'm almost as tall as quiff i'm sorry quiff if you're watching this video yes seats samir mr chicken yes i just want to tickle you i'm just a harmless little bow and easy another heart okay we're doing pretty good no sheep oh i actually hit him yes i'm i'm taller than a block now still not tall enough to ride many rides meow and there you go get another heart doing okay and yes wait i can actually jump an entire block now and it's about to be night time okay so let's see we have seven heart essence can i make armor oh my goodness heart leggings it gives me more hp or should i make boots that give me the same hp oh my god stunks and then we can make a pickaxe yes boom and oh if i eat we should be able to start regening and then oh my goodness i'm growing gamers we're growing our hp it's rising and we're getting bigger oh my goodness wait are we already bigger than a regular minecraft i think we are we're gonna become giant gamers look at you fools i'm already taller than you yeah we need to get as many hearts as we can get yeah i have six hearts bro oh my goodness this is amazing oh my god we're already at double hp look at my size already we're gonna dude we're gonna break the game by the end of this video look at these peasants feed me your soul and boom yeah size meter is getting better and we're getting bigger but i think now that i'm this big wait if the enderman can pick up blocks then what if i oh my god mob grab enable wait does that mean oh my goodness i can pick up a zombie and then you eat him wait a second you stupid baby wait why did i get smaller wait it says mob grab disabled i took damage and i got smaller i see oh my goodness i see a village so we do need a good food source to keep rejecting oh man i'm too short to enter inside this guy's house and there you go i'm stuck in here but i think we fully regen oh my goodness wait am i gonna die am i gonna start suffocating oh my goodness i'm not even crouching and i can't get bigger oh no oh no oh no oh my goodness gamers i'm getting bigger wait big mining enabled oh my goodness if this is what i think it is can i now oh yes yes i'm free wait a second so i can now oh we cannot break a freaking cube let's go gamers we can now get so much more of this heart essence i like how we almost died inside of a villager house but let's make ourselves some more heart armor and boom yo we look insane and it gave us so much hp let's quickly regen oh no oh no oh no guys this is bad this is bad i'm getting huge i'm getting huge please get me out here please no oh oh look how giant i am oh speaking of giant there's a ravine joint oh my god i barely took that much damage and i got smaller bro this is amazing i think eventually we'll be able to mine full chunks wait but speaking of mining oh there's coal crafting my third crafting table how can i reach that okay well i guess i'm giant i like how i can actually fit in here that's so cute dude i'm not even shifting the game just makes us but now we can go ahead and yes make a coal heart boom i don't even know what this does however i assume if we grab some iron and then somehow bro look at me trying to bridge up what is this boom oh wait our cohort is like in the middle of like 20 hearts i'm a lot smaller now but i think it should work oh we got a lot smaller but my iron smelted and my chicken that wasn't too worth it but let's see before we get too big i think we can actually okay i'm growing way too quick gamers yo we can make the iron heart oh dude this was so easy let's go and chump on it and boom why is it going in the middle of our hp i don't know it looks really cool but we might as well also make our leggings to complete this set and okay we have a lot of hp now oh my goodness wait i just literally oh okay i think that was just big jump that was one of our new abilities we need to become a titan the size of the earth to just destroy everything so you're telling me oh my goodness i can just super jump or big jump technically and then destroy blocks that is so awesome yeah i'm way too tiny to fit in here well what if i boom stop my way inside let me let me mine that and oh wait the tnt is going to blow up oh no i done goofed oh my god oh we're good i got a golden apple yes we got seven gold ingots bye-bye i think now we can go and make a gold heart if i'm not mistaken there you go yes i'm very much not mistaken and boom oh our size meter it grew slightly no hard feelings mr villager but you i need more health boom bam hold up let me just pick you up and eat bye-bye am i evil no i just need to get bigger oh my goodness bro we're just continuously eating hearts our size meter is growing yes did you guys just see what i did we got a new ability i didn't even know about i can just eat uh oh my bro what screw this tiny mining oh my goodness wait let me just get out of here oh okay that's way too big of a jump boom we can just oh my oh my god my game is gonna crash bro i'm telling you we're not even that big yet let's make some more hearts wait i actually just made way too many hearts how much heart essence do we even have oh my god oh my god my size bar gamers no this is it this is actually it can't we make oh my goodness yes a diamond heart screw it gamers let's just throw giant blocks yeah i'm in yummy night oh my goodness we already reached bedrock okay please come on where could the diamonds be gamers if you're watching right now and you haven't subscribed if you subscribe we'll find diamonds oh my goodness did you subscribe we have one right here oh my goodness there you go i got it oh my god my blocks are literally huge when i drop them and there's some more right here we now have six which i think is enough oh my goodness it actually is boom the diamond heart i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared okay okay we didn't get that much bigger our health looks more insane it said big mining disabled massive mining enabled did we just reach a new threshold um what happens if i just oh gamers oh my goodness gamers we can actually mine now oh my goodness bro diamonds if i just grab the oh my goodness bro that is so sick i'm actually kind of scared to get bigger guys we still have 47 46 more hearts to jump on oh my goodness and our size meter is getting bigger no no no no no hold on if we have massive mining let me just step on these blocks okay don't i have massive massive jump okay wait what's gonna happen what's gonna happen please please please please that wasn't that crazy hold up let's try that again wait what y level do i oh my god i jumped all the way to y level 400. and look at the size of this thing oh dude that is sick can i still pick up mobs hello baby cow how are you kate yeah i'm a big bully in today's video hold on let's eat a couple more hearts and then see what other crazy abilities do we get bro because we're literally not even halfway the size meter hello cows don't stop consuming we can now just jump on village houses oh my goodness trees can't even stop me they're just like slabs this is like our fourth village i just found in this video it'd be a shame of a giant box through a dirt at it yeah oh okay well my game is actually breaking gamers oh my goodness look at the explo how did they survive okay well yeah they didn't and boom oh my goodness okay okay gamers i think oh wow another village we have a new a what spit blast wait a second what is that oh my did i just spit out wait what am i bro wait what did i just do my spit created a crater uh what a nice mountain boom destroyed we need to become larger gamers even even if it's gonna break my pc i can't even hear the minecraft sounds anymore oh wait now i could we're now halfway wait i think i know a shortcut if we go ahead and oh my goodness look how freaking huge we are wait i think i just found one yeah yeah yeah oh my god these i can't reach the oh i accidentally broke the chest but i think we got the i got the loot let's just casually take a quick swim over here whoever says being tall is hard no being a giant is awesome i'm lebron james but wait i have a preposterous pickle provides 20 yellow hearts oh no i think this is about to be a shortcut gamers wait i don't think the yellow hearts did anything but this provides 20 extra hard normal hp oh no i'm actually scared three two one and oh my god wait wait it took away my hp but now oh my goodness i'm rebounding back i'm rebounding back i'm scared of gamers my game is frozen finally we regen wait am i if i jump i literally touched the clouds but now that we're this giant what if i ye giant jump oh my wait oh my goodness oh my good okay what look at the explosion we made it wasn't even that big to be honest but how high did we oh my god oh we reached a thousand blocks are you kidding me okay that is so sick though bro i feel like my game is about to crash wait i just got a bunch of hearts uh i think i killed people i think we may have accidentally like destroyed a couple lives giant mining enabled if i literally just break this oh my goodness bro my game is literally lagging bro are you kidding me if i break oh my god no no no please please please please oh my goodness we can mine this big i just have to break one thing and it's literally over oh my goodness wait what if i just spam click what if we literally just spam click and break everything oh my goodness okay this is pretty cool but i must become stronger walking up mountains is not enough we're actually crazy bro look how giant we are i can just walk on anything oh hello mr sheeps if i could spit before can't i just blow oh breath blow wait what happened to the sheeps i just eliminated them with my air are you kidding me there's another villager what if i literally just do this oh my i'm just breathing you can't make this up my game just crashed the game is freezing even when eating one more heart come on please survive game please survive we can do this oh okay we're back wait we're alive oh my goodness bro we are insanely giant caves and cliffs more like uh boogers and bugs what before we get bigger and complete the size meter i think we're big enough to use a couple more abilities like the gravity burst oh my goodness wait gamers oh my goodness wait what am i doing what am i doing bro wait no there's a turtle i might cry i'm so big i have gravity and what if i just let go oh my bro let's do that again look at all the blocks at my feet and then boom release oh my bro i just sent blocks flying using my gravity we found another village what if i use gravity burst right here oh my goodness all the villager mobs oh my bro half of them died if our gravity is strong enough to literally pick up blocks what happens if i eat one more heart we got slightly bigger and now with our size let's use our gravity to freaking oh my oh my goodness was that just a meteor did we just what and i just got a bunch of ancient debris oh my god 13 pieces wait can i do that again oh my goodness we just summoned the meteor and then boom i just summoned three meteors bro i don't even know where they're coming from hold on it's like i just saw it it just we literally brought it down from the sky oh my goodness and it creates these crazy holes right here hold on a second and boom dang the golem actually survived that's lit honestly gamers screw the hearts i'm cheating bro i don't care i literally never do this if i do this i think our game is actually gonna lag i gave myself max hp
Channel: Bionic
Views: 5,121,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft but, Minecraft but your Hearts = your Size, minecraft but your health = your size, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, custom hearts, custom health, bionic, family friendly, challenge
Id: 0o8Uxq1rnHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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