Minecraft, But Your XP = Your Size...

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in today's video our xp equals our size dude our goal to break the game so watch till the end to find out and of course leave a like to the youtube algorithm and subscribe let's do this three two one and what the nuts oh what yo we're so tiny and i think it's because we're starting off with zero xp literally zero levels and oh my god okay well that tree looks really close but i bet yeah it's actually really freaking far and hold on hold on wait wait we need to get xp as fast as possible and as much as possible because that's basically the goal for wait holy crap is that a wood block i'm literally as big as these entities what what if i pick it up and then throw it oh it's a tiny boy okay sorry just because my size is small oh wait no no it doesn't matter i was gonna say size doesn't matter but it clearly does i can't even reach are you kidding me i'm too short man come on bro what is this this is two aids i am now quiff irl sorry cliff you're watching this video okay we're almost at level one or mr cow let me milk the mothers boy no no no no no no oh my god i can't even no don't go up blocks oh my god wait can i even reach i can't get the cow i'm too short come on yes you idiot come on come on yeah just come on get this to you you want to see you want to see and oh we just grew wait we actually just slightly grew i think i mean no yeah we need a lot more xp to even tell to be honest and yoink yes yes i have a little present for you idiot you've been hunting and come on come on we're literally so close to level two please cal can you just please just come down here oh my god bro oh there's a pig oh does he like seeds no you don't like seeds come on seeds are the best yes you stupid idiot little techno boy three two one and ye yes we grew to level two we grew a little bit now can i okay i can't place blocks and i can reach now mom i'm tall enough i'm a big boy yes i can climb it ladders for the win and hello mr figgers die okay listen at this point if we don't find a village you guys know i'm cheating that was actually comment the other day it was so funny but seriously we could find a village that would be nuts and come on come on oh my god this is chicken heaven level three no yes we grow we grew we grew we grew i don't even care i don't care we definitely did oh my god yes we're level three oh my god dude there's a cave here i don't know if i want to go down here oh i took damage i'm so scared dude the cave is way too dangerous to go tiny in but we do need the xp danger or xp boys we smile in the face of danger although now that i think of it i don't even have a pickaxe yeah yeah okay here we are with the cave no and the night let's get this cool boy joint level four and yes we're we grew we're still not the size of a block are you kidding me we have 26 wood just in case we need it oh god it's gonna be nighttime no no no no no no okay hold on we get we gotta get some weapons boys this is about to be intense listen man i may be tiny but our dreams are big and by the end of this video we're gonna be massive festive enough to crash the game that's actually the goal no cap oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god nope yes yes yes yes oh there's another one oh my god they're actually all coming for me hold up hold up hold up hold up we can low-key trap them come on no okay is our food smelting yes there we go yeah thank god there's no baby zombies and yeah oh yes yes yes there's only one more only one more and then we become level five we grew we grew we're the size of a block let's go okay come on oh wait i still can't i still can't go over a stupid block are you kidding me well hold up wait a minute yeah yes oh my god oh my god we're literally about to hit level six yes we grew oh my god we're actually growing we're actually growing and doing oh my god we're doing so nuts bro wait does it even hit me like am i i'm too short it literally can't even hit me the spider doesn't even know where i am oh my god wait you can't buddy i'm down here okay this is kind of an insult i'm not gonna lie yeah i know i'm too short for you to kill and i'm sorry mr zombie villager man but i'm gonna have to eat your cheeks and yes we're now taller than a block i'm the slab king baby okay we are now upgrading our transportation methods oh my god there you go but now we're level eight and we grew even more and yes level nine baby can we now jump over blocks still can't oh my god but there's a village zone yo and i can't believe i'm saying this but there's a lot of mobs to kill come here you stupid zombie boys and okay wait hold on we now take damage from skeletons yup oh my god oh my god they brought wacho jet wacho jet we're so close to level 10. these guys are killing each other and oh god i like to cut g yes now can i jump over blocks no i can't yes hold on i can smack him and then run down here oh my god oh wait i'm not sure enough no no no no no no no no no no this was a mistake this was a mistake i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry yes get distracted nerd oh my god yes he can't fit through here wait where's he going where's he going oh god come on come on come on i'm so tiny come on yes oh my goodness bro we did it we're almost level 11. i got five iron yes okay there you go we made another axe let's make a definitely a freaking pickaxe we need to go mining once i can actually jump a block man but we need to get xb bottles that's actually the goal right now i literally just need one more xp come on man come on come on and yes can i now jump over a block we can oh my god oh my god oh my god we can jump over block now goodbye random village you were kind of useful-ish okay we gotta remember that there's this orange juice thing right there and cave no cave yes a cave oh my god let's go but gamers we need to find some lapis i don't even care for diamonds i mean yeah we need them okay i'm gonna take a lot of fall damage i gotta get used to that but we need to craft some xp bottles and oh wait there's some more iron right here oh god i'm gonna regret this oh god that was so scary now we're almost level 12 and boom level 12 baby we grew a little bit i think we're actually kind of normal size now i would say all right cool so now we're no longer tiny any more xp we get is gonna just make us bigger and stronger yes there's a spawner that's huge we can easily just make a grinder but low-key i'm so much more interested in just one getting my level 13 and oh god okay okay guys no no no no no no this is dangerous this is so dangerous oh my god oh my god oh my god oh yes some redstone for xp holy crap bro rats don't give so much this is nuts and boom level 14. i'm almost as tall as you buddy this is for all the people who thought short people couldn't do good in minecraft i don't know what that means that has nothing to do with anything oh level 15. what the there's just a flower growing in the middle of nowhere oh and there's lapis yes oh my god oh my god how much did we get we got 42. that's a lot but i look you want to get more oh this looks kind of promising and redstone for the xb level 16 baby okay now i'm starting to feel a little big whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa jumping is a little weird guys low key gamers oh i do i just spotted some more lapis look how fast i'm able to bridge normally oh my goodness dude this is nuts this is actually nuts oh dude there's two lapis oars okay wow i really should have gotten a water bucket though and let's grab this one and oh god all right let's go over here now things are gonna get really interesting if they weren't already okay so i think i'm gonna want to surface in a second here but hold on wait i can kill this guy yo i can just kill this idiot wait oh my god i'm so tall i can i do i can barely jump here level 17. oh my god yo yo yo yo yo yo worked so fast now what and the zombies are free real estate look at this guy i'm literally i'm literally taller than him and okay watch out bro bro i actually feel so tall oh my god what what are you kidding me should i just eat this now or should i save it bro i literally have no food i have to eat this oh my god no but i don't want to at the same time oh my god but i'm literally trapped in a spawner no i have to eat it i have to eat i have to eat it oh my goodness there you go i ate it that was actually so insane holy nuts bro we're actually on our grind right now i want to get to level 18 and boom oh my goodness bro we're growing i'm actually gonna mind this stupid thing listen guys we don't need it i know i triggered so many of you right now but listen i promise you we don't need it we just need to surface but i'm kind of addicted to just mining a little bit and there you go level 19. oh my goodness bro bro look how fast what dude we're actually bro i can't even i can't even fit are you kidding me i can't even fit in a stupid like regular hole what my forehead is too big no cap bro oh god i like your forehead jeez all right well let's just dig the crap up dude i'm literally three blocks tall one two three bruh i'm three blocks tall what the nuts okay it's nighttime and oh we're back at the village perfect now i can sleep oh yeah i have to i'm too tall sorry guys i'm just kind of like a giant kind of you know what me in real life you know what i'm saying okay i'm not gonna do that again i always fall out of my chair bruh now all we need to do is find some sand yes sand perfect oh my goodness and boom there you go let's start smelting we got some food i think you guys know where i'm going with this oh my god i didn't realize how many freaking lapis we have dude but we're about to craft some exp bottles but not just the normal xp bottles which is already cursed enough like you shouldn't be able to craft these gamers watch this boom and like this you guys already know we get some xp bottles which honestly is not bad but no no no no okay that barely did anything and there you go we now have eight this is where it gets tricky i loki shouldn't have wasted the other xp bottles but if we make one more and then surround these around with this bottle wait what it not work huh wait yes it was just lag we have the super super bottles of enchanting oh my god and these oh man i mean just the way i'm grabbing them bro you already know they're not normal oh my bro one just made it's not big ladies and gentlemen holy nuts every time i splash it bro we get bigger oh my god we're level 35 bro look at this i'm literally yeah you idiot tree what happened now oh my god wait i can break a block from this far what guys i can't i don't even fit in a one by one anymore i literally don't even fit in a one by one i can't jump in there bro what oh my god no no no no no way how about in a two by two oh my i'm this thick bro i'm actually this thick what bro there's no way oh my god hold on hold on no no no ladies and gentlemen we have to break the game i have 64 super bottles of enchanting don't ask where i got these from gamers are you ready i told you the goal today is not to be minecraft ladies and gentlemen it's to destroy it three two one boom boom boom oh my god oh my god am i what's gonna happen can i do i wonder what's gonna happen if i can't fit in this hole anymore should i just start splashing them down oh my goodness dude i'm just gonna keep going i'm just gonna keep going oh my god oh my bro wait i can't even hear it anymore oh my god i'm just splashing them down bruh bruh we're still growing we're literally still growing what the nuts oh my god is it going to stop bro i can't i can't even dude oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm glitching out bro my hands are off the keyboard my hands are literally off the keyboard oh my god i'm going to keep going i'm going to keep going muhammad no no no no no no we're glitching out we are literally glitching oh my god i just jumped and look at this bro no way dude no wait look how big we are bro how big of a hole do i have to make we don't even fit in this thing we still have 15 more guys three two holy crap ladies and gentlemen look how insanely massive we are i actually can't even do anything like i can't even beat the game even if i wanted to i knew this wouldn't work boys i used to use a ladder pathetic wait hold on how far can i hit a cow front can i just hit him from what the crap i'm actually overpowered i just climbed this mountain oh my nuts no no no we have to do we have to get even stronger we have to get even stronger we have to get stronger oh my god dude oh my god there's so much xp surrounding me holy nuts yo this looks so crazy right now this is gonna take so long i actually just have to go afk that's literally it but somebody's got it just not i don't bro i've never been this huge in minecraft oh my bro look how easy i'm just lit bro what bro look at this you think i'm trapped right yoink bro what i haven't even been sprinting i just realized dude no way bro no way i can literally just jump from one side of the village to the other what is this oh my god i can smack anything from down here look at these stupid little zombies i don't even think they can actually hurt me bro look he's trying to hurt me he can't i've just absorbed the zombies oh my bruh moment and i'm only level wait what bro i don't even hear any sounds anymore my game is actually breaking hold on no no no no what if we go to level 690 oh my god bro my fps is also getting worse i don't know if you guys can tell but i'm actually bro oh my god we're breaking the world dude what look how insane this is well my game is lagging in single player what if we go to 790 oh my god bro i honestly we're getting so big dude i need to raise my render distance oh my god okay there you go holy crap dude bro no this isn't even funny anymore this isn't even this is crazy oh my god i just fell out of the wait what is going on i'm literally just as tall as the clouds gamers level 990 oh my bro the game is bugging out the game is actually bugging out wait bro 1200 oh my god oh bro my game is actually dying my game is actually dying yo i can't even what the nuts is happening right now we're too big we are literally too big oh my bruh bro i can't even dude look at the world look at the world beneath us all right that's it boys i'm breaking the game level one trillion three two one and i just hit enter oh my what just happened bro i think my game actually just froze my game actually just froze we actually just broke the game by making our size insane no way is this it i can't i can't move bro i literally can't move i'm dead my game is dead my game is actually dead well guys my pc has been frozen for the past five minutes i think it's safe to say that we've broken the game hopefully you guys enjoyed today's really weird video it's not your normal minecraft butt challenge but we passed we uh we we destroyed the game sure we cheated a little bit at the end but who cares we did it for the name of science but with that said like and subscribe i'll see you to the next one i love you guys peace
Channel: Bionic
Views: 4,201,990
Rating: 4.8561487 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft But Your XP = Your Size, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, minecraft but your xp, xp, minecraft xp, minecraft size, bionic, challenge, family friendly
Id: oOKyunEB9Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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