So I mined for 24 hours straight and this happened...

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ladies and gentlemen i'm recording this intro after i recorded the video so it's like a okay wait i think you guys get what i mean and i'm not gonna lie this was definitely one of the hardest videos i've ever recorded i thought this was gonna be easy because you know i play a lot of minecraft bro i can't even open up my eyes that much oh my god but i figured you know i play a lot of minecraft so i could probably play it for 24 hours straight and mine i was wrong it was not going to be easy i mean that's the whole point of this video to see how many diamonds we can get in 24 hours if you guess the amount of diamonds we find in this video i will uh i'll give you this fish so yeah but of course guys if you are excited for today's video smash the like button if this video gets 20 000 likes guys in the first 24 hours then i'll do another 24 hour challenge or at least attempt it i got two brain cells guys i'm not good at these and of course if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe with post notifications on because only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed so subscribe today to gain a brain cell yeah okay no but seriously you guys already know i'm going bald if we hit two mill this year but with that said enjoy today's video let's do this all right hello it's me well i think you guys already know it's me i already did an intro but guys we're back on the streamer trolling smp server except today we're not i guess trolling i mean we could definitely troll actually yeah maybe mid video will just do something to someone but the focus for today's video guys is well actually i don't know why i started outside of my house i feel like it's just like the ritual like the normal thing to do just start off every episode outside of my house you know just in case i just blow up out of nowhere i mean there could be some traps on this server but there's no one online the server right now which is good you guys aren't familiar with this series or this world it's where all my friends that i record with well i guess i don't really record with them i troll them and they get their reactions and then they do the same thing to me we pretty much bully each other and make our lives miserable i'm not gonna lie though guys the trolls lately have been a little more harsh like the last time we trolled donnie i spawned an earthquake on him i mean it's like how else are you gonna troll people that know they're gonna be trolled you always gotta just make it worse and worse i think at one point guys one of us just gonna end up crashing and just forever demolishing the server but until then now this is something i wanted to do for a while and you guys have been kind of asking for it's like a normal smp minecraft video well except it's not normal it's me right like i guess nothing i do is normal but for the longest time guys we've had like a similarish amount of diamonds we got 26 okay yes i did a little bit off camera mining but that's basically what we're doing in this video that's all we're doing basically guys okay this is gonna be one of the hardest things in my life i've been cooking so much chimken for this moment okay like i literally have two stacks and i have another oh my god i have so much in here yeah i may or may not have just borrowed a lot of chicken from donnie but anyways wait that's cannibalism i want to go ahead and just mine for 24 hours and i want to see what crazy amount of stuff you can get i've never done that to be honest i haven't really done anything for 24 hours you know i could also stream this so maybe if you guys want to see me stream in the future at 24 hours challenge leave a like down below but the goal is to literally like mine and mine and mine which we basically haven't done at least like on camera in this world i mean realistically we've been so focused on trolling other people that we haven't gotten like a lot of diamonds ourselves so i guess i'm pretty much ready i mean i have a bunch of food which is like the essential what else are we gonna need i mean i have one diamond pickaxe but i don't think that's gonna be enough i'm gonna be completely honest i mean we have 26 diamonds i have diamond armor that we've had for a while we got some sticks oh i have a second time in pickaxe i totally forgot should i even bother crafting like another one maybe three diamond pickaxes yolo bro three diamond pickaxes okay for a mining challenge wait i don't really need these arrows so i'm just gonna dump them in there uh do we need a shovel i guess i could maybe take a shovel just in case maybe just like an or should i make a diamond one bro the plan is to see how many diamonds we can honestly get or like what can we find as well i've seen other people do this 24 hour challenge but like with the power of gungan gingham like how many oars and iron and diamonds can we really find this chest is about to get a lot more stacked and we already have a crapton of iron so i could go mining in this cave but we've already been mining in that cave which we got trolled by quit i remember you guys don't know what i'm talking about don't worry about it i never got trolled there must be like a good mining spot i think linux has a good mining spot that we could maybe go to wait have you guys even seen his house on camera i don't even think i've been there look at this okay dude he has such a beautiful house yet i've literally done nothing to it guys let me know down in the comment section some ideas we could do to like troll him i don't want to like rob anything i mean he could be watching this video right now so hey linux i'm i'm not going to troll you bro don't worry about it leave a comment down below guys listen bro i'm not even going to check your checks i already know you're probably poor or whatever which is fine you know what i'm saying but yes i knew it he does have like a little mining area okay hold on before we just go and start the challenge i'm honestly so scared to do this by the way okay hold on so if we go through this village guys this i think this is sneaky's house wow dude i don't know if the building challenge came out already or something but dude or the building competition with him but guys man this dude is so good at building oh my god the house is really really tiny though but we haven't even trolled this guy as well oh he has nothing in his chest come on bro wow his house is really beautiful though he sure does like green it looks like a green booger house i'm just kidding it literally doesn't it looks really sick look at his farm it looks so fire as well let's start the challenge yeah i totally didn't just steal a couple things from linux okay shut up you didn't see this okay guys so i'm on y11 i basically just dug down a little bit i don't know wait is y12 better should we be on y12 or why 11. all right you know what i'm gonna just stick to y11 for now we already got six iron ore by just digging straight down from like linux is mine right but i basically i think this is it boys it's just just me you haha sorry i won't i will never do that again my pickaxe and going in a straight line that's basically all we're doing for the next 24 hours of my life why do i why did i agree to this again oh shoot i should have gone in an ender chest all right it's too late now boys it's too late now there's no way we're gonna get like oh wait what we already found a cave yo oh my god i bet we find diamonds already bro hold up mining for 24 hours five seconds in gun and gang bunch of redstone do i really want the redstone i mean you know what i guess i'm gonna mine it just in case like literally why not right like imagine we need a troll and we need a redstone or like a lot of redstone then i go regret not monitoring redstone i want you guys to bet right now though okay just calm down a random number and that number will mean how many diamonds you guys think i will literally find okay not figuratively i mean literally literally i think a rule is to like 100 mine everything that i see because in that way what's the point if i'm only gonna mind diamonds you know what i'm saying i'm trying to get rich rich not just diamond rich oh yeah wait the time what time is it okay guys i don't know if you can see oh wait it's backwards it's 4 55 okay so at 5 p.m tomorrow it's 5 p.m right now we are gonna be good to stop mining bro i'm ready i ate a good strong breakfast oh shoot i'm already getting hungry for lunch alright whatever maybe i'll eat like two hours from now maybe two hours deep i'll eat my first meal what's the world record of mining by the way is it like more than 24 hours because i can't imagine that like oh my god bruh are you kidding me are you kidding me lava trying to eat my booty four seconds in come on bruh well actually technically three minutes at four minutes in you know i kind of feel bad for whoever's editing this video i mean i'm probably gonna be silent for most of the time like you know probably like five hours deep or something i have no idea but this is gonna be a long video a long jimmy that's what she said i don't know what that means so far though no diamonds but it's okay i mean technically we haven't really said gung and yet so with that said ladies and gentlemen robots and robots boogers and bugarettes whatever you know you identify as go ahead comment down below gun gang come on diamonds we said it we said the thing bionic did the thing that everyone likes to oh dude i almost thought i freaking fell in lava why did i not see that bro and if you guys think for a freaking second okay then i'm gonna get tired and then give up okay no no mark my freaking words bro i got cop right here bro i ain't gonna be tired bro i got that double shot uh q950 coffee yeah oh we found lava man more stupid orange juice get on my face orange juice i'm on that apple gang bro oh diamonds diamond diamonds diamonds we found diamonds wow these are our first diamonds bruh and we're like kind of like 30 minutes in geez hey man at least we finally found some okay it could be worse we could have just never found diamond where is this water coming from and of course there's more orange juice a begone thought you know i'm starting to realize uh inventory space is gonna be a little annoying dude if i had shulker boxes all that would be 2000 iq it's fine though we can turn most of this stuff into freaking blocks anyways your stupid things turn into your thick boy versions yes i don't even need this much cobblestone anyways so i should probably just throw out most of it more shiny blue thing more blue things shiny and gold that i literally missed because i am stupid let's go boys more blue shiny stuff that i like because makes me rich and gets views i love it [Laughter] we're at 11 diamonds guys so far that's pretty good and you know what hold up let me just throw up most of this dudukaka poopoo face stuff you know part of me wants me to just stop collecting the redstone and and lapis but it's fine it counts for something stack of iron already boys yo we banking which actually fun fact i think we're past our house or a little bit past it already somewhere above me gamers my beautiful blue house is just vibing it's just waiting for me to just put more blue things inside of it that kind of sounds a little wrong i thought i mean diamonds you weirdos okay stop we're one hour in gamers and i'm honestly kind of hungry irl but it's fine we i mean we got plenty of chimpkins to eat our first pickaxe has broken and let us continue mining no man no no gravel please gravel's my arch nemesis no oh my god it's gonna all fall so i have to literally break it like this dude this is so dumb oh we found a cave actually definitely let's go and we found some freaking iron unfortunately there's no uh it doesn't seem like there's any diamonds but it's okay you know what i'm saying it's okay just stupid more lava juice i want to stay in the same line though like that's kind of like i mean that's not really a point that's not like the point of this right the point is just to get as much stuff as we can from this but i feel like i want it to be organized so it's the last coordinate that's really changing so i think we're like a couple hundred blocks away from my house right now and it's only been like an hour and like 15 minutes or something like that which is pretty good you know but i know there's gonna be a scary point in this video and i don't know when it'll be whether it'll be like 10 hours in or maybe like 20 hours in you know or like i'm just gonna semi give up i mean i'm not right that's not gonna happen i mean i hope it doesn't but you know at the end of the day it's gonna it's gonna turn from having fun in minecraft geez getting rich yep yep that's the fun part of this 24 hour challenge to just it being pain just straight up painful man i'm just gonna end up having to force myself to finish this which i hate doing i hate being forced to do stuff this is semi-dangerous what where am i oh my god what the balls okay let me just be gone thought oh my god bro that's annoying i forgot that could happen at any time i mean i guess that's why i'm wearing the diamond armor right boys we do be banning all that gold i'm really hoping for at least another stack of gold from this mining trip at least i feel like caving is a little bit better for gold holy poopy pants on a stick we found more freaking diamonds let's go oh i thought it was just two oh wait what how many did we just get oh that's sick we just got uh oh shoot wait what i'm gonna uh we got four we got four diamonds i know math shut up guys we just found the most insane cave oh my god look at this gold everywhere bro let's go and some more iron dude is it just me or like is mining actually kind of oddly satisfying oh my god what did you guys see that oh i don't have my shield i guess i don't really need it though okay let's see is there any ooh laughing slap slappers i yoink lapis you know that other blue thing would be really nice too i'm not gonna lie it's almost been the second hour guys i'm really hungry i think i need to get my food like asap i'm so lazy to my more iron dude iron is just not fun to mine it's just iron i already have so much of it i got some food i don't know if you can tell what it is yeah you probably can't i do be eating though i'm gonna try and do this without dying i gave up once i saw the orange juice wait there honestly could be diamonds though around here oh my god oh my god bro i literally just said that now oh my god it's so fake but i promise you i promise you that was like so real bruh i literally said i literally said it bruh bruh i don't even know we're at 30 diamonds okay hold on wait so i can go forward like this okay sick cut just keep mining my number but good three hours in boys i'm about to eat my first meal on camera if you guys are wondering i have sweet potato i made it's actually pretty good i got rice salmon and sweet potato i basically just mashed up those three things and then i fried an egg because you know i'm gonna look like an egg if we hit two mil so i might as well might as well eat what i'll become to be honest i feel like this would be good if i had an auto clicker because then i don't have to like or like some sort i mean i guess that would defeat the purpose of mining though right i guess that would be cheating wait we just found another cave oh my god yo diamonds maybe oh wait we already went through here i didn't even realize bro i mind two blocks forward i promise you look at this i've been eating basically guys i keep pausing and unpausing my recording that way to help out the editors staff i love you see i care about your well-being imagine i made you edit a 24-hour long video you'd probably die like you would just die and i literally found more diamonds bro this is actually insane i'm kind of scared guys how many diamonds will we have after mining for a full 24 hours like non-stop i'm almost done by the way just if you guys wanted to know yeah almost done with my food bro i just literally found the most insane cave oh diamonds and a creeper no oh my god did it okay didn't blow up the diamonds bro what oh my god oh the poor zombie he he do be vibing though can't even lie bro he do actually indeed be dividing okay hold up skelet's over here i knew it just died just tired fam i don't why did i even think of bringing a shield throughout all this stupid poopoo that we don't need basically all these random blocks uh do i need the obsidian i guess i'll just keep it just in case i don't know but onwards ladies and gentlemen wait hold on we gotta continue the line uh okay it's this block no dang it maybe i needed some of the cobblestone and we shall continue with on the up we found already another cave okay oh how many gold we got we got 32 gold pretty good pretty good any dime on this oh my god bro more diamonds oh just one is it actually just one or is it like you know fake one nope it was number one the line continues i don't know if you can see in my eyes painful eyes but i may i may or may not be getting a little uh tired of this bro i'll be ruined guys i literally almost didn't even realize these were diamonds like i almost just kept mining no caps but we're at 47 right now boys yay gold more gold cave any diamonds please i'm not even gonna explore the cave i'm not even gonna take that iron in the corner that i saw i know you guys saw it or if you did it whatever i don't care i'm not gonna get wow another cave i can't oh my god we actually found diamonds guys i think you can tell i'm trying really not to you know try not to give up boys try not to give up but we are indeed many what the balls hacking skeletons okay i'm up i'm up i woke up i woke up i woke up i just no no no no please do not blow up those stupid diamonds bro please please just die man just die what the heck oh my god guys my oh what there's still more oh my god bro oh my god these guys are so stupid stupid idiot boner men we're at 47 diamonds guys jesus christ what is that bad okay yo my eyes legitimately hurt i've been putting or yeah my i've been putting eye drops okay non-stop i'm getting really really tired okay guys my phone's dead so i don't even know what time it is oh i could check my computer but i don't want an f11 mode out of this dude i don't want to on full screen that's how lazy i am right now i will not give up i will not give up i don't care if i'm not having fun just like just like the soccer days i will continue to mine forever you know what guys i don't care what anyone says okay at all we got a stack of diamonds and the only reason why you can see me right now is because i have my light on and not my recording light i took it off because bro that's so bright i'm doing the tape thing i don't freaking care anymore man don't be caring about it okay you can talk to my manager i don't know what i'm saying anymore what i'm saying is i'm probably a fall asleep guy i can't i can't do this anymore man uh so i don't want to talk about it all right listen technically all right i was mining even if i was sleeping eventually i died though and i guess we're back at spawn and thank god we had to keep inventory on dude if we didn't i would have just lost my mind anyways though guys we have an inventory of like literally godly yeah to be honest deep down i knew i wasn't going to be able to be at least awake for the full 20 hours or 24 hours whatever i haven't really inspected my inventory all that much so i don't really know how much diamonds we actually have yet oh my god but i can already tell we have a stack dude we have a stack and 17 diamonds i had them spread out like this so that like i wouldn't pick up any extra stuff that i didn't want look how much iron we got oh my god we got three stacks dude i didn't actually end up picking any more um lapis or redstone because i guess my inventory was full yeah i should have thrown out the flint or something but we managed to get a stack and six gold which is a dub in my book well hopefully you guys enjoyed this video i'm probably not gonna do another 24 hour challenge thing unless you guys wanted to see another 24 hour challenge thing i'm probably just gonna give up and then just say screw it and then go to sleep even if that means being asleep on camera you know maybe for like a big like goal or like not a light goal i feel like that's not it needs to be like a big sub goal and you could do like an actual 24 hour livestream and like prepare for it because i literally just out of nowhere said oh it'd be cool if i mined for 24 hours and i thought that would be easy but no i mean i figured i played a lot of minecraft so but not it's not the same i can i can assure you that to be honest i probably will take a little break at least like won't record anything today because i'm so dead from recording this dumb video bro i'll see you guys in the next one peace gamers
Channel: Bionic
Views: 2,202,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, So I mined for 24 hours straight and this happened, i mined for 24 hours straight, i dug straight for 24 hours, i mined straight for 24 hours, mining, minecraft mining, diamonds, minecraft diamonds, bionic
Id: 0de23r-mgls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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