Minecraft But Every Block Is Liquid!

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in this video folks we changed all the blocks in minecraft so they're now liquid which means we can use a basic bucket pick up anything we want and then place it down and watch some insane things happen but before we dive in check out these stats if you guys are watching the video make sure you click that like button and subscribe button down below and while you're at it let me know what your favorite liquid block is in the comments section down below because together we could team up and take down the youtube algorithm all right folks we're supposed to have some liquid box and little blocks in this world liquid blocks we need to test it though i got a bucket we got to test it okay there's dirt but if we use the bucket on it let's see oh we got it we got ourselves some liquid dirt oh my word okay here hold on yep liquid dirt right there can we place this down anywhere does it have to be placed back in the hole right here can we is it liquid i can't tell if it's liquid liquid dirt place it here oh it is liquid look at it look at it go a liquid dirt it's like a mudslide over here at that block it just turned into a massive water slide can we ride down it i want to ride down it we float down it just like water oh we're getting so messy inside this dirt right now once it's dropped down it's too liquefied to pick back up so we only get one shot what does that mean does anything happen when we're in it doesn't look like anything happens that's only the dirt though what if we go for something else like i don't know an oak log i guess i probably shouldn't be breaking it down if we're gonna try and pick it up in our bucket still currently works like regular crafting recipes so that's decent but also we can grab the liquid oak and place that down as well we're making a mess right now liquid oak oh wow okay the liquid oak looks way sweeter than the liquid dirt i mean liquid dirt no offense don't get angry buddy don't cover me in mud but the liquid oak look at this thing right here we got to get to some better blocks i want to see what happens if we get i don't know coal iron diamond what if we can pick up bedrock [Laughter] get ourselves one of these because we're gonna need to have it and we just need i don't know a basic pickaxe right now to start digging down let's find ourselves some coal i want to see what happens if we get some liquid coal oh okay we can break it down still like normal we still get our cold drop but if we take out our bucket we can we picked up the coal we got ourselves liquid coal oh i don't even need that i'm going back to the surface back up over here next to our uh liquid block farm still magically assembled on the side over there but we got our liquid coal we place this one over here i think we're gonna place it right here let's just see what happens it spreads same as the oak same as the dirt still spreads out we can also swim inside of it if we get into the oak we start losing oxygen look at this if we swim up into it we can drown inside the liquid coal if we're not careful oh and when we drop our meat inside the liquid goal it automatically cooks it on the way down the elevator or the the the waterfall i guess i should say that's definitely not an elevator [Applause] if the coal has some unique effect i wonder what's gonna happen if we go and grab some iron or maybe diamond is gonna be insane we found ourselves our spot for iron there's gotta be some down here iron can we pick it up we can grab it too we got ourselves the liquid iron do we dare cover all this coal and iron i say yes i'm gonna pour out right here maybe get away from it just in case look at it spread out and [Music] what's gonna happen if we stand in it what's that oh wait we just got the suit up advancement does that mean oh my gosh guys wait a second when we stand in the iron water liquid iron what however you want to describe it we're slowly getting covered in iron armor go stand back in it right on the edge here we're at the top of the stream and we did get our iron chest plate a full iron set now the real question is if i wanted to take this iron and move it somewhere else now that i've got my full iron set and i might want more iron elsewhere as we explore search for diamond and pick that up in our bucket we already tried to pick it up inside of our bucket again we we can't seem to grab it no matter how hard we try it's just i don't know if it's too whoa we actually picked up the cobblestone and it's now spreading out too i just wanna no no no not the coal i'm trying to pick up the iron oh it's making such a mess look at the two of them competing against each other the only thing i can think to try hopefully we can soak it up inside of our sponge let's see if we can do it i'm gonna just place this down next to the iron wait a second it didn't only soak it up into the sponge it turned all of the blocks into iron ore this is gonna be absolutely mesmerizing oh my word guys we can pick up all the iron blocks individually now take our sponge over here place it down there everything turns to solid hold on folks we can just duplicate it pick that up place it down let it spread drop that back down instant and then we can mine it all down again oh we are i got look at this iron form oh my gosh just place all this in there go get a cookie cookie cook oh the collection begins okay that is we have way too much iron we gotta go find out what this liquid diamond will do we did get the full suit from that iron liquid i don't know what happened with the cobblestone that was kind of an accident i didn't really mean to do that all right folks the search for the diamond headed down headed down because this is about to be the greatest diamond pool ever ever ever seen oh we got some we got some oh we're all cleared out just be careful two blocks here let's grab one liquid diamond but while we're down here before i forget let's grab ourselves some bedrock we got it we got it can we pick it up please let us pick it up we can we got liquid bedrock liquid okay we got to get back to the surface we got everything we need we got to find out what these do and i also grabbed this gold on the way out we've got liquid gold liquid diamond liquid bedrock what do we test first first we're gonna go diamond no liquid gold liquid gold first place it down oh it's spawning gold ingots the bubbles oh my word what just happened guys the bubbles the bubbles spawn gold against it's so many every individual block is spitting out gold ingots from the liquid wait that's even better why in the world would we ever do this grab our sponge place it down oh it's a wet sponge now we need a fresh sponge a fresh sponge place it down why would we do that though look it in like i don't know 10 seconds we got so many gold ingots we can just farm all we do is hide our little uh gold farm somewhere underground like if we dug a hole here then we can grab one of our gold liquid buckets and place it down in our farm contain it all look at this they're all gonna float to the edge there every single time they all spawn they're just gonna flow right into the edge and we can go over there and we can pick them all up oh my word okay if the diamond does that this is going to be absolutely ludicrous diamond it is now what happens when we place down the diamond drop it oh okay same thing that we would typically expect oh it's about to spawn diamonds it is going to do what the gold did i think i think it didn't why did that diamond spawn i thought it was gonna do what the gold did it doesn't do i have to search for the diamonds in here oh we have a new effect it's called covered in diamonds what happens with the covered in diamonds effect it starts counting down after we leave the liquid diamond we lose our covered in diamonds effect but we can run back up to it and refill our effect instantly by just touching the liquid diamond what happens with the covered in it diamonds every block into a diamond drop we can go into and break any block we want and it instantly becomes a diamond drop oh we're all out of our effect though we've got to go back into the liquid diamond in order to recharge it and then we can go and break more blocks and instantly get diamond drops from those blocks does this work with any block let's see break it a diamond everything is divided with the liquid diamond effect okay so unlimited diamonds if we get covered in diamonds let's pick that back up quickly use our sponge really fast soak it up and we can go back through and just farm the blocks oh my gosh just farm them all up easily we still have to test the bedrock what happens when you extract bedrock from the bottom of the earth and then you place it down on top of it here we go oh i've never seen this before i'm a little scared i'm a little nervous the bedrock has spread can we go inside of it we can go inside of it what does it do wait a second guys we cannot break any blocks under the bedrock no matter how hard we try we can't break blocks under the bedrock and also my guess is if we place down the sponge on the bedrock oh we could securify anything we want liquid bedrock i have again i'm gonna take the liquid bedrock to one of these village houses watch this climb up to the top i'm gonna place the liquid bedrock on top of it let it flow down the sides perfect perfect perfect place a sponge down we just bedrocked almost that entire house grab that place it down there wait for it to spread sponge we are covering this house completely in bedrock place down a final sponge everything right there look at this house the whole house it's completely encased i think the only way that we could possibly get into this house now is uh oh the bedrock's still liquid down here hey it's not as solid as i thought it would be down this way maybe inside if we dig underneath the house we have to dig to get inside the house now everything else complete bedrock impossible to break through the most secure villager house in minecraft oh my word it looks like a sloppy mess right now it's a good thing we didn't lock a villager inside there that would have been oh gosh horrible there is one last block though that i want to try for sure this one i am so excited about what happens when you turn explosive material and liquefy it liquid tnt place down one tnt block right there okay could get dangerous guys wish me luck right now pull out the bucket and grab it liquid deity look at it drip down the side right there this could be absolutely nasty i don't know what to do i'm nervous drop down the liquid tnt oh it's spreading just like usual it still shows the liquid though is it doing anything we can step inside of it just fine we're not dead yet we can also use one of our sponges still to soak it all up turn it back into tnt pick it back up dnt duper galore we have unlimited tnt all the tnt we could ever want right here is there anything special that happens when we just place it down and leave it liquid though i'm gonna go on the far side over here let it spread as far as it can i'm gonna grab a flint and steel can we light the tnt over here it looks like we might be able to light it up what oh gosh no i didn't see it it didn't it didn't flash there was no warning i got so scared there was no warning everything just blew up
Channel: Bahri
Views: 662,306
Rating: 4.8626075 out of 5
Keywords: liquid, blocks, minecraft, liquid blocks, liquid ores, minecraft but every block is liquid, liquid diamond, liquid iron, liquid bedrock, bedrock, blocks are liquid, ores are liquid, everything is liquid, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: iQumKz0rEEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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