Minecraft But You Can Milk Any Block...

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all right guys i've never tried this before ever but all i've got is a bucket here goes nothing oh yes wait a second bedrock milk can we drink it oh my gosh that's right folks in this video we can milk any block in the game to get the blocks milk and then drink it down for some insane effects okay folks we got something incredible because we changed the buckets and the blocks in the world and now this bucket can do the unthinkable just a regular bucket crafted a regular way but the blocks we could go into them and milk the blocks and now we've got dirt milk honestly maybe this should be called chocolate milk but we should be able to drink it right down and we get some sort of effect when we drink it what is this we get dirt man what is that what in the world does dirt man do grab it one more time we gotta figure out what each of these blocks do what if i can i give it to the chicken i can't give it to the chicken i gotta drink it down and still the dirt man button i don't see anything happening what is happening oh wait a second folks if we grab the dirt man and we clear some blocks or i mean if we grab the dirt milk from the dirt block and we clear some of these blocks and we drink it down watch what happens while we're standing on a dirt block we absorb everything inside of it and we recharge our health and hunger insanely fast so we're gonna make sure we want to have that on hand in case we need it but okay all of these blocks are gonna be insane let's go see what we can explore oh wait a second can we milk this let's try and milk the oak log give me a bucket and we got it what did we get oak milk drink it down any effect with the oak milk any effect with the oak milk we get the oaked effect and we see a round oak log what i don't know what's gonna happen if we use the oaked effect hey wait what we can re-grab it again right afterwards take a feather while we're oaked or anything it could be just a fist we don't have to use the feather get rid of that chicken we don't need that and any mob that we hit look at that they crumble down into some oak logs boom boom boom boom look at those oak logs and then anytime we need it again just slurp it down pick up another one and keep that on hand okay we are going to be set down here if anything gets in our way okay well uh folks i don't know exactly what happened there but i want to go on and find out what else we can grab like iron ore or maybe even this stone block right here hold on get ourselves a bucket milk the stone please stone milk oh now i don't know about that i'm not sure if that's going to be drinkable i feel like that might get stuck in our house i guess drink it down though oh we can drink it we're good we get slowness but we get stoned six we're extremely slow but we're also stoned what happens when we're stoned [Music] i think we just drink the stone milk and go straight down see what happens are we a little heavier maybe we're a little heavier we can dig a little faster come on why let me get stoned i have no idea why but i feel slightly invincible with this stoned milk and we've got some more options here stone hey buddy you want to get stoned with me whoa wait a second oh we're slowed but we don't take any damage when we got the stoned effect on from the stone milk can we go in the lava i'm so curious i'm gonna just [Music] no damage whatsoever oh buddy why did you follow me in there what a bad idea try and pick up one of these coal blocks here oh we got the coal milk the coal milk the stone and the oak well they're both kind of defensive oak instantly turns everything into that oak log the stone makes us invincible though we're a little bit slower the dirt milk which i'm calling the chocolate milk just for kicks that one allows us to heal up if we're standing on a dirt block but the coal let's take it down and see what happens the effect that we get is colified for five minutes what does coalified do hold on guys if we drop anything that could be cooked or smelted it just instantly smelts in the air look at that we got 14 iron ingots 15 16 17. that's actually extremely useful anything that we need to smell we can just mine it down and it automatically actually we don't even have to pick it up everything instantly smelts right away right in front of our eyes okay does this effect last and can these stack that's the other question oh get the stone effect on yep now you can't do anything to me you're completely done and you know what's even better i'll take down the oak and then oh guys the oak is dangerous if i oak a mob right on top of us we just oaked ourselves all right guys we definitely should be a little bit careful with the oak let's try the iron though if we take down the iron or milk we can grab it drink it right away still these seem a little bit rough and we're ironized what happens while we're ironized every single one of these is so different than the other we got more iron there we can take down the stone again do they stack it looks like one interrupts the other we can only do one at a time and the stone although it's pretty sweet is so slow for a whole minute we become invincible but we just moved so slowly okay grab the iron one more time there's some mobs here i want to see what happens take me hit me oh whoa chad says they shouldn't punch an iron wall okay maybe we're invincible and also mobs instantly get nuked whenever they hit us we have to test this one more time we gotta find someone i think everyone ran away because they were afraid of our iron wall oh two of you guys two of you guys don't worry i got my iron milk oh oh they do hurt us actually but they punch an iron wall wait a second guys that doesn't make a lot of sense but grab some dirt milk munch that down and then boom instantly recharge on this dirt right here what if we craft a iron block and then milk that place down the iron block use the bucket on it oh oh this one looks kind of like a vortex in the bucket drink it down what's going on hold on we're just slowly falling through the ground where wait are we gonna go all the way through the floor oh we stopped we stopped okay i think we're safe right now there's some gold up there we should definitely go test that i'm climbing up to it milk it gold or milk take down the gold ore milk and there's some there's some mobs on the other side here i want to see if we can fight them with the gold you got some rich knocked out of you wait whoa what's that mean whoa oh wait every single time that we get hit we drop a diamond or gold ingot or emerald wait that's so overpowered and then just quickly do this stand on the dirt block drink down the dirt milk again we could actually farm a diamond pickaxe is so quickly skeletons right there okay pick it up drink it down and then hit their attention go ahead diamond i dropped the diamond down there the emerald's down there shoot me over here they're all dropping down there another diamond emerald give me a diamond hello hello hey buddy there you are there's a diamond now we have enough oh okay and quickly pick that up drink down the dirt milk fully recharged get stoned drink the stone milk down now we're invincible we can go and pick up all of our loot it all got knocked out of us oh we can take so much damage and we still have 44 seconds left guys i'm so slow though i can't i can't even crawl up to them because of how slow we are one's down another one's down another one's down this stone milk is so overpowered and from getting shot with all of those arrows we got ourselves four diamonds guys i think our work here is complete with the gold milk that is juicy but i do see i do see redstone can we grab the redstone let's see if we can grab it let's go we can oh it's packed in there real heavy look at this bucket drink the redstone down and what effect do we get we didn't get any we didn't get any effect what happened wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we got a milky pickaxe and a milky shovel i'm hearing explosions but i have no idea what's going on i have no idea oh what is happening i just know that i'm hearing explosions what about with the milky shovel also the same thing uh okay i'm a little concerned do you see me with my stone milk do you see me with my stone milk we need to find emerald and we need to find diamond absolutely emerald and diamond we're going down oh no take down some stone quickly oh that is such a savior oh we got ourselves our first emerald get rid of this bucket and we picked it up straight away it looks like two emeralds sticking out of the bucket i'm gonna drink this one down and let's see emeralicious can we do anything with these emeralds now we got some emeralds we're emeralicious right now we can spawn in a villager down here hey buddy you got anything for me whoa look at these trains look at these trains just a dirt block for another oh my gosh yeah i'll take that um i'll take uh that yeah why not that looks beautiful i have some rotten flesh too i'll uh grab one of those i also have some cobblestone i believe oh no you're not restocked oh i took all of it i actually grabbed every trade instead of one that's okay i think i'll just uh spawn you in whenever i see fit also uh i don't see you getting out of here any time soon so you might be stuck and on this side i noticed this when we were taking down the emerald guys look over there we got ourselves diamond i'm gonna use my explosive milky pickaxe and get over there at any moment there's just gonna be like lava that pours down on me from all these explosions it sounds like they're coming from up above me i see you let me make my way over here i cannot wait to milk this diamond there we are oh there's a couple of you too okay get up above there we go let's see coast is clear all right take down the stone milk got it grab the diamond milk diamond or milk okay this is probably gonna be the most overpowered of all of them look at us with our beautiful enchanted netherite i'm gonna drink it down let's see whoa what's going on oh it's hard to swallow diamonds chad says we are shooting diamonds out everywhere we're puking them out we just multiplied that diamond ore so much how many diamonds did we just puke out oh my gosh over two stacks of diamonds wait a second we can multiply this diamond door like crazy i'm gonna make a little spot here so that all the diamonds get stuck instead of losing them in the lava like i think we lost quite a few in the lava back there uh just lock myself in here really fast we've made our box we've got our diamond or milk drink it down look at this they're going everywhere i'm shaking from being so sick from trying to drink the diamonds and we're completely stacked oh my gosh wow okay that is nice but there is actually one block that we haven't tested that i really am curious about let's go down below and we get ourselves to our bedrock i really hope we can pick this up and drink it down it might be the hardest to swallow i'm imagining if diamond got us sick from trying to swallow it then the bedrock is gonna be even more difficult picked it up bedrock milk drink it down oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa max hearts right there oh my gosh that is look at those and they're all charging up we have regeneration for five minutes and bedrock for five minutes what is what does bedrock mean oh every block is dropping bedrock guys we can actually collect bedrock this way go and collect everything oh my word i think this also means that we can store up on this bedrock and use it any place that we want get out here oops wait no oh it's even better than the stone milk guys as long as we're bedrocks we don't take any damage at all and we've got unlimited regeneration i mean three minutes of it still we don't have to worry about anything while we're bedrock this is i don't know what's better the emeralds or the bedrock or the diamond i feel like those three are super super super overpowered and we can just easily make it to safety on the other side here i would love to see any mobs try and fight me for the next two and a half minutes you guys last literally no chance bye bye bye there's nothing you can do even the skeletons are dropping bedrock when we take them out oh my word they're all dropping bedrock look at that bedrock and still a minute and 55 left oh you guys okay milking the blocks is ridiculous if you guys want to see any more blocks get milk then let me know in the comment section down below and also let me know which block was your favorite which milk did you enjoy the most
Channel: Bahri
Views: 2,667,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milk, blocks, minecraft, milk blocks, milk any block, minecraft but, minecraft but you can milk any block, diamond milk, emerald milk, stone milk, coal milk, dirt milk, redstone milk, bedrock milk, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: ffP92Slf8BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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