New Cursed Ores Broke This Minecraft World...

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ah let's go on a little expedition with our uh dirt shovel here and see what we can what in the world hold on a second i gotta grab a pickaxe wait we should try oh my gosh what is that that's right folks i have added a total of seven new ores to minecraft that i personally think should be added to the game you guys are gonna have to let me know and be the judge in the comments section if you like yours you don't like yours but these can do some insane things and also almost break the computer so definitely stick around for that one i have added seven brand new ores to minecraft that i personally think minecraft should add huh maybe hey and some of these ores are easier to find than other ones the great thing about this first door is that you don't actually need a pickaxe in order to find it or grab it let's see here we go okay it's not one of these dirt blocks i i promise you but you can find it inside the dirt if you dig around enough if you hit stone you know you're in the wrong location but oh oh we found what is that three and the great thing about this new ore is oh my golly it comes in loads of quantities dig all of this up how much do we have oh my gosh it's soap over there over there over there over there do we have even more can we take down lower let's see down below ah nothing below oh look at this vein right now beauty beauty on the horizon i can sense it coming from far away if we find ourselves the diamond dirt ore or more accurately the dirt diamond ore we do not need a pickaxe in order to extract it we can just go in with our shovel and look at this oh but you can see it does look a little bit different than our regular diamond it looks a little dirty and let me tell you folks if you're getting yourself an engagement ring maybe you have a crush on a girl well if you have a crush you probably should date her for a little bit before you commit to that but if you're ready for the next step you don't want to get that you want to get a clean diamond something juicy substantial but that's okay we can fix it let's just grab all this as long as we got enough shovel power in order to dig it all up oh yep looks like we do it looks like we do we've got ourselves 14 30 diamonds and we got to clean them off now if you're in the iro go to your local jeweler that jeweler will be able to clean it off for you but if you're not in the irl and you're in minecraft find yourself a watering hole because all we gotta do is drop them boom boom boom boom boom boom oh don't let it float away and all of our dirty diamonds will be cleaned off instantly and we get ourselves real authentic diamonds that's the stuff you want to put inside a ring all of them 14 diamonds from one vein of dirty diamonds oh my lotta toss this down we got ourselves graphic table put that boom hallelujah and diamond pickaxe fresh as they come grab that down get ourselves maybe even an axe oh diamond pickaxe boom this stuff is absolutely delicious works just like regular diamonds but that is not the only ore that i personally am advocating for i also think we should add it doesn't come in stone or the typical ore you could see here a coal wood ore or oak coal ore it shows up in oak trees and it's not in every single block you can see that one does not have the power of eternity inside itself that one does mine it down we get this thing slightly off color but hey off-white's trendy grab that and we get ourselves oak tree gems break this log break this log break this log of course those ones still turn out just the basic oak logs we don't want those what we want to find is our oak tree gems boom there's another one and boom there's another one and we can do some insane things with these oak tree gems we can actually craft structures with the oak tree gems we can do something like toss two of them in there boom and boom and then drop a dirt block down below we get ourselves tree house now this tree house is not your basic tree house obviously because looking at it it would be hard to climb that thing but what we can do toss it down and boom tree house spawns instantly right in front of us oh my okay let's go find out oh wait a second we got ourselves a swing set if i have kids they're gonna love me first floor tiny first floor second floor lookout point oh we can tend to all of our sheep off in the distance and our cows and make sure everybody's keeping themselves in line make our way up third floor i don't know if we can call this third floor we'll call that a staircase and all the way to the top we got ourselves a beautiful fourth floor that we can look out and see all of our neighborhood and we have become i think because of this treehouse the mayor of this neighborhood we're gonna call it neighborhood but guys the neighborhood isn't the only thing we i mean the tree is not the only thing we can craft jump inside take our oak tree gems and we're going to do right across the middle wood and house and we can do the exact same thing with this wooden house that we did with the tree house over there toss it on the ground get out of the way so it doesn't it hurt us but we got ourselves a tiny wooden house now this isn't your multi-million dollar mansion but it is a place to stay for the night like a motel or a hotel or uh i was gonna mix the two words but i realized they're already mixed open up that door we do have ourselves a nice little chest there crafting table furnace and a bed for the night and if we need something in a jiffy boom we got it also we got ourselves a lamp and there's even one more structure that we can craft with this all we need is one in the middle and some dirt blocks up on top because the power is coming from down below grab ourselves our bunker hold this thing down let's toss this over here watch what happens place it down and we don't see anything it would be hilarious if that ended right there grab our wooden shovel and dig down and we should be able to find in the location there it is there it is we got ourselves our bunker hidden underneath the dirt simply climb down the bunker and we have ourselves perhaps the best of them all my gosh cooking for days we got ourselves some large chests so cool even fully stacked bookshelves okay you know what this bunker is intense i'm gonna cover you up bunker location the third ore that i'm advocating on behalf of it can be found in a tunnel sneak peek at a later or the third r is a lava ore now you can see the power of the lava stuffed inside this thing like a turkey on thanksgiving but when you mine down the lava or you're gonna get yourselves a regular lava ore it's kind of like mining down some iron grab all of it right here and right here oh my gosh okay we got a lot of it even one more boom got them all now the lava ore cannot be placed in the furnace in order to turn into an ingot because obviously stuff's way too hot already it's way too spicy you can't put heated lava inside of earnest and heat it up honestly what would happen is you know technically speaking and all he probably would melt down the furnace but what you can do instead of that is cool the lava off inside of the crafting table drop a lava ore in there place a water bucket in there we get ourselves a lava ingot now it's just cool enough to touch so you can grab it down all right do it again all ten of them and this stuff can be used almost like regular diamonds you can craft let's say lava pickaxe with the lava ingots and the lava pickaxe is going to allow you to automatically smelt ores that would not normally be smelted and it also works incredibly well i might add my gosh look at all this it's gonna work the same for diamond as it does for gold not only is it a great pickaxe but uh also a heating device on top of that we can take our lava ingots and craft ourselves some regular lava armor which is just insane oh okay very nice and we can also find ourselves some untasteful meat boom untasteful meat we can take our lava pickaxe that we crafted and you can see the effects coming around oh my gosh it's so hot almost too hot to be near but we can take down our untasteful meat toss it boom before it even touches the ground instantly cooked in the heat of the surroundings we could leave our lava pickaxe there as long as we want go and grab more meat bring it right back cook it up again oh it would be delicious but we need some of our meat right this second so lava pickaxe might just be the greatest pickaxe ever invented maybe a little too overpowered compared to the rest of the ores that are added but a decent addition i might say grabbing a quick diamond shovel for our next ore because we gotta dig down to find it not that far down but we need to find a house and when we locate a house we can know fairly certainly that we're going to be able to find this ore this is our fourth or it's called the glass ore anytime we see a window we know that south of that window we may be able to find some glass ores so we gotta dig down for it let's see oh yep we got it right here folks we got it right here and it also is a fat vein we should be able to see because it's glass just how big this vein is oh what is that one two three deep and four wide break it down and it drops the glass ore get in here one two three i told you three deep two three four told you four wide three by four or eight twelve that's what it is twelve glass oars right here if we've got some glass ore and we place it down just anywhere on the map a very simple process takes place we get glass ore but if we've got the glass or and we take it over to some water we can actually consume the contents of the water magify them into the glass and you guys will see place this here grab our shovel or our axe or our pickaxe doesn't matter and bust it down and we get ourselves not only our glass or back but we also get our filled goodness which is a random potion potion of slow okay that's actually kind of useful we got ourselves a potion of slow falling we can bust it down again we don't even need all 12 of these oh my gosh what did we get there another potion of slow falling another one this one oh should have swiped this and we'll save that for later boom boom boom boom all around the water bust bust bust bust bust look at all these good things my gosh just a couple of glass oars broken potion of healing potion of healing potion of strength potion of healing we got the goods right here folks oh my golly goodness well this might as well keep those on hand in case we need them later you might need them later i mean possibly need them right now because our fifth thor can get intense this is called the xp or and this or if you find it is going to drop you an insane amount of xp so i'm going to keep our potion of healing right there for now just in case we lag incredibly bad and something sneaks up on us we've got one two three four five six exp ors right here mine it down and oh my gosh look at it soaking all up look at it soak up low key that sound is music to my ears how how long is this gonna take when will you stop okay we got it we got it done i'm a little nervous but let's break every single xp or right here one two three oh oh oh oh oh we broke it we broke it we broke it we broke it guys if we can get this video to six likes i think we can save our computer oh oh our game's almost back we saved it still loads xp coming in but oh we can move is it gonna chase us it's gonna chase us away get away from the xp it's chasing us everywhere look at it chase us around it's like a bunch of bees walking around with us oh we got it all okay the xpr is a little intense a little unnecessary we might not need to add it let's just ignore that one and move on to another option and that is one of these chest oars that we can find inside the village houses not that chest right there that's a regular chest we can open that one up but that chest right there is containing the power of every or typical to find inside the game we can't open it up that's how you know it's a chess story if you haven't noticed the multiple colors of oars around the side already um two hints to identify it but we can mine it down break it down and we get one of each ore in the game instantly from breaking down a chess door i gotta i gotta drop some goods so i can open up space we don't need the wool and if we scavenge throughout a village we could find the chess doors laying around boom got another one tasty find another house any other house maybe this house right here check inside oh chess door another house maybe this house right here no chess door but all of these ores that we find of course are going to work just like a regular or all we gotta do is place it down mine it down and we get all the goods from those if we by chance need some more diamonds because we don't want to go digging for them place it down boom line them down diamond diamond diamond brand new oars that we can find inside a chest store all we got to do is scavenge the village to be able to find them i don't know just how common these things should be but they could be fairly common i mean i feel like it'd be a treat to find it but the last ore that i think could be useful inside minecraft is called a water ore and you can find water ores in bodies of water if you scavenge around the edges sometimes you can see them laying nearby doesn't look like any over there oh we got some right over there they kind of look gold from the surface i don't think they're gold though we're gonna have to go underwater to inspect it does kind of look it's kind of transparent like a white transparent block and you go up to it and if you're underwater mine this thing down and you can get a water ore if you mine down a water ore outside of the water then nothing's going to happen it's just going to break down no changes nothing at all to get our water or back however if we take our water ore into the water or if we find a water or inside the water the thing that these water ores do is actually capture oxygen inside of them and although we might normally run out of oxygen as long as we find ourselves a water ore and break it down in time we're going to get ourselves water breathing for three minutes from releasing the oxygen inside and then we can grab our ore and go place it down anywhere else that we want inside the water as long as we have it on us drop it mine it and we reset our water breathing for three minutes all we gotta do is either find a water or inside the water or bring one with us down into the water to get essentially unlimited water breathing oh my gosh
Channel: Bahri
Views: 235,450
Rating: 4.9111552 out of 5
Keywords: cursed, ores, minecraft, 7 new ways, 7 new, 7 new ores, new ores minecraft should add, cursed ores, diamond dirt, ore confusion, new blocks, cursed blocks, xp ore, lava ore, oak tree ore, glass ore, ore chest, water ore, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: sByi1C82sso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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