33 Ways to Confuse Minecraft! (Tall Crafting, Cursed Portals, etc.)

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over the last year we have completely busted minecraft in so many ways but i'm bringing you 33 of my favorite ways to break minecraft from new portals to reverse crafting these are some of the most absurd things we've ever seen okay i think somebody got a hold of my minecraft again and hacked it because look at this world right now guys this is normal grass except for the fact that it's literally flipped 180 degrees the grass in this world is upside down i can take it down just like this it's normal it turns into dirt just like usual but it's just completely upside down i wonder if i plant this if it'll turn back into regular grass on top get one there wait a second oh my gosh there's diamond diamond at the surface level okay we got to make some progress here guys this could be really good this might be the least cursed but hacked minecraft world in all of history every hacked minecraft world thus far has not had diamond right at the surface which means prepare for victory let's just quickly do the basics here get through make as much progress as possible hopefully no gollum comes out and just destroys me right away make ourselves a sword that's good and we probably want a shovel as well which means one more build wait a second the chat says it is turned to the left but if you add gold nuggets to it it turns to the is that a riddle just ignore that we gotta move on okay shovel good to go and then i guess we should also build ourselves a little axe so that we have that there we go the basics are equipped guys go in here and collect some supplies so that we can get down below to those diamonds and start off with that pick up some of this reverse dirt quickly grab a few more supplies okay the diamond is down below make our way slowly but surely we have made it but we are going to need a slightly better setup than we currently have quickly get some coals so we can make some iron wait wait wait wait the coal is dropping random supplies sometimes we get coal but other times we're getting gold ore hold on here so oh gosh what is that why is it oh no i think the rain is flammable guys please don't die please don't die i'm out of the way i'm out of the way i'm out of the way no why okay the rain is definitely flammable good thing we were able to make it bet oh somewhat what about the rest of our goods no oh gosh okay this coal is completely random we gotta hurry up though before it starts raining again why did i just take damage there it's not raining got lappies some gold some redstone okay finally some decent progress my concern is we can have this iron pickaxe guys but we're gonna get to the diamond and it's gonna have zero ability to actually drop diamond for us sneak over there i thought this was going to be a good thing but unfortunately no is there gonna be any diamond from any of this one diamond all we got is one diamond so far oh my gosh no such a huge diamond vein and literally one diamond please more diamond nothing nothing at all this whole world is screwed up this diamond bait is a huge tease two whole diamond veins and all i got is four diamonds it's actually so sad why can't we get any more diamonds okay let's do what we can with the four diamonds what what my my my crafting table just broke hold on a second can use the crafting table just fine i'm a little concerned about this so i'm gonna start with just the uh diamond sword to protect us a little bit all right we got what we need to create so far literally i use the crafting table a second time and a third time and if i try to use it again watch this three two one it just disappears on me just ignore it just ignore it all right don't get stressed out don't get stressed out make your way slowly out of the deserted tunnel all righty i'm a little prepared we need to first go and get some food oh what it just popped up what just popped up oh an axe where did that come from let's go find some cat another another axe and iron guys any time i jump into the water watch this jump into the water it poops out an item we could just poop as much as we want will this poop out diamonds poop steaks we didn't even have to get a cow that's like literally when you have no ability to digest your food whatsoever it's been a huge dinner and it's just flowing right through your system because you also ate a little too much butter along with dinner and so instead of digesting the whole meal just explodes late at night it's also quite disgusting just a tad disgusting all of this water gives us such random items coal from that one more iron from that one do we have to even leave the water what if i just jump up and down it just continues spawning items every time we splash into the water and jump up we got some diamonds gold axes everything we could ever need is just spawning right now okay let's go find some safety before it starts raining again on us because clearly that is mo that's that that that that is the most death-defying thing that could happen in this cursed world is we run in to rain or rain runs into us one or the other somehow that works get some extra food give me your guts thank you very much thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you buy me some cows i need more cows i need a lot of meat i need a lot of meat guys everything looks so barren oh yes okay we found some animals no it's raining why did it start raining dig down dig down dig down i don't want to get get out of the ring get out of the ring not now do not take me out now please please please please please please please please please please please please please okay some meat is everything here all of our meat is gone and our diamond sword is gone and it takes us so long to fight diamonds i just need to jump in some water do something why am i taking damage hold on a second guys two blocks high nothing if i jump if i jump from two blocks we take damage diamonds please nothing nothing nothing so much diamond so easily accessible in this world but it doesn't actually drop what we need all right forget the search for diamond very carefully exit from this high ground so that we don't take any damage where are the cows at here we go we got a cow give me some food i need food a little food please buddy thank you some of the meat that got burned up in the storm actually cooked on its way so that's pretty good news let's go ahead and milk some of these cows and get ourselves something to drink as well come here come here buddha whoa wait a second guys like potion gives the video 10 000 likes it might all be worth it hold on okay here guys you got to let me know if this works click that like button right now take down the potion filled up all my food did it work did it work hold on hold on hold on i gotta get another potion and test it out let's cr oh i don't need that i need a oh wait why would this be a wide crafting table the iron ingots is compressing the oak planks and applying so much pressure up above that we get ourselves a flattened wide crafting table what can we do with this oh what i have never seen anything like this what can we craft with this thing wide items we can't make regular sticks so that's not gonna work but if we put the sticks in there try and craft a wide pickaxe oh wait it's a huge pickaxe it's so big guys look at my hotbar right now you can't even tell what this thing is it's so it's so big can we dig with it it dig just fine it doesn't do anything else it just it digs normally what happens if we mine diamond with it oh let's go do that or coal are we still gonna get random items it still drops random items this thing is useless this thing is completely useless get rid of that we got a normal crafting table and a wide crafting table literally side by side can we use our wide crafting table to make a sword i wonder what if we use the sword this direction let's do this and see if this works out come on look at how big this thing looks this is game breaking a wide sword this thing just gonna also be massive oh this is so big guys come here cow get over here come here come here get over here with my wide sword oh gosh okay just this thing yep drop that over there that is oh that looks ridiculous and i shouldn't have killed the cow we need to make a bucket that was the whole goal where's the cow don't get away from me i want 10 000 likes come here yeah i see you junior you ready for 10 000 has four legs and is made out of metal the chat has been spamming riddles this whole time guys if you have the answers to the riddles let me know in the comments give me another like potion gives the video 10 000 likes hold on if we get another 10 000 likes does that mean this video is gonna have 20 000 likes oh gosh here we go let's drink it down did it work no no no not the rain again not the rain again please no no no no how how in the world am i surviving take down some mutton and we wait out the storm okay okay we survived for the storm just take a little more food down the monsters are coming out though it's night time i don't think i can take it much longer in this world guys i think that's it for me it's too complicated it's too confusing massive swords creepers just take me out guys just take me out fellas i'm your what night vision this creeper just gave me night vision i got night vision and strength the creepers exploded and gave me a buff no way give me this get back here boom is it what does what am i missing what am i missing oh gosh another creeper another creeper oh my gosh wait a green buff this time what is that what is this buff jump boost as well okay get away the creepers are buffing me up but they're also doing loads of damage should i take the damage no no no no oh gosh there goes another one what is this what is this boost fire resistance every time these creepers blow up they're giving me some sort of buff what's this one going to give me red again this creeper gave us regeneration we're so buffed up right now okay run away run away oh no the excess fall damage guys this world is so random this might be the most random curse i've ever had in minecraft whoever did this all right you win guys something is definitely wrong inside this minecraft world right now i mean i'm actually in here for like half a second just getting started trying to do my thing i go over to get the uh the basics just want to get the basics no wood instantly drops me a pickaxe and this log also i don't know how many times you can do this and nothing is going to drop me an actual log the problem is of course this is somewhat beneficial the downside is i need to get a crafting table and it's going to be impossible for me to get a crafting table if every single wooden block is going to just drop me wooden items i've broken nine blocks so far and i have nine wooden items in my hot bar is there anything else that's changed up the grass doesn't drop anything unique what about the dirt okay here we go progress has been made i don't know why i'm so excited that's the most excited i've ever been for wooden blocks in my entire career in minecraft can you call playing minecraft a career let's see if we can get our planks on perfect this is progress folks this is progress let's get our crafting table crafted now wait a second a reverse crafting table what in the world are we gonna do with this oh no please tell me that this doesn't break minecraft fingers crossed guys click the like button right now so this does not break minecraft and also if you're not subscribed subscribe fingers crossed fingers crossed nothing nothing at all reverse crafting table you're telling me if i drop this in there wow how can we use this to our advantage that's how we're gonna get the sticks the problem is though we cannot craft the items back up again we can only like break them down there's gotta be some way for us to get a regular crafting table and we've got to figure that out but let me just grab a few more items on hand and we have got to find the ore that is going to give us what we need which means i've got to get some uh some food of course on hand sorry cal give me your guts there you go see you later wait a second steak what about the raw beef come here get over here every single one of these cows right now is dropping us steak we have 11 steak right now none of the animals are gonna i guess that doesn't really matter though it doesn't really matter if we can't drop anything raw we can just get all the cooked meat the real question is though if we place this cooked meat inside the reverse crafting table it gives us the raw beef and coal all of the material required to get the steak i don't know the benefit of this though i have a hunch that this is not what the reverse crafting table is for we have a village here i'm curious with these villagers what this man will trade a gold ingot and a diamond for a golden diamond okay so let's grab that and give him a gold ingot and he's going to give us a golden diamond in return how many of these do we need did i grab enough stuff cause we need ingots and we need diamonds i don't know how many of these we're gonna need for the next step we'll take two for now and stick with that let's see is there any other trades we can make we've got gold and diamonds guys that must be super valuable where's other villagers come here junior hold up wait a minute a regular crafting table 10 diamonds though okay reverse crafting table and 10 diamonds for a regular crafting table uh i still need the reverse crafting table wait that's easy to make though forget that i don't need that the regular crafting table is the prized possession okay we got that where'd that other villager go over there i found you play a game of hide and seek that's not what we're doing today yes iron stick okay guys my guess is we're going to use the iron stick in order to craft something with the gold diamonds and we need the regular crafting table in order to do so but we need iron ingot okay that gives us an iron stick let's go ahead and just do let's do all of these iron ingots we've got four iron sticks we can't make this trade anymore though you're not stocked up buddy the only recipe we can craft currently using the supplies that we have right now is this we got two diamonds and we have four iron sticks so the only recipe that we could really craft is going to be a sword a golden diamond sword iron stick two gold diamonds what guys we just crafted a not so regular sword 1 000 attack speed 1 000 attack damage and unbreakable i'm allergic to greatness 1 000 attack damage sword bye-bye sheep boom guys we could take down anything using this sword but more importantly what about if we tried to craft a pickaxe where did that first villager go because all we need is some more golden diamonds we need three more golden diamonds they're running from me they have the prized possession in all of minecraft and they're running away from me yeah yeah yeah yeah come here not you we already have the crafting table you oh three we need two we have to wait for you to restock no you ran out of supplies you animal also though i totally forgot to grab our crafting table where did i set it down literally the thing that matters the most in this world and oh there it is okay don't want to lose track of you buddy we need you i wait patiently for the villager to restock all righty we got our diamonds we have 10 golden diamonds and the prized very regular crafting table that just gave us the not so regular sword let's see if we can craft some armor with these diamonds oh we can't craft any pants we can craft the pickaxe though hopefully two iron sticks and oh this thing looks delicious a not so regular pickaxe what about boots let's get armored up before we before we go into the night no boots okay get r what about regular boots okay we can craft a regular set of diamond armor that's perfect we definitely want to have all this on hand we are fully set with the diamond armor and it's nighttime hide near the village near the light even though i really don't need to with these swords what does this pickaxe do we need to get some stone it's not gonna guys this pickaxe mines diamond from everything and look how fast it mines one break on literally everything and it's all diamonds coming from everything i'm getting the shivers right now just looking at the power that we have we've gone from not being able to craft anything to being able to mine diamonds from literally everything just don't mind a diamond from our crafting table because we absolutely need that that's very rare i feel somewhat fearless right now take our pickaxe into the stone literally diamonds everywhere if we switch back to our regular pickaxe though and we mine the same stone we just get cobblestone literally cobblestone to diamond and we got mobs coming out in the evening time but sayonara sucker literally so easy zombie coming after me boom one shot one kill this sword and this pickaxe are so overpowered i could be the defender of this village that saved us also though they definitely knew that the world was scuffed because they had the supplies to trade for the actual crafting table we needed they might be the ones that changed everything up on us aside from the point though get out of here zombie this has become my diamond farm in this minecraft world we can craft a portal out of any block that we want this dirt right here we are going to use this to craft a portal the main problem with this is that i have no idea what to expect all i know is that we're gonna be crafting portals out of every block in minecraft and we've gotta get eventually back to the regular minecraft world knowing absolutely nothing about where these portals are going to take us which means i got a solid workout in yesterday made sure i was totally prepared for the adventure and of course my muscles are looking extra large and ready to go after all this digging but before we dive into the first portal i want to make sure that we're totally prepared because i have absolutely no idea what to expect and i don't even know if we're gonna be able to craft inside these other portals so let's grab a few backup items in case we need them and with that said i say we go for it here we go we have a a total arsenal of wood all you need to survive in minecraft with mauri is wood because i'm an absolute pleb and uh you wouldn't face any danger going up against me let's get started with this first portal of course we have oh not there we've got to use the wood and we're going to lay it out like a usual portal which is what one two three four i think it's one more high this is our oh my goodness gracious somebody clear my throat this is our dirt portal right in front of us i am ready i have got the flint and steel out in my hands this portal is probably not as epic as we're making it out to be it's a dirt portal where could it lead honestly no idea here we go three two one light okay brown center honestly it looks kind of like a toilet this is the worst looking portal in all of minecraft that has ever been crafted but let's give it a shot and find out what's inside of it okay just lightly nervous as i slowly back up into the toilet portal here we go though let's jump inside three two one jump again and oh here it goes it's working it's working guys it is working what are we gonna see what are we gonna see oh my gosh all the mobs are dirt in a totally flat dirt world super low key this might be the most boring world ever explored in minecraft we could probably run in this direction so far and it's just dirt all the way around first thing to check though is can we crap probably get ourselves a shovel on hand because we you know we it's it's a dirt world so a shovel would probably be useful oh okay all the dirt you could ever want this is probably noob one two three four's favorite portal in the entire world i mean this is probably his favorite world in all of minecraft everything noob1234 could ever want is right here let's grab our crafting table because i don't want to lose that we'll keep that on hand i wonder if these mobs drop anything special other than just regular mob drops these cows look so funny it's kind of hard to tell at a glance which is which but that is definitely a sheep right there you have to look at their faces in order to tell anything else are there zombies or creepers or anything or is it just daylight out okay take the sheep down no food oh gosh i'm glad we got lightly prepared because none of these mobs are gonna drop food i don't think that was the sheep here's a cow come on get down all dirt what about a chicken all dirt as well all right we need to get out of this dirt dimension before we run out of food guys and the way we're going to do that is the only thing here that we can use in this entire dirt dimension the only stuff that's not dirt belongs to the villagers i have to say i am very sorry folks but i'm gonna take some of your cobblestone down because one step up from dirt is cobblestone and we're gonna head one level up in these dimensions and i honestly want to see if i can get enough to upgrade this pickaxe as well because this wooden pickaxe is uh not exactly the best thing to be using right now maybe i'll steal that torch in case we need that too take his bed i am just ravaging this in this villager's whole house going in and taking whatever i could possibly want from his house i mean he doesn't have that many valuables but you know it's valuable when your entire world is all dirt this is the most valuable i've ever felt cobblestone is in all of minecraft i've ravaged that man's house and now this man is also getting ravaged but i think we have enough now let's do a quick upgrade here with our pickaxe to stone and honestly let's just grab two of those so that we can have an extra one just in case the villager has a dirt head as well okay yep we need to get out of here i'd say let's collect dirt but i honestly don't think it's gonna be useful in any of the later dimensions cobblestone portal get this thing laid out light it up ooh the black portal entrance the villager's trying to leave as well but he didn't make it out all right well it's been nice knowing you all but cyan are suckers on to the next dimension upgrading one to cobblestone let's see what this stone dimension has to offer oh gosh okay get away get away no no no they're all attacking me though creepers get out of here oh okay um i need to get out i need to get away i need to get away right now do not come up here stay away from me guys back off i did nothing to you all right i'm trying to escape i don't want to stay in your dimension i just want to get out all right that worked this is a whole lot of ore and literally everything is coming after me let's see can we mine everything the ore we can mine it just fine we got the gold as well everything looks to be mineable so far we can grab everything just fine let's grab some coal here i need to slowly make my way across this without falling down to the mobs that want all of my guts down below right down there is my demise fairly strategic how we do this let's get ourselves a furnace set up all right let's make a few ingots so we can make some upgrades here this dimension is way better than the dirt dimension but it did take me a second to get my bearings when the mop started just bombarding us as soon as we came in all righty and a short upgrade while we're in the stone dimension perfect give us the diamond more diamond okay here we go i think we made it to the other side now without getting on to the mobs so that's a good situation for us to be in i want to capture as much as i can but i'm not really set to fight off a bunch of mobs we do however have enough diamond now to make a short upgrade let's do that and i want to see if i can get enough diamond very carefully so that we can also upgrade our sword because these dimensions i think are going to get harder and harder all right we've got enough diamond now get ourselves set up there and a little upgrade on that and we are fully upgraded to diamond now on the sword and the pickaxe of course there is loads of other diamond here but i'm a little nervous with the start of this dimension so i feel like the better thing to do is we need to get out of this dimension and find our way to the diamond dimension while there will be even more diamond that we can get after and in order to do that up from stone is gonna be of course iron so we've got to collect enough iron to get all the iron blocks to craft the next portal which might take just a fraction of a second because all the iron we've collected so far it's not even enough for one all right we just have one more block that we need we're waiting for a few more ingots to get smelted and while i'm at it why don't i grab this diamond that i see right there and pick that up so we keep that on hand okay light this portal up ooh i like the iron blocks on red portal enough sitting in this dimension there's diamond we're leaving behind but there will be more diamond eventually when we work our way up here we go in to the iron portal oh my gosh okay this is kind of like the dirt dimension but we've got loads of iron all the way around that we could pick up even these blocks of iron this would have been way useful to have instead of me going around and mining all that iron in the last portal but the iron mobs what do they drop come here you iron spider i wonder if he is stronger than a regular spider come on bring it on dude give me all your guts get over here buddy oh yeah come on one more keep oh finally we have regular items plus some iron tools we got an iron shovel from that man come on one more one more iron axe okay we have got gold seeing the gold here in this dimension makes me think the next portal we've gotta make is a gold portal but also it's going to be gold blocks oh we got some more adventuring to do but before we do that let's just appreciate i love the way this dimension is set up with the glass on top and the iron all underneath it has a super cool effect it looks completely like a regular minecraft world layout but obviously you can't go down into where the water otherwise would be because it's all iron there's no water in this world i mean iron and gold granted but the iron trees are a super cool effect to make it look like regular trees here's plenty of gold over here making our way over ooh a nice gold deposit here let's get this process started i didn't bring the furnace with us from the last world because i figured it wouldn't be useful but i am kind of hoping we have enough supplies with all this wood and coal in order to craft it's gonna be a close call guys let's just focus on one thing at a time right now and get all this gold oh gosh okay i'm a little nervous i'm getting a little sweaty i can feel myself burning up lightly underneath this sweatshirt right now we need two more golden blocks and we have enough in here in order to get all of it crafted and i think we're going to have just enough fuel in order to do it let's say sayonara to the iron mobs because uh i am sick and tired of the iron dimension i want to get to the good stuff guys which i think is going to be this gold portal right here this is our path to the higher echelon the stuff that the rich of the world don't want us to know about the bezos's the bill gates the people that keep all the secrets in their hands we're about to find out through this gold portal this is the path to diamond to riches beyond belief all right before i lose my mind let's just get through the dang portal get her placed right there good to go and lighter and the purple portal this one looks actually really cool all right let's head through and see what we see on to the secrets of the universe come on give it to us oh [Music] my word wait a second guys this dimension full of gold blocks in all directions for as far as you could see and the mobs check this out the mobs we have the dirt mobs from the dirt dimension we have the stone mobs from the stone dimension we have the iron mobs from the iron dimension this is the last dimension i think and our diamond tree right here i knew we were close to the secrets i'm gonna uncover it for you guys all right and then i'm gonna pass it along to you whatever is in this diamond dimension listen between you and i we're not gonna let the one percent find out that we have it it's our little secret and if this video doesn't go out or i disappear all of a sudden then then you'll know what happened the one percent found out that i found their dimension let's go straight to the diamond blocks this is what we've been waiting for almost there and maybe we'll grab a few extra because the riches are right in front of us just in case okay we'll go for extra let's get the whole tree let's get the whole tree i mean if you got diamond blocks sitting right there in front of you then you might as well just mine them all down because you never know when you're gonna find yourself a diamond block tree in minecraft all right we have a few more there but we'll leave some remnants so that hopefully in case someone tracks our path they'll think their tree's still there and they won't think that anyone mined it away let's get this portal crafted flint steel light it up gold perfect here it goes guys this is it right here click that like button and subscribe if you haven't already oh what wait what no no no no no no no it sent us back to the regular world start us off we got ourselves the camouflage house so that we can hide from anybody that wants to intrude on our space and we gotta get a little camo in order to make that happen we got oak leaves just like this then we've got the podzol the poodle podzilla place that around like this the oak sapling look at that camo color breaking out in the spruce store right in the center and that gives us our camo secret now we can run out and show off this entrance right here in the open space let's say we want to put our camouflage entrance right over here in this open patch of grass next to the horses and the pigs and the sheep place this thing down really easy back up to give it space to expand and the moment of truth is upon us folks camouflage house reveal your entrance boom looking at this from afar probably placing it in the middle of flat ground wasn't the best idea but these secret entrances are going to get better and better and better but let's see if there's any secrets inside oh we can enter there's camo on the walls love that and it goes actually really far down guys gotta be careful not to take any damage like i just didn't fall through the floor look at this opening inside we got a whole kitchen layout we've got a tv here some blue vines and there's some chests around up on the there's a second level in this thing guys oh my gosh it's spacious under here what do we have on this side some enchant tables more chess a book by anonymous there's some jumbled writing on this book oh my word literally the first secret entrance and we have some sort of code how do we decipher this we're gonna have to figure out a way that we can figure out what this says is there any hints laid out throughout this uh secret underground camo base anywhere crafting tables beds laid out there were some chests over here that we haven't looked in yet let's peek around the side here peek a boo nothing don't give up though when life gives you lemons you make lemonade guys we looked everywhere we went up top and we found the book but [Music] guys that wall right there says the the who the h-o-u is that an s the house in the sky carved in to the wall right there okay we gotta get to our second secret entrance because that one is gonna bring us up and that must be exactly where we decipher this book that we can't get anything out of right now i'm a little nervous for this one because when i was a kid i fell out of a tree once but we've got to figure out what's inside of this crazy book that we found by anonymous in order to craft this we need a spruce door again we need a redstone just below the door some oak logs on either side and like a tree style in old tree fashion keeping it original here oak leaves across the top and that gives us our secret tree similar to the mound here that we get inside of probably not the best place to place this tree down uh but you know you could use this wherever you guys see most fit drop it there on the ground back up to give it space i have no idea how big this tree is going to be hopefully not so big it squishes me over here rise from the ground plant that seed and throw it into a huge oak tree oh my gosh okay we almost literally crushed everything over here but there is this massive tree that formed in the center more importantly though is these little trees that came along the outside here we can see on this tree to the left of the main oak tree there is no entrance here all the way around completely cut off however if we go to the piece of dirt next to this tree on the side and we can see there's a little button down there click that button and we open up the center of our massive oak which i'm sure we're going to be able to decipher this book up at the top oh my gosh it's kind of chilly in here someone leave the ac on chess but nothing in these chests as usual they're usually empty when we first open it up we gotta store our secret stuff in here folks we can climb the blue vine like was on the side of the wall in the bunker all the way up to the top of this oak tree and where is the decipher machine there's books this is a good hint the books are here the knowledge is with us there's an enchant table some furnaces very carefully using the furnaces amongst all the leaves you wouldn't want anything bad to happen over here in a chest here oh no it says decipher machine was stolen they ran into the water hold on grab these these could be hints no other hints laid out nothing in the furnaces at all and there's an anvil i think this is useless guys aside from the main entrance the decipher machine has been taken we got to go back down and figure out where we can find the new decipher machine we've got the two hints here one of them says decipher machine stolen that one's just obvious it was supposed to be in the treehouse but it's not this one says they ran into the water our third secret entrance is a waterfall entrance it must be in the waterfall head back and build out our waterfall entrance we are finally going to find out what this book deciphers into guys and this is a waterfall entrance which means we actually have to have flowing water from top to bottom and then place stone around with the grass blocks like you would see in a hillside grass on top stone below the iron door and the button which we're going to need and that gives us the secret waterfall quickly search out the best spot to place this down because on top of deciphering this book guys i also just want to show you how cool this waterfall entrance actually is i've never had a secret waterfall anywhere in my life i i do want to have one though and this is finally my chance at doing it grab the waterfall place it down okay back up backup safety water could start spilling everywhere watch out cheap please get all the way you're gonna you guys are gonna get stuck in the waterfall you guys are gonna get stuck at the waterfall massive waterfall spawn up look at this is actually so good okay of all of them so far i would build out this stone a little bit more so the door's a little more hidden but it does look really really really sweet because you have all the trees that spawn around the side here and this mound of dirt that you could hide in a hillside anywhere and a casual looking just your local bath your local nature bath but behind it hides the secrets of this entrance go around the side jump onto the stone get from there onto the block and then the button which i couldn't find is right here on the wall press that and we oh hey don't close on me press the button and sneak in oh my gosh we've got bunk beds out here chess keep our seeds there cause we don't need those anymore chest nothing there wait a second security protocol required we have opened the doorway behind the computer keeping on our security protocol let's go inside and we've got diamond everywhere hold on is there anything back here one of these chests has to have a pickaxe for us any one of them nothing empty empty the last one is the lucky charm don't ever give up guys you gotta go on press forward diamond pickaxe okay uh just casually gonna go back in here and mine some of this diamond yep thank you very much and we found the decipher machine place our book right now we cannot tell what's inside this book at all place it on there anything gonna happen take it off secret code five two nine four and now we have it deciphered and we can keep it on hand we don't even need the decipher machine anymore i've gotta figure out which one of these next secret entrances is going to require this deciphered code that reads 5294 in my guesses it might be the very next one because we need a book and quill for that we're going to craft a secret villager house using redstone the oak door oak logs and cobblestone across the top just like a villager house would be but this thing is not your ordinary villager house guys you could hide a lot of secret treasure down here casually place a random villager house in the middle of nowhere let that thing poof up i recommend placing it in a village but this is just for entertainment purposes and for the display of the secret entrance wait for that villager house to spawn and once it does we can go inside the villager house and there is a chest in the villager house that this thing looks like a normal chest nothing suspicious about this house at all however if we open up the chest and we take our book and quilt and we place the book and quill inside the chest then instantly we get the opening right here now where do we place our secret code maybe it's down beneath let's go in to the entrance and we now have diamond emerald diamond blocks oh my gosh and we've got tools in here oh this is huge guys this is huge and on this side we have netherrite ingots this is perfect to place all sorts of stuff down here like your netherride ingredients and your diamond blocks because nobody's going to think that you need to place a book and quilt in the chest in order to open up the secret entrance and just to show you guys that this only works with the book and quilt because you might be thinking just place anything in the chest no way you cannot get into this entrance unless you have a book at quill book it quill there secret entrance open book and cool out secret entrance closed place in let's say a block of diamond nothing no opening take that block of dime out try a steak no opening take the steak out place the book and quill in secret entrance open but that's enough getting distracted that ore down there makes me think that we need to go into the cave to use the secret code and to do that we're gonna be crafting our miners secret entrance now forewarning you cannot get into this secret entrance unless you are a miner and pretty advanced because you are going to need a diamond ore we're gonna place an iron door in the center place stone across the bottom and surround it with cobblestone across the top and that gives us our miners secret now we gotta find a cave to get into and it looks like there's one over here perfect and we can head down into this cave take out our minor secret place it down and let this thing spawn inside of a cave and once this thing has spawned inside it looks very normal nothing too suspicious going on but this one block sticking out here if we place diamond ore on top of it it breaks down the whole wall and we get inside all of this ore and we get a netherright pickaxe with silk touch and loads of silk touch enchants already inside oh my gosh okay um yep grab a few more of those so that i can use them again in the future to get back inside uh don't mind me will i go around is there anything that's requiring our code here though we still have this book we'll hold on to this don't let this go our secret miners entrance but we gotta figure out where this book belongs and i've got just two more secret ideas that might use this book the first one is going to be a suspicious door and this one's kind of funny so check this out guys we're gonna put redstone in the center place a ladder down below and an oak door on top and then we just need a grass block on either side which we can get using our silk touch and then stone next to that and we get our suspicious door even just holding this door is highly suspect now literally what we do with this door is place it down and we could place it down in replacement of a door on a house or something but we can also just place this door literally anywhere place this door down and when we open it up it opens the block behind it check it out block closed open it up block open closed no gap open it up block available it's like some sort of houdini magic we can go down now in here let's find out where this code goes guys i'm still on a mission i'm getting distracted but i'm on a mission red carpeting beautiful beautiful base down here and around the side a dining table for friends in a ender chest anything in there i don't want to place our deciphered code in there that seems a little bit sketchy anything on the chess crafting table still no code we've got a magical door up top but still no code requirements anywhere in this oh my gosh okay it must be the last secret where we require the code guys and that is our secret wall open the crafting table up just redstone in the center and we surround it with stone buttons all the way around oh i could tell just by looking at the icon this is where our deciphered book is going to be used place down the code wall oh i cannot wait to see what's inside here guys find ourselves a spot to place it down i don't want to interrupt the tree fort or the suspicious base i mean the regular village house the suspicious door close that off don't let anybody find out that there's an entrance down there let's place down our wall right here clear the grass get out of the way get out of the way this book is about to be put to good use five two nine four guys do not forget we've got the pin pad there we've got the pin pad here and the numbers there one two three four five six and this was five two nine four okay so five is the middle one two's top center nine is corner and four is left side a passage has opened atop the mound we've got the whole opening up here we can go inside oh my gosh look at this entrance guys this is the ultimate bachelor pad you can hang out here with all of your friends invite them over there's a hot tub like a hot springs over here chests are empty so we can store some of our blocks of diamond and diamond and diamond ore in there we've got a huge tv room here oh the ultimate football day down here guys and oh this bed looks so comfortable i could just jump at this bed right now and just go to sleep without even thinking about it instantly fall asleep we successfully deciphered the code and got in to one of the best bases so serene so comfortable hot springs bed tv room let me know down in the comment section guys which secret entrance is your favorite secret entrance of them all and if you like that suspicious door or not that's your brain right there annihilated so uh just don't do anything crazy when i tell you all these secrets i am not touching anything right now because this world is definitely glitched i don't know if some bug happened or what's going on but there was some crazy stuff and i want to leave it as is so i could show you guys behind this dirt here i have got a cow trapped and underneath the cow there is chest because if i can get a cow to stand on top of the chest and then just so he doesn't fly out when i hit him block it up a little more i'm gonna whack this cow and kill him over the chest just find the right chest that he was over the whole chest full of stacks of steak that is 64 stacks of steaks folks truly the most difficult piece of this whole glitch is actually getting the cow trapped so that you can place the chest underneath him because it can be fairly difficult to grab the chest and then go to the cow and try to get him to walk on it hey go this way buddy come on run that way no over the chest did he get close enough no we didn't get him we didn't get him we didn't get him we could try placing it right nearby get him one whack down wait for him to calm down calm down buddy and then the moment of truth as fast as we can wait don't move don't move don't move place it down whack him [Music] point being trap the cow first but once you do have him trapped which can take a minute it can take a minute you got steaks for days our second glitch is also going to be a way for us to get unlimited food but it's a little bit more complicated and we already have plenty of food but we're going to need the silk touch enchant and a pickaxe just quickly put those together here next to these pigs and then go after the pig with the silk touch enchant we're going to get ourselves a pig spawn egg now this is the difficult part but i'm just going to show you what it looks like when you do achieve it if we've got levitation on and we're in the water we can get up and actually spawn the pig on top of the water and the pig will float above the water and be able to walk around though they sometimes have trouble walking around on top of the water but it gets better than that as long as i can i gotta wait for my levitation to go away but once it's cleared i can go to this pig and take him out and he will continuously spawn pork chops right on top of the water like this that we could sit right on top of at the site of death or murder depending on how you look at it and we can just keep racking up pork chops for free we could sit here all day we'll sit here through the night and just collect pork chops and see what we get maybe we don't really need to given the fact that we currently have unlimited steak i am extremely excited about this third glitch though folks get somewhere secret so nobody sees back it up slowly we're gonna place this chest down near a body of water i have no idea why that works but place it down near a body of water next to a tree and fill this chest with items let's say we have diamond or a diamond chest plate for now we can just do the stakes then i'm gonna take my silk touch pickaxe still you can see silk touch right there super important doesn't work unless you got that and then mine this chest down watch right here two chests pick them both up place them down and we have duplicated our steak and we can push this extremely far let's put the steaks back in there we got our second stack here let's throw a diamond chest plate in there a diamond and an iron ingot and why not just toss this egg and dirt that i happen to have on hand in there as well and then use the fake axe again mine it down pick up these two chests and you could see one there one over here this one all of the items and scan slowly over all the items and we can pull it back down into our inventory on both sides just like that and duplicate everything we could even throw it back in there again and just duplicate the same items again really quick this gets multiplied it's exponential pick those up place them down exponential effect right there boom you saw it here folks more diamond more diamond more diamond more diamond go again again and just like that we turned our one diamond chest plate and four diamonds into eight diamonds and diamond chest plates one two three four five six seven eight diamond chest plates i guess i could i didn't have to count them out if it's eight diamonds it's gonna be eight chess plays as well they were both being duplicated at the same time we could quickly craft a crafting table though let's say place this down build ourselves a diamond block and then we could go back into this chest and put that diamond block in there and those diamonds and duplicate the diamond block we could slowly get oh my goodness this is way too powerful i didn't even think about this we can just duplicate diamond blocks and it would be exponential the diamond blocks that we could have more diamond blocks let's add a third one really fast since we got double the diamonds okay i'm getting a little carried away i gotta be honest i'm getting a little carried away i'm just excited about this and we just turned those three into six this is ridiculous this is ridiculous technically speaking the pig glitch is two so i think i said that last one was three the chest thing but it's really four and this is number five oh what a boring explanation of what's going on here all right if you like boring explanations then click the subscribe button and that like button we used the silk touch and the chest hack to get 64 diamond ores but we can get even higher than that more than 64 in one stack don't believe it's possible i'm telling you i mean obviously i'm gonna show you so there you go quickly get ourselves a furnace place this furnace down and we're gonna drop these diamond ore in the furnace and let those start burning down into diamonds and while this is burning we're going to quickly grab ourselves an iron pickaxe and some more diamond ore we got nine here still left from this hack and we're gonna put this in there not a hack a glitch and we're just gonna add the diamonds slowly to the stack and then whenever we want using an iron pickaxe not the silk touch we can mine the furnace down and look at this and we've got ourselves a stack of 73 diamonds 73 diamonds you can't you can't you can't find that anywhere else i mean it's a lot of work for just a few more diamonds on hand but i i guess it optimizes your stacks for our sixth glitch i want to show you this because it can be extremely useful to show you i'm a little closer to shore but it would be probably most useful when you're stuck in the depths of the sea sometimes obviously you could see running out of oxygen way too bad don't want to run out of oxygen but if we find some valuables under water and we need time to mine them and bring them back to the surface definitely not this iron we could place a chest open the chest up and drop a potion of water breathing in there and it actually gives us water breathing you can see the water breathing is not going to go anywhere leave the water and then we'll lose the water breathing it's gone now but any time we go down under water again if we go to our chest and open it up currently losing oxygen open up our chest boom done water breathing iron ore i could be here for forever mining you buddy definitely use this on something more valuable than iron ore and any time we need to transfer it we can of course take our potion of water breathing out mine our chest back down and take it let's say our friend is stuck underneath the sea somewhere mining for buried treasure himself but he says yo barry i'm running out of oxygen buddy i need some help no worries got the chest and the water breathing potion on the way for our last glitch we are at a village in the night and we just gotta wait for these villagers to get into their homes go to sleep folks go to sleep hey i see you through the window there buddy y'all are tired it's been a long day of trading get in there and go to bed i showed you guys one previously before all these zombies come around close that out all right no more zombies coming in all right we got ourselves a villager that has gone to bed i showed you guys a previous glitch with villager sleeping but there is this other one that happens and i'm hoping we get it here if we wake these villagers up i'm hoping i have the time right all the shenanigans has stopped villagers have gone to bed we can wake them up and these villagers will actually drop their diamonds go over eyes are still open but i'm just gonna wake him up and right there we got it a stack of 64 emeralds i said diamonds i meant emeralds they don't drop the diamonds we can duplicate the diamonds but we can get them to drop emeralds and if he goes back to bed literally wake him up again more emeralds wait for him to go back to sleep come on buddy go back to bed wake him up more emeralds we could repeat this for unlimited emeralds question is it maybe the biome that you're in but regardless let me know in the comment section down below which of these seven glitches is your favorite and in the meantime i'm gonna save the files for this world lock them in a vault where nobody can see them or find them or take them i've never been able to see this before [Music]
Channel: Bahri
Views: 2,497,693
Rating: 4.8986616 out of 5
Keywords: cursed, confusion, crafting, minecraft, cursed minecraft, minecraft confusion, crafting confusion, cursed crafting, tall crafting, wide crafting, cursed portal, cursed blocks, minecraft curse, bahri, bahri minecraft
Id: DwLj_g5l0KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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