Minecraft but every item is random... (wisp face reveal)

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I think I should just stick to what I'm used to regular minecraft is that useful to me I have no IDE what let me see what spring is like on ladies and gents [Music] okay well chat we're finally here okay we are going to be completing minecraft with randomized items okay and I'm gonna be here until I complete it that's what you need to know I then proceeded by creating the world and the randomized loot data pack random items II Z P Z I obviously wanted to make it truly random because if I'm gonna be doing this I'm gonna do it right right here we are we've got it we're loading it up it's random we're completely ready for this I'm set now but we've done it guys we've completely done it look so now everything should be random yeah we go that's good we get food from flowers alright I was worried about finding food and we get some easy blocks can we break this with our fists no okay right well now it's just all about experimenting and seeing why I can find so come on Kane or what what what's happening right now okay well we can't die I mean it's not hardcore but still at least now it's gonna be pretty hard for us to die what do you get from sand but what are these fancy looking blocks okay with the skulls all right we can spawn the wither and fence all right this is just oh my goodness know what let's let's beat up this chicken let's do it I basically need to require some weapons as quickly as possible I can't believe that I don't need all of these totems of on buying oh come on what's a pig give me give me something just a plant pot what and that gives me nothing right and so does that Alright against scammed it's fine we've just got it all my goodness just so much rubbish although sand please give me something good please and yeah nothing just wasted my life oh what got loaded potatoes we've got a load of stuff from that one thing snowball snowballs I know are good for gang in the end so okay this is good I don't want a prisoner in wall of our leaves leaves give me anything what is this Oh shocker box let's collect a couple of shocker boxes just so when we set up our base we've got some storage dolma I'd have not thought this through this is gonna why does a horse give me nothing what about roses roses give me nothing why is the stuff given me nothing oh that's a ship okay so apparently plant pots with a flower in or a different loot table yes he was right and then that gives me it does give me something was this giving me nothing so ultimately everything just leads to nothing and I'm lonely let's put that in there break it Oh stare yes we can definitely break that never walk block oh yes would yes we've actually found it we found the source what was that I broke slowly but surely it's working oh my goodness look at that we have sticks and we have a crafting table I can't actually do anything though because I can't make an emerald pickaxe can I Cal please I'm relying nope what I'm relying on you to give me something just uh give me would that be so helpful oh it actually did right so if we place this crafting table down we need to remember that we then can't pick it up again but once I've killed all these cows they're gone forever I'm getting better at this already so we just Isle of shrooms oh man this is gonna take forever Oh what what what these drops are these like oh I feel like this is a monster spawner chest oh yeah we get all gold hello emeralds love that don't need them for anything but I mean if we find villages and we can trade and it's almost I've just realized it's almost nighttime isn't it oh it is nighttime oh let's see what a spider drops come on let's do it won't try and kill me do it a day dad mmm I don't know if I'm keen on this you know I think I should just stick to what I'm used to regular minecraft Oh skeleton come in oh no no no no every Donna died come on come on come on look hmm what no way skeletons drop blaze rods wait blaze rods are half the thing I need to complete the game if I find what drops enderpearls now I am set there's another one oh my goodness no no I don't want die what about a creeper what do you drop no no no no no gone gone gone what do you drop oh is that useful to me I have no IDE what and you drop carpet and then soul sad oh dear Lord that's uh I'm one hot one one hot I can I can I can spawn the wither you're right I actually can I'm not very good at this you know I'm just gonna run I'm just gonna run I have to 2,000 years later right I'm making a bed just so that I've actually got somewhere to return to it's brown it's ugly it's dirty I don't care but at least that way the night is gone right now that we've got a bed I feel like we've just got a place down one schalke box and then we can store some of this stuff in now we finally got a pickaxe we can actually check what stuff does like in mine here we are going what do you give me what are you no way you give me nothing you're useless I hate you what about you what do you give me you give me a stair what does a stair give me all right what about you oh nothing oh it's a tortoise and a killer and he dropped nothing I just killed a - I just got a turtle for no reason Oh scaffolding from kelp hmm oh my goodness yes we just fat we just hit the jackpot so much wood oh yeah it's giving me tools as well what is this what even is this I'll look at all these look all these village chess these are all village chess every single one of these drops apparently it's a starter chess that's why you get all the tools all right that makes a lot more sense I'm gonna kill the squid what does the squid give me let me know absolutely nothing I'm just killing defenseless animals right now well these copper can't get me am i right that's uh oh my goodness we've got plenty of sticks I feel like we're set with all of this stuff now all so now we can actually set up somewhere to live so the mobs can't get me a night you guys ready to see my amazing designing skills in Minecraft people will call it boxy but they'd understand look at this you see the blend they see the way that really smoothly fades into the next color you might as well be watching Grand Designs if I'm honest I'm gonna make it nice and high you know we're a tool minecraft man we need that headspace Oh er balcony and actually whilst we're at it let's check what a door gives us alright you know what I've realized is I need more wool cuz this beds in a really bad place I've got to change it why she asked good point what do we get from these just more rubbish Oh so from planks we get a load of chicken stuff how much to burn the house down you know what Rev I'm not gonna burn my house down you guys are really cruel look I think though when you guys actually appreciate what's goin on here this genuinely is an Art Deco building oh you can bounce on the bed don't tell my mom we're gonna go kill some skeletons for some blaze rod so I'd have to do it later no literally no one asked for your opinion zombies okay where I've got enough wither skeletons to have my own family of wither skeletons I'm just gonna keep going until it's daytime because I'm need a lobbies later I reckon oh why is it lagging it's a single-player world right what did this give me I can't remember but we're gonna check oh yeah forgot about that loads of cool Chocolat let's go God Apple that's what I like to see spiders that's an ultimate pod right there as an ultimate POG okay ladies and gentle beans I don't know where I was going with that ah okay we've got four blaze rods now we need to keep on going come on come on before it's daytime wear some more skellies go easy oh you suck on another God Apple please it's not too much to ask really oh maybe it is no no no no no oh we got Eiling us yes so spiders and skeletons are the endgame right now after years of breaking blocks over and over the impossible happened uh what haven't I checked Oh clay completely forgot about clay why does everything give me nothing wait wait what let's go let's go let's go oh my goodness okay babycakes okay babycakes wait guys we can literally find the we can literally find the EM portal already as soon as I find more clay I've literally been streaming for 47 minutes and we were with it no I'm action I'm actually speechless I don't think we need to do anything up let me actually just check what's in this shipwreck over here please please please give me something good from this chest just nice and easy guys I'm gonna teach you the best saying anyone has ever taught me in my life okay it's a genuine icebreaker so if ever you need to break the ISIS what you can say okay you walk in you're a party you don't know anyone and you walk up to the first person you see man or woman doesn't matter you walk up to them and you say how much does a polar bear weigh they say what he's talking about say I don't know enough to break the ice come on tender ball come on under pole oh yeah there we are oh my goodness oh my goodness and apart guys were actually gonna be able to go to the end so soon guys to be honest I say I just keep on trying to do it right that's all I have to do I just take a load of totems and I just keep on trying to defeat the Ender Dragon I can just put a bed outside the portal right Oh yep okay six ender poles so far we're gonna need more than that as my bet oh yeah look at that oh my game they're just dropping like wow so many under poles from that and we've got 13 and the pulse and it's turning to night time so we can get more blaze rods from skeletons I've got to make sure I've got plenty to actually open the portal and then some to save my life and some that can just disappear right okay we've got a stack and a tender pause that's definitely enough okay I'm good now it's time to kill as many skellies as possible I need you to treat me like a princess guys or an Enderman so you see what an Enderman actually draw I looked at it I looked at I dear Lord it's fast yes tons of skeletons I can create you out hopefully he just did a 360 voices dancing on ice on Minecraft I understand right we've done it we've got everything I just need to somehow get more armor with my dead bushes please yes uh no just a gap I'm gonna be so bad at killing ass ender dragon just saying guys some people do this without armor on and that could not be me no idea how they do that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get the ender dragon low with the Bed Stuy make by breaking them or wide yeah if I blowing them up and then I'm just gonna hope for the best and hope I can kill it with a bow that's I feel like that's fair enough right that's all I can do right yeah you know it should be enough totems I've just got to get back to the base I can't believe I've lost the base or enchanted book looting - that's rubbish one earth am I gonna use hoes for you know what I might actually have to do is just go for it make myself some gold armor look at me now I'm riches right let's just fill my inventory up with totems of undying we've got the eye of Enders we don't need the emeralds what we do need is some beds I'll probably do me right let's I hope right come on I need arrows here we are right this should pass on almost three stacks yep I'll take that that's almost three stacks I'm happy I say we just go searching guys I say we do it let's do it haha pogchamp guys everyone ready for me to defeat the Ender Dragon somehow wow I just said that and I had absolutely no faith that I could actually do it all I have to do is not fall into the void because if you fall into the void it's gone you can't save yourself I think we've got enough totems I think we're set on the totems guys I think we are and thus I was swayed onto the longest Minecraft journey I think I have ever taken let me see what spring is like gone what is that what is a loom ah see now I'm scared to use any more of these because what there's none in the portal why'd you all come for me at once all the bony guys to blaze rods that's for our vendors there we are more eye vendors that's all I needed 15 that should do me oh yeah my bucket oh no this is like when you drop your phone in the pool and everyone hates you because you're holding the queue up it's still this way chat I'm sorry I'm sorry it's not up to me it's up to the Enderdragon whether he wants to fight or not I've just realized even if we find some chess in here they're not gonna be able to give me anything um no oh yes guys we're here we're here no no no get out of my way loser it's somewhere here that went straight down oh yeah see counters at 13 that means there's something there we've done it we've done it Oh straight onto a library I've got to check the chest I'm sorry it's in my nature and it's oh wait this is glitched it should be a drop that gives me this stuff that should be that's a temple chest oh you see I know my stuff I'm not just an ugly face obviously you guys wouldn't know come on please don't make me spend ages looking for oh I'm gonna find out at some point oh it's gonna make me spend ages isn't it a thousand yeah spit you haven't done a complete oh right brake brake brake brake brake brake plugs in the chat everyone pogs in the chat we make a chest so that I can save all my stuff here I just need a bed here all right we're gonna sleep so that we can save the spawn right now if we die this is where we're coming - hello honey I left some snacks for you on the kitchen counter be safe at school right I'm just getting these blocks now uh man okay the pickaxe is so gonna break but we've just got to do it all right guys we've just got to do it boom boom boom boom oh my god oh my that's so harrowing that's terrifying oh you know what I'll just write winner-winner okay okay I need to not look at any Enderman at all ever that's the plan I'm so gonna look at an Enderman as one what it does to as three oh this is so terrifying why do I wish I had a pumpkin yeah you know what let's just let's go up here the safe way ah okay I'm gonna get all the blocked off ones first cuz I can get the others later yeah blow out then even need to go up that one okay we've called a blocked-off once we've got him ah why are you on me Oh No oh my oh god oh god oh no no no no oh my goodness stay in the water stay in the water stay safe come on babycakes come on babycakes hey shot you stupid minecraft man yeah we're good good stuff you're a good minecraft I'm sorry I'm so rude this is not safe don't try this at home it never stops oh no no no no well that stuff still there back through well okay okay okay all my stuff is still there guys don't worry absent shouts in chat you're fine if anything just made me happier right dude I need you to heal one more time just so I can see where your heel pillows off where is it is that like em all are you that bad oh oh oh oh my god I play you HC get in the bin that's just that one that's the only one left y'all know I casually start shooting him I need you to actually can you please just cooperate got a look at this like a regular PvP locked up Omni a cap better safe than sorry okay daggoo Spector yeah yes so I need him to swoop down at me and then we're gonna right-click this bed come on buddy yeah here we are right here right here yes that did nothing after barely any of his health right so that's what we've got to wait for that's all we've gotta wait for Rama save the rest of my arrows cuz I haven't got that many more humm the winds will ease a bit lower no no no oh my goodness no oh dang it here we are this one's gonna do big damage okay do that do that did nothing - barely anything going on khmer khmer khmer yeah yeah we all I did some that did some I'll take it so now we stay away from the bed until he comes down does his tinkling OH how are you still hitting me I have a pumpkin you what what the fine it's fine we're good we're fine and I just need you to come straight for me here it's right for me we all did all right oh Jesus the last bed is going down yes okay good that was a really good one guys we've done it we've got this we've got this guy's we're gonna actually do this oh my goodness okay come in man come here no no no no you know what I'm gonna need to go oh I know where my stuff is I think holy smokes we've got this we've got this yes come on bugs in the chat pogs in the chat oh my goodness guys we did it we did it oh my goodness we did it we actually did we just completed minecraft with randomized drops ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna eat my god Apple is the first time I've ever completed a challenge on switch we're doing this into the credits oh yes guys you know that means right honey a moment any a moment ladies and gents this is me hello I'm wisp how's everyone doing I'm here this is a so this is what I look like I'm wisp I don't know I don't know what I'm doing okay I'm done with this I'm done with this I love you guys
Channel: Wisp
Views: 5,419,818
Rating: 4.9266062 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, uhc but every drop is random, minecraft texture pack, hypixel, minecraft mod, minecraft uhc, stream highlights, wisp, face reveal, wisp face reveal, minecraft but every drop is random, mine craft, random items, item randomizer, randomized, random, drops, item, speed run, randomizer, minecraft randomizer, minecraft but every item is random
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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