Minecraft, But Composters Give OP Loot...

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welcome to minecraft manhunt but composters give opie loot in this video i had two friends yellow wool and bubble hunt me down before i could beat the inner dragon but the twist was that whenever i fill a composter with plants and it fills up to the top it will give me lp loot i'm actually glad i didn't pick more than two hunters for this video because they managed to figure out the twist pretty early on which made this more intense than it should have been also we recently passed 150k subscribers and we're already almost at 160k which means that we're getting closer to 200k really fast so if you want to be a part of before the 200k gang please make sure to join as soon as possible and leave a like to help me beat the youtube algorithm enjoy the video it doesn't matter yeah there's like a specific minecraft thing that changes it to borderless instead let's go what up my guy i got you oh oh where is it oh my god bubble get a chest what's in it i don't know yellow i didn't mean to i didn't i thought you were bruce i didn't mean to i didn't mean to well it's a village idiot and his name is christopher oh he knows what chess he's going in dude i'm sorry dude yeah i know how to rob villages don't worry about me dude the freak don't worry about it we'll get the food get the food bubble get the food i did it i swear i saw some okay come then yeah you did yeah you did yeah you did yeah yeah i annoyed it what the [ __ ] you said oh you've got a hat why didn't you don't pull that out oh my god oh great i see i am in the worst place i can't get it what's the freak oh i can't run oh no i can't i need the dirt to drop dirt please [Music] i have to break freaking stone with my fist oh my god that's where i can hear you up there go away this is funny go away go away i'm not even there i can hear you moving i'm not even moving [Music] wait i am moving what do you mean i'm just not above you i told you i'm not above you freaking oh freaking dick yes oh okay did you get the blacksmith bubble there was no blacksmith oh but there was you just didn't see oh but there wasn't that no your lines oh but that's cap wait what don't worry he's just capping he's he's cat okay okay sorry go away sorry i'll go away is it the village against me but i got a plan oh oh frick oh freak i don't have enough blocks bubble i wanted yeah it doesn't uh just keep running just don't let it hit you i got it i got it all right go for it i got it i got a plan bubble so just let me let me kill it and let me take the iron because i've got i've got a plan i'll call you guys have a plan all right i've got a plan i've got a plan okay i think it'll work okay uh right i just are you there for something he's got a hearing disorder got hearing disorder yo cow go there go there please right cow captain [Music] i'm gonna get some stone yeah i please do i don't have any stone i think it is i think it is oh he's already got set up okay that works whatever will i do we might have time what if what if the the twist just like instantly gives him everything oh yeah you're right what if yeah what if guys oh shut the freak up you know it doesn't there's a there's a green villager that can't learn a job it's the village idiot okay but there's a name for i can't remember the name of it [Music] and wait what what's going on what was he under there i didn't even see him no he jumped down but i don't know where he came from he came from a woman i guess oh baby oh thank you for the beds by the way those are very nice thank you for the beds ah shut up [Music] bubbles i wonder if that works oh i hear you my name by the way brian why why what nope you're not getting my stuff wow that's so mean actually i burnt all my stuff i brought all my stuff before i mean bubble it's fine why does this zombie villager have a monocle is that my texture pack this this zombie villager has a moniker but that might be my texture pack wait let me see i don't know i'm near the spawn i think cartography is much bigger than you think it is i think it's the superman he's smelling something something smells something smells something smells or or hear me out hear me out he could just be smelty or or no no hear me out hear me out i am drinking lava shut up i forgot man that's fine wait that's not even that guy that was that's in a cutout video isn't it yeah yeah it is that what a shame what a shame oh i almost went in get in [Music] yeah he's doing it oh i don't know it's nighttime up here whisper hey best friend you want to be the coolest guy ever and sleep in one of those beds and we can do the same okay yeah yeah i can sleep next to the record okay go go go go go go go go go go go okay sleeping sleeping sleeping a creeper just blew up my bed hold on oh my god did you walk away i need to [ __ ] i want one heart you know what i'm not gonna say go go i'm in a minute sleep don't say anything don't say anything [Music] armor is that it but i mean diamonds yeah you got diamond armor whisper you should care like you think people care about it oh i've never cared that's why i was in high school theater yeah my man let's go i wasn't was in a choir when i was seven not seven when i was like 13 14. my high school was like 20 people big so like we didn't have stuff like that anyway oh baby let's go yeah there's no twist definitely when i was walking around with diamond armor without getting caught yellow i didn't see you so you know oh you don't trust me no i mean i just didn't see you walking around with diamond armor so you think you think i can activate twists that's not what you're saying do you think i can upgrade twice yep i think i can twist can you whip it can you name it oh okay yellow we can't be friendly what do you mean why why did you ask me that i asked you what if i can whip it [Music] i no longer associate with yellow wool as i tweeted out him [Music] what what i think i was you were right about the false trail by the way why i did it work hold on hold on no i did it i got you i got you hold on right where are you bubba i'm uh what's the village go to the village here's the village right we need we need to iron oh you need it for the for the smithing table it's not what you're doing bro don't even talk right now okay i've got something in my head and i know it's gonna work okay are you guys not even stacking up so i can just come and kill you right now shut the freak up no you can't come and kill us leave us freak alone okay sorry i don't know what's happening i'm not on the bottom fight iron fight me too i'm fine please yellow how do i make a smoker uh it's four logs uh around the furnace are you guys just trying out every single workstation shut up shut up for a second no i i just desperately needed food all right guys just trying out every single workstation freak out okay sorry sorry sorry sorry blacksmith blacks dude dude dude bruce listen this is absolutely none of your business because i've already figured out what you're trying [Music] don't waste your time on the smithing table it's not working no no no no no no what if i step up just stop talking just stop okay it is the smithing table is this moving stop talking the smithing table this is this is this is this is this one you got iron yet no i'm still cooking food yellow okay okay okay it is a smithing table this is the thing there's this missing table yellow it's a smithing table he just said it but i have a ton of food as well it's fine it's all good there's the smithing table i promise dude i know what it is okay what is it what is it what is it no it's a smoothie shut up no it isn't no priest i can't even eat this stuff raw because there's so much of it that's what she said oh that was a good one that was a good one hey bubba where are you at wait i bought your smokers bubble [Applause] i hardly know her god i'm on one today oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm on one today oh my god yellow oh my god hanging out two jokes like that in a row jesus no but where are you where are you i'm coming that's what she said oh my god we're so good at this so in sync this is her this is painful this is actually painful all right bubba i'm gonna test it because i have some right look this if this fails oh there's all you oh yes oh my god he's a genius he's a genius ladies and gentlemen what works yellow wool is a genius ladies and gentlemen what do you mean look at this here take half of that smithich was literally not what's supposed to give opie loots well i don't know what to tell you dude man says buggin [Laughter] no no okay bubba we need to run we need to run he's he's gonna come bubba we need to go we need to leave now because he's trying to find us now you guys just got the portal okay oh he's there he's there run run run uh there was an arrow from that skeleton stuck in the tree that's a rare drop yeah we really need to go has he he's not going to the nether by the way what's up boys oh well you're dead bubble run oh yeah i survived a lot longer than you expected probably frankie sees me freaky sees me [Music] i'm going to the nether i'm going to the freaking nether bubble go to the nether bubble i've been compromised what's up boys have a run bubble run bubble run yo yellow [Music] you have no need to kill us oh he's just gonna blow up my stuff why yes why only be the dick man bubble pick it up pick it up run away bubble why do you need to pick you why do you need to do that buster why do you need to do that i'm saving you i'm saving you i'm saving you i'm saving run away run away just go away come here bobo why just come here [Music] why do you have a diamond pickaxe because i told you we found out the twist no the twist is nothing table bro no it's not it's not supposed to be how how how how okay no no it doesn't no it doesn't say okay show me show me show me come here i won't kill you i'm not gonna kill you i'm not going to kill you to show me show me show me go away show me show me show me oh you guys actually figured it out but you're just trolling me okay never mind what never mind you're so cheesed so you guys actually figured it out yeah oh look behind you no wait how did you guys figure it out uh i'm telling you yellow big yellow they followed me through they followed me through yo whisper uh what you should really go further into a cave next time you want to do the twist oh it doesn't matter doesn't matter i don't mind oh you saw him doing this you guys still don't know the most efficient uh he didn't even big brain god what a dude that'll be a heck of confusing if she starts up i can't i can't get anything bubble it's fine we got this we've got this come to the nether portal is he just like like standing at the border i just i'm so demotivated it's fine bubble what's he doing though what's he doing where is he uh he's going to the portal he's coming back through killing me oh what the heck man come on just beat the game leave us alone wait one second i'm gonna use the table to get this he's just mad that we trolled him very very lost sorry wait can we do it with wood no i dropped you the shirts did yeah oh this is uh this is efficient but at the same time it's kind of sucks because i keep getting obsidian the freak and a flint yeah i know that's that's what i'm saying it wasn't supposed to be in the in the uh on the table it sucks wait they're out of gold [Music] no they're not are they out of gold [Music] and they ah they just literally gave me zero pearls what [Music] another pog chip grab them all grab them don't be one of those biomes but there's nothing okay we're just gonna have to go straight ahead again i missed two times in a row oh oh he's in this biome he's in this biome i am i am dummy shut the freak up okay shut up shut up i'm an idiot shut up [Music] so he was here over there are you chasing me okay yeah yeah okay i'm definitely not going for you guys i promise i'm in the purple one dude there should be a purple one yeah this is the way oh i got tried oh my god guys let's get three of those yes bubble let's get three of those if there's not any in this part you just move on i already got half a stack just from a little area i'm gonna we're gonna we need to keep going no dude we need to keep keep going and carry on keep coming carry on true no that's somebody started vacuuming outside of my room right now he farted okay yeah yeah yeah boost forgot dookie pants oh my god i do do i did a poo poo in my pants [Laughter] oh by the way guys guys uh do you remember what yellow did in his video no which one which which video i think you remember the traumatizing don't know didn't watch it oh no bubble what yeah freaking not boost fur not what what did i do bubble another just went to you yo bubba can you fill up mine with like one that's a l i don't have any on any oh wait do these work yeah a shield he's alright i attracted his all right bubba we need to go we need to go ready to go probably need to go okay is there right up there or right underneath us but the compass is pointing right here i reckon it's up no no dude it's like right where i'm standing look if i'm going like this and the cup is turning around i reckon it's off you think right will you go up i'm going to have a look down then we're just going to have to make our own parallel i'm obsessing you have um i only have two i have four i'm trying yeah oh my goodness stop trying triangulating formulas that's what it's called minecraft dude all cubes no triangles that's what it's called let me kill this guy first if he goes in the freaking end before we get a chance to be there like there's no chance true because we don't even know how to get him why would you jump that far because we don't die oh kind of instantly dies mr at least i'll just track you hold on ah i can go in without you guys tracking me we need to flint oh my god i i actually want oh i don't have that oh wait is our chest we got fire charge i actually want to do that so bad right now boys please don't there's no end fight for the end this fur oh my god i could win right here right now do you really want to do that though i kind of do come on baby i'm gonna give you guys ten seconds no nine eight i got one seven six five bruh four three four poke two oh that's where you can't okay table and the i saw you with them wait i had totems yes you were holding it when you were killing us at the start wait when was that holding a totem dude he was holding a totem yellow he was i that doesn't seem like it's in the loot table dude i swear to you she was holding a totem i swear to you what the [ __ ] probably should probably grab some of these mushroom trees i've got your pickaxe by the way i don't see a need to get mushrooms anymore uh it's it's end game there's no we don't have time yes you do yes you do get the mushrooms no get the mushrooms fart no heart please get the mushrooms no oh do we even have can we we don't even need to set a bed do it because when he kills us it's over so because he's gonna blow up our stuff because he's a dick you can still like try to like punch me out for something i don't even have a bed yeah i need to do i an rna will i've got some shears though so if any sheep on the way no no no no guys guys guys you can't get in yet i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not you're gonna have to be ready i'm not ready guys guys i'm not ready oh bob are you coming down with me please dragon dragon yes okay good okay we going in bubble good uh okay okay i think we're i think we're ready right yeah are you guys ready i'm going i don't pick axe [Music] so just make a staircase time to get pearls yellow all right he's killing it okay what's up boys what's up booze for well the way you like puff and pat is so funny don't die bubble what did i say about pearls i'm chilling baby air dude family whisper is going to have an entertaining end fight you're gonna wilded what's up what's up boys should probably get the empty stuff up what's up you about to die i hate the anti-knock back of netherrace so freaking much i hate it what's up boys just run away bubble [Music] what's up boys thing we have this first okay did you just purl away what dummy no oh bubble don't get flunked let's go let's go let's go let's go yes [Music] god i'm so good at this game did you water [ __ ] that yeah oh easiest waterfall what's up boys dude the dragon's dead in the next thing no don't be a dick break your shield don't get that lava bubble no oh what's up boys [Music] yes [Music] yellow it's up to you it's up to you samurai i'm actually trying now baby look at that tom what's on that what's on the accent why did why did you have an iron axe oh great an enderman just got in my way oh yeah what's up bubble just come back and start hitting him i don't know you didn't set bad [Music] come on dragon come on yellow dude he's just pointed he's literally blowing it goodbye dragon whisper i hate you you're the biggest scumbag ever goodbye just want to fight this is fun oh your helmet oh you dick finally got rid of your lava i don't care if i lose it this is actually so fun i've not played like this in so long oh dude those are so satisfying to get ah crips are so satisfying ggs boys for all those who are new here i do have a twitch channel where i stream speedrunning pretty often and i will be starting to stream something new as well so please go over there and check it out and have a nice day
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 697,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft but challenge, Minecraft but op loot, Minecraft but gives op loot, minecraft but drops op loot, minecraft manhunt but, Minecraft manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt 5 hunters, Wisp latest Minecraft but, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft Manhunt but composters drop OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but composters give OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but I can secretly use, Minecraft Manhunt but there is a twist
Id: 6bEV82cIn3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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