Minecraft, but Poison Drops OP Items...

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since dev lost last round he challenged me to a rematch but he asked for a different twist this round so this time poison damage drops op loot and also we decided to invite kier for some more suspense and i want to thank sharkraft for once again making this plug-in he also made the last plug-in where drowning damage gave op loot if you guys want both of the plugins go check him out the link is going to be down in the description below let me start recording just in case hello hello hello hello stop what are you doing nothing he actually started going yeah look at somebody okay wait i'm out of here is that a ruined portal i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming get the hell away from me i'm going to kill you if you're over here guys good luck with that food situation okay so wait how does this work out do i kill you guys what do you mean you can go for it but that's not gonna help you speed run that's true so do i kill you at the end you don't have to kill anybody as long as you get the dragon achievements that's the goal like do you want to kill us like what kind of sadist are you my guy oh yeah i want to kill you oh my god yo dev you have a chat oh my god oh my god that's why i'm running away from him i'm trying to be nowhere near him or anybody i'm gonna beat the game and chill i agree it is more choice oh [Music] so what is your stride guys well i have an strat in the world you have the best ride in the world what's that yeah i can't tell you or else you're just gonna steal it like you're just gonna die over and over again from poison is that your strength oh is that a village oh don't come to my village just saying oh what's up here give me the golem give you the golem it's standing right in front of you give me the golem what do you mean give you the golem i don't i will i will kill you oh oh oh oh i know you mean dude i will kill you i will kill you i swear i believe you i believe you i won't touch him you won't touch me don't touch the iron i won't attach the iron i'm just going to observe no no no it was a joke it was a joke i'm going to give it back it's a joke big joke what's going on big joke here here drop it drop it what's going on drop it i may or may not have taken his iron you're dropping here i run that it's a joke i'll give it back if you stop chasing me no drop it right now then still for five full drop it right now i'm dropping right now i'll stop trying i'll forgive you you might die come on let's chill out let's be friends yeah okay let's be friends let's be friends look at much like when i jump into lava again like you did last time weren't you no you you could have you could have made this iron back already yeah the way it's just chasing you kill me and i'll throw it in a cactus yeah do it do it right now do it and then you'll have wasted all this time yeah i don't care you have way you will have wasted more time than me guys i don't care now [Music] [Laughter] suck it dude oh my god [Laughter] for sure i'll just use my compass you don't get confidences i could just spawn a cumbersome do you have compass oh we're allowed yeah okay i didn't even know that last one we weren't allowed yeah but now we have we are oh i can't do that i can't do that command oh because it's not here actually fell for it oh i didn't know that oh my god i don't know what's going on in this video we fell for it i don't know what's going on oh wow why don't you say one more time i don't think people heard it here fell for it oh my god here i hate you guys so much i'm actually gonna win this video okay i believe you yeah so do i oh like wait oh dad dev suit up dad what are you doing why are you so quiet what [Music] enchantments on these items what oh you got it all ready what a chance did you get sharp knicks sharpness ix sharpness nine let's go guys let's go boys yes gears on it i'm in the game did you guys find the flowers that you need efficiency x what the heck sharpness 10 diamond axe oh oh there's no way there's no way come on oh please suspicious too save me bro i'm one shotting everything oh yes this is actually going great i have a boy why am i using a boat tied three trident what do i do same same got nothing this is the worst game ever let's go so dumb bro oh lapis for enchanting thank you why does this not work out for me like why don't i come across this type of stuff this just takes skill it does it does it does you can't teach it you can't teach me oh my goodness i just gotta get a i know my strat to get infinite stuff but i'm gonna think of the next thing i got sorry i didn't go steal iron from an innocent person at the start of the game that's why i don't have iron because i didn't go stealing it from an innocent person man oh my god oh my god you're right you're so right oh oh boosie boo see we'll see he's gonna get that's where he's gonna go for the mushroom yeah yeah he's gonna get the poison potions early oh my god i gotta get far away from spawn so then i can get into a different fortress than him because he's going to break all the freaking spawners for sure he's a scumbag i know you will i know you you'll 100 break them how are you doing here really good what about you oh yes which i don't want to talk about it this is the worst world ever you should have just done the ocean strat dude i have a strat but like these biomes are literally anti they don't want to do any like this world hates me minecraft hates me right now oh this witch just came in clutch like literally world generation just give me what i need just going around the ocean finding all these boats well i got a witch here just be a nice supply oh you got a witch yeah i got lucky oh that's smart on which give me another one oh a village imagine if you're in the same village as me and you're going to kill me there's no way well if i am i feel bad for you i'll just hit you with my sharpness nine swords i'll just get one shot oh my god all i need is a smithing table and a full prop for another eight [Music] what oh it's for booster booster we gotta we might have to work together yeah but with my sharpness 10x i want you guys to be close oh no yeah so i'm gonna send axe there's no way after 30 minutes yes yes you know we've almost been going for 30 minutes and booster has been super unlucky let's go there is a way believe me he's going to get really lucky though yeah may be bad now but just wait um on the surface thank you oh did he just did he just get it he's got some weird stuff dude oh you got the poison congratulations thank you to the club sockets oh suspicious to actually like heals you as well [Music] oh oh now i'm the furthest behind on stuff i'm just gonna stay here i just missed click thanks am i gone oh no i'm actually the furthest behind now oh big time i don't think so no i don't have any diamond armor so what you have full prod 4 iron no i have regular iron armor oh oh no what that's an l i know i should probably get one of those flint things oh my god efficiency 10 i'm breaking three say less i need something i need one thing that i'm not getting and it's so sad what skill yes whoa exactly skill so how has your day been guys how's your day been fantastic great now that i'm doing this you know how to trade am i going oh i'm not as bad as you think [Music] well you know how trading is oh my god yeah i'm smart i'm so smart very smart oh yeah i'm actually going to win this guys guys a random number just texted me can we get the tv now what do i what do i answer to that that's a random number i don't i have never seen this number before uh say suck it no i i'll i'll say right now yeah see right now it's in the region as well dude let's see oh beautiful nice is this somebody else's portal oh i see a bastion let's go read that bastion that's cure i'd be careful i feel like you're going to have a [ __ ] or another right so here what what biome is it i forgot i love that i can literally go oh never mind oh my god what's going on almost done i thought i could just go into the to the lava nevermind to that idea this is definitely housing oh my god yo give me the gold blocks let's go let's go bro where do i even this is insta mine's blackstone what oh now there's like millions of piglets what biome was a fortress in um who are you asking well you're both saw it i think i was in a different fortress why would we tell you yeah help me out what are you gonna do to help me out i don't know nothing ooh pearl trades nice and sorry sir and i'm seeing trains yo let's go now he starts being lucky he's gonna win yeah i told you he's gonna have to oh my god yo 10 pearls let's go what already who needs anything else oh my god and he knows what the fortress is and i just can't find it oh this is great this is great not even going to be in the fight feed run ever oh my god so what do you expect neither do i yeah you do you speed on all the time ah no proof oh my god that was a godlike pearl right there bro that's so unfair what do you mean you literally have plot four yeah but i don't have a i don't have a fortress because you need to learn how to speedrun this is a double fortress wait this looks like a double or triple fortress awesome isn't that funny here no that was going to win i'm sure you were oh my god i mean luck you got full plot for netherright yeah because i found out how to get the thing the quickest but you also got lucky no i didn't no no prop for another oh wait there was a double spawner that i didn't notice wait how what is this drop rate oh my god okay that's good enough for me i still i'm still rocking full iron so part four oh no just regular iron what the hell are you dead i'm still [ __ ] getting you here i'm gonna like three hit you if i see you you won't see me my luck that i can't find a fortress what do you mean it's your skill how is it skill finding a fortress quickly there's actually strats to find them wait what i'm not i don't want to tell you them because it's helping you you said you found your fortress before the bastion so that's luck i found a bastion bastion yeah yeah you want to go i know fashion first yeah i know but you found the fortress before the basket um no i didn't i saw bastion first oh he's going to the end now how are you guys doing great very bad i got this i just need a few things what's the difference this is funny oh oh see first oh i spawned above an ocean of course wait oh there we go it's better work or i'm going to be mad who's making poison potion oh of course yeah you won there's literally no way i can even find the fortress because i'll cover me with diamonds [Music] yo guys why are some clients i don't know cuz i can't do anything at this moment you're like you're too far ahead i mean i'm too far ahead you're in the stronghold i don't even have blaze rods i don't even know where a fortress is oh my god [Music] let's go no oh no [Music] oh my god he's gonna have everything i just realized yep pretty much how is it my fault sharpness nine axe let's go oh no actually this is way faster oh my god why is this skeleton in full iron not enchanted it looks so weird i thought it was one of you guys what we don't even have that's why there's three and i just ride the weight full netherride on a minecraft speedrun we each got our own stronghold yay oh bro i'm focusing so hard right now why are you focusing so hard i'm trying to win oh no oh he filled it in yeah he can't bend cycles yeah but the dragon he needs to get the the towers as well oh this is so annoying oh this is great oh let's go let's go boys oh my god 28 oh you guys haven't gone in yet no why not i'm getting stacked i need something first oh there he goes this is torture oh why are we only getting one pearl how many more pearls do you need i need one more pearl oh my god i've been standing here trying to get four pearls i have seventeen oh i'm closing oh i would have had a lot but i dropped my gold somewhere off here yeah [Music] oh oh and the third one makes it where are you dev what do you mean where am i you're in the end but i can't see it it's fine i'm doing some stuff bro yeah bro what's up what's up boys oh your your helmet isn't even enchanted dude you guys gotta help out okay this is gonna be a weird fight like a three-way fight yeah dude what the hell is this drop right what the hell is this drop oh what dev you don't even have full nether right oh i didn't have any more wood this chest plate nether right but i had another chest but that was another right but this one's way better [Music] yay here we go have a good fight guys actually boost for going there get some damage on them here i'll help you i'll help you oh geez that did so much damage bro are you going for me dude yo dab how much damage is my sharpness 10 uh sword due to him not that much what i just i just killed myself i just killed myself no way how because like my enterprise went up on a wall and i died you just blew up all your stuff no way yo 25 golden apples let's go yo yo chill give me half being fair what's up what's up what's up my guy [Music] doesn't matter though no i missed oh bro okay where's that that's probably gonna be waiting yeah he's not even gonna come back he doesn't know i'm not waiting [Music] what i'm stuck in the animation no oh yes no i refuse to be stuck in the animation i have an idea here let's go oh my god that was close no way you're doing silver strat what silver strat the puffer fish all bro food that's so annoying you like that yo why are you running here because you have way more golden apples than me did you pick up my puffer fish [Music] no the golden apple saved you no that's so annoying i mean you didn't get it oh my god you didn't get me down below half health then why'd you run away to gavel okay i was i was on three and a half yeah oh that's so annoying let's go boys or one booster literally won oh oh my god here hello come back don't kill me again what's the point of that it's all gone no why why'd you blow it up there's nothing we can do now let me just kill myself let me just kill myself let me just kill myself just watch me kill myself hey dev you have stuff i just want to become myself let me kill myself ready can you chill can you chill i hate you so much wait dad let's try and steal the kill from him now yo watch this i'll do i'll give you some eyes what do you want me to do i'll do it just don't tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it just don't tell me don't kill me don't kill me guys just go outside of my portal and you'll be able to oh yeah i'll just do that how much damage that do uh half my health here here take your spawn bed and let's just go blow him up okay okay wait we need to jump and let's both grab our beds and let if we both get him with our bed he'll die oh my god i looked at an enderman again hold on we guard the middle here coming coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] i did it too far away oh no just leave me alone booster there's no point in killing me just go kill the dragon yeah he must have gotten low though you did well what the hell like the lowest i got was in a fight with here when he got me down to three and a half points nobody has gotten me lower enough oh my god what's close though it was close very close and that's a rip must be farmers gone so what do you guys think about this challenge shut up you know what do you mean you guys have fun [Music] then you can talk to us yeah but like i still have my spawn point cd placement what are you guys [Music] should we plant that or that oh we should actually what about this you forgot this oh true that's more for later season i think we should do this instead what is happening right now what are you guys doing we're just talking in our language yeah that we created no one will ever understand our language that we created yeah i can't do that sorry have you not beaten the game yet oh my god trying my best dude this dragon is like [Music] there you go no there you go oh my god little do you know the challenge is actually to get a cd first so we won come look at our farm see a place we officially won vp and look at our phone and english english says every time it glitches oh my god oh my god did you just touch don't touch it don't touch it place it black place it black place it this is black what you got bro i'm so tired today oh my god you don't understand expand expand i had no sleep that's why i was kind of dead
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 502,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft but, Minecraft but I secretly used, Minecraft but my hearts double, Minecraft but I take damage, Minecraft but OP items, Minecraft but op loot, Minecraft but damage gives op loot, Minecraft but gives op loot, Minecraft but gives op items, I survived 100 days, 100 days Minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore 100 days, Boosfer, Boosfer Manhunt, Boosfer 5 hunters finale, Boosfer vs Dream
Id: Fk8CoYoE2yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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