Minecraft, but Drowning Drops OP Items...

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me and dev have always been competitive with each other so i decided to challenge him to speed run duel but there is a twist for every tick of drowning damage we take there is a chance it will drop opie loot i usually don't tell people to subscribe but i'm trying to reach 135 000 subscribers before the end of the month so it would mean a lot to me if you guys actually consider subscribing it's free and you can always unsubscribe so how are you today then i'm doing great what is the plan aren't you surprised i'm awake i'm surprised you've been awake for like 30 minutes already i'm surprised i know so what's the plan for you to what's your plan for this give me my plan to win how are you that's my plan on every video what are you how are you gonna um oh wait am i allowed to know it's drowning wait you started i just saw you oh my god i hate you so much i swear oh my god you're so annoying oh my god yo you better catch up dude if you kill me i swear to god oh my god where are you dude i see you yo what's up what's up you better run you're not wrong you better run yeah that's right let's ride them peace out oh i'm coming back i'm coming back with the vengeance oh no no no what what did you say you said you were gonna come back oh yeah i'll be there in a second okay okay let's go be there in a second oh my god what's up oh no i'm getting away from spawn i'm going away what's up oh no bro how'd you get over the mountain and jumped out oh my god what's up it was a smart move to drown yourself almost to death when there's another play you're right thank you for the iron dude oh my god oh my god oh my god that's so nice oh no are you going for the ocean oh wait i just i have a good strat i have a better strat oh you're just gonna drown in the ocean oh you're gonna drown over and over again until you die ah that makes sense oh actually i can do that too yo what's up what's up sorry what's up why did you come this way what's up what did you say what did you you better not be behind you said something you're gone good you said something stop talking you're scaring me i don't even dude i just got lucky with the sword i got a sharpness three sword at the beginning what oh my god wait this is shocking yeah i don't like not knowing where you are we don't have compasses though so you shouldn't be afraid yeah but i don't know i feel like you just know where i am oh i got the strat on lock dude there are no more sheep here i also need the strat oh you don't have a bed yet wow wow but you were good i just need the did you kill all the sheep my guy he killed all the [ __ ] oh i did i did oh suit up oh oh my god you got protection for you got you got protection oh you drowned so sad by the way this is not a battle this is a race to the end you shouldn't come and kill me oh yeah yo that cows run so fast who needs a bed yeah exactly you don't need a bed it's all in a chest [Music] yes oh my baby yo let's go let's go let's go let's go uh oh this is so good oh my god i just saw a chicken die in front of me and i thought that was you and i actually had a heart attack dude i'm loving this yo guess what i just got a protection forum breaking three diamond chess play yes let's go baby oh my god i'm getting iron ones drowning does not does not do damage to me anymore oh that's true if you wear armor it does less damage nothing nothing you'll you'll you'll find out soon oh you got a golden apple uh or not wait did you get a total of the undying no okay i don't think he's got an iron pick nice dude where are all the sheep literally oh my gosh i just need one more i literally i sheared two sheep and i got one wolf from each of them this is so unlucky oh that's amazing i'm so happy just one sheep this is literally a plane's bottom and there are no animals like and spawn with natural natural generation please oh a village let's go i don't need cheap anymore oh no oh no i'm gonna beat you to the end yeah sure you will i'm sure you will oh i forgot this one oh my god double blacksmith let's go what what is your oh i just need i just see oh damn so many apples i can just get gold and get loads of apples then yeah i'm already i already have loads sorry yeah sure you do sure there's no chance you have a triple glass oh my god oh my god it's impossible oh my god i'm gonna grab all of these beds real quick oh sheep as well let's go oh i don't know they could drop this llama nice what the hell so how's your day been though been good how's yours been mine has been uh fantastic didn't uh i just woke up and i'm recording a video and i've killed you what twice once oh my god yeah pretty much i found a bee's nest oh let's go a desert oh ice bucket let's go where did you find it fine did you find the room portal oh my god oh my god oh booster what's up [Music] oh booster you just found a fortress oh i might win this video really quickly yeah you can again you got ten blazers i wonder if we're in the same place that's the quest that's my question where'd you spawn did you mine out the spawners don't tell me mine not the spawners please no oh you didn't thank god thank the lord damn it i should have done that that's actually a good idea come at me come at me i definitely don't i will i will i definitely don't have uh if you didn't go to the ward 4 since you're dumb hello literally have such a head start you're not the only one that was had a bad cycle yeah but yeah i just have no idea how to random travel which might mean everything but still what do you what how many beds do you average six average five let's go i see you right now you're right by mushrooms you're on like you're on the outside you're not at the spawn right now what are you doing oh hello i just looking around hey bro goodbye goodbye goodbye the way you already have all the blazer odds goodbye no way oh goodbye it took me like 20 hours how did you get them all well i didn't have to mind this thing i already had good spawns where are you where are you i knew i know you're over here somewhere oh i see you hey bro why do you want to come here then i kind of really don't if you're being honest you really want to come here then not really if i'm being honest i'm going to kind of go this way you want to beat the minecraft together yeah sure yeah i believe you let's do that let's do that let's beat minecraft together then why didn't i thought like the drowning gave us pearls it does it does it does it gave me one but it was like really rare yeah i said like there's a five percent chance of getting one two three pearls oh one two three yeah i got one exactly maybe i should go back to drowning oh hello my guy yo do you like this yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo what's up yo what's up my guys what's up i have another present for you though um you don't wanna you wanna you wanna try it and there's so much damage oh my god oh my god oh my god i just need pearl soon how many you got i don't know dude i don't have enough same same thing how much obsidian do you have enough wait don't tell me is that portal over here oh yo what's up them what's up what's up what is up my guy what is up them yo i kind of don't want to fight you from being honest why not you have full diamond hello [Music] yeah but i don't feel like i'm still under here somehow what do you mean [Music] what is that i don't like this fight [Music] i really don't you don't like this fight no i do why not let's not do this how much food do you have how much food do you have then probably not enough [Music] all right let's go let's not go let's go let's go let's go come here dev let's go dumb nothing nothing what's up [Music] i mean what's up did you go under the lava who knows did you go under the lava my guy that's sad you get the hell away from me yo i hear you mining oh i see you i see you i see you now oh i'm out of the nether thank god you're out of the nether oh why did i say that out loud let me get to your portal real quick i should get enough obsidian just to random i don't even know how to random travel i don't know how does that even mean go through the portal blindly oh yeah but like how do you know how to do that like that's just going through a portal blindly i guess that's for you to figure out oh my god [Music] are you all quiet i don't know i just get some coal like what so where are you at then i am just chilling right now and you know i thought you just hit me for a second i got so scared yeah just chill just chill that's what i'm doing right now you know yeah yeah there we go that should be okay let's go let's go back and you're so unknown you're so annoying let's go back dude imagine not having your extra stuff on you when an amateur didn't thank you for the extra bed though i have something to use in the in the nether i i didn't you didn't why did you go i didn't i didn't i didn't yeah yeah i'm just oh there's a shipwreck why don't you collect that shipwreck dude you're in the overworld unless you're already doing this which i feel like there's a chance you could be but at the same time i don't know doing what i don't want to say because then you'll just do it because it's i'm doing something else come on tell me you can tell me i know you're itching to tell me no not i can't like oh a village oh my god i'm so scared should be [Music] there's no way that's so stupid oh my god he was so stupid my luck oh let's be a sick spot to build a house this would be a sick spot to build a house what are you doing it actually would be my guy what are you doing i mean i'm just chilling no nothing you don't even know what i'm doing here i have no idea so fun oh my god this is so fun my luck is not very good right now i should just give up well you know what's stupid i had two eyes threw them both and they both broke oh you tried going for the for the already dead oh i've thrown like i have three eyes i've thrown like them 20 times and none of them is broken broke they're not breaking [Music] oh my god it's gonna be so fun let's go boys oh my god let's go oh no no no but you don't have enough ice okay i have time so it's fine i need the eyes i need something else you're focusing something something's gonna happen okay it's turning it's turning yes yes it's turning i mean it's going straight 20 000 more blocks left i think i'm near you booster okay i can't believe it how the hell are you getting your pearls oh that's actually a good idea what why didn't i why didn't i think of that hello i'm such an idiot i'm dumb actually wait i need something else you thank you for the idea oh my god i hate myself i thought you would have thought of that so how are you then you already know i'm doing good okay okay do you think i'm setting up a trap like that i swear to god if you are then you deserve to win if it's a good trap and it actually kills me i'll give it to you then you deserve to win you think you'd like i think it's hard to set up a trap to kill somebody with protection for um not normally but if it's me then what yeah kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i don't know see what happens right now oh my god there's gonna be just some intense drowning sessions i'm just gonna try we're both gonna be just drowning yep we're gonna be drowning until we get pearls and i have three and you need i don't know how many more we need then oh you're sure that i was oh fool brought four let's go boys oh there's gonna be a tanky fight i don't think we'll be able to die whoever's armor or whoever runs out of golden apples or food will just die then that's fine yeah that's fine this might have enough eyes oh my god yo dude my enderpearl luck is insane oh my god my luck is insane let's go i gotta go i gotta go [Music] know what maybe this isn't a good fight for me oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's up what's up how low were you i got down to like four hearts but that one part where you were like hitting me i'm pretty sure i'm good oh that didn't work oh i didn't need what oh my god that's so stupid that's so stupid i'm getting [ __ ] on same same same damn let's just chill out bro how many golden apples do you have dude how many you got oh i got i got plenty then so what good news is we need only one more eye oh let's go oh my god bad news is you won't be alive to see it filled yeah yeah sure about that yeah i believe you oh let's go three totems oh that's another sharpness too oh i can get sharpness for sword let's go oh you want to fight again no okay and what did i hear i don't want to fight why do i hear you jump off though doesn't mean i want to fight you i also have the eye oh my god oh it's almost dying [Music] [Music] you absolute psycho that was that bad you got me so low [Music] you're such a scumbag oh i have more where those came from oh you don't know you don't what's up my guy bro whoa look at this end thing oh what the hell okay okay okay okay you want to make a deal if i have one two three four five six seven beds you will not survive seven beds let me try to bed cycle the dragon with seven beds if i do it i win yeah deal deal okay deal let me just try to ride the dragon is it purchased oh it is i hit it i hit it with a pearl no oh my god did you get it enough i hit it with a pearl and launched me back onto the top oh my god oh my god you know what you know what i'll do whoa i can just jump i don't have where's my wood oh i wasted all my wood i can jump off with the with the totem of the undying and survive and get an undercoat i'll do that oh true wait i didn't even die hello [Music] no i don't have feather falling oh what it's bridging again are you there oh i can't place it i hate this dragon i hate this dragon so much you know what i just killed me just kill me i don't want to play this anymore kill you i don't want to play this anymore oh no i know you gotta eat no [Music] hello oh no hello um my respawn point may or may not have uh yes oh no oh my god oh my god i swear i placed the bed oh my god oh my god i'll just slowly slowly i'll just slowly oh i got three toners in the undying so many diamonds oh my god i'll just slowly i choked i should've just stood there and jumped i should forget about it never happened never happened okay yeah yeah yeah this is definitely i can't do anything literally had all better stuff than me as well i guess we might have to do a rematch then true no no we'll just do well i i'm thinking we'll uh we'll be doing a lot of like uh minecraft butts but we don't just beat minecraft we do a lot of weird stuff like we uh we we try to beat each other but with a twist you know [Music] oh i think i just missed it never mind i hit it perfectly oh no oh my god is this it is this where no i still have two two frames to go but i can just jump off with my undying dude i just jumped off with my totem d and dying i had of course eaten a golden apple but i didn't even take half my house so how are you boy i hate the dragon's breath how are you uh how am i um you know just got destroyed in the challenge by booster i'm feeling good and i have an exam in like 30 minutes so what exactly what which subject which subject it's physiology i had physiology one oh dude why is it healing is it here wait is there a tower left oh there is a tower left oh i'm dumb oh i'm not out of food you had 10 pork chops let's go [Music] i i don't know did you tell me oh there could be there could be [Music] there we go no there we go let's go suck it down actually of course the glitch when i tried to go through of course i glitched
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 547,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft but challenge, Minecraft but I secretly use, Minecraft but, TapL, Wisp, MrJagsterS, Boosfer, Minecraft but if I, Minecraft but when I, Minecraft but when I take damage, Minecraft OP LOOT, Minecraft op items, minecraft but op loot, Minecraft but op items, Minecraft boosfer, Boosfer Manhunt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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