Minecraft Manhunt, But Stone Gives OP Loot...

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in this video i had three friends hunt me down while i could use a stone cutter to get myself opie tools to help me out with the fight against the ender dragon they did not know that they can also use the stone cutter so it was really funny to watch them try to figure out the twist and if you haven't yet subscribed please consider doing so and leave a like to help me out with the youtube algorithm enjoy the video he's running of course he's running out and a [Music] i tried to boost you for you it's all over you i that's so that's so unfortunate uh-huh you're right it's about to be super unfortunate i tried to boost dev and he fell in love no yo bubble come here oh okay boosters got an axe let's let's kind of let's play this safe what's up boys you're setting the whole landscape on fire booster that was me oh look at this look at this you're setting the whole landscape on fire bubbo yeah whoa what is that insta mining axe wait i didn't get any of those he's going over there he just literally insta-mined a tree he looks let's go hurry let's take all the food before he gets back wait lose for your trash wait hold on oh wait never mind i'm already on top of it though let's get all the food and run i want the food you're the snack all right don't scare me like that give me the food give me the food right now i don't know where you're at sorry kid yeah he's a snack but what is he gonna do eat himself like it doesn't make sense eat him so he doesn't need to eat he's fine oren's here owens here i swear to god i sort of got them owen i sort [Music] oh my god suck yo mama that's cold dang i'm pretty sure that's me and lava time to go attack can go into attack mode i'm going underground actually i do also want to bring bread he actually got my i only had three girls so it's fine oh i'm stacked why i just found the blacksmith i'm in a cave oh never mind i'll show owen yeah oh and owen cares i'll show you hello go on a server and show them owen cares hashtag wait what how do you get diamonds oh he's doing that he's doing something he's doing something he's doing something where's owen he's he's he's in some hole over here he's in he's in the hole he's in the hole he's in the hall okay dev you go down as the test subject dev go and go in there go in there yeah okay so owens down there let's is so stacked i know right it's actually crazy can i go down there hey guys look at my secret weapon okay you're good oh we got him do we go down or are we just standing above them all of us yeah we're discussing we're in a huddle guys it's going to huddle on me i'm getting a huddle guys don't let always get in the huddle oh yes baby so what's the plan um i'll go down first okay you go down first i'll come behind you bubble you loop around the right side got it okay what is happening right now everyone crouch tactical warfare [Music] no bubble wait no no what is happening right now monkey totally not mixing my design oh yeah oh oh what he's looking fresh it gets more and more what do you have he's got full diamond i'm out hey he's got full diamond what do you mean what do you mean he has full diamond you think that means he's got full diamond hey i'm i'm grabbing this we should probably just go we'll talk it might mean he is ready he'll die come up here to try to kill us here there he is okay ready oh my god is this a chance he's getting like no boys he's gonna get my gear he's gonna get my gear uh okay dude whatever you do don't let him get my gear i'll screw you let me die in the start kill him kill him booster whatever you do to let me get my gear don't let him get my gear kill a booster booster don't do it it's not worth it it's not worth it please no save me please save me yes which due to my gear you're doing what the hell did i dropped it out [Music] just come here please i have a i have a surprise for you guys it's going to be very epic it's not full time it's going to be very epic i swear we just do what he says at this point yeah we have nothing oh my god air fight no i'm gonna die now [Laughter] [Music] oh my god that was so funny oh my god thank you guys that was i want that that was very enjoyable here we got to figure out the stress okay so there's something in a cave here we can figure it out because we're smart when it comes to that yeah it's in the cave so it's definitely some kind of animal why are you guys coming here what oh my god there's a desert temple here that was a negative iq no i mean health booster okay you know what's up i'm just completely cut out oh my god yo what's up dev what are you doing so guys was the levitation trick fun no oh my god i don't care suck it so annoying them so no way you blew it up it's so annoying wait there's another village there's another village i'm going to it why would you oh and now he's going to it he already saw it all the hate bills are mine towards it all the hay bales are mine all the hay bales are mine i'm beating him i'm beating him beautiful [Laughter] oh my god i'm going to get the blacksmith yeah oh there's a black [Music] [Music] what's the point of that you can have the twist scum yes gum you guys can have iron just have full protection for diamonds there's no way then why would you kill me so you wouldn't get the iron i thought you would get obsidian hi hi dev how are you doing don't talk to me how are you doing we're not friends i'm just going to collect all this stuff on everything i know what i'm blocking you on everything i know why because but then it's over for you oh by the way i'm gonna be sick that day no you're not no you're not i'm gonna be i'm gonna be very ill that day i'm gonna be [ __ ] sorry i already i [Music] don't do it like look at us we don't have anything give me the hay bales though [Music] give me the hay bales them i don't have any i promise i don't have any i promise [Music] he's so dumb i know right now he's so dumb holding breaks yes [Music] i didn't want you to get that pearl babe oh my god [Music] come on babe can't destroyed by a spider in a room oh my god 51 hay bales perfect height to just stare at him from here true get out of here dev i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it oh oh okay yeah why is he after you i don't kill him get it i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it are you guys good oh we're actually we have a strat i've never been better actually look how cracked he is at fortnite it's justin why is he not dying oh my god wait pull up the creeper blow up the creeper blow up the creeper bluff the creeper blow up with the creeper i'm gonna die oh let's go baby track him now track him wait booster at least give us a hint come on yeah not not a garbage hint like last night where you take care of you where you take care of sheep like uh an actual good one i'm leaving behind heroes i'm leaving behind him what cat behind him there's no way [Music] you go get wood bro i do get what i can't get into the acacia bottom because there's so many mobs oh my god there's a baby zombie i'm out yeah boost we're good with another so we could sleep oh sorry i'll go to the other soon i don't really do anything dev have you not figured this out by now guys guys brainstorm bring some ideas come on guys yeah that's exactly what i'm here for so it's something in caves something in caves or underground that's 100 something underground got to be amethyst [Music] here you might be onto something that might be that might be right i see you here what the hell are you doing spiders keep going of course they can't oh my god there's the spider on his loot oh get in the water i will take one for the team get all the stuff get all the stuff get all the stuff and now i'm getting that chest plate go i got it i'll give it a try oh my god bro i still didn't get any wood because there's too many mobs suck it yo bubble what up oh he has five oh no don't get hit don't get hit don't get hit he's back at the top you've never seen someone girl spiders yeah bubba i just left those um gone now let's just let's just knock this for please like there's just nothing we can do let's just let's just hang out and he took our he took our iron which is awesome and we still don't even know what the twist is guys come here guys you're welcome wait what oh i want some of that bubble has it all i only have the enchant table in lapis no it's not enough for all three of us killed us kill the husks okay thank you just help us please wait booster boost we're getting get in there get in that hole no i want you to get in there no no no get in that hole right there what you actually just got destroyed why do you have a bedrock why would you even have bedrock like what's the point oh my god what dev do you want to share yes are you serious an axe what if i what if i cover the another portal in the veteran what will happen then then i'd be really pissed off to have he's like i'll truly over it makes bubble full iron instead there's no more [Music] took all the diamond armor and just didn't give anything else that's so sad no that is so much better than me don't worry guys why would i give you diamonds if i didn't have prop 4 do you think you're good okay so i'm not good then no okay so what happens if you don't kill me though then it's live will you kiss my cheeks yeah okay but say this all right or it's lag if i die that's what i can blame it on i have to kiss my chicks why are you guys not trying to figure out the twist how are we supposed to figure out how in any way are we supposed to figure it out i don't know i mean i just distracted you guys you guys didn't even get understand that it was a distraction what do you mean a distraction you guys will you guys think you can kill me with that 41 diamonds i can't nev apparently thinks he can oh i know i can oh my god uh someone use an ego check [Music] oh medium rare i'm just more of a medium guy myself yeah are you okay yeah just make one medium rare for me i mean i can go with medium rare i don't care you know if you don't want to just make one let's put one to the side meat tastes like meat it's melting it's melting it's melting what's smelting that's what a twist is yeah sure i don't know he had like four furnaces down in a stupid mob spawner okay booster also is notorious for having more than enough furnaces on him at all times now i have to test it i have to test it i'll test it this is so much fun guys is it is it really yeah it is very much so i'm having so much fun how long did you get booster i'm coming to give you some uh yeah i'm going to give you hints just tell us right now what is give us a hint i'll give you a hint really quick okay whoa why are you are you guys still at the village i don't want to see you booster i need somebody else than that because that was dumb i oh yeah watch me figure it out okay okay over to the acacia there you go that's your hands this is your head okay wait wait wait wait wait a second one second let me use all my brain power in the world wait let me see the hint i want to see the hint [Music] what where are you guys [Music] where are you guys i'm below youtube a booster where we just were there you go you're welcome this is the hint okay no one knows english awesome [Music] what is it stone cutter they have your dumb oh my god oh my god as soon as i saw it i knew it was a stone cutter i told you i told you that oh my god you are walking over them trying to figure it out for so long oh my god i'm trying to give people a chance obviously oh what the hell you gotta get a bunch of cobblestone and everything and put it in that cutter or get a bunch because that's how you do it you put it in the stone cutter and it gives you an op item poison to arrow but for one second that's useless why am i just getting arrows what what would you what'd you do what'd you do granite oh wait oh maybe those granite also has all the armor granite has all the armor too oh my god can you can you get that for us bubba can you get that for us oh this is fine because we need to get to jesus christ oh see how are we gonna get there there's no way nothing you'll see you'll see that's all i'm saying i'll see oh you will see my friend oh i'm so tempted to do this [Music] oh my god i'm so tempted to do this no okay you can't do that that's boring you can but in the comments in the comments would that be boring yeah it would so don't guys guys there's a way to get past the bedrock but you guys will just have to work for it we have to use i don't know i'm not doing that i mean pearls exist guys i don't have pearls i might even make it there don't do it wait what oh no oh no like just don't know i guarantee you he already did it dirty didn't now now he can't get in the portal oh no oh no wait i just realized that oh there's a way oh he actually did it he actually did it he did it i don't have ender pearls i don't know why we're going to get someone use the site when we get there oh i wanted to get there first so i can try out my thing but it's fun guys she does more often yeah it's so fun so i'm having so much fun right now same same same oh yeah it's a really boys oh my favorite biome dark forest oakland yeah oh my gosh did you tell me you didn't you didn't want it you're telling me you traversed this and you didn't mention it wow oh ow that is so shaky i mean i wasn't the one who started it you were the one i just put it in the video oh was dragon is kind of cracked that fortnite my guy yeah oh this damage regeneration eight potion what you can't die from that there's no way we're in it here okay wait is there wood anywhere oh my god why are you being a [ __ ] dragon don't kill the dragon just wait don't insult the dragon you should just wait for fun just just for fun though yeah i think that'd be pretty fun if you waited i think that'd be really how did you go how'd you get down as a joke just dig down i dug down yeah there's a hole there's no water at the bottom so be careful boys i don't think i want to wait you guys have stuff no i don't have any wait why did i just make a oh that was thorns 10 shield to like head over into the end and sorry i can't understand dumb okay i'll smack i'll i'm going to hold the dragon right now i'm going to try it right now i can't get in i can't get in fifteen fourteen thirteen where do you aim where do you aim where do you aim eleven starts now it's still ten where do you aim down hey they didn't come here five four three two one okay i'm going i'm i'm oh the train is landing the dragon's landing the dragon's landing boys let's go get in i don't know fight me just fight me come here and fight me where are you you can't even get in yeah just like me stop them what's up i got it i know about it you gotta throw it right at the corner oh [Music] oh my god let's go yo what's up what'd you use to get players uh and this is fine ready ready to watch this where did you go oh my god all right well i can't get in so you guys have fun yo what's up what's happening nothing's happening oh it doesn't work this fire is annoying though yeah it's just not even doing anything it's just annoying yo boys this dragon is very low your mom's very low i'm not we're not even doing damage to each other have i done any damage to you guys [Music] i haven't done any damage to you guys at all not much damage i haven't done you guys haven't done any damage to me whatsoever [Music] this fight's going to go on literally forever no not i'm just i'm just here to have some fun then i'm just going to kill the dragon oh he's such a wait i will keep him distracted yes let's go it's working it's working yes keep it up keep it up keep him away just keep him awake give him away [Music] wait what he broke the crystals no no no no no i'm coming god strats why can't i i gotta wait till i gotta quickly flies fly you idiots how are you doing yo bubble how's your armor looking fantastic okay oh what is he doing he wants to die oh my god i'm actually this guy's an idiot i'm actually gonna kill him finally how the hell do you throw a pearl through this oh my god yo guys so all right he's going he's going he's going for he's going for it i'm trying to come i just got into the damn end okay it's enough no and it's dead isn't it no yes yes you have another one no he's gonna kill him he's gonna kill him he's gonna kill it he's gonna kill it oh what's up voice no no no no [Music] [Music] tell me how much damage this does ready and cryptos we could have clutched that we could just yeah we could we could have just put them back we're literally not doing damage to each other though wait for booster tell me how much damage this does oh wait how did you die i had no more food okay wait wait tell me how much damage this does hold on nothing oh wait it does it does three that's what i wanted to use i just couldn't get into the end i hate it never do that again
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 1,015,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft but, Minecraft but OP Loot, Minecraft but I enchant, Minecraft Manhunt but I enchant, Minecraft but I enchant every time, Minecraft Manhunt but when I crouch, Minecraft but villager trades, Minecraft but challenge, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 5 hunters, Wisp
Id: _JDY386uz7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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