Minecraft Manhunt, But I Can Eat Tools

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this is minecraft manhunt but we can eat tools in this video combining breads with iron tools gives you edible items when eaten these items give abilities such as making shields disappear mining entire chunks and doing something extremely overpowered this video was super fun to record and the final battle was insane oh my god but before we start i want to thank you all for 400 000 subscribers this journey has been insane and i intend to continue it as long as i can so now let's shoot for five hundred thousand subscribers and see just how fast we can reach it oh wait why did the screen go black what is happening the plushies happening that's right we gotta plushy with a big head voice it is finally out and you can get it over at the makeshift website it will be the first link in the description the plushie looks super cool and soft and most importantly it has a huge head you can cuddle it you can throw it you can kick it and you can ride it wait why would you want to run you will be able to pre-order the plushie for three weeks and after that they will start to produce the amount of plushies that were ordered and your plushie will be shipped this is a limited edition plushie so don't miss out and you know what i'm not gonna make any promises but if this sale goes super well i will try to produce some plushies with an even bigger head and on top of that anyone who buys the plushie will have a chance to participate in a streamed parkour tag event with a custom parkour tag man i will pick out around 15 to 20 random people to be the runners while i am a solo tagger so if you want a super cool plushie with a giant head and a chance to participate in a super fun parkour tag event make sure to go get your plushie now yo everything looks so 3d who are you supposed to be uh nav after keir uses me for a night delete that delete that delete that are you hitting me why are you hitting me not deleting it because you hit me okay you're dying then wait is he starting now because of that yellow hurry up look at this dude okay there's no blacksmith though scummy why would there be a blacksmith that would be extra scummy right this far did you just not jump on the a-bar yo hey blocks no no you got the wood [ __ ] it oh look at that i like that oh i don't like that i like this okay can you stop like i can't see anything you're doing this sounds very weird oh you're getting killed by drowns stev dav don't die yellow help me go back to the village he's going back to the village for now autumn oh he has an axe get away from me dude mcc is in 30 minutes what's that that tournament that we were in we weren't in that one it's the same thing just mccr it's just a different name the same tournament oh you're freaking psychopath oh my god i was definitely not on like one and a half hearts he's serious yeah wait you dropped 12 hay bales yellow oh my god yes what you can do oh dab yo yo say what's up yeah you don't want that you don't want that smoke dev i can see you with my 3d glasses yellow i'm not having fun that's not my fault yes it is that why don't you having fun there's really no twist this time like how can you not have fun when i don't even have a twist in you're always blaming my twists i believe you boost for there's definitely no twist is he in the water guys you need to chill dad do you remember the name of the the file he sent us do you think we should try it yeah combine it with a piece of food maybe he's got a boat by the way here such a try let's go let's play a freaking [ __ ] bro you're a [ __ ] yellow would say bro you guys aren't allowed to talk to me like that according to that contract you guys are breaking the contract again i don't remember that page what do you mean i won't release it that's not about it i'm gonna sue your ass you're gonna owe me your time no don't die i'll go get food for the village don't worry okay get a lot i'll get a lot enough to fill you up baby how did you turn that sexual this first only getting stone age now they've even got stone age before you actually getting trash talked about the worst player in the world as well okay number eight oh all right he found a desert village yellow that would go away you're in this there's a dez town dev are you oh you're fighting just shut up then oh my god though suck it booster i'll take it i'll take the stone down there oh my goodness guys i'm gonna eat tools now there's literally so many freaking zombies on me what's their deal bro they're just as annoying as bisphere bro what is your deal then are you okay yellow i'm just happy because i i know that i'll always come first and you'll always be eighth i thought yellow would be like a cool winner and not a sword winner but i think no no i don't think i don't think he's a star winner at all imagine to distract the dolphins what freaking tryhard like who is smart though he's right there yellow oh i see the little green goblin it's actually a good nickname i'm gonna use that okay sorry buffer what's up guys why is there another village what the heck oh breaking the breaking the grass thank you okay that's not that's not unlucky that's sorry in life that was a beautiful boot that was beautiful oh he's low he's low no all right yellow i can do the same thing why are you running merrily merrily merrily merrily life is about to dream i love you squid yeah i love this quiz dude why do i feel like he's gonna run forever he has another boat without a freak just go there i've got one let's try it we're back as spawn before yes we are stop chasing you guys oh there's the ocean i was looking for time to swim forever bro gently in the sea let's go why did you just creep me with an axe stop running no he's sticking down he's taking down anything no we're not going to catch him what are you guys doing stop just stop booster stop running he's worming dev just stay up top he's going back up there oh my god such a loser just get away from me guys okay he's going to boo again bro let's go i'm just going to get full diamond no no okay again he doesn't want me to chase them [Laughter] yeah you never know you guys said that i was free to roam my place so this for um yeah we did good right we didn't kill you that's part of the country right you're not a part of the contract you're not good enough oh oh my god oh you haven't never seen the contract yeah neither of karen dev what do you mean i'm actually imagining stuff no i just ordered food i'm allowed to kill him i'm gonna let you kill him because i'm not let's go so you actually said there's no twist he just i believe him i i actually believe him if booster said there's no twist i actually don't think there's a question yeah yeah see me and dave always believe each other can you tell him like a complete lie so he believes you why would i lie to him now yeah but it's not actually a lie it's like the truth but he doesn't know that it's all right um i like you booster what the hell i believe you oh poor diamonds what is this okay boosters x-raying i legit am though i only x-ray and yellows videos excuse me i'm kidding i i did an x-ray i found eight dot no i found ten diamonds i did not extra yellow you have full diamond everyone's videos when you get it what are you talking about diamonds aren't hard to get what do you mean how do i do it again guys i love this why you don't have this i'm going to start streaming but it's freaking hot like what wait what just for fun so booster how's it going good actually oh my god guys oh my god oh yes oh yes baby oh yes i found more diamonds yellow nice baby you're so hot oh my god why do you call him baby um what do you call him a little baby what's the problem i'm gonna drown is that the joke i don't even know what i'm doing right now what is actually the twist bar though there is no twist bro i'm telling you nah there's actually a twist there is you said you believed in me what when i said edible tools guys you shouldn't know what it is like bro what cause you just confirmed there's a twist no i just killed the yellow axle auto i'm i'm so proud of you why is it so hard to find a cow i mean if we find bosworth we found a coast what so why is this just a normal man what's up yo welcome to the squad dev where where are you which way did you go um yeah we're doing such a try hard uh who's we you're the one that decided to run and not fight whoa oh yellow no we all have diamond armor what does this video be sir there's no twist guys oh wait it's already behind he's right here the compass just turned around why were you here where we were like right beside him yeah i know you never left yeah i just went straight down right next to you guys i i was surprised that you guys like didn't see it i'm never afraid of my hunters guys where are you booster you're dying i'm going to kill them yellow hey no bad boys no bad boys you guys don't need a bed that's a wrong choice right there actually let's go why here boys okay that's disgusting that is disgusting that is disgusting i'm showing no mercy that's fun oh my goodness damn so what's the twist i'm never telling you what the hell is this yellow you wanted to fight you're the one who wanted to fight you're lucky i'm running out of blocks you'd be dead no i wouldn't oh he's got full diamond the x-ray i said i actually i never claimed that i didn't accident no let's go kill him if there's two of us he sucks go kill him where's he at he's on top of a tree i'm coming bro yellow what are you doing bro oh my god fine what where are you guys on a tree yes death i [Music] why why are you talking about fight you literally didn't fight who's fire he's probably not even lost health dude it was fun i'm running okay okay he's going on you just keep running okay let's get back together get back together first you guys tell me that you don't want me to run and then yellow runs for like 50 minutes i'm not gonna fight you guys then he's actually mad where'd you get golden apples from huh oh i'm never gonna tell you that are you telling me there's an op plugin wait yellow yellow yellow yeah he just three shot me uh he he's using something new he's got speed so he just did it did he he didn't he teleport to me by the way i love i think maybe we can smelt tools and they like become cooked or something i don't know it's working yes can you stop eating dinner for one minute like holy [ __ ] still looking in there because i'm what no he said combine it with food what when did i say that uh it's one specific food item you got to tell us then what kind of food did i have bread it's bread yeah that's fun because we don't have bread no there's no there's no way that's village you guys have the girl i'm not okay i'm just i lost yo look at that look at that boys i got some wheat boys i'm just trying to build a face climb there's a village right next to my portal guys i promise there's no there's literally not because i found the village it's an ocean village [Music] [Music] okay what the freak is this whisper oh you like that texture literally gives me x-ray how long that's how you go full diamond dude i'm gonna eat an iron pickaxe in a second i'm gonna feel like boost for in a second what's happening yellow's always right why would you lie so you said that you always told the truth okay what's the twist your mom yep you're lying see wait i don't i didn't lie about that though okay i got phil diamond let's go guys [Music] i think i'll take this though 14 blocks of gold this should be enough come on now how are you guys doing should we try your face i'll come because i'm in a booster video what oh pearls yes diamonds i'm just trying to mine diamonds right now oh same shut up bro like actually see guys that's the the real side of yellow wool he's a bully guys i'm getting a sharpness five somehow i don't care okay i'll go for the ugabuga chaga technique then that's what the super special item is called chicago no it's not i promise how much do you want to bet that is a real thing though what do you say no no you want me to spell it out i'll spend it i'll spend it in chat there you go very halloween you're halloween themed oh yes what what what just happened yellow i'm getting another enchanted people yeah that's fine i've got a spare full set of diamond what because he's gonna burn our stuff in the end so we need spares freaking fracking freaking fracking smacking freaking fragments dude what have you not lost hunger yet like i'm trying to lose hunger as fast as possible so i can eat i love this [Music] oh my gosh she's got two god apples and give me a reason to come actually fight you don't dun dun dun dun dun [Music] oh my god what does that even mean megalovany is the name of the song that he was oh all your i'm gonna order pasta impasta pretty close oh no i'm stuck oh my honestly i'm gonna let them kill me so that yellow doesn't get the chance to i actually can't kill you no i'm revoking the contract i don't care actually suck it bro i just want christmas to happen oh you're in november oh my white yellow's already there oh what the hell did he you dropped so much food right here wait what what did he do to drop all this food white yellow you mind to me with the pickaxe thing no i'm here that's so much fun i've got bed here as well where's the goddamn portal this edible sword looks so dumb i love the textures dude they're so good oh my god yo i didn't expect that how good they are illumina's probably gonna win this he has seven seconds on tommy pete's in fourth hey let's go pete dude i love this i'm definitely not in the end right now games you're not because you get an achievement so you're right yeah yeah you're actually what yellow why didn't you say anything because i thought you saw yes oh my god this is actually insane why did you guys enter the end death you idiot i'm fine bro there's no way you don't survive you don't die at least twice dave i don't want to fight him alone can you not i had my own bed yellow why didn't you see that because i wanted to make you scared oh hey let's go well all the all the crystals are down yellow hurry up yo dab come play hey booster i will give me a sec yellow coming now i'm not there come play hello hurry up yellow hurry up dude give me a second oh you ate a golden apple dab they have another attack what kind of not break your shield there you haven't coming in a bit late for that yellow i don't need you anymore wow okay oh i'm just gonna bow the dragon like i usually do you know why just fight me i just want to put the dragon dude i have enough arrows for you dragon i wonder what yellow is preparing uh like 30 of the sword things can't prepare anything what the hell took you so long you can't eat either so that's not good oh why is he hitting the ground oh my gosh break happened here i think it lasts long enough dude what oh my god what was that excuse me oh my god i served yellow i survived i survived oh my god i clutched that clutch look at that you know what yo look at this do you like my tools what oh my god yes i can make more of these i'm gonna make so many of these he spawned giants of himself huh i think oh my god i almost got punished oh my god oh my god come here don't kill me real quick let's come in here come in here oh oh yeah i see i see where you're gonna kill him oh yeah give me that stuff best friend that's right hey dave do you have wood in there jeff wood yellow your stuff's gone cause he's attacking me and i need to run yeah dave come back you have wood you [Music] god bro what is happening oh my god i don't know i got me the crafting recipe booster i never you should die again no but don't take my freaking stuff please give me the wood oh yeah i gotta eat are you comboing him yellow please dad yes oh my god where's that oh my god i'm dead oh i had nothing i had nothing yes yellow did i even have anything i didn't have a water bucket did i do i have a water bucket no ah don't forget that i just released a brand new plushie it has a huge head this is a limited edition plushie so don't miss out so if you want a super cool plushie with a giant head and a chance to participate in a super fun arcore tag event make sure to go get your plushie now
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 985,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: He1UtxIC_E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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