Minecraft Manhunt, But I Can Swap With My Hunters...

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welcome to minecraft manha but i can swap with my hunters in this video i made a crafting recipe for a swapper clock which allowed me to swap with any of my hunters at any time that i wanted without any cooldowns this is actually really fun and intense because it allowed me to do a lot of weird plays and mess with the hunters and bully them in any way that i could this plug-in was actually made by craigs once again so make sure to check out his patreon down in the description below and as always make sure to subscribe to be a part of the before 300k gang and leave a like to help me out with the youtube algorithm enjoy the video i'm so confused what is this this is like ninja turtles version of uh dev like what booster is you have no idea what i'm looking at right now i have no idea what's going on what do you mean this is this is my regular skin before help me eve what do you mean what's he's chasing he's tripping stop being freaking scared he [ __ ] he's going to yell oh my god guys guys i just want to mention that this is the fairest start you guys have had this is just oh my god oh you're done yeah why yeah what the hell just happened [Music] no no hold on you just did two hearts in one hit what the freak death oh bad dave explain yourself please oh my god what just happened okay i spawn really close you want me to kill you i'll kill you right now if it's work this will be over for you right now watch what should be over okay yo that's all i wanted that's all i wanted dev keep going oh i will oh i can get him you sure you get me don't get me don't get me i'm getting yeah my name isn't dev does anything any death does anything okay we can only refer to you as dev does anything from now on dave does anything what's going on tell me that there's anything bro yo chillax dev does anything yeah oh my goodness that's right yes oh my god that's two months okay i'm going back no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh he's got a piece of wood he got piece of wood oh no no because he gets a weapon then it's over [Music] no no no stop stop what the hell yes yellow yo yo what's up yellow what's up what's up what's up no no no what's up yellow no no no no no no no no please dab yo what's up oh okay yo uh oh yeah what's up what's up [Music] hey yo yellow hey yo yellow all right i'm stacking hey yo yellow okay should i just go on him still again yeah just kill him yeah what yo yo chill don't kill him that's definitely in my capabilities yeah yellow can definitely do that yeah yeah dude what the f hold on i just want to know how you hey yo what the what are your what let's go christopher i beg you please stop singing how we keep saying that to each other every video it's kind of not true don't you think no i think it's true don't you think it's not nice upset [Music] yeah he's gonna he's gonna lose actually oh get that angle i'm getting going dude i've not seen dev in so long he's literally so hot have you seen my skin uh this what it's not gonna hurt you the skin's very nice the boots were actually lost now what how did i lose it if we're working together i'm ready bring a bed with us bring a bed with us guys i have a compass you guys lost wait did booster try setting his spot i don't know yeah sure oh my god i didn't that's for you having some explaining to this minecraft manhattan but i can buy as much as much as i want can we like just get in there get all tentacled oh my god yo what do you stop saying that [Applause] literally say look at all those squids what do you mean i actually believe that oh there's another village of course there is of course there is oh my god what just happened what just happened oh my goodness oh my goodness what just happened whisper what just happened i see him i see him i see him i see him i see him he's underground he's on the ground right there right there where's the bed i just want to lie down i think i think buster broke them all what the freak i did this first yeah yeah i didn't [Applause] you have one yeah but i'm saving them how are you today i i don't know what the answer to that i don't know if that's a distraction or a genuine question it's a genuine i haven't spoken to you in a while i don't know how you've been you know definitely not trying to distract you oh i know where he is yeah if there's no twist christopher's dead [Music] back down oh my goodness dude you've gone in a maze please what is this i don't know there's actually a face it's actually amazing it's my pick have you just gone all the way up dude what's up boys did we just get destroyed together i need one too guys they're going boys how's your pickaxe looking oh my goodness buster you actual scumbag he just went all the way back up to the surface didn't he oh my oh yeah but i left my crafting table down there there's a lava is that you the trap booster oh he's above us no you the yellow did not hit me with a crit once yes i did okay oh no yeah blame yourself dude i'm sorry i i followed you that whole time you are ahead of me you can't follow somebody if you're ahead of them guys thank you for all the bread and everything in here oh no he's branded he's breaded we're gonna go to disneyland with me guys no not really by the way that's why i died no you should actually stay alive wearing blue skin you should be alive wearing a blue skin where did you go dev i don't want to make a wooden pickaxe can you help me please oh what is it can i come with you never know yeah yellow wants to call this for howard yeah yellow that's for how old are you i'm so proud of myself for that joke for how old are you for how old are you i'm so proud of myself for that joke how old are you i need to know i'm honestly proud of you for that joke yes but i'd still like to know how old he is you're a mom that doesn't you're 54. right now there's an ender woman it's a woman i said so what are you doing uh making a smoker why are we just running around in the village come on let's go to cave please don't hit me please i've been bad i'm sorry that you guys are here into the into the main thing that we found is that you guys i see in the village if he kills me i'm quitting they've crossed they've created coach oh i see him i see him oh my god that actually is him on run run right now wait he's not coming [ __ ] no he's nice yeah what stupid he looks though he could have stolen my iron guys but he's stupid i mean i'm kidding what did you think [Music] yellow you don't said to call him stupid sorry listen i just saved your life by the way oh thank you anymore yeah what's up hi hello oh not anymore not anymore yellow he's why are you chasing oh my face when he kills us he gets stuff are we splitting up are you just chasing me yeah hell yeah i just want to kill yellow yeah stop [Music] [Music] i guess it is yellow that i'm sorry i told you though that's what happens if you call them stupid yeah yellow don't call me stupid next time please thank you mr wool are you there [Music] yellow i think we broke them i think so too yellow stack up he's about to go to the nether we gotta go and we still don't even know what the twist is what's the twist guys there's a twist i can hear your mouse clicks yellow if you talk i'll give you a kiss oh oh my god you're welcome how are you not in the nether yet i thought you were good at the game i don't know i kind of want to go to heaven and stun i hate you so much and you go why did you go right there oh my god i hate you so much did y'all just type yes daddy in the chat you could have just said it yellow oh my god oh my god i'm killing i'm literally going to kill you yellow and i i i want to kick y'all out of the recording now oh right okay yeah that i i guess it was kind of crazy for me to think that this would ever message me yes but is he still was he back in the overworld what do you mean i'm back in the overworld he was just in the open what why would i be back in the overworld i'm confused for what was that what was that sorcery what was what explain yourself what it means sorcery it's called a nether portal what do you mean he was in the oval again though he went back and now he went yeah i went to hogwarts i know what sorcerer is you don't yellow like come on i definitely watched all the harry potter movies you did not i definitely watched them trust me you're a disgrace no because i watched them you're a disgrace of the rainbow family guys guys dev has never seen the harry potter movies the pirates of the caribbean yeah the rainbow family like us yeah oh that's cute my daddy dad did you just make a portal and not tell me i went through his portal yellow i'm going to kill him right now you're going to kill him i know exactly where he is what do you want this fire what's up what are you doing why are you yelling yellow because he's not answering and i'm annoyed what i say why did you fall in the lava that's kind of embarrassing dave what happened i know the twist what's it what i'm not you know what yellow i'm not even going to tell you yeah let's let him figure it out let him figure it out it's what i just experienced now i'm purely depressed after that just tell me just freaking tell me we're on the same team and now you're gonna not tell me what the twist is no even if i tell you won't help you trust me it will if i can prepare for you it can't prepare for this i'm sorry you literally can't stop you good yes i'm great i'm great oh my god that was the best thing that's ever happened to me i was like um okay it's oh bastian zero p why did you have to talk about them like if you go in the air if you don't know we can't go near bastions we go near it it like launches us away and i got launched into the lava why did he not get launched he didn't launch but as soon as i went close to the bastion i got launched for something yeah yeah and they have a sports field you can't stop i don't know why probably because it's part of the twist are you dumb yeah twisted that that is definitely the one who's dumb here yeah yeah i know that's this is the stupidest idea ever what bashes that force fields bro maybe it's all maybe it's like all another structure i don't know but that's what happened to me no but bisphere like yeah this isn't likey what the freak minecraft man yeah i don't know i'll tell you the title right now minecraft manhunt but nether structures are so overpowered that the hunters cannot enter them they get launched whenever yeah yeah i totally believe you know after all that you shouldn't okay yo guys this is what is oh my god yeah well i'm breaking it i'm breaking that bad that's fine i got my own [ __ ] you don't have 16 pros already do you yeah he probably does this is not good yellow okay i'm just going to find a better stronghold what if we can't go into the stronghold because it's the force field yeah well at least we won't get launched anywhere we'll repeat the game though i mean i mean i told craigs to surprise me song you know what the word surprise means something wrong with why i say it why is bisphere stop talking looser has left the recording oh my god what's so funny booster has left the recording i really appreciate if you guys would stop making fun of me yellow we love you we love you too much yellow where did you go um i'm not i'm not going to waste my time getting armor right now because i know the twist so there's no point you mean we know the twist because you told me i meant yeah yeah we know yeah yeah yeah yeah why the freak are you trying to lie to me what the freak what bro you sound like you're about to tell a big fat [ __ ] who's [ __ ] flying over the twist so don't worry yellow no but you sound like you're about to start lying to me i would never never i would never only lie to one person cure that was scary they'll keep that in full screen did you just hear my screen no we did it no we didn't hear it was it that loud yeah we didn't even like no oh yeah it was that loud yeah that loud then oh my god i don't believe him sounds like he's he's faking it all right i'm fighting the forcefield man again what the freak he's not in the nether anymore there's no way he's going to beat the game okay he can f-swap us hello anybody oh my god why the freak was i just death swap what do you mean i was deaf swapped again you went back in the nether dude my guy is death swapping me whispers death swapping me dead is this what was happening yeah why the freak didn't you tell me i'll just do the same thing but i'll destroy you if you want to play like that how are you going to do that what is this twist yellow i think it's straightforward now yeah if you don't understand it yet you should kill you i'm going to kill you but never any saving yeah i swear whisper please please have mercy have mercy on my sweet little soul all right yellow wish me luck so did he just like death stop you above lava is that what happened yeah oh wish me luck though yellow yep i'm dead okay see i placed the door but nothing happened okay yeah yeah yeah yeah nice nice nice sorry guys i'm sorry guys nice i'm sorry thank you sorry guys no no no no no no no no no no no no no no at the same time that i remained into gravel and was starting to suffocate don't do this booster i really desperately need food do not do this to me is he near you kill me he just does swap with me why would you trust his garbage skin before i die before he almost oh my god i love myself oh my god garbage skin my garbage skin what it's a throw up what's wrong with my skin where are you i'm stuck in the neighborhood look at the list of three skins yeah yeah that's the nice three skins i've ever seen oh my god i'm gonna suffocate guys are you okay no depression's kicked in pretty hard right now okay dev i have a plan i want to live in this world oh my god why did i get teleported here and he pearled he pearled he pearled he's it didn't work i saw your pearl too i know [Music] that why don't you suck oh you don't you don't suck you don't suck i'm in the midst of a depression period right now help he does he's going to kill me leave me alone please i beg of you don't worry i have an idea that we can do oh no remember that time when you didn't care about me getting chased remember that my question is why is he only doing it now swap swap swap swap he's asking a question just please okay i'm sorry guys continue your work guys continue your work because i have oh i've got an idea i've got an idea don't worry don't worry i've got an idea stop why did you have to do that i'm all the way back at spawn what do you want from me whisper i'm going to say gg i freaking swear yeah i will i will i'm he keeps teleporting me when i'm running away from the village obviously you're trying to die now wait for the village and you keep saying better you better kill him if i had to suffer he has to suffer please i i was the one that suffered a risk stop teleporting me stop yo yellow yellow isn't it fun yellow isn't it fun how much fun do you have please don't please don't please don't please i just want you some food i just want you sure it's [ __ ] yellow what are you doing oh thank you you're gonna teleport me down there break you break you dad where are you at dad where are you at i've got i've got a plan my i have the best thing ever oh my god i have the best look literally gotta just we're gonna have no armor we gotta just go to him we gotta pull some i don't know we gotta pull something out and um suck it whisper what yes i agree suck it booster uh i miss boosters moaning yes daddy how can you miss it it's so beautiful well because for i mean at this point you're the trap i appreciate it i really need enough of that yeah if that doesn't have to have that kill oh my goodness what we do in our own home is none of your business sorry if i die again i'm going to be so mad he's definitely some crazy trap he's planned why don't you make the furnaces hello enough for two hi what's up oh my okay he found it okay no i don't think he did actually what was he doing actually he was underground a spawn for no reason actually i don't know what he's doing oh that's what he's doing it's like do i want to even live that house isn't going you want to live in this earth after this what happened did they kill you did he kill you i don't even explain it all you got to know yellow is i'm stuck in a box of obsidian pretty much please please please and i couldn't be happier about it i'm still mining obsidian in this box boy am i gonna get you after this dude i'm actually gonna hit this for after this let me just freaking put the fan up booster i hate you i hate you so much i was so close to getting out you just help her keep me stuck forever he teleport you're not going to keep me trapped if that is hilarious it's not funny it's not funny oh my god no did he do it again he did it again i'm not breaking it anymore i don't care see i've only i've not even got pickaxed oh you put you in there i'm chilling light yellow do you have anything to kill yourself with no i'm so scared now to just do anything oh my god that's the finest thing i've ever seen you don't use it on me booster for the next uh i guess 10 minutes i guess uh yellow just is just stuck for the rest of the game you leave yellow there for sure i agree you know i don't think you can break by drop with your fist you're breaking bad drunk there's obsidian there you broke both sides today you broke us booster i mean [Music] how was he there he tell can you explain what the fake explainer [Music] no no no no no no no no no no dev he teleported me to him but he was still there what happened did he teleport to you he's just god i don't understand how did that happen he just controls whatever we do okay it's true oh my god oops i'm so freaking blinded right now by my rage i can't process anything else just forget about that that wasn't a matter yeah i probably will i'm blinded by rage right now so yeah well that was an actual accident how was the stronghold yet is he garbage or something yellow come on wow okay i'm swapping with you then i feel like i'm getting i'm getting getting that sucker i'm not i'm usually not that lucky oh you're already oh okay stop stop looking for the fair necessity i feel like i'm getting close yellow but i'm not sure dude actually i can't i can swap you guys here if you guys want oh no no no no i do not want to be swapped there you don't watch his videos no i watched them i don't watch them sorry mumma roll police control police control i'm pavement time thumb i'm just gonna hit the pavement you know what he's gonna do he's gonna warp us into the void that's what he's gonna do i swear to god patrol patrol there's so many villages in this seat there's i just came across like six different villages oh just remember how we were friends yeah no you should stay well if you go into the end we're not friends for please don't [Music] [Music] oh my god i'm dead i'm literally dead the idea don't die what is that booster i'm dead don't die death he's got power 50 000. that's okay well i'm dead 237 1725 okay i'm not fired what is this dave i need some of that wood back are you trying jessica again i might be dead before that happens yellow what the freak serve just killed my freaking horse the horse didn't go through dad where are you i need food i spent all that time getting the heart there just for the horse i'm knocked back i don't take knockback [Music] i blame the twist this twist destroyed me was for i i hope you realize there's nothing left for me anymore nothing yeah i see that i can see that you guys are so demotivated this this this twist is this oh fire aspect it's not gonna move anymore oh my god [ __ ] sucker dad give me give me give me give me give me your e we got ao a-o-a-o-a-o chillax chillax booster i'm yes oh no oh my god is the luckiest pearl dude he left an endermite with him yeah cause he went so far i'm gonna make you make me love you i'm gonna make it [Music] dad come here [Music] death yellow i went down to half a heart wait the anvil almost killed you yeah yellow are you i want to give you your gift before it's over oh yes i love you you love me i it's all for my stuff but i love you it's not like it's all mine like yes oh my god yes whatever yes i don't know [Music] you don't have anything to burn away you oh no he's going to burn it he burnt it he broke it off yes yes you got two naked guys coming at you know this yes finally oh my god no you're dead yellow get the men defended wait what dragons kill him the dragon just hit him twice that's what party too all right you're dead now you're dead now you're dead oh no yellow yes he missed this last hit so i didn't get the kill oh my goodness oh and you give me yeah let's go oh my god i tried to steal the freaking kill
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 1,490,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: NCW2jSk2G0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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