Hunted by My Clones in Minecraft

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okay this is a problem guys I made some clones I figured they would do you know chores and stuff for me maybe uh Farm some extra subscribers but no they uh they seem a little more malicious than I was expecting guys no no no no no guys guys gosh dang it oh I knew it dude they're chasing me go away please please please I thought they would be nice oh gosh dang it it's fine it's fine okay I lost them a little bit in the water but no no no they see me they see me no no no no no okay I was going to make a video about this mob Shape Shifter but I guess I'm going to have to use it to get the heck out of here a flower oh this is perfect for me I will use that to turn into a bee later I just got to find a Little Bumble boy I think if I can morph into the dragon I'll be strong enough and they'll just leave me alone I hope I did see a bee over here although they're kind of right behind me let's see if I can find another one somewhere around here if I can feed the bee a poppy I can turn into him it'll allow me to fly which will help me get a little bit of distance come here buddy no no no come down come down perfect perfect stay right there all right I fed him and now I can yes can't touch me anymore I got my little wings to fly away and check this out I can sting them tooya take that I lost my Stinger I'm taking damage too all right let me fly away get as much distance as I can land land land land land land unor one and a half hearts that is going to be a problem I'll have to fix it some point don't worry piggy I won't eat you I will find another way a village yes I've got a little bit of space in between now so I have to be a little careful not to take fall damage here but I'll finally be able to get get some grub and just a little bit of breathing room please tell me you got some hay bals my boys I don't see them just yet so I'm hoping I lost them at least for a couple of minutes is this carrots okay that'll be perfect I can morph into pigs with that later no potatoes I can't morph into potatoes all right carrot it's perfect you don't mind if I borrow this do you yes grab some of these please please are are they here yet they're not here all right come on come on come on they seem like they have some kind of crafty heat seeker or something I don't know why they're after me I mean I did accident turn their aggression meter all the way to 100 any graub in this ah yes bread and potatoes a nice oak sapling to make toothpicks out of there's my crafting table I'm really scared my my hands are shaking right now finally some food no there they are all right this is going to be a problem just got to find a pig yes a pig if I can hide amongst the pigs as my own little hide and seek there you are give you that and now I shape shift into you they'll have no idea that I am a hidden crafty all right I've got to act like a pig um what do pigs do I can't Sprint or anything right now they'll know it's me I just got to act casual oh no they're attacking the villagers dude uh they're only hitting him once though I think they might be looking for me as a morph okay we just got to act casual don't get me away Jeremy I'm just normal Pig yes I like oinking and chilling I like eating bacon no not that oh no red suspicious dude he's taking out all the Pigs we're just going to act casual just a normal Pig you don't see anything how does a pig act man ow no it's fine it's fine I can't I can't react to it I can't react to it run run run now the nice thing about the pig ability is I could right click to dash I've got this awesome Pig Dash I can grab some of these blocks here to use those later and then if I just keep running ha you can't touch me now the pig doesn't have a tremendous amount of Health though so I'll need to find something else around here somewhere but for now I get some nice blocks that I can utilize here 45 dirt I'm sure I'll use that a little bit later can chase me my boys the bacon is escaping ooh this is a great time to grab some of these logs as well I can hit some of these trees I don't know why my face breaks logs it's hard to jump up blocks though when I can break everything let's get out of here my piggy plan has worked I got a ton of distance on them up this mountain there's some Cobblestone that I can snag come here Cobblestone ah shoot my piggy power doesn't grab Cobble hold on quickly while I have a little bit of space I can use some of this wood grab a wooden pickaxe oh hurry hurry hurry ooh I do have some wheat seeds if I can find a chicken it might be a nice and easy way to get off this mountain here oh there the are shoot oh man my crafting table I'm sorry crafting table I'll miss you buddy ah there's some iron here but I don't think I'll have time to snag a chicken chicken chicken please where are you a chicken I don't know why there's a chicken on Stone he's a very adventurous boy all right let's give him some of that will'll morph into a chicken I have very low Hearts but I might be able to get some Gap here and also I Can Fly Away can touch me now boys have a nice trip we'll see you next fall oh I love being a chicken I like how I'm floating down with my magic I'm not even spreading my wings or anything take that Clones look at them take fall damage those little noobs oh my stomach hurts what's going on oh uh it was just an egg oh gosh I can just lay eggs I can lay eggs anytime I want to O I have kind of a dumb idea I'm just going to set a little trail of eggs for them to follow and then I'm going to run in the opposite direction they might think I've climbed up that mountain over there let's do a nice little Glide I am kind of winging it right now to be quite honest with you oh a nice little cave could find something good down here let me unmorph here um I have too little Health as a chicken I don't think it'll be that useful it'll be pretty obvious that you know a chicken in a cave might not be the totally normal thing quickly here now that I have some time let me grab some of this iron here just need a couple of these bad boys I don't see them across the Horizon hopefully I've got plenty of Gap why are they chasing me dude I just wanted to have friends you know that normal relatable thing where you want some friends so you clone yourself you know it's an average Tuesday stuff for most oh I don't like how in the open I am right now let me grab some of this coal little bit of cobblestone for a furnace grab some more of this that should be perfect come on hurry dude I don't know what to make first I could make some boots uh maybe like a chest plate but I probably need a pickaxe or sword here grab the iron oh they're here there one more one more please please please please please grab it grab it grab it ah go go go go can't touch me now they're throwing my eggs at me no my poor little babies Oh that cave might not be a great idea we're just going to go around this lava can I punch him in yeah come over here yeah come after me yeah take that dude take that red you get what you deserve Yes red died crushed them got to go fast like Sonic oh there's a horse over here we'll take that hey buddy you want some wheat my boy I don't have apples but for some reason they take wheat all right I transform into a glorious red horse oh no my horse is so slow use his power yeah I'm running like a pig except it's so much more convenient the pig breaks all the blocks but the horse can actually travel over them yeah you guys got to jump but I got nice long legs and I crave apples and other horse related stuff I'm a majestic stallion running in the savannah it's what I've always wanted ouch really nice that I have a lot of Health too so if they can somehow catch up to me they probably can't take me out super easy SK po yes yes get first official SK toilet skin play dress as Titan speaker G toilet or favorite skid car do you bring peace to Skid City or will you spread infection to Alliance SK the toilet skin par on Minecraft Marketplace he hey a nice little village now I should have a considerable lead here uh pun intended sorry for all the dad jokes I'm just horsing around let me find some oh some iron that's perfect I should have plenty of time to smelt this up here I think it might be time I try to fight back against the Clones show them who's the real original OG crafty although I'm not really sure do they have all my memories and stuff could I be a clone N I don't know we'll grab a little more of this C Cobblestone oh man I'm running low on wood here too I keep leaving on my poor crafting tables ah shoot my coal all right I'm going to use this Oak plank for now to smelt up and see if there's anything else that I might be able to grab some more iron next up iron sword and some armor if they spend their whole time just running uh they're just going to run right into a raid boss with me with full iron and stuff hopefully that'll teach them a lesson or two hey s you don't mind if I borrow just a couple of your house huh just a couple pieces at your home I'm sorry I'll bring it back I promise we got plenty of iron let's go ahead and make a a chest plate a pair of pants one sword and I'mma keep the other four for now I need one iron igot to become an iron golem so I I don't want to use that for boots just yet let's prepare for batt actually first we'll make a little pickaxe and grab our crafting table sorry buddy you're coming with me we'll grab our furnace as well and now we're ready for battle there they are let's do this charge come at me boys oh no they have some swords too they equip themselves for battle oh no they're actually quite good I got to be a little careful I do have armor so that's going to help go this is going to be way harder than I thought no no no no no no no I may have underestimated their skills but they are clones of me and I am pretty epic all right come here Golem I'm I'm going to morph into you buddy let me tame him real quick and then we'll morph into him now it's battle time Iron Golem smashy that's so cool I love this jump slam boom I can hit I can hit kind of all three of them at the same time and smash them oh Red's ah I took him out dude come on red come at me dude I'm coming for you oh how the tables have turned huh oh I am kind of slow though he might be able to get away from me come here red come on what you running away from huh why are you scared you can't run from me I've taken out your friends and now you I shall smash you oh no I can't swim no I just sink ah shoot dude at least I can't drown but I can't swim I'm I'm just going to float down to the ground no dude I got to unmorph ah it's fine it's fine I can still take red hand on hand combat oh no he's kind of getting away from me now come on red why you scared dude okay while he's running away I'm just going to go in the other direction hopefully get some Gap here ooh hello Mr Cow now I can get milk from a cow to tame a skeleton although um I used all my iron uh let me get some iron real quick oh hello my boy let me just grab some of you real quick and then I might want to have head down to that cave although I'm a little nervous about it so we're going to start with milk to become a skeleton so that mobs don't become aggressive towards me bucket Acquired and milk acquired we've got our milk bucket let's find ourself a little Skelly boy huh ouch it's time yeah now a cave is going to be really helpful too because I can also get myself some diamonds around here ah Mr skeleton shall I tame you my boy there's some milk for you I don't know I guess milk is good for bones or something let me morph into you please please thank you my boy looking good looking good now I get myself a bow and arrow which is really convenient and I'm just a drippy looking skeleton I'm a little skeleton with armor what you jealous I don't like being this close to creepers though it kind of makes me uncomfortable I might want to take off my armor just so they think I'm a normal skeleton might be dangerous but I think it'll be worth it let's hunt for some Diamond shall we oh my goodness I've never seen these two blocks together looks kind of nice anyways excuse me boys dondes glorious I'll take a couple of You Beautiful three diamonds that'll give me a pickaxe uh might be able to go to the nether with that huh oh this is going to take forever oh shoot oh they're right here they're right here quickly swap through the bow I am just a normal skeleton a normal skeleton I am this is not going to work with the obsidian dude it's going to take too long they're just going to run around killing everything we're just going to walk like a normal skeleton and we're just going to leave we're just going to leave yes it's working it's working hopefully they think I lost them slight change of plans let's find ourself a ruined portal Instead at the surface that might be a little easier for us I'm hoping at least I do have some gravel that I can grab a flint and steel from if we need it let's get the heck out of here shall we oh here they are but I've got a bow and they do not ah you can't climb very well now huh yeah yeah take that oh gosh I still got to climb yes knock him off knock him off yeah take that yeah you can't touch this yeah take that incredible all right let's get the heck out of here it's fine it's fine I will miss that bow though that skeleton was so nice and convenient let's find ourself our ruined portal huh oh gosh they just took out everything in their path huh goodness gracious these clones are evil dude quick little pit stop for some grub though first hello boys it is kind of strange just like some random Blue Dude shows up in their house takes their entire winter supply of food and runs off sorry guys sorry to interrupt your nose touching perfect ruin portal okay please dude please I do still have two obsidian if I need it although I'm hoping we have everything we need right here glorious portal please ow hey chill out dude relax all right please give me what I need two obsidian a fire charge some gold we'll take that perfect I've got two obsidian here that'll do it shoot man crying obsidian takes so long come on I'm not going to have time I have to M two of these crying obsidian oh they're right on my tail shoot gosh dang it oh there's a husk here too not good uh I could probably use that husk ability though yes I can hold on hold on I have an idea no I just have to grab one of these Sands so I can tame the husk give me give me give me thank you we're playing ring around the husk right now come here buddy quickly tame you shape shift into the husk perfect perfect now I'm just going to run away for a second I'll show you his awesome power come here clones come here come here got to make sure they're all standing on Sand and I can use my power now they're sinking in the sand that'll give me a little bit of time to run back yes I should have plenty of time they keep sinking in the sand yes perfect perfect place the obsidian place the obsidian come on come on hurry hurry hurry hurry to the nether I go ah the Glorious nether this might be the first time a husk has ever entered the nether feels good man there's a first for everything oh my goodness you poor child how did you get there oh goodness there they are there they are now dude I'll need to find a fortress for blaze rods but also if I can morph into a blaze that's going to be so sick dude check it out we got hoglins dude these guys are nice and easy and they'll be really nice for us in the nether so oh gosh you okay there buddy what is going on first comes the first Mr hoglin can I be your buddy can I be your friend oh gosh first I need to unmorph there we go ah wait hold on bu I want to be your friend wait wait wait wait hold on let me morph no don't die don't die don't die yeah now I'm a nice little hoglin I love this guy's abilities too I was once a piggy but that wasn't my final form no I got to be careful not to fall in lava make myself a little cooked piece of bacon but the cool thing about this oh gosh here they are already okay great good time to show this off not only am I fast but also when I run around I do damage too come here battle me boys hey yeah you stand no chance this is my revenge for your bacon breakfast yeah oh gosh I'm taking some damage I got yellow yellow's down come here red I'll get you it's kind of hard to with these trees in the way I'm a little too thick dude no he's going to escape gosh dang it ah can I break blocks running into him no ah shoot all right well red is escaped but that's fine oh gosh don't fall in the lava no no no I'm turning into cooked bacon oh hello buddy how are you you're looking a little cold you might want to hit the lava my man we did reach kind of a dead end here that's a problem Oh wait hold on Mr Strider buddy do you mind if I borrow your power to walk on the lava that might be a nice and easy way to get across huh Mr Strider I'll give you a nice warped fungus we shall morph into you and now we can run across the lava that's so nice dude such a better way to get across the nether man I love his run dude he's so cute I love the lava this is the best day of my life let me shower real quick got to gargle some lava feels so fresh and kind of terrifying looking if I'm honest people say triers are cute I think they're kind of horrifying but this will be a nice zoomy way to find the Fortress look at you oh ghast oh perfect he's low down please please please please no why you attacking me dude I'm one of your friends just got to tame him yeah perfect and now I've got a beautiful ghast morph heck yeah Oh's fast too that's very nice now we can fly around and hopefully finally find our Fortress man I'm getting really unlucky H very nice my brain was getting cold there they are I've got a fireball for you my boys ha that is so incredible take that red Fireball attack oh gosh he's shooting back at me take that and that I don't like fighting gas but being a gas this is a lot of fun take that making it nice and easy is that the portal oh gosh dang it I I did one giant Circle still no Fortress but at least I know where it is so I can come back to that easily later flying around as a yes we've got our stronghold now before I go in the stronghold I can turn into a blaze to get all my blaze rods although I need a flint and steel to do that so gosh dang it might be here for a while we've got it and there's our flint and steel so once I'm a blaze I think I can get infinite blaze rods so that'll make our stronghold a quicker oh gosh little section except goodness gracious I got to avoid these terrifying monsters pardon me no no no no thank you I've already had my death today thanks hello Mr Blaze all right quickly quickly quickly feed you and no no wait wait hold on ah to be a blaze a glorious Blaze and check this out if I squat and right click I explode goab boom and I get myself some good old uh uh blaze rods so I can just do this forever and get myself infinite blaze rods isn't that nice all right that should do it there's a nice looking warp Fortress for forest forest now I can get myself some ender pearls as well just need one is it this is it this a warped root no I need a Vine I think oh that's not good I don't know what they're up to but I haven't seen them in a while which is actually kind of eerie but I honestly don't mind it's been nice and easy having a little bit of a breather from the Clones ah perfect there it is we'll grab some of that Twisted Vines Now I need to tame a good old Ender boy hello Ender boy don't worry I won't look in the eyes I'm just going to be come you real quick there we go feed him that and I turn into an Enderman oh gosh I looked at him oh no oh no he sees me as competition Quick Escape throw my ender pearl that's a good way to show off my power huh oh gosh what are you doing here oh gosh I can right click to throw an ender pearl and then when I land I also get that ender pearl so I I can get infinite blaze rods and Pearls to get myself hey bro chillax man it's an Enderman battle who's going to win spoiler alert it's me yeah crush them no problem all right let's Farm up some pearls real quick thank you thank you are ender pearls just like Enderman poops or something I don't know I'm not going to ask that should be plenty I guess that's it huh I could head back to the portal get ready to take on that dragon and by that I mean become him it was nice with the ender pearls but it's so much more convenient flying around with the gas oh gosh dang it that's my portal I see what they've been up to you stink is it you stink or us stink yeah you guys do stink smell pretty bad oh no got a little better at shooting back those Fireballs yeah get them destroy their Fortress Yeah break the castle down Kaboom yeah can't touch me now can you gas might not be able to work very well also I can't get in there being this massive I might need a different morph to be able to get in I've got an idea for just a thing hello Bastion now I will need a block of gold cuz I want to get myself a brute that's going to be so nice for its power where are you gold please tell me there's a gold block around here somewhere excuse me gentlemen pardon me Excuse me yes gold okay perfect uh let me unwar get it real quick ow gosh I fell this is where my ender pearl come in handy one heart let's do this quick let's do this quick grab a gold perfect let's find oursel a brute and try not to die hey buddy how's it going my boy hold on dude hold on hold on I'm trying to give you money wait wait hold on hold on don't kill me don't kill me please yeah what a nice looking brute what's up buddy boy how's it going my boy you seen anything I can chop around here no okay thought we could be cool for a second oh man now I can't fly back that's a couple hundred blocks I got to run let's get back to those pesky clones and give them a nice battle at their Fortress there they are oh interesting they're taking out the gas so they probably expect me to come back as a gas I'm going to take off my armor they're not going to expect a brute I'm hoping I just look like a normal piglin from afar and I can sneak up behind them yeah they've got arrows they what are they doing dude that doesn't work oh perfect if gas can keep them distracted and they think that that might be me then I can sneak around the back and then take them out oh this is going to be good let's do this The Brute way with a diamond axe I mean they use a gold one but you know close enough oh this is going to be so good they won't suspect a thing now I not only have my diamond axe I have this power that I can use that'll hit a bunch of mobs in front of me so if I can sneak up on them and hit them all at once that'd be incredible okay they're still distracted by the gas end behind him and then yeah yeah take that oh I was hoping I could knock him off shoot knock him back knock him back take that your clones come on come on no no no no no they're doing damage yes yes yes yes this is a real battle now no no no no no I'm losing Hearts it's fine just keep smacking them yeah crushed it dude did I take them all out or is there still oh Red's there Red's there all right I'm a little low on hearts come on red I'm not afraid of you I don't know I tried stop it yeah oh he strafing me this guy's been taking some classes oh he has some kind of particle dude were you making potions my guy come on yeah this honestly should be un oh I got him dude I was going to say if I have double the hearts of him and I Lose I'm going to be kind of mad hopefully with their respawn it'll give me a little extra time ouch ouch not fire resistant good to know and now we can break down the doors what does this say read the sign behind the portal I don't think I want to I don't think I want to uh look behind you oh gosh you smell funny from the better crafties oh wow okay I see how it is whatever whatever home sweet home those glorious pixels and nice hot sandy sand well we should have everything right to head to the stronghold so let's do it we've got our Eyes of Ender let's follow this bad boy thankfully in peace since we're probably a good I don't know thousand blocks out or something might take the Clones a while to get here have we found it yes we're here my dudes time to dig straight down what's the Worst That Could Happen editor don't cut to the worst thing that could Could Happen please no he's cutting to you not hitting the Subscribe button that is the worst thing that could happen stronghold here it is no problem at all this is so good dude we're almost there uh Redstone I don't know if I need that but honestly I'll take the helmet upgrade it was fun but it's time for you to retire now we just got to find the Portal and then morph into the dragon and then the Clones can't touch me as the Ender Dragon at least I think so looking for a portal actually I'm going to grab one of these Mossy blocks here I can use this if I need to to transform oh no dude they're all here already how why did they also get Eyes of Ender oh that is not good dude they know I'm here cuz of my advancement so um It Might Get Dangerous around here if I can find one of these silverfish in one of the blocks oh perfect yes yes yes okay come here silverfish and then let's tame you real quick morph to you now I'm a little silverfish boy they probably still want to step on me and kill me but I might be able to sneak around just a little easier being so small dude and I've got an awesome power check this out if I right click I can hide inside of a block and then I can pop out that's going to be real nice come on Portal where are you dude hard life being a silver boy where oh gosh oh no no there they are there they are quick hide hide in a Block they'll have no idea I'm here yes oh that's so good dude yeah just have them clear the way perfect perfect all right now let's unhide here I kind of like the idea following them around just so I know where they are they can't sneak up on me if I'm the one sneaking up on them perfect yes yes yes yes they're at the portal now I got to get ready for a battle plan here let's sit in this block and think about and contemplate life and have just a short temporary existential crisis my idea is a little silly but I think it might work if I can run in and hit them and then distract them hey come here come here boys I'm just an innocent little silverfish you can't touch me you can't get me I'm the G bread man okay run run run run run run run run run run yes go silverfish go perfect and if I turn this corner and then I hide did they see me please don't tell me oh don't don't tell me they saw me yes go go now while they're looking for me I'm just going to quickly make the portal and get the heck out of here dude oh gosh I'm hungry hold on hold on hold on hurry hurry eat faster please tell me I have enough of these yes yes yes yes let's go I saw them I saw them ah where are my ender pearls when I need them it's fine if I stack up instead of a bridge I can jump over without allowing them to get over super easy Perfect come on Dragon perch my dude all I have to do is use my Shape Shifter on it and then I can become the dragon and until then I just have to survive oh gosh I got to fight Enderman too come on man pick on somebody your own size oh wait no they're literally my size they're clones come here buddy come here yes yes yes no don't kill me now yes I am crafty the ultimate mob oh you think you can fight back huh you got a couple little arrows I got some projectiles of my own dragon breath attack that's so cool they don't stand a chance or become too powerful hey look they're even giving up yeah not so bad huh now the clones have to do my laundry as they were intended to do in the first place well thanks for dragging your finger to the Subscribe button we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Craftee
Views: 1,001,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, emeralds, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft marketplace, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.20 update, minecraft custom, clone, clones, minecraft clone, minecrat manhunt, manhunt
Id: tmLBSyLrWt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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