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it's electric it's energizing it's empowering it's informative it's equipping its new birth it can't be explained it can only be experienced you've got to come into our sanctuary right now and have a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with God I promise you you'll never be the same we are committed to love live and lead like Christ and we hope that it's so infectious that no matter where it is that you're watching you'll catch on fire and set the world around you a flame I'm excited I'm pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant and welcome to the new birth experience Luke 21 verses one through four as Jesus looked up he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple Treasury he also saw a poor Widow put in two very small copper coins truly I tell you he said it this poor widow has put in more than all the others all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth but she out of poverty but in all she had to live on truly I tell you he said this poor widow has put in more than all the others all these people gave their gifts out of their wealth but she out of her poverty but in all she had to live on you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject man your business [Applause] look at the person beside you tell him you heard the preacher [Applause] mind your business long before cash at became currency the group that affairs recorded a song that was echoed on every jukebox in black neighborhoods echoing the refrain a penny for your thoughts a nickel for your kiss a dime if you tell me that you love me in this economy that bartering system wouldn't take the suitor too far as worthless as a penny might appear today it far exceeds the value of the first ones that were minted you see the first ones that were minted were known as few Gill coins f ug o few yield coins or the few Gil sin there was designed by founding father Benjamin Franklin it garnered that name because of the image of the Sun in its range shining down on the sundial caption Fujio translates in the latin to mean time flying by few Gil means time flying by ironic given that being coined the expression that time flies you're having fun time is money meaning that those who waste time are often guilty of wasting money at the bottom of the original coin was engraved the words mind your business first coins that America minted at the bottom was engraved mine your business it was in throwing shade as today's vernacular would imply to mind your business but historians suggest that the term was to be taken literal as the curator Ben Franklin was a successful businessman so at the bottom of America's currency it was written mine your business that you would pay attention to the business in which you have charged over that stayed in circulation until 1956 in 1956 President Dwight Eisenhower passed a law that they would take off mind your business and put at the bottom of our currency in god we trust' so from 1776 all the way to 1956 the mantra for this nation was mine your business it was not until 1956 that was shifted from mine your business to In God We Trust it took a long time to shift the mindset from business to trusting God my dear friends if you're going to excel in this climate you have to be able to put the two entities together that I trust God here it is to mind my business I am giving god authority over all of my business affairs I want every entrepreneur to lift up that hand every person who's in business for themselves that hand is lifted why because in that this hour I am giving God complete authority over my business God you gave me the idea you gave me four concept you gave me the name now I'm giving it back to you this business cannot fail cuz you can't fail so I'm giving it to you because I believe that resurrection is getting ready to happen from my business and the last two quarters of the year are going to far exceed everything I did at the beginning of the year God I give you a poverty over my business in my personal life and I give you authority of the business of my financial future and I give you authority over the business I have not yet created God get him my business [Applause] 1986 former chairman of Chrysler Motors was the chair of the project to restore the Statue of Liberty he received generous donations from very influential people but the gift that impacted him the most came from 78 homeless Vietnamese refugees living in a concentration camp in Thailand the 78 homeless Vietnamese refugees sent to Lee Iacocca $114 and 19 cents they had lost everything except for the hope they were willing to give their last just because they wanted to invest in Liberty you don't even understand that God is committed to so get in your business that you are going to be free from every false obligation God says he that the Sun sets free is going to be free indeed I'm preaching while I'm prophesy he says I am freeing you from your mortgage I'm freeing you from hospital bills I'm freeing you from student loans for fifty-yard that don't man shout I'm freeing you from car notes y'all ain't saying nothing to me I am freeing you from laps IRS payments I am freeing you from the lien off of your house I am freeing you from people always having their handout I am freeing you from false obligation I'm freeing you from working where you are not welcomed valued or appreciated I am freeing you from being under demonic supervisors I am freeing you from a place of work that causes you migraine stress blood pressure loss of sleep absent a hair God said I am freeing you and today I spot the liberty process when I read when I read about that ragtag group of donors it reminded me of this woman that I heard about in Luke 21 she is considered by theologians as the gold medal giver of the Gospels she's a gold medal giver of the Gospels even though she only put in the offering plate two small copper coins those two small copper coins tabulates to 1/4 of a day's wages in that era they weren't called pennies they won't call times they won't called nickels here this they were called mites and this widow woman came around for the offering and put in her last might you know might as the word to mean strength energy support power and she comes the church as a widow and she don't have much strength left her husband has that he or she is trying to make it and her grown children are nowhere to be found she's clearly operating on a fixed limited income but presses her way to worship with the strength that she got left there's some people who's sitting around you today who don't even understand how little mite you got left they are driving emotionally on each thang got time to fight then got time to argue then got time to explain themselves they are tired of defending themselves they're tired of being misunderstood tired of always assuming the worst tired of being the bigger person tighter always be in the moderator tired of being the traffic guard tired of being taken for granted tired of being taken lightly tired of being misunderstood but in spite of all of that she still finds the strength to get to church and there some of y'all you better be honest in here when you woke up you didn't really feel like coming but you had to talk yourself into it and so I guess I'll go up there today I don't know what God is gonna do but I'm so glad that Isaiah said he gets power to the fight and to those who have known hey he ain't races this right I need you for whoever standing near you I need you to shake that neighbors hand and tell them you stronger than you think you are that's the wrong name but they don't understand how strong you are I need you to shake somebody else's hand and I need you to shake it good and tell them you're stronger than you think you are you ain't no weakling you ain't no pushover you ain't no Punk with everything that you've been through if you are coward you would have committed suicide you would have jumped out the window you would have waved a white flag but you're still standing Santa Christ thankful I'm thankful for the strength I got how did he get in here but I say I said I'm thankful for the strength I got folk got no idea what I'm dealing with but I get out the bad every day there was a guy there was a guy I apologize there's a guy I couldn't find him no way in Luke cousin found him in Matthew couldn't find him in Isaiah but I bumped into this guy who said Jamal telling my testimony about how strong you are when you don't even know how strong y'all couldn't find him an axe couldn't find him in Philippians I found him y'all ain't gonna believe it I found him on Saturday morning found him on Saturday more his name was Papa he's got an amazing testimony I gotta tell you about this guy named pup I know you ain't never heard of him he ain't no way in the Bible I don't even know if he ever met you scat I gotta tell you about Popeye Popeye is a sailor man god help me in here he's he's a sailor man and what's amazing about Popeye is he's always getting beat up by name by man by the name of Bru Dolph but can I tell you why Bluto wants to fight Popeye y'all ain't gonna believe it he only wants to fight Popeye cuz he got olive oil ain't got no church people in here you don't even know why the enemy is fighting you so bad but you got dollar for your lip if no one on y'all what's amazing is he keeps getting beat up because Bluto wants his olive oil and I mothers our grandmothers taught us we had to eat our spinach in order for us to be strong like Popeye but you know that they lied to us for years here's the evidence I know that they lie is that wild papayas getting beat up and strangled he would get a can of spinach in his hand he's supposed to not have any strength but don't y'all know Papa open the can with his bare hands and you never figured how how did he find the strength to open that can why he was getting beat up that's because before he got beat up he touched all y'all and every now and again you got a gift already but the strife that you got when you shut up in defeat [Music] Jesus is in church one day he's in church one day the church is packed out and the way that the tabernacle is set up there were 13 boxes brass trumpet shaped around the offering baskets narrow at the top wide at the bottom they had no paper currency in Jesus's time so all of the money was in coins so when people were making big donations and offerings washes because the tenant was made out of copper it would make a sound hallelujah therefore we get the understanding the sacrifice of praise when it is that you making a sacrifice before God you shouldn't be quiet but when you making a sacrifice in the presence of God it ought to make some noise that's why I don't beg people to praise God cuz if you ain't been through nothing you ain't gonna say nothing but if you able to say through it all I'll learn to trust in Jesus Wow everybody's walking around they're giving their offering and their offerings are making a lot of noise but here comes this widow woman with these two little coins in hers don't make a lot of noise sometimes people underestimate you because you don't say a lot y'all ain't saying I'm give me to upset some self-righteous folk just because you don't see me screaming don't mean I ain't got a relationship I can't hear nobody just as I'm dancing don't mean I don't feel I'm on the inside sometimes God deals with me in a quiet way and I gotta praise him the way you praise her but God will see my sacrif due to his omniscience Jesus not only knew that she gave and how much he gave but Jesus recognized it was all that she had can you imagine the look of astonishment and amazement you sitting beside somebody in church this morning who you don't know never met and you ask them what you given today they'd be offended he knows how secretive people become in church to an offer fill out their envelope then turn it over because they don't want you to know what it is that they give it proverbs 15 and 3 because the eyes of the Lord are in everyplace watching the evil and the good I want to say this to somebody I hope you'll receive it his eye is now watching my bank account his eye is on my credit score his eye is on my income the debt ratio his high is on my bills I cancelled every person who has tried to fraudulently break into your account your name will not be compromised while you are giving God glory your interest is about to raise up equity is going back into your house a contract is being prepared with your name order God's got his eyes the wealthy people the wealthy people who win ahead of her had the wrong intention they were giving in church for recognition and lofty perception but this poor woman was doing it as an act of worship and devotion I'm gonna pause right here I know that this obstructs where it is that we are but I just want to pause in the event that there's a remnant in the room that knows that I Oh God some worship I gotta give him my voice gotta give him my hands I gotta give him my feet if it had not been for the Lord that was on my side Oh him come on y'all gotta worship better than that you gotta praise them better than that you gotta give Him glory better than that the worshipers are doing it because they got a heart for God not cuz they want to be seen not for the camera not for the applause I'm doing it for God I [Music] [Applause] was amazed on yesterday I was overwhelmed seeing five thousand young people walk in this room to know that the body of Christ was making God's name great in the earth thought we had done something poking my chest out pat myself on the back feel like we had done something cuz the shoes I'm giving a walk out her mother pulls me by my coattails say Pastor Brian thank you for what you did how dare not ask you for anything else all I want you to do is pray for me say yeah I can pray for you she said I need you to do it now and don't send me to know about it I said Lord how pray for you I said then tell me what you want me to pray for and she said pastor you don't even know he was a lion outside this church but I beat all of them said you beat all of them she said yes to me and my three kids for the last week been sleeping in our car and I slip in your parking lot last night I didn't know how God was gonna make a way but I just believed if I could just get to the house of God that God was gonna make something happen for me and you want me to beg you bougie Negroes to give God glory when your children woke up in their home bed hate at the table didn't have to worry about what they were going you are to be giving y'all glory some might you know why I don't know way [Music] [Applause] you learn how to trust God hear this you gonna learn how to trust God and demonstrate your trust for God hear me when you are poor you gotta trust him when you don't have it hallelujah it's easy to give God glory when you'll need nothing god I can't hear nobody but I'm telling you when stuff gets real tight and you can't breathe and can't focus and can't see straight but your trust here comes the town where you gotta stop front and stop flossing stop perpetrating the fraud and say God I trust you even when I don't know where the money is coming from I trust you cuz I got some stuff that I can't even deal with I trust you some bills I won't even open up I trust sure I said let me see your sacrifice lost her husband can't find their children but still comes to church but she said I'll know when God is gonna do it but I trust him to do it and they're those of you who are you in this room they got your back up against the wall but you dragged yourself to church anyway and say God I don't know when you gonna do it but I believe you got a miracle with my name on it I don't know how you gonna do it but I believe that before this week is over you go reveal yourself to me do me a favor if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but if you need the power of God to work on your behalf I give Him glory be seated please most of us most of us are blessed that we're not as destitute as this woman she came to church all she had was too much left she said I'm gonna come to church with no husband no insurance policy neglectful children and I'm coming to put God to the tests to see whether he's gonna really make away from me she was saying long before the Constitutional Congress in God I trust you don't even understand that the intention of Dwight Eisenhower to put In God We Trust at the bottom of the cancer is that every time you exchange money y'all ain't gonna believe it your money was saying a prayer I am praying that everything Annie goes through I don't know who this is for but this shout right here is just for those of us that are delinquent on some stuff and you need God's assistance to catch you up where you're supposed to be in God she's saying he will supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory I trust him to do it in the crazy how it is that we act we trust the cable company that when we pay the bill we expect HBO to be on in an amazing then when you go to the gas station and pay you expect that there's going to be gas in your car in that water I want to know how you trust Exxon how you trust Netflix how you trust DIRECTV and you don't believe that when I give to God everything he told me I was going see he's going to come to pass I can tell some of y'all don't have a vision you don't have any dreams you don't have any goals but those of y'all that believe if God I expected to come to pass Jesus throws everybody off when he announced truly I say unto you this poor woman put in more than all these rich people that means the Lord was deep in her business to know that they gave out a surplus and she came out of her substance compared to what others gave those two mites what she gave it didn't pay the mortgage to their church where she gave it didn't meet the payroll where she gave didn't help with the utilities but when she gave the little she had it put a mouth date for God to pay attention I want somebody in this room to know that God says I'm looking at what it is that you going through and I don't let you struggle in August the way you struggled in July I'll get ready to shift said after you gave I'm stopping the line I'm stopping the land cuz I'm turning the line around that the lasts is getting ready to be first I want to make an announcement for somebody who will shout about it before Labor Day gets here your position will change I can't hear nobody I said before the summer is over your standing is going to change no girl little girl had um had an ailing father sick diner cancer when with her mother to Walmart how are they walking through Walmart she saw this baby doll she wanted said to her mama I want that doll and the mother said to her baby you know we can't afford it right now daddy is sick we only managing on one income I want you to have it but I can't afford to give it to you right now the amazing hand of God heal that low girl's father he'll the little girl's father is restored back to complete health went back and claimed his job and at her next birthday she got that baby doll that she wanted she loved that baby doll carried it around everywhere and the Sunday after her birthday her mother dragged her to church and the preacher said to everybody in the church you gotta give God which you love the most little girl started crying next Sunday she came to church had a baby doll tucked under her arms and when they must around for the offering she dropped her doll in the basket Deacon's on the front row started laughing people in the choir loft started pointing arrow mother father tried to drag all along so why did you do that say cuz I love this doll the most and so I wanted to give God what I love the most friends new birth I want you to know that Tuesday the pastor came by the house had the doll tucked under his suit and said I saw you in church Sunday I appreciate your sacrifice but I came to give you your dog back the pastor jumped back waiting for the girl to be elated wave her to scream to be overwhelmed with joy to run up in huncle but the little girl just set then looked at him with tears coming down her eyes and said I can't take it and the pastor said nam the pastor is okay I didn't cleared it with the Deacons we don't give the dog back to you you have modeled for us what sacrificial given looks like the little girl is now hyperventilating seven-years-old don't know no matter she said I still can't take it the pastor bewildered so why can't you take it little girl gathered a cell wipe the tears from eyes and said cuz I was giving it to you I was giving it to the father when you get into God's house you ain't doing it for Jamal Bryant you ain't doing it for no nosy neighbor I'm giving it to God this joy that I have so I'll then give it can't take it away I want you to lift up that hand [Applause] your next blessing is not gonna come from the hands of people I can't hear nobody when you get blessed you ain't go nobody but God gave me this has to become every lifted hand I got I bless you with the strength you got left you ain't in competition with nobody but gods get ready to bless all of your business your family business your health business your financial business your occupation your field god is committed to bless your business everything that is concerning to you God is getting ready to anoint and those of you by faith even in the dark the difficult in the dismal times you won't find the strength to trust God if that's where you are would you let him know through a sound of worship come on I can't hear anybody I said trust him even through your words I want you to stand to your feet where you are [Music] church folk won't be honest with you is hard to trust God sometimes especially when you can't trace them hard to trust him when he ain't even confirming nothin ain't sayin nothin hard to trust him when you're trying to do right and people do dirty by you but you gotta trust him in spite of what it looks like wherever you are in this room I'm gonna tell you transparently I ain't got nothin up up my sleeve I want to tell you something I got to be honest with you you've got no idea how bad I want to be your pastor got no idea how much I prayed that you would make new birth your church you got no idea how happy it's gonna make me that you give Jesus your life today here you in this room and you ain't got much strength left but with the little strength that remains you saying you know what pass I'm gonna trust him if he did it for that widow woman that didn't have no backup resources but said imma put it all in his hands I must step back and see what he does for me you're in this room you've been looking for a church whose actions speak louder than their words how much you to come meet me at this altar our deacons our elders our leaders are waiting to embrace you with the little strength you got I need you to come [Applause] [Music] come on you can do better than that give God glory here they come come with the strength you got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] new birth I need you to give God glory they almost didn't make it this morning but they pressed their way anyway come on [Music] I want you to come I want you to be able to walk out here and say to your neighbor to your coworker to your family to your friends I connected to a church they put 5,000 pairs of shoes on children in Atlanta I can't hear nobody I became a part of a church that believes in community development I am a part of a church that wants to see my business prosper was to see my family flourish what's investing my children succeeded that's the kind of church I go to I need y'all to help me sir ma'am help me would you talk to whoever's on your own ask them for me ask him are they saved ask him do they have a church home ask him have they given their lives over to God come on trust me [Music] come on and trust me [Music] I need you to celebrate this whole family coming [Music] Oh [Music] hold trust me [Music] if you at all stay right here with me hold on musicians thank you new perf I want you to help me give God glory don't do it yet this woman who's here at the altar whose hand I'm holding said pastor you don't even understand I drove 500 miles to get here [Applause] that she's been watching online but says she wanted to come and walk the altar herself to get connected to what God is doing in this ministry I need somebody to shout for what God is getting ready to do [Applause] [Music] she came 500 miles are you complaining coming from Alpharetta I need you to come meet me at this altars ten more of you who need to come nevels the confirmation you need it you don't live too far come on if his good is worth two gasps new perfume know how we roll I'm waiting on five more to come the quicker they come the faster we can get out of here I need to do a spin 360 would you talk to the person in front of you behind you to your left to your right come on give God glory for this beautiful brother coming I need you to shell for this sister coming down the aisle [Music] shut I need you to do me a favor please come on would you give God glory for these young people coming [Applause] [Music] come on they steal coming give God glory [Music] remember my my father years ago used to say if a child is old enough to pick out their clothes they're old enough to pick out Christ's did y'all hear what I just said if they old enough to pick out their clothes they're old enough to select Christ I want you to help me on the eve before school starts and when our young people saved I want them committed to Jesus Christ's would you talk to the young people beside you ask him do they know Jesus for the pardoning of their sins have they given their life over to God come on come on wherever you are talk to those young people if there's one here I need you to come hallelujah come on trust me [Music] come on and trust me I hear some noise come on make some noise here comes the family oh come on and trust me come on and trust me those of you who are watching online you want to become a part of what it is that God is doing I want you to become a cyber ma'am I don't care where you're watching whether you're Maryland Mississippi Michigan Montana I want you to please become a part of what it is that God is our the same power that's in this house is coming to your house right now Newberg give God glory for our virtual worshippers shut your right hand to faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I notice right show your right if you're not right come on give God some praise for it right there all of you who are at the altar all of you who are at the altar if you'll follow us this way I just want to get some information to you numers make some noise they came as friends they leave it as family come on give God some glory for [Applause] you may be seated trust me listen the widow woman when they were stand for the offering she didn't sneak out she didn't put up one finger she said I don't have much but I'm gonna give God my absolute best so time for all of us to demonstrate our devotion on now God rushes on moving amongst you if you're absent of an envelope I need you to lift up that hand you don't have an envelope if you don't have an envelope I want you to lift up that hand I don't want you to be robbed of the privilege to give I want you to give out of whatever strength you have the woman defied the notion you can't give while you're broke I gotta trust him for the increase even when I don't know how he's gonna make away the peculiarities about God as God never comes in the way that you expect he comes in a whole nother direction how many of you know sometimes God won't even bless you with money he'll bless you with a relationship that will give for you what you didn't even see coming how many of you all our witness he'll open doors for you you didn't even know exists didn't give you opportunities that you would have never been able to apply for I want us to demonstrate on the last Sunday of this month the entire church all of new birth is going to be tithing together if you've never tired I'm telling you that's gonna be your day that you're gonna put God to the test it is only in the area of our giving that God gives us permission to test him he said try me and see what I won't do there woman didn't have anything after that but she said I'm gonna trust God and God made a way and I'm believing for you that there's some living witnesses around you that God is gonna make a way for you after hearing that woman's testimony many of you ought to be giving believing that God is going to exceed your expectation the legal minds amongst us would let you know about the law of first mention the law first mentioned suggest whatever happens first sets the precedent for whatever happens next my dear friends on this being the first Sunday in August you are setting the stage for the entire month that God has given me to take you from glory to glory I'm believing watch this that after you've at least this gift God is gonna add strength to your life strength to your business strength to your endeavors and strength to your possibilities tree that they will get the victory not only from wearing a pair of shoes but in life that they will become better because of the prayers over the shoes Saturday morning the line was wrapped around new berth doors opened at 9:00 a.m. but our guests were here as early as 4:00 a.m. coming from the south side I'm gonna go nothing this is a great baby ma Brian decided new for the community it's a great job great job baby they shout out a new bird I appreciate what y'all doing with the shoe with them shout out to our Rev that donate shout out to the caring man family today know doing a big thing out here I'm honestly grateful for this event it's crazy to see how God's people just come United and are willing to come and help the community and help those in need and I'm just grateful to God into the church and to pastor Jamal Bryant and empty sanctuary was so filled with thousands of parents and their children for a blessing they'll never forget dr. Jamal Bryant pastor of Newberg was excited about the enormity of the day [Music] this is absolutely amazing it's a landmark day for Atlanta metro 4,000 young people are gonna be blessed with brand-new back-to-school shoes let me tell you the miracle we only asked for two thousand and now we're close to five thousand God will always do exceedingly abundantly beyond which you can think dream or even imagine I'm excited today God gets all the glory we're thankful to the hundreds of volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the day to service it yes not only was she was given away but dental services were provided along with backpacks and sighs and a lunch tada I'm gonna dance to my new shoes on [Music] on behalf of dr. Bryant and the entire Newburgh family we want to say thank you to everyone who donated to this great car many blessings to our children as they start the new school [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 44,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UltvW24JP8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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