ChatGPT Data Analysis for Beginners in 2024! (Full Guide)

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chat GPT is a wonderful tool for a multitude of different use cases from generating knowledge to creating content diagnosing issues with chat GPT Vision to even creating pictures in chat GPT from a single prompt using Dolly 3 now these are all wonderful features but the one feature that might be the most powerful that people often look over is chat gbt's ability to actually analyze data now this is super powerful and if you aren't utilizing it to its full potential then you are not using chat G PT in the correct way you have the ability to become a data analyst in chat gbt analyze data clean data interpret data and everything in between and that's why I'm creating this full data analysis guide for chat GPT let's get into it before we get into this video if you want to learn chat GPT in depth and learn how to utilize it to its maximum potential I highly recommend joining my chat gbt Mastery course and Community now this is all in the same platform as you can see this is the community aspect it's very cool we we can start these long conversation threads going over chat gpt's new features making sure that we're staying on top of this AI Revolution right we are in here learning a tool of the future and if we head up to the classroom as you can see we have all sorts of modules in here from this new GPT feature where I show you how to create awesome gpts that sell to the Advanced Data analysis feature in chat GPT where I show you in-depth cleaning and interpreting data like I'm about to show you in this video This goes a little bit more in depth and it show you some unique use cases for this feature now let's get back into the video now in my opinion data analysis comes down to three things all of which chat gbt has the ability to complete interpreting cleaning and analyzing so having chat GPT actually inspect and interpret the data to gain a full understanding of what it's dealing with is going to be very important also Chad gbt has the ability to clean your data which when your data is clean it's going to be a little bit more functional and chat GPT will be able to analyze that data much better once we get get into the last step which is analyzing and analyzing gives you Insider information on what your data means it can help you find Trends find outliers to see what's working and why it's working or find different key metrics that are going to be very important for Success now I will run through this entire cycle of data analysis that I just shared with you but I want you to follow along with me and you may be thinking well I don't have any data sets well that's where you can go to this free data set website called kaggle now kaggle is this website where you can explore different data sets and you can just download them to your computer in order to practice on uh this video is not sponsored by kaggle at all I don't have any affiliation with kaggle it's just a very good way to access a bunch of data sets that you can download to your computer in order to practice on Chad gbt so I highly recommend it the data set that I'm going to be working with today is a jobs and data science data set so this is the raw format of the CSV file that I imported into Google Sheets from kaggle so I download loed it from kaggle and then I imported it into a Google sheet and this is what it looked like it gives me a bunch of data that I get to practice on in chat gbts so this is very fun uh don't be limited by your data because you have websites like kaggle that have a bunch of data sets that allow you to share quality data and actually access that quality data so this is what we are going to be using for this video I thought it would be fitting using the jobs and data science data set so in order to activate this data analysis feature all you need to do is have GPT or activated as you can see when you have this activated it activates Dolly browsing and Analysis all at the same time so you no longer need to go in the back end in the beta features and select activate because if you just have GPT 4 activated it will automatically be activated as well and in order to upload a file all you need to do is hit this link button in the bottom leftand corner of your prompt bar so that's what I'm going to do and then it will take you to your desktop or your last opened folder and for this I'm going to select jobs in in data that's my CSV file that I had in the Google Sheets that I showed you a little earlier so I'm going to select open and as you can see at the bottom here it just loaded in that data set very very quickly and this is a CSV file you have the option to upload numerous types of files I'm going to use my course here as a reference and go to activation and use cases these are some of the files that you get access to upload to chat gbt so there's text files programming source files office documents PDF files image files data files audio files and archive files so you can upload a multitude of different files to chat GPT in order to get them analyzed as you can see here we have the jobs in data science CSV and the first thing we need to do is actually interpret this data or have chat GPT interpret this data that way it can get a good understanding of what it's dealing with when chat GPT has that understanding it can better clean and analyze the data so I'm going to type out a simple prompt so I told chat GPT in interpret this data and when you have all aspects understood say I am ready for the next step so I'm giving chat gbt a command to say once it's actually interpreted and understood all of what's included within this data I can then send off this message in chat gbt will start interpreting the data using this analyzing feature which is very cool and very powerful I'm serious if you ladies and gentlemen aren't using this yet I highly recommend getting involved because this is a very powerful way that we can actually interpret understand and analyze our data so chat gbt did its interpreting and it now understands all of the columns and all of what they mean and it's also saying that activation command I am ready for the next step as I told it to say once it's understood all the data so there haven't been any follow-up questions so it seems like Chad gbt has a good grasp on everything that's included within this specific data set so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to have chat gbt clean this data because in order for it to be properly analyzed it must be cleaned and ready to go so if there's anything that needs to be fixed or any numbers that need to be classified is not a number or Nan then it's going to be important to have chat gbt clean that data and I'm going to show you the data sets next to each other once chat gbt has the cleaned data so I'll show you this non-cleaned version versus the cleaned version after chat gbt is done cleaning if there are any changes that need to be made now there might not be but it's important to take this step in order to let chat jbt clean the data because later on it will be much easier to analyze the data if it's been cleaned to chat gbt's liking so I can type out a simple prompt like clean this data if there is anything that needs to be done for better analysis in the future okay I can send that off and chat gbt will now clean the data using the analyzing feature once again so there was actually something that needs to be cleaned it says the data has been cleaned by removing duplicate rows which ensures better accuracy and quality for future analysis there were no missing values in this data set so that's good the cleaned data is now saved in a new file which you can download using the link cleaned jobs in data CSV then it says there are no remaining duplicates in the cleaned data set making it ready for further analysis which is amazing and this is what I love about using chat GPT is it gives you downloadable copies all I have to do is hit this link and it will download the file as you can see up by my face right here it's downloaded this to my computer so now I'm going to head back over to my Google sheet I'm going to create a new sheet and then I'm going to hit file import and then I'm going to make sure I'm in upload and I'm going to drag in my data set right here and I'm just going to say replace current sheet and import data and let's see if there's any differences within the two it said that it just removed some duplicate rows so I'm assuming that there isn't going to be much differences but if you're dealing with a really messy data set and there's a lot of things missing or there's a lot of empty values or there's a lot of values that need to be filled in then chat GPT can take on that responsibility and better clean the data but this was a pretty clean sheet of data pretty much ready for use now that this data has been interpreted and cleaned it's ready for analysis chat gbt has a full understanding of what it's dealing with and also a clean copy of that data so now it's time to get into the analysis section of this protocol now I'm telling you this when you accurately learn how to analyze your data it becomes so power F because you have the ability to find anomalies within your data identify Trends correlations relationships and eventually even dive into some predictive modeling with chat gbt you can do all of this now this would have taken a long time to understand and learn without chat gbt but now we have the ability to prompt to a chatbot and tell it what we want completed and that does the data analysis for us it lays it out in a nice easy to understand format especially when combined with all the other prompting techniques that I've taught in my course and other YouTube videos you have the ability to become a data analyst in a sense and it's so powerful So within this same chat thread what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask chat GPT some questions and I'm going to start the analysis process I'm going to say are there any Trends within this data set and if you aren't being super specific it may ask you questions like what do you want to see trends for uh job types based on year salaries based on the year you know there are so many things you can draw trends for so it might ask you some follow-up questions but that's also why I like this is you can be a complete beginner ask basic questions like like this and chat GPT will help guide you through that process but I'm just going to send off this basic prompt nothing too complex I want to make this beginner friendly so everybody can understand how to use this so I'm going to send off that message and chat gbt is going to be analyzing this data you can open this up and actually see what it's doing in the back end I like to keep it shut because that stuff starts to confuse me a little bit and when you look at this Chad GPT without me asking gave four different graphs and charts showing me the different Trends not only that but it gives me an analysis of the trends and tells me and describes what each graph is meaning salary Trends by job category salary Trends by experience level salary distribution by employment type and number of jobs by company size and it kind of dives into what each one of these graphs are saying what I'm going to do is I'm going to go up top here and I'm going to zoom in so you can get a better look at this graph this is just amazing that chat GPT created all of this in about 15 seconds a beautiful box plot colorcoded labeled everything we need xais y AIS right it's about the extent that I learned about analysis and graphs but this is salary Trends by job category but you can start to analyze this data and see different outliers within this box plot you can scroll down and see salary Trends by experience level and as you can see I'm already drawing some conclusions here seems like the midlevel experience level people uh has the highest amount of earning potential right there so as you can see salary and USD this person who only has mid-level experience is earning over $400,000 per year nearly $500,000 per year compared to all of the senior levels who are earning in between 320,000 and 42,000 right now what I'm drawing is seems like the senior level people are much more consistent while the mid-level people range much more then as we keep scrolling down we have another graph salary distribution by employment type that's kind of interesting to look at and then lastly we have number of jobs by company size so as you can see medium company sizes have a lot more jobs than large company sizes or small company sizes so that Medium company size is that sweet spot for jobs and data science and again if you do not understand any of these you can have chat gbt walk you through what they mean so I can ask chat gbt a question like explain more in depth salary Trends by job so I can understand that box plot better you can talk to chat gbt like a 5-year-old and get very Advanced analysis on a lot of your data I'm going to send off that message and this is why I like chat gbt you can talk to it like a human natural language processing you have the ability to analy data when you're talking in this not fancy verbiage you don't really have to understand anything chat gbt can walk you through that process very simply as you can see it gives me a four-step in-depth description of how these box plots are working and it actually helps me understand it much better if you want to pause the screen and read it it' probably help you understand it a little bit better as well if you don't have much knowledge on it then you can keep analyzing this data I say generate me a radar chart of number of jobs by company size I can send off that message and chat GPT will get me a radar chart based off this graph right here if you want to see data in different ways you can just ask chat GPT you can even ask chat GPT for ideas on how to analyze this data and it will give you that as well as you can see this radar chart is great at finding outliers as you can see there's a huge Spike towards medium and the spikes towards large companies and small companies are minuscule so when you have a a ton of data and you start overlaying these radar charts on top of each other they become super powerful and again I go in- depth on radar charts in my chat gbt Mastery course I think radar charts might be one of my favorite charts for finding outliers so this has been a full tutorial on data analysis and chat GPT with the steps that I've taught you in this video you can analyze any data set big or small I recommend practicing using the website in order to find and explore on different data sets that way you have the ability to use chat gbt for Advanced Data analysis because once the opportunity comes or once the time comes where you need to actually analiz data you will be prepared if you want to learn chat gbt in-depth a toz and join a thriving community of AI enthusiasts I highly highly recommend joining my chat gbt Mastery course which I will be leaving in the description or the top pinned comment now you can just scroll down to the comment section and once you see my top pend comment up there you can click on that link and start learning chat GPT in depth and Ma maximizing its potential with that being said I also have a lot of free content here on YouTube that you can learn and enjoy so drop a like on this video if you did enjoy it comment below letting me know your feedback on what are you using this Advanced Data analysis feature for and how can I improve on the workflow as well I would love to hear it subscribe if you're new and with that being said I will see you within the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 93,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, data analyst, data analytics, chat gpt data analysis, chatgpt data analysis, chatgpt code interpreter, chatgpt advanced data, become a data analyst in chatgpt, become a data analyst, chatgpt data analyst, chatgpt analyzing data, excel sheet chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt tutorial, what is chatgpt, chatgpt data tutorial, chatgpt data analysis tutorial, data analyzing chatgpt, how to analyze data in chatgpt, chatgpt data analyst 2023, chatgpt 4 data analysis
Id: DLpz6V_4SpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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