10 Secrets for BETTER ChatGPT Outputs! (Important)

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I've just developed a list of 10 items that will completely revolutionize your outputs within chat GPT now these are secrets I've picked up on from prompting for sometimes hours per day skillfully perfecting my craft I don't know what you do but I spend a lot of my time on chat GPT and that's why I'm bringing this content to you so that you can learn and become better when it comes to prompting because once you learn how to prompt in chat GPT it does a lot of things for your life one it helps you learn a lot of information very quickly number two it helps you retain that information so you can use chat GPT not only to learn information very quickly but to retain it and number three something that people often Overlook is you can actually use chat GPT to engineer your life in multiple ways whether that's creating checklists creating a grocery list schedules you can actually integrate all of this into your life to systemize boring and repetitive tasks or help speed up a certain process that way you can spend your time doing the more important things things that are actually going to move the needle you can seriously use chat GPT as a tool to speed up and engineer those tasks in your life that you do not need to be spending your time on now before I jump into these 10 secrets that make your outputs much better within chat GPT I wanted to let you know that I do have a chat GPT course and I know what you're thinking before you click off and say oh my gosh another YouTuber with a course this course in community is designed to help you not only evolve in chat gbt but in AI chat GPT is a staple within artificial intelligence and you need to understand and master it because it's kind of been this huge push in the big mark Market mover in the world of artificial intelligence so it's something that everybody can use and if you're not utilizing it to its maximum potential then you're falling behind and that's what I teach you in the course how to use chat gbt to its maximum potential to engineer your life completely and you also get a nice Community to go along with it now let's jump into 10 chat GPT secrets in order to revolutionize your outputs secret number one which shouldn't be much of a secret but it is because people don't do it is to follow-up prompt in chat GPT now follow-up prompting is good for three things anal analyzing understanding and expanding on your outputs if you don't understand that then you don't understand chat gbt followup prompts within your same chat thread keep the conversation going it helps you retain information better it helps you learn information better and it also helps you analyze and diagnose and dive deeper into your problems to find those good Solutions let me show you a quick follow-up prompt example I can ask chat gbt what are the benefits of electric cars and I can send that message off and then chat GPT will give a very nice description and probably a numbered list of the benefits of having an electric car and now here you have your list of benefits for electric cars but if you want to do actual good research that helps you come to a conclusion or make a decision on purchasing this electric vehicle something you may want to ask and something that you need to be aware of is the opposite side of things so how does this compare to traditional gasoline cars this is important when you're doing any sort of research or when you want to maximize on your outputs with chat gbt prompt to see the other side right so a good follow-up prompt would be how does this compare to traditional gasoline cars and I spelled gasoline wrong it really doesn't matter chat jbt will know what I'm talking about I'm going to send it off and this is a good prompt for analyzing your initial generated knowledge with chat GPT it's very important to keep on follow-up prompting and digging deeper into your solution or problem that you're dealing with and now it's going into comparing electric cars to traditional gasoline cars so now I can see some more points into why might not want an electric car or why I might want to get one in the future follow-up prompting goes further than just that you can ask many different questions and many different followup prompts but it's important to keep that in mind when prompting in chat gbt if you want to maximize on your outputs secret number two for better outputs in chat gbt which is so overlooked is custom instructions this is available for everybody free users and paid users in chat GPT and I have personally hacked custom instructions to handle a multitude of different tasks let me show you how I'm using custom instructions that way you can implement this in your workflow so what are custom instructions well custom instructions allow you to change the output of chat gbt in any way that you want you can make chat GPT any personality you want any Persona any profession it's super powerful and you can get there by opening up your sidebar heading down to your profile selecting that and then hitting custom instructions and once you do this box will pop up in the middle of your screen and these two sections allow you to completely manipulate chat GPT to are liking as you can see I have a ton of information in these boxes and this isn't by accident anytime I have a problem I input a professional role that chat gbt needs to become and how it should respond as that role and I know what you're thinking do you just type this out every time that seems like a lot no I do not type this out I have a pre-filled database with 300 different personas let me show you as you can see I have these 300 custom personas for chat gbt that I offer for sale on my website thousands of people have bought these and thousands of people love them and the reason they love them is because you can quickly change chat GPT to any profession that you're dealing with so there's 300 different custom personas in here maybe I want help with my content well I can empty these boxes for custom instructions and chat GPT and then I can head over to my 300 custom personas and find something like a Content strategist and these boxes are pre-filled so all I have to do is copy this first section to my clipboard and then I paste it in in this first box of custom instructions asks what would you like chat gbt to know about you to provide better responses and What I've Done by copying and pasting in this role is I've made chat gbt a professional content strategist so now it's going to be thinking like a professional content strategist but since chat GPT outputs information to us we also want it to be responding like one too which is exactly why I made the second box for every persona for how would you like chat GPT to respond and these two boxes work in conjunction with one another so now jat gbt is thinking like a Content strategist and it's also responding like one too so now when I hit save jat gbt is going to be responding based on those instructions and this puts me in the top 1% of chat GPT users not only because I'm going the extra mile and writing out a ton of text to change chat GPT for any Persona or any profession but what I'm also doing is I'm making this so chat gbt's responses are unlike anyone else's who else do you know is in here making all of these custom instructions when they have a problem nobody that's the answer right nobody's taking the time to do this so if you want unique responses that are better than the average chat gbt response and I highly recommend it let me show you a quick example of how these compare when using custom instructions and when not using custom instructions I'll give chat GPT the same prompt for both so this will be my comparison prompt help me create a Content schedule for my artificial intelligence YouTube channel for the month of February 2024 so I'm going to copy this so I have it ready to paste without custom instructions but this is the response with custom instructions activated and when chat gbt is thinking in the shoes of that professional content strategist and while this is generating I'm going to duplicate my chat GPT Tab and I'm going to type in that same prompt except this time I'm going to open up my sidebar head over to custom instructions and deactivate them and now that these are deactivated I'm going to hit save and then I'm going to send off this prompt without chat gbt taking on that role let's see how these two things compare so this is with custom instructions active ated okay so this is when we turn Chat gbt into that professional content strategist as you can see it has big headers gives me big steps things that I can actually Implement into my YouTube channel for February of 2024 and with each step it gives an objective and actions actionable things I can do in order to help me it gives me step one 2 3 four five and then after it gives me these five steps in order to create a successful February 2024 content schedule it then gives me an examp sample calendar structure for February 2024 and it provides me a table without me even asking and important criteria for each video it gives me keywords notes pillar content format content topics and dates and this is a very good setup it also gives me additional considerations and certain things that I can think about when doing my content now let's go take a look when we deactivated these custom instructions and we did not use the custom instructions for chat GPT right this is what it gives us gives us this boring four-week thing with no actionable steps and it just says include Q&A sessions AI news and polls and quizzes this is what it gives us without custom instructions very boring no actionable steps nothing we can do with this this is what happens when we activate those custom instructions copying and pasting it in from my custom personas here if you want those custom personas I offer them for sale on my website you can access them using the link in the description or the top pinch comment I highly recommend it over a thousand people have bought these and loved them so far so I highly recommend you do the same not only to get better responses but to also learn how to prompt good custom instructions that actually work secret number three for better outputs in chat GPT is to actually change your output in chat gbt for better output formatting that's unique to your situation so if you're generating a blog post in chat gbt or you're generating some content that might need some headers or subheadings make sure to mention that in chat GPT it can do that for you if you do mention it if you say you want heading ones heading twos and heading threes describing each section then tell chat gbt to change that maybe you want a bullet list or a numbered list or you want a table generated make sure that you give chat gbt that information because it can change the output format of your response which makes it much better for your situation and the exact problem that you're dealing with let me show you a quick couple of examples and before I show you the examples again I'm going to quickly copy and paste in my custom instructions if you were here from last example then you know how these work and you know how it makes responses much better then I'm going to hit save so now chat gbt is thinking like a nice copywriter and I already have my prompt in here create a blog post about why candy is bad for you this would be a decent prompt but in order to get better outputs in chat GPT you need to actually specifically tell chat gbt what you want the output format in so I can tell it to include headings subheadings and sub subheadings for important points throughout the blog post then I can send that off and now chat gbt's response is going to be much better as you can see it adds this huge heading the bitter truth about candy why it's bad for your health it gives headings it gives subheadings and it even gives sub subhe headings okay and maybe I went a little overboard on the headings because it seems like it's squeezing it into just bullet list but you get the point you can really manipulate the output of chat GPT when using uh output formatting within your prompts I can even ask chat gbt to create a table to go along with this blog when I send it off it will it will create a table that takes the information from this post and puts it in that format just like this and it's very nice you can keep changing your output of chat GPT and keep getting those good responses secret number four for better outputs in chat GPT is to utilize plugins now it shouldn't be much of a secret but it is because I don't see many people utilizing the power of plugins in chat GPT let me show you a few plugins how they work and also the power of them when utilizing them and how you can get amazing results in 15 to 30 seconds so right now I have activated three plugins and these are three use cases that I want to show you today I have an AI diagrams plugin I have a plan fit plugin and I also have the Wolfram plugin activated so I'm going to use all three of these and I'm going to show you the power of these and how you can get much better outputs in chat gbt if you utilize plugins so the first plugin that I want to show you though is AI diagrams you can create flowcharts mind maps and sequence diagrams I have a full video going over that if you're interested you can watch it in the upper right hand corner but this is a prompt I have create me a detailed flowchart of how photosynthesis Works generating things in a flowchart is going to help you with visualization and cognitive reasoning it's going to help you connect points and see why things work the way they do and the order that they go in so that's why I'm using this plugin and that's why it's powerful for a better output it's a better output if you can better understand the question or problem that you're trying to solve in chat GPT so this is what I have here and I'm going to send off this message and chat gbt is going to use the AI diagrams plugin in order to do this as you can see using AI diagram and it's going to generate this flowchart of how photosynthesis Works in a matter of about 15 seconds boom just like that chat GPT generates a beautiful flowchart picture of how photosynthesis works and I can even go further in depth and I can start editing this if I select this Blue Link beneath the picture I can do this all with a free account in this Whimsical app that chat gbt integrates with I can then move things around if I want to I can come in here and I can change the colors and I can even change the way the arrow looks if I want I can change the direction of the arrow and I can even export this and save this so if I'm using it for a project or a slideshow this generated very quickly and it has a very good broad overview about how photosynthesis works and the way it runs the next plugin I want to showcase is plan fit and this is going to help you with your workout plan and also give you instructional videos and diagrams on how to actually do the workout that it gives you let me show you so I tell chat gbt to create me a chest workout routine and triceps give me the tutorial for each workout using plan fit plug-in okay so since I have it activated and when I send off that message it's going to take all that information in use the plugin generate me the routine it also tutorials on how to do the workouts when it generates that plan for me and just like that in a matter of about 45 seconds this one actually took a little bit longer it gives me different workouts I can do for my chest and tricep day so it says incline chest press machine and if you do not have this machine it gives you different Alternatives you can do and they're all links so when you click on these links it actually takes you to planit aai and shows you the workout and how to do it so what it's doing right now is it's loading up a tutorial for me so it can show me how the workout is been done as you can see this is plan fits incline press machine tutorial and it doesn't only give you that but it gives you coaches tips how to form breathing techniques all on plan fits website and it's so cool that it generates this in chat gbt you have a direct link in order to show you how to do this workout and the muscles that it's working now the last plugin I want to show you is Wolfram and this allows you to access computation math curated knowledge and real-time data through the Wolfram Al Alpha and Wolfram language now this one's very cool let me show you a quick example of how it can access that real-time data if I type out a prompt like show me recent earthquakes in Indonesia what it will do when I send it off is actually give me the upto-date earthquakes from today so if there's an earthquake that happened today wolf Rim will be able to find that and it won't only do that but it'll give me a nice timeline of these earthquakes to better uh show and interpret the data so as you can see it's giving me earthquakes that happened in Indonesia and it gives me the exact date it says 10.1 days ago I love how it gives me that exact information and not only that but watch this nice timeline that will appear of these recent earthquakes using the Wolfram Alpha plugin for chat gbt boom looks very beautiful it's colorful you can save this image you can visit the wolf frame website to get a better look and this is just an example of how you can use this plugin to access real-time data but it can do so much more so now you can start to see the power of plugins right it's amazing and those were just three of thousands of plugins that chat gbt has to offer you can imagine the powerful use cases that are out there another tip for better outputs in chat gbt is to use chat gbt to create analogies for you in order to better retain and understand complex topics I can ask chat gpta complex question like what is reverse osmosis I can send that off pretty complex thing and it's going to go into all of this huge terminology and complex systems for how reverse osmosis actually works and if I want to remember this in a better way rather than just reading this long bit of information with all of this complex verbiage what I can do is I can say create me an analogy to remember this better and then I can send that off and chat GPT will actually create an analogy for me so that I can connect two points to one idea or one concept and it will help me retain this information much better says think of reverse osmosis like a meticulous bouncer at an exclusive club the club in this case is a clean water tank the bouncer is a semi-permeable membrane and the clubgoers are the water molecules and contaminants so now you're starting to see these three things connect you have a club a bouncer in the club goers the people who are coming into the club and it's starting to connect all of these concepts of reverse osmosis to an exclusive Club this is very very cool and it gives each of these things the line outside the club the bouncer the VIP lounge right and it's helping you connect it to a very complex scientific topic reverse osmosis the next chat GPT tip for better outputs in chat GPT is to use generated knowledge to your advantage so generate knowledge with chat GPT and use that generated knowledge for other tasks or other problems that you need to solve I can ask chat GPT to create me 10 facts about artificial intelligence I can send that off and then chat gbt will give me 10 interesting facts about Ai and once this knowledge is generated I'll show you how you can use it in order to complete another task so boom here we have it 10 very interesting facts about artificial intelligence now let me ask chat gbt a question in order to use that generated knowledge for Success so I can say something in regards to this generated knowledge I can say create a slideshow based on these 10 facts so now I'm using this generated knowledge to help me solve another problem and what jgpt is starting to do is it's generating images because I didn't specifically say slideshow outline so now it's creating images actually for each slide of the slideshow so AI early Beginnings it created an image right machine learning then it created an image of people learning about artificial intelligence that's not specifically what I wanted although cool uh it's not what I wanted so what I can do is I can hit stop generating and I can edit my prompt here and I want Chad jbt to create a slideshow outline based on these 10 facts so an outline of a slideshow that I could create I'm going to hit save and submit and now chat gbt is going to help me create that outline but that image example was actually pretty cool it was going in depth and creating images for each one of these slides right but now it's giving me a slide outline that I can utilize in order to actually create my slideshow based on these 10 facts that it generated again we're using using that generated knowledge in order to help us solve more problems within the same chat thread the next chat GPT secret for better outputs and chat gbt is to utilize paradigms in chat GPT and you can either develop these yourself or get the paradigms for me somebody who's actually studied and created successful problem solving paradigms that you can use so once again we're going to be utilizing custom instructions from this now the custom instructions tip super useful but how can you utilize other items within custom instructions to make it even more useful such as my 300 personas or what I'm about to show you my problem solving paradigms now you don't have to get these problem solving Paradigm for me by the way I do offer it for sale on my website I will leave it in the description or the top pin comment but what you can do is you can use chat gbt to help you create these paradigms or create these paradigms that are specific to your situation yourself but what I've done is I've created 20 and I've put it in this PDF with some basic instructions and also a nice little navigation and this navigation brings you to each one of these different problems solving paradigms that you can quickly copy and paste into custom instructions so let me show you the five wise custom instructions Paradigm as an example what the five wise likes to do is it likes to peel back the layers of symptoms to uncover the root cause of a problem which promotes a deeper understanding and a more sustainable solution so all you have to do is copy the instructions right here into your custom instructions and chat GPT in the custom instructions that you are going to be copying into is the bottom section you don't even have to fill out the top section if you don't want to you can make this information dedicated to you and what you do and how uh the goals you have and you can tell chat GPT that stuff but what you need to do is you need to paste it into how would you like chat gbt to respond and then chat GPT once you say begin five wise analysis will start facilitating a root cause investigation through a seven-step problem solving Paradigm that I have developed and I can hit save and now when I tell chat gbt to begin five wise analysis and I send it off it's going to run me through that Paradigm that I pre-created and it's going to give me step-by-step systems in order to solve the root cause of my problem so it says step one state the problem and then I can type out my problem I need help tying my shoe and since this is my problem now it's going to run me through five y's and the five Y is going to help you uncover that root cause of whatever you're dealing with now that might seem a little bit confusing but when you implement problem solving paradigms or systems into anything you do it's going to help you when you're using either a program or a certain item in your life if you have a system for it or you have a process for the way you do things it's just much more efficient and it helps you engineer and save your time that's why I use them and that's why many others have used them as well the next chat GPT secret for better chat gbt outputs is to utilize photos do you remember the ageold saying a picture is worth 1,000 words well that applies to chat gbt immensely if you have a picture that you can upload with your prompt in order to back up your information and to help chat GPT understand what you're dealing with then the response and the output of chat gbt will show that in return it will be much much better you don't even need that good of a prompt when you have a good picture describing or showcasing the problem that you're dealing with let me show you a quick example of how you could use this what I could do right here is I could take a screens of my website right let's say I'm not getting the homepage conversions that I want well what I could do is I could take a screenshot of the styling of my website right here and maybe I want to increase my landing page conversions well I can take a screenshot of this page and I can save it to my computer and now that it saved to my computer I can head back over to chat GPT and I can hit this little link button in the bottom left of the prompt bar that will take you to a screen where you can upload your documents and as you can see I've just uploaded this photo that I took a screenshot of on the homepage of my website and now I can ask chat gbt a very simple question in regards to the photo so I asked it how can I increase form conversions on my homepage and I can send it off and it knows that I'm talking about this photo it can even read the text on the photo it can see the styling on the photo and it can do everything right so now it's telling me simplify the form clarify the value preposition and it's using things that I have on my homepage it's saying the current text get AI tips and discount is a good start but consider making it more specific to what your AI products offer so it's tearing my homepage apart actually and as you can see it's using the information and text from the picture chat GPT has vision and when you have gp4 you can upload photos and prompts to go with those photos in order to get much much better customized specialized outputs for chat gbt and the problems that you're dealing with the next chat gbt tip for better outputs that I have is to use explain it to a child in order to better retain or better understand information that chat gbt is feeding you because let's face it chat gbt sometimes uses very complex verbiage in words that are hard to understand and similar to the analogies example this example is going to help you grasp a concept because chat GPT is attempting to explain it to a very young person so that means People Like Us can better understand it right I can tell chat GPT to do something like explain cryptocurrency right I can send that off and chat gbt will do that it will explain cryptocurrency and there's going to be a lot of big words a lot of complex topics and weird connections that are hard to make and draw for people just reading this paragraph if you know nothing about cryptocurrency so while this is generating you know we can just get our prompt ready I can just say explain this to a child that's all I have to say and once this is done generating I can send that off and chat gbt will explain this in a much more simple way to grasp so it's done generating I'm going to send this off now and now chat gbt is going to dive into uh the childlike explanation so it's already starting by saying saying imagine you have a special kind of money that you can only use on computers and the internet called cryptocurrency it's like the coins and bills you use in real life but it's all digital here's how it works and then it goes into describing cryptocurrency like it's some sort of game in that there's super secret codes magic puzzle solving different names bouncy prices and rules so it's going into describing this as if it were explaining it to a child which can help my mind grasp information much better and in my opinion these outputs are much better because we can grasp and retain this information much better as well and the last chat GPT secret for better outputs is to combine features so use custom instructions with plugins use custom instructions with chat GPT Vision use all of these tips when you're prompting at once you know you can start to combine certain elements and everything that I've taught you in this video in order to make chat gbt much more powerful you can use your generated knowledge and change the output format of that knowledge that chat gbt generated there are load of different things you can do and I'm not even going to get into them because there are so many different combinations of all the things that I've taught you in this video that you can utilize now that's all I have for this video if you do want to learn chat gbt in depth then I highly recommend purchasing my chat gbt Mastery course where you won't only get access to a course but a community of AI and chat gbt enthusiasts who are actively learning and helping out as well I will leave the links to all the products I utilized in this video in the description that will also help you better understand the way chat gbt works and how I'm using it in order to generate better responses with chat GPT now with that being said I also have a ton of free content here on YouTube that you can learn and get value from so I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please like and comment below letting me know what other Secrets do you have for chat GPT or let me know your feedback subscribe to stay updated with content on chat GPT and other AI tools like mid journey and other and recent up-to-date information with that being said I will see you within the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 18,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt tips, chatgpt better outputs, better outputs chatgpt, chatgpt store, how to use chatgpt, full cahtgpt tutorial, chatgpt full tutorial, chatgpt better results, how to use Chat gpt, gpt4, chatgpt4, chatgpt plugins, chatgpt custom instructions, chatgpt tutorial for beginners
Id: 5RMOIhd-aho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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