The BEST A.I. Passive Income Side Hustle 2024

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in less than one year of being open for business this shop has made over six figures selling AI digital download art not Revenue profit I talked about a similar side hustle at the beginning of last year and since then a lot has changed now a year later we have brand new versions of mid Journey that have come out one just a couple days ago and the fact that still hardly anyone has tapped into this business model the New Year makes the perfect time to go over exactly how to use these AI tools to make some beautiful digital art and sell it online for some passive income the best part is you can start this business from anywhere in the world with just $10 the process is very simple we'll start by making the image and to do that we'll be using an AI image generator called mid Journey it works by taking a text prompt basically just a sentence describing what the image should look like and it'll take that and convert it into a usable sellable piece of artwork completely from scratch we'll modify our prompts to get the highest quality images possible once our image is ready we can package it up into a NIC looking listing and post it for sale online and wait for the sales to come in since AI does all the heavy lifting this is one of the most efficient side hustles you could start but before we go just making a bunch of artwork that doesn't sell let's quickly look at what artwork does sell and how much money we can make with this business model this first shop called antique white art is selling these aesthetically pleasing painting styles digital downloads most of them are a rustic Moody vintage style with some sort of monotone colors and honestly nothing too crazy someone could easily justify hanging these on the wall and it would look just fine they have a consistent professional look and considering the seller is quite familiar with AI generators it's no wonder why they've been able to make over 600 artwork listings the interesting thing is they opened just 22 days after I released my old video showing you the first method for using AI to make downloadable art now Allura shows that over the last 11 months this seller has been able to bring in over 31,000 sales in over six figures their first year in business if it's possible for them it's possible for you this next jop that we're looking at has a similar vibe to the last one they're again selling these Moody antique vintage style painting prints they're basically just using the exact same high converting mockup on all of their listings and they sell their artwork for a little over $3 a piece now since they done over 377,000 sales that would mean that they've made well over 1.3 million over the last four years or an average of over $33,000 a month since they opened their shop in August of 2020 again almost entirely profit since their only cost is the Etsy fees I mentioned this shop last year and since then they've made over a 100,000 sales and $300,000 in profit if we look at their about section we can see that they're selling vintage design derivative Works meaning that these are remastered versions of original artworks they're not doing anything special themselves meaning that this is completely possible to do with AI now there's more shops that have popped up recently like this one Lexington Prince that's selling AI generated art and they opened only 4 months ago but they've already made over 14,000 sales that means that they're making close to $10,000 a month in Revenue within their first 4 months again you don't have to just trust me you can go look at the numbers for yourself and see if it's legit and something that's worth your time it's a super easy business model where you're just selling artwork as a downloadable file now while we're here looking at Shops with success that we would want to replicate instead of making whatever images we feel like we have to figure out what types of images sell researching is very important so that we don't waste our time when we find a shop that's selling digital download artwork we can scroll down to the bottom of the page and see their reviews section here we can click on filter and we can filter by the most recent to see what customers are buying and liking enough to leave reviews on if we click through to look at some of these lists things we can see whether it's a bestseller or not how many reviews this specific item has gotten and we can see what the artwork looks like this one just happens to be a wildflower landscape in an oil painting style I'll go through and save a bunch of successful listings for later so that we know what style and vibe to go for with our own art now we don't want to copy anyone's listing because that will lead to legal issues but we can use the same ideas for our own art a second option for doing research is to use a shop analyzer tool like Aura to analyze a shop that's selling digital download art then we can just come down and filter out their top listings to see what kind of art they're successfully selling again just coming down here to collect concepts for the art that we can sell in our own shop now accessing mid journey is super easy to gain access you'll want to just come to their website that looks like this and click click on join the beta this will prompt you to join their Discord server where you'll be able to make the images you'll obviously need a Discord account so make sure to sign up if you haven't already discord's completely free you can use mid Journey for free in the beginning just to get started and see how things work before you fully commit but if you're going to be selling the images you'll want to pay for one of the plans where you'll have commercial rights to your images so the cheapest plan is only $10 a month now to stay super organized and make things super easy on yourself in Discord just click this plus button and hit create my own for me and my friends and then just give it a name then back in the mid Journey server find one of these General chat rooms where you'll be able to find the mid Journey bot and you can click on it and hit add to server and then just choose that server that you just created from the dropdown we can access the server we just made on the left- hand side and this will let us generate images without seeing everyone else's images but with all of that set up out of the way let's finally start making some artwork so we'll come down to the chat box section and type out a forward slash followed by the word imagine now here's where we can enter a prompt so I could just make an image of a hillside filled with wheat and flowers now I can also add a command to the end of this prompt like-- a followed by an aspect ratio maybe 4x3 to change the aspect expect ratio of the image that's being generated after hitting enter and just waiting a few seconds I'll have an image that doesn't look half bad this will give us four different options with controls below it so the button on the very right will reroll The Prompt and give you four new images based on the same exact prompt the bottom buttons will create more variations of the corresponding image and the top row of buttons will enlarge or upscale the corresponding image if you like it so that's the basics but there's things we can do to get even better art since we know what style of art already sells we can tune our mid journey to produce those type of images let's type out a forward slash and this time type out settings now this will open the settings page where we have several options to work with first is the model that we're going to use to generate images now even though version 6 is out and it does make high quality images version 5.2 is what we're going to be using since it has better features at the moment of recording then we have the settings for stylization now these options control how much flare or chaos the AI will be adding to your image if we generated the same prompt for different times you can see that the higher the stylization the more wild the image looks and the lower stylization the more realistic it looks since we know that the crazy AI style images don't sell that well we'll just want to select medium or low for now we can also set our generator to Raw mode and this will give us a more realistic image as well the rest of the settings don't matter that much so we can just hit dismiss instead of just trying to craft the perfect prompt out of our imagination the second strategy we can use is we can go over to Mid Journey's website and just hit sign in in the bottom and this will take us to the explore page from here we can search for the concept of the image that we want to make so an oil painting of a field with tall wild flowers and wheat here's a list of images matching our search that we can look through when we find one with a style that we like we can click on it and then come up to the top and hit copy at the prompt once it's done generating the image it's much closer to that same style of image that we already know works so well since we're using a prompt that's proven to work you can obviously use this method and then go in and modify the prompt to dial in your images so that you get the right Vibe now the third strategy is the most advanced but it will get you the best results it starts by finding a public domain image that fits the same Vibe or idea similar to what we're trying to create I use this website called raw pixel which has a huge library of free public domain images when a good one comes up like this one just an image of a lady picking off of a tree I just want to take a screenshot of it or download the image back in mid journey I can type out forward SL describe and this will allow me to upload that image that I just found this command B basically reverse Engineers that image back into prompts that we can use to make more similar images but here's where it gets really powerful instead of just clicking generate on one of these prompts what I want to do is rightclick the image that we uploaded and click on copy link now when I go to generate one of these prompts I'm going to paste that link in at the beginning of the prompt this uses that original image that we uploaded as almost a starting canvas for generating the new image the generated result is almost always much closer and much more realistic we might still have to generate many different images to get the right one but this method makes it so much easier to get great images once we finally find an image that looks good we can upscale that image and then we'll have new controls below to finalize it so we have the zoom controls which will simply zoom out the image which is good if it's kind of too up close but for now I'll just use the upscale control that are right inside of mid journey to upscale the image and make it as high quality as possible this gets our image almost completely ready to use and we've still only scratch the surface I've been able to use AI to make a snowy winter tree a snowy Treeline landscape rustic Rocky Mountains and even some sailboats all of which are proven to work and get saes at this point before we can actually start selling the artwork for money we need two things to resize it into popular aspect ratios so people can use it however they want to and to get great mockups so that our images look really professional and high quality to resize the artwork there's several free ways to do this this really is easy to do I can just open up the image in something like preview on a Mac I can click this edit button and then I can select the crop tool here I can just enter in an aspect ratio and also I just want to make sure that the resolution is on 300 DPI from here I can just save this file and repeat with any other aspect ratios that I want to offer so now that we can make the artwork all that's left is to post it for sale somewhere online there's a lot of options for this but I think the no-brainer is to just post it for sale on Etsy since they drive hundreds of millions of monthly visitors to their website there's more than enough demand to meet the current supply of listings this will also ensure that we're able to sell our artwork for the highest price and keep the business as passive as possible possible if selling on Etsy sounds like the right move for you since we already know that it works you can follow my free quick guide which will get your shop opened and ready to start selling in under 10 minutes this also has a link which will allow you to open your Etsy shop and get the first 40 listings that you post for free every listing after that just costs you 20 cents before we go posting our artwork for sale though there's one thing that's super important to understand the shops that we've looked at that have been success ful have always followed the same rule of posting their artwork in these professional mockups that are once again proven to get sales with this business model we don't even have to buy mockups we can just use mid journey to make them all I have to do is repeat the same exact process for making the art except this time we're making mock-ups I can just describe what type of mockup I'm looking to make and then after running through several generations and giving it some time to make the images I was able to come up with some great mockups in just a few seconds again you can follow these same three strategies of testing prompts looking at Mid Journey's website and using the describe image prompts to create some great mockups to use the mockups we have to edit them slightly this is also easy to do we use this website called photop which is a free Photoshop alternative but you can obviously use Photoshop if you have it all we have to do is drag in our AI mockup image and the artwork design that we're going to apply I can scale up the artwork so that it looks like it's going to fit on the mockup and then I just want to hide this layer now I'm going to choose the rectangle selection tool and just make a simple selection of the frame area now I can unhide the artwork and click on the mask button at the bottom if I change the blending mode from normal to multiply the artwork Blends in perfectly looking amazing you can also watch my Photoshop mockup script video which will show you how to make hundreds of mockups in a few minutes by using an automated script if you're interested of course at this point we should be almost ready to upload our images to Etsy there's just one final step these files will be too large to upload directly to Etsy so what we'll have to do instead is upload each set of images to a website like Google drive or Dropbox this way I can create a thank you letter or just have chat GPT do it for me and then inside this letter I can put a download link to that Dropbox or Google drive file this is what I'll be uploading as my digital download file instead of the actual artwork since it's a much smaller file size they'll download the PDF and follow the download link so that they can download all of the aspect ratios that they might need for that image if you've made it this far in the video you're at least considering this business as a possibility so here's what I would do to scale this business to six and seven figures first is while selling digital downloads is nice some people want to be able to just buy the physical print without having to download the image and get it printed for themselves we can do this by using print on demand I've used a platform called printify in my own businesses over the last several years since it's an Etsy approved integration setting it up for your shop is super easy then I can come in and select the poster or canvas that I want to sell my designs on I can just drag in the design directly onto the poster that I'm selling I can choose all of the sizes that I want to offer for sale and once I'm done designing it I can publish it directly to my Etsy shop when a customer buys this physical print printify will have a warehouse print out the design and ship it off directly to the customer without you having to do anything you'll just keep the difference as your profit you're basically just drop shipping art now I use the Premium plan since it makes all of the products a bit cheaper which means I get to keep more profit but you can still sign up completely for free to try things out and when you use my link down below and you sign up using the code Alec you'll get 2 months of free premium I personally keep separate shops for my digital and physical products so that's another thing to keep in mind I really do want you to succeed with this like the businesses that we looked at earlier last year only a few people actually took action on the video that I posted so this year maybe you'll make some changes I'll have links with bunch of free resources coupons and discounts down below so don't be afraid to get started
Channel: Alek
Views: 739,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ALEK, Alek, ChatGPT, OpenAI, MidJoureny, Easiest Business to Start in 2023, Easy side hustles, side hustles 2023, easy side hustle, AI side hustle, super easy money online, make money online, Make money with AI, AI revolution, Print on Demand AI, POD Etsy, Sticker Business, How Much I made, easy 6 figure side hustle, six figure income, online business, Alek Sheffield, Alek Sheffy, ecommerce, passive income ai, AI passive income, AI Art business, passive income side hustle
Id: BD9aVGh-vmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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