25 Apple Vision Pro Secrets & HIDDEN Features!

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The Apple Vision Pro is Apple's newest device and there is a lot to learn when you pick this up. Apple does a good job at onboarding you when you set it up for the first time, but I have 21 hidden features that you are gonna want to know about. And actually, as soon as I said that, I just thought of another one. So I've got a bonus 20-second feature for you at the end. So first up, the environments have Easter eggs in them. I've been told by a trusted source that the different environments have fun Easter eggs that you can discover. Now, I've been playing around with them and so far I've only been able to find one. And that's if you head into the mountains of Maui. And I know I can't pronounce it correctly, so I'm not even gonna try. But you go into the mountains of Maui where the clouds are below you and you're at the top of the mountain and you yell, you will hear your voice echo through the land as it would if you were actually there yelling on top of a mountain. And speaking of audio and the environments, when you're on a FaceTime call, you will hear a difference in people's voices if you have them in your home or office versus if you turn on an outdoor environment. The Vision Probe will simulate the natural slight echo of voices bouncing off of walls when you're inside and that will disappear when you pull up an environment. Oh, and one more thing on the ambient sounds in the environments, you can change the volume of the sounds in the settings and you'll notice that the sounds change for each environment depending on if it's day or night. Now, if you happen to discover the Easter eggs in the other environments that I didn't, please drop them down in the comments below. Next, you can leave apps wherever you want in your space and they'll stay there. Here's what I mean. If I open Safari in my home office and a movie on Disney+ in my living room two rooms away and messages upstairs in my bedroom, all those windows will stay anchored to where I left them. The simplest way to say this is to imagine that these are all literally physical objects. In other words, if I put a monitor on my desk and leave my office and then come back a couple hours later, the monitor will still be here in the same spot that I left it. That's how Vision Pro windows function. In fact, one person on Reddit told me that he left a bunch of windows open in different rooms of his home, then walked 100 feet down his garden to create a house-sized movie player to watch some shows for a while, then he came back inside later on and all the windows were exactly where he left them. Oh, and I just thought of another tip actually. So now this list is gonna be 23. Despite the fact that you can leave apps all over the house, you can still see the app windows through your walls. So in other words, if I did leave my messages window upstairs in my bedroom and I wanted to bring it right here where I'm standing, I could look up and see it, grab it, and then pull it right down here in front of me. Very cool. And on that note, what if you wanna bring your apps with you as you're moving around instead of leaving them behind? Well, you can do that as well. Just grab the app's placement bar and keep holding onto it while you're walking. The app will come with you as you move. So if you wanna grab a video and bring it with you into the kitchen to place above the sink while you do the dishes, you can do that. Okay, next, we've seen it in countless videos and images by now, even in my own. You tap your index finger and thumb together to select things in Vision OS. But did you know that you can interact directly with an app by just reaching out and touching it? All you need to do for this is to grab the bar beneath the window and bring it close to you within your reach or get up and just walk right up to the app. From there, instead of looking and pinching your fingers together to select things, you can literally just reach out and tap and drag the way you would on an iPad or iPhone. And on the topic of the pinch gesture, similar to right-clicking on a Mac or PC or tapping and holding on an iPhone, in Apple Vision Pro, you'll find additional options hidden behind a pinch and hold gesture. So for example, if you're in Messages and you wanna send a tap back reaction, you know, a heart or a thumbs up, pinch and hold on the message and you'll see the tap back options appear. Or if you wanna hide other apps, pinch and hold on the close button below the app window and you'll see those options appear there. But maybe you don't wanna hide all apps, maybe you wanna force quit an app. Maybe you have an app that's misbehaving. You can force quit apps by holding down both the digital crown and the top button at the same time for two seconds. When you do that, a force quit menu will appear, letting you quit any apps you like. If you continue holding these buttons, that will bring up the power off slider. All right, next, when you open Apple Vision Pro, you'll see that you have a light seal cushion already attached to the device, but you also have a second light seal cushion in the box. I've seen a lot of people assuming that Apple just throws in an extra light seal cushion, but these aren't the same. The one that comes pre-installed is a thinner version, while the extra one is just a little bit thicker. The Vision Pro will let you know if your eyes are too close to the displays while using the thinner one and will recommend that you switch to the thicker one to give a little more buffer between your eyes and the screens for safety reasons. Swapping these out is super easy, by the way. They're magnetic, so you just pull one out, put the other one in like so, and you're good. Now, on that note, one complaint I've been hearing about Apple Vision Pro is that the field of view is less than what you'd see on a Metac Quest 3. A couple of people on Reddit have found a simple hack or solution that meaningfully increases the field of view, and I tried it, and it definitely works. All you need to do is simply remove the light shield cushion all together. This lets your eyes get closer to the displays, therefore widening the field of view substantially. Of course, I wouldn't personally recommend this, as the cushion is there for safety reasons, and it's also just way less comfortable. Okay, next, this is a very expensive device, and you probably don't wanna buy multiples if you have several people in your household. So luckily, you can let others use your Apple Vision Pro by entering guest mode. Do this by looking up in the interface and tapping on the arrow that comes up. Then go into Control Center and select the guest mode icon, which looks like a head inside of a dotted circle. From there, you can select which apps you want your guests to be able to use or give them full access, and you can also choose to mirror the Vision Pro to an external device so you can see what they see. Then take it off and hand it to your guests within five minutes, and they'll go through a quick setup process. Guest mode will end automatically, either if your guest doesn't put it on within a five-minute timeframe or as soon as they remove it after using it. And speaking of mirroring your Apple Vision Pro to another device, that isn't just limited to guest mode. You can mirror the display of your Vision Pro to an iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, or any AirPlay-compatible Smart TV. This allows others to see what's being displayed on the Vision Pro on other devices at up to 720p resolution. If you wanna use this with an iPhone or iPad, be sure it's running iOS 17.2 or later, and turn on the AirPlay receiver toggle in the AirPlay settings. Okay, next, inside the box, Apple includes a 30-watt charger with the Apple Vision Pro. However, that 30-watt charger will not charge your Vision Pro battery at its fastest rate. For that, it looks like you'd need a 65-watt charger instead. On the Ars Technica forums, one user plugged his Vision Pro battery into a 100-watt charger and used a power meter cable to show that the battery was drawing up to 65 watts while charging. So grab a more powerful power brick if you wanna fast charge your Apple Vision Pro battery. Next, one of the best use cases so far for Apple Vision Pro is using it to watch TV and movies. And I'm talking about regular 2D content, sure, but Apple Vision Pro is the best 3D video viewing device I have ever used. It's as if 3D video content was waiting for the Vision Pro to be released before we could really fully enjoy it. And the cool part, you can buy and rent 3D movies from Apple, and you can also stream a bunch of 3D movies as part of your Disney+ subscription, no extra cost. But even cooler, if you have an iTunes movie collection of content you've purchased, Apple will upgrade all movies you own so that you can access the 3D versions of them at no additional charge. They're just yours. Apple started this with a library of 150 movies at launch with more to come. And in my library right out of the gate, I found nine titles with 3D support. All right, when I have a bunch of Vision OS windows around me, sometimes it feels like space starts becoming a premium resource. Lots of people love working with music on, and Apple Music with Spatial Audio on the Vision Pro offers an awesome experience in this regard. However, once you have the music playing, there's really no reason to have the bigger, full Apple Music app window running if you don't need it. So instead, select the three dots at the right of the playback bar and choose the mini player. Apple Music then transforms into just the album art of the song that's playing, and you can tap on it to bring up additional options or go back to the full player when needed. Next, a couple of quick tips for when you're creating your persona. First, since you have to hold Apple Vision Pro in front of you to create your persona, what's happening to a lot of people is their shirt will bunch up in the shoulder area. I don't know if you can see that here. - Okay, now I see your shoulder. - Oh, yeah. - Okay, 'cause I just saw it right now. Okay, yeah. - Yeah, that's great. Thanks a lot. Now I'm gonna go redo my persona immediately. - Tomorrow, I think I'm gonna find like a tripod for it, like a, to hold it up. - Exactly. - So that I can kind of relax. - But when Vision Pro captures you, it's also capturing basically the top of your chest, and your shirt is gonna be messed up if you're not paying attention, and it'll be permanently a part of your persona. When I did it the first time, I literally looked like I had a separated shoulder before I went back in and remade it. So just be aware of your shirt, your hair, any neck jewelry, and just be sure everything's looking good before you scan yourself. Or put Vision Pro on a solid surface that's level to your face, so you can just stand back and put your arms down to get your scan done. The other thing when scanning, avoid looking directly at the center of the display. On our FaceTime call, iJustine told me the trick is to look past the Vision Pro instead of at the Vision Pro to avoid getting a cross-eyed effect. - I felt like I have to like look beyond the Vision Pro just so like my eyes don't get crossed, 'cause I feel like every time I get excited, and then I just like, I don't know, I don't know, I just felt like I looked past it instead of like at it. - Okay. - That seemed to work better. - And speaking of your persona, obviously we've seen it work in FaceTime, but it will actually work with any app that requests access to your front-facing camera while using Vision Pro. So Zoom meetings, Teams meetings, and even web apps. If they want your front-facing camera, they'll get your persona. The other thing about creating your persona is that data is used to create your eyesight image. Eyesight is the projection of your eyes on the outer display of the Apple Vision Pro. The most interesting thing about eyesight is that it's the one feature of the Vision Pro that isn't meant for the owner of the product. It's something for those on the outside, so you never get to see it. But I found if you go into a well-lit room and start talking to yourself in a mirror, your eyesight will appear in the mirror and you can see how it looks, or at least how it looks through the lenses of the Vision Pro. When it comes to volume, you get a few different ways to control it when using Vision Pro. If you have content playing, you can turn the digital crown and look at the volume option with your eyes and continue spinning. But if you wanna control the volume of apps and FaceTime calls separately, go into Control Center where you will find two different volume sliders, giving you that option. The next one was a bit tricky for me to figure out, so I wanted to be sure to share this one. You can use your Max keyboard and trackpad in your Vision OS apps. Start by mirroring your Max display into the Vision Pro. Then when you wanna interact with other apps, look over at the app you want to control first, then bring your mouse cursor over. It'll have a similar circular look to the mouse pointer in iPad OS. To move it between apps, always look over at the next app you wanna use first. Now that's my list, but I did say I have a bonus tip for you and this is it. And it's probably not what you think I'm gonna say. I've been seeing a lot of people saying that this Solo Knit Band is the band that looks the best but is the least comfortable. And if you want comfort, you should just swap that out immediately and go for the dual loop band. Now my experience with Apple Vision Pro has been using the Solo Knit Band exclusively and I've had no comfort issues with this band at all. In fact, yesterday I used the Vision Pro for about, I wanna say about six and a half or seven hours with this band and then I saw another video where someone was saying, hey, switch to this one, it's even more comfortable. So I said to myself, you know what, I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna switch over to the dual loop band because if this is so comfortable, this is gonna make it feel weightless. I was incorrect. I switched over to the dual loop band and that was the first time that I've ever used the Vision Pro and felt uncomfortable wearing it. So my point isn't that everyone else is wrong and that this is uncomfortable. The point is these two bands fit different heads differently. So my recommendation is that you try both of them and see which one feels better to you. For me, it's Solo Knit Band all the way. If there's anything you've discovered in Vision Pro, please leave that in the comments below so we can all discover these things together. Thanks for watching as always guys. More Vision Pro content is coming. I appreciate your support. I'm Andru Weber's and I will catch you in the next video.
Channel: Andru Edwards
Views: 53,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andru Edwards, Gear Live, Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro tips, Vision Pro tutorial, Vision Pro review, Apple Vision Pro guide, Apple Vision Pro hacks, apple vision pro secret features, apple vision pro hidden features, apple vision pro review, apple vision pro persona setup, apple vision pro solo knit band vs dual loop
Id: 3q6Ss1ta65I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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