Millennials vs Gen Z: Who Looks Older? | Asmongold Reacts

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morning welcome back quick answer this question based on how I look how old do you think I am I don't know 27 such love and care I have no idea if that question caused you to think is this a trap well yes nothing good ever comes from asking people you know questions like this and even worse when you go to the town square and ask everyone in the village of what quantity hath mine brow aged through the Millennia someone commented on my last video you look 50 but 20 years old I don't know how to explain which caused me to ably gasp and faint in my night gown just kidding but it did make me go oh the topic of Aging always made me kind of nervous when people would ask how old I was I throw it a random number cuz I thought it was funny but now that I'm 780 years old it's not that bad it really felt like a new portion of my brain unlocked itself after it finished growing so is aging a bad thing well yes scientifically every minute every second every Tik Tok you scroll past is you getting closer to your assigned human EXP a date this is stressful side effects of Aging are you get tired fast how about dying that's a side effect of Aging right like you die I feel like that's probably the worst one matter how much you sleep or the best one depending on your perspective aren't as Supple as they used to be and your face ooh let's not get started on your face but what about personal happiness shouldn't that be the most important thing other than your looks true I've seen senior citizens happier than ever compared to us on our serotonin binges and 60 hour screen times but who cares about that you have no worth in society if you look old and gross the nerve of some people to show us wrinkles Crow feet sunspots are those pores at 30 years old wait how old are you supposed to look when you're 30 we see so many retouched cosmetic procedur optimal selfie angled faces all the time I don't think we even know what a 20 30 40-year-old is supposed to look like now it's well it it's also like one of the reasons is people age differently for example hair is a very big factor if you don't have a receding hairline you're going to look way younger that's a huge Factor almost as if everyone ages at different rates depending on their genes and environment you know what having teenage acne and bad skin did to me it made me put on sunscreen like my life dependent on it washing my face and doing a skincare routine became my version of breathing look at me that's crazy because for me all it made me do was shave the acne off with a razor and then it randomly went away whenever I was senior year I don't know why actually being productive like I said I would keeping up with routines is really the best way to learn things and by thanking our sponsor skillshare by joining the largest online learning community for creatives get access to a wide depth of topics to choose from with stackable lessons that are easy to pick up even a beginner can start learning at their own pace illustration way to the business side of things there's a nice variety of Niche interest for everyone last time I talked about life and how it feels like it's permanently stuck on two time speed not sure it's the age but it's getting harder to remember all the things I did throughout the year when I look back I'm in the process of taking the class document your life by Nathaniel Drew and it's been pretty cool going to places with a new mindset of how I'm going to remember it I start taking at least one picture when I hang out with someone or when I attend events so I have a little piece of a memory I can piece together later on learning paths are a great way to keep track of your progress especially if you're a goal oriented person you get to experience curated high-quality classes while discovering new teachers in your chosen subject as someone that makes content using my little editing programs that do take time to get the hang of skillshare was the place I went to when I had questions about Adobe software specifically with Photoshop for editing my thumbnails I'm still picking up new things after years of editing even this Photoshop learning path taught me some new tricks want to start your Learning Journey today the first 500 people to use my link in the description will get a one Monon retrial of skillshare so why are we talking about you know how much of [ __ ] Adobe like membership to photoshop is now it's crazy no wonder people pirate that [ __ ] oh my God aging all of a sudden well honey the Millennials and genen z are fighting again there's a new trend of people posting videos of themselves asking the internet hey guys based on my looks she looks 33 how old do you think I am if you have a fit sense you know that feelings are about to get hurt and it all started with this Tik Tok somebody recently told me that they thought I was 36 years old and I'm not just to be clear 37 not even not close close-ish I'm not 36 do I look 36 how old are you I mean I definitely have gray hair but like Jesus spoiler alert well that's really what it is I mean you have gray hair people going to think you're [ __ ] old it's really just that simple yeah it it it's not crazy I searched up the lore and she is actually 29 years old which makes us that's not so bad 29 okay that's it no it could be way worse I mean it's not good it it's not good but it's not that bad look I've seen plenty of girls I went to high school with it fell off way harder than that I just keep it a real it turn not so bad around the same age let's say if she offered me a little snack from the bottom of her purse I would take it with no hesitation oh she's a mom of boys that'll do it yeah I knew it having kids will stress age you like crazy y like if I take my glasses off and you like really look at my face do I look 36 years old it's cuz uh the wrinkles on her cheeks that's that's that's the reason why that that that's the reason why people think she looks old I guess I could I don't know I've seen 36y olds that look younger than me but I don't feel like I even dress like a 36 year old I don't feel like I give off 36y old Vibes well how they going to know that just while looking at you well I guess you dress like I mean in my mind and body I still feel like I'm 16 so good for you I mean sometimes I hurt like I'm 36 years old but sometimes my knees hurt you know 36 but like I still feel like a teenager looking at the comments they also thought she was around 36 or possibly even older you look older than 36 actually he says 41,000 Hearts God that's 41 sorry I'm 41 dyslexia of that [ __ ] 14,000 demons man God that's horrible you seem so sweet I don't want to answer I'm 36 and you're describing it like it's old respectfully it is old [ __ ] it is old like I'm 33 I'm sorry guys but it's [ __ ] old like you are [ __ ] old if you're 33 now I can't go and say that to my dad because he's 7 [ __ ] seven okay no I can't say that to him but like on Twitch online yeah I'm old man absolutely this is na your life though yeah it doesn't mean that yeah you're still old on Twitch sure yeah I think I'm also in a pretty young space you know yeah there's a lot lot of young people around me so I feel old like I remember even uh I went back to I took a break from college for like 2 years cuz my mom got sick and I came back and I felt really weird because I felt like everybody around me I was a junior at at the University I went to at the time uh everybody around me looked way younger than me and it felt kind of weird and that was even by two years really is funny the way she said that there is literally nothing wrong with looking older than your age if 20 and you somehow look 60 that might be a medical issue and you might need a lifestyle change but aesthetic wise that's how some people just look sometimes she did however go to the eShop and purchase a new skin option and ask the audience of the change in style makes her look younger okay against my better judgment we're going nope you got gray hair that's the problem I yeah I feel like she looks older now because of the hair I do this again back in December I asked do I look 36 years old um upon inspecting the video it was just not a very flattering video my hair was pulled back I got bad news you know there were a lot of things working against I got bad news if you will um but I see a lot of Jin Z not good news asking how old they look and it's really trendy right now um um and I feel like maybe I started this trend I don't know I don't think so but well I've seen plenty of people I've known for a while get older oh my God you know what's the worst thing for people whenever they get older getting fat that's what really gets you getting fat because you can see them and it oh it's not good man fat and old I think fat is like a plus five and smoking oh God smoking yes exactly and bald yeah it's a fat [ __ ] I agree yeah gray hair uh yeah a little bit I guess that's a factor too I gained 70 pounds after eing 35 well unless you had a kid that's a problem right yeah bad posture yeah it's just oh God dry skin oh I have very dry skin anyway do I still look 36 no you look 46 there is nothing wrong with looking a little older than your age she does look slightly younger than before I'll give her that while you can always change your face isn't it how influence styling the way we speak has on people's perception of her age like we can shapes shift in real life catch me cosplaying as a 70-year-old man so I can get a senior's discount in my opinion she went from a 36-year-old to a 33-year-old if she died her great hairs Chang up her glasses and style there's potential to look 29 for sure she wasn't too hurt by the comments which is good when you're dealing with the internet you got to have thick skin vauce made a really great video about this topic he talks about it's also like I mean you don't have to have thick skin I mean I'm not insulting her it's just this is my opinion you ask somebody their opinion and then they lie to you they're they're not helping you there you want honest truth you want people to tell you that you're a good boy why people used to look so old compared to what we look like now I definitely watched it more than once and referenced it in video it's not uncommon to think that there's something more grown up about the way people used to be to look back and think that people seemed older at a younger age than they do now I think a big factor for that for the women is the fact of the hairstyles because people look at those 8s done up hairstyles as like being old so there's like a psychological component to it the big hair I think if they had like just you know your your regular old-fashioned 2009 seen girl haircut or you know whatever the [ __ ] girls have now for high school I think it' be fine part of the reason has to do with their style there's nothing about what your parents wore when they were teenagers but because we associate these clothes and accessories as something our grandmas and Grand used to wear it defaults as old for us when we see gray curly poodle esque hairstyles on someone that's what Mima was rocking back in the day wait why am I talking like Mima but book an appointment at dry bar for and a full coverage Makeover at Mac you get that sweet sweet senior discount and a fresh trendy look for Bingo night I mean they did eradicate all the wrinkles with Photoshop but even just a hairstyle change can make such a big difference according to Millennials we've set the new standard of Aging I'm 37 years old and I'm about to be 38 this year I'm about to give you some examples of what it looked like to be my age back when I was young okay Al Bundy is 39 years old damn damnn George Ganda 31 years old [ __ ] we got to figure this out man we really got to like I got to I got to do like this is just this is getting to be a situation I think Miz is using hair products by the way I think he's using like Fen stade or something like that cuz like his bald ass never had that much hair back in the day like he 100% is he probably won't say it but I bet he [ __ ] is he's taking vitamins for his hair he taking something cuz he's gotten more hair he's cheating look at this entire cast of Cheers right now look at them literally I'm older than 31 what 21 holy were you [ __ ] kidding me is that Woody harelson 35 35 bro that's 65 holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on 34 this stressing me out these people in this photo I'm a full decade older than Kelsey Grammar if I rolled up to your house and I was like oh I brought my grandpa he's 35 I'm 37 I'm literally older than him these two are both supposed to be 45 and father the bride like there's a i me to be fair this dude has had [ __ ] gray hair I would not rec him if he didn't have gray hair all of us all three of us went to the same elementary school that is actually insane I'm also close an agent older than some of these people would I have looked like this if I was born 40 years ago why were youall eating in the 80s the perm solution at the perm store some Millennials were born no it's not about diet either a lot of it's genetics like cuz if it was about just diet like I would be at least looking like 55 like I'm talking about I live off of let's see let's see what do we have nearby uh beef jerky um this is a uh this is this this entire thing was a piece of chocolate I ate the entire thing in two days um oh we have a a Dr Pepper over here it's a big thing of that and then uh what else I've got these I'm out oh [ __ ] um [ __ ] no it it's just like look it it's it's [ __ ] RNG man aren't you 45 shut the [ __ ] up into a time when social media was just starting do not look 40 the only reason why I look old at all is because of my hair okay like I fix the [ __ ] hair it'd be fine we're living in the information age where you can share and learn anything you want thanks to the power of the internet we were filling our house with YouTube tutorials and articles about top 10 ways to prevent aging Beauty gurus were teaching their young audience about how the Sun makes you age like milk and really nailing it into our heads that sunscreen is the lifeblood for looking useful everyone was starting to get access to a computer or a smartphone at some point like you can't look up top three ways to look Max your jawline on a landline back in the day it's like trying to learn via one textbook versus having access to Google so in terms of having the knowledge to Star preventative skincare and avoid things that age you Millennials had an advantage there but the thing is not everyone had a Michelle Fawn dermatologist in their life that's why we have some Millennials who have never touched smell or seen a sunscreen before while the other I've never put on sunscreen I always like getting sunburned so I could peel the skin off of my body I thought it was fun it was like whenever I would put um what do you call it I would put Elmer's Glue on my hand and then peel it off it was kind of like having it all over me it's just the way it is can't live without it and probably has it running through their veins I'm like the opposite of the uh how old do I look chick if I were to ask people how old I looked they'd probably make me feel better cuz when I look in the mirror I'm like girl you look 52 yeah with my Gordon Ramsay forehead and my what is this I'm not my mirror is meaner to me than people on Tik Tok could be exactly yeah it's like people call me bald like it's going to make me M [ __ ] I have a mirror you think I'd hav seen that like is the first time I found this out like yeah obviously bro like CU I'm 36 mhm but I I should have worn sunscreen yeah sunscreen is really important but speaking of Gordon Ramsey some people yeah I had a um a girlfriend that would want to go outside and have an umbrella whenever it was uh light outside because she wouldn't want to have her skin get damaged I said am I really going to put a [ __ ] umbrella like this is some kind of like Victorian royalty [ __ ] and she said yeah and I said okay I'll do it but yeah crazy a parasol yeah no I immediately did AR just born with old face you either have a baby face or a Gordon Ramsey face there's this meme of young Gordon Ramsey looking like old Gordon Ramsey pretending to be a young person technically we don't have a I feel like Gordon Ramsey is the biggest proof that working in a kitchen is stressful of what someone at every age should look like that's the thing with these trends when you ask strangers for their opinion it's all opinion based someone who stopped making facial expressions to minimize wrinkles on their face and drinks from an anti-ag oh this actually happened I have like a a bit of a wrinkle on my forehead here because I did this so many times I'm not even kidding you I actually do it's it is what it is yeah for real we think she's in her 50s while someone who doesn't do any anti-aging activities will think ah we are the same age the majority of Tik Tok users tends to skew on the younger side they might not have the best gauge of how people discover a straw that prevents lip wrinkles are supposed to look and we're so used to seeing beautiful ageless faces every day are standards of what someone should look like is whack if you don't look like a carbon copy of Kylie Jenner Wong or a look maxed Henry caval Juan bin prepare yourself for some nasty comments Jen Z who have also hopped onto this trend were also getting a similar treatment but they I used to I used to have that hair whenever I was like a kid but even whenever I was a kid my hair was bad I actually have never had a full head of hair completely I went back like cuz my mom told me like she said you were balding ever since you were uh 2 years old and I said what the why would you [ __ ] say that like what the [ __ ] and then I went and I looked at the picture book and I said oh my God it's like I'm getting spawn camped here you know OPP problem while Millennials look older because of their outdated style and lack of sun protection some of genen Z have gone a little overboard with the beauty looks maxing and it made them look even older being exposed early on to influencers doing a day in my life oh yeah I known girls that do this Botox [ __ ] on their face I tell you one thing is that every girl that I know that does it I'm like you not you know who you fooling like what are you doing what are you [ __ ] you doing what are you doing this [ __ ] for go on their morning coffee Botox and injectables run is making 10-year-olds think maybe I need to start my drunk elephant anti-aging routine instead yeah yeah cuz kids get into it cuz they think that if they get into it early that it'll save them from aging you like 12-year-olds trying to want their parents to get boat talks for them isn't that cute learning how to read rainbow fish that slops 45 I get like okay maybe like late 20s 30s no 45 22 Yeah shocker when I first started Tik Tok and started making filler videos like come get filler with me or Botox I can see the problem right there I saw this video before I watched it used to get these hate comments all the time there's just people on Tik Tok that absolutely hate cosmetic procedures and believe you can see why that you shouldn't get them and again I think it's a personal preference like if I want you get them if you want to get them but I just don't really think it helps a whole lot unless there's like something wrong with your face I just don't I don't I don't think it really works I think it only works in like somebody's uh in in like their head it work like and if it works for you in your head and it gives you more confidence then you should absolutely do it her eyebrows can't even move to get filler I feel like no one stop you from getting filler because it's your own face but people always told me that I look older and I get it I look older I might act older um but 45 I believe she's in her early 20s personally I would guessed 27 to I wouldn't have I would have guessed 41 she looks like one of those girls on like The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills that's what it reminds me of like those girls on those reality TV shows yeah go wine mom exactly 38 but then again this age range is so ambiguous it's hard to pinpoint someone's exact age based on looks alone I will say this angle and lighting is not very flattering all it takes is one bad shot of yourself for someone to run with it you need to cover your shoulders in oil and let these comments slide off like it was nothing and just move on if you want to ask strangers how old you look trolls will literally sniff out people's insecurities to cause chaos they'll make their profile picture of Shrek face and then comment on someone's selfie hi twin fillers were originally made to restore the loss of facial volume yeah that's true with anybody as soon as people know that it gets to you then everybody's going to start saying it and doing it that's absolutely what happens happens when you start aging now they're normalized as a quick fix for things you can't change unless you get plastic surgery stop by the clinic on a Wednesday afternoon and come out with Fuller lips higher nose Bridge sharper cheekbones and sure it looked good at first but filler takes a creepily long time to dissolve it has this habit of you know what you should do if you feel like your face has problems is you should work out like if you work out it will change the way that the skin on your faces now the reason why nobody does that is because it takes effort and time now it's way easier to pay a $70 fee and have somebody inject uh gasoline into your eyebrow so it can't move anymore but people are too [ __ ] lazy and so they don't do that it has work in it yeah nobody wants to work out yeah yeah it's got work in the name bro that's a nonstarter what are you thinking parts of your face for vacation a doctor and the issue is these procedures much more available now even nurse practitioners can do them uh I'm not surprised really I'm I'm actually not yeah it's it's [ __ ] man I wish that there was a way um like I don't know like wouldn't it be it would be kind of good if people had to like fill out something to like a I don't know like am I in a good State of Mind to get this done because I feel like a lot of people like get get they're pretty lucrative yeah of course they are right I mean making people look younger is like what people want to have it's like I don't know I wish there was a way to like kind of filter people out to do this they do if it's cosmetic I I know they do some cases but not with all of them mental health is really important yeah it is Rich retired couple when young faces that aren't even done growing gets injectables things start to Mush around you're going to end up with a randomized face shape that's older than your actual age a lot of people were shocked at Kylie Jenner's age when they saw pictures of her post filler this is someone still in their 20s the way some genz are styling themselves is making them look more mature now they have tutorials on the most optimal way to dress to look Max your appearance and the girl comments Oh I thought she was early 30s I am 23 when back in the day teens were just putting whatever on and guessing if it looks good or not okay I saw this girl that said that Jen Z looks older than they are how old do you think I am first if I had to say I'm going to say 24 like how old I'm about to turn 21 that's crazy God damn I feel like I still look like I'm 16 I don't know the guesses are really all over the place I mean maybe you uh maybe you look the same whenever you were 16 but whenever you 16 you look old as [ __ ] too like I had a friend of mine whenever he was 14 bro like he had full facial hair like his he had like big [ __ ] arms and he was like and and like I I think that like he spawned in at 63 like he spawned in at 63 and like that's just how it was like even then like I remember cuz like uh I see him every once in a while nowadays and like the funny thing is that at 14 he looked 35 and now at like I think he's like 34 something uh he still looks 35 basically right maybe he's got a little bit of gray hair but like that's it yeah he's pretty much been the same we all have our own standard of what we think people should look like for their age maybe it's better we keep that to ourselves like most things this guy went viral not too long ago when he said that stress was the main reason for Gen Z's expedited aging I'm gen Z yeah get closer I am gen Z and nobody ever believes me when my mom and I walk out in public people think that my mom is my younger sister this how old do I look Trend it's just fueling the fires of the millennial genen War we're all so busy calling each other old looking or cringe when we should actually be forming an alliance to take on gen Alpha sorry if you're a kid watching this it's just that something about your Vibes they're off can't really I think that I I don't have a problem with like I I'm not a generation hater I'm really not like I've never been a generation hater at all I think the kids are going to be fine it's just that you know growing up like everybody like you think about how it was whenever like how many of you guys let me ask you how many of you guys actually grew up and you went outside and you played in the park and you like played out maybe in the woods or something like that and you had like an American uh [ __ ] like me yeah yeah like we did that all the time and I feel like a lot of the people even friends that I know that didn't live like where I live never had that experience at all so like to me the way that like a kid that was even somebody who's 25 now grew up in a profoundly different experience it's weird for me to think that like I will be one of the last people that remembers what it was like before the Internet isn't that crazy playay with you must be the lack of frontal lobe well another random Trend I wanted to look into some more in the end it's not a super serious thing I think it's kind of silly when a 22-year-old jump scares us with a 39-year-old face while a 50-year-old can say how do you do fellow kids get away with it I feel like we can all joke around with each other to an extent hey if you have thick skin and you're actually curious about how others see you if you really want to get roasted in a don't ask people questions if you don't want the answer of helpful way that's something you can do to your boyfriend that's it xia Shu on Chinese Instagram the nison will be so blunt you won't know if they're giving you advice or just being mean well at least they're creative and remember is what she looked like before but after the perm nison said she looked like someone who's really good at mck kimchi the dynamic between Generations is always so funny you're a grownass adult stop fighting with Miners and watching Harry Potter well your teenage face looks like a good guest star on Real Housewives maybe the real how I guess like for me growing up on the internet it was just normal for me to be in a voice call at like age 17 with a 14-year-old a 35 a 40-year-old and a 22-year-old and we're doing a dungeon like I never even had a problem with this at all like that's just the way it is do I look challenge friends it's not a big deal everyone's cringe and annoying so we can't live in harmony anyone between the AG I will say though there is one thing that I [ __ ] hate and that is cringe Millennial self-aware ironic humor I do think that people my age are the least like there is a u um like a a [ __ ] ah like a like a subspecies of them that examples you know I got them I'm not going to say them but I got them I got a lot of them but yeah it's just oh God it's so [ __ ] bad man Reddit humor yeah basically Reddit humor that's right zero and 100 is all right in my books but if you're 101 damn you're still alive I'll get you in Uber the part's over don't forget to feed the YouTube algorithm some sunscreen by liking this video so it stays ageless forever then I'll get to see you on your recommended the next time I post no Dementia or sunspots on my watch have a good day try not to be dumb and see you in the next one do you like yeah I mean like the reason why I think it happens a lot is that people have like really bad um like diets and also it's genetics I think the big reason is more than anything it's just it's just [ __ ] genetics like I've seen plenty of my friends that like I'm trying to think of all of my crackhead friends yeah I have crackhead friends I have one I'm not going to say who but yeah they're like 30 31 and they look totally fine and they did drugs doing coke all the time like staying out constantly like everything like you do every single thing wrong and it's totally fine is Jeff well Jeff's in good shape I mean Jeff's a bodybuilder right and so like I mean he's obviously in good shape but I mean I'm not going to say which of my friends are crackheads right cuz like it's not really the kind of thing that you say just out there until like after the fact but yeah I I have plenty of friends that are like that smoking and drug use in general accelerates aging yeah but for some people uh it doesn't affect them really that's it social media stresses people out yeah I think there's that too you're right I've seen a lot of meth heads at work I remember my dad and I were driving back uh from like uh my high school so he picked me up from from high school and we saw uh my friend L and he was skateboarding down the road and my dad uh you know this is back whenever he had the Mustang uh that I have now and we had the because it's convertible so we had the top down and he's like oh it's l how you doing l oh you're looking great and like lol like lol's like 67 68 I don't know if he's really quite that tall then but he was a really big guy and so he had lost like 150 lbs something like that he's like you lost a lot of weight what have you been doing and LOL just says [ __ ] matter of fact he's like meth he's like oh yeah great just took me home never thought another thing of it he's like yeah well still going to school I said yeah he's still there sometimes right it is what it is yeah it was a joke no no my dad knew it wasn't a joke like he knew it wasn't a joke he would uh wait in the parking lot and like kids would try to sell him drugs like uh and and he was just like no I'm not going to not going to buy any drugs but like yeah that was the kind of school I went to kids yeah of course I mean well if you're a kid like think about how much money you can you can make selling drugs like that's way more money you can make up like McDonald's or anything else yeah it's insane yeah no I mean like being a drug dealer like if you're a high school drug dealer like I mean you really like you you don't risk uh going to jail for a really long time because of like you know the laws because you're not an adult and also you can make a lot of money now you can get finessed easily and you know like there's things that can go again go against you so like I wouldn't recommend it I'm not recommending selling drugs in high school but there are people that I know that did it and they made a lot of money yeah I mean absolutely abolutely I got robbed twice yeah yeah that's the thing right is like the best thing to do well I all right let's go ahead and move on uh so yeah this is a big problem that I think a lot of people have with aging I think it's also like uh you know social media [ __ ] with people's opinions because they see the way that somebody airbrushes out like the way they look and they're like oh this is the way you know this is the way I'm supposed to look or not and it's like okay well yeah but like if you see this person in real life they don't really look like this I think that's the case for a lot of people CH absolutely going be drug I told I hope he tries to tell asthma on his story oh yeah no doubt moving on to teone teone I think teone looks fine I mean I'm going to be honest but yeah I think the big thing is weight like if you're fat you're going to look old and if you're skinny you probably are going to look better I think being out of shape is one of the worst things to happen to you like if you're out of shape it's going to age you probably more than genetics will another thing is uh how to feel young another thing is how to abuse makeup and consume alcohol and drugs yeah I mean like I never did drugs or anything like that didn't uh drink alcohol uh the reason why is it was expensive and I didn't have any money like it's not like whenever I was a little kid I always assumed that I'd grow up and be a drug addict like whenever I was like seven I just thought like that was just kind of the way that things were going to go but um you know I got older and I saw how expensive drugs were and I was like I'm not going to spend no it's too much right yeah I just forgot yeah I did I just forgot and uh it's we being Nostalgia 30s usually do that when you're 60 to to 80 oh God and uh spent 200 Grand on alcohol yeah I have a lot of friends that do that GL things turned out well for you yeah my dad said that it was a f it's a family tradition to be an alcoholic and so uh you know he's like well you know you're not like really following through with it and I'm like well yeah cuz it's just expensive and Dr Pepper tastes better I mean if if if look if alcohol tasted as good as Dr Pepper I would drink alcohol but it doesn't and Dr Pepper and alcohol doesn't taste as good as just Dr Pepper like I'm sorry it doesn't so I'm not going to drink it if water tasted like Dr Pepper I'd never drink water or I I'd never drink Dr Pepper I just like the taste man Jack and Coke take the stress away and tastes good no it doesn't Coke tastes better like do you really think like growing up with all the stories that I tell about my crackhead friends that they have not tried to get me to drink and do drugs I've tried a lot of stuff I don't like it it's it's just not something that I'm interested in it's a waste of my [ __ ] money and it's a waste of my time well pure pressure well no no it's not really pure pressure it's like I mean if I tried out drug it's like I mean you know how do you know that you don't like it unless you try it well I try it I don't like it doesn't feel good alcohol just becomes brain poison for a while yeah it's just not for me stopped it years ago I'm old as [ __ ] and 36 yeah yeah it's healthy to experiment did you try gay sex yet no I mean I've had guys grab my dick but like that wasn't really I mean it's not really a big deal and it wasn't really consensual it was like kind of an accident in a lot of cases yeah no I mean it's just boys being boys yeah it's not a big deal like everybody all like why does everybody get so weird about that like they think that like if somebody grabs your dick it's going to like turn you into gay are you going to get like converted into gay I don't think that's the way it works guys
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 436,456
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: Hp9H9ZTrDh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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