The Disturbing Reality Of Drive-Thrus | Asmongold Reacts

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people who pass by more fast food restaurants on the way to work have a higher likelihood of being obese and if this is true I wonder why that happens what a mystery that must be true I blame the drive-thru because the drive-thru exploits quirks of human psychology customers have been blocking to drive-throughs like never before obesity rates are on the Rise new research shows drive-through service has become the meat of the business sometimes you really don't want to leave your house to be able to leave your house and not get out the car helps an alarming Trend now it's not the drive-throughs fault that we all find convenience the path of least resistance and instant gra do they have drive-throughs in other places in the world where everybody isn't fat yeah so like maybe it's not the drive-thru you know cuz like everybody else has a drive-thru and it's just happening to us so it's like is it really the drive-thru though ification so attractive but modern drive-throughs are so much more than that how did I help you modern drive-throughs use Behavioral Science and some thing called Dark nudging to manipulate you into eating more fast food and when you PA hyper palatable salty sugary fatty fast food with the insanely convenient drive-thru that's been literally optimized to make you make bad decisions it's truly no wonder that some people just can't resist like these comp that's true certain psychological tricks maybe should be like uh you know demonized more and like maybe even illegal but like I bet they try this stuff in other countries too like I bet they have pretty much the same menus so like how is this like how is this a problem with like the fast food if that if it's only really represented in one country what are you getting at what I'm getting at is I think that Americans have a self-control problem and they can't stop eating fast food and being fat and disgusting and they're trying to blame it on the company because they don't want to take accountability for it make sense companies are studying the way our brains make decisions how you choose between saying yes every uh like a lot of different places are starting to do this like video games do this with psychology as well to fast food or saying no to fast food and then using this data to modify our behavior in a way that benefits them and uh if you haven't noticed this is happening from every angle these days whether it's Tik Tok or Twitter or food corporations or your governments everybody is investing big bucks into getting you to behave the way they want you to behave with drive-throughs the manipulation begin before you even hit the parking lots but before we get into it a message from today's sponsor okay it's just a quick message from me I'm thinking of starting a kind of newsletter I do so much research and writing on so many different topics but a lot of it never makes it here to YouTube so I thought a newsletter could be fun nothing formal just messages from me in your inbox that you might enjoy I don't really have a specific plan right now it honestly could be months before I send anything but I just wanted to see if any of you guys would be into it so if you're interest a good idea she should do she should do that through patreon patreon creates an Avenue for for that already with like uh creating like user funded content like that's actually that's a good idea in getting emails from me directly click the link below and join the list thanks for your support and now back to the video many people don't realize the extent to which the drive-thru is fast food fast food restaurants didn't take off until American families started driving everywhere and then fast food became this like natural extension of the sort of on thee-o lifestyle as people spread out from the cities to the suburbs everyone coming to a restaurant would be coming in a car and so if you'rea resta you needed some way to deal with this first to drive in you know in old movies those diners with waitresses on roller skates taking your order from the parking lot the drive-in was a whole event a social meeting place a date night or fun family outing but then came the driveth through which was kind of the opposite no parking no waiting no hanging out get your food and then get back to whatever you were in the middle of doing fast forward to today texting and driving the drive-thru is so heavily tied to the fast food experience that 40 7% of Americans would refuse to use a fast food restaurant if it didn't have a drive-thru according to that's sad that's really something what's the Obesity how how many people are fat 39 that's pretty close to 47 you want to go into McDonald's to eat you don't have to go into McDonald's to eat you can go into the store and then place a to go order and then walk out of the store I did that like 3 days ago walking yeah true a poll from earlier this year think about that that means that if the insanely convenient drive-thru Lane wasn't an option many if not most fast food sales would never even happen and immediately you can see the power of convenience I've talked to be fair if I think none of them had drive-throughs it's not like these people would be like oh I can't use a drive-thru I guess I got to go home and eat a salad no no there they're just going to park and go in all right all right what do you got yeah they're still going to walk in they say they wouldn't go into one but I bet a lot of them would about this a lot in some of my other Behavioral Science videos but our brains are extremely biased toward convenience in the path of least resistance like back in the 1950s when drive-throughs were originally invented they were an instant hit people immediately bled so much though that drive-throughs became this like cultural phenomenon on at the time like look at yeah like my mom said back in the day she used to with her friends like this is like back in like I guess the 60s or some [ __ ] um they would get together and they would pull together like a dollar and they would go to Taco Bell or some [ __ ] maybe it was the 70s they tried to turn into a drivethru drive liquor store the drive-thru laundromat Dairy Store these drivethru Dairy Stores are so convenient even I enjoy shopping there the drive-thru real estate firm okay this last one deserves a really close look 1958 Ford drive-thru sale just look at this old map look at this look at the path like this looks like an absolute nightmare drivethru today anyway point being we love the simple insanely convenient that looks like one of those things that you do in The Sims in order to kill the people in the city of not having to get out of her cars to do stuff McDonald's website says that they waited until 1975 to open their first drive-thru but they CL it when they finally did it it boosted sales at that by a full 40% and today McDonald says that their drive-throughs account for a whopping 70% or more of their total us Revenue if and I got to tell you McDonald's drive-throughs are next [ __ ] level they have the best drive-throughs because like they have that double drive-thru [ __ ] where it's like you can go to one or the other and then like they're like oh do you want to order with the app and then like you can do that like it's actually so good ask yourself well why is it insanely popular the answer is the power of convenience I've talked about this before on my video about how convenience ruined breakfast but essentially it's not just that we're lazy it's that our brains are wired to Value convenient options Behavioral Science tell but a big part of it is being lazy though so like that's like a big part is also being lazy and I think also like yeah this makes sense it does but whenever your brain is wired a certain way to do something there's a lot of things that people's brains are wired to do that they don't do you still got to exercise self-control us that if you want to make a behavior happen more often make it easy the more convenient it is for a behavior to occur the more likely it is that the behavior will occur and the original fast food of the 1950s kind of just accidentally stumbled upon this behavioral Gold Line they didn't realize at the time that there insane success was largely due to the fact that drive-throughs were appealing to our brain's biases but today's drive-throughs are no accident they are actively and intelligently exploiting these biases let's imagine the typical drive-through situation your drive I feel like everything in every form of marketing exploits biases and consumer Behavior I do I I think that that the the foundation of marketing and sales is exploitation of human psychology in a way to make person to make a person do something that they would not normally do because if they were already going to buy something well you wouldn't need to really Market it or sell it along on your way home from work you're hungry you're tired you're feeling a little stressed from the rush hour drive and you're anxious to finally get home and wind down from a long day unbeknownst to you at that exact moment you are the perfect unsuspecting victim for the drive-thru why because all of these characteristics are risk factors for impulsive Behavior you know what the biggest risk factor for impulsive behavior is a lack of self-control that's the biggest one a lack of self-control somebody can't control themselves somebody doesn't know how to act that's called being a [ __ ] and cocaine yeah there's that too the brain makes decisions basically two different ways either rationally and thoughtfully or impulsively and mindlessly something called system one and system two thinking so I think that for me personally I plan out going like so today I will plan out I am going to go to McDonald's after I go to my appointment and I will sometimes plan out fast food restaurants I'm going to go to before I even get out of bed and sometimes I might even plan them a day in advance so I have it to look forward to there's been a while since there's been like a nasty story about me I'll give you a new one I used to throw up in my own mouth in the morning with like a acid reflux and the fast food that I couldn't taste was the place that I would go to that day you buy something on impulse it means that you did so without any prior plans or intentions to do so and importantly without rationally considering that choice all of a sudden you're overcome with this desire or impulse to take action to seize that instant gratification and before you know it you do this is behaving impulsively and if you're thinking that's totally me I really got to stop doing that you are not the only one why don't you just stop doing it it's not like Ronald McDonald puts his [ __ ] clown hand on your car and he goes okay you're going to come right over here all right give me your money if they could they would apparently 58% of trips to limited service restaurants AK drive-throughs are already impulsive to begin with I took this St from a website called the qsr magazine written for fast food franchisees and drive through op and it's full of tips on how to turn your drive-thru into the moneymaking machine it could be anyway why is this important well because when a behavior is impulsive it's really hard to control because it's not a conscious well I I I guess I guess you just have to go to every single McDonald's then I guess from now on anytime I see McDonald's I'm going to have to go there and if I see a Taco Bell after I see the McDonald's I'm going to have to go there too cuz I can't it's hard to control I can't do it I I have to I have to eat the food rational Choice it's instead an automatic mindless reaction to the environment and you behaving automatically and mindlessly is the main goal of a dark nudge if you've never heard the term dark nudge before I should probably explain like a regular nudge first the definition of a nudge is an indirect means of influencing Behavior toward a desired action more specifically it's about so every single type of every every single type of marketing yes EnV in a way that it subtly takes down a specific path or guides you to a specific Choice a dark nudge on the other hand is more aggressive it exploits your cognitive biases in order to change your behavior against your best interests would let me give you all an example this that's a dark nud right there where it goes 69 109 uh you know this much and then 17 that that's an example we just got dark nudged there's a lot of them they're everywhere exactly what's happening when corpor are trying to get you hooked on their products by any means necessary many drive-through restaurants have been completely redesigned with the goal of activating your more impulsive side in mind I learned from qsr that the drive-thru is first divided into zones each zone is optimized to influence your decision making the entry zone is all about making it as easy as possible for your car to make it from the street to the drive-thru and fast food companies do this by literally mapping out your parking lot experience and then placing signage and arrows at any potential confusion points this I mean we could talk and make jokes about how it's like you know like uh it's like a slaughterhouse for cows which McDonald's kind of is in a way right but the truth is that wouldn't any logical person do that in any situation in which you wanted to direct a person to go to your business it's yellow pain it is it's yellow paint yeah bring back hardcore drive-throughs with no hints no tips you just have to talk to all the different trash cans in the parking lot until you find the one that has a radio on it it might seem small but the point is to remove any possible friction from your journey to their cash which is the exact thing that you should do whenever you're doing any business and selling any product whatsoever this is this this is what you do that's how it works register because friction is another Behavioral Science principle and this principle says that any friction at all will cause I'll give you an example of her doing it so whenever you start your video out with an advertisement the friction of getting the people to watch your video is lower so what a lot of content creators like like her do is they add an ad into the first few minutes of the video video so that way the person is already invested and they continue watching even though they have the ad because at the beginning they're not invested so it's easier for them to bounce off of the video so removing friction is something that's done in every facet of life and it's also done in every Avenue of business L of a behavior to occur on average as you get closer to the drive-through window you enter the pre-order Zone these days a lot of fast food companies are switching to dual Lane driveth dual wheel drive-throughs these are so [ __ ] good like Chick-fil-A does this McDonald's does this um they're like the two main places that do it where the one lane is split into but a lot of people online have noticed that this seems really y'all ever go to Panda Express and you spend 45 minutes in there and you get up to the [ __ ] menu and they say they don't have fried rice McDonald's doesn't have that happen I'll tell you that the Panda Express they don't sell pandas and they're not fast it's a [ __ ] lie they should be sued have to change their [ __ ] name pointless because ultimately there's usually only one person taking orders this guy even uploaded a whole aerial shot to show that the Dual there's going to be nobody taking orders it's going to be a robot thing doesn't make any sense now maybe the main purpose of the Dual Lane drive-thru is just to make sure that the line doesn't end up creeping out onto the road or maybe the problem is like so there's a psychology like how many many of you guys like if you see this you're like ah I guess we're going to go to Taco Bell today cuz like whenever I see this I'm like and that's it it's friction it is it's again it's friction it's another psychology trick meant to make the line appear shorter than it really is one psychology today article even called it the and I also want to say that it actually is faster like the McDonald's drive-through experience now is tremendously improved ever since utilizing this new technology like I have been to McDonald's over 1,000 times at least 1,000 so yeah okay so something like that like I'll tell you like I have been at a McDonald's drive-thru like I went to um oh [ __ ] where was it I went to Taco Cabana oh [ __ ] there was one person in front of me and it took longer than it would take for me to go through a McDonald's drive-thru twice illusion of convenience fast food drive-through lanes are a trap unless the line is already long and backed up around the curve you can't see how many cars are ahead of you then once you've placed your order you're block you can if you're an expert uh so you you if you can tell what it is you want to check also cuz like if I'm driving towards the building I can see how many are on the on the line there right and then you can come around then you see how many are on the line on the other side like I'm telling you like maybe she only goes to fast food restaurants like once a week but like for a professional here uh no you can easily figure it out from exiting by the vehicles in front of you and soon by those behind you a long lineup of cars would instantly reduce the seductive quality convenience this long lineup is a moment of friction it slows you down a little bit and may make you reconsider think more about your decision to get fast food which means people would be switching from for me it never does that it thinks makes me think about my decision do I want to go to this McDonald's or the other McDonald's or like oh there's a Taco Bell here I could just go to Taco Bell like oh there Burger King I might as well just get Burger King from impulse mode I feel like I mean what kind of a loser dude what kind of a loser oh wow the drive-thru line is long I guess I might as well just go home no you go to another drive-thru rational thinking mode and remember is to use the environment to trigger impulsive decision- making when qsr magazine asks a Coca-Cola executive what he recommends on how to sell more product he had this to say a way is to ensure that consumers don't do a lot of thinking in other words thinking oh this is also true too for uh retail sales so one thing that happens with retail is uh something that's called Choice paralysis analysis paralysis like there's a lot of different terminology for it and it's whenever you present the customer with like 50 different options and I think one place that really does a great job at narrowing down those options is Apple if you go to the Apple Store there's like seven products there so you don't really have to do a lot of thinking on which one you want to get and a lot of like analytical decision- making you just have to decide do I want this one or the other one yeah decision fatigue right and this is the case for a lot of things because obviously think about how much resources have been put into like the psychology of online purchasing and like I know this for at least like selling merchandise is that sometimes it's better to only sell a few items because if you have 50 items in like a merchandise sale people might not buy anything but if you only have six then it's easier for them to look and weigh their options against each other because whenever you have 50 items the person always has in the back of their mind oh my God maybe I'm buying the wrong thing but if there's only six things it's easier to make that decision in the way of their convenience model so next time you see a dual Lane drive-thru just know that it's basically just a trick to lure you further into their Zone this is fake there's one thing I will disagree with on this this fake nope not true uh the Dual whe drive-throughs are way [ __ ] better they are and I've been there so many times I think that it's a huge [ __ ] Improvement I've been to McDonald's over a thousand times in my life like as soon as they put that [ __ ] in there like if I want to go somewhere and get my food fast I go to [ __ ] McDonald's like and it's that dual wheel drive-thru like that's what really like just changed the game and I bet in 10 years more places are going to have it so now that you're fully committed to your decision to eat fast food being that you're trapped by the cars in front of you and behind you fast food places utilize the pre-order Zone to persuade you to buy more stuff the strategy here is usually to use Drive signage to alert you to new or novel items this is for y'all ever see like a really old person pull up to one of those and be like ah yeah can I get uh uh reasons first off novelty is just like convenience it's another thing that we're really biased toward novelty bias novelty grabs our attention and gets us excited our brains love new novel shiny things like the Grimace shake that they did at McDonald's remember that interesting different options trigger dopamine so while you might ignore an advertisement for a boring hamburger you're already aware the chain sells you are much more likely to pay attention to a new fun item you've never seen there before which is C remember whenever the Baconator came out that was a big deal why this past year McDonald's released a new McFlurry pretty well every other month right now we have the trick-or treat McFlurry that's crazy she had the same example that I did yeah the trick-or treat one wait should I go and get one of these maybe I should do I I should do more food reviews I remember uh there was this girl talking to me about squish mow and I thought for the whole time that they were just like I thought it was just like another word for boobs it's the same as Boba te I thought Boba was just somebody stupid misspelling BBA I didn't learn that it was a real thing for like a year for that the squish M McFlurry the caramel popcorn McFlurry the Strawberry Shortcake McFlurry and caramel popcorn it sounds [ __ ] disgusting an ice cream Christmasy wait wait no I want to know what these are the caramel popcorn McFlurry the Strawberry Shortcake McFlurry oh see like you know they're trying to go for that you know like those one uh those like ice cream bars that you get the Popsicles from like the ice cream uh the ice cream truck like they're trying to go for that but it won't work because it's not distributed in the right way and a christmy candy cane fudge MC FLIR novelty is another risk factor for impulsive behavior on top of that if you're already in line to eat fast food and if it was a totally impulsive decision like it is for most people then you may be in the mood to quote unquote treat yourself which according to treat yourself treat yourself with diabetes slay Queen yep that's a fat people word I'm trying to think if there's ever been an instance in my life that I've heard somebody say treat yourself that wasn't overweight ipsos poll is one of the major emotional drivers of impulse spice so if you're already in the mood want to you may think well why not just throw on a Grimace shake or a pumpkin spice Frosty or a double down hot dog or any of the other insane a double down hot dog they have that items that they add to try and grab your attention it seems that these days fast food companies are coming out with new novel items all the time and maybe this is and this is a good idea I actually like that they do this because it creates more content for me like it's good for everybody because like every time they bring out a new item there's like a lot of people who like make content online and like they're looking for these new items for new content so like it's like a symbiotic relationship where like they get advertising for these new [ __ ] products without even needing to pay money for them just by the fact that they're Novelties it's actually a really smart decision for them to do technology thing but I can't help but wonder if it's because they've acquired so much more Behavioral Science now and they know that Noy is a powerful driver of our Behavior another this is not a new thing right like and and like she's probably around my age so she probably remembers this too is like I remember back in the like we're talking about like Prett 911 days uh I remember going to McDonald's with my mom after we saw on the news that the new rotation of beanie babies were in the happy meals at McDonald's and we went there and we waited in line for our happy meal with beanie babies for like an hour because there are so many other people that were there too yeah it's it it it's very normal that I think is a purely behavioral trick in the pre-order zone is the fact that at some fast food chains you can now no longer see the venue until you get right up in front of the menu I don't know how many places are doing this I personally don't go to a ton of drive-throughs I know I probably sound like the ambassador of drive-throughs in making this video but I got coffee from a Tim Hortons about a month or so ago You' never heard of Tim Hortons it's the most popular coffee chain by far here in Canada I personally hate it the only one around at that time for some strange reason you cannot see their menu until you get right up in front of it and that's when I discovered their like anti- glare film or whatever it was on top of the screen and I'm like okay another Tim Horton fail why is it that Starbucks could make a sign that has no issues like this but Tim Hortons has to get the worst one of all time but then a few weeks later I'm researching this video I go to McDonald's to get an ice cream cone and I noticed that they also have these anti- glare or whatever film on top so you can't see the sign until you get right up in front of it now I'd expect something like this from Tim Hortons but not from McDonald's you know I'm a McDonald's hater just like out of principle but even I don't think this is true because from that perspective see like whenever you're going up to the drive-thru you're you're like you're coming up this is this is the thing right and so like you're coming like this and so you can see it before you get to the drive-thru and if you're like this like she was showing you've already placed your order and you're driving away so I don't know like I I I'm not sure like unless that there's like they stated this it's true where I live let's be real who needs the [ __ ] menu at McDonald's anyways well I I do I don't know I recogn I'm not convinced this is a psychological trick because I think that would also increase the amount of time that it would take for people to order and it would probably make the service worse and I don't think that they would take that risk uh and so that that's the reason why I'm not convinced just by you know a couple of coincidences respect what they do and respect their business to some degree because they are truly masterful at what they do so like I go to McDonald's about five times a week what the [ __ ] that's crazy wow people that are running and making decisions with McDonald's are [ __ ] Geniuses and I'm not even kidding you it is insanely good it puts everybody else in the [ __ ] dirt they are every move they make is calculated and they are not going to roll out these signs unless they're making the money somehow so there must be some Advantage but again maybe it's not a customer service Advantage maybe the reason again is to increase the likelihood that you'll behave impulsively if it's impossible for you to see the menu board until you get right up in front of it then you're forced to read the menu and make a decision quickly or else hold up the rest of the line urgency is another behavioral trigger and when things feel urgent studies show that you're much more likely to act out of impulse than think things through yeah I don't know if that's true or not I'd have to see more evidence of that because I think you can also make a lot of arguments about how it's a bad decision too it's true you think it's true I don't know like I I don't think that like just because you can't see the menu from a certain angle doesn't necessarily mean that it's like some kind of crazy psychological trick to make you buy things at that exact point I think that if more uh if more companies start doing this because like this is what we have right for like a lot of my McDonald's is that there's actually two menus like there's the ordering menu and then there's a menu in front of you yeah there's a pre menu right yeah exactly and so I don't know sitting in line cooly contemplating your options and thinking through your decision while you're waiting in line you're using system rational thinking but when things feel urgent you make snap judgments and you're using system one impulsive think increasing the likelihood that you'll add more to your card or make a more indulgent Choice Studies have shown that a sense of urgency undermines self-control so by forcing you into making a quick decision fast food restaurants may be able to entice you to grabbing a few extra items so don't be afraid to say give me a moment all right finally you're about to pull up and place your order we've reached the order Zone and the menu board itself Once Upon a Time drive-through venues were just text lists of food items but today many of them have had a Behavioral Science makeover in order to get you to spend more and therefore also eat more you would think that's just switching I'll tell you the real [ __ ] reason why they changed the menu to that digital [ __ ] is because it looked bad whenever they had to go change the price and go and change the nine to a seven or like actually no let's be more realistic the seven to a nine every few days because like how many of you guys you would have remember the menus and McDonald's and they had like the little uh it's like you would stick them in there it be like a three or something like that and then like they would change it regularly but now they're changing it up on you so much so often the prices are going up all the time that guess what happens well I'll tell you what happens they have to have a digital menu because they keep increasing the prices so much it cost them too much money to have to go get new stuff that's what's going on tell you that print menu to a digital menu wouldn't really be a big deal but in 2019 McDonald's invested $6 billion into digital signage and within the first year they had already reported a 5% increase in US total sales which like 5% just doesn't sound very impressive but a McDonald's 5% is a big number considering they serve 25 million people every single day so what is it about digital menus that's such a money maker well first it allows McDonald's total freedom in utilizing Choice architecture which is a behavior which is also like I mean I also want to say that from a customer perspective digital menus are better so like there's a psychological component that's beneficial to McDonald's sure absolutely but like as a customer it is better for me having the digital menus they look better the visuals do not uh get sun damage they are updated they are backlit so if you're looking at it at night there's never an issue it's just better in every single way sence concept that states that the way you present choices to people influences what they ultimately end up choosing it turns out that the decisions that you make areed by the arrangement layout order variety and context of the way available options are presented to you and these things can be optimized in order to manipulate what you ultimately end up using and a digital menu board is the literal perfect way to leverage this here's fast food menu trick number one pay attention next time you hit a drive-thru to the very first option on the menu you can see it turns out that for whatever reason our brains are 40 piece nuggets or McNuggets actually excuse me that's a lot of [ __ ] McNuggets remember that one news story about the guy that ate like 290 nuggets and he went blind after that I've been afraid to eat more than 20 reason our brains are really biased toward the first option presented to us usually this means the upper left of your viewpoint but for the drive-thru it's probably somewhere down here based on the view from your window according to Behavioral Science whatever option is presented first will be chosen way more often overall to a scary degree this is called the Primacy effect it is so powerful that multiple Studies have shown that even on Election ballots the first candidate listed will receive extra votes just for being listed first which is actually this happens on straw poles too like even for straw poles people are like I'm going to just click the first one people dumb as hell led to some states requiring that they make randomization of like theot people mandatory ballot people you know what I mean but back to fast food venues knowing the pr effect fast food companies can nudge you into purchasing more profit profitable items just by showing you them first now the next trick is also crazy simple but extremely powerful Starbucks was lagging behind in the drive-through department so they spent millions of dollars conducting behavioral research and analyzing their customers hoping to increase sales however many dollars of research later the biggest Discovery they made was the power of imagery seems obvious but IM yeah that's another thing with the digital menus the digital menus have great pictures like they're actually really good and so it shows better pictures of what the food is cuz like yall remember going to Wendy's back in the yellow Wendy's days and it was like just this old faded picture of like a Dave's double and you could barely even tell like what the [ __ ] is that now it's way better sell food products way better than boring text on a board ever could so Starbucks now uses tempting imagery to draw your eyes to the most profitable items on their menu if it's highlighted with a picture you can bet it's making them money I did some recon at a local Starbucks and you can see they have a separate little board plugging the things that they really want you to see first again on any fast food menu pay attention to the items that are featured with large attractive images these pictures aren't just there to look cute they're there to nudge you into buying how much is that $625 holy [ __ ] oh my God that's crazy these more profitable items according to qsr magazine again these changes resulted in the Drive-Thru driving more than 50% of net sales for Starbucks in the last quarter of2 so I even though all of these little behavioral hacks and Tiny nudges have been tiny they are clearly worth the investment for food companies no anybody that plays games knows this [ __ ] like you play Poe you know this real well right it's like you put like a bunch of like .5% in pces together and like suddenly now you're one-shotting bosses like uh 1% add up a lot I also feel like we can't leave this section without me mentioning the original fast food menu hack the combo meal oh yeah originally invented by Burger Chef in the early 60s the first combo meal was called the triple threat and look at the price cocacola is like was that 15 cents french fries is 23 cents hamburger is 23 cents double cheeseburger is 52 cents that's what the [ __ ] the $1 menu yeah and included a burger fries and a drink for just4 now unfortunately for Burger Chef McDonald Wendy's Burger King and the rest of them were able to run with their idea to the point that even though Burger Chef is now long gone the combo meal lives on has actually become synonymous with fast food and you can have like there's like Chimera combos now right cuz like you have like for example Wendy's had like the four for four deal so like you can make your own combo meal they've even like evolved it farther go to a fast food restaurant these days you're probably ordering a Comm and if you're like most people you don't even consider doing anything other than that by combining these three things fast food chains have made the burger fry drink grouping the default option the upsell is now the main thing that everyone buys without even considering whether or not they're thirsty or whether or not they really wanted fries with that defaulting is another bias and see like I don't know I remember whenever I was broke like I definitely would go and do that like I wouldn't give a [ __ ] I had no problem like I would just get the like I remember there were sometimes like like I would literally go there would be two fast food restaurants next to each other and I knew all the prices everything right I would go through one drive-thru and order some things and then go to the other drive-thru and order the other things so I could min max the amount of food that I got for the money most popular behavioral nudges employed by people and businesses trying to change your behavior the default effect states that people tend to opt for or remain with the default Choice even in the face of better op options the combo meal is a big example but probably the most common one used by businesses is pre- ticking boxes for you they make the opt in the default knowing that you're unlikely to opt out the way these Behavioral Science techniques work is by I I do feel like that should probably be like illegal like especially for things whenever you consent to things I I it's it's it's like assumed consent right I feel like assumed consent is a bad thing especially whenever you're talking about like privacy and like your data and your like information bypassing your thinking mind and speaking directly toward the more automatic part of the brain meaning that fast food companies prefer to do the thinking for you and they do so by appealing directly to the more impulsive side of the brain with Behavioral Science and food companies haven't even gotten started yet technology is no they're going to do it way more like they're going to have like Ai and [ __ ] where they like change the prices dynamic Al and like I guarantee you bro like this is if I was McDonald's or I was one of these places I would find a [ __ ] way to automatically detect the type of car that somebody is driving and then dynamically price Things based off of the type of car they're driving because I bet if somebody's driving a 2024 [ __ ] Mustang or like uh you know some brand new Lexus you could get them to pay an extra Buck for a hamburger whenever if somebody pulls in there with a 1998 beater just give them the dollar drink and then maybe they'll come back later anyway like yeah you can scan the card that's a good [ __ ] idea I bet they should do that stop giving them ideas yeah they should do that like I've got bro bro if McDonald's wants to hire me I will I will I'll take that 39% obesity we'll try and get that all the way up to 50% we'll try to go all the way get to half solutionizing the way drive-throughs digital menu screens I come five more ideas like that behavior in 2019 McDonald's spent more than $300 million buying a company that specializes in AI suggestive selling on the order screen at their Drive what is this Dynamic menu really going to offer it's really going to I think a way to try to get you to buy more food which is why Wow who would have never guessed that's crazy so the thing that McDonald's is doing his order is to to get you to get more food what the [ __ ] are you serious thank God we got the expert on here to tell us this want to do new AI technology olog has mostly been used to leverage historical sales data and local weather and traffic patterns in order to predict and Pitch we're happy you're here like you know what I really [ __ ] hate is like these companies that try to pull on your heart strings like it's like the McDonald's wants to be like your happy place it's like the treat yourself mentality it's like it works too though no I bet it does right I do I bet it does work but it's still so it it's so [ __ ] cringe to me the add-on items that are most likely to be chosen at that particular time and day for example the digital menu could quickly switch to suggesting ice cream or a frosty drink on a hot day or warmed baked goods and hot drinks on a cold day which by the way is again like we talk about there's a lot of conversation about like marketing techniques and generally the conversation ends at the point where the marketing technique is determined to be uh bad right like uh e ethically morally bad uh or in in some form or another however there a lot of marketing techniques and a lot of sales techniques are ways that improve the customer experience and make it easier for the customer to know what they want so I think this is a good example for that free donut with any not not with any ice coffee purchase 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. oh wow this like tiny little 5 Hour window that people probably cuz you know what people do right is they come over and they're like oh they show up on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. oh there's no donut well you know in their head I've already programmed myself to eat a donut today so if I don't eat a dut today my day's ruined so I guess I'm going to have to buy the dut Tech to kind of customize this and get you to buy more I know so much about who we are where we are especially if using the app so it's really kind of all about getting you to spend more money and again seemingly tiny changes like this are extremely effective at driving sales and thus getting you to tack on an extra 250 calories and two or three bucks to your order it's no surprise that within months it was reported this investment was already generating larger orders from their customers yeah and like this is really the best thing about like uh really good marketing and really good sales is whenever psychological manipulation and uh value add to the customer service experience converge so like basically it's best for you to exploit somebody and for them to ask you to do it and I think that fast food restaurants have gotten really good at this so of games this is just the beginning of the way Ai and Technology are helping to sell us more food the next step and the step that many are working on rolling out according to qsr is leveraging your private personal data to pitch you in extreme yeah imagine they can read your license plate and then they have a license plate registration thing where they have like everybody that that uh that's like a a [ __ ] customer there and they can automatically sell you something like that's I bet they could do that [ __ ] that would be such a good [ __ ] idea they could read that and then immediately like put the things up that you think that you would want oh man that would be illegal yeah they probably have to get around that somehow but like um you know a phone app yeah something like that yeah drink the verification can yeah customized ways Ai and Big Data are quote providing opportunities for the food and beverage industry to influence customer behavior in ways that are more intelligent immersive and engaging than ever before this paper use of artificial intelligence to enable dark I bet another thing that I think they should do is they should have like whenever you buy the food would this be a good idea I don't know what would you guys think about this if it showed you the order that the last person made as like a way to like create like a I I think that would work no I don't know if you're fat if the other person's fat yeah I could see that working sometimes some kind of stopping [ __ ] stalking [ __ ] no no it would be the idea that like so you know how like only fans girls like will post videos or like post like pictures or screenshots of like a guy that's like gave him a bunch of money the reason why is that the implication is that they're worth giving the money to so would the fact that the previous person made a purchase there be an inclination to the same person to make another purchase I don't know I bet there's some way you could do that that would be a good idea by transnational food and bever topg ERS claims that according to internal documents leading Global food and beverage companies have been using AI to inuenced consumer Behavior since as early as 2014 and some of their methods include of course like everybody talks about o AI is new there's all types of like algorithms and [ __ ] like that that people have been figuring out for a long time of course how because the way that AI is described now like AI is used as a term like what's another term that's like AI um like where it becomes like an umbrella term for so many different things that uh NPC deep learning machine learning yeah there's that probiotic is probably another one random yeah algorithmic random generation blockchain yeah a lot of these words are used and they become like these buzzwords people hear this they like oh wow that's that's the word for the things that are new and that are special that's what happens facial recognition social list listening and license plate profiling multiple fast food restaurants are currently I got some smart dudes over at that McDonald's I'll tell you that I got some smart dudes over there yeah oh yeah fing cameras in the lot that will read your license plate as you pull into the drivethru this is called automatic license plate Rec or alpr this technology will allow McDonald's to serve you totally customed they have this like uh by the way um cops have this too like obviously so like if you are um playing hide-and seek you want to make sure that a cop never pulls out in front of you or sorry behind you because like that's where they get you like because like they they pull in behind you and then they read your plates and so like always anytime that you're somewhere make sure that you see who's going to pull in behind you and that it's not a cop so they don't read your plates aib based food recommendations based on your license plate number they'll be able to use data about your previous purchase information to help sell you additional items that you didn't intent on buying in the future the menu you see will be completely unique to you and your unique preferences using your previous purchase data and so much more here's use your [ __ ] like a a biometric data could go down it's 8:23 a.m. on a Wednesday morning and you're in the drive-through line picking up a coffee from McDonald's before the work date begins just a coffee this morning you think but as you wait in line the digital billboard beside your window quickly rolls over value deal you normally just order a coffee but you vaguely recall ordering a MCG griddle and a hash brown on a Wednesday morning just like this one about a month ago then it's finally your turn to pull up an order you order your coffee and the voice informs you that today there's a value deal just for you you can get your coffee free if you purchase a MCG griddle and a hash brown first you so they could give people like individual special offers I wonder like for me like that would be really cool if they had that in a way because remember back like the uh the old library like Punch Cards where it's like you know if you buy 10 um uh slushies you get the 11th one free or something like that or like a sticker book so like they could do that with the license plates and then you could get free food every once in a while cuz yeah they have that with the app now right this feels like a legal grade area most likely illegal well here's the difference so it will be made illegal if it doesn't give people free stuff but if it does give people free food then it will not be illegal it's pretty simple continue placing your order but McDonald's AI knows that just by asking you one more time they are 11% more likely to make the sale so the AI prompts you again and this time you think ah what the heck and boom McDonald's has turned your $1 coffee order into six bucks and you just eaten 800 unplanned calories personalizing the menu board is going to allow fast food I have to I have to go back and say what I said beginning quit being a [ __ ] hog unplanned calories but do you know why I haven't finished this bag of beef jerky it's because I haven't eaten it yet I just don't I haven't eaten it like just don't eat the food like I I if if you're eating a lot of food I understand that McDonald's has psychological tricks and like some of those might need to be regulated but just stop eating it because every single person every single day exercises a tremendous amount of self-control because for every McDonald's that they go to they don't go to the Taco Bell they don't go to the Dunkin Donuts they don't go to the Wendy's or they go to one of those instead so every single time that a person sees an advertisement it's not like mind control where I see I have to buy it I need it I have to go there right now that's not how it works the truth is that if you buy something like this you are already exercising discretion even inside of your purchase decision so at a certain point people need to be held accountable for bad decisions that they make and I don't think that it's fair to blame McDonald's for pricing things in a way that's convenient for customers that is also beneficial for them and people lacking self-control as a reason to blame them for it this is a personal choice that you make as an individual it's not their fault you're wless yeah exactly like yeah it's like at a certain point like how many guard rails and protections do we need to put up in society for people that don't have any self-control to avoid them ruining their own lives because like to me like I think that it's important to make sure that like you have rules for Bad actors but for example like changing the menu based off of what you've previously ordered I don't really think that's a big deal if the person's consented to it ahead of time because like if they hadn't then it's like you know probably a privacy violation in some way or at least it should be so what's really the problem here so I I I just think that people need to exercise a lot more of their own free will I don't know if I agree cuz I look Alik I don't make sense for other obese people I know it doesn't well like there's never a time where Ronald McDonald grabs your car and puts your car in the Drive-Thru you drive your car over there you're taking your car and you're putting your car in the Drive-Thru so what is the problem here just don't do it I think that we have a huge problem in our culture with people skirting personal accountability I think that people are clamoring clawing trying their best to figure out some way that they can displace personal responsibility onto some other actor other than themselves because of their own personal lack of self-control and I think that it's becoming a big problem needs so much precision and marketing with people rather than guessing at the add-ons that you're most likely to buy like they do now fast food companies will be able to use data about you to pitch things that you specifically are most likely to buy making it much much more likely that you will increase and this is of course how Amazon works this is how everything works that's why you have cookies and like uh browsers is so they can recommend things to you that they think that you would like uh fast food is just one element of that or size now the license B thing is one way to store and track your personal data but it's really only the tip of the iceberg the future of the drive-thru is dystopian if we all don't learn to act less impulsively or Drive see that's that that's that [ __ ] exactly learn to act less impulsively that's the [ __ ] solution right there stop eating so much [ __ ] food that's an option too because the future of the drive-thru and fast food in general is the apps you can tell this by how hard they're working to get you to download them McDonald's has them taking Prime real estate all over their menus and AD campaigns which indicates that the app is extremely valuable to them there was this one time I was at Taco Cabana and this guy came up to me and he wanted my receipt so he could put my receipt information into his app so he could get closer in order to get the next free taco and he spent 10 minutes after that talking to me about uh how good the app is for Taco Cabana and how much free stuff he got with it I think they should pay him and then after he got done talking to me about that he pulled up his YouTube channel and it was YouTube channel about the Earth being flat and we had a conversation about Flat Earth for a good you know 20 30 minutes or so these fast food apps pack a lot into them but their main purpose is to find creative ways of extracting and exploiting your personal data as well as location but I'm not even fully sure what the full potential of these apps are but let's just say that the future for the fast food indust well the the full potential is increasing that 39% obesity to half that's the potent like they want to get people to eat more food so if you know that's the goal then it's pretty easy to work backwards from that it's data mining too yeah it's also data mining got banned I invasive tool in their Arsenal the app could literally be its own entire video so I'll leave that for another time but as we've seen dark nuds are simple tiny tweaks to your environment that alter your behavior in predictable ways and each one of these individual nudges on their own are not really a big deal each one of them stands to only modestly affect your behavior certain nudges are more effective than others and certain nudges may even backfire and not work at all on you but as yeah like I've had that happen where like if I see something and it's annoying to me like a popup I'm like now more against it than I would have been naturally it takes me from neutral and it makes me aggressive or hostile see with Drive views it's a laid out plan you're being manipulated before you even hit the lots and fast food companies are not the only people using behavioral signs to get you to behave in a way that undermines your best interests we live in unprecedented times where the entire world and its algorithm um everybody does that including her including me including everyone uh Behavioral Science is just simply a manifestation of people learning how to sell like this is a very simple thing it's nothing that's actually like if you look at it on a fundamental level it's something that everybody engages with constantly it's kind of like so you ever hear about like what's called like code switching whenever it's like somebody talks with one group of friends this way but whenever they're with another group of friends it's the other way it's like Hillary Clinton and she's like well yeah this is why I think I'm the best person and then whenever she's like in Tennessee she's like how do y'all well I remember back whenever I was a young and like that's code switching right and so uh her up yeah especially for that Pokemon go to the [ __ ] pulse and so absolutely but the truth is that everybody does this it's seen as fake but everybody does it what are you going to talk the same to your grandma that you're going to talk to your friends [ __ ] no of course not but like again people like uh I think that one thing that people like to have in in life is that they like to have like a very very clear like good and bad like evil and good uh they don't want to have like all this Nuance all this gray area all this oh I don't know if that's true or this is true or what and I think because of that what ends up happening is that people try to push so far towards the Simplicity of like this these like dualities like these invisible dualities are trying to Al exactly corporations are trying to exploit the Mindless yeah you think the Kia boys talk to their parents the same way they talk to Andrew [ __ ] no and it's algorithms are trying to alter your Behavior corporations are trying to exploit the Mindless impulsive parts of us to get us to eat more scroll more and buy more just like again like this YouTube video right disturbing reality of drive-throughs like I do you I don't know if you guys know this but like my channel like we have used clickbait before I'm not saying that we use it all the time there would be some people who would say that but I will say that we have used it before in the past and the reason why people use clickbait is because it works that's the reason are you telling me this game didn't change your life is over the coming years with this technology getting more and more powerful if you don't consciously choose your life and your behavior it will absolutely be chosen for you we're living in a world where corporations know us better than we know ourselves the richest corporations have spent the last 15 years collecting sensitive personal data and using this data to learn the ways to alter our Behavior and the way that best benefits them but research shows that awareness just being aware that there are psychological triggers at play can help lessen their pull yeah I think that's actually a really good point and that's why videos like this are really effective and useful it's not that like these things are necessarily bad but once you know that they exist it gives you the ability to identify them whenever you're in front of them because the strongest and most effective types of tools like this are the ones that happen um like kind of incognito right they happen and you don't know that they're happening it's discernment and if you're unaware of how the majority of our food supply is made you need to watch this video on alt processed food thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one I know how my McDonald's food is made it's made with love and uh Pink paste that somehow is coming from chickens I don't know how that that happens but you know they've got those McNuggets and they're pretty good so uh you know what's the problem there this is a really good video like I I think that she brought up a lot of really good points like I'm not sure if I was 100% sure with like the uh like the menu like thing or anything like that I don't know if I believe that but everything else I think and even including that like it's important to be skeptical even with that so even if it's not true it's important to think about it as if maybe it could be uh you know and not rule it out I um I I think videos like this are really important because more and more people are like you're seeing the psychology of this become more and more refined and that's why for example like how many of you guys have played a gacha game before and uh yeah how many here how many people here don't have any self-respect um but how many people have played a gacha game before and you can open up the menu and you've never seen this game before in your life but you can immediately tell exactly what everything is like I can watch a game in Chinese and I understand it immediately I'm like oh okay so this is that thing this is the other thing okay yeah I know everything F SC yeah to some degree yeah exactly a lot of these systems they work really well and that's why people keep using them the reason why these gacha places are using uh the same systems is because they work really well and the same reason why uh game developers like Ubisoft uh use this system is because it works really well like do you think Ubisoft would be making you pay $17 to get a $120 game if they weren't going to make money off of it in the long term do you really think that there was no market research put into this do you really think they like oh they're like I don't know let's just put it out there and see what people decide to do no there's a reason why they're doing this these people that are making these marketing decisions they're not stupid man they really know what they're doing and they know how to fool Hogs and to going straight into the slaughterous themselves you don't even have to push them in there and that's what happens at McDonald's that's what happens with games that's what happens with gotas that's what happens with everything and so the more that people are aware of it the more people are acknowledging it and they know that it's happening the better and I think that's really what the difference is marketing department is definitely full of soft Pockets uh as you so demonstrated oh yeah there are definitely morons in every department but I think that the people that are working to psychology for this are really smart and I think also like as because like this is another issue is that you know with lot of places businesses have to continue growing exponentially in order for them to be seen as profitable in stock markets and for Investments so you know you want to have a 20% year-over-year return so what happens whenever populations in a lot of places begin to stagnate like Japan population stagnating uh places in Europe population stagnating and sometimes even regressing well if the population is always going up you can always assume that you're going to have more customers now naturally like that's just logically how it would happen and so whenever that no longer happens now you have to figure out more ways to make more money with the same people and whenever that happens then you get systems like this and so there's going to be further optimization and this would have happened no matter what but I do think that like a lot of like meta level things like population graphs uh you know and like just general like consumer trends like cultural shifts Etc like here's a big cultural shift I think that now people care a lot more about social issues like for example Israel and Palestine people care a lot more about that than they did 15 years ago you know outside of a big one like 911 like you know you go back to the 90s people weren't like hyper fixated on this [ __ ] but nowadays they're super focused on it and what does that mean what does that matter that's why companies try to support these social causes publicly like gay people or like women or something like that they don't really care about women or gay people of course not but what they do care about is making women and gay people think that they care about them so the women and gay people give them money and that's the real reason why it's happening and so that that's another way for these companies to like further optimize the amount of money that they're getting and so you're seeing again like as as like the uh you know the amount of sales that they make starts to kind of taper off and like Plateau then you're seeing further optimization in the way that sales are made and no longer a focus on selling at scale so yeah there's a lot of uh there there's a lot to this like I I personally I love I love marketing psychology I think this is [ __ ] amazing uh I I I always have like a million different [ __ ] ideas for this kind of stuff and uh you know I went to school for this and uh yeah I like it a lot so there you go is uh but is it better this way I think it's better in some ways I think that really there will be nothing that can ever solve the problem of people without self-control you can never create enough guidelines or sorry guide rails or guard rails in society to prevent a person who has no self-control from hurting themselves I think that's what happens unfortunately true yes somebody can only take accountability for themselves I'll link you guys the video again make sure to give it a like this is a great [ __ ] video like I've never watched her channel before apparently she's uh apparently she's seen mine with McDonald's yeah yeah yeah that was a while ago too oh boy
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 605,153
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: hr8Tu-RmF8k
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Length: 67min 8sec (4028 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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