THIS Is Why Tipping Culture Is Out Of Control | Asmongold Reacts

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look at this new study that just came out if you're wondering why there's these tip screens on every table in America well it's because people tip 11% more digitally than they do with cash to tip or not to tip that appears to be the question yet again as tipping options pop up to tip or it's because people tip 11% more digitally than they do with cash this is why I always tell people please if you are trying to save money this is only for me but for me I feel like I spend way less money whenever I'm actually using cash whenever I actually have to physically I mean this is obviously fake [ __ ] money right but I have to give the you know the $80 or $100 and I I I physically see that money leaving my hand and I know this $20 bill I grew up with this $20 bill and I know what the [ __ ] that means and I'm giving it away that definitely is way different so if you're if you're the kind of person that uh you know overspends buy things and sell things or mainly buy things pay for things in cash and at least for me it vastly reduces the amount of money I want to spend and it feels way different spending the money because you actually lose something whereas whenever you're doing it digitally it's all theoretical to tip or not to tip that appears to be the question yet again as tipping options pop up in new places welcome to the is not the psychological kind but the kind that hits your wallet I'm purchasing an office chair online and they're asking me if I want to leave a tip today we're diving into the Curious world uh okay okay um if you're purchasing an office chair and it comes with a delivery option and the tip goes to to the delivery people then I think that's at least I mean it's all [ __ ] right but that's at least kind of understandable it doesn't oh yeah yeah what probably goes all to the CEO but theoretically of tipping where it feels like every checkout screen in America has suddenly sprouted a big blinking tip me button gone are the days when tipping was confined to restaurants and taxis now thanks to omnipresent glowing screens everything from your Barista to your self checkout is looking for a little extra doesn't it seem like one day you were just buying a coffee and the next you're doing the Tipping Tango with a digital screen that won let you proceed until you've awkwardly decided how generous you're feeling you're in uncaffeinated purgatory until you tap your way out or maybe the ride sharing scenario no sooner has the vehicle stopped than your phone dings with a prompt for a tip Uber now displays tipping options more prominently in the app and Dan says he's noticed the difference the real chunk of where you made your money is tipping now sure the driver might rely on these tips but the prompt itself adds an instant layer of obligation making what could be a simple transaction feel like a moral judgment restaurant servers make that's the problem it's the uh it's the emotional Americans or such pathetic [ __ ] losers it's pathetic to me and I think that if you get emotionally manipulated into giving your money away then it's better off that somebody else has it anyway as little as $4 an hour and they're expected to make up the rest in tip should employers pay more so that people aren't so dependent on their tips you see in the US the federal minimum wage for like how they just said mmlo is $2.3 per provided that this amount the tiped equals at least the feral minimum wage of $725 otherwise your company the employer must make up the difference this system allows businesses particularly in the hospitality and service Industries to legally pay significantly lower wages on the assumption that tips will cover that shortfall Larry Kramer says based on his years of restaurant experience he believes the current system of tipping works best for everyone some person might tip 30% some this guy is who is this guy he's the owner oh okay I understand so basically let me explain so the owner is the one who has to pay the workers so whenever he's talking about it being the best for everyone what he really means is that it's the best for Larry yeah that that's what he means whenever he says everyone he's not talking about everyone what he really means is it's the best for him my P 18 so the server more by getting tips it also motivates the server to do well federal law says businesses can pay tipped employees as little as $2 right and think about how good that is for Larry because imagine if Larry had to pay $15 an hour well maybe he might not have had time to do this interview because he'd have to be working luckily we have tips and that's why it's the best for everybody 13 cents an hour and the reason for that is because they expect you to make around $512 an hour in tips that's $512 an hour the company doesn't have to pay if you aren't making $512 an hour in tips then the company has to pay out of pocket to match $725 an hour I want to give you a really clear example of how this works here's a chart that shows you make about $6 an hour in tips after working 8 hours you make $654 as employee but the employer only you can almost buy one AAA video game to pay you $174 okay now let me show you this chart with $0 an hour in tips your company has to pay out of you can almost buy half of like you can buy 30 or like maybe 40 or 50 PS in honai Star rail that you can do within like 3 seconds pocket $40.99 to get you to the minimum wage for that day which is 58 now does it make sense why companies love employing tipped workers because it helps pay for the employees but let's imagine a world well at least he says it I mean Larry's many things but at least he's not a liar where your coffee doesn't come with a sight of guilt that's the world cook Unity lives in which is today's sponsor if deciding whether to tip or not has you feeling like you're on a game show where every answer feels wrong then with cook Unity the only pressure you'll feel is deciding which meal to heat up next if you've never heard of cook Unity before their chef-crafted meals delivered to you week and they have choices boy do they have choices East Coast West Coast you want Texas food they got Texas food now what is Texas food as we can see there it is a lot of Mexican food Mexican food and barbecue that's it food now let's say you're a bit pickier than that or your dietary needs are different they actually have filters on your filters for your filters I mean come on they have a pizza filter you want protein only they got it not that kind of protein hey that's cool they got veggie meal as you can see the chef's over Community offer a wide range of meals over seven different dietary preference filters including vegan paleo and gluten-free options let me show you a few meals I ordered first up we've got herb roasted chicken breast from Chef Kevin me say chicken's got more herbs than a farmer's market on a Sunday morning that's the one I'm actually eating I cook chicken and heat it up it tastes like rubber but this tastes like it's from the restaurant there's the barbecue chicken burrito by Chef Ruben Garcia and last rainbow chicken and pasta salad by Chef Nelson brazel the salad's got more layers than your favorite winter outfit and it's dressed better too that's because the chefs at Cook Unity use real ingredients nothing artificial you can pause skip or cancel faster than you can you know not tip on the digital screen at least if you didn't get it there's no tipping required it's quite the opposite if you go to cook fl50 you'll actually get 50% off your first order not a tip jar inight so go support the people who support this Channel and get your to be fair using his link code is actually a tip jar but that's fine yourself one of these delicious Community meals so why the sudden spread of tipping everywhere postco a lot of consumers not everyone started to appreciate service workers more square is a leader in these Point of Sales devices it's also generally a good idea by the way it's it's still good like for example um like uh no rest for the wicked had a code that you used uh like a Creator code and it saved you money and part of that money went to the developer and part of the money went to the streamer so it's it's still an upside there like I'm not saying it's like bad or he's wrong but like I'm saying like yeah uh you you do sometimes get a kick back on those I don't know how that specific deal works but a lot of them work that way well when the pandemic started tipping became more commonplace to support workers during those takeout orders and that mentality appears to have stuck do you know a lot of other restaurant tours yes I do do they generally feel the same way that you do about the Tipping structure I think it's pretty much a consensus now that's crazy so they all agree that it's better to offset the wages of the employees on onto the customer wow that's so you're telling me they all agreed on the same thing holy [ __ ] I guess we should just keep doing it uh in the industry and that's why adding tips to their business before you wouldn't have it at a sweeping or a dig or a coffee shop but they're adding a tipping mechanism as well because it helps pay for the employees see there you go from a business owner himself because it helps pay for the employees that way I don't have to thank you for making it exceptionally easy for everyone to know where to not work I wonder how many people apply there after this it's price a lot probably if it's in a good place where people tip a lot of money why would anybody give a [ __ ] what Larry thinks like if you're going to make money there and people are tipping a lot of money then they're going to do that go up and more services outside of traditional restaurants are asking their customers if they'd like to toss in a few bucks extra pretty women make tons and tips bro yeah I know like I've seen only fans I know that I mean everybody knows that for sure some people are starting to feel what's been labeled as tipping fatigue oh my God now if anything like me I'm sure you're wondering does being put on the Spot while someone watches you affect how much you're tipping turns out absolutely I always 100% tip because I feel like I should but I don't always feel like I should studies show that when then just don't this is the problem this is the as I said if you are too emotionally weak that you can be guilted by the disapproval of strangers into giving your money away it's better for everyone that somebody else has that money instead I think that's natural selection I do I think this is just better for everybody like let's give the money to somebody who's not a complete [ __ ] other people are watching people tip more it's actually intricately tied to social pressure and the desire to avoid appearing stingy or unappreciative in public there it is people don't want it's all about appearances do I tip I do a lot of places that I go to people recognize me oh that's the guy from the Amber herd Johnny Depp trial oh that's the guy my friend watches you on YouTube and they're like oh we know you have money okay fine I I can give you guys a bit extra money right it's okay because it does not [ __ ] matter to me like I it it's totally [ __ ] I spend less than 1% every month on my expenses 99% of my like money that I make I never spend it highlights research indicating that digital screens at checkout amplify this pressure significantly right here it says social pressure drives up tips by 50% so socially pressure no it just doesn't bother me like it it's not a big deal like I have no problem helping them out and then like also like um I I'll go somewhere where and like maybe we'll be late or something like that and like we'll like stay past the the time that they close and I'll feel like okay I'm going to give them some money because they're you know I'm inconveniencing them right I think that's fair yeah here's the chart and down here you can see when no one's watching people tip an average of 10% when a stranger's watching you get 12% a family friend or the worker receiving the tip you're probably going to tip 15% another chart right here shows that if you have a tip jar people tip around 10% but if you have a digital screen ask for that money they tip around 15 it's also because nobody has cash like most people don't walk around with cash I remember one time I went somewhere I forgot where it was it was like Taco Cabana or something and I went to buy my food and they said like oh we're so sorry we're only accepting cash and it's like that's fine like I I always carry cash I I think a lot of you guys probably like what what do you carry like probably 100 200 bucks like cash if you can and so like that's the default and so I always have the money on me but like a lot of people apparently don't 40 maybe yeah this part of the study is nuts despite mosters 75% of them believing that it is inappropriate for self checkout kios to have the tip option A significant portion still comply with these request dick suckers absolute dick suckers that's what you get that's what you get if you're a [ __ ] that's what you get pathetic this is [ __ ] natural selection they deserve it 9% of consumers tipped when asked to do so at a fast food establishment and 62% of people tip at retail or grocery stores dick eers wait a minute you're telling me that 25% of people think it is okay for self-checkout kiosk to have a tipping option who's this other 25% and now that you know how dick eaters tipping works you got to love the CEO's take your ability to tip with a smartphone is important for two reasons the first one is through retention of keeping staff who normally don't get tips and second it a simple option for guests to show their appreciation at any time without fumbling for cash or is that well I mean that's kind of true you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of San and on the first week that AQ came out sand was the first person who got all of the [ __ ] loot all of the uh the tier 2.5 gear and I remember he was like telling me about it and he was like well I figured that we could just have me get all the gear first that way we don't have to think about me getting the gear anymore and I was like you know what I think my guild should do the same thing yeah you got oh he's the Gil Master that's just the way it is not because it's money you don't have to pay them or how about this guy Brian he says that your ability to get tips could be as transformative as early wage access or how about this CEO David here of hotels and part Early Access on wages I love that with this company called shiny so I guess shiny allows you to tip housekeeping we could pay people more or we could pay tipping housekeeping is a pretty common practice in hotels to be fair I mean this isn't something new but it yeah this has been around for a bit for the service that allows people to tip them instead of just paying that to our people because I imagine you paid for this service you partnered with to allow people to tip them anyways tipping is out of control what do you think if you enjoyed today's video hit that like button and subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this feel free to share the video with someone else if you think it would help them out and I hope you keep tipping people generously but just remember where this whole thing comes from if you have anything else you'd like me to show on the CH I think that tipping is only ever going to go away whenever people stop tipping I think that if enough people stop tipping then the rules will have to change because people won't be able to fill those spots so basically whenever people decide itively to stop being dick eaters that are worried about the approval of people that they don't even know at that point then tipping will go away if the economy keeps crumbling tipping will disappear too yeah exactly feel like it's too ingrained into our culture it's too ingrained into the culture because people are [ __ ] we have a a society and a culture full of [ __ ] babies that are hyper fixated around the approval of people that they don't even care about uh it's pathetic it really is [ __ ] pathetic and whenever I see people that are complaining about tipping just stop doing it it's easy it's like you have a hammer and you're hitting yourself in the hand you're like my hand hurts I said stop using a [ __ ] Hammer what is this coward civilization I know people are tipping well just make uh the employer pay them less yeah I think that's true too the truth is not tipping is is going to die until the people who tipped you well no there's always a it's it's a cultural change cuz like obviously you could have said that 100 years ago but I think the reason why is because even people growing up now do it anyway it's just people pleasing exactly yeah if if you're if you're so focused on people pleasing that you do it at the expense and to the detriment of yourself then you deserve that losers lose and I'll feel free to reach out Discord Instagram email however you want to do it the links for that are all down in the description oh and thanks again to cook Unity for sponsoring today's video and don't forget they're actually tipping you 50% off if you use my code down in the description or you go to cook fl50 having said all that hope everyone's doing well and I'll see you in the next one yep depends on the situation it isn't always people pleasing uh I mean it depends on what happens like I think there's like some instances where like it's kind of okay but I think that's like an a one out of of 10 situation yeah there's the video that's a good video give it a like I've watched this guy's videos before about uh you know corporate culture I think he's uh pretty on point with a lot of stuff yeah yeah tip the video give it a like right and uh it's funny how no one tips the garbage man well nobody tips the garbage man because it's a low uh status job so that's the thing is that I if you work a low status job people think that you're a loser that's the way it is so like being a garbage man being a janit working in fast food like all these people I think deserve tips a hell of a lot more than somebody who's just refilling glasses of water at a high-end restaurant they deserve way more money but guess what because these jobs are seen as low rent jobs there is the and this is what's so crazy about it there's the cultural like moral like uh justification it's like morally Justified not to tip them because we View them and I don't mean we as in you guys I mean the society in general views them as lesser people who have made mistakes in life so they deserve they deserve to be treated badly and they deserve not to be respected isn't that cute that's pretty cute
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 443,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: S7Y1K8BgxtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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