Why The Internet Is Starting To Break | Asmongold Reacts

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I feel like this is definitely like really relevant considering um the video we just looked at with those guys you know Amazon sucks right now Uber sucks right now Netflix Sucks Facebook sucks Instagram sucks every big tech company is changing in front of our very eyes and I know I usually try and see the bright side of tech but for this video I just want to be very brutally honest I think most of these Services we use are worse than you think and I want people to do something about it the first thing to understand is basically every big tech company follows the exact same pattern something that a guy called Cory drro summarized really well with the term ification entific I see I remember watching videos about video games that have inhi ification see when any of these companies first starts their only chance of succeeding is to go above and beyond for their users by solving a key problem let's take Uber for example it's the bait and switch Uber came in in 2009 and I remember first using it around that time and thinking this is the end for traditional taxis this is far more convenient the tax find me instead of the other way around the drivers are friendlier the cars are cleaner and it did all of that while being so much cheaper that's the real reason why Uber was popular it's because it was really cheaper and easier to use Uber at the start was 50% sometimes 30% of the price of a traditional taxi and so it's not surprising just how quickly people flooded onto Uber I remember that within just about a year of it becoming operational it's crazy to think like if you go back and you watch um Trading Places with uh is that Eddie Murphy in the movie um how many taxis there were everywhere taxis everywhere everywhere everywhere and like you go look at a new movie there's no taxis it's like one of those things where it like kind of dates a movie went all the way from party trick to an essential app that everyone should have but then things changed as soon as Uber felt like they had the user side of the market cornered locked into the app they switched Focus to the other side the drivers cuz the users aren't going anywhere at this point and so if Uber can manage to control them and also the drivers Uber owns the market it means the users will have to stay where the drivers are and the drivers will have to stay where the users are so they sweetened the deal for them Uber started handing out sign on bonuses for new joiners and this is what a lot of companies do is that they will actually like basically sell at a loss in order to break into a market and then after they've established market dominance then they raise the prices it's an extremely common business practice and it happens everywhere not just in Tech there's actually a lot of um there's a lot of like laws against it loss leaders like it it it's something that's much greater than that like a loss leader is something that gets you to go into store they started giving cash back on fuel and discounts on car maintenance they paid their drivers 80% of what the app made and the best part of it was Surge pricing anytime there was a pickup in demand driers could well earn two times three times sometimes more I remember coming out of a music festival once thinking I don't need tobook my car Uber will sort me out I to realiz as I was coming out with crowds of other people my only way to guarantee that I got an Uber was to out pay all of them with five times surge pricing I paid £100 for a 15minute cabide yep but there is a third stage to this master plan because what does Uber do when they have the users when they know they're by far the most convenient way to Hal a cab and they have the suppliers the x- taxi drivers the restaurant takeaway drivers the package delivery drivers well that is when true entation occurs they users a surplus at the start to make their app essential then shifted to giving suppliers that Surplus to get them all on it to build Monopoly power and make it much harder to get a car outside of uber but this is the point where Uber and every other big tech company in this position will take all of that Surplus for themselves because a well they can but also yeah you can't stop them at that point like there's nothing else that's going to come and like uh change the market and this is kind of like what I was saying before about how like free the first thing a free market does stop being free because like this is a free market really Uber came in and they weren't breaking any rules they just beat the competition and then after you beat the competition then you change the rules because by the time a company reaches this stage more than likely they are a public company which means that the decisions aren't being made by one potentially passionate founder but instead just many many shareholders and because shareholders aren't usually as invested in the long-term health of the business they just want the business to earn quick money so that they can cash out their objectives often boil down to how do we make the users pay up until the absolute limit of what they're willing to but just not past it and then how do we pay the suppliers the absolute least that they're willing to take but just not less than it I think that with a lot of shareholders and publicly held companies it doesn't even go that far they want the line to go up and if the line isn't going up then they get rid of the people that are making the line not go up and they get people that make the line go up because a lot of like shareholders and companies don't really have intimate knowledge in the businesses that they're investing into right like they they have like general knowledge like to an extent but they're not like voting like they don't really have any vested interest exact where Bobby practice and it all starts with tiering splitting the base service up into multiple tiers or like Amazon's doing this now and on the face of it that sounds great like on Uber for example it means that you can now get PR if you want faster Comfort which is newer cars with more leg room exac which is high-end cars with top rated drivers and then Lux which is the very very top end think about it now that they offer all of these options I didn't even know they had the just getting a normal Uber now you get extremely long wait times because no driver who can charge exact prices is going to take a ride for normal prices you get all the drivers who don't qualify for high rated service and all the cars that don't count as new enough for comfort and I'm going to be honest like I've you like whenever my car was [ __ ] I had to use Uber I have never had a bad experience with Uber once and I've never used anything except for the Bas Uber every person that I've had has been like within like 10 minutes the quality has been great uh like one time like I had a really really bad thing happen I lost my phone in an Uber and I remember the guy drove all the way from North Austin back down to give me my [ __ ] phone I gave the dude 200 bucks right I was like I I I cannot express how how much this means right I was like thank you so much but like yeah remember that yeah that was a bad day for me very bad day most of the drivers are great guys yeah the app is atrocious yeah like I mean I've only had good experiences with with Uber I think the real problem is uh yeah I think it's probably Regional like I'm in Austin there's a lot of people that do it here and it's pretty normalized so it's probably not so bad but I bet in other places like his experience is probably just as valid as mine is for where he's at trust me when I say the requirements for Comfort are not very high this idea of splitting things up to offer more premium Services is not inherently bad it's just the way these companies achieve this is much less about Mak experience better for the people who are paying more but much more about just making it worse for the people who aren't Uber isn't changing the pool of cars on the road to accommodate these tiers they're the same cars the same people with the same training but it's just now they're segregated in a way that each user pays the maximum they're willing to pay and the service provided is the bare minimum for that price well take Netflix when Netflix first started it felt yeah like as I've said I I think that my experience with Uber has been nothing short of perfect I have never had a bad experience ever with Netflix however I do think that my experience and quality has gone down tremendously because the bre of shows that they're able to provide is weaker revolutionary I can pay £55.99 a month which is cheaper than an average movie ticket nowadays and get all of this free but then Netflix introduced 4K quality which instead of just being added to the base service became part of a separate tier now being charged at £17.99 a month then they I will say that I agree with his overall thesis of this video however I do think that 4K is an acceptable upcharge because so few people use it and it costs so much more YouTube does this as well I think YouTube only does it actually for 8K went as far as to introduce adverts back into your movies after the whole deal about this being the way to watch movies without adverts and unless you upgrade to the middle subscription tier which is £10.99 you're going to get those adverts Netflix isn't even the worst offender to be honest at least their is cheaper than the normal tier whereas Now TV and Amazon Prime just stuck ads into the normal the point ising is not being used to benefit the user it's being used to charge you more if you're willing to pay more and then tearing is used as a uh a form of what's called anchoring like price anchoring where like you create a low value and then you scale up from that value to create a perspective difference in value it's like a psychological trick give you the minimum acceptable experience if you're not and that brings me on to subscriptions in general subscriptions on their own they can be fine they can be a way to make Services by the way his argument for subscriptions I bet is going to be my same argument for battle passes and games where they're not fundamentally bad but when everything has them they become bad accessible instead of having to frontload a big upfront cost they can be a way to force companies to continue to provide value and updates over a period of time but the way that these big tech companies are using subscriptions now has meant that we're often not paying those monthly subscriptions instead of the bigger upfront costs we're paying them both and you're actually getting a worse service now whilst paying for a subscription than you were originally for free like Amazon for example the entire purpose of Amazon Prime was unlimited one-day deliveries so why is it that now we're also having to often pay to get the fastest delivery and for many products actually having to hit a minimum spend just to get that perk which is how every online store has ever worked since the very beginning but without needing to pay a monthly fee or um um I've never really had that problem personally like my mom whenever my mom and both my mom and girlfriend lived in this house this house was an unofficial air uh Amazon warehouse I swear to God we would receive at least three packages and usually seven packages a day that why the [ __ ] do you think my house is a mess do you think it's a mess because of me [ __ ] no it's because of her and them it's not my [ __ ] down there it's their [ __ ] I've still got our [ __ ] TV Uber I regularly used to take Ubers to go see drisha early on when we were dating she was about 120 M away and it used to cost about £ 1220 but over the last few years I have seen that price not just creep but sore up to 1502 200 250 and now £ 300 Uber has gone from half the price of a normal taxi to you know to be fair a lot of things have gone from that price like we have had as I said like we talked about this with fast food a lot right a lot of things have gone to that price like like 2.5 Xing I mean like for fast food yeah I'm not saying it I I'm saying this problem like his problem is multiplied by an existing problem so it feels like more expensive than just calling up your local cap company and pre-booking a car and remember that's for the lowest tier which because this tiering exists means that you are specifically selecting a car that's at least 8 years old with a driver who's completed less than 100 trips or someone who just hasn't been able to keep a good rating and you remember that surge pricing we talked about earlier that still exists but now you just don't see it instead of uber telling you that you're about to pay three times what you should be paying it just doesn't so that you yeah that's smart like if I was Uber I would have done that it's like we're going to tell you that we're going to charge you more money what [ __ ] idiot thought that was a good idea just charge them more money losing your reference point of what the journey even should cost and that is where the subscription service comes in to save the day Uber one I'm paying for it every single month because it gives you a 5% discount on your rides free delivery on Uber Eats food orders I'll get to that one very soon cuz that is actually an even bigger problem in itself but the point I'm trying to make no wonder they ain't profitable what the [ __ ] you need there for is that if Uber is just inventing the price if Uber is just deciding how much it can charge you for this particular Journey as opposed to giving you an actual breakdown why it costs what it costs then a 5% discount on a madeup price it doesn't actually mean anything and you still this is actually illegal in Brazil and I think it's also illegal in some places in Europe and I am not 100% sure on this but I think it's also illegal in Australia you're paying far far more than you used to just a few years ago for the same naturally of course it's legal here in America right and now you have a monthly expense as well that further ties you into using Uber and Uber only for all your driving and delivery needs and if you're enjoying this rather painful video then a sub to the channel would be ironic because we're asking you for a subscription but this one's free and we do try very hard so people don't have problems with subscriptions people have problems with things that disrupt their normal flow of activity that cost money like going to another website or spending money anyway if you're wondering why that Uber now cost £300 well it's not because the drivers have started earning more the biggest way that companies like uber and Amazon once they become the default option start to take all of that Surplus away is simply by extracting the largest cuts that they possibly can from every transaction let's call this the platform fees I love how Dash and Uber Eats has like the price of the food is higher on the app you have the service fee you have the tip and you have the delivery fee what are you doing what are you doing with this what's going on here you know that's crazy let me show you Uber Eats for a minute so I fancy some McDonald's chicken nuggets no you don't you fancy some McDonald's chicken McNuggets they don't have nuggets at McDonald's they have McNuggets right okay wow so the first thing you'll notice is pricing almost every item of food on Uber Eats is between 10 and no joke 100% more expensive than it actually is in person like 20 chicken it's £6.99 that no bro like it's a it it's expensive even at the building now like when was the last time he went to McDonald's because I I feel like I feel like it's a lot even whenever I got like I went to McDonald's yesterday and I went to McDonald's the day before that too he's right like I feel like the price is higher but it's like it's it's like on an app I feel like the app price is like like 20% higher like like 10 to 20 that seems like an awful lot okay it's not crazy but it's go into our basket oh look at that add 801 to save with Uber 1 so again notice just like with Amazon Prime Uber is trying to frame this as if I'm getting some sort of perk when actually free delivery is something that I'm actively paying a monthly subscription just to get and the app is denying that benefit until I hit a minimum spend well you didn't read the aster you see the [ __ ] Aster I see that oh yeah you ever see one of these it means you're not getting it yeah if there's an as trick like this next to some bonus oh it's not really going to happen it's an as trick yeah exactly which by the way almost always means wastage I mean it's encouraging people to order more than they want to order besides what can I order that's going to exactly hit 8 based in America they don't waste it they eat the whole thing says here I got to spend $20 at McDonald's to save $5 well if I only spend $10 it's like I'm losing $5 so I better spend $10 to save $5 I guess I got to eat everything if I don't eat it all I'm wasting the money so i v everything there it is so 600 pound I'm going to have to go over anyway let's go to the next page oh people also ordered to really try and tempt me into getting group savings but no resist next oh that's fine oh my goodness would you look at that priority delivery £249 and just to be very clear priority delivery isn't some sort of hyper accelerated personalized service that would very much be worth that price all it means is your driver doesn't take stops on the way to you you know exactly how every takeaway service ever used to work and this is a great example of tearing I'm not sure if that part of his argument is true because my friend works at a pizza delivery driver and he would do multiple deliveries before he went back to the pizza delivery place like it depends it depends on delivery place yeah I guess it you know what you're probably right yeah it probably depends on a place when Uber Eats first started it was just an assumed thing that of course your driver is going to come straight to you to deliver your order up until normal restaurant takeway service have been eliminated and now well you want fast you pay for fast so okay fine we're going to go prior I don't want my food to be cold when it gets to me and then you scroll down and Ohi fees priority delivery tip like and then the price of the food is a little bit higher like oh my God deliver is actually you know what you know what you feel like in these apps you feel like you ever see like those uh [ __ ] Nature Documentaries where it's like some whale is like dying or like some big fish is like getting eaten by predators and they're just taking little bites off of them and like before you know it they're just like that's basically you charge at £478 and that's because it's actually on top of an already existing base delivery fee and then there's just fee so if I click that it says part of that is the small order fee for ERS less than £10 because orders less than £10 should have an extra charge because they're going to cost more to be delivered what because the priority delivery fee is my delivery fee so why is there a separate delivery fee that's interesting so it's a small delivery fee the fact that my order is small do you see what I'm saying and then there's the service fee and this is what Uber wants you to think of as their cut but the truth is a slice out of every single part of individuals McDonald's chicken nuggets price okay so it's chickennuggets £44 on the McDonald's app which basically means that just for delivery ER is taking 70% of the value of the order what a joke and this is actually what I find the most insulting part of it is the fact that we're paying a monthly subscription for Uber one right he didn't even talk about the tip maybe he did I don't know if I don't think he did just paid extra for priority delivery which says between 10 and 20 minutes but when you click order Uber will only get involved and even think about refunding you anything in the actually takes 45 minutes or longer okay so just to be very clear let me see what it would be for me right now here in America let's say I'm going to order a milkshake okay so large Oreo shake is $749 so I add item I view cart I'm looking at $17 subtotal is $7.49 delivery fee is $59 .99 fees and estimate estimated tax are 362 and then I'm going to continue and then the standard delivery with a $2 tip is $119 for one large Oreo shake and that's only a $2 tip that's crazy you're paying double no you're paying triple uh because the like I I look I've been there before it's like five like 99 or something like that I think and so you're actually paying triple special guarantee just for me because I'm one of your highest paying customers is that my order will not take 2 and a half times longer than the upper limit of what you just guaranteed it might oh well thank you very much Uber one it is mortifying how much they're exploiting the consumer here I mean imagine what happens if companies like this get in charge of your medical and mer Services he understands he has an international audience right and so like this theoretical isn't a theoretical for us we don't have to imagine that yeah who's going to tell him Amazon is just as bad the other day drisha was buying a batch of mini little hampers for some gifts she was putting together £12.99 is the absolute cheapest she could find them on Amazon and just before we checked out we thought let's just do one little check out and this is the case um I had to buy an inhaler for my dad that was like $400 or something like that like you think about it how does a person pay for a $400 inhaler how do you do that you got to sell crack and a minute of browsing outside of Amazon we found them for £4 it's so easy to fall into the Trap of thinking well I've paid my delivery fee that's what I'm paying this subscription cost for there's no way that this thing is going to be cheaper in another store that I'm not paying a monthly fee to have free delivery from that's what they want you to think but the truth is Amazon is charging for prime Amazon is charging extra for delivery in some cases Amazon is charging sellers to sell on the platform and then they're charging you extra to buy on the platform and you can even notice this effect so one really good way that you can tell that Amazon is making a lot of money is whenever they have a list of all the richest people Jeff BAS is always on that list and usually he's pretty close to the top so it's like how do you think he got all that money well I mean where do you I mean like it's obviously working right with free platforms social media for example even though companies like Facebook and Instagram Tik Tok even YouTube even though they're not directly charging you we'll still absolutely find ways to maximize their earnings from you once they know that you're in once Facebook had got everone to sign up for the first time by being being this open Haven where you come to keep connected with every single person you know and love they became very aware that no individual person could just leave that would be social suicide so Facebook could Crank that moneymaking lever as much as they wanted to they many Farmville ads do you get ads they could charge companies as much as they wanted to T um get those ads at you they can curate your feed taking the people you follow not as commands of what you want to see but just suggestions suggestions that are quite quickly discarded as soon as Facebook realizes what they can show you to make more money out of you now where this all gets really deceptive is the dark patterns basically tricks that companies employ to make you do things that you didn't mean to do chicken nuggets are here I'm actually fasting so I can't eat them there you go enjoy them they were 1375 last year actually I signed up to using an app called Piccolo it's just a social or drinking game where it serves you prompts on your phone and then you get those people to do those things like hey Brian from now on you have to do the worm every single time you say something sorry Brian the game's got a 3-day free trial oh great but then it's £4.49 per week £4.49 per week for a game that's very clearly been designed to be played once a month at most and I would have happily bought it for £4.49 or even £10 if that's what they charge it as as a one that's I should make an app like that that's a good idea I bet you get so many dumb drunk people that get something like that that's such a good idea holy [ __ ] and they're going to forget about it you know how it used before the subscription thing took over I played the game with my friends we were drinking so I didn't specifically remember to cancel it when I woke up the next day and it took half a year when my accountant asked what is this £44 9 every week going to Apple when he mentioned it I realized I had seen it a couple of times coming up on my accounts but because it was just a payment to Apple I assumed oh it must be iCloud or something negligent on my end yes absolutely but I'm human I forgot once and my penalty for that for playing one phone game for 2 hours one night about £10 you could have just played honai star rail there are plenty of subscription Services I have that only 100 bucks this is a very clear example of one that is predatory one whose entire business model clearly revolves around charging an unfair oh there's a lot of these where it's like well you want the free trial okay well here's the crazy thing about the free trial you're going to get a 30-day free trial but on the 23rd day we're going to start charging you for the full thing so you have to cancel before then but the only time that you can find out that we actually charge you on the 23rd day and we are going to need your credit card for this for the free trial like one of the things that I always ask people whenever they say we're giving out free subscriptions to something is I ask them how much the free one costs whenever I'm at a store somewhere and like I don't do this anymore because I value my time and I don't want to have some sort of like [ __ ] Reddit moment against like some person who works at AT&T but whenever I was younger I did do this um and I would ask them like uh how much does the free one cost and they would be confused I would be like well what do I have to do to get it and they're like well you have to put in your information I okay so it costs my phone number yeah no thank you because there is always a cost there is price and hoping that people will forget another darkell your information so much of nowadays is the manipulation of the default option like I shop a lot on Amazon right and the reason for that is that even though I know they're often no longer the cheapest is that they're basically the only company whose delivery infrastructure I can most rely on the only company for who when they say next day it really does mean that it will come next day I've had really great experiences with Amazon that I've never really had a bad experience Amazon's great the key problem that Amazon first solved for its users it's what got us also invested in the platform and what got me and millions of others to start paying monthly subscriptions to Prime but now Amazon as well as often times introducing minimum order quantity to get that free deler also often pre-select the slower delivery option with and I've looked into this no way to stop it doing that so let me just get this straight you're charging me a monthly subscription for unlimited next day delivery but then assuming that pre- select you for not next day delivery that's you know what like going back to that first term at the beginning of the video the inhi ification yeah pretty much that's just about right that's I specify otherwise I'd rather get the slower delivery that I didn't have to pay for and this is absolutely an example of a dark pattern cuz we've had at least three or four occasions where we're let me see if that happens for me give me a minute I want to see if it happens for me right now so I ordered some chords and I'm going to go ahead and just act like I'm going to order a new chord I'm going to add this to cart and then proceed the check out [Music] and uh it does not do that for me uh the tomorrow next day delivery is what is pre-selected and the uh the the like the later date is not pre-selected and there is a today delivery that is uh $3 that is also not pre-selected so maybe that's true for some and not others I think this is an instance where and this is what a lot of companies do is they have a lot of AB testing with these things to where like sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't happen that way people can't get mad about it because like it will happen once and then it won't happen again and then like you'll ask yourself oh maybe this is like oh maybe maybe like this didn't really happen or whatever right so it could be like an RNG thing too there's a lot of EX yeah there's a lot of ways that this experience that he had probably could have happened but it just didn't happen with me and then we realize some of the stuff that we ordered for that video hasn't actually arrived we go back and we realize it's because when checking out in a hurry we didn't realize that Amazon didn't select the fastest option that was advertised to us as the delivery window on the product page honestly at this point there is an intricate web of dark patter I do feel like that is that's a scam like you're you're not and it's not a hard scam but it's a soft scam but a soft scam is still a scam these companies are using and you'll absolutely have experienced inally mising deliberately confusing website design intended to fool or confuse the customer into not or like opening up your battle pass and then accidentally redeeming it with no confirmation box I wonder who would do that sub would be aw for example it's quite common to have multiple Pages you have to go through to cancel but then what some companies have started doing is flipping the continue and the back buttons between each page so as you're trying to mash your mouse as quickly as possible to unsubscribe you're actually being taken around and around the company's pages in a loop so that you end up reading their entire Spiel AGG I love this I I think that's so like it and it's like I love it in like a dystopian way right I don't think it's obviously good but it's crazy how Shameless it isely offering you discounts and only offering those discounts right before you decide you want to cancel which always makes you realize how much you were overpaying in the first place this is something that like my dad does um he says about every 6 months or so he has to call up the internet people and tell them that he's going to go over to AT&T he's like guys I'm leaving and they're like no you're not he's like okay well I'm leaving now they say okay we're going to put you on with somebody else and they're like all right we're going to process your request but we're going to put you on with somebody else and they're like okay will you take a lower rate he says yes I'll take a lower rate and then they lower his rate and then that is just the process yep retention exactly encouraging you to pause your subscription so that it automatically resumes after a set period of time as opposed to you being a functioning adult who can just cancel and then rejoin later if you decide you want to and trying every single thing they can to guilt you with the fear of missing out with things like continue your deactivation only if you are a boring person who never likes to have fun again there was a big study which is at least in the US I remember looking at the dark pattern stuff is explicitly stated as being a dark pattern like emotional and mental manipulation email tool tester who found that average consumer encounters over six dark patterns when trying to cancel any Subscription Service nowadays I mean imagine talking to a person and they try to mislead you six times in the span of a few minutes I'm sorry but I've been on tech support before and I'd say that's just about average that's so bad like I I went to a uh I went to I told the story like maybe like two weeks ago I went to a call center interview and I failed the call center interview test because I didn't upsell the customer enough times on uh like hire services like the customer called in with a problem and I I what I did is I fixed their problem and so they fired me they told me that well they didn't fire me they they wouldn't hire me I failed they're like you're not here to fix problems fake story it's not a fake story it was the uh was the AT&T off of um uh Ben White in Austin 10 years ago I think it was offen white I'm pretty sure was near the target it's hard to wrap your head around I actually experienced one of the worst examples of this just last week when I found myself with a little bit of spare time and I thought like have to get just one month's worth of PlayStation online play that should be simple right so I opened up the purchase page for online and no I don't want premium no I don't want extra I just want to play online but wait there's no option to just buy one month there used to be does it just assume now that when I subscribe I want to stay subscribed forever but okay fine so I'll just buy the essential package and then I'll cancel straight away so that I don't get charged in any subsequent months so I do that but then where's the cancel button you'd think you'd be able to go to the same place you bought it from this feels like a [ __ ] this feels like a movie directed by like Tim Burton you know it's like somebody gets lost in a house and they keep opening up doors and every door leads them back into the kitchen you know where some [ __ ] [ __ ] like that yeah like some House of mirrors [ __ ] cancel but no the only thing you can do on that page is to upgrade the cancel is actually hidden in your console settings but where in the settings I spent so long looking I gave up and I actually had to Google to find that you have to go into users and accounts then you go into account then payment and subscriptions then subscriptions then click PlayStation Plus okay so then surely you just click cancel and you're good right oh no no because then it asks you if you'd rather change your plan after I've specifically chosen to click the cancel button instead of the change button okay so click cancel are you sure you're about to lose these benefits and more then when you confirm yet another window asking you for your reasons before it will actually let you cut but it's not even just about what any one company does in isolation it's just the fact that every big tech company is doing a subscription is in itself part of the problem because that's the issue it's there's just too many of them in most cases the more subscription Services there are yeah the worse each one gets and the more that you end up having to pay just to be able to still do the things you want to do see you have a limited amount of time right let's say you have enough spare time to watch two movies a week in an era where subscribing to Netflix at its original £5.99 price lets you watch all the big blockbuster movies people were talking about that's a cracking deal you're basically paying 75p per movie but then Disney plus comes along and takes Disney owned shows onto their own platform Apple TV plus comes along Amazon Prime video Paramount Plus Peacock and every single one takes the rights for one or two of the big exclusive and they get shifted around too mustat shows and before you know it you're paying like six different subscription Services combine that with the tiering which means that if you want the perks and the adree experience that you initially signed up for along with that high quality you'll be paying mostly between £10 and20 per month to each one remember your time hasn't increased the amount of content you consume hasn't changed you're just paying movie Rent to more different companies and using each service much less amounting to well you're you're paying more money and often times even it's worse because like you know you're paying the low value one and so you're getting ads now so before where you were able to get an ad free experience on two apps or one app now you're paying for six apps and there's ads on all of them or maybe five out of six of them per movie you watch now which is about what you would have paid for a DVD in the first place it feels like we've looped all the way around and we're back in the same place we were except now you don't own anything and services like Netflix are heard about that constantly culling their libraries just to keep their cost down I was counting up the number of my own paid subscriptions I had a few days ago while planning out this video and it's only when I tossed it all up that I realized just how ridiculous it's like just for work I subscribe to epidemic sound slack Trello the entire Adobe Creative Suite frame iio surf shark Twitter blue Google Drive Uber one a whole load of different plugins and then personally Netflix Spotify Vodafone tidal Apple TV plus Apple iCloud Amazon Prime YouTube premium delivery plus PlayStation Plus Xbox Live Nintendo switch online oh my God so the total I spend on subscriptions in a month is 1,200 12 per month oh my God that's too much now the truth is subscriptions and the dark patterns that often come with them they're not going anywhere it's not surprising that every single company wants them and to be to be fair guys a lot of those like the Adobe suite is like where a lot of the money is coming from right and like these are like things that he's doing for work right and so it it it's not the same as like just an average person they give predictable regular Revenue which is basically the holy grail for businesses I mean it's a lot more encouraging to say to investors we have a th users and you can expect 950 of them to pay again next month than to say a th000 people bought our dep try get more next time it's way easier to get people in with a cheap subscription and then upsell them later on with add-ons and more expensive tiers as opposed to having to go all in with the big up and this happened with twitch too you remember back in the day whenever there were no ads really on Twitch and then they added a lot of ads but you had twitch Prime and so you could put twitch Prime and then you wouldn't have ads and then after that they removed the adree experience from twitch Prime and then they added an incentive for streamers to play more ads and they even made made a lot of streamers play more ads so now the quality is worse you're getting more ads and you have to see them every single time you think about the quality still got the turbo sub that's what people should do people should buy turbo yeah and hard sell on a big purchase and also subscriptions create lockin so the people who have subscribed they're not just paying you for the subscription but they're also likely to keep paying you more while trying to make the most out of that subscription and then finally lots and lots of money I mean here's what a company's Revenue looks like if they sell 100 products each month for £10 and here's what that same company's Revenue looks like if they sell 100 subscriptions for £2 a month it overtakes the individual purchases very quickly and it just keeps accelerating so yeah but that's not the way the graph ends that's the problem and I think that's what's happened with a lot of these Services is that that graph has stopped doing that what do we do about it well just me to you what I would do is when you sign up to a subscription that you know you only want to use for a month just cancel it straight away you'll get that first month and you can make sure it's nothing past that if you're stuck subscribing to every single one of the TV services because you don't want to miss out and you do want to watch them all you could just try rotating subscribing to one at a time binging the thing that you most want to watch on that one for one month and then moving on to the next but then part of it also has to be policy we should be pushing for governments to enforce smoother switching between platforms like still being able to contact your Facebook friends without having to be an active Facebook user and focusing on making platforms continue to do I don't think they could do that I don't know if they could or not but I feel like they probably couldn't because if they did then um you'd have a lot of scams and like spam and [ __ ] like that but I think that really like something that should happen is making cancelling your service easy that's the one that I feel like if you make cancelling the service a house of mirrors you're scamming people you're clearly scamming people because if you weren't scamming people why would you do it and if it wasn't working you wouldn't do it so the fact that it exists proves that it works on their initial promises beyond that initial honeymoon phase so a social media platform for example should first show you what you signed up to see as opposed to what will drive the most retention Amazon should first show you the product it genuinely thinks is best matched to your search as opposed to who's paid the most to advertise and Google search should first show you the reviews that it thinks best answer your question I'm not sure if like I I'm not sure if that needs to be like they need to be held accountable to do that like cuz like putting an advertisement on the top I think as long as it's marked as a sponsor it's okay the only problem is if it's not marked that way they disclose it yeah they do disclose it as opposed to just assuming that Google's own reviews should always be on top and then also just keeping the consumer in mind when it comes to companies fragmenting a lot of attention is given to when companies get too big and rightly so that's a big issue but it's also bad for the consumer especially in this subscription era when they get split up in ways that make each one a worse proposition in their own right now one of the few subscriptions that I have that I genuinely think flies in the face of most of this is surf Shar VPN for a few reasons it actually fixes the mess created by some other subscription services like Netflix who don't buy the licenses to all their shows in all the countries so every country has a different Library which this lets you access by just flicking your location it doesn't have any of those weird catches like this subscription only works for people so long as they stay in the same household no this subscription works for you and every single person you know they didn't price themselves at $20 or $15 or $10 it's less than $3 a month when you use the code boss with 3 months for free with a 30-day money back guarantee and most importantly instead of ining themselves surf shark has actually gotten better I've been using it for years now and the app has got cleaner there are no ads baked in there's been no price creep and the number of features included for this one price it keeps going up not down big thanks to Cory drro by the way I've been reading a lot of his stuff while planning out this video and I'll pop his main articles below if you want to have a read catch you in the next one I'm G to be real guys like I I feel like this is this is becoming a bigger and bigger problem and I'm actually surprised that it's taken this long for for people to realize it vpns get bought and sold by owners you don't know what 100% sell your info I'm not sure right I I don't know what the details are I think that really also like at a certain point I think that there does need to be like a certain level of accountability that the user has because right now I feel like there's such a focus on making these companies do things and I think that really the one part of what he was saying that I completely agree with is the idea that if it's hard to cancel your service then that's a scam because like everything else is easy so why is cancelling hard logically the only reason why cancelling would be hard is so less people will cancel and if making cancelling harder makes less people cancel what you are effectively doing is locking people into a payment because they can't use your system to get out of payments which is effectively a [ __ ] scam so like if if you follow the line of logic it's a [ __ ] scam and there's no way to go there's no way you can go around it that's the one thing I do think should be illegal like in terms of like placement for products and like uh you know sponsored things and like which Services you use I think a lot of that probably should just be decided by the market but I also think that people need to exercise more self-control and not sign up for a bunch of services and spend hundreds of dollars just because they're worried about missing out on seeing the latest TV show and it it's weird because like a lot of conversations around this you know go into the idea of Regulation and in some cases I agree with that even I'm not even saying that's a bad idea but at the same time I also think that there needs to be a certain level of accountability that users have where it's like you don't really need to be spending this much money they would argue cancel is easy with a call to their Live support yeah but cancelling isn't easy with a call to the Live support it's not and also why is cancelling easier with Live support but not signing on cuz that's obviously asymmetrical right so signing up is just as easy on the phone as it is on the website but signing off isn't I think the reason is obvious it's because less people would want to do a phone call yeah wh why is it like yeah that doesn't even make any sense back to mental health well I think it's also like it's not just mental health it's just this is this is by the way is a great video give it a like that was so good yeah people recommended me to look at this and I'm glad I did let's say lose your number you're screwed well it's harder to do yeah definitely life support is overseas to put you in Loops yeah exactly uh and I think also like if you can if you can sign up online you should be able to to to to unsign up online to unsubscribe or to you know like cancel or whatever whatever the service is so like it it it's common sense and again like any logic for it is immediately disproven by it's like why why is this exist why is it harder to do I'll tell you why it's hard to do because it gets people to spend more money that's the reason you should be able to block recurring payments on your bank app uh no more dark pattern just stop paying I think that that probably is like a good idea but also it just like requires more work from the user I think also like hoping that your bank picks up the the slack for like companies that are doing something that's effectively fraudulent like I I think that's really great that Banks do that but at the same time like I'm not like super happy about that like who gives a [ __ ] about that why would I care about that like it should be the company that's doing it themselves I would say imagine a platform like steam but for movies TV shows and music yeah anyone Works in a call center gets a bonus commission for their performance for example how many cancellations they prevent those student workers are going to run around in circles with your grandparents so that they can afford to exist exactly and like that's the problem is that they're incentivized to do that now maybe not every single place is incentivized to do that but enough of them are to where the experience is bad what do you mean slack you should just be able to stay stop making payments well what I'm saying is that your bank being able to do it doesn't excuse the company's not letting you do it or making it harder for you to do it does that make more sense so like I totally agree with your point but I think that your point does not it doesn't solve the greater problem I had a membership to a massage play $70 a month can't cancel online can't cancel over the phone yeah doesn't Planet Fitness do something stupid like that yeah what about gems that makes you cancel in person if a gem makes you cancel in person well I think that if you have to sign up in person it's fine like basically if you can sign up online online but you have to cancel in person then it's a scam but if you can only sign up in person and you can only cancel in person that's fair because some places might not be able to afford phone lines for whatever reason you know they might not have to service for that but like if you can get the money online or you can get the money over the phone but you can't get rid of it that's a problem you have to cancel in person in Planet Fitness yeah exactly like that's outrageous yeah you can cancel through the bank yeah exactly that that's what I would do don't keeper acing up overdue payments and then even go to collections yeah like for me I have never bought anything on credit so I don't have any credit rating really and if I do it's zero uh anything that I like have I had things go to collections before yeah I've had things go to collections and I just never paid them because a lot of times collections don't actually have any ability to like uh garnish your your payments or take money out of your account so like I remember uh there were a few things that I didn't pay and then it went to collections and I remember I got the bill from like you know some collections agency and I was like thank God right because now it's like I'm they're not going to be able to get the money from me you know they can't sue me and so yeah could you easily get credit over time yeah you should always um always do that like all if if they're trying to SC remember if you if they're trying to scam you then you should scam them that's it yeah if if you [ __ ] around with that I had a ER Bill uh and Verizon bill go to collection yeah yeah I I I remember my mom had a few of those bills go to collection and she just ignored it credit score is a scam um I've gone back and forth on thinking that I'm not sure how I feel about that right now doesn't that [ __ ] your credit in the US yeah but why would I care about my credit so like if you don't care about your credit and you're buying everything cash just like I always have like it it's hard to buy well it's not hard to buy like even a car it's not hard to buy at cash but you're buying [ __ ] cars like that's what I did back in the day like the car that I had before the Mustang was a $750 car and the car that I had before that was a $3,000 car or $2,000 car something like that so like I'm not talking about things that I buy nowadays whenever I have like you know no no like I'm not talking about as a streamer right that's a totally different Dynamic I'm talking about like as a person who was like you know just like I didn't really have a lot of money at all so yeah debt maxing yeah yeah and and I try to like now I pay everything and it's not a big deal and I I don't really care but yeah I would try to as much as I can whenever I was younger I would try to scam as many people as I could because I didn't like the fact that they tried to charge me money and it's like if I can scam them and I don't have to pay the money then I can spend that money on Jack in the Box so if I just don't pay this bill and they can't sue me for it it's it's not worth it for them to sue me well then I'm going to do it I mean like it's not even a question it's a huge problem even in Asia when Emi debt is huge yeah exactly a poor person can save for a trailer yeah I don't know why not scam Jack in the Box instead because they you you you have to pay the money right there like if I could I would don't take this advice oh yeah no my financial advice is like the worst Financial advice that you can possibly give yeah yeah it's actually talking about more a yeah yeah you steal everything that you can get as much money as you possibly can uh you know do anything that you possibly can to get like if there's a way that you can get a sign up on something like it's like you get it for free anything like that do it steal early steal often yeah there you go it's actually not advice at all yeah it shouldn't be you can definitely scam credit companies it takes a ton of effort and knowledge and it's risky yeah I remember my mom uh she got like I remember I she had over a 100,000 in debt and I told her like let's just not pay it and she's like well won't they get mad I was like yeah of course they will and just like you think we can just not pay it I said yeah what are they going to do are they going to shoot you well then you're definitely not going to pay it so why would they go shoot you so you know like she died never paid any of the money the companies all rode it off problem [ __ ] solved
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,276,919
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: FxrMRyBLu_o
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Length: 55min 24sec (3324 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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